School of Evolutionary Astrology Forum

Discussion => Evolutionary Astrology Q&A => Topic started by: Rad on Feb 04, 2012, 11:33 AM

Title: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 04, 2012, 11:33 AM
Hi All,

Jeffrey Wolf Green was the first, and only to my knowledge, to address the influence of Evil in our lives, in our birth charts. He spent many years observing this influence primarily through the lens of the asteroid Lucifer. He felt very called inwardly to do all that he could to expose this influence so that Souls could become as aware of it's influence as possible.

He lectured on it at various times and places, and there is an existing audio CD for sale of his on the main website. I have talked to his daughter Deva about using various transcripts on Lucifer to make a post and thread about it so that we can all benefit from his work. She has agreed to allow us to use those transcripts for this purpose.

So what I plan on doing is posting the entire transcript, which is about 90 pages long, in this thread in small segments until it is done. The transcripts include many, many detailed questions from those who attended his lectures on Lucifer which, as you will discover, are very, very comprehensive in nature. Now that the transit of Lucifer is in Scorpio it seems to be the appropriate timing to do this.

So for those interested in this thread feel free to ask questions as we go along together in this journey. I will begin the thread with a short introduction by JWG himself about Lucifer and the archetypal principles of it, and his own background in dealing with it. After that I will begin to post short segments of the entire transcript.

God Bless, Rad




Since there have been some recent questions on and about evil,"­ "¬I thought it may be useful for me to provide some succinct thoughts about the very nature of evil and how it manifests in life."­ "¬What I have to say is based on three facts."­

(1"­) "¬In a recent former life I was a Latin"­ ("¬Catholic"­) "¬priest whose job was to perform exorcisms."­ "¬I actually lost my life in so doing because I could not acknowledge the nature of my own limitations and thought that God/Goddess would surely intervene and remove the evil spirit that had possessed the individual that I was performing the exorcism for."­ "¬I was choked to death by that evil spirit.

"­(2) I spent quite some time living with the Navajo nation in apprenticeship with a specific peyote master/shaman. I spent six months every day with peyote in my consciousness. The very essence of a 'shamanistic' universe is rooted in the natural principles of good (God/Goddess) and evil, and I learned a great deal in this way.

(3"­) "¬Some of my intimate partners have been severely"­ '"¬influenced"­' "¬by evil in their lives,"­ "¬and so I have had experience in dealing with this energy on a daily basis."­ "¬To understand evil is to understand the point of Creation in the first place."­ "¬At the very moment of the manifested Creation,"­ "¬the principles/consciousness of good"­ ("¬God/Goddess"­) "¬and evil were simultaneously set in motion."­ "¬This occurred because the very Source itself is imperfect,"­ "¬despite patriarchal religions that present God as inherently perfect."­ "¬If you doubt that this energy we call God/Goddess is imperfect,"­ "¬ask yourself one Pisces type question:"­ "¬how can something that is perfect create something that is imperfect"­? "¬If you accept the notion that God/Goddess is the origin of all things,"­ "¬then wherein lies the origin of anything,"­ "¬such as imperfection,"­ "¬anger or sex"­? "¬In essence,"­ "¬the origin of the energy/consciousness that we call evil is the Creation Point,"­ "¬Source,"­ "¬or God/Goddess itself."­

Evolutionary astrology provides a way for us to determine how any of us can be"­ '"¬influenced"­' "¬by evil."­ "¬For example,"­ "¬we have learned that there are two co-equal desires within the Soul."­ "¬One desire is to separate away from that which has created us and the other desire is to return."­ "¬The existence of evil is dependent upon all humans,"­ "¬or any human,"­ "¬maintaining any separating desire that takes the person away from the Source."­ "¬It is dependent on the human's capacity for delusion and illusion that are considered to be reality."­

We can experience the influence of evil in another way."­ "¬Evil can influence us through our emotional bodies,"­ "¬through the very emotions that are most weak and fearful within us."­ "¬For example,"­ "¬if I have Venus in Scorpio,"­ "¬my deepest emotional fears are based on issues of loss,"­ "¬betrayal and abandonment."­ "¬If my partner creates a circumstance that triggers those deep fears,"­ "¬the"­ '"¬genius"­' "¬of evil is that it can"­ '"¬take over"­' "¬those emotional fears,"­ "¬fears that are my own and intrinsic to me,"­ "¬and intensify and distort them and make them even larger and more intense than they actually need to be."­ "¬And,"­ "¬I would not even notice that this influence is occurring because these types of emotions are mine anyway."­ "¬Once these emotions have become distorted and intensified,"­ "¬I could project them upon my partner,"­ "¬which could lead to even more difficult circumstances with that partner."­

Another way that evil manifests itself to us is when we find ourselves in the psychology of self-defeat,"­ "¬futility,"­ "¬what's the point of living,"­ "¬and all that."­ "¬For some,"­ "¬evil will now manifest in the form of an"­ '"¬agent of evil,"­' "¬which means a person who has already made a"­ '"¬contract"­' "¬with evil."­ "¬Agents of evil who have made such a contract must attempt to seduce and entrap others to make the same contract."­ "¬This is part of the contract that they must make with evil in the first place."­ "¬The agents,"­ "¬when they appear to the one who is so desperate,"­ "¬appear as very seductive people who promise various powers to the person,"­ "¬or promise to supply whatever it is that the person feels that they need to make their life better."­ "¬Many of these agents will also use sexuality as a"­ '"¬lure"­' "¬to hook the person."­

These agents can become very,"­ "¬very attached to the souls who succumb to their seduction and have allowed themselves to become progressively influenced by evil and its agents"­; "¬in so many cases they are being influenced unwittingly."­ "¬They do not know that this is actually happening."­ "¬This attachment of the agent of evil can be sustained for many,"­ "¬many centuries,"­ "¬even after the person has finally recognized what has occurred and made every effort to be free of that agent."­ "¬This is deliberate from the point of view of evil because the intent within it is to create yet another state of self-defeat,"­ "¬futility,"­ "¬and so on."­ ""¬I've done everything I know to do,"­ "¬and this agent"­ ("¬a person"­) "¬just keeps messing with my life,"­" "¬and so on."­ "¬And,"­ "¬a soul who has made a contract with evil cannot break it."­ "¬Many people carry the illusive idea that such a contract can be broken."­ "¬It can't."­ "¬Think of it this way:"­ "¬if we could make such a contract,"­ "¬wanting to gain the"­ '"¬supernatural"­' "¬powers that are promised to us if we do,"­ "¬and we know we could break it at anytime,"­ "¬then who would not make such a contract relative to gaining those"­ '"¬powers"­?' "¬To gain those powers means that the contract is irrevocable until evil itself ceases to exist,"­ "¬which really means when God/Goddess evolves into its own perfection,"­ "¬meaning there would be no need for a manifested creation."­

This scenario is very different from cases in which a soul can be literally"­ '"¬possessed"­' "¬by an agent of evil."­ "¬For this to happen the person will always be in a very weakened state defined by self-defeat,"­ "¬etc.,"­ "¬or in a physical state of weakness"­ "¬-"­ "¬sick"­ "¬-"­ "¬to the point that the natural psychic defenses of the soul are lowered to the point that a possession can take place."­ "¬In these cases,"­ "¬which are just astoundingly sad,"­ "¬either the person must seek out a competent exorcist,"­ "¬or remove it by their own means."­ "¬This can be very hard to do,"­ "¬but it can be done."­

Via astrological symbolism,"­ "¬the sign Scorpio,"­ "¬the planet Pluto,"­ "¬and the"­ "¬8th house all correlate to the phenomenon and fact of evil."­ "¬It is part of the Creation triad of Cancer,"­ "¬Pisces,"­ "¬and Scorpio."­ "¬Through this archetype,"­ "¬evil can manifest through the psychology of vindictiveness,"­ "¬intense and distorted rage,"­ "¬psychological manipulations linked with use and ulterior agendas and the dishonesty therein,"­ "¬and,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬the sexual vehicle,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬rape,"­ "¬a sexual predator,"­ "¬and/or when sex is used as power over another."­

Through recent research I have also discovered that the asteroid Lucifer has a direct correlation to the influence of evil in our lives."­ "¬We will all have a natal Lucifer somewhere."­ "¬Let's say I have natal Lucifer in Virgo."­ "¬How could the influence of evil manifest thru Virgo"­? "¬It could manifest by"­ '"¬taking over"­' "¬the natural tendencies of the person to doubt,"­ "¬to create a crisis that did not need to exist,"­ "¬as unnecessary thoughts that lead to self-defeat or undermining of the very thing(s"­) "¬that they need to do for self-growth or improvement,"­ "¬of a hyper-critical approach to themselves and others,"­ "¬of excessive masochism or sadism that would also manifest sexually"­ "¬-"­ "¬the overt forms of s"­ "¬+"­ "¬m types of sexuality,"­ "¬or by inducing thoughts that lead to crisis or self-undermining behavior."­

Currently,"­ ("¬April"­ "¬18,"­ "¬2000"­) "¬the transit of Lucifer is around"­ "¬17"­ "¬to"­ "¬18"­ "¬degrees of Gemini."­ "¬The way all of us can observe it and test it is that the influence of evil can be seen when any of us gets reduced to a reactive consciousness relative to circumstantial triggers."­ "¬The influence will occur via the reactive consciousness."­ "¬The thing that we should all do during this transit to first monitor ourselves as to whether some circumstantial trigger is leading into this reactive consciousness,"­ "¬and,"­ "¬if so,"­ "¬simply observe yourself while that is happening,"­ "¬or reflect upon it afterwards."­ "¬In so doing,"­ "¬if you are honest,"­ "¬there will certainly be the possibility that some of the"­ '"¬reactions"­' "¬that you manifested will make you feel really funny and wrong about yourself."­ "¬Wherever you notice that specific reaction to those reactions,"­ "¬you have identified the influence."­ "¬The real thing for all of us to do now while this transit is happening is to approach life from a"­ '"¬considered response"­' "¬point of view"­ "¬-"­ "¬the Sagittarius polarity to Gemini."­ "¬A considered response is vastly different than an instinctual reaction to some circumstantial trigger."­ "¬It will preclude being able to be influenced by evil itself."­      

When working with the archetype or nature of evil in synastry charts,"­ "¬the location where one's natal Lucifer falls in another's chart,"­ "¬and vice versa,"­ "¬can correlate to where each one can help the other become aware of the influence of evil in their life."­ "¬Within this awareness,"­ "¬hopefully,"­ "¬the choices and decisions can be made by each to confront that influence in such a way as to move through and beyond the undermining effect of this influence."­ "¬This applies not only the natal house and sign of each person's Lucifer,"­ "¬but also to the aspects that they make within one another's charts.

In synastry,"­ "¬the location of one another's natal Lucifer in each other's charts,"­ "¬and the aspects therein,"­ "¬can also correlate to where each can also bring their individual influences of evil into one another's life that then have the effect of undermining the relationship within those areas."­ "¬In composite charts,"­ "¬the combined Lucifer by house and sign and the aspects it is making,"­ "¬can also correlate to where the couple as a unit,"­ "¬can experience the archetypal effects of Lucifer and within that,"­ "¬hopefully,"­ "¬make the choices necessary to counteract that influence."­

One the most important things to know about the nature of Evil is that"­ "¬EVIL WILL"­  "¬ALWAYS ATTEMPT"­  "¬TO CREATE THE OPPOSITE REALITY INTENDED BY THE INDIVIDUAL,"­ THE COLLECTIVE. OR GOD."­ "¬

Jeffrey"­ Wolf Green

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 04, 2012, 08:57 PM
I would love to follow this thread and also am wondering if you are planning a chart study. If so I would like to offer a chart of personal nature of a person I have had direct experience with who has shown many signs of 'a presence'. If so I can get into more specifics or send it to you in private if you want to look at it to see if it is relevant to this topic. This experience also has lead me to wonder about the difference between a soul that has made a contract with evil and a soul who is more of a magnet or channel for darkness to use via that souls body. I assume that a soul who is used by another entity has dabbled in the dark matter in previous lives in such a way that it has allowed that dark ness to come through it in this life as well as just part of the continuing karmic journey of that soul....... that is how my soul understands it. Let me know if that is incorrect. I also wonder if we can see this difference through the chart.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 05, 2012, 09:24 AM
Quote from: Sunyata on Feb 04, 2012, 08:57 PM
I would love to follow this thread and also am wondering if you are planning a chart study. If so I would like to offer a chart of personal nature of a person I have had direct experience with who has shown many signs of 'a presence'. If so I can get into more specifics or send it to you in private if you want to look at it to see if it is relevant to this topic. This experience also has lead me to wonder about the difference between a soul that has made a contract with evil and a soul who is more of a magnet or channel for darkness to use via that souls body. I assume that a soul who is used by another entity has dabbled in the dark matter in previous lives in such a way that it has allowed that dark ness to come through it in this life as well as just part of the continuing karmic journey of that soul....... that is how my soul understands it. Let me know if that is incorrect. I also wonder if we can see this difference through the chart.

Hi Sunyata,

Yes, you are correct. No, one can not see this difference through a chart. One must do what the essence of astrology is: a natural science based on correlation and observation. So one must observe and interact with anyone to know how the specific archetypal symbols in any chart have manifested relative to the choices that each individual Soul has made, and will make.

My plan in this thread is to simply post directly from the transcripts of the lectures on Evil/Lucifer that JWG made. And when questions come up in each segment from those who are reading this thread to go ahead and answer them. And then post the next segment. So, for right now, I do not want to get into specific charts of anyone. Maybe later on we can do that. I am also thinking of, once this entire transcript has been posted, is to continue on by then focusing on the 'bearer of Light' side of Lucifer: the influence of God instead of Evil. This is the great dual paradox of this asteroid: one side of it is about evil and it's influence, and the other side is God and it's influence. Both influences are contained and symbolized by the asteroid Lucifer.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 05, 2012, 09:35 AM
These transcripts begin with students asking Wolf various questions relative to what he has taught about Lucifer and Evil. Please feel free to ask any questions you have after reading these transcripts. All the (a) answers are by Wolf of course. God Bless, Rad

Nature of Evil

(Q"­) "¬I have a question concerning the nature of evil."­ "¬Is it not a projection of an energy form onto another that can only exist/attach to one's consciousness if one allows it to,"­ "¬due to a pre-existing fear that the projection in turns feeds off of and ignites,"­ "¬sort of like grease on fire,"­ "¬with the fear held within one's body representing one's key vulnerability point"­? "¬And if one were able to identify and dissolve the source of the fear,"­ "¬then the evil energetic form would dissipate,"­ "¬having nothing"­ ""¬magnetically"­" "¬to cling to any longer"­? 

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬generally that is true."­ "¬On the other hand,"­ "¬there are cases where a soul has been"­ '"¬captured"­' "¬by the influence of evil in some way."­ "¬Let's say in a former life the person had allowed herself to get involved with another who had made an actual contract with evil,"­ "¬and that other had a total investment in keeping that person"­ '"¬captured."­' "¬Then,"­ "¬even when the person recognizes this and makes the choice to do what is necessary to be free of this influence,"­ "¬the one who had made the contract can still attempt to mess with that person's life anyway."­ "¬This is deliberate from the evil person's point of view in order to recreate the sense of self-defeat,"­ "¬the"­ '"¬no matter what I do this thing just keeps happening"­' "¬type of thought."­ "¬In essence,"­ "¬even though the person has made the decision to do what is necessary to be free,"­ "¬this influence can still occur."­

Demon Seed

(note from Rad: the demon seed referred to here correlates to the exchange of sexual fluids with a Soul who had made a contract with Evil)

(Q"­) "¬Is there any way to tell if one has contracted the"­ '"¬demon seed"­' "¬through another."­ "¬Are there universal symptoms for everyone who has"­? "¬Should one who is not sure if the seed has been contracted or not practice the laser beam imagery as a safety precaution"­?

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬the first sign would be before the actual intercourse,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬having an instinctual reaction of being"­ '"¬repelled"­' "¬by the person's energy or"­ '"¬scent,"­' "¬which is the natural response to the pheromones,"­ "¬and yet they have intercourse anyway."­ "¬After the intercourse there would be a very awful smell from the"­ '"¬seed"­' "¬-"­ "¬really awful."­ "¬Typically,"­ "¬this smell lasts for some time,"­ "¬and the person then feels very"­ '"¬contaminated."­' "¬Because of feeling contaminated,"­ "¬they feel the"­ '"¬influence"­' "¬of this person within their psyche for some time"­ "¬-"­ "¬specific thoughts or images that are being caused by that person."­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬the laser beam thing can work."­

Demon Seed"­ "¬2

"­(Q1) I got to the point in the tapes where you talk about the demon seed being planted by someone who has made a contract with evil. What does it mean that it has been planted?

(A"­) "¬It means that such a seed serves the intent of evil by inducing a progressive personal psychology defined by an anger at God,"­ "¬a progressive sense of personal futility,"­ "¬self-defeat,"­ "¬and deepening sense of no personal power,"­ "¬a deepening psychological sense of being a"­ '"¬victim"­'"¬,"­ "¬and a deepening sense of wanting to"­ '"¬get back"­' "¬at those that the person feels victimized by,"­ "¬starting with God itself."­ "¬All of this is intended to drive the individual into making a contract with evil itself."­ "¬Such a"­ '"¬seed"­' "¬is typically"­ '"¬planted"­' "¬thru sex,"­ "¬where the very nature of the sperm or ovum is magnetized and vibrates according to the"­ '"¬laws"­' "¬of evil itself,"­ "¬which of course then"­ '"¬attracts"­' "¬a growing number of life experiences that"­ '"¬drive"­' "¬the individual ever more towards evil and the contract with it.

"­(Q1) Is it an actual demon planted that is attempting to "possess" that person. Does it mean that the seed is planted for that person to become demonic or something entirely different?

(A"­) "¬The"­ '"¬demon"­' "¬that is planted is primarily the individual who has already made a contract with evil and who in turn"­ '"¬plants"­' "¬himself or herself within the soul of the individual's consciousness like a controlling force,"­ "¬like a"­ '"¬director"­' "¬in a play"­; "¬and yes,"­ "¬in the end,"­ "¬to make the individual themselves demonic,"­ "¬relative to the intent of making them enter into a contract with evil itself.

"­(Q2) Given that evil/Lucifer is particularly active right now on both a collective and individual level in many of the ways you stated earlier, are there any particular aspects in your explanation that mark the difference between 'just' being influenced by evil and having had a demon seed planted? For example, would the anger with God, sense of victimization and the desire to "get back at" others, starting with God, be more indicative of the demon seed?

(A"­) "¬All of those things can occur either through the influence or a direct contract.

"­(Q2) How does one tell the difference between being severely influenced by evil and having had the demon seed planted within them?

(A"­) "¬The demon seed is mainly planted thru sex,"­ "¬with the fluids symbolizing the seed itself."­ "¬When an actual seed has been planted,"­ "¬either in this life or another one that came before,"­ "¬one has not only the feeling of"­ '"¬someone"­' "¬being inside oneself that creates a horrible inner reaction,"­ "¬but also the"­ '"¬face"­' "¬of that"­ '"¬someone"­' "¬will appear within the interior of consciousness from time to time,"­ "¬frequently,"­ "¬or almost all the time,"­ "¬and that face will seem/"­ "¬appear"­ '"¬demonic"­' "¬in different ways.

Regarding Evil

(Q"­)  "¬Is evil in the horoscope as a specific conjunction"­? "¬Or,"­ "¬isn't it rather a filter relating to the way one perceives all of reality,"­ "¬especially as one's responsibility within the scheme of things"­? "¬Is it more the personal intent of the individual"­? "¬I feel confused about this business of evil."­ "¬I have known true Satanists and they are not evil."­ "¬They love the world,"­ "¬and life itself is totally sacred to them."­ "¬Evil seems more a by-product of extreme tyranny."­ "¬Thanks for any suggestions."­

(A"­) "¬The phenomenon of evil correlates astrologically to Scorpio,"­ "¬Pluto,"­ "¬the"­ "¬8th house,"­ "¬and the asteroid Lucifer."­ "¬Evil was created at the very same moment as the entire manifested creation was"­; "¬thus,"­ "¬evil itself emanates from that origin"­ "¬-"­ "¬God/Goddess."­ "¬One can be"­ '"¬influenced"­' "¬by evil,"­ "¬or in extreme cases make actual contracts with it,"­ "¬in order to gain"­ '"¬supernatural"­' "¬powers."­ "¬When they do this,"­ "¬the contract can not be changed."­ "¬Most of the"­ '"¬influence"­' "¬of evil is"­ '"¬unseen"­' "¬by the individual"­; "¬if it was"­ '"¬seen"­' "¬or so noticeable,"­ "¬then it would be easy to resist."­ "¬Evil's existence is dependent,"­ "¬from the human being's point of view,"­ "¬on humans maintaining any desire of separation that leads away from God/Goddess."­ "¬It's"­ '"¬genius"­'"¬,"­ "¬so to speak,"­ "¬is that it can take over and distort the actual dynamics within a person"­ "¬-"­ "¬where a person is most fearful for example"­ "¬-"­ "¬to the extent that whatever the fears are that are then being triggered by some current circumstance,"­ "¬those fears that would be part of the individual's intrinsic nature for whatever reasons,"­ "¬can then be"­ '"¬taken over"­' "¬by the influence of evil through the intensification and distortion of them"­; "¬and yet the person is typically unaware of this fact."­ "¬The influence of evil can occur when a person is most desperate,"­ "¬feeling self-defeated,"­ "¬suicidal,"­ "¬through circumstantial triggers that ignite where we are most weak emotionally,"­ "¬and so on."­ "¬Evil is not a product of tyranny"­; "¬tyranny is a product of evil."­ "¬A true Satanist by the nature of its very definition is embracing evil."­

Breaking with Evil

(Q"­)  "¬From all the replies I've read from you regarding evil,"­ "¬you make it sound like there is no escape."­ "¬Once a person has perhaps made a contract with evil or been in contact with a person or group that were definitely emissaries for a very ancient and powerful dominion of evil,"­ "¬they are lost forever"­! "¬Is this what you are saying"­? "¬If one has sold their soul or was approached to sell their soul for powers of a very supernatural nature,"­ "¬even if the person refused to accept the power,"­ "¬and said,"­ ""¬No,"­ "¬my soul is not for sale,"­""¬,"­ "¬is it just too late for that person"­? "¬Is that what you're saying"­? "¬If that's true,"­ "¬then that person just might as well go off and commit suicide or something"­! "¬What would be the point of existing in a state of constant assault from practitioners of an ancient evil,"­ "¬especially if that person knows that the very practices of this evil lead to the eventual destruction of the world"­? "¬The person would at least die a martyr knowing they had,"­ "¬in the end,"­ "¬done the right thing."­ "¬Wouldn't that then put an end to the contract of purchasing a person's soul"­? "¬And,"­ "¬isn't the very idea of selling a soul just a delusion that would wear out in time anyway"­? "¬And would it really be evil to sell your soul for the power to conjure all the money or food for the poor,"­ "¬etc."­? "¬My real question here is just what would you be selling"­? "¬I have a lot more questions regarding this soul/evil business."­ "¬I have read actual documented case histories of witches who have fed hundreds of people from the same fish bone."­ "¬Most of this comes from Scandinavian folklore,"­ "¬but it's real history."­ "¬How could doing something like that be evil"­? "¬Comments"­?

(A"­) "¬The nature of your thoughts,"­ "¬reflected in your question,"­ "¬are quite confused and mixing up too many things."­ "¬What I said was very simple."­ "¬When a soul makes an actual contract with evil,"­ "¬not souls who are being influenced by evil,"­ "¬this contract cannot be broken."­ "¬If it could be broken,"­ "¬then almost any soul would be tempted to gain those supernatural powers:"­ ""¬Hey,"­ "¬I can do this for a few lifetimes and then just break it."­" "¬It does not quite work that way."­ "¬Beyond this,"­ "¬a soul who has made such a contract would not find themselves,"­ "¬subsequent to that contract,"­ "¬feeding many people from a fish bone"­; "¬quite the opposite."­

Lucifer by Aspect

(Q"­)  "¬I've got a question concerning Lucifer's influence by aspect."­ "¬Where energy flows exist,"­ "¬like trines,"­ "¬sextiles,"­ "¬etc.,"­ "¬does this indicate areas of easy penetration by the influence,"­ "¬or the reverse,"­ "¬areas where one can hold their own and not be easily infiltrated"­? "¬Conversely,"­ "¬where energy flows are restricted,"­ "¬like squares,"­ "¬oppositions,"­ "¬even conjunctions where one may not be conscious of the combined planetary operational dynamic,"­ "¬are these areas where Lucifer can easily infiltrate"­? "¬Or does aspect not really matter at all in this case,"­ "¬but depends entirely on where our consciousness lies,"­ "¬awakened or asleep,"­ "¬relative to any dynamic within our natal imprint,"­ "¬and where we sleep the influences of his chicanery will be most pronounced"­?

(A"­) "¬From my observations it seems that the stressful types of aspects correlate to the degree of"­ '"¬intensity"­'"¬,"­ "¬and within that,"­ "¬the degree of"­ '"¬personal interest"­' "¬by the energy/consciousness of evil"­; "¬the intent to really mess with and confuse a person is more apparent."­ "¬Conversely,"­ "¬when the person is"­ '"¬on to it"­'"¬,"­ "¬meaning aware of this influence,"­ "¬those same aspects can be used with equal intensity to be as free of this influence as possible."­ "¬The non-stressful aspects appear to correlate with a less intense influence/interest by this consciousness,"­ "¬although through those aspects it can certainly occur"­; "¬but it seems that the person has more of a capacity to be aware of this influence when it occurs,"­ "¬to be less bothered by it,"­ "¬more of a"­ '"¬shrug it off"­' "¬kind of a reaction,"­ "¬whereas the stressful aspects can really be a disturbing and ongoing thing."­ "¬In the end though,"­ "¬it totally depends on the consciousness and awareness within the person who is dealing with this.


(Q"­)  "¬What happened to the work regarding"­ ""¬the Bearer of Light"­" "¬on your message board"­? "¬It took a week since your lecture Easter Sunday for me to gather enough courage to look it up again,"­ "¬and now it's not here."­ "¬I,"­ "¬like many,"­ "¬many people,"­ "¬want so badly to dialogue with you about it."­ "¬During the lecture,"­ "¬I wanted to ask several more questions,"­ "¬but I could tell your comfort zone was definitely challenged"­ ("¬mine was in shreds,"­ "¬frankly."­)

."­ "¬Why dredge up all this evil by naming it"­? "¬Since then I have seen shadows crawling,"­ "¬drifting everywhere."­ "¬I have seen"­ ""¬cat-eyes"­" "¬in everyone I know."­ "¬I've been afraid to go down"­ ("¬my phrase for my style of deep meditation"­)"¬."­

."­ "¬In teacher school,"­ "¬they trained us to allow some behaviors/phenomena to"­ ""¬become extinct"­" "¬simply by not addressing them."­ "¬When we refuse an audience to things that do not need our energy,"­ "¬they quickly learn to find other more desirable ways to get our energy."­ "¬We can shape positive nurturing,"­ "¬growing,"­ "¬discovery that way."­

."­ "¬This is not to say that we have free license to turn our backs on things we don't want to think about or look at."­ "¬Obviously,"­ "¬I was in your lecture,"­ "¬riveted to my chair"­ ("¬despite your public and humiliating invitation for me to leave,"­ "¬ouch"­) "¬for reasons that I can appreciate partially,"­ "¬depending on my willingness to look into the darkness."­ "¬There are all kinds of things happening in my universe that I don't have the guts to face."­ "¬Optimizing my existence through temperance,"­ "¬knowing how much of something to take on and transmuting it/transforming myself in the Karmic Dance"­ ("¬for me"­) "¬means being careful not to destroy myself in a game that is too hard to play."­

."­ "¬My demons are scary,"­ "¬too."­ "¬Would you like to pay money to come be indoctrinated regarding them"­? "¬Or would you rather salute each one of us for showing up"­? "¬Do you disqualify others who don't use your names for their confrontations with evil"­? "¬I felt like a slime bag after you were done with me."­ "¬Victim-no."­ "¬Mirror-yes."­

."­ "¬You are my mirror,"­ "¬too."­ "¬In you,"­ "¬I see absolute devotion to your art,"­ "¬your source,"­ "¬and by association,"­ "¬to me as well."­ "¬I love you deeply for it,"­ "¬and I want to return your goodness,"­ "¬your greatness,"­ "¬with my own."­

(A"­) "¬I don't know what happened to it."­ "¬Even when I wrote my message about evil,"­ "¬it took me three times to get it posted."­ "¬Every time I went to post it,"­ "¬it would simply evaporate,"­ "¬and now this message about it being gone."­ "¬Why not name it"­? "¬To not do so simply demonstrates fear"­ "¬-"­ "¬fear of evil"­ "¬-"­ "¬and this is just what evil wants."­ "¬Your thoughts about not giving it attention of any kind in the hope that somehow it would just all go away by itself,"­ "¬to me is nonsense."­ "¬During the talk I apparently misinterpreted your reaction to me."­ "¬I felt you were saying to me"­ '"¬how can you do this,"­' "¬meaning how could I as a person be up there talking about this stuff,"­ "¬so that's why I reacted to you the way I did."­ "¬But,"­ "¬apparently,"­ "¬you were asking me how could I even be up there talking about this creepy stuff at all."­ "¬If that is where you were coming from,"­ "¬then I do apologize for my reaction to you."­ "¬Believe me,"­ "¬if I really had a choice I would not be talking about this stuff at all"­; "¬but I don't."­ "¬It must be done for my own karmic/evolutionary reasons,"­ "¬and especially now when we all find ourselves at this important time in history:"­ "¬500"­ "¬years before the Aquarian age begins."­ "¬Every time at these key junctures in history the times become ever more intense,"­ "¬the old paradigms come to culmination as new ones try to emerge,"­ "¬and it is at these points in history where the energy of evil raises its ugly head ever more."­ "¬To talk about its common influence in any of our lives seems to be a very necessary thing because the more"­ '"¬light"­' "¬that is put upon it simply leads to an awareness/exposure of it,"­ "¬the very opposite of what evil itself intends."­ "¬I will make some new statements for this board about Lucifer as Bearer of Light soon.

Lucifer"­ & "¬Temperance

(Q"­) "¬Funny how your response helps me breathe easier."­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬that indicates that I have placed some of my power in your hands,"­ "¬including Sunday's experience."­ "¬I have to acknowledge the enormous benefit I receive from letting your work guide me,"­ "¬sometimes against my own inner voice."­ "¬Can you address the tenuous mixture of vulnerability to new understanding and the disillusionment that precedes it vs."­ "¬overexposure to evil according to each individual's natural capacity and cosmic place,"­ "¬time,"­ "¬and opportunity to evolve"­? "¬These are big words for trying to say that if you mix in too much compost,"­ "¬you ruin the soil's balance."­ "¬If you don't let the field lie fallow,"­ "¬it will not yield optimal growth."­ "¬Can I excuse myself without being a cheating,"­ "¬lying,"­ "¬evil-making wimp who prefers milk toast"­?

(A"­) "¬Everyone has their own comfort level,"­ "¬but sometimes that also leads to blocks and resisting what must not be resisted."­ "¬For you,"­ "¬from my view,"­ "¬as long as you continue to want to know God/Goddess,"­ "¬and that only,"­ "¬this will be all that you need to safely negotiate these issues about evil."­

More Evil Live

(Q"­)  "¬I guess the evil talk made its impact."­ "¬A remark is that this is the"­ "¬3rd time I have rewritten this message,"­ "¬as it gets erased for unknown reasons just as I try to send it."­  "¬It requires quite a strong determination to follow through."­ "¬My question/observation is:"­ "¬I guess the disturbing statement is that the contract with evil cannot be broken."­ "¬In my opinion,"­ "¬making such a contract for whatever reason"­ "¬-"­ "¬powerlessness of any kind"­ "¬-"­ "¬is a result of immaturity"­ "¬-"­ "¬or a need for immediate gratification."­ "¬Thus,"­ "¬the soul gains supernatural powers of any kind."­ "¬Yet through this contract,"­ "¬the soul separates itself from the source,"­ "¬and consequently separates itself emotionally from every other form of life"­ "¬-"­ "¬the access to love is denied."­ "¬The soul cannot love or be loved under these circumstances."­ "¬In the process,"­ "¬as the soul recognizes the illusive character of evil,"­ "¬it can recognize that the real supernatural power is love itself,"­ "¬resulting in a radical change in values."­ "¬I understand what you say,"­ "¬that you cannot change camps on a whim with every mood,"­ "¬but maybe if there is a solution,"­ "¬then it is to actually prove the genuine intention by letting go of every other aspect of power"­ "¬-"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬losing everything and living with nothing for the sake of love."­ "¬Following that to remeet every soul it has hurt in past times to make up for it and heal the wounds"­ "¬-"­ "¬actually a process that would take many lifetimes"­ "¬-"­ "¬quite a strong demonstration of determination"­!

The thing is that evil was created by the source itself"­; "¬hence it serves the process of evolution."­ "¬Evil actually shows the glory of love by manifesting the opposite."­ "¬Through duality we mortals understand that love is not to be take for granted."­ "¬Evil,"­ "¬the ultimate tester,"­ "¬checks our intention by tempting us to go the easy way"­ ("¬what seems to be easy at first ends up very difficult later"­) "¬-"­ "¬again immediate gratification."­ "¬But evil is a lesson."­ "¬So how can the soul learn the lesson if there is no way out of the contract"­? "¬I believe the deeper the involvement with evil,"­ "¬the tougher the way out,"­ "¬yet,"­ "¬if there is no way out,"­ "¬there is no evolution."­

(A"­) "¬Once again,"­ "¬if the contract could be broken relative to gaining"­ '"¬supernatural"­' "¬powers,"­ "¬who would not make such a contract"­? "¬In fact,"­ "¬the"­ '"¬ultimate"­' "¬lesson for such souls is when the realization occurs that the contract itself can not be broken by such them:"­ "¬total shock."­ "¬Again,"­ "¬such souls cannot have the contract broken until and unless God/Goddess itself evolves into its own"­ '"¬perfection."­' "¬In that case,"­ "¬there will be no need for a manifested Creation."­ "¬Most people have an underlying and deep compassion within them."­ "¬This is natural,"­ "¬and it is this natural compassion that makes us want to think that such a contract can be broken,"­ "¬but,"­ "¬alas,"­ "¬it can't."­ "¬And,"­ "¬again,"­ "¬I don't make the rules:"­ "¬God/Goddess does."­ 


Lucifer is a Latin word that translates into"­ '"¬the Bearer of Light."­' "¬What this means is that THE ABSENCE OF EVIL OR DARKNESS REFLECTS"­ '"¬THE LIGHT"­' "¬OR God/Goddess."­ "¬Thus,"­ "¬to the extent that we are free from this influence,"­ "¬that very degree allows for the light of the Source to shine and be known."­ "¬Since the asteroid Lucifer seems to correlate to the totality of the archetype of"­ '"¬evil"­' "¬and its influence,"­ "¬the location where any of us has the natal symbol of Lucifer,"­ "¬and the aspects it is making to other planets,"­ "¬BECOMES THE VERY DOOR THRU WHICH THE LIGHT AND TRUTH OF God/Goddess CAN BE KNOWN."­ "¬Jeffrey"­
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Heidi on Feb 05, 2012, 12:25 PM
Hi Rad,

I have a question regarding the following:

QuoteAnother way that evil manifests itself to us is when we find ourselves in the psychology of self-defeat,"­ "¬futility,"­ "¬what's the point of living,"­ "¬and all that."­

Quote"¬Let's say I have natal Lucifer in Virgo."­ "¬How could the influence of evil manifest thru Virgo"­? "¬It could manifest by"­ '"¬taking over"­' "¬the natural tendencies of the person to doubt,"­ "¬to create a crisis that did not need to exist,"­ "¬as unnecessary thoughts that lead to self-defeat or undermining of the very thing(s"­) "¬that they need to do for self-growth or improvement..

QuoteThe influence of evil can occur when a person is most desperate,"­ "¬feeling self-defeated,"­ "¬suicidal,"­ "¬through circumstantial triggers that ignite where we are most weak emotionally,"­ "¬and so on

If for example, a person has Pluto conjunct Lucifer in Virgo, and also an emphasis of Saturn/Capricorn.. how can we be sure that a person manifesting the qualities mentioned in the quotes above is being influenced by evil? What is the difference between self-created futility and self-defeat which is used as an avoidance (Virgo) for further growth, and an actual possession of evil? If the person has bouts of optimism which are periodically followed by severe bouts of futility, would this not be about evil? And if someone was in a perpetual state of futility over a long period of time, would this indicate the influence of evil?

Thanks and blessings,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 05, 2012, 12:35 PM
Quote from: Heidi on Feb 05, 2012, 12:25 PM
Hi Rad,

I have a question regarding the following:

QuoteAnother way that evil manifests itself to us is when we find ourselves in the psychology of self-defeat,"­ "¬futility,"­ "¬what's the point of living,"­ "¬and all that."­

Quote"¬Let's say I have natal Lucifer in Virgo."­ "¬How could the influence of evil manifest thru Virgo"­? "¬It could manifest by"­ '"¬taking over"­' "¬the natural tendencies of the person to doubt,"­ "¬to create a crisis that did not need to exist,"­ "¬as unnecessary thoughts that lead to self-defeat or undermining of the very thing(s"­) "¬that they need to do for self-growth or improvement..

QuoteThe influence of evil can occur when a person is most desperate,"­ "¬feeling self-defeated,"­ "¬suicidal,"­ "¬through circumstantial triggers that ignite where we are most weak emotionally,"­ "¬and so on

If for example, a person has Pluto conjunct Lucifer in Virgo, and also an emphasis of Saturn/Capricorn.. how can we be sure that a person manifesting the qualities mentioned in the quotes above is being influenced by evil? What is the difference between self-created futility and self-defeat which is used as an avoidance (Virgo) for further growth, and an actual possession of evil? If the person has bouts of optimism which are periodically followed by severe bouts of futility, would this not be about evil? And if someone was in a perpetual state of futility over a long period of time, would this indicate the influence of evil?

Thanks and blessings,

Hi Heidi,

The difference is the degree to which this psychology manifests within such a person. Like Wolf taught those psychological emotions can be natural to such a person which, when influenced by evil, then becomes extreme to the point that such a emotional/psychological state becomes more or less permanent. Even when a given Soul attempts to motivate itself out of this state those efforts are brief, and will revert back to this state. When observing this in another one can actually sense or feel the energy of evil all around, and within, that person: it's like a pall of dark energy that can almost seem syrupy like.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Feb 05, 2012, 04:17 PM
Hi Rad, thank you so very much for posting these. This is truly meaningful for me at this time.

Quote"¬If you doubt that this energy we call God/Goddess is imperfect,"­ "¬ask yourself one Pisces type question:"­ "¬how can something that is perfect create something that is imperfect"­? "¬If you accept the notion that God/Goddess is the origin of all things,"­ "¬then wherein lies the origin of anything,"­ "¬such as imperfection,"­ "¬anger or sex"­? "¬In essence,"­ "¬the origin of the energy/consciousness that we call evil is the Creation Point,"­ "¬Source,"­ "¬or God/Goddess itself."­  

I wish to ask if I may have permission to share what I have personally come to understand about the nature of perfection/imperfection in regards to evil and separating desires in general? While this isn't a place to share my personal views, I ask because I intuitively feel it may provide for some an expanded perspective to what is being taught here, and that I believe it is not in contradiction to the core teaching stated above. Thank you.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Heidi on Feb 05, 2012, 04:22 PM
Ok, thanks Rad.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 06, 2012, 03:03 AM
If a baby is born whose soul has made a contract with evil, does this always implicate one or both of the parents in some way of allowing the evil to come through them somehow by something that they did in this life or another?
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 06, 2012, 09:38 AM
Quote from: Sunyata on Feb 06, 2012, 03:03 AM
If a baby is born whose soul has made a contract with evil, does this always implicate one or both of the parents in some way of allowing the evil to come through them somehow by something that they did in this life or another?

Hi Sunyata,


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 06, 2012, 09:40 AM
Quote from: ari moshe on Feb 05, 2012, 04:17 PM
Hi Rad, thank you so very much for posting these. This is truly meaningful for me at this time.

Quote"¬If you doubt that this energy we call God/Goddess is imperfect,"­ "¬ask yourself one Pisces type question:"­ "¬how can something that is perfect create something that is imperfect"­? "¬If you accept the notion that God/Goddess is the origin of all things,"­ "¬then wherein lies the origin of anything,"­ "¬such as imperfection,"­ "¬anger or sex"­? "¬In essence,"­ "¬the origin of the energy/consciousness that we call evil is the Creation Point,"­ "¬Source,"­ "¬or God/Goddess itself."­  

I wish to ask if I may have permission to share what I have personally come to understand about the nature of perfection/imperfection in regards to evil and separating desires in general? While this isn't a place to share my personal views, I ask because I intuitively feel it may provide for some an expanded perspective to what is being taught here, and that I believe it is not in contradiction to the core teaching stated above. Thank you.

Hi Ari,

Ok, go ahead.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 06, 2012, 09:46 AM
continuing the segments ... Rad

More Evil

(Q"­)  "¬I know the subject's getting old,"­ "¬but I still have to ask."­ "¬Something is disturbing me about all this talk on evil."­ "¬The entire language in which this topic is phrased speaks of polarity and the influence of evil as a force outside of ourselves and outside of and opposed to God/Goddess."­ "¬On one level I can see the truth in this,"­ "¬but then I ask myself how anything can be outside of and apart from God/Goddess."­ "¬If evil was created at the same time as the rest of the universe,"­ "¬is it not also a part of God/Goddess"­? "¬Relative to your lecture on the imperfection of God/Goddess,"­ "¬I wonder if evil is not a part of that imperfection."­ "¬As a microcosm of the macrocosm,"­ "¬I assume that humans also contain evil and are not merely influenced by it."­ "¬To take this one step further,"­ "¬it seems to me that by looking at the evil seed within and seeking the light within it,"­ "¬we are helping God/Goddess in our own tiny way to evolve into"­  "¬greater consciousness,"­ "¬light and ultimately perfection."­ "¬Or is this just a Pluto rising that's more willing to identify with evil than most"­ "¬-"­ "¬for better or worse."­ "¬I definitely ask God/Goddess to bless this question."­ "¬It has been treacherous ground looking at that part of myself,"­ "¬and I wonder if it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy."­ "¬Any light you could shed on this would be most appreciated."­ 

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬it is within all people."­ "¬Since God/Goddess is the source of all things,"­ "¬how could it not be"­? "¬At birth the chemical composition of the brain is triggered upon entrance of the crown chakra into the atmosphere."­ "¬This triggers the entire chemical composition of the brain,"­ "¬which in turn sets up an"­ '"¬antenna"­' "¬within us that is oriented to evil,"­ "¬with the natal placement of Lucifer,"­ "¬relative to the house/sign/"­ "¬aspects that it is making to other planets,"­ "¬being where we can receive or be"­ '"¬tuned into"­' "¬that influence."­

About Demons

(Q"­) "¬What exactly are demons"­? "¬What is their purpose,"­ "¬if any"­? "¬Where do they come from"­? "¬Are they the same as Daemons"­? "¬Can we access the demons in our chart through the Lucifer asteroid"­? "¬Or,"­ "¬am I way off"­?

(A"­) "¬Demons are energy spirits manifesting from evil and are not daemons."­ "¬The definition of a daemon soul,"­ "¬coming from the original Latin dictionary,"­ "¬reads something like"­ '"¬a human soul that has fused itself with the totality of nature,"­ "¬especially the world of animals and plants"­ ("¬that's because the nervous and emotional systems of plants and animals are identical the to human"­)"¬,"­ "¬and when this fusion takes place,"­ "¬such a soul becomes a messenger of God/Goddess."­ "¬And,"­ "¬yes,"­ "¬one's personal demons can be seen thru the location of natal Lucifer.

Lucifer Return

(Q"­) "¬Considering your experience and research,"­ "¬what are the ramifications of a Lucifer return"­? "¬I would like to know both sides"­ "¬-"­ "¬good and evil."­

(A"­) "¬It can manifest as either a deepening of emotional delusions of any kind,"­ "¬or deep emotional self-realization leading to the Source.


(Q"­)  "¬I don't knew where my Lucifer sits in my chart,"­ "¬but I have a"­ "¬10th house Pluto in Leo."­ "¬I just want to know what one can do to see how Lucifer is affecting their life and interfering with their goals,"­ "¬etc."­ "¬For example,"­ "¬as in always having the opposite come true for the person."­ "¬What can a person do to prevent this from happening"­? "¬It's like some spiraling dance that keeps playing itself out over and over again."­ "¬Do you just have to keep witnessing it,"­ "¬or is there something you can do to block it from happening and block it from entering your life all together"­?

(A"­) "¬The only way through such an influence,"­ "¬especially when you experience the opposite reality being created other than what is intended,"­ "¬is to remain absolutely self-determined at all costs,"­ "¬to keep your eye on the ball,"­ "¬and to remain so determined that the objective you are trying to accomplish finally occurs."­ "¬This is the only way through it."­ "¬In time,"­ "¬evil/Lucifer will back of because of it.

Transiting Lucifer

(Q"­)  "¬I observed that Lucifer has just transited into Leo."­ "¬Could the theme of this transit be stated as follows:"­ "¬Beware of ego"­ ("¬Leo"­) "¬instead of creative self-actualization"­ ("¬Leo"­) "¬via observation and detachment"­ ("¬Aquarius polarity"­)?

(A"­) "¬Well,"­ "¬the real issues relative to Lucifer now moving into Leo will involve,"­ "¬in any of us,"­ "¬a psychological consciousness that can excessively focus on one's narcissistic needs and the reality that that would reflect without focusing or being aware of all else around us,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬others"­' "¬reality,"­ "¬others"­' "¬needs,"­ "¬what the overall environment in which we live needs from us"­ "¬-"­ "¬to loose all capacity for objectivity therein."­ "¬The solution for this potential"­ '"¬temptation"­' "¬is to stand back from oneself,"­ "¬to disengage from one's emotional content,"­ "¬and to objectively view or review the total nature of our reality as it involves everything else in our life:"­ "¬its totality."­ "¬Within this objective awareness,"­ "¬which now includes all one's emotional and psychological responses,"­ "¬can be a reflection of that whole versus the limited and distorted focus on just one's self.

Additional Commentary on the Transit of Lucifer"­ ("¬in general"­) "¬by Jeffrey

One thing I would like to remind us all about relative to Lucifer and its transit is that it is also the"­ '"¬Bearer of Light,"­' "¬meaning God/Goddess"­; "¬so,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬the influence of evil exists relative to this transit,"­ "¬and yet the flip side,"­ "¬and thus how to defeat that influence,"­ "¬is to also know the flip side of the transit:"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬exactly where,"­ "¬how,"­ "¬and why God/Goddess is trying to"­ '"¬get thru"­' "¬to us,"­ "¬and to attune our consciousness accordingly."­ "¬In this way,"­ "¬the"­ '"¬will"­' "¬of Lucifer as evil is defeated thru the will of God/Goddess."­ "¬Shalom.

Direct Perception"­ "¬-"­ "¬Have I Regressed"­?

(Q"­) "¬You told me during a reading about"­ "¬7"­ "¬years ago that after I had certain transits occur I would have direct perception of the Godhead and lots of past life memories."­ "¬For years your words during that reading just echoed through my head and you were in my dreams and Yogananda was in a couple too and Kahlil Gibran."­ "¬What actually happened when the transits finally came was that I started smoking."­ "¬I would lie on the floor moaning in agony from a pain that I can only describe as being so deep in my body,"­ "¬at the center of every part of my body,"­ "¬but was specifically related to NOTHING."­ "¬My brain changed and the realization I had was that I could no longer follow the spiritual quest that I had been on for so long."­ "¬I stopped studying astrology because I wanted to know people by listening to them and not prejudging them based on their chart or whatever."­ "¬I feel that THE MAJORITY of astrology students can't truly have an open mind about someone if they are packaging up that person in a chart."­ "¬The other thing that happened is that I suddenly had lifelike drawing skills which came from out of nowhere."­ "¬I had never taken a drawing class in my life"­! "¬I do not feel like I have direct perception of the Godhead though."­ "¬All that happened was that I realized I could no longer study astrology,"­ "¬no longer study SRF lessons,"­ "¬no longer continue on that course in life at all."­ "¬My brain would not allow it anymore."­ "¬Instead I started to relate to who I was in relation to my family history and its mafia background."­ "¬I finally realized who I was on earth right now instead of all the cosmic stuff."­ "¬So,"­ "¬needless to say that wasn't what I had projected would happen after my reading with you."­ "¬Could it just be that my mind/cellular body got everything it needed from my studies up to that point"­? "¬I mean,"­ "¬what the hell"­? "¬Also,"­ "¬as much as your words were echoing in my brain when I needed advice,"­ "¬I must say I am glad that they are gone from my mind today,"­ "¬though I still totally respect the knowledge that you were given and how you are helping people."­ "¬My question is:"­ "¬Is it a regression to avoid the spiritual path"­? "¬My whole life I sought answers to life and who I was,"­ "¬etc."­ "¬and then BOOM"­! "¬The seeking is OVER."­ "¬The curiosity is OVER."­ "¬WHY,"­ "¬JEFFREY WOLF GREEN,"­ "¬WHY"­? 

(A"­) "¬Like I said before,"­ "¬this is not the place for personal advice or counseling."­ "¬I will say this very simply:"­ "¬anytime a soul wishes to know God/Goddess,"­ "¬to connect even more deeply,"­ "¬the influence of evil will occur in such a way as to defeat those desires,"­ "¬to create the opposite reality intended,"­ "¬to shift the consciousness and what it focuses upon so that the desires to know God are themselves lost,"­ "¬and the new focuses seem to be so real."­ "¬The realness of them serves as the rational to continue to defeat the original purpose,"­ "¬which in your case,"­ "¬is to know God."­ "¬Just reflect on your own words:"­ "¬right after our counseling session you,"­ "¬in fact,"­ "¬began to experience Yogananda,"­ "¬and myself,"­ "¬etc.,"­ "¬which in fact,"­ "¬reflected the real intent of those transits."­ "¬This did begin"­; "¬yet thru the influence of evil,"­ "¬the opposite reality intended did occur."­

(Q"­) "¬Thank You,"­ "¬Jeffrey,"­ "¬THANK YOU."­ "¬I'm a little concerned now,"­ "¬but THANK YOU."­ 

(A"­) "¬Don't be concerned or afraid."­ "¬Simply get back with God/Goddess."­ "¬All will be well,"­ "¬and remember to keep your eye on the ball"­ "¬-"­ "¬God/Goddess,"­ "¬no matter what"­! "¬Like I said to you a long time ago,"­ "¬you are very close to God/Goddess"­; "¬this is why evil messes with you"­ ("¬or anyone that close"­)"¬."­ "¬Go for it"­!

(Q"­) "¬I am still confused,"­ "¬Jeffrey."­ "¬You said that the closer the soul gets to the light,"­ "¬the impurities have to manifest first."­ "¬Also,"­ "¬you said that anytime a soul gets very close to light that evil has a way of manifesting itself so that reality is changed in a way that the new desire and realities are really there to mess with the person,"­ "¬to knock them off course."­ "¬This is similar to the Bible story of Jesus being tempted in the desert,"­ "¬correct"­? "¬I guess I am confused because of Jesus saying that a man cannot love two masters"­ ("¬God and earth"­)"¬,"­ "¬that a man who loves the earth hates God,"­ "¬etc."­ "¬So,"­ "¬there is always a struggle for me on integrating the two."­ "¬It has always been either/or in my mind since I was a kid,"­ "¬but I instinctually feel that there is a way to integrate the two."­ "¬I am having trouble figuring out how."­ "¬It was one thing to go through the physical,"­ "¬cellular agony while I was alone,"­ "¬but I can't imagine going through it,"­ "¬letting it all come back,"­ "¬now that I married and have two kids,"­ "¬because I would feel the need to leave,"­ "¬which I don't want to do."­ "¬I know this is personal,"­ "¬and I don't expect personal advice for myself,"­ "¬but how do people who are dealing with this struggle generally succeed"­? "¬Is it just"­ ""¬Always God,"­" "¬and then everything works out"­? "¬Is there a time where the"­ '"¬temptation"­' "¬finally ends,"­ "¬or is it always there"­? "¬This is so agonizing."­ "¬Does every soul have to go through this final testing"­? "¬Did you"­? "¬Did Yogananda,"­ "¬the Dali Lama,"­ "¬and all those other guys whose names I can't think of"­?

(A"­) "¬The resolution of your agony is to understand and see,"­ "¬to experience,"­ "¬God's purpose in all that you do,"­ "¬all that you have created,"­ "¬in all that you are asking YOURSELF to do."­ "¬In this way,"­ "¬you serve only one MASTER."­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬all souls,"­ "¬including this one,"­ "¬go through this chute,"­ "¬this"­ '"¬trial,"­' "¬but one day that trial is no more,"­ "¬and it does,"­ "¬in fact,"­ "¬end"­ "¬-"­ "¬IN GOD,"­ "¬AND GOD ALONE.


(Q"­)  "¬Just dropped in to see the board and found your answer to a Lucifer question that was very helpful for me."­ "¬I am just on the"­ ""¬other side"­" "¬of Lucifer square my nodes"­ ("¬south node in Scorpio"­)"¬,"­ "¬and I had the arrogance to think that if I knew it was coming,"­ "¬it couldn't affect me."­ "¬It reminds me of your exorcism story"­; "¬fortunately not as bad for me"­! "¬It seems to have a"­ "¬2"­ "¬degree approaching orb,"­ "¬as for"­ "¬8"­ "¬days I truly felt like every wound from the beginning of"­ ("¬my"­) "¬time was being brought up and the thinking that seemed so very,"­ "¬very real and"­ ""¬right"­" "¬was actually so very,"­ "¬very destructive and wrong."­ "¬I would go into it"­ "¬-"­ "¬like a vortex"­ "¬-"­ "¬and then beg for help from the Higher,"­ "¬and I would come out of it with some realizations and peace."­ "¬Then,"­ "¬back in for some more,"­ "¬then back out."­ "¬It feels like the little boat of my mind is rocking peacefully now."­ "¬I think your answer about evil attacking as you try to get closer to God/Goddess is right on,"­ "¬and I so appreciate your willingness to teach about evil when most of us don't want to even recognize that it exists."­ "¬I think that tracking Lucifer is incredibly worthwhile as,"­ "¬even though it did effect me,"­ "¬the fact that I knew it was happening did help me not totally believe my negative mind."­ "¬Do you suggest progressing Lucifer in the natal chart"­? "¬Is there a published ephemeris"­?

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬progressing Lucifer is very important."­ "¬There is no ephemeris for Lucifer,"­ "¬but I will be writing a book on evil next year some time,"­ "¬and I will include an ephemeris in it.

Lucifer Opposing Uranus

(Q"­) "¬."­ "¬I am still tracking Lucifer with astonishing results."­ "¬Would you please comment on the upcoming opposition between Lucifer in Leo and Uranus in Aquarius"­? "¬I feel this could well accentuate the group karma aspect we are all experiencing by heightening the separation energies of"­ ""¬feeling special"­" "¬and subjectivity as opposed to detached observation of the good for the group as a whole."­ "¬It comes shortly after Mars in Virgo squares the Jupiter-Pluto opposition."­ "¬Any words of wisdom for what we should be on the lookout for"­?

(A"­) "¬Yes."­ "¬One of the main challenges of this aspect is to focus on the needs of the whole,"­ "¬whatever whole,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬one's family,"­ "¬one's partner,"­ "¬one's overall life circumstances,"­ "¬and to orient the consciousness to what that whole needs from oneself versus focusing on the"­ '"¬me,"­ "¬me,"­ "¬me"­' "¬consciousness of Leo."­ "¬Within this,"­ "¬this aspect can ignite within one at a subconscious level unresolved traumas that have by their very nature caused a fracturing within the soul,"­ "¬and all kinds of displaced emotional and psychological effects because of that,"­ "¬that then get projected into the nature of one's existing circumstantial life in such a way as to project upon another or others any manner of intentions and motives that have nothing to do with that other"˜s actual reality."­ "¬This then causes maximum polarization between oneself and one's overall life circumstances,"­ "¬and specifically those that are closest to us."­ "¬The challenge in this aspect,"­ "¬through the Bearer of Light archetype that Lucifer also correlates to,"­ "¬is to devoid oneself of emotions so as to step back and objectify for oneself just why one needed to create whatever trauma in the first place."­ "¬This leads to self-knowledge of a liberating nature,"­ "¬and that knowledge can then be used to radically change oneself.

In the last analysis,"­ "¬this aspect is asking all of us just what the"­ '"¬whole"­' "¬needs,"­ "¬whatever that"­ '"¬whole"­' "¬is"­ "¬-"­ "¬this can include the whole of the planet,"­ "¬the whole of humanity"­ "¬-"­ "¬and to make personal decisions accordingly."­ "¬For some who have egocentric delusions of grandeur,"­ "¬this aspect cannot only magnify those delusions,"­ "¬but also set in motion all kinds of"­ '"¬evil"­' "¬activities that serve to promote that delusion with an ego that justifies to itself that such evil activities are really for the"­ '"¬larger good."­' "¬For such egos,"­ "¬they will create circumstances of a traumatic nature that will force them to objectify themselves relative to the delusion of egocentric grandeur."­ "¬The intent in this is to realign the ego from the temptations of evil back to God.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Feb 06, 2012, 11:21 AM
I have been reading what has been posted a bit at a time and contemplating on it.

There are two types of desires, separating desires and a desire to return to the source. We incarnate over and over until we exhaust or eliminate all of our separating desires. The desire to return to the source is the stronger of the two desires.

If a contract with evil can never be broken, then these souls will incarnate throughout eternity and never return to the source as they will always have separating desires?  The contract with evil ensures that the soul will be influenced in such a way that further, or more separating desires are created or those it already has are not eliminated, even though the desire to return to the source is the stronger of the two? ??

At this point the words "Heaven, Hell and Purgatory" popped into my mind.  Simplistic thinking:  Heaven = returned to the source,  Purgatory = still incarnating in a quest to eliminate all separating desires,  Hell = made a contract with evil.

Something then possessed me to "google" the phrase "Heaven, Hell and Purgatory."  What came up was an article by Pope John II which is referred to as "controversial" but seems to be somewhat in line with what is being discussed here.

"The images of hell that Sacred Scripture presents to us must be correctly interpreted. They show the complete frustration and emptiness of life without God. Rather* than a place, hell indicates the state of those who freely and definitively separate themselves from God, the source of all life and joy..."

I did another google search trying to find out JPII's take on reincarnation.  Here we diverge  :-)  
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 06, 2012, 12:37 PM
Hi Cat,

"I have been reading what has been posted a bit at a time and contemplating on it.

There are two types of desires, separating desires and a desire to return to the source. We incarnate over and over until we exhaust or eliminate all of our separating desires. The desire to return to the source is the stronger of the two desires.

If a contract with evil can never be broken, then these souls will incarnate throughout eternity and never return to the source as they will always have separating desires?  The contract with evil ensures that the soul will be influenced in such a way that further, or more separating desires are created or those it already has are not eliminated, even though the desire to return to the source is the stronger of the two? ??

At this point the words "Heaven, Hell and Purgatory" popped into my mind.  Simplistic thinking:  Heaven = returned to the source,  Purgatory = still incarnating in a quest to eliminate all separating desires,  Hell = made a contract with evil. "


When a Soul has made a contract with Evil it is no longer being 'influenced' by Evil, it is Evil and does the 'work' of Evil itself. So it's no longer an issue of such a Soul having more separating desires because these Souls by making the contract then serve as vehicles for the desires of Evil itself. In essence what Evil desires is what these Souls will also desire. It's not uncommon either for such Soul to try to do all that they can to be free of the contract, but it is just not possible. Some, for example, will attempt to align themselves with Souls who are totally dedicated to God, and God alone. In so doing, they are hoping that the contract can be broken. But, in the end, such Souls are only able to hurt in various ways those Souls who have not made such a contract for themselves in general, and for those who have totally aligned with God specifically.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Feb 06, 2012, 02:55 PM
Hi Rad,

After reading your reply above (thank you, perfectly clear now), I started looking at lists of "The X Most Evil" people in history.  Most of them are blatently evil.  I came across a piece called "The Most Evil Man You've Never Heard Of" :

This is a story about a guy named James Eugene Ewing.  After reading this (summarized below) I am wondering if this is a good example of someone who made a contract with evil (Ewing) persuading someone else to make a contract with evil (Roberts) and then others (see full article).  More importantly, if so, this illustrates how easy it is to make such a contract.  Its not like "evil" is going to make it perfectly clear that you are signing a contract with evil, and ask you to read the fine print, before signing.  Wow, that easy!


"If you watch much Christian television programming, you may have heard a preacher talking about the "seed faith" principle. This modern movement can be traced back to a meeting that Ewing had with Oral Roberts.

In 1968, donations to Roberts' ministry had plummeted after Roberts alienated many of his supporters by joining the United Methodist Church. To raise money, Roberts decided to sell the ministry's corporate airplane.

Ewing came to see Oral about buying the plane. When he arrived at the ministry headquarters, he had something to sell to Roberts. The first thing out his mouth was, "Oral, you are in trouble, and I can help you." And did he ever.

According to Wayne Robinson, then the vice president of public affairs for the Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association, "Gene laid out one of the most sophisticated fund-raising campaigns I had ever seen. He said, 'Oral, I want you to write your supporters and tell them you are going in the prayer tower, and you are going to read their prayer requests and pray over them.' He stayed there three days. I forget how many hundred thousands of letters we had, but it was huge."

The core of Ewing's advice to Roberts was the seed-faith philosophy. "You give to the ministry, and God will reward you with a financial blessing."

By the following year, income to Roberts' ministry had doubled, going from $6 million to $12 million. Roberts was so happy with Ewing's guidance that he gave him the plane. "

***  This Ewing guy was also behind some prayer rug scam.  ****

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 07, 2012, 10:24 AM
the transcripts continue ... Rad

Lucifer and Healing Work

(Q"­)  "¬I just did a review of several charts of individuals who I know that are actively and consciously involved in healing and teaching work regarding demonic possession,"­ "¬spirit releasing work,"­ "¬etc."­ "¬I found in every single that Lucifer was either in Aries or the first house,"­ "¬or was square Mars"­ ("¬as it is in your chart"­)"¬."­ "¬Is this an accurate correlation"­? "¬It seems beyond coincidence that these charts"­ ("¬6"­ "¬of them"­) "¬have such a configuration."­ "¬It's like doing battle"­ ("¬Mars"­) "¬with evil."­ "¬The only tool in that"­ ""¬battle"­" "¬is understood to be love."­ "¬I am not supposing that ALL charts with such a signature would do that kind of work,"­ "¬but I found it interesting."­ "¬Any other insights into that"­?

(A"­) "¬You already have the insight"­ "¬-"­ ""¬doing battle."­"

Asteroid"­ "¬1930"­ ("¬Lucifer"­) "¬in Libra

(Q"­)  "¬I am observing that Lucifer"­ ("¬Asteroid"­ "¬1930"­) "¬is already in the beginning degrees of Libra,"­ "¬today at"­ "¬2"­ "¬Libra,"­ "¬and will continue in this sign until late December."­ "¬The polarity of Libra is Aries,"­ "¬new beginnings."­ "¬So,"­ "¬relative to observing"­ ("¬air"­) "¬extremes"­ ("¬Libra"­)"¬,"­ "¬would consciously choosing moderation in the new beginnings be the way to bring the"­ ""¬Light Bearer"­" ("¬Lucifer"­) "¬aspect into conscious creation"­? 

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬and on a deeper level,"­ "¬to remember that the challenge of Lucifer through Libra,"­ "¬relative to Aries as polarity,"­ "¬is to be in a consciousness of giving"­ "¬-"­ "¬giving just to give without ulterior motive."­ "¬It can also correlate to those who are in intimate relationships experiencing a disillusionment relative to a partner,"­ "¬or experiencing disillusionment within themselves,"­ "¬relative to"­ '"¬expectations"­' "¬of oneself or the partner."­ "¬Individually,"­ "¬this could manifest as discovering or uncovering something within oneself that creates a sense of personal defeat relative to"­ '"¬how they wanted to be."­' "¬Within the context of a relationship,"­ "¬it could manifest as one partner discovering or uncovering something within the other partner that can also create a sense of defeat,"­ "¬relative to expectations,"­ "¬of what the relationship was thought to be based on,"­ "¬the other partner's own words and statements of what that partner said the relationship was to him or her,"­ "¬of what they wanted from it,"­ "¬how they were in it,"­ "¬of creating a"­ '"¬reality"­' "¬based on their own words,"­ "¬statements of intent,"­ "¬and so on."­ "¬The influence of Lucifer/evil could then move into that state of disillusionment that would lead to an intense state of psychological defeat and futility and continue to snowball downward in this way."­ "¬The Bearer of Light steps into this to help us resist that state of defeat and to remember the core of love that exists in the relationship in the first place,"­ "¬and thus the need to FORGIVE ourselves and/or our partner.

Lucifer and Return to God

(Q"­) "¬Do you think Lucifer will ever find his way back to God"­?

(A"­) "¬Ultimately,"­ "¬yes.

Evil and Trines

(Q"­)  "¬In an earlier post you mentioned an evil person's eyes would have the"­ ""¬cat eye"­" "¬look to them."­ "¬Having recently seen this in someone,"­ "¬and after seeing her chart,"­ "¬I was amazed that there were some serious trines."­ "¬There were the other indicators for evil,"­ "¬but I was wondering if this is a common thing."­ "¬I've always thought of trines as rewards"­; "¬is this the wrong way to think of them"­? "¬Also,"­ "¬are there other physical indicators when you're around a"­ ""¬cat eyed"­" "¬person"­ "¬-"­ "¬like headaches"­? "¬I always get a headache when I am around this particular person and am wondering if it could be related."­ "¬I've known this person for quite awhile,"­ "¬and this is the first time I've seen her eyes like that,"­ "¬but I've always gotten the headaches and a queasy feeling in my stomach around her."­ "¬Thanks for any light you can put on this for me."­ 

(A"­) "¬Yep,"­ "¬trines have been seriously misunderstood by many over the astrological centuries."­ "¬There is"­ '"¬no stress"­' "¬in these aspects,"­ "¬and as a result,"­ "¬it can be very"­ '"¬easy"­' "¬to be in a state of denial of something,"­ "¬or"­ '"¬easy"­' "¬to maintain an existing issue or problem,"­ "¬or"­ '"¬easy"­' "¬to not do the work necessary relative to evolutionary necessity"­ "¬-"­ "¬ease of resistance."­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬headaches can be a reaction to the energy of evil."­ "¬Even more though,"­ "¬it is simply registered emotionally and psychologically by feeling ill at ease,"­ "¬deeply uncomfortable,"­ "¬a sense of danger without knowing why,"­ "¬an instinct to get away from such people,"­ "¬without really knowing why.

