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Planetary Nodes

Started by Rad, Sep 30, 2010, 05:51 PM

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Hi Wendy,

I liked everything you said. I had thought that others would have also wanted to try to ponder the larger meanings of these cycles, but that has not happened. My original thought in creating this thread on planetary nodes was to try to understand them conceptually at first which lead to the posting that I made on that. And, then, after that, for those who wanted to participate, to begin some simple practice. As an example of what some of the initial practice would be would be to simply create a paradigm: for example, Mars in Capricorn, it's S.Node in Scorpio, it's N.Node in Aries. Then after doing a series of these to make them progressively more complex: Mars in Capricorn, S.Node is Scorpio with it's ruler Pluto say in Virgo, and the N.Node is Aries which would then refer back to natal Mars in Capricorn, and now that N.Node in Aries would act to evolve that Mars in Capricorn from within itself relative to the house that the N.Node of Mars in in natally.
Then after lot's of practice with move on to ever more complexity by way of examining all the planetary nodes in a birth chart that would utilize an actual birth chart of someone.
So that is still my intent and plan. For those that are interested in pursuing this please let me know.

God Bless, Rad


Hi Rad,

Assignment:   So the questions become why does Mars stay in three signs and their polarities, in any given year, for over 4,000 years ? What is the symbolism for collective and individual evolution here ? The meaning of it ? And of course the phenomena of the 24,000 year cycle of an astrological age with both the Nodes of Pluto and Mars taking that amount of time to go through all twelve signs in the zodiac?

I've hesitated a bit with this assignment - but I really do want to attempt it.  I followed Steve's instructions for setting Solar Fire to the planetary nodes.  Please know that I will devote some time to this very soon.  I think Wendy did a great job, and it was good to see how she answered the questions.

Bradley J


I am very interested in understanding all this.  Larger cycle studies is one of my favorite things.  
Besides moving, I've been busy with so much of life that it has slowed my pace down on the mb.  I have been fitting in more readings than ever before, amidst it all.
I have been visiting and reading, but not logging in typically.  

Anyway, I reread the transition from matriarchy to patriarchy in Pluto II again and am working to really understand this within the symbolizm of the ages, sub-ages and planetary nodes.  
I believe I am beginning to get this, at least in terms of ages and sub ages, at this point.

Presently, I am confused and have some questions.  
I have thought for some time that an astrological age was approx. 26,000 years and we have 1 degree of movement about every 72 earth years of the ecliptic shifting backwards relative to the vernal equinox on earth.  This, I thought to be the astrological age.  Can you help me understand this??
In conjunction with this, I have been very interested in the neptune pluto cycle, which moves forward thru the zodiac, spending 3,000 years in a sign and lasting 36,000 years.  I realize we are focusing on the nodes of planets here, so I will not continue with inclusion of this cycle here in this thread.

So, what you are saying is that mars nodal cycle, as well as pluto's nodal cycle, both take 24,000 years to move forward thru the zodiac.  
And, that they(pluto and mars) both spend about 4000 years dancing around 3 signs.  Your example, right now the nn of mars is in aries/taurus/gemini from 500 a.d. to 4,300 a.d.    This is another confusion point.  I now have it on my list of things to do to get Solar Fire to understand this more.  If you are willing to help me sort of these basics in the mean time, thanks so much.  

So, it is confusing b/c 4 times 4000 is 16,000 of course, so how does this add up to 24,000?  why am I  not getting this?  
Also, if 500 a.d. was the start of mar's north node into the first 3 signs, we are talking about the beginning of a larger cycle around this time?? Is that correct?  The beginning of a significant 24,000 year cycle began in 500 a.d. - right?  Such that the conscious human desires would now be played out relative to the larger cycle which we were collectively in.  
So, for example, would this be very significant to understand relative to the 'recent' patriarchal transition of human culture(of course it would) - what does this mean?
In a past example I posted of the Roman Empire gaining in power and dominance, it is interesting to correlate this mar's nn ingress into Aries with the timing of established calvary.  So, in this example, is it true to say, at that time, certain soul's desired new found freedoms(nn mars aries) in the ways that they established their authority and dominance of peoples and nature(exemplify the shift of human desires within patriarchal power positions)?  Calvary would be but one example of this.  Crusades another. etc.

