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Transiting Lucifer in Virgo

Started by Chengting, Oct 18, 2020, 06:28 AM

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Greeting to everyone!

I have noticed that transiting Lucifer just move into Virgo a few days before, and it will be stay in Virgo to the end of August, 2021. At the day of 4, January, Lucifer will retrograde on 14 degree of Virgo( transiting SN on 19 degree of Sagittarius, transiting Neptune is in Pisces 18 degree), I am worried of the second waves of global epidemic. Then Lucifer will return to Leo on 11, April, but quickly back to Virgo on 2, May.

29,June, it form accurate square to transiting nodal axis on 10 degree.

7,August, Lucifer will opposite to Neptune on 22 degree.

My question is what will be indicated to the global crisis at the hand of evil? winter is a season of disease, I am quiet worried about the upcoming panic and unavailing moods of collective consciousness. thanks in advance to anyone's insights.

Goddess bless


Hi Chengting

First to realize that this virus has been caused by humans creating a total imbalance within the biosphere of the planet itself due to the beliefs created by the patriarchy in general that include the dominance of nature and animals: the hunting and trapping of wild animals for human consumption and trade.  It is those  human created beliefs generated by the patriarchy that then interface with all the Natural Laws  that  have been responsible for the manifestation of  the total biosphere by way of conflicting with those  Natural Laws. That conflict is thus the determinant of creating the imbalance of those Natural Laws manifesting as the increasing crisis created on Earth in  a variety of ways including the creation of  mutated viruses, bacteria , fungus, and parasites . That is the influence of Lucifer as Evil versus Lucifer and the "˜bearer of Light'.

The totality of the biosphere, and all the Natural Laws that are responsible for it, correlates with the combined archetypes of Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Gemini.

In humans the Evil archetype of Lucifer then manifests as all those humans who refuse to do what is necessary for the survival of all: the collective. Pisces, Neptune, and the 12th House. This of course manifests in all kinds of ways but the essence of that manifestation is manufacturing beliefs in order to rationalize their behavior relative to not doing what is necessary on behalf of the whole: all humans in order to survive this virus. This is Lucifer transiting in Virgo: the influence of Evil. Virgo is naturally square Sagittarius and opposed to Pisces. Thus, the manufacturing of beliefs that conflict with the Natural Laws, Sagittarius, that are the basis of the totality of the biosphere: Pisces. Those artificial and manufactured beliefs influenced by Evil, Lucifer, then generate the rationales and reasons for not making the decisions necessary in order for the integrity of the biosphere to be sustained.

All of us on the planet now have our collective S.Node's of Uranus in Sagittarius, the N.Node in Gemini. So we can see how the transit of Lucifer in Virgo squaring those Nodes, relative to the evil influence of Lucifer transiting in Virgo, is creating this conflict in those types of humans that are susceptible to this influence: a group within the totality of the group of all humans. As this manifests in this way that same S/N node of Uranus relative to Pisces and Virgo that symbolizes the whole of the bio/ecosphere is rebelling against those types of humans that are responsible for creating the imbalance within the whole of the biosphere in the first place.

This influence of Evil manifesting in these types of humans will thus cause the virus to not only mutate within itself, but to keep spreading itself all over the planet infecting ever more humans. Even as vaccinees are developed this virus will continue to mutate in order to counteract those vaccinees: just like a flu virus does. This happens because of the original dynamic of patriarchal beliefs that has created the imbalance within the total biosphere in the first place. Again, the whole of the biosphere correlates with Pisces, Neptune, and the 12th House. The crisis's created manifesting as this virus correlate with Virgo. Viruses in general correlate with Scorpio, Pluto, and the 8th House. So with Pluto in Capricorn that has come over it's own S.Node, and the S.Nodes of Saturn and Jupiter, and those Nodes also being transited by Saturn, and Jupiter themselves, we can see how this imbalance with the total biosphere caused by patriarchal beliefs has caused the actual reality that we are all living now.  

This will continue unless and until humans as a whole make collective decisions to reestablish the natural balance of the biosphere. Until then the biosphere will continue to mutate viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites that will kill increasing amounts of humans until those choices by humans are made that honor the Natural Laws that are responsible for sustaining the integrity of the whole of the biosphere. There can come a time, for example, in which more than one virus,etc exists at the same time on Earth that generate pandemics that lead to a massive "˜culling' of the human organism within the total biosphere so that it can sustain itself because of that necessary culling. This is Nature, Gaia, rebelling against the human organism that is responsible for it's ongoing destruction.

