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Started by Rad, Jul 14, 2018, 04:51 PM

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Hi Everyone,

Rad thank you very much....




Quote from: Rad on Jul 29, 2018, 07:59 AM
Hi Goldleaf,

"Can I ask how long a planet is stationary direct in terms of intensification; is it while its on the same degree at the change?"


A planet is direct for one day at the day/ degree this takes place.


Hi Rad,

Thank you for your answer about stationary direct and stationary retrograde. I was hoping to clarify this above quote and just to make sure I am reading it correctly. In this example below where on the highlighted days on the 18th Saturn goes direct and Uranus goes retrograde, are you saying that the Saturn would be stationary direct on that day only and Uranus would be stationary Rx on that day only even though they have been transitioning at the same degree and minute for a handful of days.... is that right?

Thank you,


Hi Sunyatta,

No, for the duration, days that any planet it as the SAME DEGREE when it is direct or stationary is the amount of days that is so. When I said that one day thing I was thinking of Mercury and Venus which is typically one day at the exact degree for when then occurs. Anyway, it is the duration of days that correlates to this for any given planet.

God Bless, Rad


Hi all,
Sunyatta thanks for clarifying that......

Rad, So you mention that a stationary retrograde is in a gestational period.....wondered if anymore could be said about that? Is the Uranian impulse/material up for review and redo still unconscious?

Regarding oblique moons; would the need for complete inner self reliance be happening on an instinctual level with a conjunction to Uranus retrograde; traumatic situations appearing out of thin air?

My natal north node is direct (true node, if that's correct) and is involved with my oblique moon....this imagery is very confusing...I wondered if this is a common phenomena and if you could make shed some light on it? or now where to find something...




Hi GoldLeaf,

Rad, So you mention that a stationary retrograde is in a gestational period.....wondered if anymore could be said about that? Is the Uranian impulse/material up for review and redo still unconscious?


This is what I said: "The stationary retrograde correlates to a whole cycle, lifetimes, of the retrograde archetype coming to a head. As such it has an extra intensification of the retrograde archetype in order to bring that cycle to a close."

There is no gestational period involved in this at all. And all the material that has come to a head, i.e. all the Soul dynamics that have caused this or that, is sub-conscious relative to the long term memories that correlate with Uranus. This subconscious long term memories are triggered, thus made conscious, way of the circumstances the Soul creates in it's life when the Uranus is stationary retrograde. In this way the Soul then is constantly reflecting/ understanding on what has been learned during the retrograde cycle itself, and is preparing to act when Uranus becomes stationary direct.


"Regarding oblique moons; would the need for complete inner self reliance be happening on an instinctual level with a conjunction to Uranus retrograde; traumatic situations appearing out of thin air?"


Yes and that self reliance is a function of becoming inwardly emotionally secure within itself: to become psychologically/emotionally secure from within itself.


"My natal north node is direct (true node, if that's correct) and is involved with my oblique moon....this imagery is very confusing...I wondered if this is a common phenomena and if you could make shed some light on it? or now where to find something..."


The entire chart must be understood starting with the Pluto paradigm in order to know how and why such symbols have been created by the Soul. Any oblique retrograde Moon has the intent to become inwardly secure within itself. The conditions that the Soul creates to evolve into this are reflected in the Pluto paradigm, and then the aspects the Moon makes to all other factors/dynamics in the chart.

God Bless, Rad


                                                  NEPTUNE RETROGRADE

Neptune correlates to the very nature and origins of consciousness. As a result, it correlates to what we want to call God, or the Goddess. Within this Neptune correlates to that which constitutes the ultimate meaning of life itself. Of itself consciousness is very analogous to water. Water, of itself, in formless. Yet we can put water into any form or container and the water, consciousness, thus assumes the function of that form. It is then defined by the nature and function of form. Consciousness in human form thus correlates to the nature of consciousness in that form: the human form. When Neptune is retrograde at birth it correlates to a consciousness, the Soul, who will progressively reject or rebel against that which constitutes the real meaning for life as defined by temporal values emanating from whatever society or culture of birth. The underlying desire in Neptune retrograde is to discover, to realize, what the ultimate meaning for life is.