West and East

(Q"­) "¬Regarding evil:"­ "¬I'm wondering if the concept of evil is not a product of western thought and philosophy."­ "¬In my studies,"­ "¬I've yet to find an equivalent in eastern philosophy for evil"­ ("¬as,"­ "¬similarly,"­ "¬there is no word for"­ ""¬guilt"­" "¬in the Tibetan language,"­ "¬or so I've read"­)"¬."­ "¬So if evil,"­ "¬like guilt,"­ "¬is not acknowledged in the eastern part of the world as such,"­ "¬does that not make evil a projection of only the western part of the world and western values"­? "¬If evil and guilt don't exist as such in all parts of the world,"­ "¬does that not make them"­ ""¬untrue"­" "¬in some way,"­ "¬and render them merely and ultimately a creation of a particular culture"­?

(A"­) "¬You cannot know that there is a God/Goddess unless there is also an evil"­; "¬it's no different than being able to know day without a night,"­ "¬a woman without a man,"­ "¬and so on."­ "¬This is simply a natural law that is specific to any time/space/place reality,"­ "¬which is governed by the natural law of polarity."­ "¬In the east,"­ "¬for example,"­ "¬in the recent past we had the spectacle of Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot,"­ "¬who was just like Hitler in that he murdered millions of Cambodians."­ "¬Is this not evil"­ ?

Use of word evil referring to Lucifer

(Q"­)  "¬Recently,"­ "¬when discussing an incident with a close relative,"­ "¬I used the word"­ ""¬evil"­" "¬when referring to its possible influence."­ "¬She immediately reacted very strongly,"­ "¬insisting I never use that word,"­ "¬which obviously had a very big charge to her,"­ "¬and suggested instead that I say"­ ""¬negative influences"­ " "¬My question is:"­ "¬Is it watering down the nature of Lucifer to see it as negative influences rather than the more intense notion of evil"­?

(A"­) "¬Well,"­ "¬to me it certainly is.

Contracts with Evil

(Q"­) "¬I have reread the lecture on evil and have a couple questions."­ "¬Given the perks of making this contract,"­ "¬what difference does it make in the greater scheme of things if a soul does make this contact"­? "¬Or even to them now"­? "¬Unless there are repercussions to that soul for the harm,"­ "¬fear,"­ "¬destruction and torture,"­ "¬etc."­ "¬he/she generates to others and Gaia and conceivably also non-corporal spiritual beings,"­ "¬it seems they just come out ahead,"­ "¬and their return to the source upon the ultimate merging of polarities in the perfection of God is irrelevant"­ ("¬and undeserved"­)"¬."­ "¬Is there punishment,"­ "¬discomfort,"­ "¬consequences etc."­ "¬in the interim,"­ "¬or at all,"­ "¬if they join us in the end"­? "¬Where is THEIR karma"­? "¬What is the point"­? "¬Or is it to provide us a medium and petrie dish to explore our nature"­? "¬This would eliminate any right or wrong,"­ "¬sin or blessed,"­ "¬any value attached to them/it as evil"­!

(A"­) "¬There is Natural Law,"­ "¬and natural order,"­ "¬to remember here."­ "¬Within natural law,"­ "¬and because of it,"­ "¬all souls,"­ "¬all of us,"­ "¬have a deep inner sense of what is naturally right and wrong."­ "¬For example,"­ "¬I do not need the Bible,"­ "¬Torah,"­ "¬Vedas,"­ "¬etc."­ "¬to teach me that it is wrong to put my baby out in the middle of the highway with on-rushing cars."­ "¬I just know that it is wrong."­ "¬Thus,"­ "¬even though souls who have made a contract with evil and gain the"­ '"¬perks,"­' "¬as you put it,"­ "¬such souls are,"­ "¬in fact,"­ "¬fundamentally suffering deep within,"­ "¬are highly tortured deep within,"­ "¬and have a core of self hate,"­ "¬anger,"­ "¬and repulsion at themselves."­ "¬It is exactly this fact that correlates to their"­ '"¬karma"­' "¬in the end,"­ "¬and they are never allowed out of the universe of evil until the final merging back to God takes place"­ "¬-"­  "¬karma."­ "¬No matter how some try to struggle to get out of the contract,"­ "¬it is not possible until the final merging"­ "¬-"­ "¬karma."­ "¬When the final merging does take place,"­ "¬and such souls,"­ "¬including Satan or Lucifer itself,"­ "¬are also brought back to that ultimate home,"­ "¬the teaching from God/Goddess is one of absolute love,"­ "¬forgiveness,"­ "¬and compassion."­ "¬It is very much like Jesus hanging on the Cross with the words"­ '"¬Forgive them Father,"­ "¬for they do not know what they do."­' "¬It is the capacity of God/Goddess to forgive and love despite our transgressions,"­ "¬including those who have made the contract."­ "¬That is the very essence of God/Goddess and is intended as such so that it may inspire within us an identical orientation within our own consciousness.

"­(Q) Also, it follows that if a person attracts one or more souls or entities that have made this contract, or evil in general, as a result of drug use - whatever - and is besieged with things going wrong, depression, tragedy etc., that the evil ones would conceivably follow that individual between incarnations. Also, once they lock on, even if you send them away, would they continue to return and return and dog you to death to provoke you to abandon faith, love and the Light/God, like the adage that the greater the Light within a being, the greater the force of evil to either suck it up or obliterate it and give them hell? And isn't Hell a place on the lower astral planes that was generated by belief rather than a place decreed by God?

(A"­) "¬No,"­ "¬not at all."­ "¬Everything within a time/space reality manifests thru polarity."­ "¬Thus,"­ "¬as there is the obvious polarity of night and day,"­ "¬male and female,"­ "¬so to with"­ '"¬heaven"­' "¬and"­ '"¬hell."­'  "¬If one is determined to know the reality of hell versus believing in it,"­ "¬or not,"­ "¬there are ways that one can actually experience that reality."­

(Q"­) "¬Last,"­ "¬how do you handle attacks if they are by unidentifiable entities,"­ "¬not specific individuals or beings that have dramatically presented themselves"­? "¬If you know the influence is there,"­ "¬the chaos and inability to maintain a positive growth without constant interference,"­ "¬but you can't put a name or face on it,"­ "¬do you just call it evil"­?

(A"­) "¬Evil manifests within any of us relative to whatever the individual dynamics of each person are."­ "¬This is one reason it can be so very hard to know when the influence of evil is at hand."­ "¬After all,"­ "¬the dynamics that it can influence are one's own."­ "¬And this influence will always try to create the opposite reality intended."­ "¬When one is feeling the influence of evil in whatever form,"­ "¬external or internal,"­ "¬the simplest thing to do via one's will is to use the very words of Jesus himself:"­ ""¬Satan,"­ "¬get behind me."­"

(Q"­) "¬What face do you put on evil to put it into the Agni fire"­? "¬I would imagine whatever came to mind would be it."­ "¬The Violet Flame is equitable in effect and force to the Agni fire,"­ "¬yes"­? "¬I know it is most effective in clearing out subconscious and energetic sludge and sending your average entities squirming and away."­

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬that is fine.

Evil Children

(Q"­) "¬There are those movies about evil children,"­ "¬such as"­ ""¬The Omen,"­" "¬and I feel compelled to ask the following question."­ "¬If a contract with evil cannot be broken,"­ "¬and a soul remains an agent of evil throughout its lifetimes,"­ "¬why would said soul choose to be born to a particular set of parents"­? "¬What would be the evolutionary purpose"­? "¬Likewise,"­ "¬for the parents to have an evil child"­? "¬Would this simply be a matter of past-life karma"­? "¬Or is there a more complex dynamic that comes into play"­?

(A"­) "¬Each case is different."­ "¬There is no one reason.

Evil"­ & "¬Balance

(Q"­) "¬The ongoing discussion on the karmic nature of evil has left me with a philosophical puzzle."­ "¬I think I understand that your position is that once a"­ ""¬contract"­" "¬with evil has been made,"­ "¬it cannot be broken by the soul."­ "¬So I have two questions about that."­

Where does self-determinism and free-will fit in to your view of things"­? "¬As I see it,"­ "¬you are saying we have free-will up to the point of making the"­ ""¬contract"­" "¬and from then on,"­ "¬we don't--even in subsequent lifetimes."­ "¬If this can happen in one situational plane--good"­ & "¬evil--then it must hold true for other situations."­

(A"­) "¬Why"­? "¬The situation of making a contract with evil is a unique dynamic unto itself.

"­(Q) That puts everything into the realm of blind fate. As I understand the position, the being unable to reverse anything would put us all as hostages of an unchanging karma, "Doomed to and by our fate," so to speak.

(A"­) "¬Well,"­ "¬it doesn't as a matter of fact.

"­(Q) If a soul cannot get out of the contract, ever, then doesn't that throw the balance of the universe off? If "good" can be turned to "evil" but evil has to stay evil, then the net gain of the universe will have to move toward evil. The "good side" is always getting depleted to the benefit of the "bad." If that is the case, then that throws out the notion of the balance of yin-yang, or whatever system of balance one chooses to look at, and it leads to the unhappy conclusion that no matter what happens, the universe is sliding toward "evil" albeit very, very slowly.

(A"­) "¬No."­ "¬In the beginning of the Creation,"­ "¬the big bang,"­ "¬matter and anti-matter were created at the same time."­ "¬When matter and anti-matter interface,"­ "¬there is an equal destruction on one another."­ "¬When the big bang happened,"­ "¬there was just a little more of matter than anti-matter,"­ "¬thus guaranteeing that matter would always prevail."­ "¬This is what I have said about evil/God for a long time,"­ "¬that the universe is"­ "¬51"­ "¬percent of the influence of God,"­ "¬49"­ "¬percent of evil"­; "¬yet in the end,"­ "¬God wins."­
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 07, 2012, 06:53 PM
Hi Rad,

Thank you for posting these texts.  I have struggled immensely with these teachings since first encountering them.  I actually seem to go into a place of trauma/shock when I read them - I actually feel myself being "accused" and "on trial" and my life endangered.  In this life I was raised Catholic and, as both female and gay, I seemed to have taken in very deeply the "teachings" that I was "evil" and "bad" (sinner, etc....).  It is clear to me that there are past life experiences at play.  This experience I have in response to these teachings lead me to my questions. 

1) How can one know within oneself that one is not evil - that one has not made a contract, particularly when the rest of the world seems to be pointing the finger at you, seemingly clear within themselves that you have?  If one is always looking outside oneself for confirmation from others, then one is on a never-ending yo-yo string, so this is no way to go through life, it seems to me.  (Actually, in asking this question, the answer seems to be a certain clarity within about it, but still I think it might be relevant to hear your answer to this...)

2) Because of my own psychological tendency and experiences as described above, I tend to want to see "what is right with this picture" and "find the good in people", so on this level I struggle immensely with these teachings.  Evil will exist whether I give it my attention or not, so why not focus my attention on seeing what is right - on, to the best of my ability, nurturing what is good in the other and the world?  I can't change anything once a contract is made, so why not focus on nurturing the possibility instead of fighting the impossibility? Even if someone I encounter is truly evil, doesn't it make sense to recognize the tragedy?  I hope you will not be offended by these questions.  It reflects a genuine difficulty that I experience when encountering this teaching on evil.

3) Along with #1 and #2 there is for me the question of who decides, similar to the many currently imprisoned for crimes they didn't commit or for simply being who they are (particularly, in the US, black men, as an example).  Again, this is something I have struggled with in regard to this teaching so I hope you will appreciate that it is coming from a sincere, if difficult, place.  In the end, isn't my job to maintain my own inner peace, alignment, truth, etc?  And to find my own fellow travelers along the way?

Soon after I first read JWG's article on Lucifer, I saw "cat eyes" in people I'd known for years.  I did not experience them as "bad" or "evil".  I experienced them as people doing the best they could and offering whatever kindness and comfort they could to people.  Once I saw the cat eyes, I saw a deeper layer - a level of pain and futility I hadn't been able to name before.  And so I felt sad for them - perhaps I could have made that contract, too.  For some reason, I didn't.  But I understood their pain and why they chose what they chose.  I struggle with this teaching, I think, in part because it feels like I am being asked to condemn or villify (or something) someone else and it's not something I can do, like to do that is to allow evil to win in me.  (I'm not saying I don't do it sometimes, but it never feels good when I do and I always regret it and it feels like my task is to not go there, to find another way.....I'm also not saying that this is what JWG or you or anyone else is wanting (ie, the villifying of others).  I'm just saying that when I try to make my way through these teachings, this is one of the places I always end up and struggle with).

Thanks for taking the time to read this.  Sorry if it is difficult.  Please remove it if you feel it is not appropriate.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: serban_p on Feb 08, 2012, 05:12 AM
Hi Rad,

I was wondering if the person entering into such a contract either knows, suspects or should have reasonably known/suspected what the consequences of such a contract are? Because I think there should be a significant difference between on the one hand a person who either (i) is aware of the consequences, or (ii) although is not aware, should have and could have reasonably been aware that there are strings attached to such a contract; and on the other hand somebody who (iii) is totally unaware of the consequences and furthermore had no chance whatsoever of knowing what these consequences were.

The way I see things, it is one thing to either know or to simply not care about what you are getting yourself into -like in (i) and (ii) above-, whereas it seems to me that the situation should be different if one is entirely unaware of the consequences and this lack of awareness is not a result of one's own ignorance (i.e. one is unaware of the consequences because of reasons not attributable to that person not because one simply does not care about them).

I am asking because I am horrified at the thought that a person may totally unknowingly make such a contract which then has these horrific consequences. As such, although I realize that no formal contract is being signed, is it correct to say that somebody entering into such a contract either is or should have reasonably been aware on some level of what they were committing themselves to?

Since anybody may at times exhibit significant resistance to the evolutionary impulse and be faced with the consequences of such resistance, I think that when this occurs, such a Soul is in an extremely vulnerable position and temptations may become stronger. However, it would seem terribly unfair for a person to be able to enter into such a contract if they had absolutely no chance of realizing what the consequences of their actions were.

So just like most legal systems around the world prevent a young child from entering into a contract all by himself until he is old enough to have some degree of awareness so that he may be in a position to take care of himself (it is without importance if he in fact acts diligently or not, as long as he was old enough to be in a position to do so at the conclusion of the contract), is this also the case with a contract with evil? Can someone accidentally enter into such a contract or be tricked into entering if they had no chance whatsoever of knowing better?

All the best,


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 08, 2012, 09:43 AM
Hi Ellen,

Quote from: Ellen on Feb 07, 2012, 06:53 PM
Hi Rad,

Thank you for posting these texts.  I have struggled immensely with these teachings since first encountering them.  I actually seem to go into a place of trauma/shock when I read them - I actually feel myself being "accused" and "on trial" and my life endangered.  In this life I was raised Catholic and, as both female and gay, I seemed to have taken in very deeply the "teachings" that I was "evil" and "bad" (sinner, etc....).  It is clear to me that there are past life experiences at play.  This experience I have in response to these teachings lead me to my questions. 

1) How can one know within oneself that one is not evil - that one has not made a contract, particularly when the rest of the world seems to be pointing the finger at you, seemingly clear within themselves that you have?  If one is always looking outside oneself for confirmation from others, then one is on a never-ending yo-yo string, so this is no way to go through life, it seems to me.  (Actually, in asking this question, the answer seems to be a certain clarity within about it, but still I think it might be relevant to hear your answer to this...)


Any Soul can be influenced by Evil. Relatively speaking, very few Souls have actually made a contract with Evil. A Soul who had made a contract with Evil will have an inner psychological orientation within them self that is unique to those that make a contract with Evil. And that psychology is the will of personal power to obtain or actualize anything that that they so wish to actualize or obtain without any restrictions at all. They consider themselves as something special in which all the normal natural laws of our universe simply do not apply. They consider themselves special in which all the normal rules, customs, taboos, and the various laws and regulations of the society of birth also do not apply. Such Souls will have always felt victimized by life to the point of leading them to make this contract with the resulting rationalizing of their desires to have anything they want to have happen, happen. If others get hurt so be it because they have of course been hurt by others. There is zero capacity in such Souls as a result to accept the responsibility in their own actions. The will to power to actualize or obtain anything that they want without any consideration to the affect upon others is fused with the consciousness of Evil itself. A Soul who has made a contract with Evil KNOWS IT. It's not like Evil can sneak up on unsuspecting Souls to have them make a deal, or contract, without the Soul knowing it. It is a conscious act or decision taken by the Soul which occurs through an inner dialoging with Evil, Lucifer and it's agents. This can take place also within the context of various rituals linked with Black Magic which can also include actually signing a paper or document in which the Soul pledges itself to Evil. Research the case of Yoko Ono just for one example of this. And when a Soul makes this contract they do so knowingly, and they literally make a pledge of allegiance to Evil itself. And when that pledge is made it is made in the knowledge that such a pledge can not be broken: it is irreversible. 


2) Because of my own psychological tendency and experiences as described above, I tend to want to see "what is right with this picture" and "find the good in people", so on this level I struggle immensely with these teachings.  Evil will exist whether I give it my attention or not, so why not focus my attention on seeing what is right - on, to the best of my ability, nurturing what is good in the other and the world?  I can't change anything once a contract is made, so why not focus on nurturing the possibility instead of fighting the impossibility? Even if someone I encounter is truly evil, doesn't it make sense to recognize the tragedy?  I hope you will not be offended by these questions.  It reflects a genuine difficulty that I experience when encountering this teaching on evil.


Of course this way of dealing with it is your way, and your way is as fine as any one else's way of dealing with it.


3) Along with #1 and #2 there is for me the question of who decides, similar to the many currently imprisoned for crimes they didn't commit or for simply being who they are (particularly, in the US, black men, as an example).  Again, this is something I have struggled with in regard to this teaching so I hope you will appreciate that it is coming from a sincere, if difficult, place.  In the end, isn't my job to maintain my own inner peace, alignment, truth, etc?  And to find my own fellow travelers along the way?


Of course. The 'who decides' who had made a contract with Evil is the Soul itself who has made that contract.


Soon after I first read JWG's article on Lucifer, I saw "cat eyes" in people I'd known for years.  I did not experience them as "bad" or "evil".  I experienced them as people doing the best they could and offering whatever kindness and comfort they could to people.  Once I saw the cat eyes, I saw a deeper layer - a level of pain and futility I hadn't been able to name before.  And so I felt sad for them - perhaps I could have made that contract, too.  For some reason, I didn't.  But I understood their pain and why they chose what they chose.  I struggle with this teaching, I think, in part because it feels like I am being asked to condemn or villify (or something) someone else and it's not something I can do, like to do that is to allow evil to win in me.  (I'm not saying I don't do it sometimes, but it never feels good when I do and I always regret it and it feels like my task is to not go there, to find another way.....I'm also not saying that this is what JWG or you or anyone else is wanting (ie, the villifying of others).  I'm just saying that when I try to make my way through these teachings, this is one of the places I always end up and struggle with).


Again, relatively speaking very few Souls have actually made such a contract. And only those who have actually made such a contract will exhibit 'cat eyes'. But even these Souls will do all that that can do to conceal who they actually are. Thus, being actually able to see those cat eyes is very difficult for those that do not know how to actually look to see them. Your seeing those cat eyes in almost everyone for amount of time is nothing more than a projection coming from you based on exposing yourself to what JWG taught about this. Others like you also had similar reactions as you can see by reading through the transcripts. But that is a projection, not a reality. And what JWG taught had zero to do with vilifying anyone. He was simply trying to teach about the nature of Evil and it's influence upon people, and why this influence occurs at all. And how to recognize that influence so as to not become trapped by it.  


Thanks for taking the time to read this.  Sorry if it is difficult.  Please remove it if you feel it is not appropriate.


Of course it is appropriate.


God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 08, 2012, 09:45 AM
Hi Serban,

A Soul who has made a contract with Evil KNOWS IT. It's not like Evil can sneak up on unsuspecting Souls to have them make a deal, or contract, without the Soul knowing it. It is a conscious act or decision taken by the Soul which occurs through an inner dialoging with Evil, Lucifer and it's agents. This can take place also within the context of various rituals linked with Black Magic which can also include actually signing a paper or document in which the Soul pledges itself to Evil. Research the case of Yoko Ono just for one example of this. And when a Soul makes this contract they do so knowingly, and they literally make a pledge of allegiance to Evil itself. And when that pledge is made it is made in the knowledge that such a pledge can not be broken: it is irreversible. 

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 08, 2012, 09:50 AM
the transcripts continue...........Rad

On Evil Again

(Q"­) "¬I am wondering about the fact that many people who have made a contract with evil seem to have so many trines and sextiles in their charts."­ "¬I know someone's chart who I definitely know made that contract in the past."­ "¬The many trines in this chart just stun me."­ "¬All I can find that may lead to this contract,"­ "¬apart from the"­ "¬8th house and Scorpio emphasis,"­ "¬is the fact that Lucifer is on the"­ "¬6th house cusp in Aries and in a wide conjunction to Mars in the"­ "¬5th house,"­ "¬opposing Neptune in Libra in the"­ "¬12th,"­ "¬and square a Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in the"­ "¬8th in Cancer."­

(A"­) "¬It is actually common for one who has made such a contract to have many trines and sextiles"­; "¬i.e.,"­ "¬it was"­ '"¬easy"­' "¬to make the contract when it was first made,"­ "¬easy to succumb to the temptation and seduction of evil.

"­(Q) I was trying to make some sense of this, but am not sure if I am on the right track to understand this chart. Pluto in Leo is intercepted in the 9th house and opposite the Sun in Aquarius in the third house. Mercury in the 3rd also opposes Pluto. The S Node is in Cancer in the 8th, out of conjunction with a balsamic Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in Cancer, which is ruled by the Moon in Gemini in the 7th, but right on the 8th house cusp. Would it be correct to say that Lucifer in Aries in the 6th, conjunct Mars in the 5th would prevent the person from really improving himself and will maintain the self-delusion of Neptune in Libra in the 12th?

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬with the causative factor being Lucifer in the"­ "¬6th,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬personal denial of their actual reality.

"­(Q) And in this context, the Jupiter square would mean that this actually clashes with the truth?

(A"­) "¬It is a clash with accepting the"­ '"¬truth"­' "¬about himself and causing great"­ '"¬trauma"­' "¬to many others over various lifetimes."­ "¬Why"­? "¬Because a soul with this signature typically comes off,"­ "¬or appears in the way he delivers himself,"­ "¬as very sincere,"­ "¬honest,"­ "¬and all that,"­ "¬so people hook into the person based on how he presents himself."­ "¬Once hooked in to the person,"­ "¬the actual reality of that person gets revealed at some point,"­ "¬which then causes the trauma to the one or ones who hooked into the person.

"­(Q) I can't exactly understand Uranus conjunct Jupiter there as trauma - maybe trauma about the truth?

(A"­) "¬Yes."­ "¬See above.

"­(Q) Would that trauma have occurred prior to this life?

(A"­) "¬Yes.

"­(Q) And in some cases the truth about the person's intention came out? (Neptune, Pluto, Uranus Jupiter all retrograde)

(A"­) "¬Yes.

"­(Q) Would the grand trine in fire with Lucifer involved be the factor for the person to be lucky and easily get what they want in life in general (thus manifesting a supernatural power)?

(A"­) "¬Yes."­ "¬That is the"­ '"¬benefit"­' "¬of making the contract.

"­(Q) And perhaps the person would not even consciously know in this life that they are connected to evil forces?

(A"­) "¬When the person's investment is in personal denial of their actual reality,"­ "¬the"­ '"¬conscious"­' "¬awareness is there"­; "¬if it were not,"­ "¬there would be no denial of their actual reality in the first place.

"­(Q) Would this again create a pyramid-like reality where everything revolves around him (Mars in Aries in the 5th house, Pluto in Leo intercepted)?

(A"­) "¬Yes.

"­(Q) Through the Venus in Sagittarius (personal lies) smoothly working with Mars/Lucifer, it seems to me it is easy to create a reality, even for himself, that is totally opposite to what it is (being evil and yet appearing to be the exact opposite to many) in which he appears as the "teacher" (9th house Pluto) who is "honest" (Venus in Sagittarius), yet doing everything for his own personal interest (Mars in Aries in the 5th). And, with Pisces on both the 4th and 5th house cusps, the person can be deluded about his self-importance and actual aim?

(A"­) "¬Yes."­ "¬It is a kind of defacto"­ '"¬Zarathustra"­' "¬orientation to life.

"­(Q) With the Aquarian Sun trine the Moon and sextile Venus, and the Moon sextile Pluto, it seems to me that this whole dynamic smoothly goes around and around. It is as if there is no way the person can actually realize this, having a perfectly backed-up self-image, so to speak.

"­(A) Yes.

"­(Q) All I could say was, "Oh, my GOD!" It is just extremely shocking for me. While I have known this for about a year and a half, I still somehow hoped that maybe I was mistaken, that maybe I was projecting something into this. The worst part about this is that, due to my influence decades ago, this person actually became interested in spiritual things and today considers himself to be a believer in or server of God, of love. The person practices meditation and has that Zarathrusta attitude even more. In the immediate environment, the person receives admiration and is absolutely successful in creating the opposite reality intended, which has also happened with the person's son, whom he abandoned for 17 years. This person was still able to convince the son later that the abandonment was all other peoples' fault, with the result that those who really cared for the son have now been left behind by him, while this person now enjoys the benefit they worked for and always attracts particularly giving and loving people (Pluto trine Venus).

"­(A) Yes. There are those who have made such a contract with evil who desperately try to undo it thru a 'commitment' to God/Goddess, trying or appearing to lead a 'spiritual' life. Within this, such souls will also typically try to form intimate relationships with another, or others who have made a true commitment to God/Goddess and who are actually trying to lead as best they can a spiritual life that is committed to God/Goddess. They desperately hope that by forming such a relationship, then the proximity or osmosis affect of an intimate relationship will somehow 'rub off' in such a way that the contract can be broken. At worst, they can 'set up' the other person by way of making the other believe in them, their motives and intentions to be in the relationship in the first place, and once the person commits to them thru believing in them, and then do something extremely horrible or ugly that then creates a real sense of being disillusioned and betrayed. This is purposeful by such souls because their intent is to defeat the soul who has committed to God/Goddess, to induce yet another state of self-defeat, disillusionment, betrayal, and/or abandonment, with this being so extreme that it can lead even to being disillusioned by God/Goddess itself, which can then weaken or destroy the commitment. These types of souls are always 'victims,' which becomes their operational motive for 'getting' back. They can appear ever so sincere and 'convincing' that others want to naturally believe in them.

"­(Q) It feels like this person is able to use other peoples' good karma and somehow puts his own karma and responsibility onto others, as if it can literally suck other peoples' life force and even achievement into himself.

"­(A) Yes.

"­(Q) Is that possible or am I imagining this?

(A"­) "¬Not if the reality that you are"­ '"¬imagining"­' "¬is the actual reality that you have experienced.

"­(Q) I just wonder what Saturn means in this case in the first house, and the North Node in Capricorn in the 2nd.

(A"­) "¬The intention is to counteract the consciousness of victimization by learning to accept the responsibility for their own actions.

"­(Q) With Saturn trine the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction and square the Sun, I wonder how responsibility of any kind could happen to a person like this?

(A"­) "¬If the person has actually made the contract,"­ "¬it never will."­ "¬Conversely,"­ "¬if it is a case of severe influence versus the actual contract,"­ "¬the person would at some point have to learn how to gracefully receive the feedback of others relative to the person's actual reality and why.

"­(Q) And whose aspects are in harmony with the traumas it caused. Does this mean that responsibility of some kind will happen by some karmic force?

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬if the actual contract has not been made.

"­(Q) Also, I would like to ask what the meaning of Chiron at 0 Aquarius in the third (close to the Capricorn 3rd house cusp) making a full phase opposition to the Uranus/Jupiter conjunction in Cancer in the 8th would be? Would this somehow be connected to all the wounds this soul caused to others (3rd house, Aquarius)?

(A"­) "¬Yes.

"­(Q) Or would this also correlate to the soul's own wound caused by wounding others?

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬the signature correlates to a soul who,"­ "¬previous to this life,"­ "¬has felt victimized by society and others in such a way that it has felt that it has no power over others or society,"­ "¬and has felt purposefully held down or back by others,"­ "¬which then becomes the operational motive for gaining power"­ "¬-"­ "¬supernatural power"­ "¬-"­ "¬over others by way of the contract or influence of evil.

"­(Q) Perhaps the person could be aware of it (3rd house) in spite of all the efforts of denial?

(A"­) "¬If the contract has not been made,"­ "¬then this again refers to learning how to see itself objectively by way of the feedback of others.

"­(Q) I just noticed now that this actually forms a big cross with Neptune and Lucifer. Would that mean a dilemma that cannot be solved?

(A"­) "¬If the contract has been made,"­ "¬yes.

"­(Q) Also, by a having couple of lifetimes of unfortunate karmic connection to this soul I would like to ask if I may, in this context what would be the meaning that my natal Sun is conjunct this person's North Node in Capricorn?

(A"­) "¬In the total context of it all,"­ "¬and if the person has made an actual contract,"­ "¬to create a reality of total self-defeat for you,"­ "¬to test your determination to carry on,"­ "¬your life,"­ "¬your purposes,"­ "¬despite this horrible relationship.

Lucifer close to North Node

(Q"­) "¬Recently I came across your mention of Lucifer on the boards and have been interested ever since."­ "¬I've been going through charts of people I know,"­ "¬and I noticed someone had Lucifer"­ "¬6"­ "¬degrees away from their North Node"­ ("¬both in Leo,"­ "¬6th"­)"¬."­ "¬Would this be of any significance,"­ "¬and if so,"­ "¬could you give me a general idea of what it would mean"­?

(A"­) "¬One cannot take out one or two symbols in a birth chart to generate a meaning."­ "¬The whole chart must be considered to establish individual context"­; "¬only then can a specific symbol be interpreted correctly.


(Q"­) "¬From an evolutionary standpoint,"­ "¬what is the range of possibilities of Lucifer square the Nodes,"­ "¬especially if Lucifer is the only square aspect to the nodes"­?

(A"­) "¬All things in astrology have an individual context."­ "¬It would depend on the actual house and sign of Lucifer,"­ "¬and the house/signs of the Nodes,"­ "¬and the location of their rulers,"­ "¬plus aspects,"­ "¬and the location of the planetary ruler of Lucifer by house,"­ "¬sign,"­ "¬and aspects."­ "¬Only then could the"­ '"¬range of possibilities"­' "¬be correctly answered."­ "¬No cookbook answers from me ever.

Lucifer/Nodes"­ "¬2

"­(Q) I guess my verbiage "range of possibilities" is not accurate anyway for what I am seeking an answer to. It would be more accurately asked as: How is the symbol of the archetype of influence of evil interpreted when it is squaring the nodes as a skipped step? In the chart I am referring to, the influence of evil in the person's life is obvious. Lucifer is in the 12th in Capricorn conjunct the Ascendant, squaring Aries South Node in the 3rd. Mars, the ruler of the South Node is also in the 3rd in Taurus, but not conjunct the Node (Mars is a focal point of a T-square from Uranus in Leo in the 7th and Chiron in Aquarius in the 1st and a part of a grand square, opposing Jupiter in Scorpio in the 9th. The North Node is in Libra in the 9th, and its ruler Venus is in Sagittarius in the 11th. Pluto is in Virgo in the 7th conjunct the Moon and square the Sun and Venus in the 10th/11th, respectively.

In her case,"­ "¬she was raised by an alchoholic/rage-aholic:"­ "¬echoes of the Aries South Node and other aspects in chart."­ "¬She also became the"­ ""¬protector and warrior"­" "¬for the other siblings"­ ("¬3rd house"­)"¬,"­ "¬thus being the one who also acted out."­ "¬Also,"­ "¬as a reaction to that upbringing,"­ "¬she herself became an addict of many substances and a sex addict with her as the dominatrix,"­ "¬her preference."­ "¬She has had to muster much self-determination"­ ("¬Lucifer in Capricorn"­) "¬to overcome her addictions"­ ( "¬Lucifer in the12th"­)"¬."­ "¬That seems to me to have been part of the antidote to the influence."­ "¬Also,"­ "¬coming from her Mars in Taurus Polarity Point in Scorpio"­ "¬-"­ "¬progressive transformation of limitations."­ "¬Doubt and Depression are also part of the picture with the Capricorn energy."­ "¬We also have worked in releasing"­ ("¬so far--there are more there"­) "¬2"­ ""¬obsessing dark entities"­" "¬that were both false protectors and power based"­ ("¬again echoes of the South Node and Lucifer in the"­ "¬12th"­)"¬."­ "¬Both have been attached to her since a past life,"­ "¬not in the form of a contract,"­ "¬although the relationship was symbiotic,"­ "¬with her of course getting the short end of the relationship."­ "¬Perhaps we have not uncovered any contracts,"­ "¬yet there is a lot to weed through.

It seems that the effect of Lucifer,"­ "¬by nature of the Aries South Node and conjunct the ascendant,"­ "¬entrenched itself in her desire and instinctual nature and then polluted all her relations with others and of course herself,"­ ("¬Libra North Node"­)"¬."­ "¬In addition to that,"­ "¬the types of dark influences were/are also veiling and resonating with her own wounded sense of identity"­ ("¬Aries/Libra"­)"¬,"­ "¬as Chiron is also in the"­ "¬1st in Aquarius."­ "¬She is doing very good work about rebuilding her life so that it is more reflective of her inner divinity or truth"­ ("¬Sagittarius/9th house"­)"¬."­ "¬So,"­ "¬while I think I see how the influence has played out to some degree,"­ "¬I am uncertain of how/why it is in this chart as a"­ ""¬skipped step"­?" "¬If I look at it as a skipped step,"­ "¬the resolution node is Libra in the"­ "¬9th,"­ "¬which might imply a resolution of the anger and confrontational nature to a deeper trust and broader cosmological context and also moving through the need to overpower or be overpowered to equal relatedness."­ "¬Also,"­ "¬due to the nature of her Pluto in the"­ "¬7th and recovering from the abuse and addiction,"­ "¬she has had to become aware of boundaries,"­ "¬a continuing lesson for her."­ "¬Another lesson is the right use of will and expression of desire."­ "¬So I'm still questioning how Lucifer functions as a skipped step.

"­(A) Well, this should serve as an excellent example of the point that I consistently make over and over. We always need to know the individual context of anyone in order to understand correctly how any given symbol manifests, so thanks for supplying that info. The Lucifer skipped step all boils down, IN HER CONTEXT, to the fact that many centuries ago the soul of this woman desired tremendous power and recognition of that power--to be considered 'special' in every kind of way. Relative to that desire, she has allowed herself to be severely influenced by evil in order to actualize those desires, to the point that she got real close to making the actual contract. Subsequent to those lives, she herself began to become aware of her own delusion about this need for power and what she was willing to do in order to have it, with this then setting in motion some lives of atonement because of the implied guilt. So the skipped step will manifest any time she reverts back to the old desire structure of desiring power and recognition at any cost. The influence of evil then manifests in various seductive ways, versus the resolution of this trap, which is the same Lucifer symbol in Capricorn in the 12th. This occurs through what Jesus and others taught: to seek and desire to know God and God only, and whatever else that we are meant to be or have will then be given as an act of grace because of that one desire to only know God. So, in essence, it boils down to either gaining the power, etc. through evil in the distorted ways that it has before, i.e., the symbol of being a dominatrix is a perfect reflection of that, or to commit to God and God only and then allowing, through inner awareness of God's will and plan for her, God to reveal to her the 'special' destiny that IT has in mind for her--whatever it may be.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 08, 2012, 07:41 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 08, 2012, 09:45 AM
Hi Serban,

A Soul who has made a contract with Evil KNOWS IT. It's not like Evil can sneak up on unsuspecting Souls to have them make a deal, or contract, without the Soul knowing it. It is a conscious act or decision taken by the Soul which occurs through an inner dialoging with Evil, Lucifer and it's agents. This can take place also within the context of various rituals linked with Black Magic which can also include actually signing a paper or document in which the Soul pledges itself to Evil. Research the case of Yoko Ono just for one example of this. And when a Soul makes this contract they do so knowingly, and they literally make a pledge of allegiance to Evil itself. And when that pledge is made it is made in the knowledge that such a pledge can not be broken: it is irreversible.  

God Bless, Rad

Hmmmmmmm.. I had posted a couple follow up questions, but the post seems to have gone missing...... I saw that this happened in the q/a with JWG, too.....

Anyway, what I wanted to say was Thank you, Rad, for your answers to my questions.  They really cleared up a lot for me, not least of which was the cat eyes phenomenon.  I had a couple of follow up questions:

1) Since Souls who make contracts with evil do so with complete awareness, does one have to be evolved to a certain evolutionary stage to be able to do so?

2) Is it possible for a Soul to have made a contract, but for the specific individual in a specific lifetime not to be aware of it (at least not in a conscious way)?  Perhaps they feel they want to do good, but everything keeps going wrong?  

Thank you, Rad.


PS One final thought: Perhaps a Soul who has made a contract will not feel frightened by "the dark side"?
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 08, 2012, 08:26 PM
Hi Rad,

One more question from the most recent post.  The phrase "actual reality" is used a couple of times, as in the quote: "Yes,  with the causative factor being Lucifer in the  6th,  i.e.,  personal denial of their actual reality."

What is meant by "actual reality"?  ie, that a contract with evil was made?

Thank you!

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Feb 09, 2012, 12:20 AM
Hi Rad,

Some psychopathic people with ambitions for unlimited POWER, control, usage and domination over others, have committed the worst atrocities imaginable, yet they have not made a contract.  Examples could be those seeking to get ahead at all costs in the 3rd stage Consensus evolutionary condition, or those who are called Zarathustra's.

Since both types (those who have, and those who have not made a contract) are capable of evil actions, there seems to be little difference between the two.

Thank you.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Feb 09, 2012, 12:37 AM
Hi Rad,

I would to clarify what you have taught about God evolving to its own perfection - at which point evil will not exist as there would no longer be any need for manifest creation.

For that perfection to occur does there need to first be a complete polarization between absolute good (all non evil souls having reached an evolutionary state of complete God realization) and absolute evil?

I'm going to wait and feel it out some more before posting what I originally intended to do a few days ago about perfection/imperfection. Thank you,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 09, 2012, 09:49 AM
Hi Ellen,

1) Since Souls who make contracts with evil do so with complete awareness, does one have to be evolved to a certain evolutionary stage to be able to do so?


From the consensus state onwards ......


2) Is it possible for a Soul to have made a contract, but for the specific individual in a specific lifetime not to be aware of it (at least not in a conscious way)?  Perhaps they feel they want to do good, but everything keeps going wrong? 


This can happen when the Soul itself is in denial that it made a contract in the first place.


One final thought: Perhaps a Soul who has made a contract will not feel frightened by "the dark side"?


Generally true, and for many they will exhibit a true fascination with it.


One more question from the most recent post.  The phrase "actual reality" is used a couple of times, as in the quote: "Yes,  with the causative factor being Lucifer in the  6th,  i.e.,  personal denial of their actual reality."

What is meant by "actual reality"?  ie, that a contract with evil was made?


Actual reality versus a delusive construction considered to be 'reality' where that delusive construction is caused by denial of the actual reality at hand.


God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 09, 2012, 09:53 AM
Quote from: Linda on Feb 09, 2012, 12:20 AM
Hi Rad,

Some psychopathic people with ambitions for unlimited POWER, control, usage and domination over others, have committed the worst atrocities imaginable, yet they have not made a contract.  Examples could be those seeking to get ahead at all costs in the 3rd stage Consensus evolutionary condition, or those who are called Zarathustra's.

Since both types (those who have, and those who have not made a contract) are capable of evil actions, there seems to be little difference between the two.

Thank you.

Hi Linda,

That may be but the big difference of course whether one has actually made that contract or not. And for those who have not that exhibit this orientation to reality they are certainly being influenced by Evil in ever increasing ways that could lead to making that contract.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Steven on Feb 09, 2012, 09:56 AM
Hi, Rad, thanks very much for posting these. I believe I am grasping the core messages fairly well, particularly in regard to how evil works as an influence, but I have a few questions which you may be able to help clarify for me.

"Such Souls will have always felt victimized by life to the point of leading them to make this contract with the resulting rationalizing of their desires to have anything they want to have happen, happen. If others get hurt so be it because they have of course been hurt by others. There is zero capacity in such Souls as a result to accept the responsibility in their own actions."

Although I perceive readily how this dynamic could evolve-- and it is a similar dynamic to the one that you traced in Mit Romney's soul development-- what I am finding surprising is the identification of victimhood/disempowerment as the most common experience leading towards a true surrender to evil. I certainly see the pattern, but it just differs from what I normally see as the roots/causes of disempowerment. I think Ellen and others are asking this in various ways, but I'll echo by asking if this dynamic is principally a reflection of evolutionary stage development--of younger souls/egos responding to pain/adversity with a compassionless desire to turn the tables or gain revenge?

My other question has to do with the concept of the demon seed vs. the bloodline obsession of the ruling elite (Zarathustras) throughout our patriarchal past. There are quite a few occult concepts regarding the bloodline obssession of the ruling elite into which the EA concept of the demon seed would easily fit, i.e. a bloodline with a genetic predisposition toward evil. Where in the EA paradigm would this fit, or not? Does the demon seed idea mostly refer to the attempt of one who has a contract to control another, or would this idea of a genuine energetic evil be applicable to a genetic bloodline?

Thanks again, and if my questions are inappropriate, or just plain naive, my apologies and please ignore.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 09, 2012, 10:01 AM
HI Ari,

"For that perfection to occur does there need to first be a complete polarization between absolute good (all non evil souls having reached an evolutionary state of complete God realization) and absolute evil?"


No. The progressive manifestation of 'perfection' within  the ultimate consciousness we call God/ess would be itself projected through out the manifested Creation in all of it's forms to the point where that manifested Creation would no longer exit. At that point there in nothing but Consciousness without any form at all.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 09, 2012, 10:22 AM
Hi Steven,

Quote from: Steven Patrick on Feb 09, 2012, 09:56 AM
Hi, Rad, thanks very much for posting these. I believe I am grasping the core messages fairly well, particularly in regard to how evil works as an influence, but I have a few questions which you may be able to help clarify for me.

"Such Souls will have always felt victimized by life to the point of leading them to make this contract with the resulting rationalizing of their desires to have anything they want to have happen, happen. If others get hurt so be it because they have of course been hurt by others. There is zero capacity in such Souls as a result to accept the responsibility in their own actions."

Although I perceive readily how this dynamic could evolve-- and it is a similar dynamic to the one that you traced in Mit Romney's soul development-- what I am finding surprising is the identification of victimhood/disempowerment as the most common experience leading towards a true surrender to evil. I certainly see the pattern, but it just differs from what I normally see as the roots/causes of disempowerment. I think Ellen and others are asking this in various ways, but I'll echo by asking if this dynamic is principally a reflection of evolutionary stage development--of younger souls/egos responding to pain/adversity with a compassionless desire to turn the tables or gain revenge?


Yes, because the issue of revenge, wanting to get back at others in general, those that have 'victimized' the Soul specifically, correlates with the archetype of Scorpio, the 8th House, and Pluto. There is a natural triad between Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces so you can see the causative link between feeling victimized by life, Pisces, and the desire to get back, to seek revenge, Scorpio. This same triad of course is also the core triad of God and Evil itself. Contract and surrendering are also within these archetypes. And, yes, generally speaking those who be tempted to make contract with Evil occurs somewhere within the Consensus State of evolution.


My other question has to do with the concept of the demon seed vs. the bloodline obsession of the ruling elite (Zarathustras) throughout our patriarchal past. There are quite a few occult concepts regarding the bloodline obssession of the ruling elite into which the EA concept of the demon seed would easily fit, i.e. a bloodline with a genetic predisposition toward evil. Where in the EA paradigm would this fit, or not? Does the demon seed idea mostly refer to the attempt of one who has a contract to control another, or would this idea of a genuine energetic evil be applicable to a genetic bloodline?


It fits within the same triad of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces: the genetics of families. The demon seed phenomena relative to one who has made a contract with Evil can correlate to one who desires to control another as well to the phenomena of a genuine energetic evil that is applicable to a genetic bloodline.


Thanks again, and if my questions are inappropriate, my apologies and please ignore.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 09, 2012, 10:27 AM
"­the transcripts continue ....... Rad

(Q) Thank you very much. That does further clarify my question. Relative to the point you made about the grace, I have to share further from her story because it so beautifully demonstrates how the grace manifests as strong a choice as the influence of evil does. From my observations and experience, most often in the exact same moment.

On her way to the first session with me,"­ "¬she told me she almost got in an accident."­ "¬As the car cut her off,"­ "¬she was enraged"­ ("¬Aries/Lucifer stuff,"­ "¬both the anger AND the near accident"­)"¬,"­ "¬but as the car pulled in front of her,"­ "¬a bumper sticker on it said"­ " "¬PRAY...JUST DO IT"­!" ("¬Getting beyond Lucifer in the"­ "¬12th"­)"¬."­ "¬ALSO an Aries energy...Just do it"­! "¬During the session with her,"­ "¬I asked during the work,"­ "¬silently,"­ "¬what is her soul's true desire in this life,"­ "¬and saw her acting as an art therapist."­ "¬Later when I shared that information with her and asked her if that was meaningful to her she shared this story."­ "¬She had been committed to an institution several years ago for treatment."­ "¬She was given the option"­ ("¬a choice"­!) "¬to have one of"­ "¬2"­ "¬extracurricular activities,"­ "¬one was play volleyball,"­ "¬the other was Art Therapy."­ "¬She chose the volleyball because she wanted to be outside."­ "¬One day while playing,"­ "¬the ball rolled into the art therapy room while they were in session."­ "¬She went in to get the ball,"­ "¬and she didn't like the way the therapist told her to be more careful."­ "¬It really angered her"­ ("¬Aries"­ "¬-"­ "¬or as you say her desire for power was outraged"­) "¬to the point that she quit volleyball to join art therapy so that she could be in the class to get even with the therapist."­ "¬This was truly her only conscious motivation at that point to join that activity."­ "¬What transpired over a period of time was that she opened up immensely,"­ "¬really came to love that therapist and became quite accomplished at art to the point that her therapist encouraged her to use her art degree to become a therapist herself"­ ( "¬her special destiny"­)"¬."­ "¬I didn't know she had an art degree until she told me that story."­ "¬At the point that she came to me for her first session and that information came through for her,"­ "¬it validated her to the point to move beyond the Lucifer in Capricorn doubt and depression that she was mired in and to really consider that earlier suggestion by her therapist and pursue the training."­ "¬She hadn't acted upon the choice that was given to her until then."­ "¬A week after that session I had with her,"­ "¬that therapist contacted her"­ ("¬she had not talked with her in"­ "¬2"­ "¬years"­) "¬to tell her that she thinks of her all the time and ask how she was she doing."­ "¬Again,"­ "¬an open door for her."­ "¬Now that is grace in action--reaching thru the exact manifestation of evil in an almost Chirotic sense that the wound is the healing."­ "¬Grace used the anger and the ability to act to even get her on that path to begin with,"­ "¬and further to reassure her thru the doubt that this was her truth."­ "¬And,"­ "¬the grace was persistent and patient"­ ("¬Capricorn/Taurus"­) "¬in revealing the divine will and plan for her."­ "¬I am always stunned by the beauty and grace available to us,"­ "¬most especially in our darkest times--if we only listen and make the right choice."­ 

Lucifer"­ & "¬also Part of Fortune

(Q"­) "¬I have a few questions and am using things in my own chart as examples here."­ "¬My intention is to grasp the underlying principles so I can apply them to other situations."­ "¬If this is not OK here,"­ "¬just say so.

"­(A) In general, this is not the place for personal information relative to one's chart, and how these principles manifest in your chart is not necessarily how they will manifest in another's.

"­(Q) (1) I have Lucifer in the 4th house at 29 Pisces inconjunct a 9th house Saturn at 29 Leo. Based on what I've read in the Evil material, this seems to say that when I have a 9th house crisis from an inconsistency in my spiritual philosophy being revealed to me, it throws me into a 4th house insecurity crisis, when I can doubt myself, my intentions, have guilt triggered, etc. What I got from the Evil material is that there is a more insidious side to that 4th house crisis--the feelings of insecurity are more like bait trying to suck me into a bottomless pit of insecurity and self-doubt, to pull me into the darkness and distract me from the Light. It feels like its all coming from within me, but that's not completely true. Is this an accurate way of looking at it?

(A"­) "¬It is part of the dynamics that you have brought into this life."­ "¬As such,"­ "¬this is where the influence can take over those dynamics and magnify them out of all proportion relative to the inherent nature of those dynamics within yourself."­ "¬Conversely,"­ "¬we must remember that the symbol of Lucifer is not just about evil"­; "¬it is also the"­ '"¬Bearer of Light."­' "¬Thus,"­ "¬the solution to the problem of evil's influence is contained in the very same symbol of Lucifer as Bearer of Light,"­ "¬which means that it would manifest as sudden realizations and insights that seem to"­ '"¬occur by themselves"­' "¬into the nature of Truth,"­ "¬be it cosmic,"­ "¬collective,"­ "¬or individual truths.

"­(Q) (2) Lucifer in the chart of the woman I mostly recently lived with exactly opposed my Lucifer, at 29 Virgo. I've gotten no insights on the significance of this. What is this about? How would that dynamic play out between two people?

(A"­) "¬This of course entirely depends on the total nature of the dynamics between the two of you."­ "¬There is no way to say how it manifested between you both without knowing the whole context.

"­(Q) (3) Part of Fortune - you said recently that, to you, it represents the place in life where the person feels most at home. Mine's in the 12th house. Would this explain my orientation to what I can only describe as feeling like a mystic, and feeling most myself when I'm thinking about or talking to people about God and the totality of life?

(Q"­) "¬In your evolutionary context,"­ "¬this is more about your Lucifer in Pisces in the"­ "¬4th,"­ "¬but remember,"­ "¬the part of fortune is where we naturally gravitate for a sense of well being."­ "¬So this means that your deepest"­ '"¬sense of well being"­' "¬is based on spiritual things,"­ "¬including the desire to help others.

"­(Q) Also, this is in Scorpio. What does Scorpio represent here--betrayal of shared confidences of spiritual truths in past lives, possibly being declared a heretic through betrayal?

(A"­) "¬This is more about your"­ "¬8th house Pluto,"­ "¬but given that your part of fortune is then ruled by that Pluto--you get the picture now.

"­(Q) Memories of getting in trouble for speaking my truth about the nature of God in ways that were outside of consensus belief systems?

(A"­) "¬This is about the inconjunct from your ninth house Saturn to your"­ "¬4th house Lucifer.

Lucifer/Skipped step

(Q"­) "¬I am trying to make some sense of a chart that has Pluto in Virgo in the"­ "¬5th conjunct Uranus"­ ("¬new phase"­)"¬."­ "¬The South Node is in the"­ "¬6th in Libra,"­ "¬with the ruler Venus in the"­ "¬12th"­ ("¬15"­ "¬Taurus"­) "¬balsamic to the Sun"­ ("¬25"­ "¬Taurus"­)"¬,"­ "¬which is right on the ascendant"­ ("¬25"­ "¬Taurus"­ "¬58"­)"¬."­ "¬Neptune is in exact opposition to the Sun in the"­ "¬6th in Scorpio."­ "¬Jupiter in Leo in the"­ "¬4th makes a T-square to Sun/Neptune."­ "¬The North Node ruler is Mars in Gemini in the first house in a new phase conjunction to Mercury,"­ "¬which squares Pluto/Uranus."­ "¬The North Node is in the"­ "¬12th in a balsamic conjunction to Saturn,"­ "¬just"­ "¬2"­ "¬degrees apart."­ "¬The skipped step is the Moon in the"­ "¬9th in Capricorn,"­ "¬with Lucifer in a balsamic conjunction to it."­ "¬Lucifer,"­ "¬Pluto,"­ "¬Uranus and Neptune are all retrograde."­ "¬There is a grand trine of the Moon/Lucifer,"­ "¬Venus/Sun Pluto/Uranus.

I was wondering if the Lucifer conjunct the Moon in the"­ "¬9th would mean that"­  "¬this person's self image is blinded by evil"­? "¬Also,"­ "¬Pandora is in Pisces in the"­ "¬11th opposite Pluto."­ "¬This is the chart of a female in the first individuated state."­ "¬I sense that there is some problem with the truth here indicated by the Jupiter T-square."­ "¬At the same time,"­ "¬Jupiter is trine the North Node and sextile to the South Node."­ "¬Chiron is in Aries in the"­ "¬11th."­

I can't figure out if the person herself may have been controlling and perhaps sadistic,"­ ("¬the grand trine of Pluto in Virgo in the fifth,"­ "¬trine the Moon in Capricorn and Venus in Taurus"­) "¬and at the same time appearing"­ ""¬holy"­" "¬with that Venus in the"­ "¬12th"­ ("¬Neptune opposes Venus too"­)"¬,"­ "¬or if she is rather masochistic,"­ "¬or has the tendency to play out both roles time to time"­? "¬Lucifer conjunct the Moon especially confuses me."­ "¬I wonder if this may have been a sign for a possibility of making a contract."­ "¬But I don't see much"­ "¬8th house or Scorpio emphasis apart from Neptune being in Scorpio in the"­ "¬6th on the descendent."­ "¬The"­ "¬8th house has no planets in it,"­ "¬has Sagittarius on the cusp,"­ "¬and so is ruled by that Jupiter."­ "¬The resolution Node is obviously the South Node,"­ "¬so something was not learned about equality and the right service to society,"­ "¬and also something was not improved personally,"­ "¬is that correct"­?

Would it be true in this case that the soul is at least influenced by evil"­? "¬And somehow as a compensation,"­ "¬it exerts power over others"­ ("¬Capricorn on the"­ "¬9th"­)? "¬Also,"­ "¬having Pandora very close to the Polarity Point of Pluto suggests to me the same issue that something is going on here with an evil influence,"­ "¬at least."­

Cancer on the"­ "¬3rd house cusp suggests to me that the person has been a nurturer and a"­ ""¬teacher"­" ("¬9th house Moon"­)"¬,"­ "¬yet the Moon squares Saturn."­ "¬In addition,"­ "¬the"­ "¬4th house is cusp is"­ "¬29"­ "¬Cancer"­ "¬34,"­ "¬and Leo is intercepted in the"­ "¬4th,"­ "¬with Jupiter there making a T-square,"­ "¬indicating that there is some problem with what appears to be nurturing."­ "¬I don't know the person's occupation,"­ "¬but I have a feeling she could have been a teacher and covertly abusing kids."­ "¬Or,"­ "¬am I misunderstanding something in here"­? 

(A"­) "¬The various possibilities that you have asked about do exist,"­ "¬except your statement about Lucifer/Moon being a"­ '"¬sign"­' "¬of a contract."­ "¬There is no way to know from any chart,"­ "¬no matter where Lucifer is placed,"­ "¬whether a specific soul has actually made a contract with evil."­ "¬This can only be known through observation of and interaction with the client herself."­ "¬You will have to interact with the person in some way to determine through such interaction and observation which of the various archetypal possibilities the person has actually orientated too."­ "¬The chart is just that:"­ "¬a range of archetypal possibilities."­ "¬There is no way to know from just looking at a chart which choices any given person has made."­ "¬The choices themselves determine the archetypes that the person has chosen to involve herself or himself with.

Lucifer/Separating Desires

(Q"­)  "¬I once asked you if Pluto/Scorpio"­ ("¬Soul"­) "¬could be likened to a mini-Lucifer,"­ "¬kind of a macrocosm/microcosm type of idea related to the dynamics of Lucifer"­ ("¬as the resolution to Lucifer is contained right within the symbol itself"­)"¬,"­ "¬to which you replied"­ ""¬Yes."­" "¬Within this,"­ "¬is the example of Hitler as Lucifer's most evil expression,"­ "¬but the flip side of Yogananda as Lucifer's most"­ ""¬pure"­" "¬expression,"­ "¬i.e."­ "¬Pluto"­ = "¬choice/making--the desire to separate vs."­ "¬the desire to return."­ "¬So,"­ "¬in turn,"­ "¬I feel Lucifer would give us additional information as to the nature of any given soul's separating desires."­ "¬Since Lucifer influences us where we are most emotionally weak,"­ "¬this too would be where our own separating desires exist."­ "¬My questions within this are:"­

With Pluto retrograde in the natal chart,"­ "¬there is an emphasis on the desire to return,"­ "¬so my thinking is that when Lucifer is retrograde in the natal chart"­ "¬-"­ "¬given the meaning of Lucifer"­ "¬-"­ "¬that this reflects where one has more of a desire to separate,"­ "¬in ways indicated by the house/sign/aspects."­ "¬That is,"­ "¬the Lucifer retrograde would indicate more of desire to separate than to return."­ "¬If that IS the case,"­ "¬and if Pluto is also retrograde in a chart,"­ "¬would there then be an even more intense struggle within the soul between the desire to separate and the desire to return,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬it would be similar to having Neptune in the"­ "¬8th or Scorpio"­?

When Lucifer retrogrades through transit,"­ "¬would this not also emphasize the separating desires relative to the natal position of Lucifer as well as where in the chart the transiting Lucifer is and the aspects it's making"­? "¬During the retrograde period,"­ "¬does one have the opportunity,"­ "¬so to speak,"­ "¬to reflect on the nature of his or her own separating desires and then to make new choices based on that inner reflection"­? "¬And if we can look at it this way,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬as a recognition of one's separating desires,"­ "¬then does this not give the soul more power over the influence of evil,"­ "¬via the acknowledgment of it's own separating desires and then choosing to work on eliminating those separating desires"­?

(A"­) "¬No,"­ "¬it does not mean any of that."­ "¬When Lucifer is retrograde for life or thru transit,"­ "¬it means that we are given an"­ '"¬opportunity"­' "¬to utterly stop the influence of evil from occurring."­ "¬This opportunity occurs either thru the amount of time that the Lucifer retrograde transit correlates to,"­ "¬or through a life imprint,"­ "¬meaning the whole life,"­ "¬where the opportunity manifests through the soul recreating the very emotional dynamics that served as the trigger through which the influence of evil occurred."­ "¬The opportunity manifests in such a way as to require a total detachment from those circumstances and consciously acknowledging it as such:"­ ""¬This is where I am weak and susceptible to this influence,"­" "¬and then applying conscious will to utterly change those old responses,"­ "¬which have been distorted and magnified because of the influence of evil,"­ "¬to realign with God's intent via the Lucifer symbol,"­ "¬the Bearer of Light archetype."­

Pact versus Contract

(Q"­) "¬Is there a difference between a pact and a contract with evil"­? "¬In Paulo Cohelo's semi-autobiographical book,"­ "¬The Valkyries,"­ "¬there is a description of what sounds very much like a contract with evil,"­ "¬however,"­ "¬it is called a pact."­ "¬I am concerned because this is an author who is an international best selling one,"­ "¬and he is talking about a ritual to break the pact"­ ("¬and we have learned that one cannot break a contract"­)"¬."­ "¬He has written very interesting and highly acclaimed spiritual type books like The Alchemist and The Pilgrimage,"­ "¬but is this a man who has made a contract with evil"­? "¬Perhaps I have misunderstood the passage and it is about someone who avoided a"­ ""¬pact."­" "¬Could you or anyone else who is familiar with this book enlighten me"­?

(A"­) "¬A pact is the same as a contract,"­ "¬and it can not be broken."­ "¬I have not heard of the fellow that you speak of.

Aura Pictures

(Q"­)  "¬In the aura pictures one can have taken,"­ "¬or if one reads auras,"­ "¬why would a deep purple aura manifest around a person who,"­ "¬thru observation,"­ "¬is heavily influenced by evil"­? ("¬The person is also in an individuated stage of evolution"­)"¬."­ "¬Is it possible that this could be evil itself tricking the person into thinking they're something that they're not"­? "¬And thru extension,"­ "¬if the person shows the picture to others,"­ "¬it's meant to trick others into thinking that the person is very spiritual,"­ "¬with the intent being to gain power over others"­?

(A"­) "¬If there has not been an actual contract made with evil,"­ "¬then I would say that this correlates to the struggle between God and evil for this person's soul because the purple correlates to the sacral chakra,"­ "¬thus sexuality."­ "¬It is through the emotional/sexual body that evil's influence primarily occurs,"­ "¬thus the struggle for the soul also occurs through that chakra first,"­ "¬then the naval chakra.

Lucifer transiting the South Node

(Q"­) "¬Would a transit of Lucifer to the South Node bring an influence or experience of whatever was earlier failed or self-undermining in key past lives"­?

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬it can."­ "¬Conversely,"­ "¬the influence of God/Goddess in that same transit can bring realizations of how to move forward,"­ "¬evolve beyond,"­ "¬anything in one's past that is binding them to that past.

"­(Q) Would it vary by evolutionary state, i.e., what 'symptoms' would we expect, maybe consensus state person regressing in not self-helpful ways, maybe individuated state person trying to evade conscious responsibility and go into victim thinking, maybe spiritual state person having profound bouts of doubting?

(A"­) "¬This is too general."­ "¬Every case is unique to itself.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 09, 2012, 10:57 AM
Well, I wrote this at the same time as you RAD and read your response, so I decided to post my answer as I wrote it and then maybe you can tell me where I am wrong. Thanks.  Maybe we are talking differently about contract vs. influence.....

Quote from: Steven Patrick on Feb 09, 2012, 09:56 AM

Although I perceive readily how this dynamic could evolve-- and it is a similar dynamic to the one that you traced in Mit Romney's soul development-- what I am finding surprising is the identification of victimhood/disempowerment as the most common experience leading towards a true surrender to evil. I certainly see the pattern, but it just differs from what I normally see as the roots/causes of disempowerment. I think Ellen and others are asking this in various ways, but I'll echo by asking if this dynamic is principally a reflection of evolutionary stage development--of younger souls/egos responding to pain/adversity with a compassionless desire to turn the tables or gain revenge?


I just wanted to say that the answer to this is no. It can be a phenomenon of feeling 'abandoned' by god by older souls as well. There are periods in all stages of the souls evolution where the suffering that occurs or the trials that the soul is experiencing can be such that the soul does not consciously understand why it is happening to them. Does the soul consciously understand why its entire family was just slaughtered or why everyone around them is starving and dying for example? There can be a tremendously deep suffering within people that causes them to question existence. Imagine having that feeling when you believe, as many people do, that god is on their side.....then tragedy.... or a long period of trauma, desperation..... and then 'why are you doing this to me?'......or even...."my god, why have you forsaken me?" There is the consciousness of abandonment and victimization......that is when evil can make its move, it depends on the level of desperation and anyone can get weakened enough to put themselves in a position to falter... people have been in incredibly compromising positions throughout the history of humanity, today all over the world and forever in the can have a series of lifetimes in incredibly compromising situations. There are so many variables where evil can say 'hello' and let you know it is there. JWG told me that the closer a soul gets to light, the impurities must manifest there is another struggle there with people that are not such young souls. It is not an evolutionary stage development. How much more exciting is it for evil to take one away that was so close to the light? What a victory from the perspective of evil, right? He caught the big fish.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 09, 2012, 11:24 AM
Hi Sunyata,

Everything you said is all basically true. It is within the consensus state however where, in general, the actual contracts with Evil are made. That does not mean that from time to time Souls that have evolved in the Spiritual evolutionary condition can not 'succumb' to this influence of Evil leading to a contract, but it is in fact relatively rare.

I was going to post the following tomorrow but will post it now because it concerns these issues.

God Bless, Rad


from the transcripts:

1"­) "¬This is an issue we have discussed,"­ "¬and I am interested in your insights about it."­ "¬Can Evil corrupt a soul in"­ "¬3rd stage spiritual"­? "¬It would seem that after having gone through the egocentric readjustments of the"­ "¬2nd stage spiritual,"­ "¬the soul would be well anchored in universal truth.

"­(A) Yes, it is more than possible for the Soul to become influenced or corrupted by Evil in the 3rd Stage Spiritual. Remember that almost every day of Jesus' life, for example, he would say "Satan get behind me". This means that Evil or Satan would attempt to 'influence' even a Soul like Jesus in a variety of ways. We must remember that the very existence of Evil is DEPENDENT upon souls maintaining their separating desires, any desire that takes the Soul AWAY from God/Goddess. Thus, as the Soul progressively eliminates such separating desires and becomes ever closer to God/Goddess, the very existence of Evil is threatened. As a result, Evil will attempt with all its power and force to 'seduce' such a Soul in a variety of ways in order to keep it separate from God/Goddess.

Another example is the great Yogananda."­ "¬After he had established his center for monks and nuns at Mt."­ "¬Washington,"­ "¬there came a time in which Evil descended in full force upon not only him,"­ "¬but also his disciples as manifested in the monks and nuns."­ "¬Please remember that Evil always operates and manifests through our negative emotions."­ "¬As a result,"­ "¬many of the existing monks and nuns became influenced in this way and left Mt."­ "¬Washington."­ "¬Yogananda himself was"­ '"¬attacked"­' "¬by this Evil in the form of having his legs almost totally paralyzed for a period of time,"­ "¬and so on."­

(Q2"­) "¬According to your description here,"­ "¬as well as what you once told us about evil becoming particularly strong when one is on the edge of their first experience of"­ '"¬cosmic consciousness,"­' "¬or actual,"­ "¬direct perception of God/Goddess,"­ "¬my understanding is that,"­ "¬while evil is always active,"­ "¬it becomes even more"­ '"¬insistent,"­' "¬more active when any soul is about to make a major shift in consciousness."­ "¬Would this also be true not only at each level of samadhi or expansion of consciousness thru the evolution thru the spiritual stages,"­ "¬but at each"­ '"¬gate"­' "¬so to speak thru any and/or all of the evolutionary stages,"­ "¬to keep the soul from moving forwards"­? "¬And within this,"­ "¬as shown thru the examples of Jesus and Yogananda,"­ "¬then one must be a fully and finally liberated soul before they are"­ '"¬safe"­' "¬from the influence of evil"­; "¬so,"­ "¬since Yogananda will return one more time,"­ "¬he will have to face this"­ '"¬influence"­'"¬,"­ "¬this temptation thru this last lifetime as well.

"­(A) Yes, at each gate, or moving from one evolutionary condition to the next, evil's influence increases in an effort to hold the soul back. And, yes, it takes a final 'liberation' of the soul so that such an influence ceases to exist. So, yes, given that Yogananda will have one more time on Earth he will be subjected to this influence.

"­(Q1) Just a clarification. The soul in the 3rd stage spiritual is indeed tempted by Evil, but the question is, can it be corrupted? The example of Jesus and Yogananda shows that in their stage, they kept being centered in truth despite everything. A spiritual soul that would succumb to the illusion of separation would in a sense relate more to the 2nd Spiritual stage. If I am wrong, than what is the difference between 3rd stage spiritual and 2nd stage spiritual on that basis?

(A"­) "¬If you mean an absolute corruption,"­ "¬the answer is no."­ "¬A soul in the third stage spiritual can in fact,"­ "¬from time to time,"­ "¬be"­ '"¬fooled"­' "¬by evil,"­ '"¬tricked"­' "¬by evil,"­ "¬or"­ '"¬confused"­' "¬by evil,"­ "¬but not corrupted in the sense of"­ '"¬buying into it,"­' "¬which would then set in motion a reverse evolution.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 09, 2012, 04:49 PM
Hi Rad,

In response to Steven you wrote: "And, yes, generally speaking those who be tempted to make contract with Evil occurs somewhere within the Consensus State of evolution."

