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2024 EA Converence Info

Planetary Nodes

Started by Rad, Sep 30, 2010, 05:51 PM

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Thanks Rad!

Hi Marty,

After seeing your question, I went back to check more range, it seems from mid-September to mid November, Pluto's SN and Saturn's SN are in balsamic conjunction (I didn't check every year, didn't check if this happens in other months though).


Hi Rad

After checking range when Pluto SN and Saturn SN form balsamic conjunction, it seems from mid-September to mid November (most years), and I believe every year October, they are in balsamic. Is there any evolutionary intent, or meaning, this happens in Virgo-Libra-Scorpio season?


Hi Wei,

Like I said before it comes down to the evolutionary level of development for any given Soul who chooses to be born when that balsmaic conjunction is occurring in terms of the why of it. And, within that, the nature of the actual reality they are born into as defined by the country of birth, and the local environment within that.

God Bless, Rad

Chocolate Astrologer

Hola all,
Anyone else out there watching and wondering and gleaning from the upcoming transit on
April 12, 2019 of the planetary south node of Pluto conjunction at 22 Cap 15 with the transit south node of the moon at 22 cap 2, and the transit sn of Jupiter at 21 cap 46, (and the pulling up the rear, Saturn sn at 29 Cap 29 ) all occurring on April 12, 2019? Additionally, I am fixated by the planetary placements of these planets on this date in addition to their south node conjunctions. Note the moon is conjunct it's own north node, with Pluto conjunct its own sn, Jupiter the same and Saturn well, within wide orb within the same. I posted the ephemeris below for consultation. Culmination of cycles,  culminating (except for the moon, whose conjunct her own north node).... I am rather betwitxed and between myself. Thanks for sharing your insight.


Hi Chocolate Astrologer,

What does this mean to you ?

God Bless, Rad

Chocolate Astrologer

Hola RAD,
I see this culmination as the transmutation of karma into dharma, as Dane Rudhyar calls the "transpersonal way, in which a human being can transform karma into dharma if he or she is able to fulfill the purpose with which Humanity invested him or her at birth." (Rudhyar, p131.)

Jupiter conjuncts it's own south node every 12 years, and Saturn conjuncts its own south node every 29 years, the moon well it conjuncts its own south node every month, and Pluto as we all know, only conjuncts its own south node every 248 years. And now we have the culmination of these south nodes in a conjunction at 22 Capricorn. What does that mean? (says my 28 Gemini Sun Mind,) And why 22 Capricorn. Yes, the structures are all crumbling down around us. What was once security is now dust, blowing in the wind.

I look to Dane Rudhyar as my guide in the sky and his numerous works as my road maps. When I don't understand something, I read the sabian symbol. And the sabain symbol for 23 Capricorn is, "A soldier receiving two awards for Bravery in Combat." And the keynote, rather poignant says: "The reward offered for the fulfillment of individual responsibility ."  (Hmm, now my intuition says, we're onto something).

Rewards come after culminations, right? Saturn is the archetype of responsibility, boundaries, time and space, limits. Jupiter is the archetype of expansion, abundance, my personal truths. And Pluto is the archetype of the evolution of the Soul, and Pluto in Capricorn, exemplified in these souls being born now, is evolving on a transpersonal level through the individual which Rudhyar refers to as the transpersonal way.