And that ultimate meaning will be linked with timeless values, not temporal, where timeless values correlates the cause of life itself: the cause of the manifested Creation. Because of this underlying desire the Neptune retrograde Soul can inwardly experience, cyclically or perpetually, a deep inner existential void in which nothing in life means anything to it. This will be true until the Soul has makes choice to commit to that which will provide for that ultimate sense of meaning: to a spiritual life in which the desire to know God/ess within. Even when this is occurs to the Neptune retrograde Soul there can still be cycles or bouts of this existential aloneness because of the nature of the world in which the Neptune retrograde lives: how most are living their life. This juxtaposition of what the Neptune retrograde Soul is living by way of a life committed to God/ess and the vast majority of others who are not thus, creates this feeling of existential aloneness.

Within the evolutionary process of rebelling against temporal values associated with what life means many of the Souls with Neptune retrograde will manifest a diversity of thoughts of what does correlate with ultimate meaning. Thus, they can create any manner of desires in which the initial reaction to those desires is to feel that whatever the desire is will connect them to this sense for ultimate meaning. And this can be literally anything that the Soul can imagine that is then infused with the projected ultimate meaning by the Neptune retrograde Soul. And, of course, it may be entirely possible for the Neptune retrograde Soul to actualize whatever the desire is that in now infused with the projected ultimate meaning. And, for a time, this can create a real sense of that ultimate meaning, a real sense of satisfaction in which the Soul feels that it has found or discovered that ultimate meaning for itself.

Yet, in time, this feeling will give way, and revert back to, the inner sense of meaningless: the inner existential void. This occurs of course because of the real intent of the Neptune retrograde Soul: to commit to a spiritual life in which the real ultimate meaning is realized. So, from an evolutionary point of view, the Neptune retrograde will necessarily experience these cycles of disillusionment that are caused by the projected ultimate meaning into some desire that is not linked with what the core intent of Neptune retrograde requires: a life committed to God/ess. These cycles of disillusionment will continue as long as the Soul tries to chase down any desire that is infused with the ultimate meaning in which that ultimate meaning can not be realized.

Neptune also correlates with the nature of the collective consciousness, and the collective unconscious. The collective consciousness means the totality of what all humans on Earth of inwardly feeling, of what they are thinking, of how they are reacting to the events on Earth at any point in time. The collective unconscious correlates to the memories that are held within the human species in terms of its past. Within this there are other forms of the collective consciousness/ unconscious. For example, there can be a racial collective consciousness/ unconscious: the Jewish race, the gypsies who have their own unique genetic codes, the North and South American Indians, the Eskimos, and so on. And, within this, there can be areas on the planet that can be termed regional collective consciousness/ unconscious. For example, the South part of the U.S.A., the Bavarian region of Germany, the tremendous cross currents within consciousness in Jerusalem because of the history/ unconscious in that area between the Jewish peoples and the Muslin peoples. And so on. As humans of course we are all part of this collective consciousness/ and unconsciousness. When Neptune is retrograde the Soul is much more inwardly sensitized to the impact of both the collective consciousness, and the unconsciousness. And this increased in sensitivity can then deeply affect the psychological state of the consciousness of the Neptune retrograde Soul.

Neptune correlates to the awareness within the human species that all of Creation, all forms of life, all forms of humans no matter what their race, religion, societies of birth, etc are INTERRELATED. It is this interrelatedness of the human species, of all of Creation, that the Neptune retrograde Soul is attuned too. Thus the impact of the collective conscious/ unconscious upon their psychological state of consciousness can be so deeply affected.

Relative to Uranus, and it's correlation to traumas, Neptune correlates to hysteria as a function of certain types of traumas can occur in any given life, and the hysterical reaction that occurs due to the nature of certain types of traumas. When those traumas remain unresolved, with the attendant hysteria, they will keep moving forwards with the Soul in each life that takes place after the life in which the traumas took place. This is called hysteria dysphasia. In some Neptune retrograde Souls this unresolved trauma, and the hysteria associated with it, will be present from birth. When this is the case the chemical composition of the brain itself will be in a state of imbalance. A variety of psychological affects will then be present within the consciousness of the Neptune retrograde Soul.