So do Souls who have made contracts with evil not evolve beyond Consensus?  And if a Soul further along in development (individuated or spiritual) makes a contract, what happens?  Do they de-volve?

Also, following up on what Steven wrote, I am struggling with the fact that it is the experience of feeling victimized and disempowered that leads to this.  It seems to me that on the one hand, one must develop compassion for oneself if one is to heal, yet at the same time, doesn't compassion, by its very definition, take into account the "victimization" that has happened?  (ie, needs not having been meant, traumas that one has experienced, etc.....).  Just very confusing for me.  Steven brought up Romney.  Are we not to have compassion for him/his Soul?

Not sure I could follow up with you if your answer to this were yes, but are you by any chance available for consultations on this matter? 

Thank you for sharing this information, Rad.  This is an issue that has always terrified me.  But I am starting to understand how important it is to understand it and be aware of it.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 09, 2012, 04:57 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 09, 2012, 09:49 AM
Hi Ellen,

1) Since Souls who make contracts with evil do so with complete awareness, does one have to be evolved to a certain evolutionary stage to be able to do so?


From the consensus state onwards ......

This one is difficult for me.  Doesn't seem like a Consensus has developed enough awareness to truly understand what they are choosing.....?

2) Is it possible for a Soul to have made a contract, but for the specific individual in a specific lifetime not to be aware of it (at least not in a conscious way)?  Perhaps they feel they want to do good, but everything keeps going wrong? 


This can happen when the Soul itself is in denial that it made a contract in the first place.
But the underlying psychology is still to desire to do harm?  Yet they are in conflict within themselves about this?  It is so HARD to accept the finality of a contract.  The reasoning that JWG gives is because it would be too easy to sign up and then change one's mind and then sign up again, etc.  But couldn't there be TRUE regret, TRUE contrition (or whatever)?  Could a Soul who has made a contract go through lifetime after lifetime regretting this choice and trying to atone in some way, but just not able?


One final thought: Perhaps a Soul who has made a contract will not feel frightened by "the dark side"?


Generally true, and for many they will exhibit a true fascination with it.


One more question from the most recent post.  The phrase "actual reality" is used a couple of times, as in the quote: "Yes,  with the causative factor being Lucifer in the  6th,  i.e.,  personal denial of their actual reality."

What is meant by "actual reality"?  ie, that a contract with evil was made?


Actual reality versus a delusive construction considered to be 'reality' where that delusive construction is caused by denial of the actual reality at hand.

So just to be clear.  ACTUAL REALITY is the reality that a contract with evil has been made.  (If a contract has not been made, then perhaps actual reality could be said to be the reality of the influence of evil in one's life that one is not wanting to face....?)

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 09, 2012, 05:16 PM
Hi Rad,

Sorry for all my questions on this.  This is a quote taken from Marc Jones' recent newsletter sent via email.  It goes:

" '"¦The culminating experience by which new capacities of awareness open to such persons to give new content and meaning to the activities of their lives, often looks deceptively like illness while it is still in its early stages. If it would be diagnosed and treated in the light of pathology at that point in its genesis, all the possibilities of development would be cut short before they had a chance to grow.' "

A lot of my struggle with this topic comes from the question of how one determines what is truly the effect of evil influencing a person versus simply normal "descents into darkness" that occur in the course of one's development - as one sheds old ways, self-definitions, etc that no longer allow growth, yet are in limbo because the new form, the new answers have not yet arisen.  Since these transitions are often viewed with alarm and I would say even condemnation often (because of the fear they evoke in others who may have a need to hang onto the old), how does one determine the difference?  I guess this goes back to my original question of who decides.  A person may be condemned as evil from the outside.  And, so condemned, may believe they are in fact evil.......  Is this making any sense?  How does one come to know within oneself what is truth?  (I am aware that I am very confused in this matter.......)

Thank you.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Feb 09, 2012, 05:47 PM
Hi Rad,

QuoteNo. The progressive manifestation of 'perfection' within  the ultimate consciousness we call God/ess would be itself projected through out the manifested Creation in all of it's forms to the point where that manifested Creation would no longer exit. At that point there in nothing but Consciousness without any form at all.

Why and when would that happen?
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 10, 2012, 08:57 AM
Hi Ellen,

Quote from: Ellen on Feb 09, 2012, 04:49 PM
Hi Rad,

In response to Steven you wrote: "And, yes, generally speaking those who be tempted to make contract with Evil occurs somewhere within the Consensus State of evolution."

So do Souls who have made contracts with evil not evolve beyond Consensus?  And if a Soul further along in development (individuated or spiritual) makes a contract, what happens?  Do they de-volve?


Once a contract has been made the Soul then continues to evolve relative to the consciousness of Evil itself: ever increasing capacities to do Evil's work. This is exactly the same for all Souls who have not made this contract with Evil who are progressively desiring to return Home to God/ess. The natural evolution back to God/Home allows a Soul to gain ever more capacities to know God, to do the work of God.


Also, following up on what Steven wrote, I am struggling with the fact that it is the experience of feeling victimized and disempowered that leads to this.  It seems to me that on the one hand, one must develop compassion for oneself if one is to heal, yet at the same time, doesn't compassion, by its very definition, take into account the "victimization" that has happened?  (ie, needs not having been meant, traumas that one has experienced, etc.....).  Just very confusing for me.  Steven brought up Romney.  Are we not to have compassion for him/his Soul?


You are mixing things up here Ellen. Having compassion for oneself or others is of course true. This has nothing to do with Soul's who make contracts with Evil for the reasons that they do. If you personally wish to have compassion towards these Souls then that is of course your right to do so.


Not sure I could follow up with you if your answer to this were yes, but are you by any chance available for consultations on this matter?  


No .... sorry.

Thank you for sharing this information, Rad.  This is an issue that has always terrified me.  But I am starting to understand how important it is to understand it and be aware of it.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 10, 2012, 09:07 AM
Hi Ellen,

Quote from: Ellen on Feb 09, 2012, 04:57 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 09, 2012, 09:49 AM
Hi Ellen,

1) Since Souls who make contracts with evil do so with complete awareness, does one have to be evolved to a certain evolutionary stage to be able to do so?


From the consensus state onwards ......

This one is difficult for me.  Doesn't seem like a Consensus has developed enough awareness to truly understand what they are choosing.....?

It may not seem that way to you but in fact there is enough awareness.


2) Is it possible for a Soul to have made a contract, but for the specific individual in a specific lifetime not to be aware of it (at least not in a conscious way)?  Perhaps they feel they want to do good, but everything keeps going wrong? 


This can happen when the Soul itself is in denial that it made a contract in the first place.
But the underlying psychology is still to desire to do harm?  Yet they are in conflict within themselves about this?  It is so HARD to accept the finality of a contract.  The reasoning that JWG gives is because it would be too easy to sign up and then change one's mind and then sign up again, etc.  But couldn't there be TRUE regret, TRUE contrition (or whatever)?  Could a Soul who has made a contract go through lifetime after lifetime regretting this choice and trying to atone in some way, but just not able?

Yes, there can be that regret. But once the contract has been made it has been made.


One final thought: Perhaps a Soul who has made a contract will not feel frightened by "the dark side"?


Generally true, and for many they will exhibit a true fascination with it.


One more question from the most recent post.  The phrase "actual reality" is used a couple of times, as in the quote: "Yes,  with the causative factor being Lucifer in the  6th,  i.e.,  personal denial of their actual reality."

What is meant by "actual reality"?  ie, that a contract with evil was made?


Actual reality versus a delusive construction considered to be 'reality' where that delusive construction is caused by denial of the actual reality at hand.

So just to be clear.  ACTUAL REALITY is the reality that a contract with evil has been made.  (If a contract has not been made, then perhaps actual reality could be said to be the reality of the influence of evil in one's life that one is not wanting to face....?)

Yes, but it can also mean a person in denial of other dynamics within themselves as well.


God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 10, 2012, 09:08 AM
Quote from: ari moshe on Feb 09, 2012, 05:47 PM
Hi Rad,

QuoteNo. The progressive manifestation of 'perfection' within  the ultimate consciousness we call God/ess would be itself projected through out the manifested Creation in all of it's forms to the point where that manifested Creation would no longer exit. At that point there in nothing but Consciousness without any form at all.

Why and when would that happen?

Hi Ari,

Ask God,

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 10, 2012, 09:23 AM
the transcripts continue .... Rad

Lucifer's Fall From Grace"­

(Q1"­) "¬You quoted in your post on the war in Iraq:"­ ""¬We must remember that the very nature of Lucifer"­ '"¬falling from grace"­' "¬was caused by his willful refusal to do what God/Goddess asked of him:"­ "¬to"­ '"¬serve"­' "¬human beings on this planet."­ "¬As a result of that refusal,"­ "¬the archangel Lucifer then was cast away from God/Goddess,"­ "¬and as a result of this,"­ "¬Lucifer decided thru his own will and volition to"­ '"¬destroy"­' "¬the very humans that he blamed for his own downfall."­ "¬In essence,"­ "¬Lucifer became a"­ '"¬victim"­' "¬to God/Goddess.

Since the"­ '"¬energy and consciousness of evil was set in motion simultaneously to the moment of the manifested creation itself,"­' "¬as you explained in your lecture on evil at Astro"­ "¬2000,"­ "¬then this of course predates anything written by men,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬the Garden of Eden myth."­ "¬At the time that myth was created,"­ "¬did humans have a conscious concept of Lucifer/evil"­?

If one needs an"­ '"¬excuse"­' "¬for humanity's"­ '"¬downfall"­'"¬--needs to feel that we've been"­ '"¬separated"­' "¬from God"­'"¬--needs to place"­ '"¬blame"­' "¬for the human condition,"­ "¬wouldn't this seem to be more of a"­ '"¬reason/explanation"­' "¬than trying to explain it with the Garden of Eden myth"­? "¬Or,"­ "¬if evil/Lucifer was acknowledged and/or known then,"­ "¬since it was"­ '"¬men"­' "¬who were writing what we now know as the books of the Bible and the myths and legends therein,"­ "¬is that why it was twisted into blaming"­ '"¬woman"­?'

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬there was an awareness of"­ '"¬evil"­' "¬before the Garden of Evil myth within humans,"­ "¬but in those natural times it was not conceived of as evil,"­ "¬just as what we now conceive of as God/Goddess was not a conception then."­ "¬Yet the peoples of those times intuitively knew,"­ "¬felt,"­ "¬the two contradictory"­ '"¬forces"­' "¬or energies that are now called God and evil."­ "¬This is why for the balance of human history/herstory there were"­ '"¬shamans"­' "¬in every tribe and place."­ "¬The shaman's role was to understand the interplay of those forces and to do what was necessary because of them."­ "¬The Garden of Eden myth is an embodiment of the awareness that preceded it,"­ "¬yet because this myth was formed when the patriarchy was already in place,"­ "¬these natural forces were then"­ '"¬conceived"­' "¬of in this way,"­ "¬where the"­ '"¬women"­' "¬became the scapegoat,"­ "¬or victim,"­ "¬of the inherent evil forces in our universe.

"­(Q2)  I have a question in relation to "..of the inherent evil forces in our universe." Because we live in a polarity-based environment, i.e., day/night, up/down, etc., if there is "evil in our universe, then there must be what? "Good?"

(A"­) "¬Yes."­ "¬Good equals God.

"­(Q2) Must it always be that in order to know one aspect we have to know the opposite side? Is that one of the ways souls evolve? .

"­(A) Yes.

"­(Q2) Thank you for your replies to my postings. I so appreciate the time you take to respond. I understand the direction you're taking this and the explanation of evil, but I have to say that the word evil still does not sit well with me. Maybe it's the fire and brimstone of my Catholic upbringing that has caused this denial inside me: the need to deny that such an energy exists.

(A"­) "¬This could be,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬but mainly,"­ "¬at least from my experience with many,"­ "¬many people in this life,"­ "¬it is a reflection of the human need to deny that evil can exist within themselves,"­ "¬and thru extension anyone else.

There is a strong need inside me to believe that everyone is good and that nobody is really bad to the core of their soul,"­ "¬that whatever someone does will come back to them at some point,"­ "¬so I can let go of any judgments towards those that other people might label as evil."­

(A"­) "¬Well,"­ "¬we can"­ '"¬believe"­' "¬anything we wish,"­ "¬but the belief itself does not mean that what one is believing is intrinsically true."­ "¬Some people still believe that the earth is flat for example,"­ "¬or that Bush actually has done nothing wrong,"­ "¬just a function of the media,"­ "¬and so on.

"­(Q2) If it's natural law that whatever you put out will come back to you, then can one conclude that evil will in the end destroy itself?

(A"­) "¬Evil will only cease to exist when all souls everywhere manifest one desire only,"­ "¬and that desire is to return and reunite consciously with that which has created us"­ "¬-"­ "¬GOD/GODDESS."­ "¬In other words,"­ "¬the existence of evil is dependent upon souls maintaining separating desires.

"­(Q2) If it does, will the Divine Source/Goddess cease to exist also?

(A"­) "¬Of course not."­ "¬How could that be"­?

(Q3"­) "¬Just now I am noticing the asteroid Lucifer going back and forth about the middle of Pisces--18"­ "¬degrees."­ "¬I wonder with all the other activity in Pisces if this has a special meaning about people making a conscious choice about God/Goddess in the face of adversity.

"­(A) Yes, this is quite so, especially since collective conditions on earth will continue to be severely influenced by evil, which can progressively degenerate into individual attitudes of futility, self-defeat, what's the point, and so on: personal powerlessness in the face of collective events. So the need to commit to God, and God only, is absolutely paramount in these times.

Terminology of Lucifer/Evil

(Q"­) "¬I'm hoping you'll shed some light on a few things for me."­ "¬Every time I read the words"­ ""¬evil"­" "¬and"­ ""¬Lucifer"­" "¬or"­ ""¬Satan,"­" "¬it trips me up,"­ "¬and I have a difficult time placing the word(s"­) "¬in the context of what it means."­ "¬This could be my strong Catholic upbringing that I'm continuing to rebel against this,"­ "¬or it may be memories of the patriarchal religions."­ "¬I don't know why I have such a strong reaction to these words."­ "¬Perhaps if I understood them in the context that they are meant to be understood,"­ "¬they'll no longer be stumbling blocks for me.

"­(A) Believe me, most people have a problem with these words. The context in which to understand these words/archetypes is to understand the two primary forces that determine evolution in any time/space universe and the circumstances that are created thru such interactive evolution, both collectively and individually. The influence of evil can manifest thru any of our separating desires, and, specifically, thru our emotional bodies relative to where we are most emotionally weak or vulnerable. God/Goddess manifests thru the single desire to reunite our consciousness with God/Goddess itself.

"­(Q) In the book the Pleadian Agenda, Lucifer is referred to as an energy (soul if you will) that had gotten trapped on Earth when the planets shifted and closed the only passage off of Earth.

(A"­) "¬This is not so.

"­(Q) [I'm paraphrasing, so it's not word for word.] He (Lucifer) also states that through the struggle of power on Earth using religion that he has been described in the worst possible way.

(A"­) "¬This is unfortunately true."­ "¬Look how Bin Laden,"­ "¬for example,"­ "¬uses religion."­ "¬Or Bush,"­ "¬for that matter.

"­(Q) Now maybe this book is all crap, but I haven't found any other answers to describe Satan/Lucifer/Evil. I'd like to move past these stumbling blocks I have on these words and apply them in the context that Evolutionary Astrology intends them to be.  Are you saying that any desire other than the desire to return to the Divine Source/Creator would manifest as "evil?"

(A"­) "¬Of course not."­ "¬What I am saying is that it is thru the very nature of separating that evil can manifest thru those separating desires.

"­(Q) Then could one say there are degrees of evil? Or, is it all the same?

(A"­) "¬There are degrees of influence.

"­(Q) Why does it seem that some of the most notorious crimes or acts of evil recorded in history have been committed by men? Unless you can list crimes/evil that have been carried out by women.

(A"­) "¬It is because of the very nature of the patriarchy."­ "¬We must remember that as the patriarchy took over,"­ "¬it shifted consciousness from natural laws to artificial laws created by men,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬the Garden of Eden myth,"­ "¬which shifted from the natural consciousness which was defined by the natural laws or principles of giving,"­ "¬sharing,"­ "¬and inclusion to self-interest and exclusion."­ "¬Women have obviously also had to live in patriarchal times,"­ "¬and as a result,"­ "¬their own natural natures"­ "¬-"­ "¬Lilith"­ "¬-"­ "¬have become progressively distorted because of that artificial conditioning."­ "¬As a result,"­ "¬there have been many evil acts also created by women.

"­(Q) And was there still evil during the matriarchal era?

(A"­) "¬Of course."­ "¬It is intrinsic to Creation relative to time/space universes.

Transits to Natal Lucifer

(Q"­) "¬I currently have transiting Saturn conjuncting my natal Lucifer and was wondering about all the things that may be occurring in relation to this transit."­ "¬Even though I have other heavy transits in my chart,"­ "¬I realize that transits over Lucifer,"­ "¬especially long-lasting ones,"­ "¬would probably ignite all kinds of events related to evil in relation to the planet in transit."­

For example,"­ "¬I first had a sudden illness"­ ("¬some kind of mysterious flu that I thought would quickly go away and yet proved to be persistent and long lasting:"­ "¬a Saturn effect again."­ "¬Simultaneous to this,"­ "¬I gradually stopped doing all kinds of things I was doing,"­ "¬and felt like I was totally unable to continue on with almost anything."­ "¬It was as if I had no power at all."­ "¬I knew I had some,"­ "¬yet I found myself almost compulsively just doing nothing."­ "¬It was as if I was in some kind of invisible chain and felt emotionally drained for no apparent reason,"­ "¬etc."­ "¬Then it occurred to me that this is a bit strange,"­ "¬and I wondered what the heck could be going on."­ "¬The flu doesn't really explain that."­ "¬Finally,"­ "¬I noticed the"­ ""¬happy"­" "¬news:"­ "¬transiting Saturn was sitting right on my natal Lucifer.

So,"­ "¬what is your view on planets transiting Lucifer,"­ "¬and how do the archetypes play out/synthesize during these transits."­ "¬What's the best approach to deal with it once we notice it"­?"¬."­

(A"­) "¬When transiting Lucifer aspects natal planets,"­ "¬it will attempt,"­ "¬thru the influence of evil,"­ "¬to magnify and distort whatever inherently difficult dynamics are within those planet(s"­)"¬."­

Saturn transiting your natal Lucifer in Cancer will correlate to an emotional state of almost absolute self-defeat associated with an almost absolute emotional state of exhaustion and weariness."­ "¬This leads to the attitude of"­ '"¬what's the point in doing anything,"­' "¬and thus doing nothing."­ "¬Within this,"­ "¬a state of emotional paralysis exists:"­ "¬an emotional state of total inner compression that weakens the immune system,"­ "¬because Cancer naturally links thru triad to Pisces."­ "¬This obviously can manifest in the stomach:"­ "¬Cancer."­

When the influence of evil is manifesting,"­ "¬the solution is always thru the psychological attitude,"­ "¬and the soul's desire,"­ "¬of absolute self-determination and persistence in doing what you know you need and want to do no matter what,"­ "¬and,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬being ever more determined to stay focused on God/Goddess no matter what.

Lucifer conjunct Mercury

(Q"­) "¬I have a question about Lucifer conjunct Mercury in early Virgo in the"­ "¬8th house,"­ "¬square a Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius in the"­ "¬12th,"­ "¬square Saturn in Gemini in the"­ "¬6th and Pluto at the end of Virgo in the"­ "¬9th."­ "¬How do I interpret it in relation to past lives"­? "¬Is it linked to Christianity,"­ "¬or could it be any other religious belief system"­? ("¬Sorry,"­ "¬I am quite the novice in interpreting this complex picture."­)"¬."­

(A"­) "¬It all depends on the individual nature of the soul,"­ "¬and its evolutionary condition."­ "¬Thus,"­ "¬I cannot give a specific answer concerning the person you are asking about."­ "¬Archetypically,"­ "¬this pattern could mean being a compulsive liar,"­ "¬which is caused by the influence of evil in order for the person to avoid accepting the responsibility for his or her own actions and blaming others as a result of that."­ "¬It could mean,"­ "¬thru the influence of evil,"­ "¬that the person would convince himself that his world view,"­ "¬religion or philosophy,"­ "¬is the only"­ '"¬right"­' "¬way of looking at life and attacking others with very critical or abusive comments if the other(s"­) "¬do not agree with the world view or religion that they are defined by,"­ "¬and,"­ "¬therefore,"­ "¬try to convince and convert others."­ "¬It could mean,"­ "¬thru the influence of evil,"­ "¬that the individual attempts to get between other people in order to feel powerful within themselves,"­ "¬dividing people relative to their own ulterior motives to the point of making up lies about others.

"­(Q) I understand your answer, but isn't there a positive side of this aspect?

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬but you asked specifically about how the potential influence of evil could assert itself."­ "¬Thus my answer.

"­(Q) Could the positive side be that the person is aware of the evilness of words and actually fears that the others are trying to convert her to another belief system that is limited or to convert her to believe that she is wrong in what she is saying, because of the struggle with the human language, relative to the square of Neptune in Sagittarius and Saturn in Gemini?

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬but then ask yourself just why her soul created these experiences/circumstances in the first place."­ "¬You will then see in my first answer the very causes of these current circumstances,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬caused by her own karma."­

(Q"­) "¬This person is very silent and observes a lot and actually finds it difficult to express herself."­ "¬And I was wondering if maybe it could be something in past lives that relates to a secret"­ ("¬8th house"­) "¬that this person held in a context of a religious party where there was a fight between God and evil."­

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬and again,"­ "¬this refers to my first answer."­ "¬The silent effect is a reaction to her own inner doubt about her own ideas,"­ "¬her own philosophy,"­ "¬and thus the silence."­ "¬This is an evolutionary development related to other lives that preceded this effect."­ "¬Again,"­ "¬refer to the first answer.

Evil"­ & "¬Evolution

(A"­) "¬How does evil evolve"­? "¬Or,"­ "¬does it"­?

(A"­) "¬Yes."­ "¬The consciousness of evil evolves,"­ "¬and like any consciousness that has a soul,"­ "¬it evolves thru desire.

"­(Q) Would it be possible for an evil soul to reach a form of higher spiritual evolution?

(A"­) "¬Spiritual evolution means to know God."­ "¬A soul that has made a contract also evolves but not towards God,"­ "¬towards Evil itself."­  "¬Souls that have made contracts with evil evolve not towards God but evolve by obtaining ever increasing"­ "˜"¬powers' given to them by the origin of evil itself:"­ "¬Lucifer."­ "¬Such souls then,"­ "¬because of the contract,"­ "¬must try to"­ "˜"¬capture' other souls for Lucifer's purposes,"­ "¬with the primary vehicle being one of"­ "˜"¬temptation"­' "¬or seduction of other souls"­; "¬purposeful deception is part of that."­ "¬Souls that are being influenced by evil do not evolve towards God because the emphasis in such souls is relative to their separating desires,"­ "¬which is the intention of evil in the first place"­ "¬-"­ "¬to keep souls lost to their own separating desires."­

(Q"­) "¬If this is possible,"­ "¬could their approximate state of evolution be determined by how advanced their ability is to deceive"­?

(A"­) "¬And to seduce and tempt."­ "¬Yes"­ "¬."­
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 10, 2012, 03:44 PM
Quote from: Ellen on Feb 09, 2012, 05:16 PM
Hi Rad,

Sorry for all my questions on this.  This is a quote taken from Marc Jones' recent newsletter sent via email.  It goes:

" '"¦The culminating experience by which new capacities of awareness open to such persons to give new content and meaning to the activities of their lives, often looks deceptively like illness while it is still in its early stages. If it would be diagnosed and treated in the light of pathology at that point in its genesis, all the possibilities of development would be cut short before they had a chance to grow.' "

A lot of my struggle with this topic comes from the question of how one determines what is truly the effect of evil influencing a person versus simply normal "descents into darkness" that occur in the course of one's development - as one sheds old ways, self-definitions, etc that no longer allow growth, yet are in limbo because the new form, the new answers have not yet arisen.  Since these transitions are often viewed with alarm and I would say even condemnation often (because of the fear they evoke in others who may have a need to hang onto the old), how does one determine the difference?  I guess this goes back to my original question of who decides.  A person may be condemned as evil from the outside.  And, so condemned, may believe they are in fact evil.......  Is this making any sense?  How does one come to know within oneself what is truth?  (I am aware that I am very confused in this matter.......)

Thank you.


Hi Ellen,

This is why I decided to post this transcript from JWG: to help anyone know when in fact one is being influenced by Evil.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 10, 2012, 04:33 PM
Hi Rad,

Thanks for your answers to my questions.  


Addition:  PS Thinking the issue/confusion with me is one of the difference between basic human development vs the matter of contracts..........
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Heidi on Feb 10, 2012, 05:01 PM
I just wanted to share something that may help you Ellen (and anyone else); and Rad please correct any information that appears incorrect, or delete this post if necessary. Just sharing this information in a public space makes me feel extremely uncomfortable and I actually feel nauseous as I am thinking and writing it. Basically I was involved (as a friend and student) with someone for a while that I believe either made a contract or is strongly possessed, by evil. I went through a lot of confusion over this man's evolutionary state because he works as a spiritual teacher (still) and I simply could not get my head or heart around how someone so evolved could allow themselves to use other people for their own gain, as this man clearly is. At this point I feel quite certain that he is in the spiritual 2nd stage of evolution. I feel this may be a typical place for this to happen since souls often experience a humiliating downfall in this stage, and therefore may make a contract with evil in order to retain power. I had an akashic record reading about this man in which I was told that he had basically bought into someone else's power, and had been doing this for the last 3 lifetimes. I was told that he is very advanced in "trickery," so as Rad pointed out, he has become more evolved in evil. It appears to me that he has even seduced souls in late individuated/early spiritual stages of evolution. It took me a long, long, time to process this, it was a total shock to my soul. I was also told that he would feed off the light of others in order to maintain his power. I definitely felt him doing this to me, and the more I tried to confront him, the more he recoiled and started projecting back to me, in a very angry and judgmental way. His trick is to "hook" people, especially women, into believing he is a very advanced soul, and uses his "cuteness" as a way of mimicking some kind of innocence. His behavior (at least when I knew him) was extremely arrogant, it was as if he simply believed, needed, and enjoyed the fact that most of his students were treating him as "God-like" and special. When I would confront him it became obvious that he felt that he could do whatever he wanted, that the normal rules didn't apply to him. He actually told me once that we needed to learn to become dependent on each other, which was a huge red light! I was actually shocked to progressively discover just how "empty" he was inside. Along with this reading, another experience that has lead me to believe this man may have made a contract with evil is: When I was closely involved with him, I woke up in bed one morning startled because I felt something crawling over my chest. As I woke up I saw a huge black spider, the size of a man's hand and fingers crawling over my heart area. As I saw it, it jumped off my chest and I noticed that it was connected to a thick rope that seemed to be coming from the ceiling. I literally jumped out of bed and ran from the room since this thing was so huge. But I realized immediately that it was energetic, it had the consistency of thick, black, smoke. The lady that gave me the reading about him said that this is how these souls hook people, they get them in the heart area. So it is no surprise that this man is followed around by women students that are secretly "in love" with him. He appeared to feel that it was perfectly ok to trick people this way, and he obviously needs their light in order to increase his power source. I also had constant nightmares of being chased by a dangerous and aggressive energy, it would catch up with me and try to smother me, or abuse me in some other way. One time I even heard laughter as I woke up. All of this bothered me so much I can't tell you. I wanted to scream from the rooftops about this to warn people but didn't because I just knew that people were so under his spell that they wouldn't believe me. It was a hard struggle for me but I felt the best thing I could do was to just protect myself and keep a firm distance. I never really saw "cats eyes" but I have seen youtube videos of him and notice how he is always diverting his gaze, and rolling his eyes; he appears to be kind of "squirming." The brief moments that I watch are enough before I have to turn it off feeling extremely uncomfortable and nauseous. If I hadn't had this experience I would not be able to understand this stuff, and quite frankly I still find myself doubting it and thinking it's just a spiritual 2nd delusional thing.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 10, 2012, 06:47 PM
Hi Heidi,

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with this.  This topic has truly terrified me and frankly I can't even tell what I've been trying to get at with all my questions.  I am beginning to wonder if I've been trying to keep it all out in some way - trying to find an escape hatch that allows me to not have to deal with the reality of it.  If we're all just HUMAN, after all......... But I think I'm starting to get it.  People have free choice and that means they can choose good or evil.  So I get the need to understand this.  And I get the need to be firm in saying "No" to it in whatever way it manifests in one's life (within or without).  Definitely one of the things that has been tripping me up is the difference between the basic trials and tribulations of human development vs a commitment to harm.  I think I understand the difference now, so thank you so much.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 11, 2012, 09:57 AM
Hi Heidi,

God Bless you for sharing this personal story. To me everything about what you have shared perfectly correlates to how Evil does in fact operate through human Souls. The trickery and the seduction, the use of specific evil practices as in that dark spider of smoke energy that you were horrified by, the feeding off others life forces, their Light, the glancing away anytime he perceived someone trying to actually 'look into' him, his eyes, the conscious act of creating 'dependencies' upon himself, everything you shared about this individual are hallmarks of Evil operating through human Souls.

Wolf so often taught that Souls who are truly seeking to go Home, to commit their Souls to God, and do the work of God in their own ways, always and forever point the way Home, back to God, AND NEVER TO THEMSELVES. Ever.

And, thank you so much for sharing your story Heidi. I want to add this too: as I was reading your story, because it is very late at night where I am so I always have a candle lit next to my computer, the candle LIGHT simply went out, and, at that moment, an 'envelope' of smell permeated my space, and that smell was one of sulfur. Yikes.

God Bless you, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 11, 2012, 10:07 AM
the transcripts continue.............Rad

Israeli Teen and Evil

(Q"­) "¬First,"­ "¬is there a difference between Lucifer,"­ "¬Satan and the Devil"­; "¬are they different names for the same,"­ "¬or do they have particularity in your knowledge"­?

Second,"­ "¬The teen age daughter of a friend is currently battling the attempt of evil to possess her."­ "¬About a year ago she started to be very violent,"­ "¬to the point that she was throwing stones at her parents."­ "¬Gradually,"­ "¬she could verbalize her state of mind,"­ "¬saying entities were invading her consciousness and making her react that way."­ "¬Now she is saying that entities of light are helping her and explaining to her how to proceed and free herself."­ "¬She is in a much better place,"­ "¬but yesterday,"­ "¬after a few months of"­ ""¬peace,"­" "¬she had another"­ ""¬invasion"­" "¬attempt,"­ "¬and she started saying things her ego doesn't have any clues about."­ "¬She was with friends,"­ "¬and the mother of the friend took her to an exorcist rabbi,"­ "¬and she feels better now.

She has Pluto in Scorpio conjunct Lucifer in the"­ "¬3rd house,"­ "¬which has been squared by transiting Neptune this past couple of years."­ "¬She has Mars in Virgo in the"­ "¬2nd house being Squared by Pluto now."­ "¬I know you often counsel people to do the Aging ritual to free themselves from these forms of influences."­ "¬Do you have another suggestion on how she might"­ ""¬protect"­" "¬herself"­? "¬For learning purposes,"­ "¬her birth data is:"­  "¬Sept"­ "¬22,"­ "¬1987,"­ "¬2:15"­ "¬am,"­ "¬."­ "¬Tel Aviv,"­ "¬Israel.

"­(A) First, the Aging ritual is never used for this purpose. That ritual is to free one from the karmic umbilical cord that can keep us connected to someone whom we no longer wish to be connected to. The names Lucifer, evil, Satan, etc., all correlate to the same thing.

Relative to the girl:"­ "¬I would recommend that she continue to see the rabbi,"­ "¬who has the God given capacity to exorcise the evil energy that is trying to possess her."­ "¬Within this,"­ "¬I recommend that those that love the girl talk to her about the use of her own will to throw this out of herself,"­ "¬saying.."­ '"¬Satan get behind me,"­'  "¬and to mentally say this to herself as much as possible."­ "¬If you can get it in Israel,"­ "¬locate sage or chaparral plants,"­ "¬and"­ '"¬smudge"­' "¬her as often as possible."­ "¬The energy of evil can not stand the specific vibration and smell of these plants."­ "¬Last"­ ("¬just for you to know"­)"¬,"­ "¬her soul committed suicide last time around."­ "¬So she spent seven days in what can be called the"­ '"¬astral"­' "¬hell,"­ "¬and so the"­ '"¬opening"­' "¬to her soul by evil."­ "¬Thus the solution of restructuring her will in this life.

"­(Q) Well, these evil forces gave her precise instructions on how to commit suicide. She made one attempt a few months ago, but is now aware that it is not her wish. Yesterday, she said they were asking her to look straight in the eyes of her friend, but she knew that if she did that, it would hurt the friend and avoided the gaze. Anyway, Mars is on its way to join Neptune on the Square to natal Pluto/Lucifer. Hopefully, she'll manage that well. Her mother told me she wants this story told so that people would realize evil exists and that it is not a projection, but an actual force. She is shocked herself but is very supportive and helping the daughter to remain determined.

"­(A) One more thing for the little girl that will help ward off evil from her: unless she is already doing so, please suggest to the parents that she wear a Star of David necklace.

Phoenix"­ "¬-"­ "¬Dec."­ "¬2,"­ "¬2000
Jeffrey Wolf Green

Jeffrey:"­ "¬Good morning class."­  "¬Today we're going to be talking about something that is not perhaps comfortable for any of us to talk about,"­ "¬which is the very nature of evil,"­ "¬the phenomenon of evil,"­ "¬and how any of us can be influenced by evil."­  "¬I've only done this lecture twice in my whole career,"­ "¬and that's only been in the last couple of years."­  "¬Both times I've done it,"­ "¬it's been very interesting because it just seems to have an effect of triggering people."­  "¬A lot of folks don't even want to believe that evil exists,"­ "¬and when I start talking about evil,"­ "¬they begin to have these amazing reactions."­ "¬It's really a flash point,"­ "¬so,"­ "¬we brought some tomatoes in case anybody wants to throw them."­  "¬In any case,"­ "¬we're going to talk about what this evil stuff is and how it works in our lives."­ "¬As in all my lectures,"­ "¬when you have a question,"­ "¬just ask me when you have the question.

Again,"­ "¬some people have a problem with accepting this information in relation to their cosmologies,"­ "¬but it is,"­ "¬in fact,"­ "¬naturally true."­ "¬The first thing you need to understand is that this thing that we call evil is,"­ "¬in fact,"­ "¬birthed or created by God."­  "¬God is the origin of evil."­  "¬Since we are all part of the overall creation,"­ "¬what this really means is that all of us can be not only influenced by God,"­ "¬we can also be influenced by evil."­  "¬It's"­ "¬50/50."­  "¬Think about that--50/50."­  "¬From this point of view,"­ "¬we have to talk about what evil really is and why it exists."­ "¬From one point of view,"­ "¬it comes right back to this Natural Law of polarity."­  "¬For example,"­ "¬if you don't have a night,"­ "¬you don't have a day"­; "¬so,"­ "¬similarly,"­ "¬if you don't have evil,"­ "¬you can't know God."­ "¬See how it works"­?  "¬We always have to somehow have counterpoints--the natural law of polarity."­ 

The essence of Evil is a very real consciousness:"­ "¬it is its own kind of energy."­ "¬Evil's existence is absolutely dependent on any individual sustaining all of his or her separating desires,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬anything but to know God."­ "¬Evil will attempt to undermine any effort we make to know God and/or,"­ "¬in basic psychological cases,"­ "¬any desire we have to change."­ "¬It will attempt to influence,"­ "¬to undermine."­  "¬In other words,"­ "¬its existence is dependent upon the maintenance of human delusion."­

While it's true that evil can manifest through the archetype of Scorpio/8th house/Pluto,"­ "¬there is a specific asteroid that embodies the entire issue of evil as an archetype."­ "¬Through this archetype,"­ "¬WE'RE going to show you the paradox of how we work with this energy."­ "¬All of the energy of evil can be symbolized in one astrological symbol,"­ "¬and that is the asteroid Lucifer."­  "¬We started researching this about"­ "¬7"­ "¬or"­ "¬8"­ "¬years ago,"­ "¬and so I've learned a lot through that kind of observation."­  "¬For example,"­ "¬using the geodetic equivalent system developed by Johndro,"­ "¬which is a form of astrocartography,"­ "¬when the genocide in Kosovo took place,"­ "¬transiting Lucifer was exactly over Kosovo for the duration of that problem."­  "¬Now,"­ "¬tell me that's coincidence.

"­(Q) Where is it now?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It's moving right over the next really major flashpoint in our world,"­ "¬which is maybe Pakistan and India."­ "¬This is truly a dangerous situation,"­ "¬because these radical Muslims are in charge of the government,"­ "¬even though they have a defacto military leader."­ "¬I was listening to one of these guys on TV and he said,"­ ""¬God told us to build nuclear bombs."­" "¬This was a direct statement from the cleric,"­ ""¬God told us to build nuclear bombs."­"  "¬Sure,"­ "¬buddy."­  "¬So,"­ "¬imagine if these guys get their hands on the control of nuclear weapons."­ "¬This is the major next flashpoint,"­ "¬and here's the Lucifer transit."­ "¬You see the influence of evil."­ ""¬God told us to build nuclear bombs."­" "¬This is actually something Nostradamus predicted."­  "¬He called it the Red Emperor,"­ "¬or something about Pakistan."­ 

The bottom line for any of us is that the evolution of the soul is rooted in two desires within the soul itself:"­ "¬one desire is to separate away from that which has created us"­ ("¬we can call this God"­)"¬,"­ "¬and the other desire,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬is to return to that very Source which has created us."­  "¬And,"­ "¬we experience these cycles of separating,"­ "¬returning,"­ "¬separating,"­ "¬returning."­  "¬It's exactly at this point of the Natural Law of Double Desire in the soul that the influence of evil can exist."­  "¬It exists not only by sustaining the psychology of separating desires"­ "¬--"­ "¬I want this,"­ "¬I want this,"­ "¬I want this"­ "¬--"­ "¬but it also manifests"­ "¬--"­ "¬listen carefully"­ "¬--"­ "¬by creating the opposite reality intended."­  "¬How many of you in your life have not truly had the following experience"­? ""¬Oh,"­ "¬I'm going to go this way"­; "¬I want to do this,"­" "¬and then somehow,"­ "¬the very opposite thing happens."­  "¬How many know this as a life experience"­?  "¬And you're standing there afterward wondering,"­ ""¬What the heck happened here"­?"  "¬This is a common way that evil manifests,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬through the maintenance of human delusion,"­ "¬convincing the soul that it wants something other than what it intended.

Another primary way that evil manifests in our lives,"­ "¬the core primary way,"­ "¬is to influence any of us where we are most emotionally weak."­  "¬For example,"­ "¬if you have Venus in Scorpio,"­ "¬you can have many fears related to issues of loss,"­ "¬abandonment and betrayal,"­ "¬leading to issues of trust."­  "¬Now,"­ "¬let's say that you have a partner who creates a circumstance that ignites these natural fears."­ "¬On the one hand,"­ "¬these fears are natural to you."­  "¬Perhaps you've had some lifetimes where you had misapplied your trust into an intimate other in such a way as to attract that kind of thing:"­ "¬that's part of your MO,"­ "¬so to speak."­ "¬That's exactly where the influence can strike,"­ "¬where you're most emotionally weak,"­ "¬and take over something that is natural to you and then incredibly distort it,"­ "¬deepen it,"­ "¬intensify it."­ "¬Since you have these pre-existing fears"­ ("¬Venus in Scorpio"­)"¬,"­ "¬if your partner does something to trigger these fears,"­ "¬and you have these natural reactions,"­ "¬then evil will strike by taking that natural reaction and intensify and magnify it,"­ "¬blow it way out of proportion to the actual circumstance."­ "¬Do you understand what I'm getting at"­?  "¬You have a disproportionate reaction."­ "¬You're intensifying and magnifying it."­ "¬So,"­ "¬let's say you have these natural fears of loss,"­ "¬betrayal and abandonment,"­ "¬and now it's really intensified through this influence in such a way that you're now projecting onto your partner based on that distortion,"­ "¬and you're convinced that what you're saying or feeling is true:"­ ""¬Oh,"­ "¬it's gotta be true."­"  "¬Especially through Venus in Scorpio,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬it's true."­ "¬Then you start projecting all your natural fears related to betrayal,"­ "¬etc."­ "¬You see what's happened."­ "¬You set into motion a reality based on this evil's influence that would not otherwise be there."­ "¬So,"­ "¬now your partner starts reacting to what you're projecting through this influence."­ "¬That means,"­ "¬he or she is now being influenced."­  "¬Do you see"­?  "¬And it just degenerates,"­ "¬because the essence,"­ "¬the intent,"­ "¬of evil is to separate,"­ "¬not to unify."­ 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬How would that work with Mars and the separating desires"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It intensifies those separating desires."­  "¬It glorifies the ego.

"­(Q): How would it work with Venus in the 12th, where maybe you couldn't see all of it, or some of it's hidden from you?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬You're asking how it would manifest through Venus in the"­ "¬12th"­? "¬In Pisces"­?  "¬What it can degenerate into is displaced hysteria."­ "¬Typically,"­ "¬when you have Venus in the"­ "¬12th or Pisces,"­ "¬or in a stressful aspect to Neptune,"­ "¬you have a soul who is born with a form of what's called displaced hysteria,"­ "¬or hysteria dysplexia."­ "¬This means that the soul has been traumatized in some way prior to the current life and the nature of the trauma has degenerated into psychic hysteria."­ "¬There are many causes for the hysteria"­; "¬each individual case will be different,"­ "¬while the end result is the same."­ "¬The problem with the Pisces issue in general is that Pisces can create a reality that they think is true,"­ "¬and the person can truly believe this is actual reality."­  "¬But,"­ "¬if it's not actual reality,"­ "¬then Pisces,"­ "¬through it's polarity,"­ "¬creates crisis that leads to psychological/emotional disillusionment."­ "¬Disillusionment is one of the hardest things anyone can experience,"­ "¬because you've believed in something,"­ "¬you've invested in something,"­ "¬you think it's totally real,"­ "¬and then you come to realize that it was all a delusion."­ "¬When we go through this horrible disillusioning,"­ "¬the intent is to realign us with actual reality."­  "¬How many have never been disillusioned in this room"­?  "¬Did you enjoy being disillusioned"­?  "¬But it did realign you with reality."­ "¬So,"­ "¬in terms of Lucifer's influence,"­ "¬you see what it can degenerate into."­ "¬It can access that unresolved hysterical aspect of the psyche and then that becomes the basis of projection into the immediate environment,"­ "¬and it seems so irrational and yet rational at the same time,"­ "¬and the person's wondering what's happening."­ "¬They're caught in something and they can't get out of it.

Any of us can be influenced by evil."­ "¬I'll show you a quick snapshot into actual reality as we speak."­  "¬We currently have this presidential election problem in our country,"­ "¬and both of these men"­ ("¬Al Gore and George Bush"­) "¬have Pluto in the first house in Leo,"­ "¬with transiting Lucifer conjuncting Pluto."­ "¬If all of us stand back and objectify what we're viewing,"­ "¬we're truly seeing in the end a struggle between God and evil."­  "¬All we have to do is examine the tactics employed by the Bush crowd and compare those to the tactics of the Gore crowd."­ "¬Do you see the difference"­? "¬Do you understand what I'm getting at"­?  "¬Bush is ready to appoint himself President."­  "¬It's like he has his own self-created right to be President."­  "¬And they're doing everything to make sure it's going to happen,"­ "¬including his brother being the appointee of our next president."­ "¬Give me a break"­!  "¬The desperation for the power is allowing the influence of evil to occur."­  "¬So,"­ "¬it's right there in your election."­ "¬Just think about the consequences of it."­  "¬I think most of us are aware we have an earth that's wounded right now."­  "¬Human beings wounding nature--yes"­?  "¬The critical issue for any of us on the planet is the integrity of our environment."­  "¬Everything follows from there,"­ "¬your economics and everything else."­ "¬If we don't have a healthy environment to live in,"­ "¬what the heck do we care about this house over here"­?!  "¬From that point of view,"­ "¬this is a Pluto in Sagittarius statement."­  "¬Remember,"­ "¬Pluto can also embrace evil,"­ "¬and with Pluto currently in Sagittarius,"­ "¬the intent is to reestablish the integrity of nature,"­ "¬to reorient to and be in balance with Natural Laws,"­ "¬and we can see how this is symbolized in the presidential election--Gore vs."­ "¬Bush."­  "¬Gore has a ninth house Aries Sun,"­ "¬and you know how much he's into the environment,"­ "¬that's beyond question."­ "¬Compare this to what Bush would do to your environment."­  "¬He'd start dismantling all of your environmental laws,"­ "¬the whole Arctic refuge in Alaska,"­ "¬for six months of oil."­ "¬If you elect two oil people a president and vice president,"­ "¬what do you think you're going to have"­?  "¬An economically viable presidency"­? "¬Their motive is money."­  "¬Do you understand what I'm getting at"­? "¬It'll be interesting to see how this is all going to turn out."­

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Since the soul has the two antithetical desires,"­ "¬one to return to the Source and one to separate from the source,"­ "¬and since Lucifer itself was created by the Source and strikes right at the crossroads of those two desires,"­ "¬then is the evil that Pluto embraces actually part of the soul"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬because the soul has been created by God."­ "¬Therefore,"­ "¬this duality is intrinsic to the soul because it does come from God."­  "¬That's why in Latin Lucifer also means Bearer of Light."­ "¬This is the secret:"­ "¬wherever we have our natal Lucifer by house,"­ "¬sign and the aspects it's making is where we can be most severely influenced by evil."­ "¬The paradox is that the Bearer of Light is also within the symbol,"­ "¬which means it's where we can accelerate our"­ ""¬spiritual growth,"­" "¬to directly know God."­ "¬That's the paradox of Lucifer and the Bearer of Light."­ "¬On the one hand,"­ "¬we can have this incredible influence of evil,"­ "¬which is keeping us separate and psychologically distorted,"­ "¬etc.,"­ "¬and on the other hand,"­ "¬we can have the Bearer of Light which unites us with the Source or God.

"­(Q): If God represents love and that's all there is, if you were in a state of self-love, you wouldn't bring in the influence of Lucifer; but, anytime you had a separating desire from that love, you would experience Lucifer's influence. Would that be right?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬Once you re-access a separating desire,"­ "¬then the influence can occur."­ "¬And,"­ "¬for those who are really starting to"­ ""¬advance"­" "¬along the spiritual path,"­ "¬the influence becomes even stronger.

"­(Q): Right. The closer you are to it, the stronger it gets.

"­(A): Yes. Just examine the life of Judas. What did Judas do?  He was in the presence of this magnificent being, Jesus, and his motive was to make some money.  Where's the real wealth there?  You have a few things in your hand versus this spiritual Master, and so you see this temptation. That's how evil manifests, through temptation, which includes sexual temptation. When evil manifests, it can also manifest through many people through the power of seduction. The nature of the energy in its manifestation as seduction can be so powerful that one doesn't even know or recognize that it is evil. All of us can be influenced by the thing; it's a given.

There are also souls who make an actual contract with evil."­ "¬This can occur when a soul becomes so psychologically self-defeated that it experiences a feeling of complete and utter powerlessness,"­ "¬a sense of complete hopelessness and defeat,"­ "¬a complete loss of meaning and desire to live."­ "¬In order for any of us humans to sustain our existence,"­ "¬we have to have an ongoing sense of purpose and meaning."­  "¬Any of us."­  "¬And when we get into a psychological state where our sense of meaning and purpose for living is evaporating,"­ "¬the consequence for most people is suicide."­ "¬When a person has degenerated into that state,"­ "¬this is exactly where this temptation or influence of evil can strike,"­ "¬because the influence of evil promises"­ ""¬supernatural power."­"  "¬The person or soul can then make a contract with evil in order to gain these supernatural powers and/or whatever it is that evil promises to that person."­ ""¬You give me your soul,"­ "¬and I will make certain things happen for you."­" 

When certain souls feel a sense of complete powerlessness,"­ "¬they can be reduced to an absolute consciousness of victimization,"­ "¬where they are blaming everybody and everything but themselves for that consciousness,"­ "¬that state."­ "¬When you're looking at or creating life and reality from the point of view of victimization,"­ "¬you're opening the door to the psychology of rage and vindictiveness."­ "¬The combination of victimization and rage can degenerate into a psychology of revenge,"­ "¬of getting back at someone."­ "¬It is exactly at this point of victimization and revenge where the soul can make a contract with evil."­  "¬Again,"­ "¬there are souls who have made these contracts.

"­(Q): So, it's in the absence of love where this contract takes place?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬That's right.

"­(Q): Could you say it's the adoption of the belief in evil too?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It doesn't require belief,"­ "¬whether you believe it or not.

"­(Q): If someone enters into a contract with evil, it seems like they're going to benefit from it in some way, right?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬They benefit by gaining supernatural powers.

"­(Q): Are they believing by having a contract with evil?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬No,"­ "¬it's not a function of belief."­ "¬At that point,"­ "¬it's translated into reality."­  "¬You don't have to believe it,"­ "¬it's already occurring.

"­(Q): Or trusting in it?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬What are you trusting"­ "¬-"­ "¬evil"­?  "¬That's right"­; "¬that's how degenerated it can become."­  "¬It's where one makes a promise,"­ "¬or gives the soul over to it."­ "¬When these people make a contract,"­ "¬part of what they're signing off on,"­ "¬so to speak,"­ "¬is that they have to promise,"­ "¬as part of"­  "¬the consciousness of evil,"­ "¬to attempt to solicit other people and the service of people:"­ "¬they become what we call agents of evil."­  "¬This is a very important thing to understand:"­ "¬evil does have its agents."­ "¬Again,"­ "¬the very existence of evil is dependent on this kind of thing."­  "¬Imagine if you can,"­ "¬just for a moment,"­ "¬every human being on earth at the same second in time,"­ "¬having only one desire in their brain,"­ "¬and that is to know God."­  "¬Right then and there,"­ "¬evil stops."­  "¬Think of it that way."­ "¬And this is why evil is so intent on recruiting souls."­ "¬Some of your most deeply tragic people are those who have truly desired to know God."­ "¬They've committed themselves to it and have implemented a lifestyle to embrace it,"­ "¬and in so many cases through this influence,"­ "¬they degenerate into this state,"­ "¬or that state that actually takes them further away from God."­  "¬Again,"­ "¬the intent of evil is to create the opposite reality intended."­ "¬It can be very hard to recognize these agents of evil,"­ "¬because again,"­ "¬they can seem like just the opposite of what they actually are"­; "¬they've got the smiling face and the charm and the rest of it,"­ "¬so you don't have a clue."­  "¬If you have that kind of sense,"­ "¬when you're around somebody who's actually made the contract,"­ "¬your instinctual body will know it:"­ "¬it's an instinctual reaction."­ "¬That reaction is a feeling that you're in danger in some way and you don't know why."­  "¬It's the kind of instinct that causes the hair on the skin to stand up,"­ "¬and you don't even know why."­ "¬And,"­ "¬because we're in cultures that don't train us to recognize these things,"­ "¬we're just left kind of in a state of confusion.

"­(Q): When these people make a contract with evil and become an agent of or for evil, if they reincarnate in another life, do they always come back as evil? Can't they evolve?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬They evolve through evil."­  "¬It's no different than somebody who begins to follow a spiritual path."­ "¬They start off at a certain level of development and progressively evolve into a full state of God awareness,"­ "¬meaning they're expanding their consciousness relative to God."­  "¬It's the same thing with those that follow the evil path."­  "¬They start off at a certain level of development and evolve through it,"­ "¬and these agents have different capacities based on their evolution through evil."­ "¬If you really suspect,"­ "¬through an instinctual reaction in your body,"­ "¬that someone you know has made a contract with evil,"­ "¬one of the simplest ways to know it is through their eyes,"­ "¬and what these people do is they try to hide their eyes."­  "¬But,"­ "¬when you suspect that someone is an agent of evil,"­ "¬if you look them in the eye long enough"­ "¬-"­ "¬if you can do that"­ "¬-"­  "¬at some point,"­ "¬the pupils of their eyes will become vertical like a cat's eyes."­ "¬This will be your biggest tip-off in every case."­ "¬How many of you have ever looked into eyes and seen the pupil actually go vertical"­?  "¬It's a sight to behold."­  "¬Again,"­ "¬they will try to guard against that at all costs.

"­(Q): Have you ever seen that?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬I have,"­ "¬unfortunately."­  "¬And it's really frightening."­  "¬I was sitting very close to somebody one time when I saw the eyes do that.

"­(Q): Was it when you were you in Vietnam?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Well,"­ "¬I don't want to go too much into my personal life,"­ "¬but when I saw it,"­ "¬my soul literally was horrified."­ "¬I'd been around that person for three years,"­ "¬and it scared the heck out of me.

"­(Q): Is there never, never any lifetime where the soul who has made a contract can redeem him or herself?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬No."­ "¬That's the way Christians want to think about it,"­ "¬but it's even stated in the Bible itself,"­ "¬by the way"­ "¬-"­ "¬it's in the Bible."­ "¬When a soul has made the contract,"­ "¬it cannot be broken until evil itself no longer exists,"­ "¬which means when God evolves to its own perfection."­ "¬That's how long the contract is sustained."­  "¬That's right in your Bible,"­ "¬and it's one of the few things in the Bible that happens to be true."­  "¬If those contracts could be broken so easily,"­ "¬then who among us at various points in our lives,"­ "¬or other lives,"­ "¬would not make that contract in order to have that supernatural power"­? "¬To gain those powers,"­ "¬the contract cannot be broken."­ "¬You can't say later,"­  ""¬OK,"­ "¬I'm done with this now."­  "¬I have a few lifetimes where I do evil and have all these great powers,"­ "¬I'm done with it now."­"  "¬It doesn't work that way.

"­(Q): Can you give us an example of these supernatural powers?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬OK,"­ "¬I'll give you an example."­ "¬My Lucifer is in the"­ "¬10th house at seven degrees of Virgo squaring my nodal axis and part of my own skipped steps."­ "¬So,"­ "¬you can see that one of my tasks is to bring it through my work."­ "¬When transiting Pluto began to square my natal Lucifer,"­ "¬I became progressively aware,"­ "¬much to my own horror,"­ "¬that I would have to begin to talk about this stuff through my work,"­ "¬and nobody even wants to deal with this kind of thing."­ "¬So,"­ "¬it was at the beginning of that Pluto transit that I received the inner direction to start bringing it through my work,"­ "¬and that's when I began to do the research on it."­ "¬About two to three years ago,"­ "¬when the Pluto transit was making an exact square to that point,"­ "¬I was in California teaching the Pluto school,"­ "¬and the next day I was going to do this big talk on evil."­ "¬The night before I was going to do this I was asleep in my motel room."­ "¬When I travel I usually bring one of those Jesus candles with me,"­ "¬the white ones in the glass cylinder,"­ "¬and I had the candle burning in my room."­ "¬At about three o'clock in the morning I was suddenly awakened,"­ "¬and all the indications of evil were present."­ "¬The room was ice cold and smelled of sulphur,"­ "¬and my hair was standing on end."­ "¬Suddenly,"­ "¬as I was picked up off my bed by two cold arms,"­ "¬a voice came into my head,"­ ""¬We will bring Jesus to his knees."­"  "¬At the same time the candle was being lifted up and thrown on the floor."­ "¬It shattered and started a fire."­ "¬I was thrown down on top of the broken glass,"­ "¬and they"­ ("¬this evil energy"­) "¬literally carved an upside-down"­ ""¬J"­" "¬in my knee."­ "¬I still have the scar."­  "¬This is called supernatural power.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Heidi on Feb 11, 2012, 02:29 PM
You're welcome Ellen, I'm glad it was helpful :) One thing I just remembered also is that when I realized he was feeding off the light of others, I understood that any feelings of love and compassion he was receiving from them would be used totally for his own gain; for increased power to trick and seduce people further.

Thanks Rad for your confirmation! That's pretty wild about the candle and sulphur.. I was wary about posting but hopefully it won't cause too much "trouble."
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 11, 2012, 03:27 PM
Quote from: Heidi on Feb 11, 2012, 02:29 PM
You're welcome Ellen, I'm glad it was helpful :) One thing I just remembered also is that when I realized he was feeding off the light of others, I understood that any feelings of love and compassion he was receiving from them would be used totally for his own gain; for increased power to trick and seduce people further.

Thanks Rad for your confirmation! That's pretty wild about the candle and sulphur.. I was wary about posting but hopefully it won't cause too much "trouble."

Hi Heidi,

Thank you, again.  I especially appreciate the part I highlighted.  I had been starting to understand that - to see how nothing good could come of it.  I guess for me it is part of my wiring to believe I am a "bad person" if I am not "compassionate".  But I see the lies in that.  Perhaps the greatest kindness is to not feed it, and it makes no difference what it thinks about it..........  Pluto/Virgo - basic lesson in discrimination.........

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 11, 2012, 03:35 PM
Hi Rad,

I know I've been confused and I appreciate your patience with my questions. tLucifer is on (or at least was recently) my natal Neptune/Scorpio/2nd house and that is in a t-square with the rulers of my nodes.  This has been up for me and I feel like I am beginning to see into the part that victimization plays (my psychological habit of that).  And I am also beginning to see that I have been confused, because of basic development that is in need of happening (4th house skipped steps) - trying to keep the "badness" out, so not coming to terms with it in myself and thus thwarting development.  Don't know if that makes sense to you.  I was reading about Melanie Klein's paranoid-schizoid position that precedes the depressive position, which she sees as natural and necessary phases of the development of the infant.  So that, in combination with these posts, has helped me.  I feel I have come a long way, so thank you.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 11, 2012, 04:23 PM
Hi Rad,

I know this is personal but I wanted to share it because I feel my questions have maybe been difficult and I thought this might help.  In addition to what I wrote in my previous post, the last segment you posted in which the will is talked about made me think about what Mars was doing right now.  It is retrograde in my 12th house, where Pluto/Uranus are.  I'm really beginning to understand how this has all been playing out.  It is as though there has been a battle going on, of which I have only understood one part.  On the one hand is the old habit/desire of wanting to fit in (Saturn/Aq/5th, ruler of SN, skipped step), and so using my will to try to achieve that end.  I got very sick 13 years ago, and it was as though there simply wasn't any more road left anymore, thus the illness.  I can see now that a lot of what this journey has been about has been my will withdrawing from that effort - from an effort that was separating in nature.  It has been a very confusing journey for me through this illness.  On the one hand, I could tell that any effort to try to "make it" in the usual way was somehow feeding the wrong thing.  On the other hand, I hadn't figured out any other way to do things.  So I've just been stuck in this limbo land, on the one hand knowing it was necessary, on the other hand feeling incapable of action of any sort, not clear at all what I COULD do besides keep plowing through what came up.  Since working through these transcripts, I feel like I have finally (I hope) hit the bottom - the point of understanding - a new orientation of my will.  A kind of spine developing - a willingness to be a group of one (to let people judge me if need be, which has been lacking), a will to do the deep developmental work that needs to be done, and an increasingly clear desire to seek God and ask for God's help.  I have no idea how any of this will work out.  But I think this is the step into the abyss that has been needing to happen.....

Hope this was ok.  I wanted you to understand that I really am working through this topic and desiring to understand.......

And sorry for the difficulty....

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 11, 2012, 08:10 PM
Quote from: Ellen on Feb 11, 2012, 04:23 PM
Hi Rad,

I know this is personal but I wanted to share it because I feel my questions have maybe been difficult and I thought this might help.  In addition to what I wrote in my previous post, the last segment you posted in which the will is talked about made me think about what Mars was doing right now.  It is retrograde in my 12th house, where Pluto/Uranus are.  I'm really beginning to understand how this has all been playing out.  It is as though there has been a battle going on, of which I have only understood one part.  On the one hand is the old habit/desire of wanting to fit in (Saturn/Aq/5th, ruler of SN, skipped step), and so using my will to try to achieve that end.  I got very sick 13 years ago, and it was as though there simply wasn't any more road left anymore, thus the illness.  I can see now that a lot of what this journey has been about has been my will withdrawing from that effort - from an effort that was separating in nature.  It has been a very confusing journey for me through this illness.  On the one hand, I could tell that any effort to try to "make it" in the usual way was somehow feeding the wrong thing.  On the other hand, I hadn't figured out any other way to do things.  So I've just been stuck in this limbo land, on the one hand knowing it was necessary, on the other hand feeling incapable of action of any sort, not clear at all what I COULD do besides keep plowing through what came up.  Since working through these transcripts, I feel like I have finally (I hope) hit the bottom - the point of understanding - a new orientation of my will.  A kind of spine developing - a willingness to be a group of one (to let people judge me if need be, which has been lacking), a will to do the deep developmental work that needs to be done, and an increasingly clear desire to seek God and ask for God's help.  I have no idea how any of this will work out.  But I think this is the step into the abyss that has been needing to happen.....

Hope this was ok.  I wanted you to understand that I really am working through this topic and desiring to understand.......

And sorry for the difficulty....


Hi Ellen,

It will work out by going one step at a time. And if you fall down, stand up, and take another step. One step at a time. The core reality of it all is the fact that your Soul has been judged in the most hideous and sadistic ways that any Soul can be judged: by others, including the "Church" at the time of different Inquisitions. There is no need to actually know the details other than this did happen. There are certain things that your Soul has done to create natural guilt that then lead to creating masochistic lives so as to punish yourself for those things that you did to create that natural guilt. It is the creation of those masochistic lives that lead to creating circumstances that were filled with these abusive, sadistic, judgements being projected upon you. You internalized them as if they were true, yet knowing that they were not. Finally this lead to the most recent lives in which you began to hide your true nature from all others, even trying to hide yourself from yourself because of the internalized messages of horrible guilt just for being who God made you to be: your intrinsic nature.

So of course your Soul has created a hypersensitive nature relative to judgements of all kinds that people so easily hurl at one another. Because of being subjected to this sort of thing yourself of course your Soul wants to naturally defend those that you perceive to be being persecuted and wrongly judged. Your own Soul has been judged and called Evil by certain important others in another life. It was judged and called Evil during one of the torture sessions you endured during one of the Inquisitions. Thus, your reactions to what this thread on Lucifer is about. It is totally understandable to me.

All Souls have done things that have violated natural laws that lead to natural guilt. Natural guilt stays in all of our Souls because, after all, that how we learn to 'do the right thing'. On the other hand all the learned guilt that your Soul has accumulated, a guilt that is not natural, a guilt being created and projected by humans rooted in cosmologies that are themselves lies, is that which needs to be seen for what it is. And with your WILL to throw it off of you, out of you, as in "Satan get behind me".

It is important for all of us to recognize and know when we are being influenced by Evil, Satan, Lucifer. It is important so that we can keep evolving back to our natural Home, the Home of our Creator without being waylaid from that journey. So now, for your own journey, know what it actually is, and what it is not. In this way your re-empower your Soul. And as you do this you will learn, remember, how to re-empower the Souls of others to be exactly how God/ess created each one: their inherent natures. As you throw off your own shackles of artificial judgements that have burdened your Soul for one too many lifetimes now, your will help others throw off their own shackles.

As you relearn how to be a group of one, if necessary, your will help others also become a group of one, if necessary. As you return back to the Natural God/ess you will help others do the same. And when you feel the sting yet again of others projected judgements, and the implied guilt, find strength in this by simply asserting the middle finger, silently or for for real when necessary. Knowing that these projected judgements who have no actual idea of who you really are. Thus, remain centered in your actual truth at all times knowing that those that you are meant to have in your personal life will love and accept you as you actually are.  And as you do this you will become, once again, a true Soul Worker. And that, indeed, is what God/ess has in mind for you. It is your natural path, your natural destiny.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 12, 2012, 10:04 AM
"­the transcripts continue .... Rad

(Q): I have Pluto square my Lucifer right now. My Lucifer is at 11 Virgo, so how do I work with this?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Eleven Virgo"­?  "¬Just do everything you can within yourself to just want to know God."­  "¬It should be like a mental chant"­ ("¬Virgo"­)"¬,"­ ""¬I just want to know God."­  "¬I want to know God."­"  "¬And reaffirm it,"­ "¬reaffirm it,"­ "¬reaffirm it,"­ "¬because on the other side of Lucifer is the Bearer of Light,"­ "¬and all you have to guard against evil manifesting through Virgo are any thoughts that attempt to undermine that desire."­  "¬That's what it'll do through Virgo."­  "¬Or it will try to keep you so busy that you don't remember to reorient yourself daily to some kind of spiritual focus,"­ "¬whether that's reading literature,"­ "¬or meditating,"­ "¬or listening to some sort of spiritual music."­ "¬Do you see my point"­?  "¬It's an undermining energy through Virgo.

"­(A): When I started doing this research, I wanted to delve into it deeply to make sure I understood it.  It's amazing how God really provides you with what you need, because as I was doing this research, at a certain point a woman from New York City who'd heard about my research emailed me and said, "I want to share the following case with you." 

She had met somebody on the Internet who had Lucifer in Aquarius,"­ "¬and we know that Aquarius rules computers and the Internet."­ "¬The man was a real character who initially started off in a classically charming manner,"­ "¬saying all the right words,"­ "¬telling her who he was in a way that would"­ '"¬hook"­' "¬her,"­ "¬draw her closer to him,"­ "¬without arousing suspicion."­ "¬This man seemed to have an utterly normal life,"­ "¬so through their continuing correspondence she became more and more engaged with him,"­ "¬until he began to tell her about his"­ '"¬actual"­' "¬reality."­ "¬He told her that he would go to Asia to literally buy young boys and girls to be used for sexual purposes,"­ "¬which then degenerated into even more horrible acts."­ "¬He finally told this woman,"­ ""¬I think I have all this evil in me."­" "¬There are more details,"­ "¬but I wanted to show you the incredible linkage to the symbol,"­ "¬Lucifer in Aquarius,"­ "¬and this woman met him through the Internet"­!