I state here in Rudhyar's own words, " In it's application to human psychology and the future possibility of humanity's development, the concept of holarchy inevitability leads to the realization that a state of more-than-individual (or 'transindividual') existence is not only a possibility, but the only unglamorous, realistic and practical way to give meaning and direction to the present-day struggle of individuals and nations toward what many people, often naively, call the New Age."
"The possibility of a really 'new' Age can be seen in the interrelated cycles of planetary and cosmic motions, if properly interpreted, but cycles do not determine what will happen. They only evoke the possibility of the happenings and IF it happens, something of its basic character. Man alone can decide what actually and concretely will happen- at least at Man's own level of existence."
"Humanity is only a part of vaster wholes- the planet, the solar system, our galaxy- and these wholes hierarchically set the cosmic and planetary stages; test, on the stage of the Earth's biosphere Man is a crucially important performer. Humanity no doubt has a role to perform, at least broadly defined by its place within these vaster wholes. The 'score' is not of Man's own making, but the performance is nevertheless his, for better or for worse; and every truly individualized human being is a responsible aspect of Humanity-as-a-whole. The whole acts not only in the individual, but through the individual. The whole realizes itself in and through the acts, feelings and thoughts of its individualized participants who have become open to its descents of power. As this occurs, the transindividual state of existence is reached. "
"The way to such a state is what I call the transpersonal path. In no basic sense is it different from what esoteric traditions have spoken of as the Path of Initiation: yet this hoary and haloed word, Initiation, can be seen in a new light once the human being who is to tread the path leading to it has actually emerged from the chrysalis-state of bondage to the particular culture that has formed his or her mind and conditioned his or her feeling-responses and behavioral habits." (Rudhyar, 1980, p.xv-xvi).

Every culmination leads to a new beginning. And although April 12, 2019 is just a date that I chose not so much to glorify or make that date important, instead to reference in emphermis, as this this a process in time and cannot be pin-pointed to a moment but to a cycle. Its not so much that this date is so important, as is this time is so valuable, as it asks each individual who's Soul is "ready, willing and able" to seize this crisis of repolarization of energy or refocusing of consciousness or sense of identity on an individual basis and a personal expression. Which I see exemplified by the Moon conjunct its own north node at 22 cancer.

Rudhyar says it better than I could ever paraphrase, "When I refer to a transpersonal individual, I am not speaking of a transindividual being, but only of an individual person who has definitely taken steps on the path of radical and total transformation. The transpersonal way refers to this path which symbolizes a long and arduous process that can take a great variety of forms, yet which has a definite, nearly universal structure- just as the embryonic development of a future human being, within the mothers womb, takes place according to a series of clearly marked phases. This process of rebirth is difficult and often requires intense phases of catharsis because of the inertia of the biological past and the socio-cultural and individual karma that must be overcome." (Rudhyar, 1980, p. 112)

The Astrology of Transformation Dane Rudhyar, 1980.


Hi Chocolate Astrologer,

Thanks for sharing what you have, and referencing Rudhyar as you did.

I would add, relative to the Jupiter archetype in this, the underlying issue/dynamic of BELIEFS as the determinants that structure 'reality' itself, and thus causes human behavior because of those beliefs. It is the nature of beliefs, instead of actual or natural truth which does not require beliefs at all, that is the underlying cause of so much of the structural chaos and crisis that is all around the Earth, Capricorn, now.

Humans sense of security, Cancer, is defined is essential ways by that which they believe.

In the English language it is interesting to note that in the middle of the word belief is this: LIE.

God Bless, Rad


Greetings. I am quite new to EA and hope to enroll in the course sometime soon. I was actually able to access this thread by way of a link on a YouTube video featuring Jeff Green's discussion of planetary nodes. In the second part of the lecture he's reviewing the chart of a former client of his which is drawn on a whiteboard and I just arrived at a point where he references experiences she had 'two lifetimes' ago. This was really intriguing for me. How is it that he's able to state so confidently what she experienced two lifetimes ago? Is this something that is taught in the course?

Also, in researching the nodes of the various planets in my own chart, I've noticed that a few of the nodes are actually conjunct natal planets. I'm wondering what the implications for the past or future is in terms of aspects made to the nodes of planets by natal planets.

Thank you in advance for taking time to consider these questions.


Hi Monk,

First, welcome to our message board.

JWG had other kinds of capacities that allowed him to see into the past lives of others. That's where that statement came from. It is not something you can learn in EA of itself.

When a planet is in a aspect to a planetary node it means that the archetypes of the planetary node, south or north, combine with the archetypes of the planet in actualizing the evolutionary journey of the Soul as that lecture JWG did in Holland on the planetary nodes illuminates.

God Bless, Rad