Many thanks.
Goddess Bless,

Bradley J

what is the reference point?  so, if we say that an astrological age is 24,000 years, this cycle that we are in began when?

Here is the posting you gave of Cap. sub-age within Cancer age:

CAPRICORN SUB-AGE 7,660-6,580 B.C.

7,660 - 7,570 - Capricorn
7,570 - 7,480 - Aquarius
7,480 - 7,390 - Pisces
7,390 - 7,300 - Aries
7,300 - 7,210 - Taurus
7,210 - 7,120 - Gemini
7,120 - 7,030 - Cancer
7,030 - 6,940 - Leo
6,940 - 6,850 - Virgo
6,850 - 6,760 - Libra
6,760 - 6,670 - Scorpio
6,670 - 6,580 - Sagittarius

If I am reading this right, does this say that the capricorn sub age lasts 1080 years and has it's own 12 subdivisions? 
Here is the link to the posting for ages and sub-ages:
Re: Geodectic Equivelents
« Reply #5 on: Sep 30, 2009, 08:47 AM »

Each age, a two thousand + year period has a polarity of sub age within this.
Reviewing this list, and in effort to answer my own question, would it be true that this larger astrological age began at the 0 degrees Aries point - even though this is retrograde movement and marked the start of the age of Pisces? 
To ask another way, Is the age of Pisces- the start of it - actually the start of a new larger 24,000 year astrological age??
If so, would the planetary node sign placements of pluto and mars at this movement be of crucial importance to understand the underpinnings of the whole astrological age itself?



Bradley J

thanks for your thoughts on this.  

Still working to grasp the answer to Rad's question:

So the questions become why does Mars stay in three signs and their polarities, in any given year, for over 4,000 years ? What is the symbolism for collective and individual evolution here ? The meaning of it ? And of course the phenomena of the 24,000 year cycle of an astrological age with both the Nodes of Pluto and Mars taking that amount of time to go through all twelve signs in the zodiac ?

Outside of a sign context, would it as simple of applying the 3 signs mars nn is in- the conscious desires within the collective to the 2 signs that pluto is in simultaneously - the collective soul's evolutionary intentions.  So, based on the nn of pluto, the collective of human souls is evolving toward this thru the conscious desires seen in the nn of mars?  Am I getting this?

Going back to the transition to the imbalance of living in natural balance with all of live, the nn of pluto would have entered cancer around that time - right?
So, the collective soul's evolutionary intentions for all of humanity have continued to be connecting with emotional nature of self, security in our own inner identity.  Thus, the continuation of distortions and domination as we collectively progressed into the patriarchal reality are all relative to south node patterns.  So, then the question is, why has our reality continued to be shaped by the sn signs of pluto, saturn, and jupiter and not the nn sign??


Quote from: Bradley J on Oct 16, 2010, 09:27 PM
Outside of a sign context, would it as simple of applying the 3 signs mars nn is in- the conscious desires within the collective to the 2 signs that pluto is in simultaneously - the collective soul's evolutionary intentions.  So, based on the nn of pluto, the collective of human souls is evolving toward this thru the conscious desires seen in the nn of mars?  Am I getting this?

That is my understanding.

Going back to the transition to the imbalance of living in natural balance with all of live, the nn of pluto would have entered cancer around that time - right?

So, the collective soul's evolutionary intentions for all of humanity have continued to be connecting with emotional nature of self, security in our own inner identity.  Thus, the continuation of distortions and domination as we collectively progressed into the patriarchal reality are all relative to south node patterns.

So, then the question is, why has our reality continued to be shaped by the sn signs of pluto, saturn, and jupiter and not the nn sign??

I believe the archetypal signs have been distorted too and the collective is living out the shadow of Cancer just as much as it's playing out the shadow of Capricorn, although I know many folks who are following the cardinal path with true leadership and emotional integrity.

We also have to look at the SN of Mars to discern Pluto's nodal influence.  I wrote about it and Rad replied though not specifically.  We may be putting the cart before the horse with the bigger picture, although I too would like to learn about the larger cycles.  

Thanks for your input Bradley.  I hope this thread will gain momentum.  

Blessed Be,

Bradley J


Thanks for adding the shadow of Cancer as well.  

