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Ellen's Ea state practice thread

Started by Deva, Jul 27, 2010, 06:37 PM

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Hi All,

I am wondering if there is now a general agreement as to my evolutionary stage?  Or are people feeling that it is still unclear?  I am feeling quite comfortable with my own understanding of myself as at the very beginning of 1st Spiritual.  Linda's last quote from JWG merely reconfirmed for me - what JWG wrote about Spiritual felt totally right.




I feel you are definitely in the early 1st Stage Spiritual.

It's good to know that you're now feeling comfortable with this knowledge. 

I think we've all learned heaps through this process.

Thank you for this opportunity.


Hi Ellen (& Linda and All)

For the past few days Ellen I had been thinking you were either on the cusp of 3rd Indiv/1st Spiritual (and nearer the Spiritual side of the gap) or very early 1st Spiritual.

After all the recent posts I'm fine to go with very early 1st Spiritual.

Thanks Ellen for a fascinating thread, for the courage to expose yourself so much. I guess now you are finally relating to people who naturally resonate with you, your inherent SN/Mars square Jupiter in Aries courage gene is making a very big, if not somewhat belated, impact in the world (as if it wants to catch up for lost time) !

Also for providing us all with a very interesting learning example incorporating both skipped steps and hiding signatures. This has made for a very insightful and nourishing process of being astro detectives together.

I wish you all the very best in your life direction and endeavours from this point.

blessings Upasika

ari moshe

Ellen, tonight I was sitting with Jupiter in the night sky and thought to let you know that Jupiter is viewable in the evening sky- in case you didn't know that.

Thank you for your very honest and meticulous devotion to this learning process. This ea stage thread, and the other one- has helped me, and all of us it seems, immensely in understanding the ea stages.
God Bless
Ari Moshe


thanks Ellen, for allowing everyone here to go on this journey with you.



Well, it looks like we've finally come to a conclusion.  Thank you all in return.  I have learned a ton about EA stages through this thread and through the thread about Ashley.  And I have enjoyed the conversations and process a great deal - and grown a bit, too.



Hi All,

For those who felt confused by my decision to pursue certification as a personal trainer, I thought I'd give you an update.  I have been feeling more and more uneasy about going forward as a personal trainer.  What I seem to be discovering is that the decision to go to school to be a personal trainer was in fact the right decision, but for the purposes of working through an old layer so that I could finally release it.  What I am beginning to see with clarity is that the way that I would like to be working with people is really quite difficult to do in the personal training arena.  Yet it has only been through this process of really delving into the PT world that I have begun to understand and really accept my desire to work in a different way and at a different level with people.  To me, this is all for the good - the process and the discovery.  What is interesting is that when I quit my job back in April, part of my justification for doing it was that I would spend the next six months studying EA.  Yet when I had all that free time, I just couldn't get myself to do it.  I felt so much angst and anxiety and insecurity about proceeding in that direction.  Instead what I found myself doing was spending my time stretching and trying to gently work myself back into shape.  Thus my decision.  If this is how I'm wanting to spend my time, then why not pursue certification in an area that I'm wanting to devote myself to...?  Now all I want to do is study EA!  Alas, soon I will need to find a way to make some money...  It has been an interesting turn of events.  The last couple of days have been incredibly disillusioning in particular.  But as I said, I feel a stronger sense of how I want to be in the world and also who exactly I am.  I have lived with very strong illusions/delusions - about the world and about myself.  I feel that, through this process, I am seeing and understanding with more clarity, even if only a small amount more. I wanted to share this because I thought it could be useful when considering hiding signatures in a chart with regard to evolutionary stage and how those might play out in a person's life (confusing the picture...).  Thanks for listening.  And hope it helps.


ari moshe

I appreciate the paradox!
Thanks for sharing that Ellen.


Quote from: ari moshe on Nov 23, 2010, 02:56 AM
I appreciate the paradox!
Thanks for sharing that Ellen.

:D  (Hard to find the right smiley, but hopefully my meaning is received..)


Hi Ellen

This is great!  And it describes so well the actual playing out of evolutionary work and intents.  It shows how symbols in a chart deepen from just intellectual knowledge into symbols of that Soul workings out its desires and evolutionary intents.

Pretty much everyone sees the world in delusional ways.  You are not alone in that.

I read once a saying of one of the great beings from India, that we are not going from falseness to truth, but from truth to greater truth.  In other words, what we have been operating from has been the place of the deepest truth we have grasped.  There are always truths beyond what we have grasped no matter how far along we get, because we are ultimately dealing with a force that is infinite.  There is no end.

The "reward" for diligently carrying out our present truth as far as we can take it is we gradually see the limitations inherent in what we have perceived as truth - we start grasping deeper truth.  Without having all we'd done to get to the present point we would not be seeing the new deeper truth.  Thus everything that proceeded this moment was completely necessary.  And, that greater truth makes it clear we now must release from elements of the reality we have created that are invalidated by the deeper truth we've now come to see as a direct result of our efforts to date.

This is just the way life is constructed.  And this cycle repeats again and again, infinitely.  The problem that humans have created is when we come to see that what we have called truth was actually at least partially delusional that we tend to start judging ourselves as stupid and failing.  When in fact it has all been entirely necessary and part of the inevitable process. 

The realization that all I can work with is what I know, and that what I know will inevitably be revealed as only partial truth, is the essence of learning humility.  And humility is what keeps our hearts and minds open to the inevitable entrance of even greater truth.  Acceptance that all this is the Way of Life seems like the key to truly developing inner peace.

ari moshe

I really appreciate that perspective Steve, thanks for sharing that.


Thank you, Steve.  You have expressed so beautifully exactly what I am learning through this process, and by expressing it, you have helped me to understand and accept it even more.


Quote from: Steve on Nov 23, 2010, 09:05 AM
Hi Ellen

This is great!  And it describes so well the actual playing out of evolutionary work and intents.  It shows how symbols in a chart deepen from just intellectual knowledge into symbols of that Soul workings out its desires and evolutionary intents.

Pretty much everyone sees the world in delusional ways.  You are not alone in that.

I read once a saying of one of the great beings from India, that we are not going from falseness to truth, but from truth to greater truth.  In other words, what we have been operating from has been the place of the deepest truth we have grasped.  There are always truths beyond what we have grasped no matter how far along we get, because we are ultimately dealing with a force that is infinite.  There is no end.

The "reward" for diligently carrying out our present truth as far as we can take it is we gradually see the limitations inherent in what we have perceived as truth - we start grasping deeper truth.  Without having all we'd done to get to the present point we would not be seeing the new deeper truth.  Thus everything that proceeded this moment was completely necessary.  And, that greater truth makes it clear we now must release from elements of the reality we have created that are invalidated by the deeper truth we've now come to see as a direct result of our efforts to date.

This is just the way life is constructed.  And this cycle repeats again and again, infinitely.  The problem that humans have created is when we come to see that what we have called truth was actually at least partially delusional that we tend to start judging ourselves as stupid and failing.  When in fact it has all been entirely necessary and part of the inevitable process. 

The realization that all I can work with is what I know, and that what I know will inevitably be revealed as only partial truth, is the essence of learning humility.  And humility is what keeps our hearts and minds open to the inevitable entrance of even greater truth.  Acceptance that all this is the Way of Life seems like the key to truly developing inner peace.