School of Evolutionary Astrology

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Practice Thread

Started by Deva, Jan 23, 2017, 09:49 AM

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Kerri Taylor

The evolutionary desire of the soul with Pluto in the 10th house is to find their inner authority within the society they live in.  I'd like to look a little more closely at the word authority.  What is authority? If you look up the definition you find this: "the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. Power, jurisdiction, command, control, charge, dominance, rule, sovereignty and supremacy".  The Pluto in 10th house individual is learning about authority; what authority does he possess or command, how can he gain authority.  Through lifetimes of trying to discover what authority really is and of trying to find his own authority there is a lot of potential to misuse authority in some cases or paid a heavy price for authority.  The path to true authority would have many pitfalls and distractions.  These "˜mistakes' serve as the impetus to moving towards the polarity point.  Eventually the soul learns that the command, control, charge and enforcement that he has needed to develop is that of his own inner nature. The lessons learned would reflect the need to develop the discipline over his inner nature.  He would also discover the need to develop warmth, the ability to receive and offer support and the importance of developing an inner security that is not dependent on outer gain.  The individual discovers the residual guilt and in some cases punishment that he has experience in fumbled efforts of establishing authority have served to point out that societies ideas of "˜authority' are sometimes very divergent from true authority.   So, what is true authority.  We see in the definition of authority the word "˜sovereignty'.  What is sovereignty?  One of the dictionary definitions is "˜a self-governing state'.  The higher the spiritual state the more we would see the evolutionary desire of the soul to be a self-governing entity in which the individual recognizes that true freedom means becoming your own authority.  Becoming truly accountable, responsible and disciplined in alignment with natural principles.  The individual would come to a recognition that alignment with natural principles and the true nature of your soul is in fact becoming your own inner authority.  The declaration of sovereignty might look something like this:
I accept responsibility and accountability for what I think, say and do.
I will not wave truth down the street on a banner,
nor will I hide it in isolation fearing humiliation.
I will wear the shield of sovereignty the way it was meant to be worn,
inside out, the soft lining of humility exposed. 
For confidence lies not in sovereignty but in truth itself.
Certainty lies not in address but in attention.
I am sovereign, as I am meant to be.

For Pluto in the 10th house this level of sovereignty is the encompassing of both the 10th and 4th house paradox coming together in the blending of inner security and outer authority, the ability to be of service to society while at the same time a humble recipient of that society, to make decisions from a place of authority that has natural principles as the foundation and to be willing to act on those decisions even though their authority might be challenged.  And like others have said previously, that authority may look suspiciously un-authoritative.  As it has been said in previous posts, the evolved Pluto in 10th house individual would become quieter yet hold more inner power, their service would seem unimportant and yet wield tremendous power and change for the individuals they encounter.  They would exude a quiet authority with incredible influence in such a humble way that, while highly effective, could be easily missed.   


Hi, all. Thanks so much for posting on the practice thread. I will provide feedback tomorrow, and we will move on to the 4th house polarity point.




Hi Deva,

I have got tied up with other commitments again, and just won't have time to post anything at this point - maybe later perhaps. But I think the practice threads are great and am enjoying reading the posts...

blessings Upasika


Helena- Great application of EA! What you wrote clearly reflects the core evolutionary intentions/desires of Pluto in the 10th house. Expression of natural authority which is based on one's inner capacity and actual experience is a core dynamic which you accurately addressed. Cardinal archetype correlate with the initiation of change. Yes, this does typically manifest as one step forward two steps back. This is due to the insecurity that the initiation of change creates. In other words, one step forwards towards change, then two steps back due to the insecurity of the step towards change. In my view, the question you are asking is in regards to the modeling of how to express authority, and what authority truly means. As you wrote, in natural times gender roles where based on equality in which both the masculine and feminine roles were equal and interchangeable. During natural times, the feminine was taught as equal to the masculine. Thus, there was co-quality which is reflected in the archetype of Libra. In addition, this also reflects that natural law taught by JWG that all roles within society, no matter what that role, are equal. In other words, in natural times, it was taught that every role within a "tribe" are equal. This is in sharp contrast to man made law in which those that hold a higher social rank, or status, are considered to be more important than those in the lower social strata. This paradigm shift did occur during the transition from natural times to patriarchal times.