Would this shadow side of Cancer be visible in... inner security reliance upon outside sources.  
For example, if I sat and thought:  Why and how are folks identifying with this consensus reality of destruction and deception?  would it make sense to correlate this to the inner security, identity, and reliance on security from outside sources - like the capitalistic economy model teaching to climb the corporate ladder, success means dominance.       If one is sourcing emotional security from within, these needs of outer success and dominance can evolve to a new expression.  The extreme degree in outer security reliance is reflective this shadow of Cancer.  Is this proper correlation?  If so, at the onset of the transition from 'matriarchy' to 'patriarchy' would this be symbolized in the shift in inner identity [from sn sag/nn gemini(of planetary nodes of pluto, saturn, and jupiter) to the sn cap, nn cancer] such that humans at this time(the transition) began to increasingly source internal security from the outer cultural systems, societal structures.  

This is such a phenomena spanning large era's of time that the subjectivity of the evolutionary dynamic at play in the human consciousness is challenging to get a real perspective on it.  How do you show a pattern when its going on over thousands of years?  
What were the systems of 'law', order, and 'government' like prior to this transition?

Goddess Bless,



Rad's quote:  Here is something about the planetary nodes that we can all consider. Most of you will remember, when we talked about the structure of the Soul many months ago now, that I pointed out that it takes 24,000 years for the Nodes of Pluto to go through the entire zodiac: one astrological age.

The natural law of evolution for everything is represented collectively and individually by Pluto's movement through the zodiac.  The totality of Pluto's "past," that is, how humanity has evolved to date, is defined by its South Node (as well as Pluto's house and sign in a chart).  The collective and individual "past" has been carried through to the current moment in time.  The SN of Pluto correlates to "what" defined the past, as well as to "how" and "why" it has come to the current time. 

It takes the Nodes of Pluto 24,000 years to move through the entire zodiac which makes up one Astrological Age.  The South Node of Pluto is presently at 18 deg Capricorn. 

We are presently evolving into another Aquarian Age, with the last Age of Pisces culminating. It would now be essential to understand how the structural nature of our reality has been conditioned by the past, in order that we can apply what is understood to what is needed now.

The beginning of this new paradigm will allow the past dynamics that defined collective and individual reality to be experienced and understood, in order to stop history from repeating itself.   

"What" defined the collective past 24,000 years of humanity? 

During the last Aquarian Age, 24,000 years ago, the Matriarchy was firmly established. 

About 8,000 years ago, during the Capricorn sub-age of the Age of Cancer, due to the Capricorn energies becoming repressed and distorted, there took place a patriarchal take-over and violation of Natural Law, when it started to be replaced by the man-made law of "self-interest and exclusion."  During that time the man-made sky gods and world religions were created. 

During the past 1,000 years of the Virgo sub-age of the Age of Pisces, the biblical Garden of Eden myth conditioned us to believe in the separation of the spirit from the flesh, that we were inherently bad and were being judged by god"¦.which lead to deeply embedded man-made guilt in the psyche, the inequality of the sexes, and sadomasochistic imbalance in relationships.

"How" and "why" does the SN of Pluto bring us to the present time?   

The SN of Pluto at 18 deg Capricorn means that we are revisiting the time of the patriarchal take-over in order to metamorphose, eliminate and dissolve the artificial beliefs of the patriarchy. 

Through the NN of Pluto (presently 21 deg Cancer) our collective group of Souls is learning how to live in absolute balance with natural laws and Nature.  We are returning to matriarchal principles by re-aligning with the true self-image of what it means to live in harmony with the Earth, our home and mother.   Embracing matriarchal principles once again will allow positive collective and individual growth and evolution. 

We are presented with a challenge with the SN of Pluto in Capricorn, the operative principle from the "past" being Saturn:  that is, the need to move beyond the conformity of existing reality as defined by the consensus.   

The NN of Pluto in Cancer serves as a vehicle for the evolutionary future to manifest.

What is really incredible when you start to think about it is that the Nodes of Mars also takes 24,000 years for them to move through all the signs in the zodiac.