These will include "˜irrational' behavior linked with specific kinds of stimulus where the behavior being triggered is utterly disproportionate to the nature of the stimulus itself. Whatever the stimulus is has the affect of igniting the original reaction that took place when the original trauma occurred. It can include dissociative behavior which can also manifest of split or multi-personalities. It can include creating an imaginary reality that is considered to be the actual reality of the Neptune retrograde Soul. It can include all manner of eating disorders, phobias, and neuroses of all kinds. It can include an absolute inability to take responsibility in any way for life itself leading to a psychological state of being a perpetual victim who blames anything or anyone for that which it is responsible for. It can lead to various types of autism due to the intense sensitivity within the Soul that causes the Soul to want to hide. In certain of these cases it can also cause the phenomena of being a "˜savant' who has capacities and abilities that are typically labeled as being a genius. When this is the case it this will occur as a direct reaction to the deep inner compression within the Neptune retrograde's consciousness where that compression is in direct proportion to the withdrawal from the circumstantial life around it. That compression thus ignites the Neptune retrograde desire to connect with its core intention: to seek ultimate meaning. Thus, this compression creates an inner doorway to the source of Creation itself. When that doorway is then opened in this way this then causes the Soul to have these savant like qualities because they are coming from much larger forces that the Soul itself: the affect of the doorway leading to the Creator Itself.

Neptune also correlates with the phenomena of sleep, and the dreams that can take place while we are asleep. The primary intent of dreams within consciousness in human form is to purge the Soul of all kinds of data and information that it takes in during its waking life. As a result it keeps the Soul stable by way of this purging. This is why the majority of people dreams are what can be called "˜junk dreams' that mean absolutely nothing. We can also have highly symbolic dreams in which the nature of the symbols in those types of dreams are signaling to the Soul that it is processing, needing to look at, various areas within its life that correlate to the major evolutionary intentions for the current life being lived. When those intentions, and the life circumstances that symbolize those intentions, are being carried forwards from other lifetimes into the present, this can then also manifest as past life dreams. We can also have what can be called "˜super-conscious dreams' in which the Soul can leave its physical body during the sleep state. The Soul will then "˜dream' that it in some place from on high, the astral plane for example, in which is it is then having some kind of instruction or teaching from an entity that is not on this Earth. This is also associated with what is called "˜astral traveling'.

When Neptune is retrograde the Soul will typically have dreams in which the nature of the dreams is to review, retrograde, the nature of its current life in a variety of ways. This can include having past life dreams in which something in whatever life was not resolved. For some this will also manifest as a penchant for the super-conscious types dreams. When Neptune is retrograde at birth this can also correlate to Souls that have trouble sleeping because there is such a high degree of energy within their consciousness that is continually processing, reviewing, its life. For some others however when Neptune is retrograde it can correlate with the feeling of needing to sleep all the time. When that is the case this is typically a reaction to two dynamics. One is a Soul whose recent prior lifetimes have been so traumatic, or so full due to the nature of the life itself, that the Soul comes into life in a state of exhaustion. Thus, this feeling of needing to sleep all the time. The other dynamic correlates to Souls who simply do not want to engage their life because life seems too heavy. Thus, the reaction is to remain as unengaged as possible, leading to this feeling of wanting to sleep all the time. A variation of this with some Neptune retrograde Souls is to want to avoid or escape life in the form of drugs, alcohol, of any manner of activities that have the affect of avoiding any real engagement in their lives.


Hi Everyone,

Rad does Neptune retro Souls correlate to spiritualizing in a very individual or unique way? If so does this also correlate to completely remaking what that unique spiritualizing is over and over through out the life being lived?
Does creating a spiritual life towards Source mean that for the majority of every moment the Soul is in human form their thoughts are on Source in some way?
What does it mean to spiritualize? For retro Neptune Souls can  this be an extremely hard question for some to answer?

Thank you,



Hi Rad,

Thank you again for sharing these lectures on retrograde with us.

I was wondering if it would be possible, after you have finished posting all the retrograde materials, if we could work on some practice charts of real life people with retrograde(s) in their charts, to further support our understanding of these archetypes?

A couple of charts I had in mind were those of Princess Diana and Edith Piaf.  I have attached their charts below for anybody that may be interested.