Marty: Thanks for re-posting! What you wrote is all within the possible expression of Pluto in the 10th house. From my view, the core point which you are addressing is linked to one's inner orientation (Taurus) to one's social position and to external authority. It reflects the transmutation of the core desire within the 10th house Pluto to hold a meaningful social role for the sake to serve the whole (Virgo), and to use their social position to help those who are in a lower social strata rather than a focus on social position for the sake of acquiring social control and power.

Edward: Excellent application of EA! What you have written accurately reflects the core intentions of Pluto in the 10th house. Yes, it is necessary to learn the rules and customs of society in order operate successfully in society. However, the core issue you wrote about in terms of doing so in way that you are not absorbed by the society itself is a core dynamic within Pluto in the 10th house. For example, this may manifest as a Soul who desires to establish their own personal voice within society yet must acquire the necessary credentials/certification from society. In the end, the Soul can use this certification in whatever way they desire. In other words, the Soul can use such certification to become established in personally meaningful way through the career or social position.

Kerri- Excellent application of EA! Your example of the prevailing mainstream definition of authority and, in a sense, redefining this term based on it's natural expression of authority coming from the "inside out" so to speak clearly reflects a core dynamic of Pluto in the 10th house. Yes, the key to this is internal security verses external security which is reflected in the 10th house/4th house axis.

OK- next step is the 4th house polarity point. I will post an example of the current evolutionary intentions for the life symbolized by Pluto's polarity point in the 4th house by Friday Feb.10th.  I am really appreciative of the time and effort you all have been putting into this thread!




    Hi Deva, thank you for your comments. I appreciated these comments, too, from some of the more recent posts:

  "Continuing the trinity of earth signs (Taurus: sensuality, being, value - Virgo: service, atonement), Capricorn puts the experience of an individual into action, relating that sense of service to a larger, societal structure." - Edward

   (Considering the earth signs, Capricorn would be the earth archetype that would spur an individual into action due to the transformative belief in the power of self, and the "˜power' that this newly cultivated belief has to motivate others. I think of it as a kind of natural high.)


   "As it has been said in previous posts, the evolved Pluto in 10th house individual would become quieter yet hold more inner power, their service would seem unimportant and yet wield tremendous power and change for the individuals they encounter.  They would exude a quiet authority with incredible influence in such a humble way that, while highly effective, could be easily missed." 
- Kerri

   Given the cardinal, "˜yin' nature of both the 10th and 4th houses, this would not, necessarily, be the signature of a very public person. It does suggest beginning a new evolutionary phase regarding the ability to discover one's own inner authority and, to experience the kind of influence or inspiration that this newly-recognized, inner-sovereignty may have over others - a kind of social awakening. Of course, the type of choices that result from the recognition of one's own inner authority (and the influence that one could have on a public level) would certainly be modified by the individual's evolutionary state.

    Thanks all for the chance to learn with you.