Mars, as the lower octave of Pluto, correlates to how desires emanating from the Soul are brought to egocentric consciousness and how they are acted upon.  The Nodes of Mars would allow conscious definition and understanding of "how" the collective and individuals have evolved, "what" the past and present collective Soul desires were/are, and "how" and "why" these desires are brought forward by the SN's of Pluto and Mars into the present.  The Nodes of Mars would work closely in sync with the Nodes of Pluto.

Presently the SN of Mars is 9 deg Scorpio, its ruler being Pluto itself.  The NN of Mars is presently 26 deg Gemini. 

For example, the S.Nodes of Mars since 500 A.D. have been in Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius depending on the time of year, in any given year. And, the N.Nodes are Aries, Taurus, and Gemini. This will remain in those signs until 4,300 A.D.

From 500 AD to 4300 AD = 3,800 years

So there are two things to ponder in this. One is the fact that, as we know, the lower octave of Pluto is Mars of course. Pluto is the underlying natural law of evolution for all things, including humans.  And Mars instinctually acts out those evolutionary imperatives through the various forms of life, including human.

Why does Mars stay in three signs and their polarities, in any given year, for over 4,000 years?

4,000 years = 2 Astrological Ages (eg Age of Pisces, Age of Aquarius) = yin/yang, feminine/masculine, or energy moving out from the centre/energy moving back towards the centre.  Three signs correlate to the qualities of "cardinal," "fixed," and "mutable."

What is the symbolism for collective and individual evolution here?

Relative to the Nodes of Pluto and Mars, a 4,000 year subdivision means that, collectively and individually, Souls would consciously understand what the Astrological Age is about, and how to advance its new evolutionary purpose. 

The meaning of it?

The Nodes of Mars stay in 3 signs and their polarities for over 4,000 years because new evolutionary cycles begin at each segment, where new directions are taken, and "cardinal" cycles of new evolutionary desires are initiated.

And of course the phenomena of the 24,000 year cycle of an astrological age with both the Nodes of Pluto and Mars taking that amount of time to go through all twelve signs in the zodiac?

From 0 to 360 degrees is a complete cycle of the zodiac.  The completion of an Astrological Age means the completion of a 24,000 year cycle, and the beginning of a new one.  Pluto, and little brother Mars, would initiate new evolutionary desires at the beginning of a new Astrological Age.

The Nodes of Pluto and Mars take that amount of time to go through all 12 signs of the zodiac.  They symbolize bringing to "completion" the old 24,000 year cycle, and the beginning of a new evolutionary cycle.  Whatever has not been completed, finished or resolved will be recreated so that necessary culmination can take place.  Collective consciousness becomes internalized, allowing a reflection on the Universal Reality.

~ ~ ~

Thank you Rad.  Learning this with your assistance is absolutely exhilarating!


Thank you Linda.  Your explanation really gives a complete understanding. 

So we are now reliving the past patriarchal takeover before a new paradigm, a new age begins. Does the 24,000 year cycle end in 2012?  I think it does.  Also I thought the great age was 25, 400 years?




Hi All,

This whole topic is actually way over my head and I don't have the time to really explore/think about it.
One thought I had, though, was if/how numerology relates.  Thinking in this way: 4,000=4=cancer/4th/moon.  24,000=6=virgo/6th/mercury.  So possibly always the subtext of these 2 archetypes going on...........?  Probably a stretch, but it was a question that wouldn't go away.  Thanks for your patience.

Linda, thank you for your incredibly clear and thorough analysis.  It made everything seem so simple!

Rad, thank you for initiating this discussion.  I can't participate much beyond reading what others write, but I am reading with great interest.


Bradley J


thank you kindly for that additional perspective; very helpful.

thinking about the capricorn sub age of cancer when the sn of pluto, saturn, and jupiter all entered capricorn.  How long ago, if ever on earth had such a symbolic sychronicity of elovutionary past and present intent aligned as such?

So, yes the transition into the present distorted times begins to make more sense relative to this.

Goddess Bless,


Hi All,

Here is some information about these great cycles that we are talking about, and hopefully this will answer the various questions that have been asked. And, Linda, really loved the stuff that your wrote.