Because one of the applications of Aquarius is trauma,"­ "¬you can see how this man was creating massive trauma through connecting with these little boys and girls"­; "¬it's hideous."­ "¬These things exist."­ 

And,"­ "¬how about the case of Hitler"­?  "¬Here was a man who had Pluto conjunct Neptune in the"­ "¬8th house,"­ "¬and what did he do through the influence of evil in the"­ "¬8th house"­? "¬You have to place it in context."­ "¬When Hitler came to power,"­ "¬Germany was in an absolute economic mess:"­ "¬it took wheelbarrows of Deutsch marks just to buy a loaf of bread."­ "¬The country was just coming out of World War I and had no military capacity."­ "¬It was being isolated by the World nations."­ "¬So Hitler used the economic issues and nationalism to gain power."­ "¬He isolated a group of people--Jews,"­ "¬gypsies and"­ ""¬undesirables"­""¬--by making them the scapegoat"­ ("¬Pluto/Neptune"­)"¬."­ "¬Remember the whole delusion of racial purity:"­ "¬Pluto with Neptune."­  "¬And the Eighth house is genetics."­  "¬So he used these people as a scapegoat."­ "¬With his South Node in Capricorn in the third,"­ "¬ruled by Saturn in Leo in the"­ "¬10th,"­ "¬he had a heavy overlay of nationalism combined with finding a scapegoat through the Jews,"­ "¬gypsies and"­ ""¬undesirable,"­" "¬and then he rallied the whole nation."­ "¬What is his personal motive"­? "¬Power"­ ("¬Pluto in the"­ "¬8th house"­)"¬,"­ "¬supernatural power."­ "¬Look at this one man"­! "¬Look at the reality he set in motion--one man"­!  "¬How probable do you think this is"­?  "¬Do you think any of you in your capacity could go out and within two years set into motion something like Hitler did"­?  "¬If not,"­ "¬why not"­? "¬And,"­ "¬how did this come to pass"­?  "¬You understand what I'm getting at"­?

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬How about the Marquis de Sade"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Ah."­ "¬That's a classic case."­ "¬The Marquis de Sade developed a wierd philosophy,"­ "¬a fancy name for Sadomasochism."­ "¬In that century it was called the Libertinage philosophy,"­ "¬which the majority of all the French"­ ""¬noblemen"­" "¬adopted."­ "¬In this philosophy of Libertinage,"­ "¬again,"­ "¬a fancy name for Sadomasochism,"­ "¬the Marquis de Sade even developed philosophical principles,"­ "¬with the first principle being that"­ ""¬God is intrinsically evil."­  "¬To do God's work,"­ "¬one must do evil."­" "¬This was the first tenet in the philosophy of Libertinage."­ "¬The next law in this philosophy was,"­ ""¬To confound the Laws of Nature."­" "¬And the next point was:"­ ""¬To turn the laws of nature upside down."­" "¬Does this sound like evil to you"­? 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬How many of these people have made a contract with evil"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Actual contracts"­? "¬About"­ "¬10%"­ "¬of the human population.

"­(Q): What happens when two of those people meet?  Do they do a Bonnie and Clyde type of thing? Are they happy to see each other?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬They recognize each other,"­ "¬and they can join forces through which they are able to set certain realities into motion.

"­(Q): What triggers the eyes to go vertical? Do they sense something in us that says we are easy victims or that we are the opposite or what?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬You will see the vertical pupils when you start penetrating into the eyes of someone who has made a contract,"­ "¬as their instinctual defense at a core point will be to show you that vertical pupil in order to get you to back off."­  "¬They're showing you that for the purpose of getting you away from them because they know they're being exposed or seen in some fashion,"­ "¬and"­ "¬99%"­ "¬of evil's energy is unseen."­ "¬If we could so easily identify and recognize evil,"­ "¬it would be easy to deal with it."­ "¬That's why"­ "¬99%"­ "¬of it is unseen,"­ "¬and that's why we have to really be able to talk about it,"­ "¬through Natural Law,"­ "¬how it actually operates in our real life."­  "¬And,"­ "¬that's why we have to start validating our experiences."­  "¬It doesn't require belief,"­ "¬it requires validation of life experience."­  "¬You don't require a belief to know what you experienced"­; "¬it simply occurred."­  "¬We don't have to have a belief to understand what happened in Kosovo."­  "¬We don't have to have a belief to understand what happened in the Holocaust."­  "¬These things occurred."­ "¬I don't have to have a belief about when I saw someone's pupils go vertical"­; "¬it occurred."­  "¬All I needed was a way of explaining what occurred,"­ "¬not a belief about what occurred.

"­(Q): When we're seeing that vertical eye, they're trying to get us to back off, so is the key not to back because of the eyes, but to maintain contact instead?  I read somewhere that if we are confronted with evil and we lock right into their eyes and demand to know where they come from, that we can get them to retreat? Is that right?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬That's right,"­ "¬and that's because we have to remember that,"­ "¬in the end,"­ "¬God is stronger than evil."­ "¬Therefore,"­ "¬if you maintain a God consciousness,"­ "¬want to know God,"­ "¬root yourself in God,"­ "¬it will sustain you no matter what.

"­(Q): You said that you had Lucifer in your 10th house. For resolution, would you look to your 4th house, and planets in that house, and also maybe the mother? When you said "Jesus," it just sort of brought up this feeling of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and that maybe by embracing her, it would resolve that influence of Lucifer.

"­(A): Well, the way of explaining what I think you're saying is that it's similar to something I saw in a documentary on near-death experiences. I remember watching one of those programs, and the guy was saying, "Well, everybody else has been talking about going through this magical tube and seeing all these wonderful things, and for me it was the opposite.  When I had my near-death experience, I went into hell,"  and he described what he experienced. He was so shocked, all he could say was, "Jesus, help me." Once he said the word "Jesus," what he was experiencing was over. God is stronger than evil.

"­(Q): With Lucifer in your 10th house, it would seem like you would have to do something of that nature to bring that into light. In your own evolution, do you have prior life memories of dealing with evil?

(J"­)"¬:"­ "¬I have memories of my prior lives,"­ "¬yes,"­ "¬and what it connects to,"­ "¬and why it's a skipped step for me,"­ "¬is that a few lives back I actually was a Latin"­ ("¬Catholic"­) "¬priest and my job was as an exorcist"­; "¬that was my function in that life."­ "¬My Lucifer in Virgo is ruled by Mercury,"­ "¬and my Mercury is in Scorpio conjunct a"­ "¬12th house Jupiter in Scorpio and Venus in Scorpio,"­ "¬both square a"­ "¬9th house Pluto,"­ "¬so my role was that of an exorcist."­ "¬And,"­ "¬the problem I had in that life is that I could not acknowledge"­ ("¬Scorpio"­) "¬my own limitations."­ "¬I was doing an exorcism on a person who was literally possessed by an evil spirit,"­ "¬and evil's a tremendously powerful force,"­ "¬almost equal to God itself."­ "¬So,"­ "¬because in that life I was not acknowledging my own limitations,"­ "¬I ended up being killed,"­ "¬strangled to death"­ "¬-"­ "¬Mercury"­ "¬-"­ "¬throat"­ "¬-"­ "¬by the spirit that was in that person,"­ "¬and that was clearly a shock to my soul."­ "¬Right then I swore that I wasn't going to do this anymore,"­ "¬and now it comes up as a skipped step in the"­ "¬10th house."­ "¬When I recovered it in this life just a few years back and wanted to bring it through the work,"­ "¬my first experience is what I described in that hotel room in California--that was evil trying to back me off."­  "¬But,"­ "¬given the Scorpio nature I have,"­ "¬I just moved right on.

"­(Q): Hitler had a Pluto-Neptune conjunction in the 8th house, but that's a generational thing, so there would be a lot of people born in that same year, or within several years, who also had that same conjunction. What gave Hitler the ability to use that particular conjunction in the way he did?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It was due to the nature of his soul."­ "¬Everything's related to individual context,"­ "¬so you have a soul that already made that contract prior to the current life."­ "¬It was classic what happened when he realized it was all over for him:"­ "¬he committed suicide."­ "¬That's what these souls do.

"­(Q): Hitler seems to have been the paragon of evil, but there were also concentration camps in other countries, etc. I feel that inside, Hitler had a feeling of his essential powerlessness.

"­(A): You're absolutely right.  I don't know how many of you are familiar with his sexual life, but there are many places you can read about it. Does anybody know about his sexual life?  It was really strange.

"­(Q): It was messy.  (laughter)

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It was really twisted."­ "¬This guy had such a core guilt because of this contract that how it manifested through his sexual life relative to Braun was really bizarre."­ "¬I mean he wanted to be messed upon and that kind of sex stuff."­ "¬There were overlays of S&M and his wanting to be humiliated by and through her."­ "¬You can see the reverse effect."­ "¬That's another form of him humiliating himself because of his own guilt relative to the contract.

"­(Q) It's like people who don't want to see their own shadow and so they project it onto someone else.

"­(A) In fact, some of the saddest cases are sometimes these souls who know they have made the contract and yet think they can break it, even though they can't. When they go into that kind of psychology, they will typically try to form relationships with individuals who are truly rooted in God.  It's as if they're trying to bring all that that they've given up back into themselves. And, they'll try to do it through intimacy, so it can become a really tragic scenario for the one who is really trying to know this inner God and Goddess and are evolving ever more into a state of purity and innocence.  When you truly know God, you come back to this state of pure innocence. It's almost like you're a child. Truly. It's like Yogananda, whose favorite things at the age of 52 were children's toys. He'd get so tickled by them because he was so innocent and childlike.  So, as you come into this ever increasing purity, here comes this evil that sees all this and it's sort of like a moth that is drawn to a fire flame. People who have made a contract are attracted to the purity. They have the ability to create all these masks, of course, and a capacity to manifest this ever so sincere, and ever so honest persona, playing back the reality that they think you want to hear, that you would never have a clue. So, you get drawn into all this, and their intent is to get out of their own contract.  But, because they can't, what inevitably happens is that that kind of relationship blows up in some fashion.

"­(Q): We talked in relationship class about the idea of a soul splitting itself because the separating and the returning (desires) are so great within the soul itself that it separates into two souls.  Is there the possibility that one soul will absolutely still be embracing the contract with evil, and the other soul will still manifesting the returning desires?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬No,"­ "¬No."­ "¬What I hear you asking is that if the soul splits itself for it's own evolutionary purposes,"­ "¬can one of the individual forms make a contract with evil."­ "¬In certain cases,"­ "¬the soul splits itself because it has intrinsically conflicting desires within itself,"­ "¬and in order for these desires to be realized,"­ "¬it has to separate for a series of centuries,"­ "¬but that doesn't mean that in these apparent individual forms that one of those forms,"­ "¬independent of the other form,"­ "¬can make a contract."­  "¬That can't occur"­; "¬that just can't occur."­  "¬That's not to say that these apparent separate parts can't be influenced,"­ "¬but it can't get to the point of making a contract until that soul is a unified soul once again."­  "¬It can only make the contract as a unified soul.

"­(Q): An audience member shares a story of meeting a couple that was a split soul. "And one it seemed was so determined to sustain it's separating tendencies and was caught in this de-evolutionary spiral, while the other one was really involved in truly trying to know God. Is that possible?"

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬Absolutely."­  "¬In fact,"­ "¬I know that as a personal story,"­ "¬so I can affirm it for you.

"­(Q): We've talked a lot about Pluto in Cancer and the Depression and the World War and all that. Would you talk about the archetype of Pluto in Gemini, because a lot of the people who were alive during those times were born with Pluto in Gemini.  That's Yogananda, Hitler, Eisenhower, Mussolini; all these people had Pluto in Gemini.

"­(A): And Aleister Crowley.


(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬One thing for you people who want to track this through your own research and who have Internet access,"­ "¬there are different sites where you can calculate the position of Lucifer in your own chart and run an ephemeris for it."­ "¬Then you can track this thing yourself and just observe it as it's moving through either your chart or someone else's."­ "¬It's a good way to track it,"­ "¬observe it,"­ "¬know it,"­ "¬just for empirical research,"­ "¬because knowledge is half the battle."­ "¬Putting the light of day on evil is half the battle,"­ "¬so you can be prepared."­  "¬A website you can go to to calculate Lucifer's position,"­ "¬including it's south and north nodes,"­ "¬is

"­(Q): I have Lucifer conjunct my South Node-Moon conjunction in Virgo in the 9th house, and I could really relate to what you were talking about, and certainly in a past life. I could very much relate to what you said, as there was always something trying to pull me away from my devotion and my spiritual life.

"­(A): Well, I knew a case like that too.  This was a woman who also had the Moon in Virgo in the 9th. The moon was conjunct the South Node and also in a balsamic conjunction to Saturn in Virgo. In her case, she also had Mars in Gemini in the 7th forming a T-square to the nodes, and an 8th house Pluto with Venus. She was in the first stage of the spiritual state of evolution. When she was a little girl, she had sex with her brother and father (Mars in Gemini in the 7th - brother; Saturn/Moon on the South Node), and what actually happened was that she actually enjoyed the experience. At the same time, she was being brought up in religious Christian schools (9th house). The issue there is that, on the one hand she enjoyed this experience, and yet because of the religious conditioning, she couldn't deal it. Because she liked it, this created guilt (Saturn-Moon). She tried to repress (Saturn) this, and it's the repression of it because of the judgment of it, based on the religion, that caused multiple personalities. That's what happened in that chart.  That's why the whole resolution in that chart was to reorient her belief systems so she could interpret it differently.  What she wasn't aware of, with that Pluto/Venus in the 8th in mind, was that there were whole cultures that history doesn't tell us about because of the Christian-Judaic need to have historical revisionism to fit their cosmology. But, in reality, there's a whole period of time in ancient Egypt in which it was the custom for the parents to initiate their children sexually.  That occurred for over 1500 years--as a cultural model.  One of the applications of Egypt astrologically is Scorpio.  So here she was with Pluto in the 8th with Venus and the Moon-Saturn-South Node in the 9th: this is an old pattern. From the point of view of that time frame in Egypt, it was the cultural norm, so there was no issue, but she was playing out that old theme in this current time frame. Once she degenerated into the multiple personalities, that's where the evil influence could take hold of her; and, and believe me, it did take hold of her.

"­(Q): Is an exorcism used to break a contract?  And does it work?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬No,"­ "¬an exorcism is an altogether different issue."­  "¬The soul can only be possessed when it's severely weakened."­  "¬There's a progressive loss of will to live."­ "¬When that degenerates into a state of critical mass,"­ "¬like the red line on a tachometer,"­ "¬that's when certain spirits,"­ "¬or souls,"­ "¬can literally possess or take over another soul,"­ "¬and the role of the exorcist is to get that spirit or soul out of the person."­ "¬That doesn't mean that the soul that's being possessed has made a contract."­  "¬It means it becomes so weakened that they've,"­ "¬in essence,"­ "¬allowed their body to be inhabited by these kind of energies for their own purposes.

"­(Q): Jeff, would you have to fill that void then with something?  Once you would exorcise something from something, wouldn't that void have to be filled with something else to take its place?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬Even in this life I've done three exorcisms,"­ "¬in certain hard-core cases,"­ "¬and it's an amazing thing."­  "¬The worst one I had in this life was so amazing to experience because I did have that life as a Latin priest in which that was my job,"­ "¬and the case I was working on in this life was so intense that I went back to that life."­ "¬I started speaking spontaneous Latin and was doing the old exorcism ritual that's right in the Bible"­; "¬there's an actual book of exorcism in Christianity that has very certain procedures and a sequence."­ "¬I was spontaneously doing this all over again just to get this thing out of this person."­ "¬It was a really dramatic scenario.

"­(Q): What happened when it came out?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬In that case,"­ "¬unbeknownst to me in my stupid innocence,"­ "¬that soul had already made a contract."­ "¬Relative to that contract,"­ "¬it was also allowing itself to be controlled and manipulated like a puppet."­ "¬With my little stupid Pisces moon,"­ "¬I just want to see the best in somebody,"­ "¬so I didn't see it."­ "¬I went ahead and did this exorcism for them,"­ "¬but again,"­ "¬you can't break that contract."­ "¬So,"­ "¬in the context of doing that exorcism,"­ "¬if I described to you what actually occurred,"­ "¬it would be something like you would see in the exorcist movie--literally."­ "¬I got real close to losing my life again."­ "¬The whole scenario started all over again,"­ "¬including feeling the strangulation."­ "¬And,"­ "¬I said,"­ ""¬Well,"­ "¬that's it buster."­ "¬Not this time."­" "¬I backed off."­ ""¬You made the contract,"­ "¬not me."­"

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Does it show in the chart if somebody made the contract"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬No."­ "¬I can show you that there's a possibility of that,"­ "¬but you can only really know through astrology,"­ "¬reality,"­ "¬through direct observation and correlation."­ "¬That's the essence of astrology"­; "¬that's why it's a Natural Science."­ "¬We have"­ "¬8,000"­ "¬years of observations and correlations."­ "¬It's just the natural law of correspondence."­ "¬It's not a science based on theory or hypothesis"­; "¬it's based on direct observation and correlation."­ "¬That's the essence of astrology,"­ "¬and so to know who is who,"­ "¬who have to actually put into reality and observe the person."­ "¬You can see the potential signature there,"­ "¬but,"­ "¬as you know,"­ "¬if I give you a piece of paper with symbols on it,"­ "¬you can't tell me if it's male of female."­ "¬You have to observe.

"­(Q): Jeff, were you getting tip-offs from your inner world, or your dream world, about the evil that you were confronting or coming close to?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬That I was in denial of"­?

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬What can you share that was happening"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬I just have this weak point in my nature where I just want to see the best in somebody."­ "¬I can really see their spirit and what's possible for that spirit."­ "¬And,"­ "¬my whole thing with people--whether it's professional or intimate--is to help them access who they actually are,"­ "¬and then encourage them to empower in that way."­ "¬That's my whole focus."­ "¬But,"­ "¬because of that focus,"­ "¬it tends to blind me to people's ulterior agendas and motives.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 12, 2012, 04:11 PM

Thank you.  Deeply.  Tears came to my eyes as I read your reply.  And I will read it again as I continue to work through this.  I know what you have written is true and it has helped me and will continue to help me tremendously.  Last night, I was at home feeling the darkness all around me, feeling plagued by it, as I so often have of late, and at one point I got so...... mad I guess, and I just said, very firmly, "This temple is for God alone!"  And when I said that things shifted and I felt help come to me.  I still have to really focus and work very hard at separating out the difference between me and others' judgments of me, but I know what I have to do.  I wanted to post this because I thought it might be helpful for anyone else who might be struggling, ie, the importance of making a very clear statement and commitment.........and to continue to do that.....

Peace and gratitude,

Addition:  And thank you for understanding...
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 13, 2012, 09:25 AM
the transcripts continue ... Rad

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬I was just going to ask you to say something about denial and Virgo,"­ "¬because denial is just such a strong force in human experience."­ "¬My question is what is the manifestation of denial in Virgo,"­ "¬and where else do you see the manifestation of denial,"­ "¬and where can you see that in a chart"­? "¬What will make someone susceptible to being in denial"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬The main cause of a person being in a state of denial is an earth problem--Virgo,"­ "¬Taurus,"­ "¬Capricorn."­ "¬The common problem that causes denial is:"­ "¬if I admit whatever it is I need to admit,"­ "¬then the question becomes,"­ ""¬What does this mean about me"­?"  "¬It's that exact lynchpin of"­ ""¬what does this mean about me"­?" "¬and the fear of knowing whatever that may be that causes the denial.

"­(Q): And what links that to earth?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬The fact that we're living on earth relative to cultural value systems and moralities and what those mean,"­ "¬and if I'm in any kind of deviation from these normalcies,"­ "¬or expectations or conformity patterns,"­ "¬then what does that mean about me"­?  "¬Earth wants to create what I call a false form of righteousness that is born of denial."­ "¬That is very different than a natural righteousness."­ "¬Typically,"­ "¬when it comes through Virgo,"­ "¬at a certain part within the archetype of Virgo,"­ "¬depending on the overall nature of the soul,"­ "¬the soul wants to think of itself as more holy or better than it actually is."­ "¬It's what we call the holy shoe problem--holy shoes--through the Piscean polarity."­ "¬They think that they're standing in much more holy shoes than they actually are."­ "¬Admitting something that is in variance with how they want to see himself,"­ "¬via the holy shoes,"­ "¬causes them to deny it.

"­(Q): And would that would be the whole mutable cross, too?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬exactly."­ "¬To admit something that they don't want to admit causes"­ ("¬Virgo"­) "¬massive crises."­ "¬It creates an existential angst,"­ "¬an existential dilemma,"­ "¬and that causes denial."­ "¬Are you guys connecting to these ideas about evil and being able to relate them to your life in some fashion"­?  "¬Because again,"­ "¬the main way you will know it is where you're most emotionally weak."­  "¬And where you're going to be most emotionally weak,"­ "¬you can see in the overall signature of the birth chart,"­ "¬and specifically where the symbol of Lucifer stands."­ "¬We can just take this and start running it through signs,"­ "¬for example."­ "¬If we put Lucifer in Aries or Taurus,"­ "¬or this house and aspecting this,"­ "¬we can start to see a much more detailed picture.

"­(Q): Well, let's do that.

"­(A): Okay.  This becomes even more dramatic when you start applying it to relationships. What happens when you have a combined Lucifer with somebody in your composite chart? Where can that relationship experience the influence of evil? Where can the undermining force be? Where is the couple as a unit most emotionally weak or in danger? Where does evil come through that relationship potential? Conversely, through the paradox, this is where they can actually spiritualize or grow the most in that relationship. That's the secret in this paradox. So what we can do is start to illustrate some of this stuff, if you want. Are you feeling as comfortable as you can with these ideas so far? And can you can identify them in your life in some fashion?

Example analysis with an illustrated chart."­ "¬Birth data for the following discussion:"­ "¬August"­ "¬3,"­ "¬1957"­; "¬2:13am EDT"­; "¬Baltimore,"­ "¬MD.

"­(A): We'll just start with some simple symbols here, as well as some of the planetary nodes. One thing I would advocate that you do to really have a full picture of a birth chart from an evolutionary point of view is to add the planetary nodes of all the planets. They are like the prior chapters in the book for that client.  We have the South Node of Venus at 25 Virgo conjunct Jupiter at 29 Virgo in the 12th house. These are ruled by Mercury at 6 Virgo conjunct the Venus at 10 Virgo. The South Node of the Moon is at 15 Taurus in the 8th house, which is ruled by Venus. Mercury rules Lucifer at 25 Virgo. Now, we have Venus conjunct Mercury, which rules Lucifer at 25 Virgo, which conjuncts the South Node of Venus and the current life Jupiter, all in the 12th house.  Since Venus is the ruler of that South Node this life, what do you see right away? That coming into this life, this whole past dynamic illustrated in these symbols is being replayed, recycled, recreated. Where would that specifically manifest when we're dealing with the South Node in the 8th, which is ruled by Venus? Who can see what this signature represents? What would be the influence that really dramatically occurs here with the South Node of Venus in the 12th conjunct the current life Jupiter and Lucifer?

It correlates with a soul who has felt"­  "¬progressively weakened through a succession of lifetimes."­ "¬Weakened in the context of what"­? "¬Intimate relationships."­ "¬And,"­ "¬the clue to the cause of being weakened comes through Virgo."­ "¬Virgo contains guilt,"­ "¬and there's again a need to atone for that guilt."­ "¬When you have atonement linked with guilt,"­ "¬you create the pathology of masochism"­ "¬-"­ "¬right away."­ "¬So,"­ "¬you have this progressive weakening of the soul through an accumulation of guilt."­  ""¬I've done something wrong,"­ "¬but I don't know what it is."­ "¬Therefore,"­ "¬I must atone."­"  "¬Through atonement,"­ "¬relative to guilt,"­ "¬she attracts very powerful partners"­ ("¬South Node in the"­ "¬8th"­)"¬."­

What she was trying to set up through that"­ "¬12th house stuff is:"­" "¬Somebody rescue me."­  "¬Somebody come take me by my little child hand and tell me about reality."­  "¬Help me."­" "¬This was due to the weakening of the soul within."­ "¬This then creates a susceptibility to these people who will come into her life and be all too happy to tell her who she is,"­ "¬according to them."­ "¬What you have through the Virgo symbol here are intimate partners who would use the person as a scapegoat for a projection of their own crap"­!  "¬Reinforcing the sense of guilt"­ "¬-"­ ""¬There's something wrong with you."­ "¬There's something lacking in you."­  "¬There's something not good enough about you."­" "¬As a drum beat."­ "¬How would any of us like to be in a relationship,"­ "¬let's say for six or seven years,"­ "¬and almost on a daily basis have that partner remind us what a piece of crap we are"­?

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Sounds familiar.

"­(A): Been there. Done that.

"­(Q): What this symbolism intends to generate is a re-empowering of the person. This person finally needs to stand up for herself, maybe through this succession of being beaten down, and finally say, "No more," and then go to that North Node in the 2nd house and just take her power back.

"­(A): That's exactly right, because the entire disempowerment has occurred through the hands of men in this case; it's a female chart.

"­(Q): With that Jupiter conjunct the South Node of Venus, could it be that it started with the Father?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes.

"­(Q): And as she decided to be more different, was he very controlling and possibly incestuous?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬No."­ "¬Where's the symbol for incest here"­? "¬There's no symbol for incest just in these symbols."­ "¬It can also be a sense of psychological violation,"­ "¬psychological rape,"­ "¬psychological unavailability,"­ "¬to the point that the person's left on their own,"­ "¬feeling abandoned,"­ "¬which creates displaced emotions coming out of childhood."­ "¬All children naturally expect to be loved and nurtured for who they are,"­ "¬and when that does not occur,"­ "¬it equals displaced emotions in the child,"­ "¬that cannot be resolved as a child."­ "¬And,"­ "¬those displaced emotions then operate subconsciously as an adult in the choice of a partner,"­ "¬who,"­ "¬in one way or another,"­ "¬replays what happened in the early environment."­ 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Rather than incest,"­ "¬I was thinking that with the Jupiter conjunct the South Node of Venus in the"­ "¬12th,"­ "¬that this was someone who was violated as a Vestal Virgin,"­ "¬or through some religious rite where the violation came through some sexual-religious disempowerment.

"­(A): Yes. You're quite right. A lot of folks are starting to feel that Vesta is the actual ruler of Virgo instead of Mercury, and once you start understanding the tradition of Vesta, it goes right back to what you just described. The original Vesta goes right back to Natural Law. When we were still living according to Natural Law, there was no monogamy, no paternity or nuclear families. Everything was carried out communally, and one thing that occurred in those communal realities, through Natural Law, was that the adult women of the community would typically initiate the puberty-aged boys into sexuality. It was done that way in order to create the right imprint or orientation to sexuality. Since the female is the origin of the male, there was a natural sense of responsibility in the female to gear in or orient that male principle to right sexuality. That's where the basis of the tradition comes from. Vesta is the application of the model of natural initiation.

But,"­ "¬when the patriarchy began,"­ "¬there was a suppression of this natural law,"­ "¬which then became the basis or cause of the original tradition created by men--not women--of what were called the sacred prostitutes."­ "¬This became the tradition of Vesta from the point of view of historical development."­ "¬By the time of ancient Rome and Greece,"­ "¬the Vesta archetype was the Vestal Virgin."­ "¬Vestal Virgins served in the temples and were not allowed to have intercourse with men until roughly the age of"­ "¬35"­ "¬or"­ "¬36,"­ "¬at which time they were released from that role."­ "¬If that Vestal Virgin did have sex,"­ "¬she was literally buried alive."­ "¬So,"­ "¬we can this strain coming up into our times,"­ "¬yes"­? "¬So,"­ "¬if you link it with Vesta as the ruler of these symbols,"­ "¬it goes right back to what you described.

"­(Q): Can you also link Vesta to the time in history where the Vestal Virgin or the priestesses had intercourse with warriors to assuage their blood crimes?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬And the presumption relative to the sacred prostitute,"­ "¬the presumption,"­ "¬was that because she was"­ ""¬so highly evolved--sacred prostitute,"­" "¬that she somehow had the capacity to absolve,"­ "¬through absorbing,"­ "¬the sins of those that she was sleeping with."­ "¬There is that connection.

Very few people realize that any of us as natural humans carry our entire evolutionary/karmic background in our sexual fluids,"­ "¬and once we unite with anybody sexually,"­ "¬we're exchanging that background."­ "¬We're bringing them literally into us."­ "¬There is a way to prove this through Natural Law"­; "¬it doesn't require any belief of any kind."­ "¬We've all had sexual partners,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬and is it not true that for those who you've been intimate with,"­ "¬that these people are much more deeply rooted in you than those whom you have not"­? "¬Yes or No"­? "¬That's Natural Law."­ "¬That should tell you right away about this issue of osmosing one another's entire evolutionary/karmic history through the combining of sexual fluids."­ "¬You've altered your own life path in some fashion through whomever you've become intimately involved with."­ "¬Is it not true"­? "¬This is Natural Law.

So,"­ "¬in a case like this,"­ "¬where we have a progressive weakening of the soul,"­ "¬and also an accumulation of guilt around sexual issues,"­ "¬which now creates a susceptibility to the influence of Lucifer--evil--you can progressively see that she will bring to herself men who have not worked out their own psychological dilemmas."­ "¬You can see the classic signature of Florence Nightingale here."­ "¬The ultimate masochist in relationship."­  "¬She might as well go ahead and put on a white uniform with a red cross and a name tag and walk around the household with an IV unit."­ "¬That's my partner"­?  "¬It's due to the implied guilt."­ 

Here comes the secret to understanding this kind of thing."­ "¬When you have this deep"­ "¬12th house emphasis,"­ "¬in this kind of soul,"­ "¬there's always going to be a natural perception of that which is pure and that which is innocent in a soul."­ "¬There is a perception of the unresolved little child in the partners that the Florence Nightingale wants to encourage and to nurture,"­ "¬without exercising Virgo discrimination to determine the total reality of the individual."­ "¬The masochist wants to focus on that little spark of hope and try to make the person all of that,"­ "¬but if they're not prepared to be that,"­ "¬then you create the reverse intent."­

The partner then becomes the object of that person's projections,"­ "¬because they're being exposed"­ ("¬8th house"­)"¬."­  "¬They have to own their own psychology,"­ "¬and a typically"­ "¬8th house reaction is defense."­ "¬So what you have here is a person attracting men that are emotionally split in themselves."­  "¬They can be the chronological age of say"­ "¬36,"­ "¬but emotionally they'd be functioning at around"­ "¬9"­ "¬or"­ "¬10."­ "¬And when that is really exposed,"­ "¬it creates a defense posture,"­ "¬in which they now want to attack:"­ ""¬You're the problem."­ "¬I'm fine."­ "¬You're the problem."­"  "¬And"­  "¬they work out all their emotional displacement in a lightening rod effect."­ "¬So,"­ "¬the problem is that the individual's not exercising discrimination in terms of the person's whole reality,"­ "¬not just the part that they want to see and identify."­ "¬That's where the ultimate crisis of disillusionment"­ ("¬12th house"­) "¬would exist."­

Again,"­ "¬the problem in this kind of symbolism is that if you're an individual who's been receiving these kinds of projections life after life,"­ "¬you're going to tend to internalize it and believe it."­ "¬It comes down again to Natural Law:"­ "¬if you hear something long enough,"­ "¬even if it's not true,"­ "¬you're going to tend to internalize it and believe it."­ "¬So,"­ "¬she's ended up believing a lot of things about herself that are simply based on other people's projections"­ ("¬Jupiter conjunct Lucifer"­)"¬."­ "¬Because she's heard it too long,"­ "¬too many centuries,"­ "¬she's internalized it."­ ""¬I'm guilty and I don't know why."­" "¬And,"­ "¬that's the causative factor of creating the masochistic self-punishment."­ "¬That's why there has to be this exercise of discrimination of the person's actual and total reality.

"­(Q): So, that means that when she's listening to other people, no matter what they're saying and how good it is, she has to look at how they're living their life and what backs that up, not just listen to the words or pay attention to what she sees as their potential.

"­(A): Yes. A classic example in this kind of pattern is that she'd attract people or partners who claimed to talk with God, for example (Lucifer in the 12th). "I just had a chat with God and God informed me of the following about you." Of course what was being reported was something that benefited them. And it happens over and over and over.

The real clue to her low self-esteem is shown through the South Node of Venus."­ "¬Prior to the current life,"­ "¬she's already taken in the beliefs of other people about who she is,"­ "¬which then affects her inner relationship to herself."­ "¬When you put it in the context of the current life Venus,"­ "¬which is the ruler of this South Node,"­ "¬right away you can see a pattern in which she is re-attracting characters or individuals in this life whom she's been hooked up with in other times in which this was the very theme."­ "¬The intent in so doing is to do the Virgo lesson:"­ "¬exercising discrimination,"­ "¬realizing where the person actually is,"­ "¬versus the"­ "¬12th house of where she wants them to be.

"­(A): There are a couple of other interesting asteroids that can help you understand more about this evil business.  One of them is the asteroid Pandora--the famous Pandora's Box. Pandora had the knowledge of how evil works; that's its ultimate meaning, archetypically. Pandora has the knowledge of how evil actually operates. There's another related asteroid called Kassandra. Kassandra had the knowledge and would try to speak it, but nobody would listen. This is actually really a particularly interesting asteroid to investigate in women's charts. Where your natal Kassandra is located indicates something that you know that nobody will listen to.  It's a really interesting exercise in self-knowledge.

I think what we'll do now is just run Lucifer through all the signs."­ "¬Would you like to do that"­?

We can start with where it is right now,"­ "¬in Leo."­  "¬And,"­ "¬remember,"­ "¬we also have a collective application,"­ "¬as well as an individual application."­ "¬What happens when Lucifer transits Leo"­?  "¬What is the potential pitfall that any of us could get involved with that would implicate the possible influence of evil"­?  "¬It's what's called the me-me-me syndrome."­ "¬If your focus was Lucifer in Leo,"­ "¬it's through concentrating on just what I need,"­ "¬what I want,"­ "¬what's going to benefit me--the self-glorification problem--that the influence of Lucifer,"­ "¬evil,"­ "¬can occur."­  "¬There's a sense in certain cases of what we call the Zarathustra complex as developed by Nieztsche--the sense of being super-human."­ "¬That's the basis of Zarathustra."­ "¬What Nieztsche wanted to create was a society run by what he called super-humans,"­ "¬or Zarathustra,"­ "¬who were all served by the collective mass."­  "¬That became the model for Hitler,"­ "¬for example."­

When Lucifer is in Leo,"­ "¬you can have this delusion of self-grandeur,"­ "¬to think that you're larger or more important than you are,"­ "¬and that everything is meant to serve your purpose."­  "¬We can certainly see this illustrated in our current election via Bush."­  "¬In his particular distorted reality,"­ "¬of course he's president."­  "¬How can there be any question"­?  "¬I don't know how many of you are aware of what's going on with Bush,"­ "¬but for people who know him personally,"­ "¬the reports are now that he's incredibly pissed."­ "¬The objective fact is that this guy is trying to appoint himself President."­  "¬To have his brother appoint him President."­ "¬That sounds a little distorted,"­ "¬doesn't it"­; "¬to be that desperate for power"­?  "¬What if the vote comes out in Gore's favor and this is authorized by the court system"­?  "¬Then you have these Republicans saying,"­ ""¬We're not going to pay attention to this"­; "¬we're just going to make our own decisions and appoint him,"­" "¬which means to anoint him."­  "¬Now,"­ "¬does that sound like your American system"­? "¬Yes or No"­?  "¬And if it doesn't sound like your American system,"­ "¬what is this"­? 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Then the masks are coming off and he's being exposed.

"­(A): That's the point. With Pluto in Sagittarius, anyone who is trying to bullshit, lie or deceive, will have their mask removed.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 13, 2012, 11:30 AM
This person who I have always suspected has made a contract with evil is my stepson who is now 17 and on probation. There was so many episodes of him going into these altered states as a kid, they would last for 30 minutes to an hour and you could feel the darkness in the house. When it was over the darkness dissipated and he would not acknowledge what had just happened before our eyes, he would deny it or remain silent. He did everything he could to keep me and his mother apart. When we split I took his brother who is my son with his mom and his mom took him. The story about him is worthy of a major motion picture and begins with the biological father of the child lying to the mother (my wife) that he couldn't get her pregnant because something was wrong with his sperm to the mother wanting to give him up for adoption because she wasn't prepared to raise him alone (the father left after he knocked her up), to the grandmother (her mother) refusing to let her give him up for adoption (saying that she, herself would adopt him).... all these dynamics forcing her to have him... then the first time she looked into his eyes as a baby the mother was literally frightened, the baby refused to breast feed........ and those dynamics, with a heavy heavy influence by the grandmother and the grandfather (who has all the money to give to her IF she does this and that) have permeated the entire 17 years.

He has a stelluim in the 12th of Sun, VenusRX, N, Node, Jupiter and Pluto all in Scorpio. The Lucifer is Rx in Gemini at 13 degrees exactly inconjunct the RxVenus at 13 Scorpio. I just added Pandora and Kassandra to his chart and wow...... Kassandra is at 13 Pisces squaring the Lucifer and Trine the Venus......Pandora becomes part of the 12th house stellium as it falls conjunct his Pluto and Jupiter in Scorpio.

I am currently trying to help his mother detach from him. He is the only person I have ever known that has made the hair on my arms stand up just by looking at me. After we split up he stayed with me and his one night. That night I had a vivid dream of the devil. He has lived unsuccessfully with me and his mother and his brother, his mother alone, his grandparents, and his paternal grandfather.

Who can I talk to about this chart that might be able to help?

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 13, 2012, 02:06 PM
Hi Sunyata,

"Who can I talk to about this chart that might be able to help?"

We will be done posting the remaining parts of the transcripts in a few days. So we can look into he chart at that time.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 13, 2012, 04:07 PM
OK, thanks. I think it will be very relevant and hopefully informative.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 13, 2012, 04:15 PM
Hi Rad,

I am trying to understand the psychology of the Soul who has made a contract with evil yet regrets it.  JWG says that this type of Soul is attracted to the purity of Souls who are committed to God.  These relationships inevitably blow up. 

These are my questions:

1) These Souls nevertheless know within themselves that they have made a contract?

2)  These Souls, while saying the right things, nevertheless have a desire to do harm? 

3)  This desire to do harm is what causes the relationships to blow up?

4) These Souls are NOT making any real effort to know God? 

5) These Souls will not have the experience of the presence of God in their lives?

6)  These Souls will not feel the presence of enlightened beings in their lives?

7) With regard to the desire to do harm, this cannot NOT happen?

Thanks, Rad.  I appreciate your time and responses.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Maj on Feb 13, 2012, 04:24 PM
How might one interpret the asteroids Kassandra, Pandora and Lucifer all conjunct and squaring the nodal axis? Would this be an obvious sign that this soul has dealt with evil in such a degree as to loose their life over it? (asteroids in house 2) This soul is not evil.. quite peaceful in fact. I'm just trying to get a general idea how to tackle this configuration. Thanks for any clues on how to approch this one. BTW a female chart.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 13, 2012, 05:20 PM
Hi Rad,

One more question....

Would it be correct to say that masochism is never the correct response to natural guilt and that at least part of the reason for this is because it leads to weakened states in which one becomes susceptible to the influence if evil?

And if the above is true, and given that natural guilt always remains, what IS the correct response to it?

Thank you.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 13, 2012, 07:59 PM
Hi everyone,
Thank you for this thread Rad, and everyone's participation, this is so valuable.  I noticed that Jeffrey mentions the Violet Flame at one point. I did a little looking around online and it looks like it is a way of purifying, and eliminating areas of susceptibility to evil.  There are instructions on various sites, but I'm wondering if he does give instructions on this at some point?
I also want to clarify my understanding of separating desires and evil.  Are all separating desires influenced by evil in some way? I get that evil can distort and exaggerate an existing weakness and/or prolong a separating desire indefinitely, but is it just an inherent part of natural law that separating desires attract evil?
Thank you,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 14, 2012, 09:42 AM
Hi Ellen,

Quote from: Ellen on Feb 13, 2012, 04:15 PM
Hi Rad,

I am trying to understand the psychology of the Soul who has made a contract with evil yet regrets it.  JWG says that this type of Soul is attracted to the purity of Souls who are committed to God.  These relationships inevitably blow up. 

These are my questions:

1) These Souls nevertheless know within themselves that they have made a contract?


Yes their Soul's know yet due to regret can also be in a state of denial.


2)  These Souls, while saying the right things, nevertheless have a desire to do harm? 




3)  This desire to do harm is what causes the relationships to blow up?


Yes, and even  blow them up in sadistic ways.


4) These Souls are NOT making any real effort to know God? 


They may seem to go through the motions but, no, not a real effort because to truly know God would be akin creating an exorcism upon themselves.


5) These Souls will not have the experience of the presence of God in their lives?




6)  These Souls will not feel the presence of enlightened beings in their lives?


They can feel such a presence and even be attracted to it when they desperately try to break the contract which is not possible. And, because of this, Souls that have made that contract can then attempt to destroy the very persons whom they felt to be enlightened in various ways.


7) With regard to the desire to do harm, this cannot NOT happen?


What can not happen ?


Thanks, Rad.  I appreciate your time and responses.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 14, 2012, 09:45 AM
Quote from: Maj on Feb 13, 2012, 04:24 PM
How might one interpret the asteroids Kassandra, Pandora and Lucifer all conjunct and squaring the nodal axis? Would this be an obvious sign that this soul has dealt with evil in such a degree as to loose their life over it? (asteroids in house 2) This soul is not evil.. quite peaceful in fact. I'm just trying to get a general idea how to tackle this configuration. Thanks for any clues on how to approch this one. BTW a female chart.


In EA we teach that everything has an individual context, and the WHOLE of that context must be understand in order to understand any one symbol, or pieces of symbols, correctly.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 14, 2012, 09:49 AM
Hi Ellen,

Quote from: Ellen on Feb 13, 2012, 05:20 PM
Hi Rad,

One more question....

Would it be correct to say that masochism is never the correct response to natural guilt and that at least part of the reason for this is because it leads to weakened states in which one becomes susceptible to the influence if evil?




And if the above is true, and given that natural guilt always remains, what IS the correct response to it?


Natural guilt will always stay in the Soul whereas learned guilt which is rooted in man made laws can of course be expunged. Natural guilt remains in the Soul in order for the Soul to learn to do the right thing where right thing is a function of Natural Law itself.


Thank you.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 14, 2012, 09:54 AM
Hi Heather,

Quote from: mountainheather on Feb 13, 2012, 07:59 PM
Hi everyone,
Thank you for this thread Rad, and everyone's participation, this is so valuable.  I noticed that Jeffrey mentions the Violet Flame at one point. I did a little looking around online and it looks like it is a way of purifying, and eliminating areas of susceptibility to evil.  There are instructions on various sites, but I'm wondering if he does give instructions on this at some point?


I never heard his talk or teach about his myself so I just don't know.


I also want to clarify my understanding of separating desires and evil.  Are all separating desires influenced by evil in some way? I get that evil can distort and exaggerate an existing weakness and/or prolong a separating desire indefinitely, but is it just an inherent part of natural law that separating desires attract evil?


No, separating desires are not inherently Evil in anyway at all. God is the origin of the Soul in which the co-existing dual desire natures are within. Evil can latch onto these separating desires and attempt to magnify them, glorify them even, in order to keep the Soul from actualizing the core desire with the Soul to reunite with it's own Source.


Thank you,

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 14, 2012, 09:59 AM
the transcripts continue .... Rad

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Is Lucifer conjunct your Sun similar"­?

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬it can operate that way."­ "¬In any case,"­ "¬with Lucifer transiting Leo,"­ "¬the main thing to guard against in the individual life is to see what the whole structure of your life requires,"­ "¬what benefits all people,"­ "¬not just you."­  "¬That's the way to get out of that potential pitfall.

Let's put Lucifer natally in Virgo."­  "¬What would be the real potential influences of evil that could occur if we have Lucifer in Virgo"­? "¬What would be the kind of messages we could anticipate the psyche receiving through the influence of evil"­? "¬There's something wrong with me."­  "¬It will reinforce guilt with messages like,"­ ""¬You've done this,"­ "¬you've done that."­" "¬You're not good enough."­" "¬It manifests through messages of blame,"­ "¬over and over and over,"­ "¬like a drum beat."­  "¬Another specific way is that it creates doubt where doubt is not appropriate,"­ "¬which then serves as a vehicle of undermining an experience that you would need to benefit your growth."­

Through the polarity of Pisces,"­ "¬where would the Bearer of Light come through"­?  "¬It is now going to be teaching the use of your Virgo mind to validate yourself vs."­ "¬undermining yourself through doubt."­ "¬And loving yourself."­ "¬Virgo can get so consumed with what happened,"­ "¬with what's right,"­ "¬what's wrong,"­ "¬that it tends to over focus on the past and what are perceived as problems."­ "¬The Bearer of Light symbol is to focus on solutions,"­ "¬not the problems themselves."­ "¬If you focus on the solutions to those problems,"­ "¬the problems take care of themselves."­  "¬That's the magic way out of Virgo's trap,"­ "¬to focus on the solution rather than the problem."­ "¬Positives have a way of creating negatives moving forward,"­ "¬vs."­ "¬the compulsive focus on the negative and the negative only."­ 

One of the greatest words that you would find if you had Lucifer in Virgo--"­ "¬the greatest word in the person's vocabulary--would be the word"­ ""¬but,"­" "¬which is an undermining word."­ "¬And,"­ "¬another famous word for the delusion of the Lucifer in Virgo are the words,"­ ""¬I can't."­" "¬The Pisces solution is,"­ ""¬I can."­"  "¬Simple adjustments."­  "¬And,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬there's this whole delusion called perfection,"­ "¬and here's a related problem."­ "¬Typically,"­ "¬the Lucifer in Virgo would have for many lifetimes set up a structural reality in their consciousness defined by the delusive idea of what is right"­ "¬-"­ "¬wrong"­ "¬-"­ "¬perfect."­ "¬How I should be doing this"­? "¬How I should be doing that"­? ""¬Should-bes."­"  "¬And,"­ "¬very rarely can any of us fulfill our own"­ ""¬should-bes."­"  "¬It would be nice to postulate,"­ "¬but since most of us can't get there,"­ "¬it reinforces the sense of being inadequate."­ "¬There's something's wrong with me."­ "¬I'm not good enough,"­ "¬I'm not able to do this."­ "¬It's a continuously reinforcing tape to remind the individual just exactly what a piece of crap they are."­ 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬It's true."­ "¬I have to say that I have a conjunction with Lucifer and Vesta in Virgo,"­ "¬along with my Moon and South Node,"­ "¬and this was my life story up until the change."­ "¬I'd be happy for every little turd that came my way."­ "¬So,"­ "¬I have to say,"­ "¬thank you."­ "¬I just have to confirm this.

"­(A): It's reality. See, that's the neat thing again, because what we're talking about friends, is Natural Law. She didn't require a belief system to understand what I just said, she used it through the validation of her own life experience. It didn't require a belief or any philosophy. It's her actual life experience, and that's the beauty when you work with Natural Law. You don't have to believe it, you're just already living it. 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬So,"­ "¬when you're stuck in perfectionism,"­ "¬is the opposite of perfectionism to give yourself some slack"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It's to realize that there's no such thing as perfection."­ "¬Who decides what perfection is"­? "¬What's the standard of perfection"­? "¬These are illusions."­ "¬For example,"­ "¬you could listen to Mozart,"­ "¬and somebody with a Virgo ear would say,"­ ""¬Oh,"­ "¬he could have played it better right over here in this riff."­"  "¬And,"­ "¬it's in fact already complete unto itself and already perfect."­ "¬There's nothing to improve there."­ "¬Do you know what I mean"­? "¬It's perfect enough as it already stands."­ "¬The real path out of that Virgo delusion is through action--action."­ "¬The story I like for Virgo is the story of the centipede."­  "¬Imagine that this creature has a"­ "¬100"­ "¬legs on it."­ "¬It's fine as long as it keeps walking,"­ "¬but as soon as it tries to analyze or try to figure out how leg"­ "¬46"­ "¬works in the sequence,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬you have paralysis."­ "¬And,"­ "¬that's the problem you have with the delusive question for perfection in Virgo."­ "¬It turns into paralysis."­  "¬The little moral of that Virgo story is action,"­ "¬to just keep walking."­ "¬It's in the action,"­ "¬the doing,"­ "¬that relative perfection can occur."­ "¬It can't be invented with the mind."­ 

Another delusion with Lucifer in Virgo is never feeling ready enough or good enough to do what the Pisces polarity,"­ "¬God,"­ "¬is directing the soul to do."­  ""¬I'm not good enough yet,"­" "¬is the delusion,"­ "¬which reinforces the sense of inferiority."­ "¬It sets into motion unnecessary comparisons to authority figures they would respect,"­ "¬but it only reinforces the inferiority"­; ""¬I'm not as good as that."­" "¬So,"­ "¬they're perpetually reduced to inaction,"­ "¬because they're never good enough."­ "¬The whole way out of that trap door is,"­ "¬again,"­ "¬by putting one foot in front of the other."­ "¬On a cosmological level,"­ "¬it goes back to what we were discussing last night"­ ("¬lecture on Virgo as the archetype of self-improvement"­)"¬:"­ "¬to realize in the end that this thing we call God is an evolving force."­ "¬Once that is emotionally integrated,"­ "¬then rather than being this incredibly hyper-self-critical individual inside,"­ "¬then you become much more emotionally compassionate with yourself."­  "¬Meaning everybody on earth has blown it."­ "¬We've all made mistakes."­ "¬Even God,"­ "¬believe it or not."­ 

What do you think the basis of the Great Flood is"­?  "¬God was ticked off at its own creation and wanted to redo it."­ "¬That's God's prerogative."­ "¬And,"­ "¬that's actually the basis of Christian history."­ "¬That's why they think that real history only started"­ "¬12,000"­ "¬years ago."­  "¬In fact,"­ "¬what that correlates to in historical terms is truthful:"­ "¬great floods all over this earth."­ "¬They actually occurred."­ "¬They're documented."­ "¬That's the legend of Noah's Ark,"­ "¬and this is when God literally wanted to recreate its creation."­ "¬We had the Great Flood to wipe it all out,"­ "¬and that's where Christian history starts."­ "¬So,"­ "¬in that sense,"­ "¬they're accurate"­; "¬but,"­ "¬from the standpoint of dismissing the balance of human history,"­ "¬everything that came before,"­ "¬this is clearly delusory--what they now call Creationism."­ "¬You know,"­ "¬you now have a state in your country here,"­ "¬one of the states that only teaches creationism--Kansas."­  "¬They don't allow the teaching of evolution."­ "¬This means that a religion is determining the education of the public in the state of Kansas."­ "¬And this is supposed to be in country with separation of church and state."­ "¬Pretty heavy stuff."­ "¬There you see Pluto in Sagittarius:"­ "¬trying to control ideas."­ "¬That decision occurred when Neptune and Uranus were still in Capricorn."­

When you study history,"­ "¬you find out shocking facts."­ "¬The great library of Alexandria was burnt down by fundamental Christians in"­ "¬399"­ "¬A.D."­ "¬while Uranus was transiting Capricorn."­ "¬They rebuilt it in"­ "¬698"­ "¬A.D."­ "¬It was burnt down again by fundamental Christians when Uranus was transiting Capricorn:"­ "¬the control of ideas."­ "¬At that point,"­ "¬the Alexandria library was the repository of all the written existing human knowledge,"­ "¬which they managed to wipe out,"­ "¬under the banner of the Cross."­ "¬What's the analogy to Kansas,"­ "¬as we speak"­? 

Let's put Lucifer in Libra."­  "¬This is your workshop,"­ "¬so how do you think Lucifer,"­ "¬or the influence of evil,"­ "¬would manifest through the archetype of Libra"­?

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬By not listening to other people"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬In that sense,"­ "¬they would presume that they thought,"­ "¬or felt that they knew,"­ "¬what other people actually needed,"­ "¬without actually listening to make that determination from the point of view of the person's actual reality."­ "¬They try to impose:"­ ""¬You need this,"­" "¬which is a reflection of the delusion of Libra by way of security issues."­ "¬The Libra archetype at that level has a need to be needed in order to feel emotionally secure within him or herself."­  "¬The person says,"­ ""¬Oh,"­ "¬I understand what you need."­"

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬It would be a strong manipulation.

"­(A): Yes. What would be another application?

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬A peace at any price."­ "¬Don't make waves."­ "¬Trying to balance"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬That can be."­ "¬Peace at all costs."­ "¬Doing whatever's necessary to keep the peace,"­ "¬but that also allows for reality not to be acknowledged."­  "¬What would be another application of Lucifer in Libra"­?  "¬It comes through the delusion,"­ "¬the emotional feeling,"­ "¬that they don't have a right to have their own needs met,"­ "¬that their only task is to fulfill other people's needs,"­ "¬and reinforcing that message over and over and over."­ "¬Through the polarity point of Aries the teaching is to learn how to validate,"­ "¬honor and have one's own needs met in the context of relationships,"­ "¬in such a way that all peoples"­' "¬needs are met equally,"­ "¬rather than through the extremity of who's always just meeting someone else's needs.

"­(Q): So the person's need is a negative state because he or she needs to be validated by, or feel that their worth is dependent upon, other people.

"­(A): Yes. It's like the worst form of Betty Crocker.

"­(Q): When I think of Libra, I always think of how they like things too beautiful to be willing to do something like take out the garbage. It's not pretty enough to handle, so please don't ask them to do something as mundane as removing it.

"­(A): That's quite true. They want the Virgos to remove it. Another classic way that Lucifer manifests through Libra--and this is something that any of us need to be careful of--is through what we call the silver-tongued-devil types of this world. You know, the real smooth talkers with all the charm, who try to ensnare you or hook you in some fashion. This is the type that says, "I know what you need.  Believe me, trust me. I know what you need." You've probably all run into those types in your life. And, they deliver themselves with such great sincerity, and such magnificent charm, and, of course, we want to get sucked into that. It's what we call the silver-tongued-devil problem. Through Lucifer in Libra, the archetype of the silver-tongued-devil or the susceptibility to that archetype can occur. 

For those who have been subjected to that kind of person--whether you're male or female makes no difference--how many of you indeed experienced that they did know what you needed"­? "¬Or,"­ "¬was there,"­ "¬in fact,"­ "¬another agenda going on"­? ("¬No one responded"­)"¬."­ "¬Examples are:"­ "¬Jim Jones"­ ("¬Pluto in"­ "¬7th"­); "¬Rajneesh"­ ("¬4"­ "¬or"­ "¬5"­ "¬planets in Capricorn in the"­ "¬7th"­); "¬Claire Prophet"­; "¬J.Z."­ "¬Knight"­ ("¬dominant"­ "¬7th house"­)"¬.

Let's run Lucifer through ever-understandable Scorpio."­ "¬You have the total spectrum in Scorpio:"­ "¬everything from the pure ecstasy of God-realization to the horror of horrors manifested through the most intense forms of evil,"­ "¬and all the combinations therein."­ "¬So,"­ "¬where could evil manifest specifically on an archetypical level with Lucifer standing in Scorpio"­? 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Any thing done with sex.

"­(A): No, because you can have passion for God.

"­(Q): I know.  But, it's intense feelings. Not just passion, but the intensity of the emotion behind it.

"­(A): That's not going to be the issue, because the issue there is the orientation to what you're describing. That's intrinsic to Scorpio. It's necessary for Scorpio. It's part of the Scorpio experience. What we want to look at is the orientation.

"­(Q): I think of extreme control issues due to the fear of lack of control.

"­(J): Yes, or doing anything to obtain power at all costs. I had a client who was part of the German Mafia. He had an 8th house Pluto in Virgo, and a variety of other things. The guy had many lifetimes of wanting, of desiring, this intense social power of status and wealth, but because of Pluto in Virgo, he did not feel he had the capacity within himself to get it.  Simultaneous to that, he had lifetimes where he experienced people who had all this status, wealth and power, which created in him 8th house jealousy, vindictiveness, wanting going to get back at people due to his consciousness of victimization through Virgo. This became the causative factor in his forming bonds with the German Mafia: to obtain, in a legal sense, those very same desires. Now, we can see that this is the influence of evil, through the 8th house. 

Typically,"­ "¬the Mafia creates a"­ ""¬front"­" "¬through things like restaurants."­ "¬So,"­ "¬this man decided to establish restaurants,"­ "¬but he would always solicit funds for the restaurants by lying--getting people to believe what they wanted--to get the money,"­ "¬so he could start the restaurant."­ "¬That's evil."­ "¬To me,"­ "¬a simple way to understand evil in a general sense is if any of us find in our hearts and souls at any time,"­ "¬an intent to hurt another,"­ "¬or an intent to screw somebody over,"­ "¬or an intent to take advantage of somebody."­ "¬That's evil."­ "¬If all of us look at ourselves honestly in our own mirrors,"­ "¬I think that most of us would have to say at various points in our lives there have been some times when there was the temptation to think exactly in those terms,"­ "¬because of the buildup of rage,"­ "¬which itself presumes victimization."­ "¬If you take full responsibility for your own life,"­ "¬you will not have those psychologies."­ 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬So,"­ "¬another Lucifer archetype in Scorpio would be a raging"­; "¬somebody doing evil through rage.

"­(A): A perfect example would be using sex as a form of power. It could be the stalker. It could be the raper. It could be the sadist. It could be the torturer. It could be the person taking glee in creating hurt and pain for another, really enjoying it. For example, when some Israeli soldiers were killed recently, their brains were taken out. I have a friend in Tel Aviv who sent me the actual pictures of what had happened, because it was in the Israeli media. If you had looked at what they had done to these bodies: that is truly evil. And another example of that kind of thing is blowing up a bus of school children because the Party of "God" told me to do this. And, you're now killing innocent school kids? Because God told you to do so? So, that's an example of God "speaking" to somebody, which is just a reflection of what their own subjective agenda is. God is never going to direct anybody to kill anybody, no matter how just it may be.

"­(Q): So, the ultimate power of a killer with Lucifer in Scorpio would be an assassin, killer.

"­(A): A terrorist on the freeway. It can be gaining other people's resources through illegal or deceptive means. 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬What would be the antidote for Lucifer in Scorpio"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬The real antidote is to have the desire to examine the causative factors in your own emotional psychology,"­ "¬which then enforces the Taurean application:"­ "¬radically altering the inner relationship to yourself."­ "¬To radically alter the inner relationship to oneself by understanding the nature of one's psychology and why,"­ "¬and then owning it.

Let's move on to Sagittarius."­ "¬The real issue of the influence of evil through Sagittarius is to feel that whatever your particular philosophy,"­ "¬cosmology,"­  "¬religion or intellectual way of organizing reality is,"­ "¬is absolutely the right and only way,"­ "¬which then sets in motion the Billy Graham archetype:"­ "¬the need to convince and convert."­ "¬Imagine all the judgments issued if you're not towing the line and conforming to that point of view."­ "¬That's how it manifests."­  "¬Another delusion of the influence of Lucifer in Sagittarius is the false messiah syndrome."­ "¬Somehow,"­ "¬these people think they have a direct pipeline to God,"­ "¬and they say so."­ "¬An example of that would be all this televangelism on TV."­ "¬Remember our old friend Jimmy Swaggert"­?  "¬He's still involved with prostitutes."­ "¬He's a hopeless case.

"­(Q): But he cried well.

"­(A): And was ever so sincere--Sagittarius. The antidote is through the opposite sign, and that is, of course, that this thing we want to call truth, is, in fact, relative. Einstein himself, who was a Pisces, said the following: "The only absolute reality is relativity itself." Think about that. The only absolute is relativity itself. In the end, that is the liberation point; i.e., the Bearer of Light. It's that somehow this message of the relativity of truth gets through to the consciousness. 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬I have Lucifer in Sagittarius in the"­ "¬3rd house.

"­(A): Where that influence can come in is through allowing other people to tell you what to think. If you have Lucifer there, that's where the direct influence could occur: somebody trying to control or shape your own natural way of how you think about something.

"­(Q): My husband wants me to think like him.

"­(A): There you go. Or, we can have Capricorn, and we can illustrate this through the story of the Marquis de Sade. This man did, in fact, have Lucifer in Capricorn, along with his Saturn. Now, what would be a common application in this heavy archetype of Capricorn? How would you see this manifesting?

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Dominance and control"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Dominance and control."­ "¬What else"­? "¬It specifically manifests through the delusion that the ends justifies the means used."­ 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Well,"­ "¬that's the whole Hitler thing."­ "¬That's any kind of strong leader,"­ "¬whether it be a school master or a leader of a nation,"­ "¬who is bent on a goal and just terrorizes the populace."­ "¬It's basically the archetype of terrorizing the populace.

"­(A): Right. Exactly. And from another point of view of Capricorn, evil can create a psychology within the person that's defined by the perpetual psychology of self-defeat--what's the point?  This could degenerate into a feeling of complete futility, and, therefore, a progressive loss of a will to live. Chronic depression. An illustration is in the classic story "The Seagull" written by Anton Chekov. There was a woman character in this story who was always dressed in black. One day somebody walked up to the woman and asked, "Why are you always dressed in black?"  Here comes the Lucifer in Capricorn answer: "I'm in mourning for my life."  It can also manifest through one of the most problematic dimensions of Capricorn called hypocrisy.

"­(Q): That sounds like Congress.

"­(A): Exactly. It can operate at a collective level. That's what I mean about really understanding what's going on in your country right now. There's a power grab by the Republicans. They will take power at all costs.

"­(Q): And, they're accusing the Democrats of trying to steal the election.

"­(A): That's what they do: They demonize that which they themselves are doing.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Maj on Feb 14, 2012, 01:20 PM
Okay then, I understand how you can't interpret this out of context. I am wondering what all three of these asteroids together might imply in a general sense. Is there somewhere you know of that I might educate myself on the asteroids Kassandra and Pandora? Thanks for the info on Lucifer!

Also, if anyone would like a lighter and somewhat humorous way to understand the workings of evil, C. S. Lewis wrote a book The Screwtape Letters which shows how subtle the influence of evil can be and how it can take hold of someone. It's a real eye opener.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 14, 2012, 01:46 PM
Hi Maj,

Thanks for understanding. The very best source for all things about asteroids is Demetra George. The simplest thing about Kassandra is that it correlates to the archetype of a Soul knowing things that are true that no one will listen too, The simplest thing about Pandora's box is the fear within a Soul that if one thing is opened up or focused upon then this can lead to all kinds of others things coming out that either the Soul, or others, can fear. When linked with Lucifer then one can see in combination archetypal scenarios when all combined.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 14, 2012, 06:51 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 14, 2012, 09:42 AM
Hi Ellen,

Quote from: Ellen on Feb 13, 2012, 04:15 PM
Hi Rad,

6)  These Souls will not feel the presence of enlightened beings in their lives?


They can feel such a presence and even be attracted to it when they desperately try to break the contract which is not possible. And, because of this, Souls that have made that contract can then attempt to destroy the very persons whom they felt to be enlightened in various ways.
Hi Rad,  Thanks for your answers.  Maybe this is a question that just cannot be answered.  But I think what is tripping me up at this point is the difference between garden variety wounding (which can lead one to feeling anger towards another and thus the possibility of causing harm and undermining, right?) vs. what is happening with someone whose Soul has made a contract......


7) With regard to the desire to do harm, this cannot NOT happen?


What can not happen ?
Harm can be the only result when in contact with evil because that is the only intent?


Thanks, Rad.  I appreciate your time and responses.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 14, 2012, 07:06 PM
Natural guilt will always stay in the Soul whereas learned guilt which is rooted in man made laws can of course be expunged. Natural guilt remains in the Soul in order for the Soul to learn to do the right thing where right thing is a function of Natural Law itself.

Hi Rad, So a healthy response to natural guilt (to having done something wrong) would be to recognize what was wrong, recognize also that this does not mean that one is a terrible person and finally, realizing the difference between right and wrong, determine to do better next time?  My sense is that masochism is the response when one cannot figure out a way to weather the feelings that one experiences in response to a mistake..........Thank you!
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 14, 2012, 07:14 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 14, 2012, 09:54 AM
Hi Heather,

Quote from: mountainheather on Feb 13, 2012, 07:59 PM
Hi everyone,
Thank you for this thread Rad, and everyone's participation, this is so valuable.  I noticed that Jeffrey mentions the Violet Flame at one point. I did a little looking around online and it looks like it is a way of purifying, and eliminating areas of susceptibility to evil.  There are instructions on various sites, but I'm wondering if he does give instructions on this at some point?


I never heard his talk or teach about his myself so I just don't know.


I also want to clarify my understanding of separating desires and evil.  Are all separating desires influenced by evil in some way? I get that evil can distort and exaggerate an existing weakness and/or prolong a separating desire indefinitely, but is it just an inherent part of natural law that separating desires attract evil?


No, separating desires are not inherently Evil in anyway at all. God is the origin of the Soul in which the co-existing dual desire natures are within. Evil can latch onto these separating desires and attempt to magnify them, glorify them even, in order to keep the Soul from actualizing the core desire with the Soul to reunite with it's own Source.

Hi Rad,  Sorry for all my posts/questions, but I'm starting to get things, I think.  This answer was eye opening for me.  So could it be said that separating desires are a natural and necessary part of the process of growth and coming to know God, not much different than the learning process of say, a toddler, ie, it doesn't know that it is harmful to stick it's finger in a socket until somehow it comes to internalize that awareness (hopefully without actually HAVING the experience!)?

Thank you,

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 14, 2012, 09:58 PM
Hi Rad,
Thank you for your answer.

 Here's the quote from the transcript. It looks like the audience mentioned the violet flame, which is also called the Agni fire:

(Q"­) "¬What face do you put on evil to put it into the Agni fire"­? "¬I would imagine whatever came to mind would be it."­ "¬The Violet Flame is equitable in effect and force to the Agni fire,"­ "¬yes"­? "¬I know it is most effective in clearing out subconscious and energetic sludge and sending your average entities squirming and away."­ 

(A"­) "¬Yes,"­ "¬that is fine.

So I'm wondering about that, if he expands on how to use the Agni fire for cleansing?  
I have some experience with banishing and smudging to energetically cleanse, and I am wondering if this is the same type of thing.  If you cannot comment, thanks all the same!  

Like many others express, I am sorting through what all this means (with some fear as I look at my own chart and past lives) and I am reaching for tools to protect myself while exploring this topic. I guess self knowledge and committment to God are the best protection ultimately. Perhaps when we get to "the bearer of light" part it will feel a little better too.

Thank you for the continuing support here.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 15, 2012, 10:06 AM
Hi Ellen,

Quote from: Ellen on Feb 14, 2012, 06:51 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 14, 2012, 09:42 AM
Hi Ellen,

Quote from: Ellen on Feb 13, 2012, 04:15 PM
Hi Rad,

6)  These Souls will not feel the presence of enlightened beings in their lives?


They can feel such a presence and even be attracted to it when they desperately try to break the contract which is not possible. And, because of this, Souls that have made that contract can then attempt to destroy the very persons whom they felt to be enlightened in various ways.
Hi Rad,  Thanks for your answers.  Maybe this is a question that just cannot be answered.  But I think what is tripping me up at this point is the difference between garden variety wounding (which can lead one to feeling anger towards another and thus the possibility of causing harm and undermining, right?) vs. what is happening with someone whose Soul has made a contract......

Yes, this is right.


7) With regard to the desire to do harm, this cannot NOT happen?


What can not happen ?
Harm can be the only result when in contact with evil because that is the only intent?



Thanks, Rad.  I appreciate your time and responses.


God Bless, Rad

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 15, 2012, 10:08 AM
Hi Ellen

Quote from: Ellen on Feb 14, 2012, 07:06 PM
Natural guilt will always stay in the Soul whereas learned guilt which is rooted in man made laws can of course be expunged. Natural guilt remains in the Soul in order for the Soul to learn to do the right thing where right thing is a function of Natural Law itself.