All the best,



Hi Heather,

"Rad does Neptune retro Souls correlate to spiritualizing in a very individual or unique way? If so does this also correlate to completely remaking what that unique spiritualizing is over and over through out the life being lived?""


This is certainly one of the archetypal responses to Neptune retrograde, yes. But just one among others. All depends of course on the nature of each Soul, and their own ongoing evolution.


"Does creating a spiritual life towards Source mean that for the majority of every moment the Soul is in human form their thoughts are on Source in some way?"


For the majority of humans on Earth, yes.


"What does it mean to spiritualize? For retro Neptune Souls can  this be an extremely hard question for some to answer? "


In essence it means that all Souls are aware in some way that they are part of the manifest Creation and, because of this, naturally wonder, ponder, or ask in some way what is the Source of that manifest Creation. Before humans created philosophical/ religious cosmologies this manifested simply as trying to understand the Natural Laws that are the basis of that manifest Creation in the first place. Later this became the invented or projected philosophies and religious cosmologies. 

For some with Neptune retrograde it can be a hard questions to answer for sure.

God Bless, Rad



I am not sure about that at the moment. If we do example stuff we would not start with whole charts at all: we would start with simple examples, i.e. , Mercury retrograde square Saturn, etc, etc, etc. Build from there.

God Bless, Rad


Quote from: Rad on Jul 31, 2018, 07:36 AM

I am not sure about that at the moment. If we do example stuff we would not start with whole charts at all: we would start with simple examples, i.e. , Mercury retrograde square Saturn, etc, etc, etc. Build from there.

God Bless, Rad

Hi Rad,

Apologies, should have been clearer:  only using the whole charts within themselves so as to have a simple foundational understanding of the individual context upon which to apply the simpler meanings of the the retrograde archetypes.

Also, what would the fundamental difference(s) be between actually having a planet retrograde in comparison to a planet in aspect by a retrograde planet, i.e. oblique retrograde?

For example, Saturn retrograde compared to Saturn in aspect to Mars retrograde.

Does it mean the Saturn function would only possess elements of the retrograde archetype specific only to its relationship to the Mars function?  Whilst on the other hand, in relationship with other planetary functions/archetypes would not?

To simplify:

Saturn Rx = overall inner questioning of/rebellion against status quo reality

Individual might constantly ask itself "Why do I/does everyone function within the world this way?"

Saturn in aspect to Mars Rx = inner questioning of/rebellion against status quo reality as it specifically relates to the Mars function, as determined by its placement, aspect to Saturn, and other aspects it makes with other planets within the natal chart.

Due to Mars Rx inner questioning of/rebellion against its conscious desire nature, which would thus promote a dynamic of inner questioning of/rebellion against the status quo reality as it relates to the individual's desire nature.

Whilst, for example, the Saturn function as it relates to Venus would not operate with this dynamic of inner questioning/rebellion at all (unless there were other aspects that determined otherwise).

Individual might ask itself "Why do I feel the desire for this or that, and why do other people feel the desire for this or that, when it does not even feel natural for me?" or "Why do I (or others) have to do act upon this or that to achieve or function within society?"

Hope I have been clear with my questions.

All the best,




It was difficult for me to follow what you were asking about, the examples you used.

The simple way to understand an oblique retrograde versus a planet that itself is retrograde is to use an analogy of a car hitting something, a tree for example. The tree would correlate with a planet that is not retrograde, and the car would correlate to a planet that is retrograde. If the car hits the tree then the tree is being being changed by the car: an oblique retrograde. In other words the tree is not changing from within itself relative the retrograde archetype. It is being obliquely changed because of the car hitting it. If that car did not hit that tree then the tree would remain as it is FROM WITHIN ITSELF.

On the other hand the car is also being affected, changed, because it hit the tree. Thus, the non-retrograde, the tree, is affecting the retrograde archetype embodied in the car which hit it. It is the interaction between the car, retrograde, and the tree, non-retrograde, through which each is affected via the interaction with one another.

To illustrate this here is an answer to Marty's question about a Jupiter retrograde conjuncting the Moon that she had asked some time ago.