The 26,000 year time frame for the world cycle is based upon the current velocity of our sun as it moves through the processional equinoctial cycle.  According to Sri Yuksteswar in "The Holy Science", the Indian sages  mark the time of the world cycle to be about 24,000 years, making every degree 66.6 years long, and 2,000 years per zodiac age.  Given this, there is reason to consider that our sun's velocity is not constant, but changes during the cycle.  If this were true, our sun's speed is slower now, and will increase as we return back to our solar system's closest point to the galactic center  in 10,500 years, or 12,500 AD.

With respect to Pluto and Mars nodal cycles, Solar Fire only provides nodal data for the time period between roughly 4,500 B.C. to 4,500 A.D..  Everything else beyond that is based upon extrapolation, given nothing else to go on other than the known fact that there exists an apparent pattern to the order of the cosmos.  The pattern of creation can be intuitively grasped based upon evolutionary principles under natural law.) 

Pluto's nodes and Mars nodes have different cycles.  Pluto's nodes spend about 2,000 years within every zodiac sign and its polarity. Moving in apparent harmony to our sun as it  shifts also every 2.,000 years, based upon the 24K time frame.  The nodes of Mars however remain in 3 signs, with their polarity, for about 4,000 years.  Then one sign with its polarity drops out of the trinity, and is replaced by the next sign in the sequence.

For example, in 4,500 to 500 BC, the south nodes for Mars are Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio. Its north nodes are Pisces, Aries, Taurus.  Then around 500 BC, the South Node of Virgo and North Node Pisces become phased out. They are replaced by South Node Sagittarius., North Node Gemini.  This pattern continues, the trinity of South Node in Libra, Scorpio, Sag and North Node Aries, Taurus, Gemini, until about 4,300 AD.  Then Mars South Node Libra, North Node Aries phases out and shifts to South Node Capricorn and North Node Cancer.

Using this model, the nodes of Mars complete one cycle every 24 K years.  When that cycle culminates, a new cycle begins, but what was the original sign for South Node of Mars (at the beginning of prior 24K cycle) shifts to become its North Node of Mars, and vice versa.  Any given sign with its polarity that becomes active within the Mars cycle remains active for 12,000 years at a time, where it then becomes phased out by another in the zodiac sequence.

Using the above example for Mars nodes at 4,500 BC, and extrapolating into the future at 24K sun speed, in 19,500 AD (4,500 BC plus 24K) Mars' South Node would be Pisces, Aries, Taurus and its North Node would be Virgo, Libra, Scorpio - the reverse.  A whole new Mars cycle begins yet the nodes are reversed.  This is an example of the application of polarity upon an evolving consciousness as a gentle, yet provocative force.

The 500 AD time is the point calculated by Sri Yuksteswar which marks the halfway point in the world cycle.  According to the Hindu model of the world cycle, called the Daiva yugas, there are two halves or what are called by them Electric Couples (EC), each 12K years long.  The switch from one Electric Couple to the other occurred in 500 AD.   Relative to the patriarchy, it signals its culmination.  The forces at work upon human consciousness which operated during the previous EC reflected the male creating principle, which is yang. They now lose their potency, so to speak, as they begin acceding to the female creating principle, which in yin in nature.  In its wake will be a return to the Divine Mother and its attendant female creating principle, which will re-absorb (yin) all back into Herself, as a phenomenal experience relative to consciousness itself, which has been, heretofore, undergoing an individuating process during the prior EC for the prior 12K years, 11,500 BC to 500 AD.

Regarding your question about the Roman empire, the nodes of Mars actually shifted into Aries/Libra somewhere around 5,500 BC.  This was, in fact, the time frame after the emergence of the patriarchy.  Mars South Node in Libra, emphasizing giving, sharing and including, which now moves towards what you have described, yet beginning much earlier in history, during the time when the Neolithic agricultural communities (Indus Valley,  Nile Valley, and Tigris/Euphrates River Valley's to name the most well known) were growing larger and larger before they became established cultural and trade centers, around 3,000 to 2,500 BC. 

By the way, the nodes of Mars finally phase out of the Mars cycle around 4,300 AD., the end of their 12K life cycle.  Replacing them are Mars S.Node in Capricorn and North Node in Cancer"¦.interestingly enough their natural squares. 

God Bless, Rad

Bradley J


Thanks for that greatly enlightening bigger picture.

