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Relationship between Uranus and Pluto

Started by serban_p, Sep 15, 2011, 11:44 AM

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Ok, thanks Rad. I had a feeling I might be thinking in too linear a fashion.


Hi everybody,

I have an additional question with respect to the role played by Saturn in the context we are discussing here. In order to accelerate the Soul's evolution, one must be free from what is known and familiar to the Soul, in the sense that one must detach, i.e. take a step back from oneself and objectively identify the patterns which are in operation in order to become free from them. That is how liberation must occur and such liberation enables an acceleration of the evolution of the Soul itself.

But if Uranus correlates to deconditioning, to becoming "free from the known", what is "the known" symbolized by: the house and sign position of Saturn or the house and sign position of Uranus? It seems to me that by both of them but I am not sure how to make the proper connections between them.

Let's take Uranus in the 4th for example. In this case, liberation - freedom from the known - occurs by taking a step back from oneself and realizing that one is seeking inner security in external circumstances and in that state of detachment becoming progressively free from such an approach (such an approach correlates with a distorted expression of the 4th house archetype). So it seems that Uranus' placement points to how liberation is achieved, to what form the deconditioning process must take, but it also necessarily points to the patterns themselves. So how should we factor in Saturn in such a scenario? What type of information would Saturn's placement bring in such a case since apparently Uranus' position alone tells us what the problem is (one is seeking inner security in external circumstances) and how to address it (to discover inner security in the only manner in which it can truly be found, i.e. within)? Would Saturn by house and sign show us for instance what type of external circumstances the Soul would seek security in (e.g. in relationships, in positions of authority, in material possessions etc)?

As far as the ego of the Soul is concerned, I seem to have focused too much on the fact that the ego must align with the Soul that I somehow lost sight of the fact that the Soul itself is in a continuous process of evolution, of reuniting with the Source that created it. The way I viewed things, the ego represented a limited perception of reality, an illusion of separateness, whereas the Soul was equivalent to an all-encompassing perception of the unity of all creation. However, this is the final destination of a Soul's evolution, not it's current evolutionary state and I thank you for pointing that out so clearly.

As far as trauma is concerned, am I correct in believing that no matter how absurd, tragic or devastating it may appear to the ego, no matter how severe its consequences may be, trauma is brought about by evolutionary necessity and is rooted in the Soul's desire to evolve? In other words, trauma would not be necessary if the resistance to the evolutionary pressure wasn't so great. What I'm trying to say is that there are no "accidents" as far as trauma is concerned and that the causes for the occurrence of trauma are to be found in the choices made by each Soul with respect to its evolutionary journey.

Thank you once again for taking the time to share your insights with me!

All the best,



Hi Serban,

Freedom From the Known relative to Uranus correlates with the existing totality of any given's Soul reality: the entire past leading the the present life. It is a natural instinct,  thus desire, within all of our Soul's. As such it is operative in all Soul's all the time. This is symbolized by Uranus.

The totality of the Soul's reality, past and present, is of course Pluto itself.

Saturn correlates to the necessary structural reality of the Soul's consciousness in any given life where the nature of that structured consciousness is necessary so as to define the evolutionary impulse of the Soul from life to life in such a way that the Soul can then define the ongoing evolutionary impulse for itself in TIME. Thus, this structural definition of the evolutionary impulse by Saturn allows the Soul to integrate it in the context of the type of 'realities' that are necessary for that impulse to manifest in the way that the Soul so intends.

The reality that the Soul thus creates relative to Saturn correlates with sequential lifetimes that all live: from life to life. And each life that the Soul creates through Saturn of course is given a subjective ego, Moon, the natural polarity of Saturn, so that the Soul can then focus itself as a subjective identity in each of these lives.

All of these lives in total, and as they are added too, correlates with the 'known' because they have been lived. Uranus is the archetype within our consciousness that desires to be 'free from the known': to liberate from it. It is this archetypal desire,  impulse, that then leads to Neptune and the root desire in all our Souls, Pluto, to go Home: to return back to the Origins Of All Things.

All of this correlates to the inherent structure of consciousness in human form that we all share. Where Uranus is located by sign and house in any given chart, in any given life, correlates, among other things, to where, how, and why the 'quickening' evolutionary impulse that is rooted in the ultimate archetype of 'freedom from the known' is intended to manifest in any given life designed by the Soul itself. And this natural quickening impulse of course has it's CONTEXT, the reasons for it, in all the lives that have preceded the current life.

It is that preexisting context that thus correlates with the desire to 'be free from the known' where that known is the preexisting context itself. So, in essence, Uranus correlates with not only the ultimate impulse to be free, to go home to our Maker, but also the desire and impulse to accelerate our evolution in any given life relative to the preexisting context as defined or symbolized by the natal placement by house and sign of Uranus in any given life.

God Bless, Rad


Hi Rad,

Thank you for your response. I will re-read JWG's writings regarding Saturn so as to better understand what you have shared and will re-post after I do that if that is OK with you.

All the best,