Hi Rad, So a healthy response to natural guilt (to having done something wrong) would be to recognize what was wrong, recognize also that this does not mean that one is a terrible person and finally, realizing the difference between right and wrong, determine to do better next time?  My sense is that masochism is the response when one cannot figure out a way to weather the feelings that one experiences in response to a mistake..........Thank you!


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 15, 2012, 10:20 AM
Hi Heather,

"So I'm wondering about that, if he expands on how to use the Agni fire for cleansing?  
I have some experience with banishing and smudging to energetically cleanse, and I am wondering if this is the same type of thing.  If you cannot comment, thanks all the same!  "


The Agni ritual is indeed very, very old and comes from India. As far as I know Wolf taught this primarily to sever the karmic umbilical cord between one Soul, and another Soul. Yet it seems that this ritual can also be used for general cleansing purposes as well because, after all, fire will inherently purify the Soul from any source of toxin, including evil. The bottom line in terms of practicing it is very simple: visualize a fire within your third eye, and then project whatever it is that you wish to be purged or purified from within your Soul into the fire until there is nothing left to project. At that point whatever it is should be purged and purified. When it comes down to other Souls that one wishes to break the karmic tie too then simply project WHATEVER IMAGES COME TO YOU ABOUT THAT PERSON INTO THE FIRE UNTIL THERE ARE NO  IMAGES LEFT TO PROJECT. As this is taking place it is essential to affirm the following: I forgive you because I accept the responsibility in my own actions. ( this is rooted in the knowledge in the dynamics within one that is responsible for attracting whatever person in the first place ). At that point the karmic knot is then severed. In conjunction with this it is also important to remove all objects that are associated with that person from one's life. Whatever those objects are, pictures, this or that gift, etc, etc, it is best to either bury them in the ground, throw them into a body of water, or to burn them outright.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 15, 2012, 10:25 AM
"­the transcripts continue.........Rad

(Q): Is this what we can expect with Pluto in Capricorn?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ ("¬More discussion about the election and the reporting by the media"­)"¬."­ "¬You can see the obvious hypocrisy,"­ "¬the double standards."­ "¬And,"­ "¬that's where evil through Capricorn can manifest,"­ "¬and unfortunately your country has Pluto in Capricorn in it's birth chart."­ "¬Pluto is at"­ "¬27"­ "¬Capricorn in the"­ "¬9th house"­ ("¬media and religion"­)"¬,"­ "¬with the conservative element currently in control.

"­(Q): Have you looked ahead as to what you're expecting from Pluto in Capricorn when it transits in Capricorn?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It depends on the choices made between now and when it actually occurs."­ "¬You have to fit it to the existing context,"­ "¬which is determined by the choices that lead to that moment."­ "¬The influence of Lucifer in Capricorn within the individual itself is a perpetual inner feeling of being a crappy person:"­ ""¬I've done something wrong."­ "¬I'm so guilty."­ "¬I must suffer."­"  "¬It's that kind of psychology that actually creates circumstances that validate or prove what the person is inwardly feeling."­ "¬If we look at the opposite sign as the direction for our way out,"­ "¬where would the Bearer of Light come through in this scenario"­? "¬How could they tune into God through that symbol if Lucifer in Capricorn"­? "¬Through the Cancer polarity."­ "¬What does it become"­? "¬What's the message"­? "¬The whole message of Cancer is to strip away all the need for social power and acceptance and to go deep inside to find the meaning that you're seeking."­ "¬It's to penetrate to the mystery and veil of your own soul and to rebuild yourself from the inside out"­; "¬that's the message."­ "¬From a spiritual view,"­ "¬in many of those cases,"­ "¬it would mean to orient oneself to some sort of spiritual system that's emphasizing the Divine Mother or femininity,"­ "¬vs."­ "¬the archetypical Father God."­ 

We'll get into Lucifer in Aquarius and/or the"­ "¬11th house now."­ "¬How would we see the influence of Lucifer manifesting through the Aquarian,"­ "¬11th house,"­ "¬Uranian archetype"­?

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Rebellion"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Rebellion itself isn't necessarily a negative or an evil."­ "¬Rebellion can be an incredibly positive thing."­ "¬Two words that have been associated with Aquarius are bizarre and perverse."­ "¬Do you know what the etymology of those words is in most cases"­? "¬To revolutionize."­ "¬That's what they used to mean."­ "¬How the English language has chosen to understand it,"­ "¬present it and judge it is now very different."­

Lucifer in Aquarius is using whole groups of people or situations to benefit oneself."­ "¬They just arrested some clown up in Washington--an ultra con-man--who bilked people out of millions of dollars."­ "¬He had a way of presenting himself to get people to invest in a new business and then take the money and run."­

And,"­ "¬there was the case we had this morning,"­ "¬where the man with Lucifer in Aquarius met women over the Internet."­ "¬In fact,"­ "¬we have another case that goes back to Kansas."­ "¬Apparently some S&M type was making postings in these Use-Net groups,"­ "¬and I guess there was some S&M group,"­ "¬and some woman responded and then went out to Kansas,"­ "¬which was where he lived."­ "¬I checked this man's chart,"­ "¬and he had Lucifer in Aquarius."­ "¬What he did was meet women on the Internet and then get them hooked and invite them to his home in Kansas."­ "¬Then,"­ "¬literally,"­ "¬over a period of days or weeks,"­ "¬he tortured them to death."­ "¬He just got busted."­ "¬So,"­ "¬you can see the Aquarian application.

"­(Q): You would have to be able to detach yourself from your emotions to do that kind of thing to someone else, wouldn't you?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬No."­ "¬Those kind of people are totally involved with their emotional life in a distorted sense,"­ "¬from a sadistic point of view."­ "¬Sadists believe people deserve the pain that they're administering,"­ "¬that they actually deserve it,"­ "¬which is the engagement point with their emotional body.

"­(Q): So, rather than being detached, they're very, very focused?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Right."­ "¬That's the only way they can focus."­ "¬Think about that."­ "¬Think how distorted that is.

"­(Q): They're so repressed they can't feel, and so it takes more and more for them to access their emotions?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Exactly."­ 

Discussion about how this would include militia groups,"­ "¬groups who believe the end of the world is coming,"­ "¬etc.

"­(A): A good illustration of that is a really funny story. I guess there was some self-appointed prophet in Korea who was claiming that the world was going to end at midnight on a certain day a few years ago. This was specific to Korea, and there must have been about 20,000 people or so who believed him. They all gathered at the same point at midnight and waited for the end of the world to happen. And, midnight came and went, and they were still here. Can you imagine what they're going through at a traumatic level? They set themselves up to die, and here they were still living. 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Didn't they arrest him"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬To me,"­ "¬the guy that should be in prison is Rev."­ "¬Moon.

"­(Q): He still has followers, though.

"­(A): Yes, he does. One of the women that had married his son, I think it was, did a whole expose of what goes on within the family. Are you familiar with that? Here they are trying to present themselves as religious icons, while, according to this ex-wife of Rev. Moon's son, reveals that they have all kinds of sexual orgies and that drugs are rampant. She reported that this is what goes on in their actual home. And, look how he's presenting himself to the world. This is the classic hypocrisy of religion. It's no different than Pope Innocent III in the 13th century, who had a working brothel in the Vatican. That's an historical fact.

Another example of the form of evil that Lucifer in Aquarius manifests through is the German doctors in the concentration camps in World War II who were"­ ""¬medically experimenting on people."­" "¬Or there was the War where they had all these American prisoners and others,"­ "¬and they were testing various bacterial agents to see what the effects would be."­ "¬There's the example of doing random testing with the original LSD,"­ "¬and not telling people they were being given the LSD."­ "¬There are documented cases where people committed suicide because of this."­ "¬And,"­ "¬in order for the end to justify the means,"­ "¬the government said,"­ ""¬We need to do this for national security purposes."­" "¬That means they can kill somebody and get away with it."­ "¬The point is to create trauma"­; "¬they have a motive to create trauma to another."­

It can manifest in the form of all these stupid religious terrorist groups,"­ "¬especially now with Pluto in Sagittarius,"­ "¬because the danger is not going to be through nuclear weapons"­; "¬it's going to be through bacterial warfare."­ "¬After all,"­ "¬it takes only one guy to go to downtown L.A."­ "¬and release the little vial of something that would have the potential of killing the entire population of L.A."­ "¬You don't need"­ "¬$10"­ "¬million to build a nuclear bomb"­; "¬it's much cheaper to use bacterial agents,"­ "¬and much easier to sneak them around."­ "¬That's where you need to keep your eyes focused."­ 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Especially with Pluto in Sagittarius,"­ "¬which represents contagion.

"­(A): Contagion is an Aquarius phenomenon. Behavioral contagion. Or, the contagion of disease. That's an Aquarius phenomenon. An example is the 1920s when Hitler came to power. We had Uranus transiting Pisces, so he created a behavioral contagion by creating and persecuting a group of people (Uranus); and you saw the contagion of behavior. We have a Leo polarity point. What do we see as potential antidotes by way of the Bearer of Light? How would the Leo serve as a counteracting point? It just starts with individuals stepping outside of themselves in order to objectify.  In other words, you can't change this pattern until you eliminate the emotional content that creates the pattern. You have to eliminate that emotional content through objectification, through detachment, which presumes a desire to do so. It is in that way that people regain control of their psyches, their souls, through Leo. 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬So with the polarity point of the Leo archetype,"­ "¬you would get in touch with the emotions and,"­ "¬so to speak,"­ "¬with one's charismatic hero"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It depends on what archetype you orient to."­ "¬If you link to the group problem,"­ "¬typically,"­ "¬Lucifer in Aquarius is going to manifest in this group or this group,"­ "¬as we're right and they're wrong,"­ "¬which turns this group upon that group."­ "¬The whole polarity point of Leo means what"­? "¬To honor the individual realities of all groups."­ "¬There's no one more right or wrong."­ "¬That's the amazing thing in your election here."­ "¬Don't you find it rather startling that Bush carried no city"­? "¬He did not win one major U.S."­ "¬city,"­ "¬not one."­ "¬What he did win was the people living in the farmlands."­ "¬In other words,"­ "¬the majority of all people in all big cities voted for Gore."­ "¬The majority of people living in the farmlands,"­ "¬as in the Kansas types,"­ "¬voted for Bush."­ "¬What does that tell you about a massive line of polarization in your country as a total population"­? "¬We're talking Aquarius stuff here."­ "¬And here we have Uranus and Neptune transiting Aquarius."­ "¬Remember,"­ "¬you also have to deal with the natural squares and oppositions--Scorpio,"­ "¬Taurus,"­ "¬Leo."­ "¬You can see these lines of polarization before our eyes."­ "¬You see it"­? 

Think about that more deeply in terms of what value associations that equate to."­ "¬People who live in the Kansas-type of environments have a very limited view of reality,"­ "¬let's face it."­ "¬They want that reality to be everybody's reality."­ "¬People who live in the city,"­ "¬by definition,"­ "¬are much more cosmopolitan."­ "¬When you live in the city,"­ "¬you're exposed to diversity."­ "¬Living in the city requires you to think more."­ "¬You're exposed to newspapers."­ "¬You're exposed to this clown in the street barfing."­ "¬You've got this over here,"­ "¬and that over there,"­ "¬etc."­ "¬You tend to generate a much more expansive consciousness that honors diversity."­ "¬It is more aware of social issues,"­ "¬what the whole needs."­ "¬That's very different than living off in your little isolated farm somewhere in Montana,"­ "¬in which your reality's determined by the limitation of your own environment."­ "¬Do you see what I'm getting at"­? "¬Now we have this basic division in our country,"­ "¬and it was brought to a head in this election."­ "¬So,"­ "¬it's not a good sign for the future,"­ "¬friends.

Lucifer in Pisces."­ "¬The worst form of this symbolism the influence of evil could manifest through in Pisces is having the person create one delusion or illusion after the other,"­ "¬and every delusion or illusion that is created is considered the ultimate meaning that the person has always been seeking."­  "¬It's like chasing windmills."­ "¬The intent of evil is to keep the person away from Spirit or God by creating the illusion that the meaning that they're seeking is in this new manifestation of this or this or this."­ "¬Another way that it typically manifests,"­ "¬especially in women,"­ "¬is sometimes when the Lucifer's in Pisces in a woman's chart,"­ "¬she may weekly,"­ "¬or sometimes daily,"­ "¬alter how she looks."­ "¬One day she looks conservative like a Capricorn businesswoman."­ "¬Two days later you see her with flaming hair and you say,"­ ""¬My God,"­ "¬what happened"­?" "¬Other forms that Lucifer in Pisces can manifest through are extreme paranoia,"­ "¬extreme schizophrenia,"­ "¬agoraphobia,"­ "¬any manner of psychological disintegration."­ "¬You can have the symbol of a true possession with Lucifer in Pisces"­; "¬your soul's literally taken over."­  "¬You can have the manifestation of Lucifer,"­ "¬of evil,"­ "¬through fanaticism."­ 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Couldn't it also manifest through an intensification of a victim consciousness"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬For example,"­ "¬on the TV talk shows like Oprah Winfrey,"­ "¬when you listen to these people's problems,"­ "¬they're always presenting themselves as a victim."­ "¬Always."­ "¬Do you ever hear her ask the people on her show,"­ ""¬Why did you need to create that"­?" "¬So,"­ "¬the antidote through Virgo is what"­?  "¬If you're dealing with the nature of illusions and delusions,"­ "¬believe it or not,"­ "¬God will operate in that person's life through the manifestation of disillusionment."­ "¬An illusion created,"­ "¬the bubble is burst,"­ "¬and the person goes from one existential crisis to the next."­ "¬Again,"­ "¬the intent of disillusionment is to realign us with actual reality."­ "¬God's grace in that context is bursting the bubbles."­ 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬To put it another way,"­ "¬could you say mental discernment through Virgo"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­  "¬Yes."­ "¬Obviously,"­ "¬with the Pisces symbol in mind,"­ "¬evil can truly manifest through the temptation of drugs and alcohol."­ "¬As we're going through these things,"­ "¬all of you have Lucifer somewhere in your chart."­ ("¬Positive response from a few audience members"­)"¬."­ "¬Right on."­ "¬At least you're honest."­  "¬The antidote is discrimination."­ "¬It is God operating in such a way as to create disillusionment"­; "¬what we can call--this nice shamanistic word--learning how to be"­ "˜"¬impeccable."­' "¬Impeccable means absolute self-honesty."­ "¬Impeccability here means being that which you actually are"­; "¬you're not misrepresenting yourself."­ 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Which is quite different from perfection.

"­(A): Yes.

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬So,"­ "¬it requires total honesty and responsibility for who you are and what you create.

"­(J):  Exactly. And, it requires being faithful to who you are, without compromise. That's a nice word, isn't it, impeccability?  I like that.

Aries."­  "¬How could evil manifest through Aries"­?

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Very easily through martial,"­ "¬war-like fighting,"­ "¬a kind of belligerence.

"­(A): Belligerence itself is not evil.  It's not a nice thing, but it's not evil.

"­(Q): Picking fights on weaker people?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Do you mean the bully syndrome"­? "¬Yes."­ "¬Absolutely."­ "¬It could,"­ "¬for example,"­ "¬create a false sense of self-importance."­ "¬We can certainly see this implicated through Mr."­ "¬Bush,"­ "¬with a first house Pluto and Lucifer transiting his first house."­ "¬He clearly thinks of himself as more important than he actually is."­ "¬That's why one thing the media does do once in a while is say,"­ ""¬Hey,"­ "¬look how arrogant this creep is."­" "¬Look at the little snicker on his face,"­ "¬the superior arrogance."­ "¬I'm going to leave Bush alone right now.

"­(Q): Can you share any of where he's been prior to this life to create this person?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬No."­ "¬Right now,"­ "¬I'm not allowed to tell you that."­ "¬There are certain boundaries I have to honor."­ "¬It's not a pretty picture,"­ "¬but I can give one little snapshot."­ "¬I'll just invent a story,"­ "¬and maybe you'll put it together."­ "¬Do you remember a time in our country when we had blacks as slaves in the south,"­ "¬and the white superior race running them,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬plantation owners who would do whatever they want,"­ "¬especially to the black women"­? "¬I'll just leave it right there."­ "¬Maybe you get the point,"­ "¬without naming names.

How else could it manifest through Aries"­? "¬Bully syndrome"­ "¬-"­ "¬yes."­ "¬Arrogance and power"­ "¬-"­ "¬yes."­ "¬Thinking one's more self-important"­ "¬-"­ "¬yes."­ "¬What else"­?  "¬It could manifest,"­ "¬especially through men,"­ "¬as sexual predators,"­ "¬where sex is actually an act of power,"­ "¬by way of dominance."­ "¬It can manifest through emotional misrepresentation to an existing intimate other or a potential intimate other."­ "¬Misrepresentation."­ "¬Aries always wants what it wants when it wants it."­ "¬If this is sexualized through a man,"­ "¬you can see where that would lead."­ "¬I've seen in in women too,"­ "¬and I've actually had women who had this symbol tell me the following,"­ ""¬I'm going out on a sexual hunt."­" "¬A sexual hunt."­ "¬But,"­ "¬the excitement's always in the hunt,"­ "¬isn't it"­? "¬They promise something they can't follow through on.

"­(Q): I still don't know how you got that with Aries.

"­(A): Because the higher octave of Aries is Scorpio--manipulation. What's the antidote through the Libra polarity point? The antidote is to realize that other people's needs and realities are as equally important as one's own. It's changing from a consciousness of using people for one's own purposes, to a consciousness of giving to someone in accordance with what the person actually needs instead of the delusion: "I'm giving to you because here's what you need and I know it. I think I know what you need." 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Could part of Lucifer in Aries bring people into your life who are like that"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬In other cases,"­ "¬it can manifest as a loosening of the will to live."­ "¬It can correlate to someone who's virtually killing herself"­; "¬effecting violence on herself."­ 

On to Taurus."­ "¬One of the underlying influences of evil through Taurus is an undermining sort of activity that keeps the person involved with what is minimally necessary to do just to keep their life going."­ "¬Minimal involvement"­; "¬just enough to keep the life going."­ "¬It's an ultimate form of laziness,"­ "¬procrastination,"­ "¬minimal effort,"­ "¬the sloth syndrome."­  "¬It can manifest as using other people's resources to benefit oneself,"­ "¬and doing whatever necessary to gain those resources."­ "¬It can manifest in any manner of weird sexual perversion."­ "¬Taurus is the sexual instinct in all of us that is rooted in the instinct to procreate"­ ("¬Taurus"­)"¬."­ "¬Once you latch Lucifer onto that natural instinct,"­ "¬then you can see where sexuality could go."­ "¬One of the potential applications of this would be this thing called snuffing,"­ "¬where the person's killed."­ "¬We can see that through Lucifer in Taurus."­ "¬We can see that also through Lucifer in Scorpio,"­ "¬by the way."­

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬What is snuffing"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It's where they kill the person at the moment of climax."­ "¬I can't even begin to imagine how that would get somebody off."­

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Didn't you have a client in Germany like that"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬I've had some doozies of clients."­ "¬I used to tell all my clients,"­ ""¬You can tell me anything you want and it stays here."­" "¬Many of my clients treat me as a confessor-priest type of person."­ "¬And,"­ "¬one of the worst cases I had to deal with in terms of controlling my own impulses,"­ "¬was when I had a client,"­ "¬a sadist,"­ "¬confess that he'd done certain things to a woman and it got out of control,"­ "¬so to speak."­ "¬He was willing to tell me in quite a bit of detail what he had done."­ "¬I just wanted to take the guy and"­  "¬strangle him."­ "¬The case was also being reported in the news.

"­(Q): What did you do?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬I tried to be as cool and professional as I could be,"­ "¬because I made the mistake."­ "¬I have to own that for myself."­  "¬I had a massive dilemma on my hands,"­ "¬but the fact is,"­ "¬I told him first,"­ ""¬You can tell me anything."­" "¬So,"­ "¬that's what I had to honor."­ "¬Since then,"­ "¬believe me,"­ "¬I've done it differently."­ "¬You can tell your clients that,"­ "¬but you can then also tell them,"­ ""¬If you tell me something that's against the law,"­ "¬my duty is to report you,"­" "¬which is in fact the law in certain places.

The antidote of Taurus,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬comes through Scorpio."­ "¬The whole issue of the antidote here is manifesting a desire to understand the nature of your psychology,"­ "¬how and why you're put together the way you are,"­ "¬and,"­ "¬most importantly,"­ "¬being willing to own it."­  "¬That's the key."­ 

Gemini."­  "¬One application that can happen is when one sibling forces another sibling to have sex."­ "¬It can manifest as trying to control and limit ideas."­ "¬Gemini is the archetype that's susceptible to the newest cultural fad,"­ "¬or the next grooviest thing to do."­ "¬The problem in Gemini is that they get so hooked up with the newest,"­ "¬grooviest thing to do,"­ "¬that if they orient to it through the influence of evil,"­ "¬they violate their own natural nature."­ "¬For example,"­ "¬in the late"­ '"¬60s when all the hippie stuff was happening,"­ "¬the free love syndrome and all that"­ ("¬Uranus in Libra--Free Love"­)"¬,"­ "¬if you were a Gemini in that scenario,"­ "¬the typical Gemini just hops on the bandwagon."­ ""¬Oh groovy--free love."­"  "¬What if that was a violation of their own nature"­? "¬Through Gemini,"­ "¬Lucifer can manifest as that temptation to follow the next grooviest thing"­; "¬that's going to be the meaning that you're seeking."­ "¬It can manifest through fickleness."­ "¬It can manifest by saying one thing to one person and an altogether different thing to the next person."­ "¬Different stories that aren't based in truth."­ "¬It can manifest,"­ "¬frankly,"­ "¬as outright lies."­ "¬The person can present the lie as the truth,"­ "¬and then try to convince others of that"­ ""¬truth,"­" "¬of that lie."­ 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Could it manifest as extreme mischievousness"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬The antidote is through Sagittarius."­ "¬The ultimate archetype of Sagittarius is honesty,"­ "¬at all costs."­ "¬You've all heard the American cliché,"­ ""¬The truth will set you free,"­" "¬whatever that truth may be."­ "¬That's the antidote to Gemini."­ "¬The antidote through Sagittarius is for the person to completely tune into who they naturally and actually are,"­ "¬and then to live that truth instead of the facade of Gemini."­ 

Next,"­ "¬we come to ever-secure Cancer."­ "¬This becomes very graphic through the case of Mr."­ "¬O.J."­ "¬Simpson."­ "¬Here's a man who has his Sun and Mercury in Cancer,"­ "¬and Jupiter in Scorpio."­ "¬This is a case of what's called pathological jealousy,"­ "¬which manifests through this bizarre male attitude,"­ ""¬If I can't have you,"­ "¬nobody will."­" "¬It's an extreme form of emotional possession,"­ "¬which can degenerate beyond normal jealousy into pathological jealousy."­ "¬When it becomes pathological,"­ "¬the person takes action upon it,"­ "¬just as O.J."­ "¬Simpson did."­ "¬One thing they never told you about O.J."­ "¬Simpson was that while he was out being with any woman he wanted to,"­ "¬he expected his wife to be monogamous.

This is a black man."­ "¬If you look at it through the Capricorn polarity,"­ "¬Capricorn"­  "¬-"­ "¬because what determines the color of the skin is a physiology called melanin,"­ "¬which is a variation of melatonin,"­ "¬which manifests out of your pineal gland"­ "¬-"­ "¬and in Capricorn this manifests,"­ "¬because Capricorn connects to iron,"­ "¬and this is why you have black skin implicated through Capricorn."­  "¬Here you have a man with this Cancer energy,"­ "¬the polarity point of which is Capricorn,"­ "¬and his defense team used the black card,"­ "¬or race card,"­ "¬as a defense."­ "¬Do you see how it's working now"­?  "¬I think most of us would agree the guy probably did it,"­ "¬yes"­? 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Didn't he confess in one of the statements that he gave"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬he did."­ "¬He actually did confess at one point."­ "¬Does anybody feel that this guy was actually innocent"­? ("¬Nobody did"­)"¬."­ "¬The point here is that evil manifests through the emotional body with Lucifer in Cancer."­ "¬Anything that's linked with your emotional body can,"­ "¬in fact,"­ "¬be influenced with Lucifer in Cancer,"­ "¬and can set in motion any manner of emotional distortions,"­ "¬and the emotional behaviors that are a reflection of those distortions."­ "¬The problem with Lucifer in Cancer is that the individual does not have a clue that Lucifer is taking over a particular emotional state and is intensifying and distorting it."­ "¬They don't have a clue because the emotional state is natural to them in the first place."­ "¬So,"­ "¬they simply get lost to it."­ "¬The worst forms that appear are emotional,"­ "¬demonic people."­ 

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Wouldn't this be the person that would manipulate his or her environment"­?

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬Totally so."­ "¬There are so many factors."­ "¬It can correlate to a person being born to a mother who herself is being influenced by evil,"­ "¬and through her own emotional distortions affects this child through her behavior."­ "¬There are just so many ways to look at the darned thing."­ 

The antidote for Cancer is Capricorn--learning to emotionally mature."­ "¬They're not just perpetually little babies,"­ "¬they have to grow up."­ "¬They have to accept the responsibility for their own actions."­

What happens when we start dealing with the aspects Lucifer's making to other planets"­? "¬What happens when,"­ "¬for example,"­ "¬Lucifer's in Virgo,"­ "¬but it's in a Sagittarius house,"­ "¬and it's making aspects to X,"­ "¬X,"­ "¬and X"­?  "¬These all become portals,"­ "¬or vehicles,"­ "¬in which this influence can exist."­ "¬Very quickly,"­ "¬through synastry,"­ "¬it means that wherever your partner's Lucifer is landing in your natal chart is where they bring that individual influence into your life in the area of your consciousness or reality that,"­ "¬through synastry,"­ "¬that Lucifer lands in."­ "¬Do you see it"­? "¬Conversely,"­ "¬that very same symbol can equal a partner,"­ "¬through the Bearer of Light archetype,"­ "¬who can truly bring the spark and awareness and inspiration of God into your life."­ "¬When you link this through composite charts,"­ "¬you're going to have a combined Lucifer with somebody"­; "¬it's going to be in a house and a sign,"­ "¬and in a very similar way,"­ "¬this is where the couple,"­ "¬as a unit,"­ "¬can experience the influence of evil in a destructive,"­ "¬self-undermining way,"­ "¬or conversely,"­ "¬a direct channel in their own unique way to God."­ "¬Or,"­ "¬God could actually be helping the relationship."­ "¬I know this from my own reality."­ "¬I had a partner,"­ "¬and we had a combined Lucifer in our"­ "¬11th house in Virgo."­ "¬She was a person that had been highly traumatized prior to my meeting her"­; "¬I'd been highly traumatized in my own life,"­ "¬of course."­ "¬The"­ "¬11th house is trauma,"­ "¬and we have a combined Lucifer in the house of trauma."­ "¬There were many traumas we created together,"­ "¬but at every point that would almost lead to separation--I mean to packing--to the last heels out the door thing--always in the last minute,"­ "¬God would intervene."­ "¬Every single time."­ "¬At critical mass moments,"­ "¬the flip side,"­ "¬the Bearer of Light,"­ "¬would appear."­ "¬I know how it works."­  "¬Evil manifests as wanting to blame another,"­ "¬never itself."­  "¬It supports the consciousness of victimization and vindictiveness and getting back.

OK."­ "¬So,"­ "¬did you guys get a little more understanding of this Lucifer thing and how to work with it"­?  "¬All I would suggest that you do is just to do the traditional astrology thing."­ "¬Work with it for a while."­ "¬Observe it,"­ "¬correlate it,"­ "¬connect it to world events,"­ "¬connect it to your own life,"­ "¬connect it to friends that you know."­ "¬Watch its movement."­ "¬Then you will develop your own awareness and knowledge and information about this archetype."­ "¬It is something that we all need to keep our eyes on."­  "¬Again,"­ "¬99%"­ "¬of evil is unseen--unnoticed.

I certainly appreciated you guys as a group,"­ "¬and have"­ a nice day.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 15, 2012, 04:46 PM
Quote from: mountainheather on Feb 14, 2012, 09:58 PM

I guess self knowledge and committment to God are the best protection ultimately. Perhaps when we get to "the bearer of light" part it will feel a little better too.

Thank you for the continuing support here.


Hi Heather,

Just wanted to comment on this because it became clear to me last night that self-knowledge is really important.  (Rad, if this is wrong, please correct!)  To my surprise the darkness and doubt was starting to creep in again last night.  I was surprised because I thought I had really come to the other side of it.  And at some point, much to my surprise (and even more so to the guides who are present in my life!!), I said, "I want to know who I am."  It was like an inner realization that expressed itself in those words, which was both a statement to myself and also a request.  JWG talks about the importance of ego and how it is a mistake to try to get rid of it.  I think if you don't have an ego, if you're working to rid yourself of it, you make yourself vulnerable to the influence of evil because you have no anchor within yourself without it.  Hard to put into words.  But when I said, "I want to know who I am", the darkness was gone, and there was an inner strength that was there along with an inner peace, as opposed to a weakness that has been the norm, and an inner discord and thus always the need to be "rescued".  Hard to explain.  Maybe this is not helpful for anyone, but it was such a huge epiphany for me, I wanted to share it.....

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 15, 2012, 04:52 PM
Hi Rad,

QuoteThe Agni ritual is indeed very, very old and comes from India. As far as I know Wolf taught this primarily to sever the karmic umbilical cord between one Soul, and another Soul. Yet it seems that this ritual can also be used for general cleansing purposes as well because, after all, fire will inherently purify the Soul from any source of toxin, including evil. The bottom line in terms of practicing it is very simple: visualize a fire within your third eye, and then project whatever it is that you wish to be purged or purified from within your Soul into the fire until there is nothing left to project. At that point whatever it is should be purged and purified. When it comes down to other Souls that one wishes to break the karmic tie too then simply project WHATEVER IMAGES COME TO YOU ABOUT THAT PERSON INTO THE FIRE UNTIL THERE ARE NO  IMAGES LEFT TO PROJECT. At that point the karmic knot is then severed. In conjunction with this it is also important to remove all objects that are associated with that person from one's life. Whatever those objects are, pictures, this or that gift, etc, etc, it is best to either bury them in the ground, throw them into a body of water, or to burn them outright.

God Bless, Rad

Oh this is very good, very helpful, thank you for sharing it.  I imagine this would apply to past life memories of people and situations as well?

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 15, 2012, 05:06 PM
Hi Ellen,

QuoteHi Heather,

Just wanted to comment on this because it became clear to me last night that self-knowledge is really important.  (Rad, if this is wrong, please correct!)  To my surprise the darkness and doubt was starting to creep in again last night.  I was surprised because I thought I had really come to the other side of it.  And at some point, much to my surprise (and even more so to the guides who are present in my life!!), I said, "I want to know who I am."  It was like an inner realization that expressed itself in those words, which was both a statement to myself and also a request.  JWG talks about the importance of ego and how it is a mistake to try to get rid of it.  I think if you don't have an ego, if you're working to rid yourself of it, you make yourself vulnerable to the influence of evil because you have no anchor within yourself without it.  Hard to put into words.  But when I said, "I want to know who I am", the darkness was gone, and there was an inner strength that was there along with an inner peace, as opposed to a weakness that has been the norm, and an inner discord and thus always the need to be "rescued".  Hard to explain.  Maybe this is not helpful for anyone, but it was such a huge epiphany for me, I wanted to share it.....


Thank you Ellen for being willing to work with this, and for your questions.  I wish you continued progress in finding strength and peace in your soul. Heather
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 15, 2012, 05:34 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 15, 2012, 10:20 AM
Hi Heather,

"So I'm wondering about that, if he expands on how to use the Agni fire for cleansing? 
I have some experience with banishing and smudging to energetically cleanse, and I am wondering if this is the same type of thing.  If you cannot comment, thanks all the same!  "


The Agni ritual is indeed very, very old and comes from India. As far as I know Wolf taught this primarily to sever the karmic umbilical cord between one Soul, and another Soul. Yet it seems that this ritual can also be used for general cleansing purposes as well because, after all, fire will inherently purify the Soul from any source of toxin, including evil. The bottom line in terms of practicing it is very simple: visualize a fire within your third eye, and then project whatever it is that you wish to be purged or purified from within your Soul into the fire until there is nothing left to project. At that point whatever it is should be purged and purified. When it comes down to other Souls that one wishes to break the karmic tie too then simply project WHATEVER IMAGES COME TO YOU ABOUT THAT PERSON INTO THE FIRE UNTIL THERE ARE NO  IMAGES LEFT TO PROJECT. At that point the karmic knot is then severed. In conjunction with this it is also important to remove all objects that are associated with that person from one's life. Whatever those objects are, pictures, this or that gift, etc, etc, it is best to either bury them in the ground, throw them into a body of water, or to burn them outright.

God Bless, Rad

Hi Rad,

So this could work for illness, also?....
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Steve on Feb 15, 2012, 07:09 PM
Hi Ellen

A few thoughts came to mind when reading your recent post

QuoteTo my surprise the darkness and doubt was starting to creep in again last night.  I was surprised because I thought I had really come to the other side of it.

We have all had these deep unnatural patterns burned into us for thousands of years.  We have made them part of our reality, part of our self-image.  When the breakthrough begins, it is simultaneously liberating and scary.  Scary because the old is all we know.  Feeling messed up has been the norm.  We have forgotten how to be any other way - thus scary.  When its dissolving, who am I supposed to be now?  Being that wounded person is all I know (or remember, at least).   So it comes and it goes.

The thousands of years of past are not going to miraculously all disappear in two glorious weeks!  It is a PROCESS, step by step, inch by inch, with determination to change, no matter what the cost, no matter what is required.  That, what I just wrote, is the positive application of Virgo - a process, step by step, little by little.  Whether you are feeling the glorious sun or are lost again in the darkness, to keep moving forward regardless of circumstance, with determination to change the patterns of the past.

QuoteAnd at some point, much to my surprise (and even more so to the guides who are present in my life!!), I said, "I want to know who I am."  It was like an inner realization that expressed itself in those words, which was both a statement to myself and also a request.  

This to me is a focal point you are naturally finding within yourself, something you can integrate around.  When it gets dark again at times, when you feel guilty or dark or inadequate, it doesn't matter.  Make "I want to know who I am" something like a mantra that you can pull yourself back to the central focus of he changes that are occurring in you.

QuoteJWG talks about the importance of ego and how it is a mistake to try to get rid of it.  I think if you don't have an ego, if you're working to rid yourself of it, you make yourself vulnerable to the influence of evil because you have no anchor within yourself without it.  Hard to put into words.

Trying to get rid of one's ego is like trying to get rid of one's head.  You can't really exist without it.  The very idea of getting rid of a so-called bad ego is a lose-lose situation.  You can't live without your head, and you can't live without your "ego" because it is your individualized sense of who you are.  The issue is not to lose your ego but to purify your ego, to purge it of the false thoughts, beliefs, guilts, fears, that it has absorbed down through time.  And by purify I mean in the NATURAL sense, not to get rid of all blemishes you have that are impossible to remove, but to move towards self-acceptance of how you are at this moment in time, not some idealized patriarchal standard that is impossible for anyone to live up to.

 To accept, as Rad says, the inherent imperfection not only of yourself but of that which created you.  As Jeffrey used to say why would a perfect God make imperfect creations?   That makes no sense at all, unless you believe God wants to see us suffer just for amusement.  If that which created us is imperfect how is it possible for us to be perfect?  So it comes to ACCEPTING SELF AS WE FIND OURSELVES.  Accepting myself as I am, and simultaneously holding the desire to self-improve, through awareness of the places in me that are not yet perfected.  And, this imperfection does not mean I am defective.  It means I am evolving, and there is still room to go.  This is a complete change in the nature of one relationship with self - taurus.  To take stock of one's strengths and weaknesses, to accept, and to determine as you said, to want to know self, ever more and more - who am I really?  Not all this guilt and pain I have ingested and falsely believed is who I am.  Who am I really?  That is the journey and the answers come in a process, not a single event.

QuoteBut when I said, "I want to know who I am", the darkness was gone, and there was an inner strength that was there along with an inner peace, as opposed to a weakness that has been the norm, and an inner discord and thus always the need to be "rescued".

And that is the beginning of a great shift, a reintegration.  Now you have a technique (Virgo) you can begin to use to hold focus when clarity momentarily disappears.  Something to start integrating is, as you are making this inner change, IT WILL NEVER AGAIN BE AS IT HAS BEEN.  You may need many experiences of the living proof of that before it becomes an integrated part of who you.  None the less, that has begun.  The important point is you have walked through the gateway, and now its just a matter of time, little by little.  Just keep going, no matter how dark it gets at times.  Because your will, the new choices you make, have the potential  to be stronger than any obstacle.  Just... keep... going.  "I want to know who I am" - that is a natural teaching that poured right out of your own inner teacher...  the perfect lesson/message for you at this time.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 15, 2012, 08:37 PM
Hi Steve,

I really appreciate your thoughts on this and especially your caring enough to post in support of me and my process (and anyone else who comes along and who will find benefit in what you have said).  I will continue on my journey with tools and techniques in hand and look forward to the next new epiphanies that help me carry on with the process of love and change.


Addition:  And thanks for the reminder that moving through the darkness is a process and that it is not WRONG when this happens.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 15, 2012, 10:37 PM
Hi Steve, oh thank you so much for your reply to Ellen, you've articulated so much what I feel to be true and yet unable to put into words about this process.  The "value is in the effort" and "start where you are" are the mantras that keeps me returning again and again to the tools and techniques for addressing these obstacles, dark corners and shadowy influences.

In this quote:
QuoteTo accept, as Rad says, the inherent imperfection not only of yourself but of that which created you.  As Jeffrey used to say why would a perfect God make imperfect creations?   That makes no sense at all, unless you believe God wants to see us suffer just for amusement.

This made me recognize the resentment and anger I have creeping around my subconscious towards God for betraying creation, for making us capable of murder and destruction of the planet, that its some kind of cosmic joke and we're the brunt of it. Wow, glad that got flushed to the surface for me to work through, since this is clearly not God's will. It just shows me how the influence of evil can use our weakness to separate our hearts from the truth. 

Thank you all again for the steadfast support in finding God here.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Lucius on Feb 15, 2012, 11:44 PM
Ellen, I want to thank you for your contribution and soul baring in this thread. It takes courage to ask the questions you do and be honest with your own struggles and doubts. I truly appreciate this. Many of your questions I too have wondered at or thought of either recently or in the past but have not the courage to open up.

souls that are vulnerable (which is probably all of us just about!) need to be especially careful and wary with the influence of evil  - it can be subtle and uses your own innate good and love against you. It can make you feel bad for not having compassion toward it, for instance. It uses this masochism that is built from lifetimes of wrong judgements to twist yourself in on yourself - that you are responsible for the suffering of the world, that you are accountable for circumstances out of your control  - that you are bad and especially bad if you cannot have compassion for evil. I will leave compassion toward evil for God to decide - happily that's not my provenance.

I too have thought how heartbreaking it is that souls are preyed upon in their weakest hour (I won't go into my opinion on that right now) - and I was thinking 'what a bum rap' so to speak - but, it occurred to me that our natural birth right is a contract with God - we naturally are 'given' to Love and God/dess unless WE break it. It's not as if we are out there alone - evil just makes us believe that and forget our original contract, with God.

I've come to a happy virgo median of not worrying if I'll be punished enough - I figure that'll happen in the course of natural law - so, I may as well do my best & take what comes versus fretting that I'm not suffering enough, or that I don't 'deserve' love and all that hogwash. It takes a long time for our ego's to incorporate deeper knowledge and experience.

It's difficult to understand intellectual words - but, I think if you chose, in your dark hours you can look to this thread and your own insights to help you through. Just last night I realized I felt it was inevitable that evil would 'get me' - I have no idea why I'd have that idea, a subconscious idea until then - but, once I confronted it I realized how silly it was and that as long as I held fast, over time, I'd conquer it - that THAT was what was inevitable if I chose it. However, the conscious thought that I would conquer evil, over time, again & again, as the case may & will be made me frightened in and of itself. I was making a declaration - but, God will help me. And you.  :)

Thank you again for your questions and insight - and Rad's responses and patience. And to Steve's great post. I am very thankful for this topic - one of my favorite cliche's or phrases is the term to 'not like shooting in the dark' - I don't like it, this helps me not to do it!
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 16, 2012, 10:07 AM
HI Heather,

"Oh this is very good, very helpful, thank you for sharing it.  I imagine this would apply to past life memories of people and situations as well?"


Well you can't remove the memories, no. In terms of severing the karmic umbilical cord yes.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 16, 2012, 10:11 AM
Hi Ellen,

"So this could work for illness, also?...."


No, it's not meant for that purpose. On the other hand you can always try because by creating a consciousness of affirmation, desiring for the sickness to be removed, can certainly help in the healing process.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 16, 2012, 10:14 AM
This is the last part of the transcript...........Rad

Lucifer Workshop"­ - "¬Lucifer through the signs

I think what we'll do now is just run Lucifer through all the signs."­ "¬Would you like to do that"­? "¬

We can start with where it is right now,"­ "¬in Leo."­ "¬And,"­ "¬remember,"­ "¬we also have a collective application,"­ "¬as well as an individual application."­ "¬What happens when Lucifer transits Leo"­? "¬What is the potential pitfall that any of us could get involved with that would implicate the possible influence of evil"­? "¬It's what's called the me-me-me syndrome."­ "¬If your focus was Lucifer in Leo,"­ "¬it's through concentrating on just what I need,"­ "¬what I want,"­ "¬what's going to benefit me--the self-glorification problem--that the influence of Lucifer,"­ "¬evil,"­ "¬can occur."­ "¬There's a sense in certain cases of what we call the Zarathustra complex as developed by Nieztsche--the sense of being super-human."­ "¬That's the basis of Zarathustra."­ "¬What Nieztsche wanted to create was a society run by what he called super-humans,"­ "¬or Zarathustra,"­ "¬who were all served by the collective mass."­ "¬That became the model for Hitler,"­ "¬for example."­ "¬

When Lucifer is in Leo,"­ "¬you can have this delusion of self-grandeur,"­ "¬to think that you're larger or more important than you are,"­ "¬and that everything is meant to serve your purpose."­ "¬We can certainly see this illustrated in our current election via Bush."­ "¬In his particular distorted reality,"­ "¬of course he's president."­ "¬How can there be any question"­? "¬I don't know how many of you are aware of what's going on with Bush,"­ "¬but for people who know him personally,"­ "¬the reports are now that he's incredibly pissed."­ "¬The objective fact is that this guy is trying to appoint himself President:"­ "¬To have his brother appoint him President."­ "¬That sounds a little distorted,"­ "¬doesn't it"­; "¬to be that desperate for power"­? "¬What if the vote comes out in Gore's favor and this is authorized by the court system"­? "¬Then you have these Republicans saying,"­ ""¬We're not going to pay attention to this"­; "¬we're just going to make our own decisions and appoint him,"­" "¬which means to anoint him."­ "¬Now,"­ "¬does that sound like your American system"­? "¬Yes or No"­? "¬And if it doesn't sound like your American system,"­ "¬what is this"­? "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Then the masks are coming off and he's being exposed."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬That's the point."­ "¬With Pluto in Sagittarius,"­ "¬anyone who is trying to bullshit,"­ "¬lie or deceive,"­ "¬will have their mask removed."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Is Lucifer conjunct your Sun similar"­? "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬it can operate that way."­ "¬In any case,"­ "¬with Lucifer transiting Leo,"­ "¬the main thing to guard against in the individual life is to see what the whole structure of your life requires,"­ "¬what benefits all people,"­ "¬not just you."­ "¬That's the way to get out of that potential pitfall."­ "¬

Let's put Lucifer natally in Virgo."­ "¬What would be the real potential influences of evil that could occur if we have Lucifer in Virgo"­? "¬What would be the kind of messages we could anticipate the psyche receiving through the influence of evil"­? "¬There's something wrong with me."­ "¬It will reinforce guilt with messages like,"­ ""¬You've done this,"­ "¬you've done that."­" "¬You're not good enough."­" "¬It manifests through messages of blame,"­ "¬over and over and over,"­ "¬like a drum beat."­ "¬Another specific way is that it creates doubt where doubt is not appropriate,"­ "¬which then serves as a vehicle of undermining an experience that you would need to benefit your growth."­ "¬

Through the polarity of Pisces,"­ "¬where would the Bearer of Light come through"­? "¬It is now going to be teaching the use of your Virgo mind to validate yourself vs."­ "¬undermining yourself through doubt."­ "¬And loving yourself."­ "¬Virgo can get so consumed with what happened,"­ "¬with what's right,"­ "¬what's wrong,"­ "¬that it tends to over focus on the past and what are perceived as problems."­ "¬The Bearer of Light symbol is to focus on solutions,"­ "¬not the problems themselves."­ "¬If you focus on the solutions to those problems,"­ "¬the problems take care of themselves."­ "¬That's the magic way out of Virgo's trap,"­ "¬to focus on the solution rather than the problem."­ "¬Positives have a way of creating negatives moving forward,"­ "¬vs."­ "¬the compulsive focus on the negative and the negative only."­ "¬

One of the greatest words that you would find if you had Lucifer in Virgo--"­ "¬the greatest word in the person's vocabulary--would be the word"­ ""¬but,"­" "¬which is an undermining word."­ "¬And,"­ "¬another famous word for the delusion of the Lucifer in Virgo are the words,"­ ""¬I can't."­" "¬The Pisces solution is,"­ ""¬I can."­" "¬Simple adjustments."­ "¬And,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬there's this whole delusion called perfection,"­ "¬and here's a related problem."­ "¬Typically,"­ "¬the Lucifer in Virgo would have for many lifetimes set up a structural reality in their consciousness defined by the delusive idea of what is right"­ "¬-"­ "¬wrong"­ "¬-"­ "¬perfect."­ "¬How I should be doing this"­? "¬How I should be doing that"­? ""¬Should bes."­" "¬And,"­ "¬very rarely can any of us fulfill our own"­ ""¬should bes."­" "¬It would be nice to postulate,"­ "¬but since most of us can't get there,"­ "¬it reinforces the sense of being inadequate."­ "¬There's something's wrong with me."­ "¬I'm not good enough,"­ "¬I'm not able to do this."­ "¬It's a continuously reinforcing tape to remind the individual just exactly what a piece of crap they are."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬It's true."­ "¬I have to say that I have a conjunction with Lucifer and Vesta in Virgo,"­ "¬along with my Moon and South Node,"­ "¬and this was my life story up until the change."­ "¬I'd be happy for every little turd that came my way."­ "¬So,"­ "¬I have to say,"­ "¬thank you."­ "¬I just have to confirm this."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It's reality."­ "¬See,"­ "¬that's the neat thing again,"­ "¬because what we're talking about friends,"­ "¬is Natural Law."­ "¬She didn't require a belief system to understand what I just said,"­ "¬she used it through the validation of her own life experience."­ "¬It didn't require a belief or any philosophy."­ "¬It's her actual life experience,"­ "¬and that's the beauty when you work with Natural Law."­ "¬You don't have to believe it,"­ "¬you're just already living it."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬So,"­ "¬when you're stuck in perfectionism,"­ "¬is the opposite of perfectionism to give yourself some slack"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It's to realize that there's no such thing as perfection."­ "¬Who decides what perfection is"­? "¬What's the standard of perfection"­? "¬These are illusions."­ "¬For example,"­ "¬you could listen to Mozart,"­ "¬and somebody with a Virgo ear would say,"­ ""¬Oh,"­ "¬he could have played it better right over here in this riff."­" "¬And,"­ "¬it's in fact already complete unto itself and already perfect."­ "¬There's nothing to improve there."­ "¬Do you know what I mean"­? "¬It's perfect enough as it already stands."­ "¬The real path out of that Virgo delusion is through action--action."­ "¬The story I like for Virgo is the story of the centipede."­ "¬Imagine that this creature has a"­ "¬100"­ "¬legs on it."­ "¬It's fine as long as it keeps walking,"­ "¬but as soon as it tries to analyze or try to figure out how leg"­ "¬46"­ "¬works in the sequence,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬you have paralysis."­ "¬And,"­ "¬that's the problem you have with the delusive question for perfection in Virgo."­ "¬It turns into paralysis."­ "¬The little moral of that Virgo story is action,"­ "¬to just keep walking."­ "¬It's in the action,"­ "¬the doing,"­ "¬that relative perfection can occur."­ "¬It can't be invented with the mind."­ "¬

Another delusion with Lucifer in Virgo is never feeling ready enough or good enough to do what the Pisces polarity,"­ "¬God,"­ "¬is directing the soul to do."­ ""¬I'm not good enough yet,"­" "¬is the delusion,"­ "¬which reinforces the sense of inferiority."­ "¬It sets into motion unnecessary comparisons to authority figures they would respect,"­ "¬but it only reinforces the inferiority"­; ""¬I'm not as good as that."­" "¬So,"­ "¬they're perpetually reduced to inaction,"­ "¬because they're never good enough."­ "¬The whole way out of that trap door is,"­ "¬again,"­ "¬by putting one foot in front of the other."­ "¬On a cosmological level,"­ "¬it goes back to what we were discussing last night"­ ("¬lecture on Virgo as the archetype of self-improvement"­)"¬:"­ "¬to realize in the end that this thing we call God is an evolving force."­ "¬Once that is emotionally integrated,"­ "¬then rather than being this incredibly hyper-self-critical individual inside,"­ "¬then you become much more emotionally compassionate with yourself."­ "¬Meaning everybody on earth has blown it."­ "¬We've all made mistakes."­ "¬Even God,"­ "¬believe it or not."­ "¬

What do you think the basis of the Great Flood is"­? "¬God was ticked off at its own creation and wanted to redo it."­ "¬That's God´s prerogative."­ "¬And,"­ "¬that's actually the basis of Christian history."­ "¬That's why they think that real history only started"­ "¬12,000"­ "¬years ago."­ "¬In fact,"­ "¬what that correlates to in historical terms is truthful:"­ "¬great floods all over this earth."­ "¬They actually occurred."­ "¬They're documented."­ "¬That's the legend of Noah's Ark,"­ "¬and this is when God literally wanted to recreate its creation."­ "¬We had the Great Flood to wipe it all out,"­ "¬and that's where Christian history starts."­ "¬So,"­ "¬in that sense,"­ "¬they're accurate"­; "¬but,"­ "¬from the standpoint of dismissing the balance of human history,"­ "¬everything that came before,"­ "¬this is clearly delusory--what they now call Creationism."­ "¬You know,"­ "¬you now have a state in your country here,"­ "¬one of the states that only teaches creationism--Kansas."­ "¬They don't allow the teaching of evolution."­ "¬This means that a religion is determining the education of the public in the state of Kansas."­ "¬And this is supposed to be in country with separation of church and state."­ "¬Pretty heavy stuff."­ "¬There you see Pluto in Sagittarius:"­ "¬trying to control ideas."­ "¬That decision occurred when Neptune and Uranus were still in Capricorn."­ "¬

When you study history,"­ "¬you find out shocking facts."­ "¬The great library of Alexandria was burnt down by fundamental Christians in"­ "¬399"­ "¬A.D."­ "¬while Uranus was transiting Capricorn."­ "¬They rebuilt it in"­ "¬698"­ "¬A.D."­ "¬It was burnt down again by fundamental Christians when Uranus was transiting Capricorn:"­ "¬the control of ideas."­ "¬At that point,"­ "¬the Alexandria library was the repository of all the written existing human knowledge,"­ "¬which they managed to wipe out,"­ "¬under the banner of the Cross."­ "¬What's the analogy to Kansas,"­ "¬as we speak"­? "¬

Let's put Lucifer in Libra."­ "¬This is your workshop,"­ "¬so how do you think Lucifer,"­ "¬or the influence of evil,"­ "¬would manifest through the archetype of Libra"­? "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬By not listening to other people"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬In that sense,"­ "¬they would presume that they thought,"­ "¬or felt that they knew,"­ "¬what other people actually needed,"­ "¬without actually listening to make that determination from the point of view of the person's actual reality."­ "¬They try to impose:"­ ""¬You need this,"­" "¬which is a reflection of the delusion of Libra by way of security issues."­ "¬The Libra archetype at that level has a need to be needed in order to feel emotionally secure within him or herself."­ "¬The person says,"­ ""¬Oh,"­ "¬I understand what you need."­" "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬It would be a strong manipulation."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬What would be another application"­? "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬A peace at any price."­ "¬Don't make waves."­ "¬Trying to balance"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬That can be."­ "¬Peace at all costs."­ "¬Doing whatever's necessary to keep the peace,"­ "¬but that also allows for reality not to be acknowledged."­ "¬What would be another application of Lucifer in Libra"­? "¬It comes through the delusion,"­ "¬the emotional feeling,"­ "¬that they don't have a right to have their own needs met,"­ "¬that their only task is to fulfill other people's needs,"­ "¬and reinforcing that message over and over and over."­ "¬Through the polarity point of Aries the teaching is to learn how to validate,"­ "¬honor and have one's own needs met in the context of relationships,"­ "¬in such a way that all peoples"­Â´ "¬needs are met equally,"­ "¬rather than through the extremity of who's always just meeting someone else's needs."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬So the person's need is a negative state because he or she needs to be validated by,"­ "¬or feel that their worth is dependent upon,"­ "¬other people."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬It's like the worst form of Betty Crocker."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬When I think of Libra,"­ "¬I always think of how they like things too beautiful to be willing to do something like take out the garbage."­ "¬It's not pretty enough to handle,"­ "¬so please don't ask them to do something as mundane as removing it."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬That's quite true."­ "¬They want the Virgos to remove it."­ "¬Another classic way that Lucifer manifests through Libra--and this is something that any of us need to be careful of--is through what we call the silver-tongued-devil types of this world."­ "¬You know,"­ "¬the real smooth talkers with all the charm,"­ "¬who try to ensnare you or hook you in some fashion."­ "¬This is the type that says,"­ ""¬I know what you need."­ "¬Believe me,"­ "¬trust me."­ "¬I know what you need."­" "¬You've probably all run into those types in your life."­ "¬And,"­ "¬they deliver themselves with such great sincerity,"­ "¬and such magnificent charm,"­ "¬and,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬we want to get sucked into that."­ "¬It's what we call the silver-tongued-devil problem."­ "¬Through Lucifer in Libra,"­ "¬the archetype of the silver-tongued-devil or the susceptibility to that archetype can occur."­ "¬

For those who have been subjected to that kind of person--whether you're male or female makes no difference--how many of you indeed experienced that they did know what you needed"­? "¬Or,"­ "¬was there,"­ "¬in fact,"­ "¬another agenda going on"­? ("¬No one responded"­)"¬."­ "¬Examples are:"­ "¬Jim Jones"­ ("¬Pluto in"­ "¬7th"­); "¬Rajneesh"­ ("¬4"­ "¬or"­ "¬5"­ "¬planets in Capricorn in the"­ "¬7th"­); "¬Claire Prophet"­; "¬J.Z."­ "¬Knight"­ ("¬dominant"­ "¬7th house"­)"¬."­ "¬

Let's run Lucifer through ever-understandable Scorpio."­ "¬You have the total spectrum in Scorpio:"­ "¬everything from the pure ecstasy of God-realization to the horror of horrors manifested through the most intense forms of evil,"­ "¬and all the combinations therein."­ "¬So,"­ "¬where could evil manifest specifically on an archetypical level with Lucifer standing in Scorpio"­? "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Any thing done with sex."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬No,"­ "¬because you can have passion for God."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬I know."­ "¬But,"­ "¬it's intense feelings."­ "¬Not just passion,"­ "¬but the intensity of the emotion behind it."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬That's not going to be the issue,"­ "¬because the issue there is the orientation to what you're describing."­ "¬That's intrinsic to Scorpio."­ "¬It's necessary for Scorpio."­ "¬It's part of the Scorpio experience."­ "¬What we want to look at is the orientation."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬I think of extreme control issues due to the fear of lack of control."­ "¬

(J"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬or doing anything to obtain power at all costs."­ "¬I had a client who was part of the German Mafia."­ "¬He had an"­ "¬8th house Pluto in Virgo,"­ "¬and a variety of other things."­ "¬The guy had many lifetimes of wanting,"­ "¬of desiring,"­ "¬this intense social power of status and wealth,"­ "¬but because of Pluto in Virgo,"­ "¬he did not feel he had the capacity within himself to get it."­ "¬Simultaneous to that,"­ "¬he had lifetimes where he experienced people who had all this status,"­ "¬wealth and power,"­ "¬which created in him"­ "¬8th house jealousy,"­ "¬vindictiveness,"­ "¬wanting going to get back at people due to his consciousness of victimization through Virgo."­ "¬This became the causative factor in his forming bonds with the German Mafia:"­ "¬to obtain,"­ "¬in a legal sense,"­ "¬those very same desires."­ "¬Now,"­ "¬we can see that this is the influence of evil,"­ "¬through the"­ "¬8th house."­ "¬

Typically,"­ "¬the Mafia creates a"­ ""¬front"­" "¬through things like restaurants."­ "¬So,"­ "¬this man decided to establish restaurants,"­ "¬but he would always solicit funds for the restaurants by lying--getting people to believe what they wanted--to get the money,"­ "¬so he could start the restaurant."­ "¬That's evil."­ "¬To me,"­ "¬a simple way to understand evil in a general sense is if any of us find in our hearts and souls at any time,"­ "¬an intent to hurt another,"­ "¬or an intent to screw somebody over,"­ "¬or an intent to take advantage of somebody."­ "¬That's evil."­ "¬If all of us look at ourselves honestly in our own mirrors,"­ "¬I think that most of us would have to say at various points in our lives there have been some times when there was the temptation to think exactly in those terms,"­ "¬because of the buildup of rage,"­ "¬which itself presumes victimization."­ "¬If you take full responsibility for your own life,"­ "¬you will not have those psychologies."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬So,"­ "¬another Lucifer archetype in Scorpio would be a raging"­; "¬somebody doing evil through rage."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬A perfect example would be using sex as a form of power."­ "¬It could be the stalker."­ "¬It could be the raper."­ "¬It could be the sadist."­ "¬It could be the torturer."­ "¬It could be the person taking glee in creating hurt and pain for another,"­ "¬really enjoying it."­ "¬For example,"­ "¬when some Israeli soldiers were killed recently,"­ "¬their brains were taken out."­ "¬I have a friend in Tel Aviv who sent me the actual pictures of what had happened,"­ "¬because it was in the Israeli media."­ "¬If you had looked at what they had done to these bodies:"­ "¬that is truly evil."­ "¬And another example of that kind of thing is blowing up a bus of school children because the Party of"­ ""¬God"­" "¬told me to do this."­ "¬And,"­ "¬you're now killing innocent school kids"­? "¬Because God told you to do so"­? "¬So,"­ "¬that's an example of God"­ ""¬speaking"­" "¬to somebody,"­ "¬which is just a reflection of what their own subjective agenda is."­ "¬God is never going to direct anybody to kill anybody,"­ "¬no matter how just it may be."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬So,"­ "¬the ultimate power of a killer with Lucifer in Scorpio would be an assassin,"­ "¬killer."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬A terrorist on the freeway."­ "¬It can be gaining other people's resources through illegal or deceptive means."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬What would be the antidote for Lucifer in Scorpio"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬The real antidote is to have the desire to examine the causitive factors in your own emotional psychology,"­ "¬which then enforces the Taurean application:"­ "¬radically altering the inner relationship to yourself."­ "¬To radically alter the inner relationship to oneself by understanding the nature of one's psychology and why,"­ "¬and then owning it."­ "¬

Let's move on to Sagittarius."­ "¬The real issue of the influence of evil through Sagittarius is to feel that whatever your particular philosophy,"­ "¬cosmology,"­ "¬religion or intellectual way of organizing reality is,"­ "¬is absolutely the right and only way,"­ "¬which then sets in motion the Billy Graham archetype:"­ "¬the need to convince and convert."­ "¬Imagine all the judgments issued if you're not towing the line and conforming to that point of view."­ "¬That's how it manifests."­ "¬Another delusion of the influence of Lucifer in Sagittarius is the false messiah syndrome."­ "¬Somehow,"­ "¬these people think they have a direct pipeline to God,"­ "¬and they say so."­ "¬An example of that would be all this televangelism on TV."­ "¬Remember our old friend Jimmy Swaggert"­? "¬He's still involved with prostitutes."­ "¬He's a hopeless case."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬But he cried well."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬And was ever so sincere--Sagittarius."­ "¬The antidote is through the opposite sign,"­ "¬and that is,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬that this thing we want to call truth,"­ "¬is,"­ "¬in fact,"­ "¬relative."­ "¬Einstein himself,"­ "¬who was a Pisces,"­ "¬said the following:"­ ""¬The only absolute reality is relativity itself."­" "¬Think about that."­ "¬The only absolute is relativity itself."­ "¬In the end,"­ "¬that is the liberation point"­; "¬i.e.,"­ "¬the Bearer of Light."­ "¬It's that somehow this message of the relativity of truth gets through to the consciousness."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬I have Lucifer in Sagittarius in the"­ "¬3rd house."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Where that influence can come in is through allowing other people to tell you what to think."­ "¬If you have Lucifer there,"­ "¬that's where the direct influence could occur:"­ "¬somebody trying to control or shape your own natural way of how you think about something."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬My husband wants me to think like him."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬There you go."­ "¬Or,"­ "¬we can have Capricorn,"­ "¬and we can illustrate this through the story of the Marquis de Sade."­ "¬This man did,"­ "¬in fact,"­ "¬have Lucifer in Capricorn,"­ "¬along with his Saturn."­ "¬Now,"­ "¬what would be a common application in this heavy archetype of Capricorn"­? "¬How would you see this manifesting"­? "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Dominance and control"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Dominance and control."­ "¬What else"­? "¬It specifically manifests through the delusion that the ends justifies the means used."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Well,"­ "¬that's the whole Hitler thing."­ "¬That's any kind of strong leader,"­ "¬whether it be a school master or a leader of a nation,"­ "¬who is bent on a goal and just terrorizes the populace."­ "¬It's basically the archetype of terrorizing the populace."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Right."­ "¬Exactly."­ "¬And from another point of view of Capricorn,"­ "¬evil can create a psychology within the person that's defined by the perpetual psychology of self-defeat--what's the point"­? "¬This could degenerate into a feeling of complete futility,"­ "¬and,"­ "¬therefore,"­ "¬a progressive loss of a will to live."­ "¬Chronic depression."­ "¬An illustration is in the classic story"­ ""¬The Seagull"­" "¬written by Anton Chekov."­ "¬There was a woman character in this story who was always dressed in black."­ "¬One day somebody walked up to the woman and asked,"­ ""¬Why are you always dressed in black"­?" "¬Here comes the Lucifer in Capricorn answer:"­ ""¬I'm in mourning for my life."­" "¬It can also manifest through one of the most problematic dimensions of Capricorn called hypocrisy."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬That sounds like Congress."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Exactly."­ "¬It can operate at a collective level."­ "¬That's what I mean about really understanding what's going on in your country right now."­ "¬There's a power grab by the Republicans."­ "¬They will take power at all costs."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬And,"­ "¬they're accusing the Democrats of trying to steal the election."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬That's what they do:"­ "¬They demonize that which they themselves are doing."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Is this what we can expect with Pluto in Capricorn"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ ("¬More discussion about the election and the reporting by the media"­)"¬."­ "¬You can see the obvious hypocrisy,"­ "¬the double standards."­ "¬And,"­ "¬that's where evil through Capricorn can manifest,"­ "¬and unfortunately your country has Pluto in Capricorn in it's birth chart."­ "¬Pluto is at"­ "¬27"­ "¬Capricorn in the"­ "¬9th house"­ ("¬media and religion"­)"¬,"­ "¬with the conservative element currently in control."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Have you looked ahead as to what you're expecting from Pluto in Capricorn when it transits in Capricorn"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It depends on the choices made between now and when it actually occurs."­ "¬You have to fit it to the existing context,"­ "¬which is determined by the choices that lead to that moment."­ "¬The influence of Lucifer in Capricorn within the individual itself is a perpetual inner feeling of being a crappy person:"­ ""¬I've done something wrong."­ "¬I'm so guilty."­ "¬I must suffer."­" "¬It's that kind of psychology that actually creates circumstances that validate or prove what the person is inwardly feeling."­ "¬If we look at the opposite sign as the direction for our way out,"­ "¬where would the Bearer of Light come through in this scenario"­? "¬How could they tune into God through that symbol if Lucifer in Capricorn"­? "¬Through the Cancer polarity."­ "¬What does it become"­? "¬What's the message"­? "¬The whole message of Cancer is to strip away all the need for social power and acceptance and to go deep inside to find the meaning that you're seeking."­ "¬It's to penetrate to the mystery and veil of your own soul and to rebuild yourself from the inside out"­; "¬that's the message."­ "¬From a spiritual view,"­ "¬in many of those cases,"­ "¬it would mean to orient oneself to some sort of spiritual system that's emphasizing the Divine Mother or femininity,"­ "¬vs."­ "¬the archetypical Father God."­ "¬

We'll get into Lucifer in Aquarius and/or the"­ "¬11th house now."­ "¬How would we see the influence of Lucifer manifesting through the Aquarian,"­ "¬11th house,"­ "¬Uranian archetype"­? "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Rebellion"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Rebellion itself isn't necessarily a negative or an evil."­ "¬Rebellion can be an incredibly positive thing."­ "¬Two words that have been associated with Aquarius are bizarre and perverse."­ "¬Do you know what the etymology of those words is in most cases"­? "¬To revolutionize."­ "¬That's what they used to mean."­ "¬How the English language has chosen to understand it,"­ "¬present it and judge it is now very different."­ "¬

Lucifer in Aquarius is using whole groups of people or situations to benefit oneself."­ "¬They just arrested some clown up in Washington--an ultra con-man--who bilked people out of millions of dollars."­ "¬He had a way of presenting himself to get people to invest in a new business and then take the money and run."­ "¬

And,"­ "¬there was the case we had this morning,"­ "¬where the man with Lucifer in Aquarius met women over the Internet."­ "¬In fact,"­ "¬we have another case that goes back to Kansas."­ "¬Apparently some S&M type was making postings in these Use-Net groups,"­ "¬and I guess there was some S&M group,"­ "¬and some woman responded and then went out to Kansas,"­ "¬which was where he lived."­ "¬I checked this man's chart,"­ "¬and he had Lucifer in Aquarius."­ "¬What he did was meet women on the Internet and then get them hooked and invite them to his home in Kansas."­ "¬Then,"­ "¬literally,"­ "¬over a period of days or weeks,"­ "¬he tortured them to death."­ "¬He just got busted."­ "¬So,"­ "¬you can see the Aquarian application."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬You would have to be able to detach yourself from your emotions to do that kind of thing to someone else,"­ "¬wouldn't you"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬No."­ "¬Those kind of people are totally involved with their emotional life in a distorted sense,"­ "¬from a sadistic point of view."­ "¬Sadists believe people deserve the pain that they're administering,"­ "¬that they actually deserve it,"­ "¬which is the engagement point with their emotional body."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬So,"­ "¬rather than being detached,"­ "¬they're very,"­ "¬very focused"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Right."­ "¬That's the only way they can focus."­ "¬Think about that."­ "¬Think how distorted that is."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬They're so repressed they can't feel,"­ "¬and so it takes more and more for them to access their emotions"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Exactly."­ "¬