You wrote:
"The 500 AD time is the point calculated by Sri Yuksteswar which marks the halfway point in the world cycle.  According to the Hindu model of the world cycle, called the Daiva yugas, there are two halves or what are called by them Electric Couples (EC), each 12K years long."

This is from the ages/sub-ages:
PISCES AGE:  100 B.C. - 2060 A.D
100BC - 10BC   Pisces
10BC - 80 AD   Aries
  80 - 170   Taurus
170 - 260   Gemini
260 - 350   Cancer
350 - 440   Leo
440 - 530   Virgo
530 - 620   Libra
620 - 710   Scorpio
710 - 800   Sagittarius
800 - 890   Capricorn
890 - 980   Aquarius

I am not sure how important it is that I understand this.  According to your post, the halfway point of the greater earth cycle we are in is 500 a.d. - which is 600 years into the pisces age and at the point of the virgo era therein.  One of my questions was seeking a starting point for the greater cycle of ages.
I am not sure where to go with this in context of your last post; besides disregarding it and focusing on the known which you have revealed.

And this is about understanding the symbolism of the planetary node cycles relative to the ages and sub, perhaps I am getting off track with this question.  From what you have shared, it appears that the transition from age of aries to pisces is not a starting point at all.  Is this correct?


Goddess Bless,


Hi Bradley,

Well this of course reflects a collision of views and opinions for a long time now in terms of the 'starting point', the place of measurement called the point of Aries, against the constellations relative to the beginning and ending of the various Ages. In Yukestwars 'system' his used the first point of Aries as aligned with a fixed star called Revati in the constellation of Aries. Thus, using that star as the first point of Aries as measured against the vernal equinox there was twenty degrees of separation between Revati and the vernal equinox as calculated in 1894 by the astronomers of that time. From there all of his calculations were then made.
I am pretty sure that none of us here will be able to settle this ongoing dispute among many about whose systems of measurements are the best, or most right. And that's because, in the end, there are so many variables within each of those systems that to know for certain becomes, to me, impossible. To me this is all connected to evolution itself which means a PROCESS wherein there is a mixture of cataclysmic events combined with uniform evolution. I would doubt for example that at any point in the his/herstory of this Earth that anyone of a given day that another Age was beginning could say 'hey, today is the beginning of a New Age based on what was actually happening on that specific day. A natural evolutionary process, to me, means more of a morphing of of when Ages begin and end before things become crystal clear that, indeed, another Age is at hand. Thus, this five hundred year 'discrepancy' between the Ages at any other point in time. And it does come down to this five hundred year discrepancy when all the systems of measurement are considered. Thus, today, many astrologers feel that have already entered into the Aquarius Age, or close to it, and others feel it is still about five hundred years from now.

Astrology itself is based on the natural science of correlation and observation instead of theory or hypothesis. So to me this then means to use such a focus when looking at actual events through time. In other words what has actually taken place. But even these various events that can be used as 'markers' are themselves linked with the natural evolutionary processes that have lead to those specific events. For example when males within the human species realized that they had an equal role in making babies with women, and how that was then a primary cause leading into what we call the patriarchy. In reality, there was no one day that one could say 'yep, today is the beginning of the patriarchy'. It was a evolutionary process which would mean it took some time for that knowledge to spread to all places on the Earth in that time. One could apply this five hundred year discrepancy to the table of Ages and their sub-ages that we are using on this message board, moving all the various years five hundred years forwards, which would then equal that the transition began in the Cancer time from 7,120 - 7,030 to 6,670 - 6,580. So that would then mean this transition began during the Capricorn sub-age within the Cancer age at the time that the Cancer sub-sub age was taking place.

From the point of view of archetypes, Cancer/ Capricorn this would certainly correlate to the female and male genders supporting that time for the transition. On the other hand, reverting back to the the times of the Ages and their sub-ages, as given, that transition would have begun in the Sagittarius sub-sub age of the Capricorn sub-age within the Cancer age. The rationale ? The shift then from Natural Laws, Sagittarius, as the way of humans living on this planet to man made, concocted, 'beliefs' that has had the progressive affect of turning those Natural Laws upside down. And the cause of that shifting ? The biological fact of males being equal partners in conceiving babies. And that then set in motion this transition from the matriarchy to the patriarchy and all the 'beliefs' that were concocted to rationalize and support that transition.