"Any planet that is in aspect to a retrograde planet can be considered 'obliquely retrograde'. Relative to the Moon conjunct a retrograde Jupiter this would manifest as a Soul creating egocentric structures that need to rebel against any external belief system that generates self images of the Soul that occur because of those beliefs: and those same beliefs affect and generate how the Soul see's and understands other people. In essence to rebel against all artificial beliefs that have simply been invented by humans that have nothing to do with the actual truth where what is actually true does not need any beliefs because what is inherently true is simply true: the sky is blue, we don't need to believe that it true.

Typically in this sort of symbol the Soul involved has been in the evolutionary process of rebelling against all kinds of beliefs that it has accepted at previous points in it's evolutionary journey which include beliefs it has created about itself that simply are not true.

The ongoing evolutionary intent is for the Soul with the actual truth of itself, whatever those natural truths are, and to align itself with the natural truths or laws of the manifest Creation that do not require any beliefs whatsoever. This evolutionary process naturally leads to the consciousness of such a Soul to be rooted in the right, non-linear, brain that can naturally intuit the inherent truth of anything.

The Jupiter retrograde conjunct the Moon also correlates to the Soul's intention to evolve towards a inner state of soul/emotional/psychological security from within itself. In other evolutionary times such Souls typically have linked their need for such securities to various beliefs systems in which they became utterly dependent upon in order to feel secure. Thus, the ongoing evolutionary intent to throw off such dependencies and to evolve to an inner state of security in which that security occurs through that which the Soul knows, gnosis, to be true. True about the nature of the manifest Creation, and that which is true about itself."

We could now add that the affect of the Moon on the Jupiter retrograde would evolve into a dynamic in which the Soul and it's ego would inwardly secure from within itself relative to which is actually KNOWS VERSUS WHAT IT HAS NEEDED TO PREVIOUSLY 'BELIEVE' IN.

God Bless, Rad



                                                       PLUTO RETROGRADE

Now we come to the apparent phenomena of Pluto retrograde. We will consider Pluto retrograde from a purely evolutionary perspective. Pluto is retrograde roughly six out of every twelve months. Approximately half of the population will have a retrograde Pluto in their birth charts. What does it mean?

Relative to the four natural evolutionary conditions, Pluto retrograde means that half the people are not accepting the status quo, and will question the status quo in such a way as to reflect their own natural evolutionary condition and state. This process allows collective evolution at all four evolutionary levels or conditions. Pluto retrograde, then, allows for collective evolution to occur because half the people at any one time are questioning the status quo in some ways. This is utterly necessary from evolutionary point of view because it allows for growth of the entire human species. It prohibits stagnation, non-growth and crystallization.

From the above it may be understood that the retrograde Pluto tends to place the emphasis on the desire to return the Source of the Soul, Soul, or to evolve in a more accelerated fashion. Because of the individualizing effect of Pluto retrograde, the person must do which they must do in their own way. At the deepest possible level, the Soul, Pluto retrograde promotes an internalization process, a relative need to withdraw from external activity. Because Pluto correlates relates to the deepest reaches of our unconscious, this impulse may not be actively implemented given other factors in an individual's total makeup. The need to withdraw may simply be sensed as a wistful desire that remains unfulfilled. Even if it is not acted upon, the individual will still feel a sense of distance from within itself, and others in a fundamental way.

Because the retrograde Pluto tends to emphasize the desire to return to the Source, or the need to accelerate the elimination of separating type desires, the sense of cyclic or perpetual dissatisfaction is deeper in these individuals than in those who do not have Pluto retrograde. Keep in mind that all of us, with or without Pluto retrograde, will have this experience to one degree or another. Dissatisfaction is directly linked to the interaction of the co-existing desires in the Soul. Until all separating desires are totally eliminated this sense of dissatisfaction is the psychological symptom or effect that originates in the desire to return to the Source. Dissatisfaction allows for the progressive realization of "˜not this, not that'. Through this process we will someday realize what it is that creates ultimate satisfaction. The point is that those with Pluto retrograde will experience this sense of dissatisfaction more deeply and consistently that those who have Pluto direct. Pluto retrograde accelerates, in its own way the evolutionary process:  individually and, therefore, collectively.