Discussion about how this would include militia groups,"­ "¬groups who believe the end of the world is coming,"­ "¬etc."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬A good illustration of that is a really funny story."­ "¬I guess there was some self-appointed prophet in Korea who was claiming that the world was going to end at midnight on a certain day a few years ago."­ "¬This was specific to Korea,"­ "¬and there must have been about"­ "¬20,000"­ "¬people or so who believed him."­ "¬They all gathered at the same point at midnight and waited for the end of the world to happen."­ "¬And,"­ "¬midnight came and went,"­ "¬and they were still here."­ "¬Can you imagine what they're going through at a traumatic level"­? "¬They set themselves up to die,"­ "¬and here they were still living."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Didn't they arrest him"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬To me,"­ "¬the guy that should be in prison is Rev."­ "¬Moon."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬He still has followers,"­ "¬though."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬he does."­ "¬One of the women that had married his son,"­ "¬I think it was,"­ "¬did a whole expose of what goes on within the family."­ "¬Are you familiar with that"­? "¬Here they are trying to present themselves as religious icons,"­ "¬while,"­ "¬according to this ex-wife of Rev."­ "¬Moon's son,"­ "¬reveals that they have all kinds of sexual orgies and that drugs are rampant."­ "¬She reported that this is what goes on in their actual home."­ "¬And,"­ "¬look how he's presenting himself to the world."­ "¬This is the classic hypocrisy of religion."­ "¬It's no different than Pope Innocent III in the"­ "¬13th century,"­ "¬who had a working brothel in the Vatican."­ "¬That's an historical fact."­ "¬

Another example of the form of evil that Lucifer in Aquarius manifests through is the German doctors in the concentration camps in World War II who were"­ ""¬medically experimenting on people."­" "¬Or there was the War where they had all these American prisoners and others,"­ "¬and they were testing various bacterial agents to see what the effects would be."­ "¬There's the example of doing random testing with the original LSD,"­ "¬and not telling people they were being given the LSD."­ "¬There are documented cases where people committed suicide because of this."­ "¬And,"­ "¬in order for the end to justify the means,"­ "¬the government said,"­ ""¬We need to do this for national security purposes."­" "¬That means they can kill somebody and get away with it."­ "¬The point is to create trauma"­; "¬they have a motive to create trauma to another."­ "¬

It can manifest in the form of all these stupid religious terrorist groups,"­ "¬especially now with Pluto in Sagittarius,"­ "¬because the danger is not going to be through nuclear weapons"­; "¬it´s going to be through bacterial warfare."­ "¬After all,"­ "¬it takes only one guy to go to downtown L.A."­ "¬and release the little vial of something that would have the potential of killing the entire population of L.A."­ "¬You don't need"­ "¬$10"­ "¬million to build a nuclear bomb"­; "¬it's much cheaper to use bacterial agents,"­ "¬and much easier to sneak them around."­ "¬That's where you need to keep your eyes focused."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Especially with Pluto in Sagittarius,"­ "¬which represents contagion."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Contagion is an Aquarius phenomenon."­ "¬Behavioral contagion."­ "¬Or,"­ "¬the contagion of disease."­ "¬That's an Aquarius phenomenon."­ "¬An example is the"­ "¬1920s when Hitler came to power."­ "¬We had Uranus transiting Pisces,"­ "¬so he created a behavioral contagion by creating and persecuting a group of people"­ ("¬Uranus"­); "¬and you saw the contagion of behavior."­ "¬We have a Leo polarity point."­ "¬What do we see as potential antidotes by way of the Bearer of Light"­? "¬How would the Leo serve as a counteracting point"­? "¬It just starts with individuals stepping outside of themselves in order to objectify."­ "¬In other words,"­ "¬you can't change this pattern until you eliminate the emotional content that creates the pattern."­ "¬You have to eliminate that emotional content through objectification,"­ "¬through detachment,"­ "¬which presumes a desire to do so."­ "¬It is in that way that people regain control of their psyches,"­ "¬their souls,"­ "¬through Leo."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬So with the polarity point of the Leo archetype,"­ "¬you would get in touch with the emotions and,"­ "¬so to speak,"­ "¬with one's charismatic hero"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It depends on what archetype you orient to."­ "¬If you link to the group problem,"­ "¬typically,"­ "¬Lucifer in Aquarius is going to manifest in this group or this group,"­ "¬as we're right and they're wrong,"­ "¬which turns this group upon that group."­ "¬The whole polarity point of Leo means what"­? "¬To honor the individual realities of all groups."­ "¬There's no one more right or wrong."­ "¬That's the amazing thing in your election here."­ "¬Don't you find it rather startling that Bush carried no city"­? "¬He did not win one major U.S."­ "¬city,"­ "¬not one."­ "¬What he did win was the people living in the farmlands."­ "¬In other words,"­ "¬the majority of all people in all big cities voted for Gore."­ "¬The majority of people living in the farmlands,"­ "¬as in the Kansas types,"­ "¬voted for Bush."­ "¬What does that tell you about a massive line of polarization in your country as a total population"­? "¬We're talking Aquarius stuff here."­ "¬And here we have Uranus and Neptune transiting Aquarius."­ "¬Remember,"­ "¬you also have to deal with the natural squares and oppositions--Scorpio,"­ "¬Taurus,"­ "¬Leo."­ "¬You can see these lines of polarization before our eyes."­ "¬You see it"­? "¬

Think about that more deeply in terms of what value associations that equate to."­ "¬People who live in the Kansas-type of environments have a very limited view of reality,"­ "¬let's face it."­ "¬They want that reality to be everybody's reality."­ "¬People who live in the city,"­ "¬by definition,"­ "¬are much more cosmopolitan."­ "¬When you live in the city,"­ "¬you're exposed to diversity."­ "¬Living in the city requires you to think more."­ "¬You're exposed to newspapers."­ "¬You're exposed to this clown in the street barfing."­ "¬You've got this over here,"­ "¬and that over there,"­ "¬etc."­ "¬You tend to generate a much more expansive consciousness that honors diversity."­ "¬It is more aware of social issues,"­ "¬what the whole needs."­ "¬That's very different than living off in your little isolated farm somewhere in Montana,"­ "¬in which your reality is determined by the limitation of your own environment."­ "¬Do you see what I'm getting at"­? "¬Now we have this basic division in our country,"­ "¬and it was brought to a head in this election."­ "¬So,"­ "¬it's not a good sign for the future,"­ "¬friends."­ "¬

Lucifer in Pisces."­ "¬The worst form of this symbolism the influence of evil could manifest through in Pisces is having the person create one delusion or illusion after the other,"­ "¬and every delusion or illusion that is created is considered the ultimate meaning that the person has always been seeking."­ "¬It's like chasing windmills."­ "¬The intent of evil is to keep the person away from Spirit or God by creating the illusion that the meaning that they're seeking is in this new manifestation of this or this or this."­ "¬Another way that it typically manifests,"­ "¬especially in women,"­ "¬is sometimes when the Lucifer's in Pisces in a woman's chart,"­ "¬she may weekly,"­ "¬or sometimes daily,"­ "¬alter how she looks."­ "¬One day she looks conservative like a Capricorn businesswoman."­ "¬Two days later you see her with flaming hair and you say,"­ ""¬My God,"­ "¬what happened"­?" "¬Other forms that Lucifer in Pisces can manifest through are extreme paranoia,"­ "¬extreme schizophrenia,"­ "¬agoraphobia,"­ "¬any manner of psychological disintegration."­ "¬You can have the symbol of a true possession with Lucifer in Pisces"­; "¬your soul's literally taken over."­ "¬You can have the manifestation of Lucifer,"­ "¬of evil,"­ "¬through fanaticism."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Couldn't it also manifest through an intensification of a victim consciousness"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬For example,"­ "¬on the TV talk shows like Oprah Winfrey,"­ "¬when you listen to these people's problems,"­ "¬they're always presenting themselves as a victim."­ "¬Always."­ "¬Do you ever hear her ask the people on her show,"­ ""¬Why did you need to create that"­?" "¬So,"­ "¬the antidote through Virgo is what"­? "¬If you're dealing with the nature of illusions and delusions,"­ "¬believe it or not,"­ "¬God will operate in that person's life through the manifestation of disillusionment."­ "¬An illusion created,"­ "¬the bubble is burst,"­ "¬and the person goes from one existential crisis to the next."­ "¬Again,"­ "¬the intent of disillusionment is to realign us with actual reality."­ "¬God's grace in that context is bursting the bubbles."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬To put it another way,"­ "¬could you say mental discernment through Virgo"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬Obviously,"­ "¬with the Pisces symbol in mind,"­ "¬evil can truly manifest through the temptation of drugs and alcohol."­ "¬As we're going through these things,"­ "¬all of you have Lucifer somewhere in your chart."­ ("¬Positive response from a few audience members"­)"¬."­ "¬Right on."­ "¬At least you're honest."­ "¬The antidote is discrimination."­ "¬It is God operating in such a way as to create disillusionment"­; "¬what we can call--this nice shamanistic word--learning how to be"­ `"¬impeccable."­Â´ "¬Impeccable means absolute self-honesty."­ "¬Impeccability here means being that which you actually are"­; "¬you're not misrepresenting yourself."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Which is quite different from perfection."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬So,"­ "¬it requires total honesty and responsibility for who you are and what you create."­ "¬

(J"­)"¬:"­ "¬Exactly."­ "¬And,"­ "¬it requires being faithful to who you are,"­ "¬without compromise."­ "¬That's a nice word,"­ "¬isn't it,"­ "¬impeccability"­? "¬I like that."­ "¬

Aries."­ "¬How could evil manifest through Aries"­? "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Very easily through martial,"­ "¬war-like fighting,"­ "¬a kind of belligerence."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Belligerence itself is not evil."­ "¬It's not a nice thing,"­ "¬but it's not evil."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Picking fights on weaker people"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Do you mean the bully syndrome"­? "¬Yes."­ "¬Absolutely."­ "¬It could,"­ "¬for example,"­ "¬create a false sense of self-importance."­ "¬We can certainly see this implicated through Mr."­ "¬Bush,"­ "¬with a first house Pluto and Lucifer transiting his first house."­ "¬He clearly thinks of himself as more important than he actually is."­ "¬That's why one thing the media does do once in a while is say,"­ ""¬Hey,"­ "¬look how arrogant this creep is."­" "¬Look at the little snicker on his face,"­ "¬the superior arrogance."­ "¬I'm going to leave Bush alone right now."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Can you share any of where he's been prior to this life to create this person"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬No."­ "¬Right now,"­ "¬I'm not allowed to tell you that."­ "¬There are certain boundaries I have to honor."­ "¬It's not a pretty picture,"­ "¬but I can give one little snapshot."­ "¬I'll just invent a story,"­ "¬and maybe you'll put it together."­ "¬Do you remember a time in our country when we had blacks as slaves in the south,"­ "¬and the white superior race running them,"­ "¬i.e.,"­ "¬plantation owners who would do whatever they want,"­ "¬especially to the black women"­? "¬I'll just leave it right there."­ "¬Maybe you get the point,"­ "¬without naming names."­ "¬

How else could it manifest through Aries"­? "¬Bully syndrome"­ "¬-"­ "¬yes."­ "¬Arrogance and power"­ "¬-"­ "¬yes."­ "¬Thinking one's more self-important"­ "¬-"­ "¬yes."­ "¬What else"­? "¬It could manifest,"­ "¬especially through men,"­ "¬as sexual predators,"­ "¬where sex is actually an act of power,"­ "¬by way of dominance."­ "¬It can manifest through emotional misrepresentation to an existing intimate other or a potential intimate other."­ "¬Misrepresentation."­ "¬Aries always wants what it wants when it wants it."­ "¬If this is sexualized through a man,"­ "¬you can see where that would lead."­ "¬I've seen in in women too,"­ "¬and I've actually had women who had this symbol tell me the following,"­ ""¬I'm going out on a sexual hunt."­" "¬A sexual hunt."­ "¬But,"­ "¬the excitement's always in the hunt,"­ "¬isn't it"­? "¬They promise something they can't follow through on."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬I still don't know how you got that with Aries."­ "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Because the higher octave of Aries is Scorpio--manipulation."­ "¬What's the antidote through the Libra polarity point"­? "¬The antidote is to realize that other people's needs and realities are as equally important as one's own."­ "¬It's changing from a consciousness of using people for one's own purposes,"­ "¬to a consciousness of giving to someone in accordance with what the person actually needs instead of the delusion:"­ ""¬I'm giving to you because here's what you need and I know it."­ "¬I think I know what you need."­" "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Could part of Lucifer in Aries bring people into your life who are like that"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬In other cases,"­ "¬it can manifest as a loosening of the will to live."­ "¬It can correlate to someone who's virtually killing himself"­; "¬effecting violence on himself."­ "¬

On to Taurus."­ "¬One of the underlying influences of evil through Taurus is an undermining sort of activity that keeps the person involved with what is minimally necessary to do just to keep their life going."­ "¬Minimal involvement"­; "¬just enough to keep the life going."­ "¬It´s an ultimate form of laziness,"­ "¬procrastination,"­ "¬minimal effort,"­ "¬the sloth syndrome."­ "¬It can manifest as using other peoples"­' "¬resources to benefit oneself,"­ "¬and doing whatever necessary to gain those resources."­ "¬It can manifest in any manner of weird sexual perversion."­ "¬Taurus is the sexual instinct in all of us that is rooted in the instinct to procreate"­ ("¬Taurus"­)"¬."­ "¬Once you latch Lucifer onto that natural instinct,"­ "¬then you can see where sexuality could go."­ "¬One of the potential applications of this would be this thing called snuffing,"­ "¬where the persons killed."­ "¬We can see that through Lucifer in Taurus."­ "¬We can see that also through Lucifer in Scorpio,"­ "¬by the way."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬What is snuffing"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬It's where they kill the person at the moment of climax."­ "¬I can't even begin to imagine how that would get somebody off."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Didn't you have a client in Germany like that"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬I've had some doozies of clients."­ "¬I used to tell all my clients,"­ ""¬You can tell me anything you want and it stays here."­" "¬Many of my clients treat me as a confessor-priest type of person."­ "¬And,"­ "¬one of the worst cases I had to deal with in terms of controlling my own impulses,"­ "¬was when I had a client,"­ "¬a sadist,"­ "¬confess that he'd done certain things to a woman and it got out of control,"­ "¬so to speak."­ "¬He was willing to tell me in quite a bit of detail what he had done."­ "¬I just wanted to take the guy and strangle him."­ "¬The case was also being reported in the news."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬What did you do"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬I tried to be as cool and professional as I could be,"­ "¬because I made the mistake."­ "¬I have to own that for myself."­ "¬I had a massive dilemma on my hands,"­ "¬but the fact is,"­ "¬I told him first,"­ ""¬You can tell me anything."­" "¬So,"­ "¬that's what I had to honor."­ "¬Since then,"­ "¬believe me,"­ "¬I've done it differently."­ "¬You can tell your clients that,"­ "¬but you can then also tell them,"­ ""¬If you tell me something that's against the law,"­ "¬my duty is to report you,"­" "¬which is in fact the law in certain places."­ "¬

The antidote of Taurus,"­ "¬of course,"­ "¬comes through Scorpio."­ "¬The whole issue of the antidote here is manifesting a desire to understand the nature of your psychology,"­ "¬how and why you're put together the way you are,"­ "¬and,"­ "¬most importantly,"­ "¬being willing to own it."­ "¬That's the key."­ "¬

Gemini."­ "¬One application that can happen is when one sibling forces another sibling to have sex."­ "¬It can manifest as trying to control and limit ideas."­ "¬Gemini is the archetype that's susceptible to the newest cultural fad,"­ "¬or the next grooviest thing to do."­ "¬The problem in Gemini is that they get so hooked up with the newest,"­ "¬grooviest thing to do,"­ "¬that if they orient to it through the influence of evil,"­ "¬they violate their own natural nature."­ "¬For example,"­ "¬in the late"­ '"¬60s when all the hippie stuff was happening,"­ "¬the free love syndrome and all that"­ ("¬Uranus in Libra--Free Love"­)"¬,"­ "¬if you were a Gemini in that scenario,"­ "¬the typical Gemini just hops on the bandwagon."­ ""¬Oh groovy--free love."­" "¬What if that was a violation of their own nature"­? "¬Through Gemini,"­ "¬Lucifer can manifest as that temptation to follow the next grooviest thing"­; "¬that´s going to be the meaning that you're seeking."­ "¬It can manifest through fickleness."­ "¬It can manifest by saying one thing to one person and an altogether different thing to the next person."­ "¬Different stories that aren't based in truth."­ "¬It can manifest,"­ "¬frankly,"­ "¬as outright lies."­ "¬The person can present the lie as the truth,"­ "¬and then try to convince others of that"­ ""¬truth,"­" "¬of that lie."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Could it manifest as extreme mischievousness"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬The antidote is through Sagittarius."­ "¬The ultimate archetype of Sagittarius is honesty,"­ "¬at all costs."­ "¬You've all heard the American cliché,"­ ""¬The truth will set you free,"­" "¬whatever that truth may be."­ "¬That's the antidote to Gemini."­ "¬The antidote through Sagittarius is for the person to completely tune into who they naturally and actually are,"­ "¬and then to live that truth instead of the facade of Gemini."­ "¬

Next,"­ "¬we come to ever-secure Cancer."­ "¬This becomes very graphic through the case of Mr."­ "¬O.J."­ "¬Simpson."­ "¬Here's a man who has his Sun and Mercury in Cancer,"­ "¬and Jupiter in Scorpio."­ "¬This is a case of what's called pathological jealousy,"­ "¬which manifests through this bizarre male attitude,"­ ""¬If I can't have you,"­ "¬nobody will."­" "¬It's an extreme form of emotional possession,"­ "¬which can degenerate beyond normal jealousy into pathological jealousy."­ "¬When it becomes pathological,"­ "¬the person takes action upon it,"­ "¬just as O.J."­ "¬Simpson did."­ "¬One thing they never told you about O.J."­ "¬Simpson was that while he was out being with any woman he wanted to,"­ "¬he expected his wife to be monogamous."­ "¬

Wolf:"­ "¬this section in red."­ "¬I had trouble following the exact correlations,"­ "¬so I wasn't sure how to rewrite it."­ "¬

This is a black man."­ "¬If you look at it through the Capricorn polarity,"­ "¬Capricorn"­ "¬-"­ "¬because what determines the color of the skin is a physiology called melanin,"­ "¬which is a variation of melatonin,"­ "¬which manifests out of your pineal gland"­ "¬-"­ "¬and in Capricorn this manifests,"­ "¬because Capricorn connects to iron,"­ "¬and this is why you have black skin implicated through Capricorn."­ "¬Here you have a man with this Cancer energy,"­ "¬the polarity point of which is Capricorn,"­ "¬and his defense team used the black card,"­ "¬or race card,"­ "¬as a defense."­ "¬Do you see how it´s working now"­? "¬I think most of us would agree the guy probably did it,"­ "¬yes"­? "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Didn't he confess in one of the statements that he gave"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes,"­ "¬he did."­ "¬He actually did confess at one point."­ "¬Does anybody feel that this guy was actually innocent"­? ("¬Nobody did"­)"¬."­ "¬The point here is that evil manifests through the emotional body with Lucifer in Cancer."­ "¬Anything that's linked with your emotional body can,"­ "¬in fact,"­ "¬be influenced with Lucifer in Cancer,"­ "¬and can set in motion any manner of emotional distortions,"­ "¬and the emotional behaviors that are a reflection of those distortions."­ "¬The problem with Lucifer in Cancer is that the individual does not have a clue that Lucifer is taking over a particular emotional state and is intensifying and distorting it."­ "¬They don't have a clue because the emotional state is natural to them in the first place."­ "¬So,"­ "¬they simply get lost to it."­ "¬The worst forms that appear are emotional,"­ "¬demonic people."­ "¬

(Q"­)"¬:"­ "¬Wouldn't this be the person that would manipulate his or her environment"­? "¬

(A"­)"¬:"­ "¬Yes."­ "¬Totally so."­ "¬There are so many factors."­ "¬It can correlate to a person being born to a mother who herself is being influenced by evil,"­ "¬and through her own emotional distortions affects this child through her behavior."­ "¬There are just so many ways to look at the darned thing."­ "¬

The antidote for Cancer is Capricorn--learning to emotionally mature."­ "¬They're not just perpetually little babies,"­ "¬they have to grow up."­ "¬They have to accept the responsibility for their own actions."­ "¬

What happens when we start dealing with the aspects Lucifer's making to other planets"­? "¬What happens when,"­ "¬for example,"­ "¬Lucifer's in Virgo,"­ "¬but it's in a Sagittarius house,"­ "¬and it's making aspects to X,"­ "¬X,"­ "¬and X"­? "¬These all become portals,"­ "¬or vehicles,"­ "¬in which this influence can exist."­ "¬Very quickly,"­ "¬through synastry,"­ "¬it means that wherever your partner's Lucifer is landing in your natal chart is where they bring that individual influence into your life in the area of your consciousness or reality that,"­ "¬through synastry,"­ "¬that Lucifer lands in."­ "¬Do you see it"­? "¬Conversely,"­ "¬that very same symbol can equal a partner,"­ "¬through the Bearer of Light archetype,"­ "¬who can truly bring the spark and awareness and inspiration of God into your life."­ "¬When you link this through composite charts,"­ "¬you're going to have a combined Lucifer with somebody"­; "¬it´s going to be in a house and a sign,"­ "¬and in a very similar way,"­ "¬this is where the couple,"­ "¬as a unit,"­ "¬can experience the influence of evil in a destructive,"­ "¬self-undermining way,"­ "¬or conversely,"­ "¬a direct channel in their own unique way to God."­ "¬Or,"­ "¬God could actually be helping the relationship."­ "¬I know this from my own reality."­ "¬I had a partner,"­ "¬and we had a combined Lucifer in our"­ "¬11th house in Virgo."­ "¬She was a person that had been highly traumatized prior to my meeting her"­; "¬I'd been highly traumatized in my own life,"­ "¬of course."­ "¬The"­ "¬11th house is trauma,"­ "¬and we have a combined Lucifer in the house of trauma."­ "¬There were many traumas we created together,"­ "¬but at every point that would almost lead to separation--I mean to packing--to the last heels out the door thing--always in the last minute,"­ "¬God would intervene."­ "¬Every single time."­ "¬At critical mass moments,"­ "¬the flip side,"­ "¬the Bearer of Light,"­ "¬would appear."­ "¬I know how it works."­ "¬Evil manifests as wanting to blame another,"­ "¬never itself."­ "¬It supports the consciousness of victimization and vindictiveness and getting back."­ "¬

OK."­ "¬So,"­ "¬did you guys get a little more understanding of this Lucifer thing and how to work with it"­? "¬All I would suggest that you do is just to do the traditional astrology thing."­ "¬Work with it for a while."­ "¬Observe it,"­ "¬correlate it,"­ "¬connect it to world events,"­ "¬connect it to your own life,"­ "¬connect it to friends that you know."­ "¬Watch its movement."­ "¬Then you will develop your own awareness and knowledge and information about this archetype."­ "¬It is something that we all need to keep our eyes on."­ "¬Again,"­ "¬99%"­ "¬of evil is unseen--unnoticed."­ "¬

I certainly appreciated you guys as a group,"­ "¬and have a good one.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 16, 2012, 01:41 PM

Go ahead and post the birth chart of the boy you have questions about, and need help with. Share all the relevant information that you need too.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Steve on Feb 16, 2012, 04:03 PM
Hi Heather

Quote from: mountainheather on Feb 15, 2012, 10:37 PM
This made me recognize the resentment and anger I have creeping around my subconscious towards God for betraying creation, for making us capable of murder and destruction of the planet, that its some kind of cosmic joke and we're the brunt of it. Wow, glad that got flushed to the surface for me to work through, since this is clearly not God's will. It just shows me how the influence of evil can use our weakness to separate our hearts from the truth.  

Well, I've had and have my own anger at time towards God about this being the kind of reality that it is.  But I keep seeing ever more deeply this simply is NOT the sort of reality we believe it is and could be, and it never was that.  All of those beliefs that everything should be good and wonderful all the time - they really are our projections onto God of our own unfulfilled yearnings.  And then we feel let down when it doesn't work out that way.  When it never was the type of reality we live in, in the first place.

It is what it is.  That's all that it is.  It's not what it isn't.  That is actually reality.  Jeffrey once said something that was so profound to me - "Have compassion for your Creator".  We want want want, we are disappointed, we are this, we are that.  God simply is what it is, not our projections of what we want God to be.  I can't say I understand the nature of God.  But as I get out of the way I experience it, as in astrology, through observation and correlation. To back into it.  To release my filters and conditionings.  To simply observe What Is.  I am entitled to have my opinions about what I observe, but they are, in reality, merely opinions.  Everything still is what it is, and is not what its not.

Over the last few years I've been seeing it at times as, the capacity to be Jesus, the capacity to be Hitler, is built into every one of us.  Its not even that one is better or more right than the other.  Its very experiential.  Acting more in a Jesus like way causes one to feel better, causes the quality of one's life to improve, at the least, inwardly.  Acting like Hitler might bring momentary weird pleasure, but it carries consequences that degrade one's Soul journey.  We live in a reality where, in the short term, the short cutters and self servers can appear for a time to get away with their actions.  One can feel like a fool a times for not joining the party, so to speak.  Yet we know inside its simply not the right thing for us to do.  That seems like its not true for everyone however.  Still, if its right for us, we must live by it, even when its not pleasant or easy to live by it.  Even if we are being rejected, scandalized, even boiled in oil.  These words are easy to say.  They are much harder to live when those moments occur.  And yet, that IS what its all about.  It IS the way through all of this.

God seems to have given us a tremendous amount of choice here, and really stays out of the way, visibly anyway, and lets us do as we are going to do.  That is a huge amount of freedom.  Every one of our choices, our actions, carries a consequence.  That is what EA calls Natural Law, doing what is right in any given moment.  You know it is right because of how it feels within, not because the Bible said so or the preacher said so or the President said so or your mother said so.  When we do what is right in the moment this brings a consequence into our lives.  When we don't do what is right in the moment this also brings a consequence into our lives.

This principle seems to not be understood nowadays by very many people.  The entire principle of victimization is based on denying that my choices have had anything at all to do with what is going on in my life, that life is just happening to me, and I am innocently sitting here and being clobbered by it.

The best part (to me) of realizing that we are responsible in some way for what is in our lives is we come to see what is in our lives is due to choices I have been making, for a long long time.  The liberation in that is when I realize the circumstances in my life are the natural consequences of how I have been living, this means I can decide to MAKE DIFFERENT CHOICES.  And then the outcome in my life, the natural consequences, will start to change, will be different.  

In other words, there is no hole we may have dug ourselves into that is so deep that we can't dig our way out of it if we really decide to do so.  The obstacles will be many at times.  It may be the hardest thing we have ever undertaken.  It may take more than we think we have.  But we DO have it. And in the process we will find places, resources within ourselves that we had no idea were even there.  That is one way, as Ellen put it, we go about finding out who we are.  We also have to find out who we are NOT, through a process of negation - not this, not that, hot the other - its a stripping away.  As these layers we thought we were get removed we can feel empty and alone and even like we are dying, because at this point that is all we know about who we are.  And that is the experience of the underworld, the darkness.  Yet I have seen for myself that such times are TEMPORARY - no matter how difficult they are at times, THEY ALWAYS END, and the Sun, which I had forgotten about, comes out again, one more time.

This just seems to be the way it is.  From the human level, as Al Gore so wonderfully phrased it, it's a very inconvenient truth.  None the less, from personal experience, it IS the truth.  So we are better learning what truly IS and aligning our personal realities with it.  That will create a much better inner reality for us than cursing out the way things actually are vs how they supposedly should be.  Its all we can do.  I keep seeing for myself, what I said to Ellen, to keep on going with total determination, no matter what is going on around me, until my very last breath.  No one can make me stop but myself.  Lucifer can't do it.  Evil can make it more difficult, but in the end that is irrelevant.  We still have to do it.  We already know we are going to do it, some day in some life, sooner or later.  So if we are going to do it someday, why not do it sooner?  What else are we doing that's so wonderful that is so much more important?  It's just an inner shift, little by little.  Don't have to stop living as we are, just have to shift something inside about HOW we are living as we are.  If how we are living is not aligned with that inner shift, sooner or later those outer circumstances will shrivel away and dry up and fall to the ground, as they no longer serve us.  We have outgrown them.  They can no longer contain us.

This is what EA is about.  This is what this message board is about.  This is what Rad's posts about Lucifer are about - to help us see that this is the way that it is, that there are reasons why we are stuck in places where we are, and that we can change them, yes, we can, and yes we have what it takes.  And this board is to support the efforts of all who feel that urgency within their Souls to begin to reclaim their true selves.  It is not an easy journey.  Few will understand what someone on that journey is doing.  That among other reasons is why we have this message board.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 16, 2012, 05:06 PM
Hi Lucius,

I was actually just wondering about you recently - where you were, etc.  Thank you so much for your post.  This has been a difficult topic for me and difficult to post my questions, so I'm glad that it has turned out to be helpful.   It is amazingly helpful for me to know that others are wrestling with this material and this issue in their own lives.  So thank you again.  And yes, this thread will be something to come back to.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 16, 2012, 05:51 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 16, 2012, 10:11 AM
Hi Ellen,

"So this could work for illness, also?...."


No, it's not meant for that purpose. On the other hand you can always try because by creating a consciousness of affirmation, desiring for the sickness to be removed, can certainly help in the healing process.

God Bless, Rad

Thanks, Rad.  This is helpful.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 17, 2012, 05:27 AM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 16, 2012, 01:41 PM

Go ahead and post the birth chart of the boy you have questions about, and need help with. Share all the relevant information that you need too.

God Bless, Rad

Thank you, I really appreciate the opportunity to share this information. If you can post the chart for me that would be great.

His birth data:
October 26, 1994
Tucson, Az.
8:48 am.

Here is what I have written so far. I will have to catch up tomorrow but please feel free to share or ask any questions. There are more current events but this is the beginning and the basic theme that has permeated everything.

I came into the boys life just before he was 2. The biological father had left his mother soon after she found out she was pregnant. Shes conveyed the story to me many times of this night and how the father said he could not get her pregnant because something was wrong with his sperm. On her own she was leaning towards giving the child up for adoption because she was not prepard to do this on her own let alone just the shock of someone lying to you, getting pregnant as a result of trust in that lie, and then having the liar leave town....but somewhere along the way the grandmother sways her to have the child by firstly saying that she would adopt him (which defeats the whole point of giving up the child for adoption) and then by convincing her that she would be there to help her raise him. And from her point of view, she was being honest. He would be the first grandson of the three daughters, and she needed some grandchildren. Another thing that I cant leave out is that the mother had a bought with some drug usage about a year and a half prior and ended up in the hospital. This is relevant because from the point of view of the grandmother this child helped 'save' his mother from drugs. This is how the grandmother would view him, up on the highest pedestal  because he saved her daughter from certain future drug addiction.

The  labor was long and she gave birth via a midwife clinic type place. When labor started she was already Ill with a fever. The labor lasted about 26 hours. When she first looked into his eyes she said she was literally frightened. The grandmother witnessed this reaction and the first words out of her mouth were, "You dont love him!" Meanwhile, she had a 103 degree fever. He refused her breast milk. So that is how he came to be. She lived with her mother and father during the pregnancy and up until we moved in together.

The first thing I remember is the first time the three of us went to his mother's favorite frozen yogurt shop. I waited in the car and as they went in, in my head was a very clear flash of the image of two people coming into the yogurt shop, robbing the place and killing them. There ended up being many "˜visions' of that type where the end was death.

I remember how hysterical he would get when it was time to leave for school (preschool). I was the one to drive him mostly. He did not want to be separated from his mother. There was terror in his eyes and he would be clawing at the windows trying to get to her, he was completely panicked. We tried our best to comfort him as we knew how at the time. There were extended goodbyes and lots of soothing by her to him to just get him to be able to be at the school.  He had incredible mood swings very early on and would go to a very dark place which was really odd for me at the time because I hadn't ever seen someone so young go to such a deeply dark place. This was way beyond a fit, an extended temper tantrum or any other thing that I've seen with a child even to this day. He would come out of it at some point on his own, not via us consoling or talking or whatever normal things anyone would do to help their child.

The mood things became darker and weirder as he grew to the point of when they would happen, the darkness wasn't just in him anymore, it was in the air of the room.  It was pretty disturbing, very frightening to both of us. Whatever darkness he had in him was always directed towards his mother. When it was over he would not be able to talk about it, explain it. He stole things from us, hid them and then adamantly denied it when we found things. He liked to dismantle things. He would just take things apart and leave them there. Electronic things, his toys"¦ stuffed animals. He said he was going to kill himself at age 7.

By the time he was 9 he had run away twice and had police involvement three times. We lost a total of three jobs between the two of us trying to deal with him. He was diagnosed with bipolar disorder but nothing we did via the doctors worked. It got to the point where I was on the phone with CPS in tears because I realized that there was nothing we could do, that what he needed was beyond us. We had tried everything medical, everything emotional, psychics, things made by shamans, animal healing. After that it was not really possible to continue. At one point his mother had to take our son (my son was born, his half brother, when he was 6years old) barricade herself behind a locked bedroom door only to have him crack the door frame and break the lock. He would scream obscenities at her in front of his brother, laugh at us while we were trying to get him to stop.

Anyway basically I wanted to put him in a place to get him the help and medical attention he needed and she did as well. But then there was the grandmother and she couldn't believe that her little savior had anything wrong with him. She never even really swallowed the Bipolar diagnosis. My wife was torn between what she naturally thought and what her mom thought. There was a pervasive guilt that her mom had laid upon her the entire pregnancy and the childs entire life. Also the grandparents had lots of money to dangle in front of her. Lots of variables but it didn't happen. The grandmother won and we split with her taking him and me taking my son.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 17, 2012, 09:15 AM

Share whatever else you wish. And let me know what you need from this. Also, please give his name at birth, and, if you can, post a picture of him: his head that hopefully can show his eyes. And, for your information, his S.Node of Lucifer is 3 Virgo, and the N.Node is 25 Capricorn.

God Bless, Rad

I should let you know too that when I went to calculate his chart that (1) his natal Lucifer was 'somehow' not included in the calculations which is automatic for all the charts I calculate. (2) my compute literally froze at that point and my keyboard was then turned upside down and thrown on my lap (3) that all manner phenomena began as in things suddenly falling all over my office and (4) it took considerable time to get my computer working again. I was finally able to do so and finally was able to get the chart attached below calculated correctly.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 17, 2012, 12:36 PM
My session timed out and I lost everything I had written but fortunately I came prepared and saved it into word. The second time I tried to post this it wouldn't post. Here is the third try....


If you want to add Pandora and Kassandra, if you think you can safely do so,  they had quite a connection as well. This is the first time that I have heard of a possible influence spreading over the internet into someone elses life. I think it speaks to the truth of EA and our spirits (everyone in EA) that something doesn't want to be discussed.

Ill finish the story first briefly. He has since then been 'forced' to live with his mother even though she clearly can not handle him, for the last 8 years. As he has gotten older things have gotten progressively worse. He got involved with drugs, he was living with his grandparents for a time and threatened to cut their throats, his mother found a letter in his pocket one day about how to be a drug dealer and how to bury bodies. He is inappropriate with his mother with sexual things, he wants to know details of her sex life. Calls her a whore, slut, f'ing this and that. He watches violent pornography. He gets her to the point of utter desperation and he is able to actually deny that he did anything with a straight face to anyone who is called or shows up. He changes into total denial and actually will tell people that what they just saw never happened... essentially calling her a liar. Again, everywhere that they have tried to live there has been police involvement, people coming up to her in the store asking if she wanted them to call the police, or an officer so concerned that she has had an emergency number to call. Right now that is the case. I also have to say that I have had to distance myself from this situation because it was creating such a poison in my body. I was so angry at the situation, it was such an injustice to me. But his mother and I actually still love each other. There is a hole in her heart from being separated from our son. We live in another state. I recently got involved because the mom and I have been reconnecting in a very strong way and she shares everything with me. She right now is a prisoner in her own house. She locks herself in the bathroom. He torments her with noise with banging. When we were on the phone the other night he unlocked her bedroom door to interrupt our conversation, something that he always did when we were together in various different ways. She lost all of the 'good' friends she has had over the years as nobody wanted to be around him. Last year when Gabrielle Giffords was shot and I read about the shooter all I could think about was him because there had been so many clear signs that he was disturbed... I was so upset that I wrote a letter to the grandparents stating that if they didnt get Chance some help and stop perpetuating this then I was not going to let them see my son anymore. That lasted 3 months though , I gave in, my son loved her as a grandma and she was his only grandmother..... when the Van Der Sloot kid was in the news his mother was so intrigued with the stories because Van Der Sloots patterns reminded her of this kid......and he has managed to avoid getting any real help his whole life via the family dynamics. His biological father has popped in and out. He, the father, is a firefighter but he is on a cocktail of medications for a mood disorder he has, it might be bipolar, and his mother, the paternal grandmother, also had this...... so many variables all working together to keep him from getting help. And to this day the child has not been further diagnosed. The drugs tests come back unspecific, the people involved listen to his lies, he pacifies them all with a clear, calm lies, denying anything that his mother says and so the result has been that she looks crazy and that reinforces the blame, the grandmothers disappointment and guilt, it buys him more time. The word 'abandon' has almost been psychically burned into her consciousness by the grandmother.... you cant just ABANDON him! she has said since pregnancy and every time she is in tears expressing what is happening. She is often in tears, often curled up in a ball, often afraid for her safety.

There is so much more and I would be happy to answer any questions. My brain is mush. I have gotten involved again. I talked to him and told him to lay off of his mother or I was going to get involved and that   he needed to understand that he didn't want me involved. I have letters written to the social worker and the grandparents again. I am going to write a letter to his father. When I sent the first letter to the grandparents I felt like I was launching a nuclear bomb at them and it did have that impact emotionally and psychologically and it was very hard for me.  This time I have more than one letter and this will go to all sources on Earth that are involved and can make a difference in this situation. I fear for her safety, for her life.

So the reason I wanted to share this is because first of all I wouldn't be sharing this if I didnt believe so firmly in the principals of EA, the phenomenon of reincarnation... everything. JWG and EA has been a major factor in shaping my consciousness and understanding of everything. I know you are all here to help and to evolve within yourselves, to understand and know... that is why we come here, that is why we study.
There are so many questions about evil and it is hard to comprehend and alot of people even believe that it is there. When we just to the EA consciousness from whatever we were born into (catholic, etc,) we have what our previous understanding of evil was slowly start to disintegrate but sometimes its still there, and sometimes we dont understand fully. I wanted to convey all the subtleties at work here in this situation, all the people involved and the basic dynamics.

So we have this soul who chooses this body. And we have this body that has a genetic phenomenon (i dont really like the word 'disorder' anymore because it implies that there is something un-natural and to me it is very natural because it happens all over the planet in every culture. Behavior 'disorders'.... they are disorders because they haven't been integrated into society's box. They dont fit.... but the phenomenon of what we call a disorder is a natural genetic occurance, so is something that is natural a disorder?) ... so anyway, the soul chooses this body, this family. ... this body of the mother to come through.

The question comes up, is it evil or is it the result of a genetic phenomenon? And how are those two apparent differences connected? The evil soul chooses a body that it needs to fulfil its dark purpose? in this case a  I have dreamt about this I believe and I think it is coming to a culmination point for me. I had a bunch of dreams before I met my wife that I have always carried with me. They happened I think within a year of meeting Wolf and having a reading with him.The dream that I think is about is the one where I had 3 poisons that I had to get rid of. They came in the form of a scorpion on a metal canister lid that I held in my hand. The first scorpion was small and I flicked it off with a stick. The second was bigger and the third was the biggest and most difficult to detach from this lid. I did so, went to my apartment. It was night, I laid down and closed my eyes and instantaneously there was a light that made me open my eyes. It was bombs exploding in the neighboring country. I was in a primarily brown skinned country in the dream and America had launched the bombs. People came knocking at my door very angry with me. My roommate was brown skinned native to that place and he protected me.... in the end I ended up hiding under my mattress with my copy of my Pluto book. To me this child is the poison, he is a Scorpio, the letters to everyone that I have written are the bombs, the reaction will be everyone's reaction towards me, and here I am trying to understand this with my consciousness which has been shaped profoundly by JWG. I feel like, you know, when Jesus said "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword"..... when he flipped over the merchant tables in the temple....I feel righteous about it but I dont want to make an error of this magnitude in anyone's life and I dont want my righteousness to be influenced by anger or ego. I have pretty much resolved all of those issues and I fell like the truth needs to be told and that consequences need to happen and that people need to be responsible for their actions. Is this why the child came to me in my life? Is this an opportunity for me to do the right thing?

I want everyone to share any insights they have, they may help me and I want everyone to ask any question they have, nothing is off limits here. I hope this also helps others understand the nature of what we refer to as evil and how it can work. I have left out much, not intentionally.... but there are gaps but this is the story in general. This person also smiles, laughs, and does things that do not look evil. That is part of the questioning of this as well. He can function occasionally for short spurts.

Thank you so much.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 17, 2012, 12:59 PM
Hi Steve,

QuoteThis is what EA is about.  This is what this message board is about.  This is what Rad's posts about Lucifer are about - to help us see that this is the way that it is, that there are reasons why we are stuck in places where we are, and that we can change them, yes, we can, and yes we have what it takes.  And this board is to support the efforts of all who feel that urgency within their Souls to begin to reclaim their true selves.  It is not an easy journey.  Few will understand what someone on that journey is doing.  That among other reasons is why we have this message board.

Thank you for your support.

Rad I want to get more clarity on this:

I also want to clarify my understanding of separating desires and evil.  Are all separating desires influenced by evil in some way? I get that evil can distort and exaggerate an existing weakness and/or prolong a separating desire indefinitely, but is it just an inherent part of natural law that separating desires attract evil? (Heather)


No, separating desires are not inherently Evil in anyway at all. God is the origin of the Soul in which the co-existing dual desire natures are within. Evil can latch onto these separating desires and attempt to magnify them, glorify them even, in order to keep the Soul from actualizing the core desire with the Soul to reunite with it's own Source. (Rad)

Hi Rad,  Sorry for all my posts/questions, but I'm starting to get things, I think.  This answer was eye opening for me.  So could it be said that separating desires are a natural and necessary part of the process of growth and coming to know God, not much different than the learning process of say, a toddler, ie, it doesn't know that it is harmful to stick it's finger in a socket until somehow it comes to internalize that awareness (hopefully without actually HAVING the experience!)? (Ellen)

I think Ellen's question at the end got missed, and I wanted to ask if our separating desires, in essence, are initially coming from a place of innocence, of not knowing and wanting to explore. Is it just unnatural distortions such as patriarchy and evil that prolong/ twist our natural separating desires? 
From the beginning I've had a hard time understanding the nature of separating desires, why we have them, what is the purpose, why?

Thank you, Heather (sorry about the weird format, I couldn't seem to adjust it)

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 17, 2012, 01:30 PM
Hi Heather,

Yes, somehow I overlooked Ellen's question so will answer that first, and then yours.

"Hi Rad,  Sorry for all my posts/questions, but I'm starting to get things, I think.  This answer was eye opening for me.  So could it be said that separating desires are a natural and necessary part of the process of growth and coming to know God, not much different than the learning process of say, a toddler, ie, it doesn't know that it is harmful to stick it's finger in a socket until somehow it comes to internalize that awareness (hopefully without actually HAVING the experience!)? (Ellen)"




"I think Ellen's question at the end got missed, and I wanted to ask if our separating desires, in essence, are initially coming from a place of innocence, of not knowing and wanting to explore. Is it just unnatural distortions such as patriarchy and evil that prolong/ twist our natural separating desires?
From the beginning I've had a hard time understanding the nature of separating desires, why we have them, what is the purpose, why?"


We must remember that the Creator is the Origin of all things. Thus, the origin of the Soul and the dual desire nature within it. Why the Creator has manifested It's Creation in this way is open to a variety of philosophical opinions yet, in the end, no one in human form can actually know the real answer: it's an inherent limitation of the form itself, and the degree of evolution / awareness/ understanding possible. It's like trying to understand this question: Who or what is the origin of the Creator itself ? So as to why the Creator set in motion the separating desires within Soul's in human form is, in reality, unknowable.

In the end the addiction or emphasis on the separating desires is each Soul, and the reasons this happens.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Feb 17, 2012, 01:38 PM
Sunyata, wow thank you so much for sharing the story of this soul, this is quite illuminating for me. Thank you.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 17, 2012, 04:55 PM
Hi Sunyata,
Thank you for sharing yourself and this painful story.  If possible, at some point later it may helpful to see a synastry chart for you and your stepson as well, if that would be appropriate.
Blessings to you and your family, Heather
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 17, 2012, 05:10 PM
Hi Sunyata,

It is quite a tale about this boy. Share whatever else you feel you need to share. I still would like to have his whole given name at birth, and a picture of  his face that shows his eyes if possible. And, if you will, write down as questions all that you wish to understand and know about him.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 17, 2012, 09:01 PM
Rad I didnt see the first part of your previous message about the nodes of lucifer and the photo and name request. His name is .... I'm sorry I decided to remove his name because I dont want a future google search by someone leading here. I would like to keep this here. If you didn't get it yet Rad, I can Pm it to you.

His mother has Saturn at 1 gemini opposing Jupiter in Scorpio at 27 & Neptune at 0 Sag. The boys s node of lucifer squares that in her chart. His N node of Lucifer is conjunct my Sun.

This is him and my son, his half brother. He was about 8 here.


This is him about 3 or 4 years ago so he would be about 14.


I threw away a box of photos of him a year ago because I couldn't look at them anymore.

There always is a cycle of behavior, the darkness and the light come and go. When I saw him last summer I have to say with everything I was very happy to see him for about an hour. It felt right in my heart, we laughed alot, his eyes were bright... then things shifted and they werent so bright and he gave me a stare down which made the hair on my arms stand up and a chill. I somehow managed to stay completely still through it until he was done.

So part of this story is that alot of these things could be magnified because of the high likelihood that he has bipolar issues or another mental issue passed on to him from the father. Based on observation it seems really clear to me that in a previous life, the grandmother was probably his mother and that his current mother was a woman that he met and possessed and used and abused in horrible ways. He has no regard for women whatsoever. I was probably the gardener that she fell in love with. There is a clear line between her family/the biological fathers family and my family/my son.... Its like a story of a princess falling in love with a peasant, that is the true love, but the family with the money and power wouldn't allow it and she was forced to be with this abusive soul. Thats how it feels to me. Something along those lines.

I am in constant contact with the mom and she wants this to play out. I am here for her as a point of strength and reassurance. I am here trying to talk her into making the calls, etc. She is getting clear and knows this is ending. She is working on it, she is aware. She had an amazing point of strength last night where she was able to detach and see it for what it is instead of being in it. Instead of writhing in a ball locked in the bathroom. She has plans for survival strategies. She is keeping her distance and letting him rage. He is on the phone with his grandparents and whoever will listen lying about everything and creating new bullshit and falsehoods all strengthening the grandparents resolve against the daughter. The father is in Brazil and is supposed to be returning on the 4th of March. Its really hard to say if this situation can last that long. Its a day by day event and at any moment things shift. I am going to do my best to keep her focused and strong and see this thru. If something does happen he will essentially end up in prison until he is 18 in October and will not receive the medical treatment he should have. He would be in a place with some souls that have done some pretty nasty things and have that influence with him. And so nobody wants that , at least not until he has a chance to work within himself with the assistance of stabilizing medication and see if he can be contained. There is a true human elements here that is of not wanting him to suffer and that has played a big part into this. There is also the possibility coming of a transition to the father when he returns if they make it another few weeks  So she is on task at the moment in the way that she knows how to be.  I haven't sent any of the letters I wrote, I meant to make that clear in the other part and I can't remember if I did. They are there on the launch pad.
So, questions. First in the spirit of this thread and with all the information we have can we make a determination if this soul has made a contract with evil? If so where is it?
What are your insights into his past lives that are relevant to this situation?
I want to know everything that you are allowed to share.

Thank you everyone for your support and thoughts. I am ok and I know that this is all very dramatic. The fears that grip all of us are the fears that she will die at his hands and that is when she is at her weakest. All sorts of horrible scenarios play in our heads. And now my son is 11 and the fears are starting to play in his head so that really has a profound impact on all of us. That is the fear,  that is a part of how evil works along with the very specific tangible things.

He tells her to forget about God because God is a cancer"¦"¦.this was just today or last night...

I cant write anymore about this today.

Heather, if people want to see the synastry I am open to that. Let me know if you guys want to see that.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 17, 2012, 10:21 PM
I just recalled something super interesting to share.

I knew who my wife was when she was 15ish , knew who she was. We didn't actually meet though until we were 26. And we met through a mutual friend who was my roommate. When she said I want to introduce you to someone and told me who it was I was just shocked because it was just not really ever foreseen. But I knew that if I met her I would marry her. So I actually spent a week trying to decide if I even wanted to meet her.

On our first date (we had met somewhere else prior) at the end, we were walking to a bar on the street and these two white hip hop punks were looking at her and making disgusting comments. And then basically I woke up on the sidewalk with an ambulance there, her crying over me....... I wanted to go home from the hospital but she insisted I go to her house because she was so frightened at what she had just been through... and so I went....and the rest is history.

Ok here is the interesting part.... two years prior I lived alone in a house that had been divided up into 4 studios, I lived in one of the studios. There was a girl that lived next door and we shared a wall. Her bathroom wall was my kitchen wall. When my wife and I met two years later, I learned that that girl was her friend and that she used to come over there often  and that she was there alot when she was pregnant. So this child who was to be in my future the way he is was literally growing on the other side of the wall in her belly unbeknownst to me. We never saw each other all that time, never knew that fact until we met two years later.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 18, 2012, 01:21 AM
Hi Rad,
Just wanted to thank you for this reply:

QuoteWe must remember that the Creator is the Origin of all things. Thus, the origin of the Soul and the dual desire nature within it. Why the Creator has manifested It's Creation in this way is open to a variety of philosophical opinions yet, in the end, no one in human form can actually know the real answer: it's an inherent limitation of the form itself, and the degree of evolution / awareness/ understanding possible. It's like trying to understand this question: Who or what is the origin of the Creator itself ? So as to why the Creator set in motion the separating desires within Soul's in human form is, in reality, unknowable.

In the end the addiction or emphasis on the separating desires is each Soul, and the reasons this happens.

God Bless, Rad

Like Steve's response earlier ... sometimes things just naturally are what they are, and that's it.  I admit its often easier to accept the nature of trees, rivers and mountains than humans sometimes. I thank you for answering me.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 18, 2012, 10:54 AM

To be honest with you I am almost speechless at the situation that you have presented here. I am also in a state of fear for you, his mother, you son, and his grandparents. The Soul within this boy is capable of total destruction to anyone, and anything, that it will feel victimized by. This the story of a Soul who has felt so disillusioned and victimized by life that the storehouse of unresolved anger, pathological anger, and the desire to 'get back' or seek 'revenge' has, and can, destroy in the most cruel ways that one can imagine.

The prior lives that have created this existing inner pathos are themselves extreme. They have included witnessing and experiencing the destruction of all that was most important to him including his families of birth, children and marriage partners. Such destruction has included unspeakable torture including the gang raping of the females most important to him. It has included the destruction of entire villages and communities of people that he was part of. I wont further into detail because what is important now is to know/ understand that such things have caused the disillusionment, including the disillusionment of what we call God, and the resulting anger at all that the boy's Soul has felt victimized by. His Soul felt a sense of total powerlessness in those lives, and completely unable to alter the outcomes of any of them.

They have already been lifetimes that have followed from those lives in which he desired to re-empower himself so as to never be 'victimized' by life circumstances again. It has been, and is, this utterly distorted desire for re-empowerment that has lead him to the very cusp of Satan's door. My sense is that he has yet to make the absolute contract with Satan in which he would then be given 'supernatural' powers. But he is about one inch away, if you know my meaning by saying that. Yet his desire to re-empower himself has manifested of doing extreme evil: the example you used of the Congresswomen shot in Arizona by that deranged Soul is a good example of this boy himself in this regard.

In recent lifetimes he has already begun the process that will lead to signing the contract if not interrupted. Involving himself is Satanic cults for example, and learning different forms of black magic and rituals in order to gain power to himself in this way. He has already learned how to 'conceal' himself from the probing eyes of others who know his actual reality, or are trying to find out about it. In this regard he has learned and manifested the pathology of lying: a pathological liar. His S.Node of Lucifer is in Virgo in his 9th which are the symbols for his denial of his actual reality, and, of course the pathological lying that then goes with it. This is compounded by his natal Lucifer being in Gemini in the 7th, which is also conjunct his N.Node of Mars. This is the classic symbol for the 'two faces' that reflect the evil that is within him. And this then manifests as creating conflict between those that actually know him for who he actually is, and those that want to believe in just the opposite. This is also restated with his natal Saturn in Pisces in the 3rd House in opposition to his S.Node of Lucifer. And this Saturn is the ruler of his N.Node of Lucifer which is conjunct his natal Uranus and Neptune, and in opposition to his Moon: his biological Mother. This is the symbol for blaming his mother for everything, past and present. In other recent lives these are the symbols for creating tremendous violence towards women in general, and those closest to him specifically including death.

Your question: "I have pretty much resolved all of those issues and I fell like the truth needs to be told and that consequences need to happen and that people need to be responsible for their actions. Is this why the child came to me in my life? Is this an opportunity for me to do the right thing?"

The answer is yes, and yes.

And yet in saying that I must warn you, again, that his pathology can lead to the most violent of situations with him. And that pathology will be extended, again, to ANYONE whom he feels or interprets as victimizing him all over again. The situation Sunyata is one of extreme DANGER. He is capable of anything.

I want you to feel free to ask me anything else that you need too.

God Bless you, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 18, 2012, 12:07 PM

I want to add this too: with his Lucifer in Gemini, ruled by his Mercury in Libra in the 11th squaring his Moon on one side, and his Uranus/Neptune/Lucifer conjunction on the other, and that being ruled by Saturn in Pisces in the 3rd, this is the type of Soul in his context that can then 'hear voices' within himself that correlate to giving 'directions', orders, to do extremely evil things. And now that the transit of Lucifer itself is in Scorpio moving through all his Scorpio planets, including the S.Nodes of Venus and Mars, the consciousness of Evil itself, Satan with is omniscient and omnipresent, can itself not only cause him to do evil things but also react TO ANYONE WHO IS ATTEMPTING TO EXPOSE HIM. A small example of that is what happened yesterday when I first tried to run his chart, and the Lucifer symbol was absent. And then the rest of what followed. What is astounding too is that the transit of Lucifer is exact to his natal Pluto: his very Soul.

The best immediate strategy to deal with this is to get him out of the home with his mother, and into the home of his father. The transiting Nodes are beginning to form a square to his natal Saturn which is why this is the immediate strategy to implement if possible. Within this is the need to create as much space/ distance between the mother and this boy. You also need to be very careful Sunyata because of his N.Node of Lucifer being on your natal Sun in his 2nd House. If you decide to expose him then you become the immediate 'target' in these symbols that he could, as some point, take out all the evil within him upon you.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: treesha on Feb 18, 2012, 01:50 PM
Rad, do you have any guidance on how we can hold space as EA students for Sunyata and her family as we continue this thread?  Also, in regards to asteroids used in his chart, why did you choose those specific ones? And JWG also mentioned including Pandora and Kassandra asteroids when working with Lucifer asteriod for further understanding, is this relevant only when working with a woman's chart?

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Feb 18, 2012, 02:11 PM
Hi Rad, Sunyata and community,
It is no coincidence that we are all here to learn of this at this time. Sunyata I am praying for you and will continue to do so. I know that prayer and talking to God is the most powerful medicine against evil.

Last night, after staring at his picture I went to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night with a strong feeling of coldness and horror. I didn't even want to embelish that for a moment, I thought of Jesus and affirmed God's love over everything else.

Rad I want to ask a question, if this soul has not yet made a contract, do you think it is possible for all of us, with such clear intention and focus to pray together, to ask God to bring healing into this family and that this boy be directed towards healing and back to God? I know I am asking that to God, if this healing is possible for this boy. This journey learning about evil has taught me A LOT. I do have more questions than I have answers. I ask God if salvation is still possible for this soul - and if it is, I ask that it happen. I will continue to hold space for that prayer. And Sunyata I ask God that you are protected and that this boys mother and her family is all protected and safe. That this process with this boy results in greater healing and God awareness for all souls involved. I ask this to be so.
God bless you Sunyata and thank you for sharing all of this with us and giving us the opportunity to learn in this way and the opportunity to be here with you, to support you and this family at this time. In love and faith, am.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Lucius on Feb 18, 2012, 04:20 PM
Ari, I, too, had a similar experience in the middle of the night. My thoughts also are with you regarding prayer & the questions with regard to this soul and healing.

Thinking of what a long journey this soul would have from the abyss made me start wondering about the influence of God, love. When a soul is moving toward God, for instance it's been said that evil can become more intense in the soul's life, etc. - well, where is God/Love when a soul is choosing to move toward Evil. I understand it is the soul's choice, based upon delusion and anger,etc. - but, where is God to counteract the lies of Evil - or is the soul simply too progressively deaf, dumb & blind? This in way is what I meant by us having a natural contract with God dependent upon our choices - that God is actually always there, it's our own blindness, egocentric desires & consequences that create the inner feeling of abandonment by god.  There is something infinitely sad that a soul turns to evil through such horrible suffering - that the suffering exists without the inner capacity to understand why. (or I could be mistaken?)

My prayers, too, are with you Sunyata. Blessings.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 18, 2012, 05:20 PM
This is actually incredible. Last night I was contemplating how to deal with evil? How do you counter it? The answer was, 'with light'. So over the years the one person that he has shown the most love for is his brother. He would rage in front of his mother only in the end to turn and apologize to his brother. When his brother gets picked on at school and he finds out he always calls him to support him, he does not want his brother hurt.
So I employed a new strategy last night. I sent him 6 of the brightest eyed pictures of his brother with no words. My strategy was to blind him with light. His brother is bright eyed. He called me but I didn't answer, I just wanted the pictures of his brother who he hasn't seen in a while fester in him.

This morning I read your first response and then spent two hours altering my letter to his grandparents in a way that had a clear strategy of transitioning to his father, a clear acknowledgement of managing his bipolar so that he can have an opportunity to get to the core of his emotions without combining them and having them be distorted in a bipolar rage.

What you wrote about the suffering that HE encountered before he took things out on everyone else had a profound impact because it identifies a potential source of the internal sufferings that he is carrying with him that cause him to react in this way. Also, your instinct that he has not made a contract yet was good to hear because it reinforced hope.

As I was shifting the letter he called, and I almost didn't answer but I did because I was done with the letter. I just had the most powerful conversation with him. I told him I know that he is suffering deeply, I know that he has alot of pain and anger that other people probably cant even comprehend. I talked to him in great depth about how his anger is not from his mother but from elsewhere and that it is not her fault. I talked to him about how his grandmother probably had more natural nurturing instincts than his actual mom that he came through and that that was a point of confusion and anger for him in this life. We talked about everything dark and light about where those lead, about choices and opportunity and then I explained to him my view which I had written in the letter (that I still have not sent) that I only saw two choices for him at this point. The first was to begin to be open to the idea of being with his father. That his father had witnessed his own mother (the paternal grandmother) under the influence of bipolar that he, the father himself had endured a life with it, and that there was an incredible opportunity for him to heal, for both of them to heal together through that. I told him that if he was to get better that he had to get the bipolar managed first because it was an obstacle  to him getting to the core of his emotions, that the only way for him to heal his emotions was to manage the bipolar. The father has therapists, is a firefighter and has a potential job lined up for him....there is a tremendous amount of potential healing that can occur through that for both of them. I told him that if that's what he wanted then I would write a letter on his behalf to his father explaining that. And I told him that there is nothing wrong with having bipolar, that it is not his fault that he has it, that it is a natural phenomenon of nature, of biology and that the reason he wants to come to terms with the fact that he has it is because once he does that he can manage it instead of it controlling or distorting his incredibly intense emotional reservoir that he has carried with him for so many lifetimes. That if he could manage the Bipolar then he could have a clear path to examine himself in a clear way and begin to heal.

This kid knows about reincarnation. He is very aware of it. I told him that I knew him very well, more than he could even understand, that I loved him and that all anyone has ever wanted for him is to be well. He was very aware that it is a good idea that he does not live with his mother. He is very aware of all the triggers that she brings out of him. His brother is a strong point of connection for all of us which is why I used his photos to blind him with light.

I guess there is a reason these letters haven't gone out yet. I told him the difference between him writing a letter to his grandmother explaining that he wants to live with his father and wants to manage his bipolar would be 1000 times more powerful than my letter explaining the same thing because it is his words and his realization. It would crack his grandmother in half (in a good way) if he for the first time approached this situation without blaming everyone and came from a place of actually voicing that he wants help.

I told him that this life is just a journey and that he must look at that way. That in this life he can set up new patterns that he can carry with him into the next life. That the patterns of destruction and anger on to people that didnt do anything to him was not something that he wanted to carry with him anymore. That he had to break the pattern and begin to heal. I told him that if he sought the path of healing that he would have an army of support behind him and that once he healed he could re-unite with his mother in a grown up way that is healthy and respectful and then they could begin to heal, that he would have an opportunity to have a relationship with his brother, that I would be there in an encouraging way.  I told that I loved him and that all I ever wanted for him was to get help.

But I also told him that should he choose the other path that none of those things would happen. That he would lose everyone, that he would be in prison with alot of people that have a lot of energy that is of a dark and lower vibration. That that path only will lead to more pain within his body, in his soul. That if he really truly wants to make this stop, to begin to heal then his best and only chance right now is to transition to his father. I really built that up as a great opportunity for him with tons of potential and I was able to explain it to him in way that came from a place of how I was able to heal with my own father, and how his brother has had a great impact on my understanding my own childhood just by watching him and how that has been a part of my healing and that he with his own father would have a similar opportunity to heal in that way.

He really heard everything, he was super receptive.  I told him I cant make the decision for him, that he had to choose, but I told him every way that it would be positive would be good and every way that the opposite would not be good. I said it wont be easy but at this point even if it is 60% positive and 40% negative with his father, it is already far better than the alternative. And I told him that he needs to not focus on his mother, that she will be ok, that I would be there for her..... He really is RIGHT THERE ON THE EDGE. Its incredible. And somehow his brother and I have a pacifying effect on him. He is really open to my words. This is how I felt when I saw him last year before he gave me the evil stare down. My heart opens to this kid which is amazing because I have had so much poisonous anger towards him.

Again I cant thank all of you enough. I am grateful for who you all are, for where your consciousnesses are and your understanding of the concept of a souls journey. Thank you for all positive thoughts and prayers towards his soul. Hopefully they will all be part of a cumulative effect of pushing him towards the light and dissolving some of the dark patterns that he has built up over many lifetimes.

Rad I hear your concern and I have envisioned him destroying all of us. I know what the risks are. I told him that there is a reason that I am still here in his life talking to him in this way, that there is a reason that his father is still there offering him this opportunity, that he has an incredible emotional depth that he can use to heal, that it was so easy and weak to destroy, that anybody can do it, that this path of moving towards the light was far better because when you see how amazing it is when you can change someones life for the good it is a million times more powerful than when you destroy. That is true power, that is true transformation. ( I tried to lace my conversation with astrologically themed words that he would grasp based on his chart).

Rad also I had this conversation with him while I think you were editing your last post to talk about the transition to his father. Thats what I was writing to his grandparents and talking to him about before I saw that you wrote it.

Thank you again to all for being a part of this right now.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Heidi on Feb 18, 2012, 05:22 PM
Hi Rad,

You mentioned about learning black magic rituals in order to gain power. I am curious how signing the actual contract with evil comes about? Is it a specific black magic ritual that is performed during an actual incarnation? And can it be done alone?

Much love and blessings to you and your family, Sunyata.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 18, 2012, 05:47 PM
Hi Sunyata,

Thank you for sharing this with all of us.  I am envisioning a path of light for this boy and safety and happiness for all of you.


As I was reading what you wrote about being susceptible to hearing voices that directed this boy to do evil things, I had the sense of someone being initiated into a gang - that the gang at some point requires the person being initiated to do something terrible, and this then becomes how the person becomes accepted as one of the members.  It made me wonder if contracts with evil work in a similar way, or could, ie, that the voices are the "gang leaders" instructing the initiate on what s/he has to do to be granted membership.  If s/he does this, s/he is received, if not, s/he is rejected.  Do contracts work something like this?  The importance of remaining connected to and/or reestablishing contact with, one's emotional body seems really, really essential..............

Thank you for your response.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: treesha on Feb 18, 2012, 05:54 PM
The power of prayer makes sense.  Thanks Ari... Are there specific prayers that would be appropriate for this situation?
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Maj on Feb 18, 2012, 06:27 PM
I applaud you Sunyata for your courage and willingness to serve in this situation. I am sending prayers for a positive outcome.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Maj on Feb 18, 2012, 06:32 PM

Forgive me for chiming in on your question to Ari. I want to share how I send prayers in situations like this. I sit quietly and feel a sensation of my heart expanding with love and then beam it out like a broadcast tower towards those who need it. It's worth a try.

Blessings, Maj
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 18, 2012, 06:33 PM

What you have shared reflects the God part of Lucifer that is contained within the asteroid Lucifer. And now that that asteroid in on this boy's Pluto, his very Soul, the actions that you took, the strategy that you have employed, is the healing energy of God manifesting through you to him. This is also restated in the fact that his N.Node of Lucifer, Uranus, and Neptune is your Sun. All that you said to him is EXACTLY RIGHT. The opportunity now for him is to liberate from his past, from the temptations of Lucifer itself. And now it will be a matter of reinforcing your message to him over and over. It will take some time to change the grooves in his Soul record. We can not underestimate the power of Lucifer, Satan, to do all that it can to trap this boy's Soul again and again. There will be many, many 'temptation's' by way of environmental triggers that can set him off all over again. This is why, number one, to get him away from his mother and to create as much space/distance possible.

It will be essential that his biological father understands the situation at hand. And to make sure that he has the ability and capacity to deal with his son in the way that he needs to be dealt with. In essence the type of talk you had today with this boy is the type of talk his father needs to have, and as many times as the boy needs to have it. The father will need to know what to say, and how to say it, as boy manifests what can appear to be relapses in his behavior. Of course to be able to talk to you as he needs to is critical. An important message to him is this: none of us  can change our past, but we are in charge of ourselves in this very minute, and the next minute, the future for the rest of our lives. This is an empowering message for him, the right kind of empowering message. It is also important that these sort of talks for and with him are not delivered in such a way as to create overly sold 'expectations' of what can be achieved. If he starts integrating the types of talks that you, his father, and others have along these lines that create within him expectations that are not met, as he judges himself, then that itself can be a trigger leading him back to his past.