   in spirit,



Pluto's polarity point in the 4th house: The current evolutionary intentions for the life revolve around learning the difference between internal and external security. In addition, The Soul will progressively develop an awareness of how the self-image has been conditioned by prevailing societal conditioning, the early childhood environment, and the social position, or career. In other words, all of external factors mentioned above have created an emotional security base. Self-reflection is a vehicle through which the Soul can become aware of the internal dynamics that have created this emotional security base. Active reflection creates a restructuring the self-image and emotional security base in such a way that the Soul learns to become self-secure without the trappings the social career or positions. The social role or career no longer defines the Soul as this evolution takes hold.
    These lessons will be learned in the the family environment through the Soul's partner, children, or parents. The Soul will create the necessary life circumstances in which emotional shock can induce the necessary reflection upon the internal dynamics that are the cause of the emotional shock. The key within this is that if the Soul can positively respond to these difficult situations via self-responsibility and emotional maturity true emotional healing can take place. In some situations, the individual's right work and career is karmically blocked or denied to induce the necessary self-examination.
     Guilt often enforces the necessary self-reflection as to become aware of the  internal dynamics that have become outdated and crystallized. For example, the parent may neglect the existing family responsibilities due to obligations at the work place, and consequently never really get to the know their child. In a positive expression, the natural guilt that this situation creates can then create a restructuring of this dynamic as the Soul accepts responsibility in It's own actions. Another expression of the 4th house polarity point is when the individual's parents could not truly understand the individuality of the child. One or both of the parent's imposed their own standards of conduct, and may have negatively judged the individual in their early life. Consequently, the individual was thrown back on him or herself to enforce the necessary lessons of internal security.  
    As these core evolutionary intentions are embraced, these individual's can become exceptional parents and spouses who are able to provide true emotional nurturing, and can balance time spent honoring their social obligations with down-time spent with their family. In addition, the Soul can hold a meaningful social position without being overly identified by the position, and can encourage others to assume social positions in a responsible manner via self-determination.
    As an example, the Great Paramahansa Yogananda has natal Pluto in the 10th house, and the polarity point in the 4th house.  He lost his mother early in his life which had the effect of inducing a deep level of self-reflection at an early age. In his book "Autobiography of a Yogi" he describes how this emotional shock ultimately propelled him to seek the Divine Mother.  He often spoke of great love for India which was his country of birth. As he grow into adult life, it became necessary for him to travel to other countries to share the wisdom of Self-Realization. Ultimately, he founded an organization called SRF in L.A, California in the the United States. This required that he "bring his homeland" with him wherever he went which symbolizes the internal security required of the 4th house polarity point. In addition, he founded and personally taught a school for young children in India. He developed a specialized curriculum which embodied a holistic approach to education and was a far departure from the conventional educational practices of the time. He designed curriculum which included every day meditation practices, learning through connection with Nature as well as the necessary academic components. He described this experience as playing the simultaneous role of "mother/father" to the children in the school which is reflected of the 4th house polarity point.

If you have any questions please ask now. Next step is to write out the core evolutionary intentions of Pluto's polarity point in the 4th house in your own words. Thanks again for the time and effort those who are participating are putting into this thread!



Kerri Taylor

The 4th house is where we first feel the pangs of separation anxiety relative to the square to the ascendant (Aries) and the hallmark of this square "˜the crisis in action'.  In order to move forward we must feel secure.  So, the 4th house is where we meet the need to create some kind of support system or home where we can find security.  It's no accident that this falls after the 3rd house experience of projecting ourselves onto our environments.  In the 3rd house we were successful at times and in other moments we discovered the limitations of our influence on the environment. And this creates some pretty strong feelings of vulnerability. So now it is necessary to create "˜home'.  A place of security in which we can nurture ourselves.  Without this place, we continue on with dependency issues, with anxiety that just won't go away and without a sense of who we are relative to what is happening around us.  The crisis is unresolved and we carry on without any internal barometer of provision.  What happens without this provision?   We wind up in the 10th house seeking provision and nurturing through the external trappings of success.  We are the business man who will be crushed by retirement when he no longer has that identity to sustain him.  We will be the aging woman bloated with botox, still trying to dress like she's 25, frantic inside because she no longer feels her power in a world of younger, more beautiful women.  We will be the power-hungry politician who fears losing his influence because he feels like he is nothing without it.  We end up alone, depressed and guilty.  All that Pluto in the 10th house chases when it hasn't developed the 4th house polarity will eventually leave. It always does.  And the guilt over having missed the point is like pouring salt into an already painful wound; the realization that Pluto in the 10th found authority in the world without any inner authority, without any real integrity. 
The real Capricorn integrity shines through when the 4th house polarity has been developed.  When we reach the 4th house we encounter our feelings, our vulnerability.  This is where our truth lies, our integrity.  These feelings that we often wish to avoid; we need to learn to accept them, to provide care, to take responsibility for them.  This in no way suggests indulging them, which is actually the antithesis of supplying provisions to dealing with them.  One way to tell if you are indulging or caring for your feelings is their lasting effect.  Emotions that are indulged in tend to stick around and in many cases, grow.  Provisions in place to deal with emotions will find them useful and passing once they have served their purpose (which is to keep us honest).  The food of the 4th house (acceptance, affection, caring, responsibility) given freely to our vulnerable feelings will nourish and grow a state of internal security.  A place of constant security and safety through which we can base our choices and our care of external situations and people is our integrity.  This is the place where we are whole and undivided.  When we don't have this cohesive foundation our integrity fractures, we splinter off into pieces looking for sources of security outside ourselves.  And we will never find it there.  Any failings of Pluto in the 10th house will thrust him back into the fourth house until he finally finds the provisions necessary to develop inner security and cohesion and to finally rest fully in his true home; in his integrity.  There is no greater security than integrity.  Functioning from the inner security of integrity the 10th house Pluto can finally operate through his inner authority and become highly functioning within the society he lives in.  His integrity knows nothing less.