It's interesting to note that this covid19 virus first manifested in Wuhan China in late 2019 when the transiting Lucifer was basically conjunct that place through geodectic equivalents. It came from wild animals sold in the open market place in that city: the leeping from animal to humans. The transiting S.Node of Lucifer was then in Virgo, the N.Node in Capricorn.

God Bless, Rad


Hi Rad,

Thank you so much for taking time to give these excellent responds. I have just one follow-up, if you have time. Regarding of false belief, I personally just experienced an eye open moment of being totally shocked by a simple truth what you have said above: belief creates reality-it is not just a belief, but really can create relevant REALITY, of course, often very painful and illusioned.

For example, a person may suffer from some inner or outer pain without knowing the cause reason, let's say those pains coming from his past life actions of being a warrior or a whole, and then he dig into his consciousness more deep layer by layer, just realizes that it is not the matters of his identities of past lives, but because of the very belief system of his soul that create/manifest those identities. Isn't it a shock to him?

So I'd like to ask some relevant questions if you wish.

1、Regard of Sagittarius archetype, I am quiet confuse of what is honesty versa belief? I think honesty is to be honest to the desire without hiding, belief is a function of illusion which will be totally exposed as the contrary reality manifest, the soul will no way out unless open its eyes to the ugly reality. Let's say, a person is not honest to its own dark desire, then he may encountered with rape or other violence. But I am not completely understand this archetype, please just feel free to respond Rad.

2、False belief will eventually make the soul feel anger/ victimize to the source, right?  If a soul immerse in false belief system for many many lifes, that is, he has abundant experiences to understand its function, then in his current life, first time get ready to freedom from those beliefs, but yes, still very weak, like cyclical confusion, victimize to God. what measures to take for the soul continually evolution?

Thank you Rad and please feel free to respond.



Hi Chengting,

Thank you so much for taking time to give these excellent responds. I have just one follow-up, if you have time. Regarding of false belief, I personally just experienced an eye open moment of being totally shocked by a simple truth what you have said above: belief creates reality-it is not just a belief, but really can create relevant REALITY, of course, often very painful and illusioned.


Actual reality, that which is factually true, can also be a cause of a Soul reacting to the factual reality relative to how the Soul chooses to INTERPRET that factual reality by generating a 'belief' of what that factual reality is in such a way that the actual reality is eliminated and replaced with the delusional belief that it generates by way of the interpretation of the factual reality. So the delusional belief then becomes reality.


For example, a person may suffer from some inner or outer pain without knowing the cause reason, let's say those pains coming from his past life actions of being a warrior or a whole, and then he dig into his consciousness more deep layer by layer, just realizes that it is not the matters of his identities of past lives, but because of the very belief system of his soul that create/manifest those identities. Isn't it a shock to him?


It sure can be but the next step is then to inwardly determine WHY he or she needed whatever the particular belief system to believe in in the first place.


So I'd like to ask some relevant questions if you wish.

1、Regard of Sagittarius archetype, I am quiet confuse of what is honesty versa belief? I think honesty is to be honest to the desire without hiding, belief is a function of illusion which will be totally exposed as the contrary reality manifest, the soul will no way out unless open its eyes to the ugly reality. Let's say, a person is not honest to its own dark desire, then he may encountered with rape or other violence. But I am not completely understand this archetype, please just feel free to respond Rad.


Honesty means the actual truth of anything versus generating a belief that then obscures of denies the actual truth.


2、False belief will eventually make the soul feel anger/ victimize to the source, right?  If a soul immerse in false belief system for many many lifes, that is, he has abundant experiences to understand its function, then in his current life, first time get ready to freedom from those beliefs, but yes, still very weak, like cyclical confusion, victimize to God. what measures to take for the soul continually evolution?


The reaction by any given Soul once it realizes the nature  of whatever false beliefs it has generated and adhered too can be many things, not just anger. The measures to take, again, come down desiring to KNOW WHY he or she has needed to create or accept the false beliefs in the first place. Once the why is then realized the Soul can then evolve, move on, from that.

God Bless, Rad


"The measures to take, again, come down desiring to KNOW WHY he or she has needed to create or accept the false beliefs in the first place. "

Hi Rad,

Thank you so much for your answer, and carefulness . The above quote made me think of some related thoughts.