If you need more information from me that you feel may be helpful for him then just ask.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 18, 2012, 06:43 PM
Hi Heidi,

Quote from: Heidi on Feb 18, 2012, 05:22 PM
Hi Rad,

You mentioned about learning black magic rituals in order to gain power. I am curious how signing the actual contract with evil comes about? Is it a specific black magic ritual that is performed during an actual incarnation? And can it be done alone?

Much love and blessings to you and your family, Sunyata.


It can be done alone by way of having actual conversations/ dialogue with the agents of Satan, it can occur through a dialogue with Satan itself, it can occur by actually signing a piece of paper as did Yoko Ono in her participation with a group of people whose entire focus was Evil, and if can occur in various rituals linked with the Black Arts.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 18, 2012, 06:44 PM
Hi Ellen,

Yes .........

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 18, 2012, 06:45 PM
Hi everyone,

I am praying for a beneficial outcome for all concerned in this dangerous situation.
What I have to offer first is based on my experience with women in abusive situations and not really an assessment based on his chart. My strong feeling is that the boy's mother must find it within her to physically remove herself from interacting with him immediately.  She is the one who will take the brunt of any effort made by him or anyone else  to deny evil or destabilise the boy's pattern.  HE is not in control of this situation, evil is more in control of his actions at times, than his own will. He may come around eventually and make some steps in the right direction, but as long as his mother is close enough for him to lash out at, he will use that outlet of hurting her, before he will change, and also use her empathy and compassion for him to prolong getting help.   This could be hard for her, but in my opinion necessary.    

I have a question about the contract with evil.  His South node of Saturn and Pluto conjunct his natal Neptune and Uranus could indicate some kind of spiritual/soul contract  couldn't it?  Also that symbolism trine with Chiron in the tenth and the south node of the moon would that not speak to the contract having to do with a wound connected to his mother.  (Either in the past, now, or the future I can't tell when??) That he wanted to liberate his soul from that wound and to make it easier he either considered a contract or came very close because the pain was so unbearable.  In the process of considering the contract, instead of seeing the truth, he is disillusioned, utterly confused by evil into blaming his mother for his wound when he could in fact be acting to heal that wound WITH her.  

I don't know, is it ok for me to be in student mode while this is all happening?I'm not so sure.

Praying and praying for progress towards light and love for all.  May the pure light of benevolent beings surround you and your family in every way Sunyata.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Lucius on Feb 18, 2012, 07:07 PM
Sunyata - in my previous post I almost wrote that you are what God has sent, and his brother. And since your post & what Rad has affirmed - i believe it is true. God is there, everywhere.

Also - last night when I awoke - my first thought was 'what is the deal with this woman' i.e., the mother.

Then, i saw the picture of this boy with his brother in my mind - and especially thinking and inwardly seeing his brother I smiled to myself - very interesting that he feels God through this boy. (by God I mean 'love' at the least)

Then, unfortunately I focused on him and felt the evil around him & used my own tools for vanquishing - although everyday I pray that we'll all be protected from evil and that we'll triumph over evil. It'd help if I didn't feel pessimistic! :) But, I pray it anyway! (you know in the 'miracle on 34th street' when Natalie Wood's character is kinda of sighing saying 'I believe, I believe' even though she doesn't but, she's giving it a go? And then, of course, her faith is answered - that's me) However, this entire thread itself is a gift from God - that we can see how God is indeed everywhere.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 19, 2012, 09:31 AM
Hi Ari

"Rad I want to ask a question, if this soul has not yet made a contract, do you think it is possible for all of us, with such clear intention and focus to pray together, to ask God to bring healing into this family and that this boy be directed towards healing and back to God? I know I am asking that to God, if this healing is possible for this boy"


The answer is yes of course. Look what happened yesterday with the Lucifer transit on the boy's Pluto: his very Soul. It's as if God came through is the very last minute at what appeared to be against all odds. God never gives up. The Soul gives up. Sunyata was just about ready to send off all those letters and just then the boy himself calls: the impulse of God working within him. And Sunyata recognized it as such. And then the type of talk he then had. This is God in action manifesting within the Soul of the boy, and also within the Soul of Sunyata. God was responding to all the sincere prayers and pleas of all of us here as well. God is omniscient and omnipresent.

The journey ahead for this boy will be full of potential traps because of course he is not yet healed from his past. It will be important for Sunyata to teach this boy how to recognize the influence of Satan so as to be able to be in control of it, not sent into a state of being out of control. There will be many environmental triggers that will ignite all the existing psychological dynamics within the boy, which are difficult enough to say the least, that yet again Satan can latch onto and then magnify with the resulting behaviors that will follow that. This task will be the most critical for those that love him and desire to help him totally transform. And that indeed in possible because the boy has yet to make the actual contract even as he is about once inch from the threshold of Satan's door.

Within this the long range strategy must include leading this boy to be able to accept the responsibility in his own actions: the underlying intent of having his N.Node of Lucifer in Capricorn that is conjunct his Uranus and Neptune. This of course means that a total liberation from his existing psychology that has led to where it has led can occur, and, as a result, to break the bondage to the influence of Satan itself: his S.Node of Lucifer being in Virgo. Satan CAN BE REPLACED BY GOD so that God in no longer a 'cancer'.

The core problem in his Soul is one wherein in the past lives that he lived that were responsible for the lives in which he experienced all the unspeakable horrors that I alluded too earlier in my response to Sunyata. In those lives he was akin to what we would call a religious freak wherein he would try to force his ideas of God equaling religion down others peoples throat that of course lead to great harm. This included leading 'armies' into villages in order to destroy or convert them by force. The pillaging, the raping that occurred in this context. So karmically of course his Soul set itself up to experience the exact same thing. And this is where the problem lies: his Soul  was unable to understand the connection between his own actions in the past that then lead to these lives. And thus the consciousness of victimization began within the consciousness of anger that wanted to get back, to seek revenge, against 'enemies' of all kinds. This is when God became a 'cancer'.

The point within this is that as long as any traces of the consciousness of being a victim is in place Satan can yet again strike and attempt to take hold of his consciousness all over again. The current Neptune transit is now in Pisces of course, and it is moving towards the boys Saturn. So we can all see that the opportunity to heal his entire past is at hand yet it will require a great deal of time, Saturn, for that healing to take hold and be permanent. The role of his two fathers will be critical to this, and the role of the Father as God is essential in order to heal the real cancer that lies within his Soul that has been the cause of all that has taken place to date. This Neptune transit will of course also be forming trines to all his Scorpio planets. This is the long range transit that can correlate to the necessary healing of his Soul, and the utter metamorphosis within his Soul that can translate in wanting to help others instead of destroying them.

God never gives up: that is the true message for all of us that have participated thus far in this drama with Sunyata and his step son.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Steven on Feb 19, 2012, 09:56 AM
Rad, Sunyata and all,

Thank you for all the sharing and honesty. This thread is probably triggering us all in different ways, and on the positive level, it is certainly helping me better understand this whole concept, and how the dynamics can be seen through the chart. Yet the dynamics do raise further questions for me, which I hope I can articulate here.

In the case of Sunyata's stepson, once again, incarnational experiences of overwhelming suffering, of witnessing the total destruction of all that one holds dear, of observing or enduring unspeakable tortures, and the overall resulting feelings/beliefs of powerlessness are understood as a background which can lead a soul towards the kind of false empowerment that we are defining here as evil (whether fully contracted or not).

Yet what I am trying to understand is the "why" and "how" of these prior lives of such disempowerment and atrocity. In my own development, it is the very existence of experiences like these which serves to undermine my faith in times of crisis-- Do we have truly have options, choices, possibilities and the ever-present ability to connect with God/Source, or not? Is "victimhood" really just an illusion, or not? What exactly is going on in lifetimes of such blatant victimization and appalling suffering???? These are not just isolated experiences-- they serve to imprint a fabric of fear into the very matrix of human life. Must we as souls at some point endure every horror that humanity/evil can devise, or not?  Is this a "choice" or is this something truly beyond the incarnational intentions of a soul? What is the soul trying to do, or not do in lifetimes like this?? Elsewhere we speak of masochism, and perhaps this is a good generic term for lifetimes in which one's personal power is so given away prior to incarnation that one "creates" and "attracts" overt victimization and atrocity after atrocity? I really don't know.

I operate with a belief-- which may, of course, be mistaken-- that souls do have some basic awareness of the circumstances, epochs and relationships into which they are about to incarnate. These are chosen for various reasons, although naturally we experience a certain degree of amnesia when we are here, etc.  So again, what is the underlying motivation for a series of lifetimes in which such suffering is experienced?  Is the soul trying to "test" itself in some way, or is it just lost, blindly re-creating dis-empowered life after dis-empowered life until the light breaks through?

I do hope that the general sense of my questions here makes sense.

Thanks again for all the work and sharing here, and I do hope that in the case of Sunyata's stepson, the light-bringing potential is indeed embraced.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 19, 2012, 11:12 AM
Hi Steven,

Quote from: Steven Patrick on Feb 19, 2012, 09:56 AM
Rad, Sunyata and all,

Thank you for all the sharing and honesty. This thread is probably triggering us all in different ways, and on the positive level, it is certainly helping me better understand this whole concept, and how the dynamics can be seen through the chart. Yet the dynamics do raise further questions for me, which I hope I can articulate here.

In the case of Sunyata's stepson, once again, incarnational experiences of overwhelming suffering, of witnessing the total destruction of all that one holds dear, of observing or enduring unspeakable tortures, and the overall resulting feelings/beliefs of powerlessness are understood as a background which can lead a soul towards the kind of false empowerment that we are defining here as evil (whether fully contracted or not).

Yet what I am trying to understand is the "why" and "how" of these prior lives of such disempowerment and atrocity.


The why and the how has already been stated: "The core problem in his Soul is one wherein in the past lives that he lived that were responsible for the lives in which he experienced all the unspeakable horrors that I alluded too earlier in my response to Ari. In those lives he was akin to what we would call a religious freak wherein he would try to force his ideas of God equaling religion down others peoples throat that of course lead to great harm. This included leading 'armies' into villages in order to destroy or convert them by force. The pillaging, the raping that occurred in this context. So karmically of course his Soul set itself up to experience the exact same thing. And this is where the problem lies: his Soul  was unable to understand the connection between his own actions in the past that then lead to these lives. And thus the consciousness of victimization began within the consciousness of anger that wanted to get back, to seek revenge, against 'enemies' of all kinds. This is when God became a 'cancer'.


In my own development, it is the very existence of experiences like these which serves to undermine my faith in times of crisis-- Do we have truly have options, choices, possibilities and the ever-present ability to connect with God/Source, or not?


Of course all Souls do. This is the natural law set in motion by the Creator itself called free choice.


Is "victimhood" really just an illusion, or not? What exactly is going on in lifetimes of such blatant victimization and appalling suffering???? These are not just isolated experiences-- they serve to imprint a fabric of fear into the very matrix of human life.


The sense of being a victim is very real of course, and the history of human beings certainly offers enough evidence of this fact. If I am a women walking down the street who is suddenly raped I can certainly feel victimized. Yet, in the end, all Souls are responsible for what they create because what is created by all Souls is anchored in and fueled by desire. In the current life of the women who is being raped, in this example, she of course may feel utterly victimized because she does not have conscious memories of his past lives, in most cases, that allows her to see or understand the causative connection to the current life. This is exactly the same for Sunyata's stepson. And what is going on in such blatant lifetimes of victimization and appalling suffering is the very nature of delusions that humans can create for themselves where the nature of the delusions themselves are not recognized for being delusions: they are considered to be reality itself. The very essence of HIStory is full of these tragedies, and horrors. The fabric of fear is thus rooted in the very nature of the delusions themselves and what these delusions can create by way of a 'reality' than then leads to the human suffering itself.


Must we as souls at some point endure every horror that humanity/evil can devise, or not?


Not every Soul has to endure every horror that humanity can devise when its being influenced by Satan or Evil itself.


Is this a "choice" or is this something truly beyond the incarnational intentions of a soul?


Choices are made in conjunction with the desire nature of all Souls. The desire nature of each Soul thus leads to actions taken upon those desires. Every action taken has an equal or proportionate reaction to that initial action: this is the natural law of karma. Thus, nothing is 'beyond'  the incarnational intentions of any Soul.


What is the soul trying to do, or not do in lifetimes like this??


To do or not to do is of course unique to each Soul. Yet, in the end, all Souls desire to understand the 'why' of them: the causative factors. Over time this natural evolution leads to an understanding as to the very nature of the manifested Creation itself.


Elsewhere we speak of masochism, and perhaps this is a good generic term for lifetimes in which one's personal power is so given away prior to incarnation that one "creates" and "attracts" overt victimization and atrocity after atrocity? I really don't know.


In fact this is true as long as the consciousness of victimization is linked with the consciousness of guilt wherein the masochistic archetype then desires to atone for that which it considers itself to be guilty of.


I operate with a belief-- which may, of course, be mistaken-- that souls do have some basic awareness of the circumstances, epochs and relationships into which they are about to incarnate. These are chosen for various reasons, although naturally we experience a certain degree of amnesia when we are here, etc.  So again, what is the underlying motivation for a series of lifetimes in which such suffering is experienced?  Is the soul trying to "test" itself in some way, or is it just lost, blindly re-creating dis-empowered life after dis-empowered life until the light breaks through?


Yes until the LIGHT BREAKS THROUGH. And that Light is not only the Light of the Natural God/ess or Creator, but the light within one's own Soul that allows for total self awareness as to the nature of it's own desires, the reasons for them, what they have created or lead too by way of the realities created, and thus that which they are responsible for. In this way that inner light and Light then reveals the path back to the Origins of the Soul itself that must be desired for it to be actualized.


I do hope that the general sense of my questions here makes sense.

Thanks again for all the work and sharing here, and I do hope that in the case of Sunyata's stepson, the light-bringing potential is indeed embraced.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: treesha on Feb 19, 2012, 11:50 AM
Quote from: Maj on Feb 18, 2012, 06:32 PM

Forgive me for chiming in on your question to Ari. I want to share how I send prayers in situations like this. I sit quietly and feel a sensation of my heart expanding with love and then beam it out like a broadcast tower towards those who need it. It's worth a try.

Blessings, Maj
Thank-you Maj for offering some guidance:)
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Kristin on Feb 19, 2012, 12:18 PM
Hi Sunyata,

I have been following this thread and your story but not posted anything until now..I know you are going to need all the help you can get at this time and just wanted you to know I will be praying for you and your family as well. Your courage in this delicate and difficult dance and desire to do right by God is an inspiration to many and will have a visible ripple effect as you move forward.  

Thank you Rad for your tireless efforts to help as only you can do and to teach on the reality of evil.  I know your light is attracting LOADS of opposition at this time as you go to battle yourself on behalf of those suffering and in need. Sending you LIGHT!

As spoken  by JWG, "The only way to defeat evil is with persistence.."

Goddess Bless,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 19, 2012, 12:27 PM
Hi All,
I am going to post my composite chart with the child here to examine for the sake of understanding this situation in a more thorough way.


And also an update is that because of you guys and this entire conversation I was able to write a letter to his grandparents in a way that explained the nature of the conversation I had with him and how receptive he was to everything we talked about, I wrote about his clear choices and all of the potential healing that could occur with one of the choices. I wrote about everyone needing to be on the same page whenever anyone talked to him, about them needing to remove all judgement about why and all judgement about the past, that this is about his well being and his future, I told them to forward it to the aunts and uncles and the paternal grandfather and the father. I re-read it out loud and it was so completely clear and positive to me that I dont know who they can receive it in any other way. I am going to send it to his social worker and she can forward it to whoever she needs to.

So instead of launching letters that were based in my own anger and frustration at the situation, the fear of the situation,  I was able to comfortably send this one instead.

The family involved in this is very mainstream, to the point of obviously keeping the psychology of the situation one where this is all the mothers fault and that the child does not even have a mood disorder. They have been clearly entrenched in that view for a long time. They refer to me and my perspective as brainwashing their daughter.  So we will see how they respond.

So thank you, all of you, for influencing this in a positive way.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 19, 2012, 12:46 PM

Composite charts can only be correctly understood relative to the individual synastry charts between two people. You will need to post those. And exactly what is it now that you wish to understand more thoroughly ?

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 19, 2012, 02:41 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 19, 2012, 12:46 PM

Composite charts can only be correctly understood relative to the individual synastry charts between two people. You will need to post those. And exactly what is it now that you wish to understand more thoroughly ?

God Bless, Rad

If you can post the synastry for me that would great. There was a request for it from Heather. I just thought it would give more perspective about our connection before this life. I saw that in the composite we had Lucifer, conjunct Chiron and the South node forming a square to mars on one side and saturn on the other. I was curious to see what the relationship was prior to this life, leading up to this  current situation. Everyone is having their own revelations about evil through this conversation so I thought this may be helpful.

My birth info is
January 18, 1971
Tucson, Arizona

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 19, 2012, 02:59 PM
Here are the synastry charts.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Feb 19, 2012, 05:08 PM
Hi all,
I want to state a couple basic transit observations that are meaningful to speak to.

Right now Saturn is on the cusp of entering his 12th house as is the transiting north node of the Moon. Later this year they will both be there - and Saturn's transit through all of Scorpio will bring up all of these karmic dynamics. Basically it's not going to be an easy time for this soul, and this will either be about making a contract or acknowledging the nature of his choices and choosing to heal. It's such a pivotal point in this soul's life. This along with Neptune moving towards his Saturn as Rad pointed out.

His progressed Sun is JUST ABOUT exactly on his natal Jupiter - which correlates to the potential to become more honest about his compulsive lying and manipulative behaviors. His natal Jupiter falls in Sunyata's 3rd house scorpio cusp: which for Sunyata means communicating about these facts clearly and directly.

It's my own experience, and we have all seen this just now with the transit of Lucifer over his Pluto and the healing conversation that took place between him and Sunyata, how important our prayer and desires are. We are all here because of desire - it's our desires that create the total world we live in. When our thoughts are focused we resonate great change in the world we live.

To address something Treesha asked, to me prayer is just being authentic about what we want, letting it come out through the heart. Words are not even necessary. Just the intention, desire and giving that to God with absolute trust, gratitude, no hidden agenda, and openness the whatever the flow may be.

I feel that fear and worry can always be converted to a prayer.

Prayer in community is incredibly powerful and effective. It brings more light into everyone's life and creates more space for us to become aware of God's presence. Tonight I'll be sitting in a tobacco prayer ceremony and I will pray for this boy and this family.

Lastly, I wish to share that it very often occurs to me that I would not at all be where I am today were it not for the prayers and love that others have, often in the silence of their own hearts, bestowed upon me time and time again. Truly that has been my fuel. The forgiveness and compassion of others has given me the gift to love myself once again, and now I get to pay it forward to others as well.

The 12th house relates to disillusionment and confusion about God which is what this soul has experienced but has not healed from. And we all know that it is also about God, prayer and miracles. His progressed Moon is also in Pisces right now, in his 4th house.

And Rad, I feel the same way as Kristin - I really appreciate the way you are showing up to serve for this soul, Sunyata and everyone here. It is a real lesson for me learning from your ways. I also want to say that you are supported by all of our love.
God bless,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Feb 19, 2012, 05:12 PM

I also am sending my prayer to God to heal your step-son.

~  ~  ~

I must admit I became rather frazzled at the beginning of this thread especially since Mars had gone Rx in Virgo correlating with many of us confronting karmic patterns of guilt, anger, feeling bad, etc.

The dialogue with Elen had been especially helpful.  About 5 days ago I stopped reading altogether so that I could focus on my MJ assignment.  Yesterday I caught up from where I had left off.

The message of this thread is now bright and clear.  This part was especially ILLUMINATING:  

Rad said:  Yes until the LIGHT BREAKS THROUGH. And that Light is not only the Light of the Natural God/ess or Creator, but the light within one's own Soul that allows for total self awareness as to the nature of its own desires, the reasons for them, what they have created or lead to by way of the realities created, and thus that which they are responsible for. In this way that inner light and Light then reveals the path back to the Origins of the Soul itself that must be desired for it to be actualized.

Beautiful!  Thank you so much Rad, Sunyata, JWG and all participants, for this material which dissolves confusion about God.  Even though it was difficult at the start, I would urge others not to give up.  

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Steven on Feb 19, 2012, 05:58 PM
Dear Rad and all,

Thank you so much for having the light and patience to answer all my questions, and for the work that is being done here. Rad, your responses certainly clarified my confusion, which seems to have mainly been about the presence or lack of causative connections in lifetimes of overt victimization, and this whole thread has expanded my understanding of what taking responsibility for our creations really means.

I offer my own light and love through thought, intention and prayer to Sunyata, the stepson, and all of you here.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 19, 2012, 10:11 PM
I am so mortified right now. I dont know how it happened but somehow I entered his birth date incorrectly. He was born on the 27th not the 26th. Everything else is the same. I noticed that lucifer was 1 degree different from where I had it but I just assumed that your program was more advanced than I just was focused on the story, everything is so similar but I just noticed in the synastry his moon in is cancer and I have it in Leo. I went back and found the error. I am so sorry I was caught up in the message and I have seen his chart a thousand times but it was all so close, within small degrees and minutes, even the rising I just assumed it was your program. So very sorry.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 20, 2012, 08:01 AM

Here is the correct chart. Indeed nothing changes except the Moon now in Leo and conjunct his Mars and Ceres. As such it can be included in the square with his Nodal Axis, thus skipped steps. These are also conjunct his N.Node of Neptune, and square his Scorpio Sun, Venus, and S.Nodes of Venus and Mercury.

These actually intensify all those psychological distortions concerning mothers, and women in general. You can certainly see these symbols as being attracted to violent pornography for example, and the reasons for it that we have tried to uncover and understand here. They also intensify even further those prior lives that we have been talking about. One of the dynamics in his past lives that I did not bring up which contributes to his orientation towards violence with women in general, and his mothers specifically, which is even  more clearly seen through the correction to his Moon, involves him having sex with certain mothers in his past life: his natal Vesta in Cancer in the 8th which is now ruled by his Moon in Leo conjunct his Ceres and Mars. This sex was not the original sacred sex of Vesta from natural times. It manifested through extreme distortions to that archetype manifesting in patriarchal times. He has also been born through a prostitute is his very last life and then abandoned due to having physical deformities. He was placed in an orphanage that was more or less an insane asylum. He died young in this last life, and in that place of horrors.  I am mentioning this because so as to understand the degree of emotional displacement that emanates from these sorts of lives, and the extreme intensity he then manifests at his current life mother.  

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 20, 2012, 12:28 PM
Hi all,
Thank you Sunyata for the synastry chart. I am gathering my impressions. I do have some questions so I can learn more about the reasons for your relationship with your stepson. Thank you. Heather
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Heidi on Feb 20, 2012, 12:50 PM
On making a contract with evil:

It can be done alone by way of having actual conversations/ dialogue with the agents of Satan, it can occur through a dialogue with Satan itself

Thanks Rad. Can you elaborate on what Satan and agents of Satan are in this context? My understanding is that Satan is the consciousness of evil? So what is the difference with agents? Are you referring to incarnated souls that have made a contract?

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 20, 2012, 01:42 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 20, 2012, 08:01 AM

Here is the correct chart. Indeed nothing changes except the Moon now in Leo and conjunct his Mars and Ceres. As such it can be included in the square with his Nodal Axis, thus skipped steps. These are also conjunct his N.Node of Neptune, and square his Scorpio Sun, Venus, and S.Nodes of Venus and Mercury.

These actually intensify all those psychological distortions concerning mothers, and women in general. You can certainly see these symbols as being attracted to violent pornography for example, and the reasons for it that we have tried to uncover and understand here. They also intensify even further those prior lives that we have been talking about. One of the dynamics in his past lives that I did not bring up which contributes to his orientation towards violence with women in general, and his mothers specifically, which is even  more clearly seen through the correction to his Moon, involves him having sex with certain mothers in his past life: his natal Vesta in Cancer in the 8th which is now ruled by his Moon in Leo conjunct his Ceres and Mars. This sex was not the original sacred sex of Vesta from natural times. It manifested through extreme distortions to that archetype manifesting in patriarchal times. He has also been born through a prostitute is his very last life and then abandoned due to having physical deformities. He was placed in an orphanage that was more or less an insane asylum. He died young in this last life, and in that place of horrors.  I am mentioning this because so as to understand the degree of emotional displacement that emanates from these sorts of lives, and the extreme intensity he then manifests at his current life mother.  

God Bless, Rad

This is good to hear because it confirms my intuition about it, that the moon placement in Leo made everything that much more intense. I think the other small shift is that his rising sign moves into the beginning of Sagittarius from the ends of Scorpio.

It is also interesting to hear that he was born through a prostitute and I let myself consider the possibility that his mother, the woman I married, was that prostitute that he was born through in that life. There is an energy that she carries that suggests that possibility. And by that I am not saying she sleeps around, but there is a sexual magnetism that she has that creates all sorts of 'slime' that is always approaching her and that repulses her, there is always an air of questioning by her family and mine as well as to if she is sleeping around, it is in the back of their minds. She has a natural freedom within her soul that makes people uncomfortable, she is very attractive, and when you put a free spirit and add beauty and magnetism to the body, with that free spirit it tends to make minds lean in that direction. She said when we were together and she wore the wedding ring that nobody would mess with her at all, that she felt protected. There are other things too that I need not share but the idea of her being that person is within the realm of possibilities. And I can tell you with certainty that she is not a whore or a prostitute in this life.

Her natal Lucifer is at 7"44' Leo and her natal Juno is a 2"56' Leo so those are conjunct his mars/ceres/moon.....
His Natal Lucifer is conjunct her Venus (9 degrees) her Venus is 22.22 Gemini...she has Ceres conjunct that at 27 gemini.

Heather you can ask me any questions you need to.

I appreciate all your prayers and thoughts as we go through this and learn, if anyone is still doing this I would ask that you send those prayers towards the mother for safety and to him to find the peace within himself to resist anything that he might be contemplating or that might arise in the heat of the moment. I am ok and I will be ok, I am in another state and again I have a pacifying influence on him. I am praying for a peaceful ending to this so that the mother can detach, so that they can both go through their own healing, and so that the mother can reunite with my son, her other son who has been to me the innocent victim in all of this. (if there is such a thing).

Rad, at this point do you see any way for there to be a clean karmic break for her and for him?

Again many profound thanks to everyone.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 20, 2012, 05:49 PM
I just also wanted to add this: I think via this thread and all the emotions, suspicions and questioning our own judgments about things that it brings up just shows how subtle and intricate evil is and can be without it being seen and the efforts it will make to conceal. It is not always black and white and at its core is very profound to comprehend.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 21, 2012, 12:04 AM
Also I didn't want to confuse anyone with the strong word usage of whore and prostitute. All I meant was that she has a sexuality about her naturally, and she is bright.  She has a conflict within her with her sexuality. She has a strong spirit, went through three months of intense bikram yoga training, has spent time at Buddhist centers... but when she falls she falls, and what I meant was that when she was with me she was supported in such a way that she was able to focus on her better tendencies rather than her other tendencies. She flip flops on her own, unsupported.

An example, the friend that introduced us, my oldest female friend, as a teenager very punk, fist fought with her dad, was involved in alot of drugs and sexual adventures, but then found ashtanga yoga and now has her own studio in San Francisco and is opening one in Shanghai, she spends a period of time every year in India.
Something happened within her to move forward and leave the rest behind. My stepsons mother is also at that point now, ready to move forward.

So without support and being under constant attack with her son and this situation she has found it at times a challenge to pursue her better tendencies. I was that support for her. I gave the example of the friend to show how the path is for alot of people. When there is conflict in the soul, confusion, an individuated/spiritual soul being born into a mainstream family, a lack of understanding by parents or peers, being attacked, people escape in various ways. Sometimes it takes someone to reach out or be that support to reinforce and guide them to a better place. And sometimes its not about guiding at all, sometimes its just a relief for a soul to finally find another that brings them peace, that calms their bodies in a way to be able to see and have their beliefs supported for the first time instead of ridiculed or not understood and that itself gives the soul a reason to move forward in a positive way for themselves.

So, just wanted to clarify.  My nickname for her is 'fallen star' , other people see what shes doing where she fell, i see where she came from and where she belongs and can be part of that return..... her son I used to refer to as 'the destroyer of worlds'.... hopefully he will earn a new nickname soon.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Feb 21, 2012, 02:05 AM
Hi Sunyata, are you comfortable with posting the data of the mother so we can understand her relationship to her son and why she has manifested this into her life?
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 21, 2012, 03:37 AM
Yes, I dont have a problem with that. As far as the time goes we do not have it because the birth chart was lost and the certified copy does not have the time on it. So from all the research we did with family we determined it was between 8 and 9 am. It moves the house placement of a few planets and the n node from one end of the hour to the other. Ive been using an 830am chart. The grandma swears she was born at the same time as her son which was 848.

June 30, 1971
Tucson, Az.
830 am.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Prometheus on Feb 21, 2012, 06:57 AM
I have been in a strange situation with Pluto transitting conjunct my lucifer and soon after squaring my nodes.
Is it possible to post my situation and chart in this thread?

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 21, 2012, 08:56 AM
Quote from: Prometheus on Feb 21, 2012, 06:57 AM
I have been in a strange situation with Pluto transitting conjunct my lucifer and soon after squaring my nodes.
Is it possible to post my situation and chart in this thread?


No. As you know it is the general policy of this message board to not engage in doing personal charts. If it were not that's all we would be doing on this mb. From time to time we make an exception here and there due to the extremity of a situation with one of our members who actively contribute to the mb. This is the case with Sunyata and his step son, and the mother of the step son.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 21, 2012, 03:42 PM

"Rad, at this point do you see any way for there to be a clean karmic break for her and for him?"


No I don't. There has been so much water under the bridge, so to speak, that it will take some time to work through it all even after the most important step is taken: to mutually forgive one another from the point of view of accepting the responsibility in their own actions towards one another. That is precisely where the karmic break begins. And, after they reach that place towards one another it will then require interacting with one another not only in the life in which the first and most vital step takes place, but a least in one more life after that in order to determine is they can sustain that determination and intention for one another, and each other.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 21, 2012, 09:40 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 21, 2012, 03:42 PM

"Rad, at this point do you see any way for there to be a clean karmic break for her and for him?"


No I don't. There has been so much water under the bridge, so to speak, that it will take some time to work through it all even after the most important step is taken: to mutually forgive one another from the point of view of accepting the responsibility in their own actions towards one another. That is precisely where the karmic break begins. And, after they reach that place towards one another it will then require interacting with one another not only in the life in which the first and most vital step takes place, but a least in one more life after that in order to determine is they can sustain that determination and intention for one another, and each other.

God Bless, Rad

Ok. That makes sense to me, thank you.

A couple more questions if that is ok.

In what way was I involved with this child in the past that created me being involved now?

Is my best role in this life to continue what I'm doing as far as a support and nudging him towards a better direction and see where that leads?

I know this is very messy karma. If anyone feels like they want to say anything they see that might be helpful dont feel like you have to spare my feelings, I understand this, I understand.... Lucifer is opposing my sun natally, squaring my moon/uranus.... and its always been there for me from the earliest memories as an awareness in my consciousness....
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 22, 2012, 09:38 AM
Quote from: Heidi on Feb 20, 2012, 12:50 PM
On making a contract with evil:

It can be done alone by way of having actual conversations/ dialogue with the agents of Satan, it can occur through a dialogue with Satan itself

Thanks Rad. Can you elaborate on what Satan and agents of Satan are in this context? My understanding is that Satan is the consciousness of evil? So what is the difference with agents? Are you referring to incarnated souls that have made a contract?


Hi Heidi,

Sorry I missed your question. Yes, Souls who have made that contract 'serve' Satan or Evil by way of being 'agents' for it. This is part of the deal with then contracts are made in the first place. And those agents do not have to be in human form, or on Earth. They in fact can be in an astral form that manifests within or without any Soul which is the connection of course to any Soul being 'influenced' by Evil itself.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 22, 2012, 10:01 AM
Quote from: Sunyata on Feb 21, 2012, 09:40 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 21, 2012, 03:42 PM

"Rad, at this point do you see any way for there to be a clean karmic break for her and for him?"


No I don't. There has been so much water under the bridge, so to speak, that it will take some time to work through it all even after the most important step is taken: to mutually forgive one another from the point of view of accepting the responsibility in their own actions towards one another. That is precisely where the karmic break begins. And, after they reach that place towards one another it will then require interacting with one another not only in the life in which the first and most vital step takes place, but a least in one more life after that in order to determine is they can sustain that determination and intention for one another, and each other.

God Bless, Rad

Ok. That makes sense to me, thank you.

A couple more questions if that is ok.

In what way was I involved with this child in the past that created me being involved now?

Is my best role in this life to continue what I'm doing as far as a support and nudging him towards a better direction and see where that leads?

I know this is very messy karma. If anyone feels like they want to say anything they see that might be helpful dont feel like you have to spare my feelings, I understand this, I understand.... Lucifer is opposing my sun natally, squaring my moon/uranus.... and its always been there for me from the earliest memories as an awareness in my consciousness....


The Lucifer transit, now, is conjunct your S.Node of Mars, his natal Pluto, and your composite Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter, as well as the mothers' own Jupiter. At this time. Pretty darn amazing given that this thread is about Lucifer, and you have brought this situation here. If others who have been following this thread and participating in it would like to answer your question about the specific past lives between you and him please go ahead and share what you see and understand with Sunyata. It can be a great learning for all concerned. I will certainly answer your specific questions and or 'hunches' you may have.

When I mentioned earlier that there was potentially great danger for Sunyata to become the 'target' for this boy that is because Sunyata has been targeted by him in another life. And that happened because Sunyata 'exposed' the boy before, exposed the fact of his actual reality which was being intensely influenced by Evil. Sunyata had all those letters ready to go in this life, at this time. If those letters had been released this would have mimicked the events in that other life in which Sunyata exposed him. And that is why there was potentially extreme danger again for Sunyata. Yet, as we have seen, God stepped in at the critical moment by way of the boy calling Sunyata at that critical moment in time. And that conversation then changed the approach that Sunyatta is now taking. This, again, is the God part of the Lucifer transit: the bearer of Light.

"Is my best role in this life to continue what I'm doing as far as a support and nudging him towards a better direction and see where that leads? "

Yes, and to try as best as you can to get the boy out of the mothers home, and to live with his biological father.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 22, 2012, 01:17 PM
Hi Rad Sunyata and all,
I am working on this, I have some other commitments today, and will post something later.
Thank you. 
(This keeps coming back to me, so I need to reiterate the importance I feel of the mom physically distancing herself from the boy.  She may then make room for other skilled individuals to step forward and help him enough so he can then work on this with her, without physical risk to her. For her it may feel wrong for her to do this for fear of abandoning him, but it will really help him in the long run.  Which I'm sure you all already know, but I just have to say it)
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Heidi on Feb 22, 2012, 03:51 PM
Thanks Rad.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Feb 22, 2012, 03:54 PM
Hi all, here are the synastry charts for the boy and the mother as well as the composite.



Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 22, 2012, 05:48 PM
Hi Rad,

I keep experiencing fairly significant light-headedness when looking at these charts and am wondering if there is something that I should or could do in response to this.............?

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: astroguru on Feb 23, 2012, 12:06 AM

Greg Giles

I am a Starseed, incarnate of the Indigo Ray & channel for the Galactic Federation and my Star Family from the Ashtar Command, an 11th dimensional Osequeq collective from the Star System Tauri C; Amanda, Arisa, Rona, Jella, Morgana, Sophia, Germana, Capella, Jackie, Romana, Angela, Patricia, Anthony, Gifta, Maria, Mercula, Pierca, Ramulete, Augusta, Chevron, Thomas. I have incarnated at this time on assignment to advance my education and assist this planet and its people in their time of ascension to a higher dimensional existence.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 23, 2012, 01:47 AM



The Lucifer transit, now, is conjunct your S.Node of Mars, his natal Pluto, and your composite Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter, as well as the mothers' own Jupiter. At this time. Pretty darn amazing given that this thread is about Lucifer, and you have brought this situation here. If others who have been following this thread and participating in it would like to answer your question about the specific past lives between you and him please go ahead and share what you see and understand with Sunyata. It can be a great learning for all concerned. I will certainly answer your specific questions and or 'hunches' you may have.

When I mentioned earlier that there was potentially great danger for Sunyata to become the 'target' for this boy that is because Sunyata has been targeted by him in another life. And that happened because Sunyata 'exposed' the boy before, exposed the fact of his actual reality which was being intensely influenced by Evil. Sunyata had all those letters ready to go in this life, at this time. If those letters had been released this would have mimicked the events in that other life in which Sunyata exposed him. And that is why there was potentially extreme danger again for Sunyata. Yet, as we have seen, God stepped in at the critical moment by way of the boy calling Sunyata at that critical moment in time. And that conversation then changed the approach that Sunyatta is now taking. This, again, is the God part of the Lucifer transit: the bearer of Light.

"Is my best role in this life to continue what I'm doing as far as a support and nudging him towards a better direction and see where that leads? "

Yes, and to try as best as you can to get the boy out of the mothers home, and to live with his biological father.

God Bless, Rad

Thank you so much.

A little update of events... The letter I sent four days ago was apparently not received.... the grandparents came for a visit yesterday with the two of them and they had an agenda which included a promise of a happy family summer with condos on the beach with sisters who haven't called her in years and them, she would stay with them. I and our son were not included in the plans. She responded by telling them that she was coming here on the 5th of March. She has a one way ticket.... the grandmother left in tears....

Last night, police were almost called but they were not, this is always in the air everyday"¦Regarding the letter, I sent it to my brother in law last night and asked him to forward it....

Today, the grandparents, who left in tears yesterday,  called her and she said they spoke to her like a human being for the first time in a long time"¦..She doesn't know if they got the letter or not but she noticed a shift....

I talked to the boy tonight because as always there is tension and every moment is literally on the edge... its like one wrong word or response can set it off.... and he was doing all the bizarre things he does to push her to the edge .... this is how the living situation is almost at all times, except when he is asleep.....

I just had to remind him of what he wanted which is to get to his fathers and that was possible in two weeks so to look at this as a two week journey to get to his fathers and the best way for him to get there is to maintain the peace within the house, with his mother. I said it is so volatile right now that anything that pushes her to the edge can result in him not getting to his fathers and having the things he does not want to happen, happen. He opened up to me about knowing that he needs to develop some coping skills, that he does not have any, talked about being aware that he needs to stop and he wants to..... he shared some other feelings with me... his inner emotional state is a disaster, he is very mixed up. I just channeled my response into it being a two week journey, not worrying at this point about fixing things with his mom, that that will come later and I will be a part of that.... but just to focus as much as he can on keeping the peace for a short period and he will get to where he wants to be, that keeping the peace is the best way to get there......

He's had conversations with his father. The father is being receptive and he returns from his annual self indulgent, responsibility avoiding trip to Brazil on the 4th of March. But from what he said about his conversations with his father he sounded optimistic about it.

There is a lot of potential for many different things to occur within the entire spectrum of possibilities daily though so it is literally day by day and night by night right now but at least one of the possibilities is a 'peaceful' transition.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 23, 2012, 03:07 AM
I have never seen anything at 00"00' of anything and as this is what it is, that seems like it would be a significant focal point in reference to the composite especially as it is in cancer/capricorn and we are here talking about transition from father to mother.

Also, I dont know this answer, how often are the nodes of the moon stationary and what is the significance of a stationary node, if there is any?
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 23, 2012, 09:46 AM
Quote from: Ellen on Feb 22, 2012, 05:48 PM
Hi Rad,

I keep experiencing fairly significant light-headedness when looking at these charts and am wondering if there is something that I should or could do in response to this.............?


Hi Ellen,

Try keeping a candle lite between you and the charts for this can help shield you from the affects of the reality that these charts correlate too. You can also try keeping a Cross between you and the charts in conjunction with the candle. This will magnify the shielding affect. If these don't work it might be best not to engage in these charts at all because of the delicacy of your own inner situation right now.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 23, 2012, 10:06 AM
Quote from: Sunyata on Feb 23, 2012, 03:07 AM
I have never seen anything at 00"00' of anything and as this is what it is, that seems like it would be a significant focal point in reference to the composite especially as it is in cancer/capricorn and we are here talking about transition from father to mother.

Also, I dont know this answer, how often are the nodes of the moon stationary and what is the significance of a stationary node, if there is any?


This 00"00' is very, very rare to see in any chart. It means A BRAND NEW BEGINNING in evolutionary terms, development, and progression. It is the symbol of placing a seed in the ground, the very first moment that it is placed there, even before the earth is placed upon that seed that allows for the germination process to begin. Given the context of the situation at hand this of course correlates to just how delicate the situation is now. It is analogous to the baby contemplating taking it's first step, before that step is even made. These Cancer/Capricorn symbols of course affirm what has been said before in terms of evolving towards breaking the karmic knot, the karmic umbilical cord: each must accept the responsibility in the own actions.......Capricorn.

The retrograde/ direct rhythm of the Moon's Nodes is not constant, and varies. Simply take a look at an ephemeris for a month's time that lists this retrograde/direct rhythm so you can see it. The meaning of the Nodes being direct is one of MAGNIFICATION OF THE ARCHETYPE AT HAND.

God Bless, Rad   
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 23, 2012, 05:38 PM
Hi Rad, Sunyata and all,
I am still working with this, thanks for the candle and cross idea that was given to Ellen, I found that really helped with the heaviness around this.  I probably won't be able to post until tomorrow sometime, I'm hoping the topic will still be open for a bit.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 23, 2012, 05:48 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 23, 2012, 09:46 AM
Quote from: Ellen on Feb 22, 2012, 05:48 PM
Hi Rad,

I keep experiencing fairly significant light-headedness when looking at these charts and am wondering if there is something that I should or could do in response to this.............?


Hi Ellen,

Try keeping a candle lite between you and the charts for this can help shield you from the affects of the reality that these charts correlate too. You can also try keeping a Cross between you and the charts in conjunction with the candle. This will magnify the shielding affect. If these don't work it might be best not to engage in these charts at all because of the delicacy of your own inner situation right now.

God Bless, Rad

Thanks, Rad.  I will probably not engage.  I have to access all this in public places, so not practical to follow your suggestions.  Actually, just responding to this right now is bringing up the lightheadedness...... 

I do have another questions, though, is VISUALIZING these protections sufficient?  (I am thinking about when I am out and about in public places.........)

Thank you!  I look forward to the Light Bearer part of this thread!

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 23, 2012, 06:07 PM
Quote from: Rad on Feb 23, 2012, 10:06 AM
Quote from: Sunyata on Feb 23, 2012, 03:07 AM
I have never seen anything at 00"00' of anything and as this is what it is, that seems like it would be a significant focal point in reference to the composite especially as it is in cancer/capricorn and we are here talking about transition from father to mother.

Also, I dont know this answer, how often are the nodes of the moon stationary and what is the significance of a stationary node, if there is any?


This 00"00' is very, very rare to see in any chart. It means A BRAND NEW BEGINNING in evolutionary terms, development, and progression. It is the symbol of placing a seed in the ground, the very first moment that it is placed there, even before the earth is placed upon that seed that allows for the germination process to begin. Given the context of the situation at hand this of course correlates to just how delicate the situation is now. It is analogous to the baby contemplating taking it's first step, before that step is even made. These Cancer/Capricorn symbols of course affirm what has been said before in terms of evolving towards breaking the karmic knot, the karmic umbilical cord: each must accept the responsibility in the own actions.......Capricorn.

The retrograde/ direct rhythm of the Moon's Nodes is not constant, and varies. Simply take a look at an ephemeris for a month's time that lists this retrograde/direct rhythm so you can see it. The meaning of the Nodes being direct is one of MAGNIFICATION OF THE ARCHETYPE AT HAND.

God Bless, Rad  

Thank you, Rad.

I just found out that the letter I sent to my brother in law two nights ago WAS NOT RECEIVED.  I sent it to him again this afternoon and we were in contact until it finally came after about 30 minutes. He just forwarded it to everyone.....

I apologize for the intensity of this and how it is affecting some or possibly all of you... if I was in your position I wouldn't even read it. For instance I dont ever even open threads on message boards where I know the subject matter is going to be too disturbing for me to handle. I think you need to be fair to yourself first.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Feb 23, 2012, 07:36 PM
Hi Sunyata,

As far as I'm concerned, no need to apologize.  I'm glad this forum is here for you at this time. 

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Lucius on Feb 23, 2012, 10:38 PM
Sunyata - this thread has been enormously helpful in understanding in action how these principles work - I have found it uplifting to see the possibility & reality of the presence of God in even a soul as close to  darkness as your step-son. Via this thread I've found myself able to confront and overcome some subconscious fears & assumptions. Exposing Evil is the best manner to be able to confront it - this has helped me to expose it within myself. I have chosen to not post too much, in general & have not said some things I've thought of in the last day or two here because I've been contemplating my natal Lucifer in the 7th of Cancer - I really don't want to just project! And Lucifer is on my north node now - timely.

This has been helpful! I'm still praying for healing for you all.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 24, 2012, 11:17 PM
Thank you very much for the support. This conversation has helped shape my role in this situation and it has given me the strength to believe what I have always believed about this child, to voice it to key people and to not back down until this is finished and the pattern is permanently shifted. It has given me a strength that I have been able to transfer to her in a way that has given her some inner confidence to see this through. She has been so psychologically abused by this kid, and I know in other ways including sexually in other lifetimes by other men and likely this kid.....this is why the grandma 'forcing' her to be with him via guilt that she cant abandon him and promises of money..... this is what she is dealing with..

The past 24 hours have seen a shift where at this moment the mom is not going back there. She has one foot out the door so to speak......the pattern is for her to then return via the guilt placed by her mom and of course the grandmother laid it all on tonight actually saying 'you need to stop telling people things' and of course when the boy attacks her verbally they are 'just words' , the denial or blindness of the reality of this boy from the grandparents perspective is staggering...... I am suggesting to her that she refrain from speaking to her parents until this shifts, that they will have to deal with their own realities for themselves, that she knows her reality and it is critical that she breaks this pattern, keeps herself safe, that her life has value, that she is loved , that she has a god given right to exist and protect herself, has a place to come with me and with our son etc. .........  so as I type this, she will not go back there to stay one more night and I am encouraging her not to go there at all until he is not there. It is just simply not safe anymore.

This is like spiritual warfare. Its intense and almost all consuming. I am doing what I can to make sure he is safe. I am explaining to him what and why he needs to shift.....he is very resistant to the positive and I even think he sees his dad as an opportunity to flee, which I think is what he truly wants. There is part of him that knows what the right thing is but if he is left to make his own decisions he will not choose that. He hasn't reached that point yet...... meaning things haven't come down on him hard enough to shift.

There are some 'disorders' (i dont like that word) where a person disassociates with reality, then they return.
Because there is a physical manifestation in the body that allows this, it is interesting to think karmically why someone would choose a body with that pattern and how evil can be a part of that decision making process or how it uses that particular body's pattern of disassociation to do its work. Has this been spoken of relative to how this works in EA?

Thanks so much everyone.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 25, 2012, 09:52 AM
Hi Sunyata,

?There are some 'disorders' (i dont like that word) where a person disassociates with reality, then they return. Because there is a physical manifestation in the body that allows this, it is interesting to think karmically why someone would choose a body with that pattern and how evil can be a part of that decision making process or how it uses that particular body's pattern of disassociation to do its work. Has this been spoken of relative to how this works in EA?"


Of course and is perfectly reflected in the words of Yukteswar:

"A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma. His horoscope is a challenging portrait revealing his unalterable past and it probable future result. But the natal horoscope can be rightly interpreted only by men or women of intuitive wisdom: these are few."

In essence the Soul is entirely responsible for everything that it creates including the types of parents to be born through which includes the genetics of those parents. Remember Pluto correlates to the entire genetic code including the RNA/DNA signatures.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 25, 2012, 03:17 PM

It is not right to begin to ask questions like this concerning your former wife. I agreed to to allow you to post about the boy because of the criticalness of the situation with him relative to whether this boy had made a contract with Evil or not. We have discussed and pointed out what the past has been about for this boy, and why, which has lead to the current life. We have also been discussing what to do about the boy, and the immediate need to separate him from his mother if at all possible. Of course there has been past life connections between them that all go into what is happening now. And that is what the focus for this thread should be, not the specific types of questions you are now asking about his mother, your former wife.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 25, 2012, 07:13 PM
I removed it after just rereading it.  I am fully aware of the message board rules and how they apply to this situation. I think I started out trying to write it in a way that connected it to the previous lives and it clearly, after re reading it now,  it did not. My mistake.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 26, 2012, 11:18 PM
Hi I just wanted to give the grandmothers birth info so that you can see how intense her role has been in this situation if you'd like. She has an incredible astrological connection to the child and she is very unhappy with me at the moment and would prefer I 'stay the hell out' amongst other things.

The mom said a couple of days ago that she feels like she has been a surrogate and that she could see how that was a possibility in another life and how it is basically what it has been in this life.  She said she saw corsets and that time period where people wore them if that helps anyone in their analysis.

I dont have a time or place yet for the grandmother but I will see what I can do.
Without a time, my lucifer is on her N. Node and her natal Lucifer is opposing my Pluto / Asc.

She is November 8, 1944.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Feb 27, 2012, 01:40 AM
She has Lucifer in Pisces opposing my Pluto / Asc.

From the transcripts:

Lucifer in Pisces."­ "¬The worst form of this symbolism the influence of evil could manifest through in Pisces is having the person create one delusion or illusion after the other,"­ "¬and every delusion or illusion that is created is considered the ultimate meaning that the person has always been seeking."­  "¬It's like chasing windmills."­ "¬The intent of evil is to keep the person away from Spirit or God by creating the illusion that the meaning that they're seeking is in this new manifestation of this or this or this.

Via her delusion that this child 'saved' his mother just by being born, that it was somehow divine intervention. The pedestal was that high. And every new opportinity for him, every time she 'saves' him from getting true help, she is in the delusion again that the meaning of who she thought he was can finally be realized.

This is what I see. Would this be accurate?
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 27, 2012, 09:50 AM
This is what I see. Would this be accurate?

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 27, 2012, 07:35 PM
Hi Rad, Sunyata and all,
Ok I am still learning with these charts.  As a beginner does  it make sense for me to just look at the trinities of the past and future, the nodes and lucifer to get a basic understanding of the dynamics, and then look at the composite charts.
It turns out that Sunyata's stepsons lucifer is exactly conjunct my north node and Jupiter, so I've been observing how circumstances and too much intuitive information have been pressing on me and distracting me from doing this, but in an effort to simplify and find the big picture, I thought I would look just at the bottom lines and lucifer to start.  Does this make sense? I am sure getting alot of intuitive information at times and am just trying to link it with the astrological symbolism.
Thank you , and Blessings of Light and Goodness to you all,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 28, 2012, 10:41 AM
Quote from: mountainheather on Feb 27, 2012, 07:35 PM
Hi Rad, Sunyata and all,
Ok I am still learning with these charts.  As a beginner does  it make sense for me to just look at the trinities of the past and future, the nodes and lucifer to get a basic understanding of the dynamics, and then look at the composite charts.
It turns out that Sunyata's stepsons lucifer is exactly conjunct my north node and Jupiter, so I've been observing how circumstances and too much intuitive information have been pressing on me and distracting me from doing this, but in an effort to simplify and find the big picture, I thought I would look just at the bottom lines and lucifer to start.  Does this make sense? I am sure getting alot of intuitive information at times and am just trying to link it with the astrological symbolism.
Thank you , and Blessings of Light and Goodness to you all,

Hi Heather,

Yes, that makes perfect sense. This is actually giving you an opportunity to trust what you are seeing and understanding relative to your S.Node in Sagittarius intuitive capacity. It will give you the capacity to actualize ever more deeply your capacity to see the 'whole' and then link it to linear progression through time: your N.Node in Gemini with Lucifer. The Lucifer as 'bearer of Light', God/ess, will help you in this as long as you can intuitively know how to trust this. The Lucifer as the influence of Evil will try to defeat you by injecting DOUBT into your natural process so as to try to 'defeat' you.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Gabriela del sur on Feb 28, 2012, 03:57 PM
Desconozco por completo el tema del asteroide Lucifer. Quisiera saber el tiempo que dura una revolución; que signos estuvo recorriendo entre 2002/2007; y por supuesto, en la actualidas (2012), en donde se encuentra. Si existe alguna página (hasta ahora no la he encontrado), en donde estén sus tránsitos, lo agradeceré. Muchas gracias!
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 28, 2012, 04:16 PM
Quote from: Gabriela del sur on Feb 28, 2012, 03:57 PM
Desconozco por completo el tema del asteroide Lucifer. Quisiera saber el tiempo que dura una revolución; que signos estuvo recorriendo entre 2002/2007; y por supuesto, en la actualidas (2012), en donde se encuentra. Si existe alguna página (hasta ahora no la he encontrado), en donde estén sus tránsitos, lo agradeceré. Muchas gracias!

Hola Gabriela,

Aqui es a pagina por asteroids ......

Adios, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Steve on Feb 28, 2012, 04:38 PM
Lucifer Ephemeris:

For anyone following this thread who is interested in a Lucifer ephemeris:

We have two Lucifer ephemeris available for download for free on this message board.  I just updated one of them yesterday.

One is the position of Lucifer every 5 days from 1920 to 2015.  The other is the position of Lucifer every day from 1980 to 2020.

You can access them here:,99.0.html


Also, if anyone needs assistance with adding Lucifer to Solar Fire or astrodienst charts, feel free to ask about it by starting a new message board topic.  We can combine any and all questions about that into one new topic.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Feb 28, 2012, 06:45 PM
Hi Rad,

Hi Rad, Sunyata and all,
Ok I am still learning with these charts.  As a beginner does  it make sense for me to just look at the trinities of the past and future, the nodes and lucifer to get a basic understanding of the dynamics, and then look at the composite charts.
It turns out that Sunyata's stepsons lucifer is exactly conjunct my north node and Jupiter, so I've been observing how circumstances and too much intuitive information have been pressing on me and distracting me from doing this, but in an effort to simplify and find the big picture, I thought I would look just at the bottom lines and lucifer to start.  Does this make sense? I am sure getting alot of intuitive information at times and am just trying to link it with the astrological symbolism.
Thank you , and Blessings of Light and Goodness to you all,

Hi Heather,

Yes, that makes perfect sense. This is actually giving you an opportunity to trust what you are seeing and understanding relative to your S.Node in Sagittarius intuitive capacity. It will give you the capacity to actualize ever more deeply your capacity to see the 'whole' and then link it to linear progression through time: your N.Node in Gemini with Lucifer. The Lucifer as 'bearer of Light', God/ess, will help you in this as long as you can intuitively know how to trust this. The Lucifer as the influence of Evil will try to defeat you by injecting DOUBT into your natural process so as to try to 'defeat' you.

God Bless, Rad

Well that helps me alot, to understand how evil can be innocuous and invisible, hiding in my own weaknesses (doubt), and yet also be so overt and intense as in the situation with Sunyata, and furthermore so powerful in both cases. Tremendous learning. I sure appreciate the steadfast guidance towards the Light. I will persist.
Light all around, Heather

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Mar 06, 2012, 08:49 AM

Wanted to ask about the stepson and the recent prior lifetimes where the desire to re-empower became pronounced.  Has this involved a lifetime where he operated through the function of a priest, abusing that position of authority in ways that allowed him to exploit trust that was being arbitrarily extended to him, and using this to seize opportunities for taking females captive"¦locking them away somewhere where he would then subject them to sadistic sexual torture, and in some cases disfiguring their bodies ?  I'll wait to see if this scenario is accurate before commenting further.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 06, 2012, 09:56 AM
Quote from: Stacie on Mar 06, 2012, 08:49 AM

Wanted to ask about the stepson and the recent prior lifetimes where the desire to re-empower became pronounced.  Has this involved a lifetime where he operated through the function of a priest, abusing that position of authority in ways that allowed him to exploit trust that was being arbitrarily extended to him, and using this to seize opportunities for taking females captive"¦locking them away somewhere where he would then subject them to sadistic sexual torture, and in some cases disfiguring their bodies ?  I'll wait to see if this scenario is accurate before commenting further.


Hi Stacie,

No, the specifics of what you are seeing or intuiting are not quite right in terms of being a priest and abusing women in that way. However, the archetype of religion has been used by him to justify not only the genocide of entire peoples, but the sadistic raping of women and children that came with it. A few lives back for example, to illustrate this, he was very much involved in the genocide of the Armenian peoples by the Turks from 1915 through 1918. He was part of structure called the Special Organization that rounded up all the women and children under the promise of relocating them to safe places. Instead of doing so they summarily raped the women and children before killing them. The religion for the Turks was Muslin and that was being used as the religious part of the 'justification' of this genocide.

This example then illustrates other examples of other lives he lived in order to 're-empower' himself in this kind of way.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Mar 07, 2012, 10:26 AM
Thank you Rad, I appreciate the clarification.

I had picked up on a lifetime of involvement with a violent/philosophically extreme muslim group, where rape and aggressive sexual acts on women occurred, but had not tuned in to the context of genocide at all.  

I was reading that 6th house taurus south node (conjunct asteroid persephone), its ruler venus rx in 12th/scorpio (conjunct eros, amazone, south nodes of mercury and mars), ruling mercury rx in libra/11th--mercury ruling lucifer rx in gemini/7th, and south node of lucifer in virgo/9th, as a core issue of repressing/denying natural sexual impulses on account of religious dogma that insists on a conflict between spirit/flesh..and within this the adam and eve myth--i.e. women are to blame for man's sexual desires, thoughts, temptations, preoccupations, indiscretions etc.  By repressing/denying the sexual nature, this causing the sexual nature and desires within it to become severely distorted and compulsively fixated on sexual-based taboos.  Then factoring in guilt and anger FOR that guilt, and projecting this on women..seemed this could lend itself to a creating a dual life of posing as a public religious figurehead while concealing a secret life of sadistic sexual predation, considering the symbols/archetypes that are emphasized in this chart.  To be candid, it's a little surprising to learn this isn't accurate for the person we're discussing.  I accept it of course, just marveling because it felt so intuitively 'right' to me.  Though I do have transiting Neptune exact on my moon, so I may very well be pulling out imagery from my own unconscious and not registering my usual boundaries (ha!..boundaries..pisces) of 'this is you', 'this is me'  ;).  Anyhow, now that you've illustrated the lifetime involving the Armenian genocide and sexual violence occurring in that context, I see how the signature mentioned above clearly supports it.  

I'm still interested in further tracing the psychology that created a desire to violently rape women and children before killing them as he did in that lifetime.  In this case, is it not so much an issue of guilt becoming sadistic than perhaps an issue of having inwardly defined himself by patriarchal self-importance/exclusion, and anger projecting from this based on his own prior losses and lack of power?  Is it more about an inner orientation that has created a bottomless pit of needing to prove dominance and power over those considered inferior or vulnerable as a means of 'playing god'?  And really the burning question for me is WHY WOMEN?..what is behind the emphasized anger and retaliation on women?  I'm also wondering if in that lifetime there was an issue with his survival instinct being perpetually triggered by unconscious memories/hysteria from having witnessed what he witnessed in the traumatic lives that came before it. I imagine this could cause one to orient to the world as if one is still in the heat of battle, compulsively seeking an intensity of experience to mirror the inner memories where one's entire reality was in a state of 'life or death'.  Don't know how relevant that would be..just wanting to really understand the psychology in this soul that has led him into the troubling condition he is in.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 08, 2012, 11:08 AM
Hi Stacie,

"I'm still interested in further tracing the psychology that created a desire to violently rape women and children before killing them as he did in that lifetime.  In this case, is it not so much an issue of guilt becoming sadistic than perhaps an issue of having inwardly defined himself by patriarchal self-importance/exclusion, and anger projecting from this based on his own prior losses and lack of power?"


The root of his anger at women in general has been caused by the types of patriarchal religions that have defined the types of cultures that he has been born into. The essence of these patriarchal religions of course have all used women as the scapegoats for the problems that men themselves are responsible for. Women being judged as the original cause of 'sin' and all that delusional types of 'beliefs'. Women as inherently 'evil' as defined by the extremes of such religions. His S.Node of Lucifer is in fact in Virgo in his 9th House. This is then compounded by his Moon in the 8th that is conjunct his Mars in Leo in the 9th which are then square his S.Node in Taurus in the 6th, and the N.Node in Scorpio in the 12th. This Mars/Moon conjunction is conjunct his N.Node of Neptune which itself is almost exactly square his N and S Nodes of the Moon. These symbols then create a type of utterly irrational hysteria at women who are blamed for being the 'cause' of all the problems that men have.

Within this is the fact that the influence of Evil has caused human's to 'believe' that one religion is better than another, one's God is the real God and all other God's are false God's, and to justify evil actions towards humans in the name of God. With his S.Node of Lucifer in Virgo in the 9th which is ruled by his Mercury in Libra, the archetype of extremes, in the 11th, which is rules his current life Lucifer in Gemini in the 7th, his Soul has bought into and believed these delusional beliefs. In so doing he has then caused and been part of one group of people causing extreme trauma, the 11th House, to other groups of people by way of religious persecution.

The intensity of that delusional hysteria and anger is symbolized by the square to all the Scorpio symbols in his 12th House including the S Nodes of Mars and Venus. It has been carried over by his Soul from life to life.

Beyond the root of religion being the cause of this is also the fact that he has two specific prior lives of having sex with his mothers. Not the original Vesta type sex with mother types in natural times, but very twisted type sex with these mothers that itself was a reflection of the twisted psychology of not only the boy himself, but the types of women he chose to be born through. Even as a boy with these types of mothers he would attempt to completely control and dominate them relative to the original cause of having intense, irrational, and hysterical anger at women in general that was caused by the types of religions that he was part of in prior lifetimes.

The S.Node of Neptune is in Aquarius in his 3rd which is also square his Nodal Axis, and this is ruled by his Uranus conjunct natal Neptune in Capricorn in his 2nd House. And, of course, this is his N.Node of Lucifer. These symbols of course further reinforce all of this. These symbols also mean that he has come through mothers in other lives in which he did not know who his biological fathers were. This has happened because of certain lives where his mother was impregnated during acts of violent rapes in  the context of wars or where one group was trying to dominate and take over another group. This occurred because he in other lives raped women and impregnated them thus causing children to be born whom did not know who their own biological father was. This  has also occurred by being born through mothers who were prostitutes and they not knowing who the conceiving fathers were. This happened because having sex with prostitutes in other lives in which he impregnated them and caused them to then have children whom did not know who their biological fathers were.

This all adds up to intense, hysterical anger in general, and at women/ mother types specifically. And, again, because he has been unable to accept the responsibility in his own actions this has lead to the intense sense of being victimized by life in general, and women specifically. He has been utterly unable to understand that the original cause of all of this has been the nature of his religious 'beliefs' in the first place. He has been unable to understand that the actual cause of all the horrors that he has experienced at the hands of others, and the horrors that he has inflicted on others, has been religion itself: patriarchal religions. All of these religions always use their 'god' as the justification for all that they do including killing, maiming, and raping innocent people, women, and children. The S.Node of his Lucifer, again, is in Virgo in the 9th: DENIAL. So, yes, sadistic anger caused by all of this is the result.


"Is it more about an inner orientation that has created a bottomless pit of needing to prove dominance and power over those considered inferior or vulnerable as a means of 'playing god'? "




"And really the burning question for me is WHY WOMEN?..what is behind the emphasized anger and retaliation on women?"


This should be clear now.


"I'm also wondering if in that lifetime there was an issue with his survival instinct being perpetually triggered by unconscious memories/hysteria from having witnessed what he witnessed in the traumatic lives that came before it. I imagine this could cause one to orient to the world as if one is still in the heat of battle, compulsively seeking an intensity of experience to mirror the inner memories where one's entire reality was in a state of 'life or death'.  Don't know how relevant that would be..just wanting to really understand the psychology in this soul that has led him into the troubling condition he is in."


This is true, but this is also intensely compounded by his own Soul memories of that which he has caused to happen to others. In combination it is as if his Soul is being 'haunted' by all of these memories. And this includes his very last life which was caused by karma, and his own Soul guilt of that which he has done to so many others. And that last life was a situation of being born, again, through a prostitute, not knowing whom the father was, a situation of being born with intense physical deformity and being placed in a 'orphanage' that was a house of horrors. This last life was in Romania at the time of the rule of Nicolae Ceaușescu. In this last life he died very young: ten years old.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Mar 08, 2012, 04:23 PM
Got it. Thank you.

God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Mar 08, 2012, 04:57 PM
Hi Rad, a book has come into my life which is basically a conversation between a woman and Jesus. I have read NO WHERE else anyone speaking about evil as you have other than in this book. I feel the words in this book are aligned with the EA teachings of Jeff Green on this topic and that it would be valuable to share here. If I have your permission I would like to share a few paragraphs from this book. It's called "Jesus speaks: Love with no end" by Glenda Green.
God bless,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 09, 2012, 09:21 AM
Quote from: ari moshe on Mar 08, 2012, 04:57 PM
Hi Rad, a book has come into my life which is basically a conversation between a woman and Jesus. I have read NO WHERE else anyone speaking about evil as you have other than in this book. I feel the words in this book are aligned with the EA teachings of Jeff Green on this topic and that it would be valuable to share here. If I have your permission I would like to share a few paragraphs from this book. It's called "Jesus speaks: Love with no end" by Glenda Green.
God bless,

Hi Ari,

Go ahead.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Mar 09, 2012, 09:55 AM
Hi Rad and community - here are some exerpts from the book "Jesus speaks: Love Without End" By Glenda Green. I have skipped around to exclude the authors narrative as well as the questions she was asking and have selected what I feel are of key relevance for this thread. Taken from the end of the chapter "The One Spirit" pages 146-149.


"... No one however can initiate evil without a long term progression toward it, for there is no evil at the core of any child of God. Only through denying love and empowering one's life with attitudes of hatred, jealousy, and greed could one ever bring about situations which are ripe with evil...

... The consequences of denying love are very real. However you must be careful not to judge what you see, for your judgment will be an illusion...

... Consummate evil is the intent or action of turning love against itself. That is a presence which most beings, being love, never understand or magnetize. There is no basis of coherence between eveil and love, unless love has been denied. The greatest protection you have is to simply be the love that you are. In the two commandments which I gave to humanity - to love God with all your heart and one another as yourself - I have the antidote for evil. If evil approached you could simply say "be gone" and it would leave. The only reason evil is present at all is that the one spirit includes even that. God is greater than any rejection that can be made of Him. And He will not allow assaults of evil to disturb the oneness of spirit.

... There are among you some great beings, strong in their love, who have been given the ability to actually see evil, that they may minister to the Holy Spirit and keep it whole.There great beings are in the ministry of the Holy Spirit...

... Compared to the Holy Spirit, evil has no power... your only necessary involvement with evil is to make a decision. Without that option, without the right of choice, there would be no freedom for you and the declaration of your individuality would have been a mockery rather than a truth. The right of choice is your freedom.