When I started this thread it was not my intention to detail this particular issue that we certainly will not be able to settle. It was to focus on the planetary nodes, and their use in complete evolutionary analysis of a birth chart. Within that wanting to share this remarkable fact and linkage of Pluto's nodes moving through all the signs, 24,000 years, and the Nodes of Mars taking that same amount of time given that Mars in the lower octave of Pluto that instinctually acts upon the evolutionary impulses of Pluto itself. Linda did a great job in succinctly putting it all together. When we simply settle on the fact, at least to me, that evolution is a process that lead to a morphing of the Ages and their sub-ages then we can arrive at a more or less accurate understanding of the evolutionary intentions and needs, orientations, at any point in time. Within this of course is the specific archetypes of the signs that do remain constant: a Gemini archetype is a Gemini archetype for example. So if one has the S.Node of Venus in Gemini, for example, the archetype of Gemini is a constant in terms of understanding that S.Node of Venus in that sign and then combining that with the archetype of the house that it is also within: another constant. Then combining that with whatever aspects it is making to other planets, archetypes, so as to see be able to see the whole picture. And then to do that with all the planetary nodes: their North and South Nodes, the houses, the aspects, the current life position of any of the planets that connects to their Nodes.

This will give a very accurate, and complete, evolutionary profile of any given Soul. And it is this, to me, that is most important to grasp and understand. So in that spirit I would like to proceed with this thread.

God Bless, Rad

Bradley J


Proceeding in the spirit of your original intent sounds fantastic.
Personally, with this last post, I am able to release this long standing question with the knowing that I am not missing some big piece.  Thank you for responding as you have.

Is it okay to ask more questions now about the nodes?  I hope to not set us off on tangents unintended.
This is from Linda's post:
"Why does Mars stay in three signs and their polarities, in any given year, for over 4,000 years?

4,000 years = 2 Astrological Ages (eg Age of Pisces, Age of Aquarius) = yin/yang, feminine/masculine, or energy moving out from the centre/energy moving back towards the centre.  Three signs correlate to the qualities of "cardinal," "fixed," and "mutable."

"The meaning of it?

The Nodes of Mars stay in 3 signs and their polarities for over 4,000 years because new evolutionary cycles begin at each segment, where new directions are taken, and "cardinal" cycles of new evolutionary desires are initiated."

So, this mars nodal question is:

 Since the nn of mars aries and sn of mars libra have been in those signs the longest, are they(the aries libra axis of mars node transits) on their 3rd stage?  Linda tied in the concept of cardinal, fixed, and mutable in this larger mars node picture.  Originally, I thought that this was seen in the 3 active signs, such that one is of each modality.  
Now, understanding the mars nodal cycle more, there appears this natural trinity of the beginning, middle, and ending axis of the active mar's nodal axis.  So, what I am asking is....are the gemini/sag archetypes(relative to nodes of mars) in a larger evolutionary 'cardinal cylce' until 4,300 a.d. when the new initiating desires(cancer/cap) enter the, at this time in the future, the gemini/sag axis would then be in it's 'fixed'/middle phase.  

Or, to say it another way, the gemini/sag nodal axis of mars - these desires would have been an initiating spark to evolutionary intentions for so long that they(these types of desires - gemini/sag) are becoming more 'fixed' into the fabric of humanity/cultural reality as longstanding desires that now eminate through all of reality by the time of approx. 4,300 a.d. when the next sign axis of cancer/cap enters the mars nodal cycle - they, gemini/sag, are no longer in the 'new' cardinal phase of the trinity at this future moment, within their own 12,000 year passage.

I do not mean to confuse the archetypal mutable nature of gemini/sag by casting a cardinal quality on them.  'Cardinal' in the sense that they are the newest sign polarity in the trinity of mars node signs.  So, in this sense, they are symbolic of relatively newer initiating desires.  Such that, by the time of 4,300 a.d. the gemini/sag polarity, relative to human desires will be so repetitively manifested that it(desires of gemini/sag nature) then become "fixed" within the cultures of all life on the planet.  

Does this question make sense?  Is this grasping a concept or???

If I'm too off topic, I'll be happy to make effort to follow your lead.  

Goddess Bless,