In a large contest( ie, the entire history/herstory of Earth), WHY human beings need to experience the patriarchal time? or what would be learnt for human beings from patriarchy reality? I am meaning WHY human beings need to create the false belief IN THE FIRST PLACE.

In individual contest,  If the soul coming from other star system, ie daemon soul naturally attune with natural law, a true natural soul, why it chooses to be born on earth in patriarchal time? I know there are various reasons for each individuals. I have just one guess, would it possible that the original reason is always violence with natural law? the soul need to experience the consequence of that violence until to the point of making consciously choice( by free will) to understand natural law deeply?

Really thank you Rad for teach us here.



Hi Chengting,

In the end the answer to these sorts of questions comes down TO THE VERY NATURE OF THE SOURCE OF ALL THINGS: that which has created and set in motion the Manifest Creation.

That core question of course is the cause that has set in motion all the various speculations/ projection/ beliefs/ philosophies, idea, etc that have created their own realities over vast amounts of time.

In the end a core question becomes this: is that which we call God or Goddess, the Source Of All Things, is indeed 'perfect' then why create anything ? If it is not perfect then what does that mean ? If in the end It is not perfect and simply Itself evolving does that then explain everything within the Manifest Creation.

As you say, there is no one reason why a Daemon Soul who is aligned with Natural Laws within the Manifest Creation comes to places like Earth.

God Bless, Rad


Hi Rad!

What do you think is the right thing to do now in relation to the biosphere? I mean the action, at the moment I can only think in terms of spreading right view, or in personal mutation preceding global mutation. It doesn't seem that old pattorns will help, and stablish new ones not easy thing.

How do you think can we clarify delusional perception,  false projections coming from personal unconscious memories of personal life's projected into whatever house is neptune. , delusion views relative all this into to neptune squaring uranus axis sag gem. And his confusion consequences into virgo crisis in action can't move all the hundred feet. Or sayed in another way not ready yet, I/we have not finished the previous  purification process.

How do you see all this in the context of the vesta lucifer actual conjunction? Do you think is possible to see some relation with the bioenergy, iner fire, kundalini, chi?  Is going to far affirm we are facing a mutation in humanity. Rad I see the way, but to be honest I don't see myself ready for it and I don't see anyone also ready. There are glimpses, but mainly all gravitate to pluto natal pattorns with some little difference. not really the ppp. Kind of fetus stage not jet baby. But it could be neptunian personal fog. Do you think is now the moment?


Hi Sunya,

No, I don't see this as the moment at all because the vast majority of humans on our planet are still within the consensus state of evolution. As a result, sadly, this will then correlate with the obvious: it takes cataclysmic events that, by the very nature, create a scenario, reality, in  which there becomes no other choice but to change in order to survive at all.

Those in the individuated state and beyond correlate with the types of humans that can 'see' and actively promote needed changes before the cataclysms occur: and many, many work towards that end. Yet, in the end, it takes the cataclysmic events, like the Corona virus now, to force the necessary changes relative to the underlying issue of stabilizing the biosphere itself. As we can all see now many, not the majority, are trying to educate all humans relative to this this underlying issue of the need to stabilize the biosphere. In the end, it is that effort to educate, the value always being in the effort, that will permeate the consensus so that when the cataclysms occur the knowledge will be in place as to what to do.

God Bless, Rad  


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Hi Rad

What is like DESIRE being fully experienced and exhausted, meaning the soul really understand and have no desire to repeat the prior patterns again?  In your above post, I understand that one of the way of exhausting desires is cataclysmic events, but how is like from inner knowledge view( meaning the soul knowing that it was being exhausted)?

Desire has it own life or history, a soul may experience one desire for several lifes, let's say it is a entire process, in these evolutionary journey, does the soul  always need to experience cataclysmic events of a desire?


Hi Chengting,

It is not necessary to create cataclysmic events in order to exhaust a separating desire(s). It can happen that way but it is not a requirement for separating desires to become exhausted.

All separating desires will become exhausted at some point in the ongoing evolutionary journey of any given Soul. A separating desire becomes exhausted when any given Soul simply becomes TIRED of whatever the separating desire is or has been. "I don't want or need this anymore' is the typical inner dynamic or psychology that reflects this.

God Bless,Rad


That's make the point, thank you Rad.