Hi Everyone,

Is there anyway to save work on here as we are typing it out? I just spent 2 hours typing something  and when I was finally all done with it  I hit the post button and it said my session timed out and I lost all my work. Normally I would be like ok that's cool lol but recently I have been experiencing some sort of form of dyslexia that I have never experienced before and it is making it extremely hard for me to read and write and even read things to others   so I'm not going to lie I cried a little... suggestions would be really wonderful. Thank you



Hi Heather,

When that happens you can retrieve your work if you are careful. Instructions if you use a PC (Macs may be different):

a) When you hit the Post button, or the Preview button, and it says your session has timed out...

b) Immediately click the Back button for your browser, which is usually in the very top left corner of the screen, and is a left pointing arrow in Internet Explorer and Chrome.

c) This should take you back to how the screen looked before you hit the Post or Preview button, and usually all your typing will still be in the editing box.

d) Click anywhere in the editing box

e) On the keyboard press the Control key down, and hold it down.

f) Then press the "A" key

g) Release both keys

h) That should have selected (highlighted) all your text. You can also select it other ways (eg. by dragging over it with the mouse from top to bottom).

i) Then right-click in the editing box with the mouse, and a small menu will pop up.

j) Click on Copy  

k) Now open Notepad (click on the START button,  then type "Notepad" in the search box, and when it comes up in the results list, click on it) and right-click anywhere in the new document, and a small menu will pop up.

l) Click on Paste, and your text should be entered into the Notepad editing window. You can save that as a file on your hard disk (File menu/Save).

m) Restart a new session on the MB, and start again with editing (close your previous editing screen if it presents itself)

n) Copy and paste your text from the Notepad screen to the MB editing box.

o) You should now be back to where you were before you originally hit the Post button.

blessings Upasika



The only difference than what you described is when I hit post my roommates computer that I borrow occasionally when I am able to said "page can not be found" then it gave me two options to search for a new page or refresh... I knew I didn't want either of those options so I hit back button right away and that is when I was back on the message board with a red highlighted and empty message box with the message " your session has timed out" and all my work was gone...
I have never had this happen before... I guess I will have to find a way to save my work before I post...

Thank you so much for all the information



Hi Heather,

The best thing to do to avoid that is when you go to log in you click the box that says 'always stay logged in'. That way you can take as long as you need to write what you want to write without having to worry about the time.

God Bless, Rad


Hi Rad,

Ok thank you I will try what you suggested...



Hi Heather,

I've experience that also, so what i do now (because i tend to forget to do what Rad suggested when i log in) is i always select and copy what i wrote before i post it.
In this case if i get that message i just paste it right in. Other times, i just write on text edit and past it after.

Hope it helps, and you will find the courage and inspiration to go through it a second time, maybe even with new insights!
I also plan to write something in the meantime.

All the best,


Hi Helena,

Thank you very much for the kind words of encouragement,  yes I'm going to try again hopefully tomorrow if I can get my mind to corporate :)
Today is an eclipse so I guess my work got eclipsed and everything happens for a reason so maybe what comes to me will be new insight in what to write.
I look forward to your work as well as everyone's...



Hi Heather,

I've just tested it and Rad's suggestion is the best.

You only have to do this once, just once, on each different computer you use to access the MB, and then your sessions on the website will never time out after that, as you'll be permanently logged in. So it won't be a case of always trying to remember every time, just remember to tick the box "Always stay logged in" the next time you log in to your roommates computer and that's it - on that computer anyway, you'll always be logged in.

However, if you'd prefer that your room mate doesn't have access to the MB under your name, when you aren't using their computer, then you wouldn't want to stay permanently logged in on that computer. In that case you'll need to logout after every session, and then you would need to remember to tick the "Always stay logged in" box every time when you login on that computer.

Also, if you ever get in the situation you described above again (your session timed out), I'm pretty sure you were only one more click away on the Back button to being able to see your work again. So next time if that happens click the Back button a 2nd time (even a 3rd/4th time if necessary), and I think at some point you'll come to the screen the way it was before you hit the Post button.

blessings Upasika