... Hell on the other hand, is the torment of a soul at war with itself, with God and with existence. You have heard that 'war is hell'. Well, I tell you that hell is war. When a being of love has chosen evil for his direction, how could there be anything other than war?"

... A being at war withi himself thinks nothing of starting wars in other places. That is an interesting aspect of evil. Once a person has denied the power of love, life opens very few doors for him except for those he breaks down with force or deception. War is often a desperate attempt to generate opportunities which no longer exist for those who have denied love.

... Receive this with understanding. However, be careful not to judge."
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Steven on Mar 12, 2012, 11:30 AM
Dear Rad, I know this thread is more or less finished, but your last post really again brought up something I have been working through internally-trying to understand from an astrological counseling perspective-- regarding lifetimes in which overt victimization and powerlessness seem undeniable and inescapable, and in which healing, grace, love and recovery seem to be be not only unlikely, but almost  denied as options.

In combination it is as if his Soul is being 'haunted' by all of these memories. And this includes his very last life which was caused by karma, and his own Soul guilt of that which he has done to so many others. And that last life was a situation of being born, again, through a prostitute, not knowing whom the father was, a situation of being born with intense physical deformity and being placed in a 'orphanage' that was a house of horrors. This last life was in Romania at the time of the rule of Nicolae Ceaușescu. In this last life he died very young: ten years old.

What I have been trying to clarify is whether-- from the EA perspective-- there are some lifetimes which are simply "fated" (in the words of patriarchal antiquity) for karmic reasons to overt suffering with no chance to heal, gain self-awareness while incarnate, or receive grace/God?

Or is there always a "chance", an opportunity for God/grace/light/love, however improbable? Specifically back to the case above, are we able to tell if there were-- from the EA perspective-- any possible alternatives in the life of this Romanian child, or was this just simply a "fated" life, needed to redress karmic actions of the soul's past?

Certainly the current life of this soul seems to offer at least a possibility of self-awareness, healing, choice and grace-- yet the last life seems to offer little possibility.

So that's basically the very simple core of what I'm trying to clarify: in the EA paradigm, is there always a chance for healing/awareness/God or are some lives understood to be "fated" to relative darkness with no help/relief for karmic reasons?

Finally, is there any way we can see this in a chart, or is this more an understanding that arises from deep intuition and other special skills?

Thanks so much for all,

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 12, 2012, 12:31 PM
Hi Steven,

"So that's basically the very simple core of what I'm trying to clarify: in the EA paradigm, is there always a chance for healing/awareness/God or are some lives understood to be "fated" to relative darkness with no help/relief for karmic reasons?"


First the EA paradigm symbolizes and reflects all the Natural Laws that were set in motion by the Creator. And because of those laws there are lives that the Soul must live that have been created by it's own actions which then creates the 'karma' of those actions. And in certain lives that karma does require 'fated' lives for certain Souls like this boy we have been working with. These are intentionally created by the Soul itself in order to create the necessary shocks who purpose is to make the Soul aware of it's prior actions, and why those actions. That last life for this boy is such a case. Yet in the current life this boy does have the 'free choice' to now take the corrective actions that can allow him to totally change the course and flow of his prior lifetimes. It is up to him.


"Finally, is there any way we can see this in a chart, or is this more an understanding that arises from deep intuition and other special skills?"


You can see in this boy's chart that his Nodal Axis is one degree from exact relative to his Mars, and then moving towards his Moon. These are the symbols for his entire past coming to a head given that the planetary ruler of HIS SOUTH NODE IS CONJUNCT HIS NORTH NODE AND ONE DEGREE FROM THE EXACT SQUARE TO HIS MARS.


God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Steven on Mar 12, 2012, 08:37 PM
Thank you, Rad, this is very clear now, both conceptually and via the astrological symbolism.

God bless,

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Mar 24, 2012, 04:41 PM
Hi Rad,

Aleister Crowley's name came up on this thread.  Did he make a contract with evil?


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 25, 2012, 09:50 AM
Hi Linda,


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Mar 25, 2012, 10:09 AM
Wow, that makes total sense to me - I've always been incredibly detested from anything that has to do with that soul. Now I understand why.

From (
QuoteIn 1898 he published his first book of poetry called "Aceldama, A Place to Bury Strangers In", a philosophical poem by a 'Gentleman of the University of Cambridge' in 1898'.  In the preface he describes how God and Satan had fought for his soul and states:  "God conquered - and now I have only one doubt left - which of the twain was God"?
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 25, 2012, 11:36 AM
Hi Ari,

Here is Crowley's birth chart. It does not show the S.Node of Lucifer but that S.Node is at 26 Capricorn, and the N.Node being at 2 Virgo. It is also an interesting thing to consider that many feel that he was the father of Barbara Bush, the mother of George Bush the former president of the USA. I am posting the chart of Crowley and also Barbara Bush whose N.Node of Lucifer is 5 Leo, and the S.Node is 12 Pisces. The synastry charts of these two are incredible to ponder on in this regard. So I will post those synastry charts as well. After this post I will post a picture of these two because the physical resemblances are staggering.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 25, 2012, 11:38 AM
and here is their picture together
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Mar 25, 2012, 05:13 PM
Hi Rad and Ari,

I too am also repulsed by Crowley.  There seems to be a Crowley cult following that dismisses the evil, instead embraces him as some sort of mystical hero who dared to go beyond the limits.

What causes people to be attracted to such a Soul?

I know a bright group of people (mainly from East USA) to which Crowley represents "something" - Perhaps they are attracted to some promise of secret knowledge about darkness?  

Do you think I would need to warn these people that Crowley has made a contract with evil, and that they are in danger?  If so, how could that be done?


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 26, 2012, 10:04 AM
Hi Linda,

Quote from: Linda on Mar 25, 2012, 05:13 PM
Hi Rad and Ari,

I too am also repulsed by Crowley.  There seems to be a Crowley cult following that dismisses the evil, instead embraces him as some sort of mystical hero who dared to go beyond the limits.

What causes people to be attracted to such a Soul?


Generally because there is a sense of mystery and 'power' that emanates from his Soul that they want to vicariously associate with, a desire to discover what that is about.


I know a bright group of people (mainly from East USA) to which Crowley represents "something" - Perhaps they are attracted to some promise of secret knowledge about darkness?  


Yes, the 'mystery' of it all. This then creates a 'temptation' which is one of the archetypal ways that Evil/Lucifer attempts to hook people through: like a shiny fish lure that attracts fishes.


Do you think I would need to warn these people that Crowley has made a contract with evil, and that they are in danger?  If so, how could that be done?


All's anyone can do Linda is to state your own feelings/ sentiments/ thoughts about it and let it stand just like that. If someone wants to actually listen to you and asks questions then move forwards. If not, stand back and let whatever choices they need to make be made.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Gonzalo on Mar 26, 2012, 11:57 AM
Hi Rad

I recall you mentioned in the John and Yoko thread that Yoko made the famous contract through the santeria form of evil. I wanted to check whether the santeria cult is evil in itself, or there are evil and non-evil forms within such cult .... it seems that sacrifices of animals are intrinsic to this cult, and my personal feeling is that it tends to be quite evil ... also, I understand that it connects with prior egiptian gods, which could be another root of being evil ... but I am not sure

Also, is vudu always evil ? ... and what about the umbanda and the candomble ? ....

... as you know, these systems, the santeria, vudu, umbanda, and candomble, are quite common in central and south america, specially in some countries like Brazil

Or, does it still depend on the intention of each person engaged in these cults ? .... I mean, someone can use whatever form intrinsically benign, and use it for an evil purpose .... and someone could use some normally 'evil' form and use it with a positive intention ....

... however, at the same time, the forms and symbols within any system tend to absorb the desires which define the system .... as an example, someone using the crowley's tarot deck even with a positive intention could easily be drawn to the crowley's way of thought and be negatively 'inspired' through the images and symbols and how they are arranged as a part of that system ....

Thank you so much ...

Goddess Bless,

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Mar 27, 2012, 04:10 AM
Hi Rad,

Thanks for your response above.  I'd like to ask a few more questions if that's okay?

1.  Since Lucifer is an Asteroid, does that mean the nature of this archetype is "feminine"? 

2.  Lucifer 29 deg Scorpio turned Rx today.  Exactly what is it that one would revisit - redo - repeat?

3.  Could experiencing a deep sense of being released from fear be attributed to that Retrograde cycle?

4.  Can the contract be described as "making a contract with parts of oneself like the Shadow"? 

Thanks for these teachings,

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 27, 2012, 08:44 AM
Hi Gonzalo,

"Or, does it still depend on the intention of each person engaged in these cults ? .... I mean, someone can use whatever form intrinsically benign, and use it for an evil purpose .... and someone could use some normally 'evil' form and use it with a positive intention .... "


All such cults can directly lead to Evil, and making contracts with Evil. All such cults are motivated and created with the intent of harnessing natural laws, and manipulating such laws in order to created a desired result. In essence this creates the very real dynamic of humans playing the role of God/ess as a result. Humans can indeed learn to do with very real effects on others. These types of cults and the 'magic' that they offer, again, can lead directly to Evil as any given human involved with such cults can become psychologically addicted and dependent upon them in order to have their own desires fulfilled. The case of Yoko Ono, sadly, speaks to this fact. As you know she signed the contract with Evil in exactly this way.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 27, 2012, 09:11 AM
Hi Linda,

Quote from: Linda on Mar 27, 2012, 04:10 AM
Hi Rad,

Thanks for your response above.  I'd like to ask a few more questions if that's okay?

1.  Since Lucifer is an Asteroid, does that mean the nature of this archetype is "feminine"? 


No. Lucifer is male and female combined.


2.  Lucifer 29 deg Scorpio turned Rx today.  Exactly what is it that one would revisit - redo - repeat?


The archetypal themes/ dynamics of betrayal, abandonment, misplaced trust, being used by others for ulterior motives, and revisiting the past in a variety of ways in which the psychological/ sexual dynamics that were occurring is examined and reflected upon in such a way as to gain an ever deeper awareness as to the reasons why in order to learn about the causative Soul dynamics so that an evolution can occur. If any given Soul is currently involved in their life in which their trust is being misplaced circumstances will manifest in which the Soul is made aware of this fact, and then given the choice to do something about it.

From a 'bearer of Light' , God/ess, archetype within the asteroid Lucifer that can correlate to deep desires that have been blocked for whatever reasons suddenly bearing fruit if such desires are pure and necessary for the evolution of the Soul itself.


3.  Could experiencing a deep sense of being released from fear be attributed to that Retrograde cycle?


Released in the sense of such fear 'backing off' because the Soul has been in the process of dealing with that fear(s) with the intent of desiring to be free of them: the realize the causes of them so that the fear in no longer projected from the Soul that then makes them real. In other words, if there in no longer any actual existing reason to have whatever the fear is then can be the time for it to be released. The retrograde will correlate with the initial backing off from such fear and when the asteroid goes direct again this can correlate to the final purging of that fear.


4.  Can the contract be described as "making a contract with parts of oneself like the Shadow"? 


No. The retrograde Lucifer in Scorpio can correlate to becoming aware of the nature of that Shadow and the reasons for it. Then when Lucifer goes direct the Soul can take action upon that Shadow so as to make the Shadow ..............LIGHT.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Mar 27, 2012, 05:04 PM
Rad I'm so grateful for your sharing on Lucifer retrograde - I want to share my own personal experience of that just over the past couple of days.
Yesterday I was set up to give many mini readings at a cafe and came across a couple souls who have nodes at the end of the fixed signs and/or Venus at the very last degree of Scorpio.

The themes that came up for my clients and have been coming up for myself (since I have a Chiron Moon opposition at the end of Taurus/Scoprio) were about becoming aware of patterns of manipulation and dishonesty relative to the nature of our actual desires, and how we have acted upon those desires in the past.

Just before I read this post I was praying for higher understanding of my own inner psychology so I can learn from where I have been previously unconscious. And just now, while I am typing this my friend with Venus at the end of Scorpio squaring the nodes just walked up to me and gave me some food.

I didn't think about the fact of Lucifer being retro in Scorpio until now, and that provides so much context. Love,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Mar 27, 2012, 06:32 PM
Hi Rad,

I wanted to add to the thread, but the post includes a personal story about Lucifer's transit in Scorpio, which includes its Bearer of Light influence, Lucifer's influence in my early life and from the last time it transited in Scorpio, so I'm not sure if it's okay to actually post it.  I did last evening, but thought I better ask you first, so I deleted the post.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on Mar 27, 2012, 08:02 PM

Thank you for sharing your journey.  It has helped me to hear it.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Mar 27, 2012, 08:11 PM

I also want to acknowledge your courage and offer blessings to you and your  family--may legions of Angels assist you all.

From reading your posts and all the replies, I have learned a great deal.

Thank you,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 28, 2012, 10:07 AM
Hi Gonzalo,

"A question that arises for me from your answer is about people who are affected or harmed through other people engaged in that types of cults and magic. Does the affected people need, in order to be affected in that way, to have some type of prior connection with such types of energies, or a special vulnerability (psychological, emotional)? This seems to be the case when the effect is induced through suggestion, as when the agent needs to deliver some objects or image to the affected which produce a shock in which that image cannot be understood or integrated, creating an unresolved state through which fear manifests, creating a vulnerability."


They do not have to have a prior connection to such types of energies. And, yes, generally Souls who are hypersensitive and quite fearful for whatever reasons do have a vulnerability to these energies. Within this such Souls will also have some sort of 'belief' system that, because of the belief system, also make them especially vulnerable.


"But I understand that in other cases the effect is produced directly by energy, without any images entering the conscious awareness of the affected. Can anyone be affected by such? Would being affected by such indicate an evolutionary necessity involving the need to become aware of such types of influences? If not, what would be the intention?"


Yes, anyone can be affected by such because certain Souls who are permeated by Evil who have 'mastered' the capacity to manipulate Natural Laws in CONJUNCTION WITH EVIL ITSELF AND THE AGENTS OF THAT EVIL can affect just about anyone. Remember here the life of Jesus himself who very often said "Satan, get behind me". In essence leave me alone.

Yes, in such cases there is generally an evolutionary need to become aware of such types of influences.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 28, 2012, 10:08 AM
Hi Wendy,

Yes, please feel free to post and share your own story about this.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Mar 28, 2012, 11:04 AM
Quote from: Rad on Mar 28, 2012, 10:08 AM
Hi Wendy,

Yes, please feel free to post and share your own story about this.

God Bless, Rad

Okay thanks.  I also meant to state that the post includes the darker side of Lucifer as well, but ultimately carries a message of hope and Light.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Mar 28, 2012, 10:26 PM
Wow Rad, I am blow away by how powerfully effective, in a positive way, reading through this whole thread is in my life.  I feel the courage to move forward again in a way that I haven't been able to do for some time now.  So I truly appreciate you sharing all of this information on this forum.

I had loads of questions that I am working on forming and plan to post them and my Bearer of Light experience tomorrow.

Thanks again,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Mar 29, 2012, 01:49 AM
Hi Rad,

Aleister Crowley
Lucifer 29 deg Pisces, 9th house, conj N.Node Aries
S.Node of Lucifer 26 deg Capricorn, 5th house, conj Mars and squ Venus
N.Node 2 deg Virgo, 2nd house, conj Vesta

Sorry for so many questions Rad.  Please cull if necessary ;D

Many people were attracted to him and his teachings and underwent significant transformations in their lives.  They honestly believed that he made them see the Light.  That's the way he is looked upon by those people who have studied his books and teachings, and who are inspired by them.  He wrote a bunch of books that exposed the repressions in the Catholic Church.  He naturally opposed that kind of evil, the distortions of man-made religion.

Quote from JWG:  The intent of evil – is to create the opposite reality intended – it can be very hard to recognize these agents of evil, because they can seem like just the opposite of what they actually are – they have the ability to create all these masks – they've got the smiling face, the charm, sincerity, seem ever so honest, and the rest of it – and you wouldn't have a clue.

For those who are really "advancing" along the spiritual lines, the influence becomes even stronger.

[Lucifer in Pisces, 9th house.] This can be one of the causative factors of the false messiah syndrome. Somehow these people think they have a direct pipeline into God – and say so.

The worst form of this symbolism could manifest as creating one delusion or illusion after the other, and every delusion or illusion that is created is given ultimate meaning.  

Can you please explain how and why Crowley made a contract with evil?

Was the contract made in this lifetime or in a prior life?

Why do so many people say that he's had a positive Light-giving effect on their lives if he had made a contract with evil?

Had the contract been made AFTER he did all that work?

Are his supporters/followers/or those who are just attracted to his books/teachings being "influenced" now?

How can one be influenced (by evil) by what apparently seems to be the Light? 

Is that Light real or not?

Crowley is now dead....does that mean his "influence of evil" is no longer operative?

How can this information about Crowley help us on our spiritual journey?

At first, no one believed me when I passed on this information about Crowley.  Several comments were received along the lines of:   "There's no evidence that he was evil"  -  "Crowley is not for everybody" ...... while others are curious and await to learn more.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Mar 29, 2012, 10:19 AM

Hi Linda,

I am going to answer your questions about Crowley this time but please don't ask anymore about him.


Can you please explain how and why Crowley made a contract with evil?


For the same reasons any Soul makes such a contract.


Was the contract made in this lifetime or in a prior life?




Why do so many people say that he's had a positive Light-giving effect on their lives if he had made a contract with evil?


People 'believe' what they need to believe. It's the greatest weakness, in my view, of the Soul encased in human forms. Thousands upon thousands for a period of time in Germany 'believed' that Hitler had made a positive Light-giving effect on their lives as well.


Had the contract been made AFTER he did all that work?


It was made long before he did all that 'work'.


Are his supporters/followers/or those who are just attracted to his books/teachings being "influenced" now?


All in their own ways, yes. Many of these supporters and followers are perfectly innocent Souls who have no idea as to the actual  reality of Crowley. Hiding behind God as this agent does, and many like him do, these people end up 'believing' the opposite of what is actually true. As a result, Evil wins in  this way.


How can one be influenced (by evil) by what apparently seems to be the Light?


Evil's greatest trap to Souls is to hide behind the LIGHT OF GOD.


Is that Light real or not?


If you mean the LIGHT OF GOD then of course that is real. If you mean Evil hiding behind the LIGHT OF GOD that is also very real.


Crowley is now dead....does that mean his "influence of evil" is no longer operative?


His 'works' are still on this planet and many still are tempted by them. He is just another agent of Evil that do what they do. Thus, the 'influence' of this agent as well as all other agents is sustained by Evil itself.


How can this information about Crowley help us on our spiritual journey?


Of course because it is the knowing of the difference between the real and natural God/ess and that which is Evil. To know that Evil and it's agents USE GOD to hide behind in order to deceive and hook people.


At first, no one believed me when I passed on this information about Crowley.  Several comments were received along the lines of:   "There's no evidence that he was evil"  -  "Crowley is not for everybody" ...... while others are curious and await to learn more.


The greatest weakness in human beings, as far as I am concerned, is that they can literally make themselves 'believe' in anything. I have always found it interesting in the English language that the word believe has a word within it: lie.

People believe what they need to believe for their own reasons where those reasons are different for every human on this Earth. For example, in the USA, 20 percent of their population 'believes' the the Sun revolves around the Earth. Another 50 percent 'believe' that the Earth is less than 10,000 years old and that the human co-mingled with the Dinosaurs. Of course this point can be illustrated a millions ways yet the core of this point, again, is that human can literally make themselves 'believe' anything. Belief is very, very different than the actual KNOWING of something. The knowing of something is not a function of belief.

So whomever these folks are that you are talking about relative to Crowley will 'believe' whatever they need to in order to justify their interest in him.


God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Mar 29, 2012, 09:10 PM
Thanks Rad.

I have passed on your answers to those who were interested, and I have left that Facebook group for ever.  The purpose of their group had nothing to do with Crowley, but one or two members had divulged their involvement through reading his books.  I know they are all innocent.  However, perhaps one or two had been duped.  I just hope and pray that your information will help those individuals.  

In the Light of God only,


Added later:  I drew up a synastry chart of my joining and leaving that group.  It revealed a Star of David pattern.  I feel everyone has been served positively and blessed by the message of this thread.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Apr 01, 2012, 03:25 PM
Quote from: Wendy on Mar 27, 2012, 08:11 PM

I also want to acknowledge your courage and offer blessings to you and your  family--may legions of Angels assist you all.

From reading your posts and all the replies, I have learned a great deal.

Thank you,

Thank you so much, Wendy.  :)
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Apr 09, 2012, 11:00 PM
Hi Rad and all,

As I read through entire thread, I copied all of the quotes/questions/answers that piqued more inquiry for me, and now, am attempting to organize those questions.  Hopefully it will make sense.

If Lucifer corresponds directly to Pluto and the Soul (and the soul's desire to separate and return), it feels almost as important as Pluto in analyzing charts--to penetrate deeply into the Lucifer archetype to understand Pluto in the chart?

As I read through everything, it occurred to me, that all the challenges I have had with being an empath are relative to my own Lucifer, in relation to Pluto/Moon in my chart, PPP-Pisces and all the Cancer/Capricorn themes in it as well.  It was as if, once I had the understanding of Lucifer and its sign and house, a "light" went on and my whole chart began to come alive in a way that I had not understood before.

The question that arises out of all of this is:  should we consider Lucifer and its influences (good and bad) to be similar in importance as Pluto.  I realize that Pluto is the bottom-line, yet it feels to me that Lucifer carries a weight that encourages or discourages our evolution, and thus needs to be highly considered when analyzes charts.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Apr 09, 2012, 11:05 PM
Hi Rad,

Here are a few more questions, and they may be too general:

What is the meaning of SN of Lucifer conjunct the Sun?  I ask this because in EA when the Sun is in aspect to Pluto, from my understanding thus far, it does not correlate to the past life.  Thus when SN of planets are conjunct the Sun, what it that function meant to express?

Next question:  

In a parent/child synastry, when the child's Pluto (in Scorpio) is conjunct the mother's Lucifer/Venus/Neptune conjunction, would the parent be prone to unconsciously influencing the child's soul towards separating desires, and thus evil?  I realize this is very generic, but I didn't know if I should give more of the chart information or not.  

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Apr 10, 2012, 08:45 AM
Hi Wendy,

Quote from: Wendy on Apr 09, 2012, 11:05 PM
Hi Rad,

Here are a few more questions, and they may be too general:

What is the meaning of SN of Lucifer conjunct the Sun?  I ask this because in EA when the Sun is in aspect to Pluto, from my understanding thus far, it does not correlate to the past life.  Thus when SN of planets are conjunct the Sun, what it that function meant to express?


The S.Nodes, and the location of their rulers, by houses and signs all correlate to various past life dynamics. When the Sun is conjunct these past life symbols it simply means that AS A CURRENT LIFE PURPOSE that those dynamics are all part of the how the Soul goes about actualizing and integrating it's current life purpose.


Next question:  

In a parent/child synastry, when the child's Pluto (in Scorpio) is conjunct the mother's Lucifer/Venus/Neptune conjunction, would the parent be prone to unconsciously influencing the child's soul towards separating desires, and thus evil?  I realize this is very generic, but I didn't know if I should give more of the chart information or not.


First, separating desires in and of themselves are not 'evil'. Lucifer or evil can can certainly influence any of our Souls by way of keeping our Souls bound up in those desires so as to try to suppress the desire to return to our Source. There is no way to answer your question in any specific way relative to the child/ parent symbols you are asking about. As you know the whole charts must be correctly understood before any answer can be given relative to those symbols.

This thread has been exhaustive in terms of all the archetypes involved with Lucifer complete with the case history involving Sunyata's situation. I don't feel it's necessary at this point to go into this any further by way of another case history.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Apr 10, 2012, 08:53 AM
Hi Wendy,

Quote from: Wendy on Apr 09, 2012, 11:00 PM
Hi Rad and all,

As I read through entire thread, I copied all of the quotes/questions/answers that piqued more inquiry for me, and now, am attempting to organize those questions.  Hopefully it will make sense.

If Lucifer corresponds directly to Pluto and the Soul (and the soul's desire to separate and return), it feels almost as important as Pluto in analyzing charts--to penetrate deeply into the Lucifer archetype to understand Pluto in the chart?


Lucifer does not correspond directly to Pluto and the Soul. Thus, it is only  necessary to understand the archetypes that correlate to Lucifer and how the those archetypes can interact with the Soul/Pluto/ the Soul.


As I read through everything, it occurred to me, that all the challenges I have had with being an empath are relative to my own Lucifer, in relation to Pluto/Moon in my chart, PPP-Pisces and all the Cancer/Capricorn themes in it as well.  It was as if, once I had the understanding of Lucifer and its sign and house, a "light" went on and my whole chart began to come alive in a way that I had not understood before.

The question that arises out of all of this is:  should we consider Lucifer and its influences (good and bad) to be similar in importance as Pluto.  I realize that Pluto is the bottom-line, yet it feels to me that Lucifer carries a weight that encourages or discourages our evolution, and thus needs to be highly considered when analyzes charts.


No. The Soul is that which is the causative factor for any symbol and all symbols in the birth chart including Lucifer. It is the Soul itself that is the determinant of exactly how the influence of Lucifer is responded too. Lucifer, of itself, IS NOT THAT DETERMINANT.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Apr 10, 2012, 12:59 PM
Thanks Rad for the clarification.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Apr 11, 2012, 03:12 PM
Hi Rad, a moment ago during a reading a client gave me a chart of a daughter in law and asked if I could offer some context. As I did that - something happened that never occurred b4, I accidentally typed 666 as the birth time. After correcting that, when I looked at the chart, it was full of strong Scorpio 8th house implications.

I of course did not come to any conclusions and simply offered whatever perspectives I knew I could relative to the information that had been shared with me. I just wanted to ask if 666 has any correlation with evil. Thank you.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Apr 12, 2012, 08:58 AM
Hi Ari,

Only in legend from my point of view.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on May 06, 2012, 03:51 PM
Hello everyone.

I just wanted to give an update for everyone that was following this.

On March 5th my xwife came out here and she ended up staying for a month. First off it was incredibly hard for her to get here because there was so much psychological resistance from all involved over there.

While she was here it was pretty powerful for many reasons. It provided such a contrast between the two places in every single way imaginable from the physical environment to the emotional support etc.
We have our own stuff as well apart from this and that came up and some of it got cleared. And of course her being with our son who is so much like her, there is not an experience quite like seeing yourself in your own child and reflecting on how ones patterns have created ones reality"¦"¦anyway, intense, intense.

My stepson was watched by his grandparents and some with his real dad. There was an incident at his fathers where he almost started a bonfire in the living room. Also he was taken to a psychiatrist who gave him a prescription for a mood disorder but told him that if he didn't like it after 7 days he didn't have to take it, so he took it once or twice and looked it up on the internet and stopped taking it.

When she returned she was clear and direct with everyone that she was ready to give up custody of him if he  continued to do what he had been doing. She said this to her parents, to the child, to the parole officer, to the father to everyone"¦"¦"¦..she stayed there, stayed as strong as possible while being totally depressed and miserable seeing things clearly from the perspective of how this situation came to be.

So last week things just broke open. A space opened up in the place we are living, a space that had been occupied for 19 years by the same couple, at the same time she was pushing to transfer his probation to Oregon so that she could move here. Originally she was going to move here and get her own place with my stepson but when this place opened up she decided she was going to move here in this house.
My initial reaction was one of total ominous doom. I was torn between doing this for her, giving the two bothers an opportunity and giving my stepson yet another, and final opportunity from my perspective.
So after 3 days I said ok.

Then came another twist. Before he could transfer he had to appear in front of the judge. The possibilities were:
1.   He would not be allowed to transfer and would have to stay there (along with his mom) under house arrest on probation until he is 18 (Oct.)
2.   He would go back to the facility where he was before he was allowed to live with his mother and his mother would be allowed to leave and come to Oregon.
3.   His transfer would go through and they would come here.

So that's what was going through my mind and I didn't really know how it would play out. On Friday at 9am they had court and from my bed in Oregon I saw the judge letting him off of probation and while I was in my half asleep state that I was in I was physically repulsed. That's the reaction my body had to that news. It was not one of my 3 choices of possibilities. Sure enough, that's what happened. I got the call about an hour later.

So everyone is free and he wants to come here and live with us and after processing my feelings I told him that I could not live with him if he was not on a mood stabilizer and even then I didn't know if it was the best idea. I told him if he comes out here I would support him and his brother reconnecting and do what I can. I told him that I had agreed to him living here under the umbrella of probation because we would have resources in place if he were to lose control but now there is nothing and nobody that he has to answer to.

He told me this "please do not be stressed out and try to comprehend that I am not going to hurt our family ever again. You have my word and I am straight up turning over a new leaf for the benefit of all"

I don't know whats going to happen now.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Elen on May 06, 2012, 06:53 PM
Hi Sunyata,

Thank you so much for posting this.  I will keep you in my prayers.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on May 06, 2012, 08:35 PM
You are welcome. And also I wanted to clarify that my response came after his and we haven't talked since. Its really hard because I feel like I am uniquely qualified to help him, but at the same time I am not going to get into a situation where I am repeating all of the past...or any of it really... I dont want that same pattern to repeat.
Its hard. And out of all the goofballs in this drama, I feel like there isnt anyone else that can help him in the way I can. I also want to support his mom in starting over, her relationship with our son, my sons relationship with his brother, everyone has an opportunity to heal something through this, i can see that.....there is alot going on and it seems like I am the least intertwined in his life directly but at the same time I am the most intertwined on another level. I dont want to turn my back on him in his time of need......But after rereading my response I think it is fair to ask him to meet everyone half-way and take his medication and so I feel comfortable with that..... for now anyway... i dont know.

Also again, thanks to everyone for all the support, prayers, emotions, time and energy that you have given to this subject. Its been part of an incredible learning process for me and also part of an awakening in my consciousness that's been happening to me for awhile.  I hope everyone has found something that they can take from this in their own understanding.

Rad, big hugs to you especially. Thank you for your clarity.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on May 07, 2012, 08:59 AM
Hi Sunyata,

We will all be praying that the only the best can happen with this new situation.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on May 07, 2012, 09:17 AM
Dear Sunyata,
I will be praying for you and your family that this results in the best and most healing outcome for all involved.
God bless,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on May 07, 2012, 09:46 AM
Hi Sunyata and all,

I wanted to share with you a resource I happened upon recently.  I was led to a spiritual shamanic healer via an ad on my gmail account, and I have never clicked on one of those ads, until last week.  This Shamanic training comes directly from Victor Barron in California.  Victor is a healer and his work is related to spiritual hygiene and what he calls leech's (entity attachment).  So his healing deals with the removal of them, and even with those who have been influenced by witchcraft and evil.  He has a book "Humanity's Spiritual Plague" which speaks to this directly.

He works long distance and may be able to help in your familial situation.  His website is (  

The site is very basic and does not talk about the types of services he offers, but his book clearly describes that he can address to these very dark influences.  Victor is a natural born healer/psychic who has been having visions and visitations from God since he was a child.  

When I was in the workshop, I felt a connection to John of God and asked about it.  The instructor told me that Victor went to see John of God, and John asked him what he was doing there, as he needed no healing.  Then asked Victor to give him, John of God, a healing.  

The energy is very clean and clear and I experienced profound release after receiving a healing and on the last day of the workshop, I ventured across the street to the nursery to buy some herbs to grow.  While I was in the back, looking for Cone-flower where the clerk told me I could find it, I was feeling illuminated with light from the weekend and turned around and in front of me was a single plant container with the words "Lucifer" written in white chalk!  Apparently there is a plant, Crocismia Lucifer (red in color and hummingbirds love them).

The healing I had, addressed the consequence of my own unconscious separating desires from the last time Lucifer was transiting in Scorpio--six years ago, and much more I believe.

Thanks for this thread and I hope that this may be of help to you all.

God Bless,

Also, Victor works with the masculine form of God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), he was raised in the Catholic Church, and also with Mother Mary, otherwise there is no talk of the feminine, though Mother Earth is included in the training, etc.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Oct 24, 2012, 11:12 PM
Hi beautiful friends,

I have been wondering about the "Bearer of Light" aspect of this archetype. In the transcripts Jeffery does occasionally refer to this, but I am longing for more understanding of how evil and the lightbearer are within the same archetype. Is the light bearer piece of the archetype in a chart found initially only in the polarity point of Lucifer and the nodes and aspects to that trinity and then as it is evolved  and integrated then the natal placement eventually reflects that evolution? I guess I'm wondering if the law of the trinity applies in the same way here?

Thank you for feedback and blessings!

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Oct 25, 2012, 09:48 AM
Hi Heather,

Quote from: mountainheather on Oct 24, 2012, 11:12 PM
Hi beautiful friends,

I have been wondering about the "Bearer of Light" aspect of this archetype. In the transcripts Jeffery does occasionally refer to this, but I am longing for more understanding of how evil and the lightbearer are within the same archetype. Is the light bearer piece of the archetype in a chart found initially only in the polarity point of Lucifer and the nodes and aspects to that trinity and then as it is evolved  and integrated then the natal placement eventually reflects that evolution? I guess I'm wondering if the law of the trinity applies in the same way here?


No. JWG taught that the symbol of Lucifer itself, and it's nodes, and the location of the planetary ruler of those nodes by house/sign placement with aspects to them from other planets, all correlate to both the consciousness of God and Evil AS THE SAME TIME. In other words both God and Evil are within the Lucifer symbol. The reason for this is because God/ess itself is the origin of Evil because of the natural law of free choice that God placed with the phenomena of consciousness itself from the beginning of the manifested Creation.

Thus the potential for Evil exists in all consciousness everywhere including consciousness in human form. There are various cosmological believe structures that reflect this archetype as in the key arch angels that God manifested one of which was Lucifer. Lucifer, according to this belief structure, was given an order by God to come to places in time/space like Earth so as to serve the types of beings is such places. Lucifer rebelled against this order, free choice, and thought within itself that all beings in such places, including human, should serve him

So the potential to be influenced by the consciousness of God and Evil exist simultaneously in the astrological symbol of Lucifer.

It might be an interesting thing within this existing thread to focus on the God part of the Lucifer symbol in birth charts. We could do this archetypical by simply putting Lucifer in the various houses/ signs. We could then deepen this by way of adding it's nodal axis within charts, and deepen from there by way of the location of the planetary rulers of those nodes.

If anyone is interested in doing this please let me know.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Oct 25, 2012, 10:03 AM
Rad I would love that opportunity. Thanks for the offer.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Oct 25, 2012, 10:35 AM
Hi Rad,
Thanks for your reply and offer. I am interested in learning more about the God aspect for sure. Thanks Ari for joining in.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Oct 25, 2012, 08:42 PM
I will participate. God knows this is exactly where I need to focus right now. Thank you for suggesting this.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Oct 25, 2012, 08:46 PM
And thank you Heather for posting the question.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Oct 26, 2012, 10:22 AM
Hi Heather, Stacie, Gonzalo, and Ari ...

Ok, I think we will start this focus on the God aspect of the asteroid Lucifer next week. If anyone else wants to join in please let me know.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Oct 26, 2012, 11:06 AM
Hi Rad

I am extremely interested in this and would like to participate as well

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Oct 26, 2012, 11:59 AM
Hi Rad,
I would like to participate too. Thanks so much for this opportunity to focus on the God aspect of the symbol  of  Lucifer.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Oct 26, 2012, 12:25 PM
I will be following along.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Oct 26, 2012, 04:11 PM
I will participate too.  Thank you.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Oct 26, 2012, 05:14 PM
Hi Rad and everyone,
I have something to clarify before we start. I understand the symbol of God consciousness to be represented in the chart by Neptune, 12th house and Pisces. Is there an interface or something in common with the archetypal Lucifer God consciousness, or should this question wait until we discuss Lucifer in aspect to Neptune the 12house and Pisces?
Thanks again and looking forward to working with everyone here!
(your welcome Stacie!)
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Upasika on Oct 27, 2012, 12:42 AM
Hi Rad,

Sounds very interesting and I'll be following along, although may not have time to partcipate, I will if I can. Thanks.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Oct 27, 2012, 08:11 AM
Quote from: mountainheather on Oct 26, 2012, 05:14 PM
Hi Rad and everyone,
I have something to clarify before we start. I understand the symbol of God consciousness to be represented in the chart by Neptune, 12th house and Pisces. Is there an interface or something in common with the archetypal Lucifer God consciousness, or should this question wait until we discuss Lucifer in aspect to Neptune the 12house and Pisces?
Thanks again and looking forward to working with everyone here!
(your welcome Stacie!)

Hi Heather,

Yes, they do. Just as Scorpio, the 8th, and Pluto can also correlate with the phenomena of Evil. There are many doors through which the impulse/ consciousness of God or Evil manifest in our lives. The asteroid Lucifer simply correlates to one of those doors.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Oct 27, 2012, 12:47 PM
Hi Rad,
Ok, I get it, thank you.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Kristin on Oct 28, 2012, 11:20 AM
Hi Rad,

What a valuable study this will be ..thank you!
I will follow along as well and when time allows following the conference will jump in when I can.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Oct 29, 2012, 09:54 AM
Hi All,

Well it's great that so many of you want to participate in this thread. We will start tomorrow, Tuesday, as I have many things I need to tend to at the moment. The first thought I want us all to work with as we at first talk about Lucifer, as bearer of Light/God, through the signs is that this influence manifests in direct correlation with the underlying EA paradigm in each birth chart. In other words it is essential that we establish the EA context of any given Soul in order to understand the natal placement of Lucifer in any birth chart. And this includes the natural evolutionary states of any given Soul.

So what I propose that we do is after discussing the total archetype of Lucifer in Aries, for example, that we then create a few examples of birth charts that have the underlying EA paradigm in place in order to understand exactly how and why the Lucifer in Aries manifests in a given context.

In so doing we will only examine the core of any given EA paradigm, not all of it's manifestations but just it's core. And from that core understanding then examining and discussing the Lucifer in Aries relative to that core context. I would to do this with Lucifer through all the signs. And, from there, we can begin to add on to this by way of Lucifer's Nodes, and the location of it's planetary rulers in any given chart.

So we are looking at a fairly exhaustive approach, but an approach that will help all of us understand and apply correctly the placement of Lucifer in any given birth chart.

If anyone does not want to participate in this way please let me know. By not replying to me in this way I will assume that those that don't want to proceed in this way.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Oct 29, 2012, 12:21 PM
Hi Rad,
I'll participate with the format you have described. I'm not sure whether you needed a reply or not, but I did just in case.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Oct 29, 2012, 01:17 PM
Sounds good to me!

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Oct 29, 2012, 01:23 PM
Fine with me..

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Oct 29, 2012, 01:52 PM
I like this approach, Rad.Thanks
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Oct 29, 2012, 04:44 PM
An exhaustive approach would be very beneficial.

Looking forward to studying with you and our group.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Steven on Oct 29, 2012, 11:24 PM
Joining the many voices here.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Oct 30, 2012, 11:11 AM
Hi Group,

So let's begin relatively simply, and build from there. When Lucifer is in Aries, from the bearer of Light's point of view, the consciousness of God/ess tries to fill the Soul with the energy and desires to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development: the break from the past. In so doing, the Soul can thus be filled with the consciousness of having a necessary courage and independence to do so. As a result, the Soul can then inwardly feel it has something new or special to do that requires and essential freedom to initiate whatever experiences necessary to discover and actualize that which is new for itself in evolutionary terms. And , because of this, such a Soul can also then desire to inspire and lead the way's for others in terms of discovering something new for themselves.

The natal house in which the Lucifer in Aries manifests is where these bearer of Light archetypes will manifest. The specific evolutionary condition of any given Soul will condition or determine the nature of how these archetypes manifest.

Right now for those who are participating in this thread go ahead and write out Lucifer in Aries through the houses relative to these simple archetypes, and condition each one by way of the consensus, individuated, and spiritual evolutionary conditions. When done please post here so that we can all go through them together.

If you have any questions please ask them now.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Oct 31, 2012, 08:54 AM
Hi Rad,

Just wanting to clarify the context of Lucifer as Bearer of Light for the purpose of this exercise.  What you have presented as the basis of lucifer in aries, from the point of view of bearer of light, sounds like the natural intent of the aries archetype itself. My understanding is that every archetype in EA has a natural manifestation, and when we choose to cooperate with the intent of any symbol in the birth chart, we are cooperating with the will of God'dess (returning desire).  When we choose to resist that intent, we are essentially 'rebelling' against God'dess will (desire to stay separate).  How then is lucifer as bearer of light within the aries archetype distinct from the archetype of aries itself?  We have learned that the lucifer symbol, when manifesting through the consciousness of evil, has some very specific correlations. For example this will correlate to the weakest point in the soul structure, and where/how any of us can be influenced by evil in ways that will attempt to create the opposite reality intended. Also that as an underlying MO, evil will attempt to magnify and distort reality in order to induce negative emotion, relative to the weakest point in the soul structure, to make the soul feel that its efforts to heal or liberate from these influences are futile. 

If these dynamics are operative in the lucifer symbol when manifesting as evil, it seems there would also be dynamics that are distinct to lucifer as bearer of light.  Just wanted to find out if there is anything relevant that could be added along these lines, to further clarify the dynamics of lucifer when being applied as bearer of light--beyond the obvious intention of cooperating with the natural archetypes of the sign/house that lucifer is in, its aspects, rulers, etc.  I hope my question is clear..let me know if its not.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Oct 31, 2012, 09:54 AM
Quote from: Stacie on Oct 31, 2012, 08:54 AM
Hi Rad,

Just wanting to clarify the context of Lucifer as Bearer of Light for the purpose of this exercise.  What you have presented as the basis of lucifer in aries, from the point of view of bearer of light, sounds like the natural intent of the aries archetype itself. My understanding is that every archetype in EA has a natural manifestation, and when we choose to cooperate with the intent of any symbol in the birth chart, we are cooperating with the will of God'dess (returning desire).  When we choose to resist that intent, we are essentially 'rebelling' against God'dess will (desire to stay separate).  How then is lucifer as bearer of light within the aries archetype distinct from the archetype of aries itself?  We have learned that the lucifer symbol, when manifesting through the consciousness of evil, has some very specific correlations. For example this will correlate to the weakest point in the soul structure, and where/how any of us can be influenced by evil in ways that will attempt to create the opposite reality intended. Also that as an underlying MO, evil will attempt to magnify and distort reality in order to induce negative emotion, relative to the weakest point in the soul structure, to make the soul feel that its efforts to heal or liberate from these influences are futile. 

If these dynamics are operative in the lucifer symbol when manifesting as evil, it seems there would also be dynamics that are distinct to lucifer as bearer of light.  Just wanted to find out if there is anything relevant that could be added along these lines, to further clarify the dynamics of lucifer when being applied as bearer of light--beyond the obvious intention of cooperating with the natural archetypes of the sign/house that lucifer is in, its aspects, rulers, etc.  I hope my question is clear..let me know if its not.


Hi Stacie,

The underlying EA paradigm in any chart correlates as you know the the Soul's own program in any given life in which the dynamic of free choice is then the determinant of what the Soul decides to do relative to it's ongoing evolutionary intentions. If the Soul makes choices to move forwards with it's own intentions by way of the choices it makes then such choices, progressively, begin to exit the separating desires that keep the Soul away from it's Source: God/ess. If the Soul resists by way of choice making it's own ongoing evolutionary intentions then it is sustaining those separating desires that keep it from going home to it's Source.

The Lucifer as 'bearer of Light' is an archetype, of itself, in which the Source of the Soul, all Souls, manifests an internal energy or consciousness of God/ess within the Soul whose intention, the Source's, is to help the Soul not only evolve, but evolve in such a way that the nature of such intentions brings the Soul ever closer back to it's Source. Thus such intentions of God/ess relative to the archetype of Lucifer as 'bearer of Light' manifest through the sign, house, and aspects to it. These intentions created by the Source are unique to the individual evolutionary and karmic context of each Soul. 

Aries in an archetypes, like any archetype, that has a spectrum of archetypal dynamics within it. Lucifer, the Source, is the Origin of those archetypes, and all archetypes. So the simple definition of Lucifer in Aries that was created in this thread reflects this fact.

The Soul, in any of us, experiences the intentions of God/ess relative to Lucifer as 'bearer of Light' as an impulse, an energy, a consciousness, that is LARGER THAT THE SOUL ITSELF. If the Soul acknowledges this energy, impulse, or consciousness, and then makes choices to honor what the intentions are relative to this, then such a Soul is putting itself in alignment with the Source of itself. In so doing the Soul is consciously or directly experiencing the energy of consciousness of God'ess as the 'bearer of Light' in it's own life.

As a result the Soul quickens it's own evolution back to it's Source.

If you any additional questions about this please ask.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Oct 31, 2012, 10:50 PM
Hi Rad,

I've realized the vastness of this assignment. I'm wishing to understand your intention for this thread. Do you wish us to be brief in our descriptions of Bearer of Light/Lucifer in Aries through all the houses in all the evolutionary stages and their sub-stages?  Perhaps do we not go into the sub-stages?  Or everyone just do as they feel inclined?


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 01, 2012, 10:21 AM
Hi Linda, and all others in our group ,

Linda: Thanks for making that great effort. Much of what you have written does not correlate to purely the 'bearer of Light' impulse, energy, or consciousness of God/ess which is what the focus of this thread is. Most of what you have written is the interaction between God/ess and Evil with the resulting inner struggle within the Aries archetype manifesting through the evolutionary states.

What I had in mind was something much more simple than this: focusing on the impulse or consciousness of the 'bearer of Light' through the signs right now. Thus, the simple definition that was provided. All of us, again, inwardly experience this impulse or consciousness from the 'bearer of Light' as something much larger than ourselves: our Soul/ ego. An analogy would be something like a person standing still on a street and suddenly or perpetually a wind manifests that moves against the person.

Let's make a simple example:

Lucifer in Aries in the 2nd House: A Soul who inwardly experiences an impulse or sense of consciousness, that is not it's own, that is directly it, encouraging it, to discover through action new values for itself that correlate to it's underlying meaning for it's life. The intent of the 'bearer of Light' in so doing is to have such a Soul change it's inner relationship to itself: how the Soul is relating to itself. In so doing this in turn will have the affect of changing how the Soul relates to others. Since the consciousness of God/ess is always to give to others this would then manifest within this Soul the desire to help others discover new values for themselves, of discovering a new meaning for their own lives.

This is just a simple example but my intent is to keep it simple for now.

This simple example could then be put through the consensus, individuated, and spiritual evolutionary states: not the sub-states unless any of those participating in the thread feels like doing that.

Let's again make simple examples:

In the consensus state, just as an example, not meant to be exhaustive of all possibilities, let's say the Soul had as a preexisting value system equaling the meaning for it's life, how it inwardly related to itself and thus others, that was focused on acquiring material gain leading to wealth formation. In turn this then created a valuing of greed. Because of this value system the Soul thus related to others as potential 'resources' that it could use to further it's desires for material gain: using others therein.

With the Lucifer in Aries in this house, given that preexisting context, the impulse or consciousness of God/ess, the bearer of Light, would inwardly manifest as a 'wind' in which Soul found itself, at first because of the preexisting values, feeling limited by those values. This would then manifest as a thought or desires that then said 'there must be more than this'. Given the existing context that could then manifest as this Soul desiring, because of the impulse of the 'bearer of Light', to share it's preexisting wealth/ resources with others. There could be many manifestations of that. For example, the Soul could desire to share of give some of it's wealth to charities that benefit others. And if this Soul had preexisting relationship with others who also were wealthy, or had some kind of material abundance, this could then manifest as encouraging them to do the same thing in order to deepen their own sense of personal meaning for living, to change their own inner relationships because of.

So this example illustrates what I had in mind.

Let me know if this makes sense to you, and everyone else who is reading this. If you have questions please ask now.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Nov 01, 2012, 03:20 PM
Hi Rad,

I do understand what you mean now.

Thanks for giving those examples, for they will allow
me to supply more simple definitions in the way you
have suggested.

I've deleted my post in order to get on the right track.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Nov 03, 2012, 11:13 AM
Hi All,

Just wanted to express thanks for the discussion/focus that's been initiated here to understand and work with lucifer as bearer of light.  Yesterday God'dess gave me an opportunity to witness/participate in this impulse playing out in my own life.  In making the choice to act on it (after initially brushing it off bcz of concern for safety--i.e. it was 3 am in a dark unpopulated part of the city), I ended up having a really incredible encounter with a homeless man.  Neither one of us knew what was coming until it was upon us--a powerful heart communion that can only be explained as the love of God'dess.  This man seemed to be at his wit's end when I pulled over to engage him"¦he had been walking slowly down the street with a slight limp and his head bowed down..nothing on him but the shirt on his back.  Gave him a few bucks so he could grab some breakfast, which he expressed such gratitude for. But it later became clear to me that the real value of that encounter had nothing to do with the money and everything to do with the receipt of an unsolicited gesture of love/concern from a stranger. I watched his inner state shift right before my eyes, and in witnessing that, it instantly shifted my inner state too. In fact, shortly after making contact, his attention turned to heart-felt concern for MY safety and wellbeing, with me being alone in that part of town and all.  We exchanged the traditional "God bless you's" and I could see in his eyes that he really, really meant it..also that he was recognizing that God'dess was answering his inner cries by me pulling over in my car, rolling down the window, and just saying the simple words, "Are you ok?".  It was a really neat interaction, and as I drove away I heard him call out from the street corner, "I love you!!".  It just made my heart melt.  That experience was just as healing and comforting for me as it was for him, and it was a direct result of this thread that I paused to do a self-check on my hesitation to reach out, acting on the impulse instead.  Just wanted to share that.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Nov 03, 2012, 11:22 AM
Oh yeah, and I guess it's helpful to point out that the story I just shared is relative to a natal lucifer rx in taurus/11th house.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 03, 2012, 11:42 AM
Hi Stacie,

Thanks for sharing your story which so perfectly reflects your natal Lucifer retro in Taurus in the 11th. This is, indeed, how the 'bearer of Light' manifests. So many humans always, inwardly, want God to do something for us. How many, within themselves, say "what can I do for God/ess". Your actions with this homeless man reflects exactly that.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Nov 03, 2012, 11:59 AM
Hi Rad, I too am following along and may participate fully, it all depends on time and where my focus goes.  

I am wondering about this statement below:
Quote from: Rad on Oct 31, 2012, 09:54 AM
The Soul, in any of us, experiences the intentions of God/ess relative to Lucifer as 'bearer of Light' as an impulse, an energy, a consciousness, that is LARGER THAT THE SOUL ITSELF.

How could this impulse be larger than the soul itself?  Does this mean Lucifer, in the form of bearer of light, helps activate the souls evolutionary mission or intent, so to speak? and natal Pluto?

For me, I personally experience this, as my natal Pluto is in house which rules my natal Lucifer, thus I feel them intrinsically related, with house archetypes that square forcing the issues they bring me personally to the surface.

ALSO, in writing brief descriptions of Lucifer in Aries through the houses, do we write about the house's influence from the perspective of Pluto?  I guess I think about the houses as they relate to Pluto, so getting that out of my mind seems counter-intuitive when thinking about EA.  

Thanks Rad.

Godd'ess Blessings,

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Nov 03, 2012, 12:11 PM
Stacie reading about your encounter brings tears to my eyes and heart--THANK YOU for sharing it.

I too have had similar experiences with those who, in what feels like a loveless never-ending moment and absolute despair, another extends concern and care, at the risk of whatever.  I've been on both sides and another's open-heart and willingness to share truly 'bears light' when there seemed to be none.

with Love,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 03, 2012, 01:30 PM
Hi Wendy,

Quote from: Wendy on Nov 03, 2012, 11:59 AM
Hi Rad, I too am following along and may participate fully, it all depends on time and where my focus goes.  

I am wondering about this statement below:
Quote from: Rad on Oct 31, 2012, 09:54 AM
The Soul, in any of us, experiences the intentions of God/ess relative to Lucifer as 'bearer of Light' as an impulse, an energy, a consciousness, that is LARGER THAT THE SOUL ITSELF.

How could this impulse be larger than the soul itself?


Because what we call God/ess is larger than any individual Soul.


 Does this mean Lucifer, in the form of bearer of light, helps activate the souls evolutionary mission or intent, so to speak? and natal Pluto?


Yes because of the consciousness or impulse of God/ess that makes the Soul aware of it's own Source: thus the desire, how ever momentary it may be for some, to return to the Source of the Soul.


For me, I personally experience this, as my natal Pluto is in house which rules my natal Lucifer, thus I feel them intrinsically related, with house archetypes that square forcing the issues they bring me personally to the surface.

ALSO, in writing brief descriptions of Lucifer in Aries through the houses, do we write about the house's influence from the perspective of Pluto?  I guess I think about the houses as they relate to Pluto, so getting that out of my mind seems counter-intuitive when thinking about EA.  


The archetypes that JWG wrote about, taught about, relative to the houses are just that: archetypes that directly correlate to the nature of each house or sign. Pluto as it's own archetype, the Soul, manifests through these archetypes just as he taught. Lucifer also manifests through these very same archetypes in the way that it does. The example I wrote about above illustrates this, just as does the experience that Stacie shared.


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Upasika on Nov 04, 2012, 01:39 AM
Hi Rad,

If it's OK with you I'd just like see if I understand the bigger picture of where Lucifer fits in (on both sides) before the posts on Lucifer sign & house etc get underway. So I've written the following summary, which is as I understand it. Could you please correct me if my understanding isn't right?


SOURCE is all that has existed, does exist, and will exist - because SOURCE is eternally ALL THAT IS, whether manifested or not.

SOURCE has created us all as a Soul, a consciousness that - like energy - cannot be destroyed, rather can only change, or inhabit different, forms. And within us at this Soul level, we have two fundamental kinds of desire - one, to go on a journey of separation from our SOURCE so that we can discover our individuality to it's fullest, and the resulting separation to it's fullest. And once that has been achieved, the other kind of desire comes to the fore, to then return back to the SOURCE from where we originally came.

Evolution for the Soul involves the entire journey away from SOURCE as it follows it's separating desires, progressively growing in individuality as it does so, and then the long journey back to SOURCE as it follows the desire to reunite with SOURCE, gradually losing all it's individuality as it does so, until it eventually it becomes fully merged back into SOURCE itself.

However also operating at the Soul level is the freedom at any moment to choose which kind of desire to act upon. And regardless of which kind of desire we actually do pursue, karma is created either way. This creates a unique pathway for each Soul - each journey is different. And because of this freedom very little in each Soul's journey is linear - usually it's a criss-crossing path involving forward, backwards and sideways movement, depending on lots of trial and error and the eventual choices each Soul actually makes. This journey of the Soul (as relevant to the current life) is represented by Pluto, it's Nodes and their rulers, and the PPP.

In order to facilitate this process, in each incarnation the Soul creates an ego, a body/feeling/thinking mechanism through which to focus the consciousness and desires of the Soul. This ego, represented by the Moon, is mostly experienced as a (usually deeply subconscious) complex emotionally based image and sense of ourselves, and when this remains consistent and familiar over time we feel inwardly secure. And the manner of operation of this ego mechanism during the past, in this life and in the future (as relevant to the current life), is shown by the Moon's Nodes and their rulers, and the Moon's PP.

The freedom of the Soul is experienced by each of us at an ego and being level as the sense of "free will" that we have. "I can do what I like" is the Being ("I" - Sun) speaking from that sense of separation (Ego - Moon) asserting my "free will".  

This sense of free will experienced by all of us via our Sun and Moon is the key ingredient in the evolution of our Soul, because each choice we make has deep implications.

The Soul has been seeded from SOURCE with the need to evolve. To do so the Soul creates evolutionary intentions for each life (shown primarily by the condition of Pluto and the PPP, and the Moon's Nodes and their rulers, and then secondarily by the remainder of the entire chart except the Sun). These intentions are transmitted from our Soul to our conscious self (primarily Sun & Moon) via Mars (lower octave of Pluto) as desires that we become conscious of. There will usually be a plethora of desires that we become aware of, some stronger than others, and depending on each Soul, a different mix of desires to separate, and to return.

Because of our free will we (as a being/ego/personality) can either choose to cooperate with those desires that are of a separating nature, or those desires of a returning nature, or some of both. If we decide to pursue desires to separate then we're moving away from SOURCE, and eventually (after many, many lives) into a more closed isolated situation. If however, we follow desires to return, then we will be opening ourselves to change, expansion and a more liberated situation.

SOURCE, having the intention to help each of us as a Soul evolve, and in so doing move closer to ITSELF, manifests in each of us an impulse/energy/consciousness that is experienced by us as being a greater force than ourselves. If we recognise this force, and it's inherent intentions (to help us), and use our free will to choose to move through any fears and past any blocks we may have, to then fully acknowledging this impulse inside us by surrendering to it, and thus acting from it, we are actually directly aligning with SOURCE itself. And thus, according to the capacity we've developed to be able to do so to that point, we will directly experience the energy and consciousness of SOURCE as a result.

These intentions of SOURCE to help us, this energy or consciousness within us that is experienced as being larger than us, larger than our Soul - is represented in the chart by Lucifer, operating as the "Bearer of Light". In this situation, it is SOURCE itself manifesting to us via Lucifer. When this is happening our experiences of what is sharing & kindness, goodness, honesty, compassion, nourishment ... what is truth, essence, beauty, unconditional love, peace, joy , ecstasy & bliss ... are all magnified and intensified. These are the moments when we feel blessed to be alive (as Stacie shared with us).

These intentions for us to be helped are unique to each of us, so by looking at Lucifer's location (sign and house) and it's aspects we can see what these intentions are and how they will be experienced. Thus Lucifer in the chart can show us where we can potentially accelerate our evolution back to SOURCE.


Because we are creating our own karma with every choice we make, and we are often confused as to which kind of desire to pursue, sometimes we create situations where, as a result of choices we've made and the karma they've created, our experience of the situation provides us with extreme challenges - in the form of hardship; physical, emotional or mental pain; doubt and anguish; disillusionment and despair. Challenges such as these can test our capacity to know what to do, totally undermine our sense of self and wellbeing, reduce our willpower to virtually nothing, and induce the deepest feeling of helplessness, humiliation and worthlessness"¦

In these situations, when we are as low as we can imagine it's possible to go, our need to survive can be extreme. We can start to feel and think there MUST be a way to overcome the challenges of the situation. But if we have tried everything we can do ourselves, tried asking everyone we can for help, tried endlessly pleading with existence, and nothing has helped us, then we can become very, very desperate.

We now get down to two basic choices:

One - is to realise through deep reflection, that we are in this situation because of a (possibly long) chain of choices we have made in the past, all leading to this current situation. If this situation brings us to do this then it may in fact become a huge turning point in our lives, when we see ourselves in a lot clearer perspective and detail than we have done for a long time. If this does happen one result of that can be a potent return of inner determination to renew one's efforts to change the situation. Or, realising that we have created it ourselves ... this recognition that it has arisen from our own doing becomes enough to reconcile us with the situation. And because of that we may decide to simply accept it as it is, and drop the struggle to change everything.

or Two - to start blaming other people for what we are experiencing. And thus start feeling other people are entirely responsible for what has come into reality in our life at this time. This inevitably positions us as the victim in the situation, and once the sense of victimisation takes hold the sense of hurt and powerlessness can rise to a peak ... if this is sustained over time it can result in a great loss of objectivity, a greatly distorted perspective on reality. And if we continue on in our refusal to accept our own responsibility for what is occurring in this way, and our sense of separation is strong (or at the least intact), then this can awaken one or more separating desires that may, or may not, have been dormant for a very long time ... for example desire for greed, power, lust, control, revenge etc. All depending on what the situation is, and what is perceived by the Soul as being required to change the situation in the Soul's favor and/or hit back at the others involved, or all others generally.

These desires come from the Soul (Pluto). And at this point SOURCE can manifest inside of us a sense that enormous power DOES exist that can help us - this power is sensed as being larger than us, larger than our Soul, and so we know it really could help us - feels exactly that it could completely smash the limitations we are currently experiencing.

At this point as a Soul we are at a critical junction in our path - we are now being tempted by SOURCE manifesting via Lucifer, operating as the "Primary Agent of Evil". Intrinsic to our sense of this power is the sensing of it's qualities "¦ dark, devious, ugly, complete destruction of goodness, cruel, brutal, demonic, relentlessly powerful, totally demanding, ruthless, enslaving and eventually murderous. In the very experiencing of it, it is starkly obvious that to say yes to this power acting on our behalf to change the situation, is to completely surrender our free will to this power. And once exposed like this, tempted, that is the only thing that can save us from this power - our own free will.

And in these moments all the despair that we are experiencing, the helplessness, and the desire for that to go away, even if it means being greedy & possesive, nasty, hateful, vindictive & revengeful, manipulative, controlling, exploitive, dominating, violent and willfully destructive ... all these feelings become hugely magnified and intensified. With the temptation likewise expanding ...

If we don't see the danger and withdraw from it, but move towards this power and surrender to it, we will have aligned with the Devil / Satan, and in so doing, will as a result directly experience, according to how developed our capacity to do so has become to that point, the energy and consciousness of Evil itself .

This temptation is unique to each of us, so by looking at Lucifer's location (sign and house) and it's aspects we can see what this temptation is and how it would be likely to manifest. Thus Lucifer in the chart can show us where we can potentially form a contract with Evil, with the resulting loss of all freedom, permanent imprisonment, that this contract brings.

Thank you,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 04, 2012, 08:36 AM
Hi Upasika,

Yes to all you have presented except this key point:

"In these situations, when we are as low as we can imagine it's possible to go, our need to survive can be extreme. We can start to feel and think there MUST be a way to overcome the challenges of the situation. But if we have tried everything we can do ourselves, tried asking everyone we can for help, tried endlessly pleading with existence, and nothing has helped us, then we can become very, very desperate.

We now get down to two choices - one, surrender and accept that this is the will of SOURCE, or two, refuse to surrender to the situation. "


If those types of conditions exist it is not a matter of it being the "˜will of the Source'. It is a matter of accepting the responsibility in our own actions, past and present, that are the causes of these conditions. This is critical to understand because if it is not then the Soul can or will feel "˜victimized'. Once the Soul feels victimized this then sets in motion the possibility to be tempted by Lucifer in the form of wanting to get back at those that we feel we have been victimized by specifically, and all others generally. In the essence the Source did not cause whatever those conditions are. The Soul itself has.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Upasika on Nov 04, 2012, 02:48 PM
Hi Rad,

Aha! Yes of course, I had neglected to include the victimisation aspect of that situation developing negatively towards evil. Since this is the key point on which the Soul feels it has made its decision I'll edit my post and include that - if you could just recheck that paragraph and if it's still not right let me know I'd be grateful .

Thanks Rad.

blessings Upasika
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 05, 2012, 08:32 AM
Quote from: Upasika on Nov 04, 2012, 02:48 PM
Hi Rad,

Aha! Yes of course, I had neglected to include the victimisation aspect of that situation developing negatively towards evil. Since this is the key point on which the Soul feels it has made its decision I'll edit my post and include that - if you could just recheck that paragraph and if it's still not right let me know I'd be grateful .

Thanks Rad.

blessings Upasika

Hi Upasika,

It's well stated now.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Nov 05, 2012, 03:48 PM
QuoteWe now get down to two basic choices:

One - is to realise through deep reflection, that we are in this situation because of a (possibly long) chain of choices we have made in the past, all leading to this current situation. If this situation brings us to do this then it may in fact become a huge turning point in our lives, when we see ourselves in a lot clearer perspective and detail than we have done for a long time. If this does happen one result of that can be a potent return of inner determination to renew one's efforts to change the situation. Or, realising that we have created it ourselves ... this recognition that it has arisen from our own doing becomes enough to reconcile us with the situation. And because of that we may decide to simply accept it as it is, and drop the struggle to change everything.

or Two - to start blaming other people for what we are experiencing. And thus start feeling other people are entirely responsible for what has come into reality in our life at this time. This inevitably positions us as the victim in the situation, and once the sense of victimisation takes hold the sense of hurt and powerlessness can rise to a peak ... if this is sustained over time it can result in a great loss of objectivity, a greatly distorted perspective on reality. And if we continue on in our refusal to accept our own responsibility for what is occurring in this way, and our sense of separation is strong (or at the least intact), then this can awaken one or more separating desires that may, or may not, have been dormant for a very long time ... for example desire for greed, power, lust, control, revenge etc. All depending on what the situation is, and what is perceived by the Soul as being required to change the situation in the Soul's favor and/or hit back at the others involved, or all others generally.

Hi Rad and Upasika,

Just wondering if it is possible that a combination of one and two can be experienced, as a kind of transitional stage?  

For example, let's say that the Soul, due to completely understanding and embracing 'choice one,' its life begins to unfold as an expanding awareness/alignment with SOURCE.  Yet, at the same time, due to its own past actions (old self-image, memories stored within itself) that caused its own suffering/hurt/pain, it does not wish to be reminded of the past.  It has objectified those past dynamics, and desires to detach and liberate from them, as an expression of its desire for a firmer establishment in returning desire to SOURCE.

So could we say that there are different stages between the choices of the past self-image/conditionings/desires (Saturn and its karma) interacting with the desire for liberation (Uranus) that will enable deeper spiritualization (Neptune).  

Upasika, what you described sounds very black and white, one choice or the other (Scorpio), because of it being such a serious issue for the Soul.

Should the Soul try to rectify its mistakes (desires) of the past, and perhaps put itself in danger of regurgitating the past painful dynamics all over again, or just wipe the slate clean and go from there? Here the Soul would need to know the difference between natural guilt and man-made guilt (Virgo).

Is it better to detach from those who remind us of where we went wrong in the past? Could this be a reflection of a personal choice toward the Bearer of Light so that the Soul can start afresh without having to prove itself to others?  As a reflection of unconditional self-love and self-forgiveness?  I guess I'm talking about a feeling of humiliation that, on a human level, could be used against the Soul to remind it of its past impure desires. So the Soul would need to get past that feeling of humiliation and guilt so that the Bearer of Light can shine.

Yet on a Bearer of Light level, there is no judgment, just pure unconditional love, light, bliss and encouragement to continue the journey back to SOURCE.

Of course I do realize that every Soul is unique, yet I would be very interested in reading your comments on the above points.



Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Upasika on Nov 05, 2012, 04:17 PM
Hi Linda,

We'll need Rad to properly answer this - especially re the guilt etc.

What I've presented is the situational extremes that can arise for the Soul relative to what Lucifer represents. This gives a kind of wide experiental framework for Lucifer. But I think Lucifer does tend to represent/operate like this in a way.

For most people, living everyday life doesn't involve such extreme experiences, it is more "moderate" in it's manifestations. We are just moving on slowly and incrementally with our own process which, apart from the simple act of living itself, involves the multitude of desires -both big and (very often) small- that we are acting upon on an ongoing basis. And as I understand it, on their own separating desires don't make anyone evil, neither does treating others "badly".

The way I see it, most people are not attracted to Lucifer as the Agent of Evil. Even if we have done things in the past that are of a heavily separating nature, unkind, or vindicitive and cruel etc, it doesn't mean we have become evil. When we do these things we are moving away from light, but simple darkness in itself is not necessarily evil.

We may not feel good about these things now but often in reality it was a lack of consciousness in a weak moment that was the causitive factor rather than conscious and deliberate intention to engage in evil. I might be wrong but my understanding is this intention for and surrender to evil are needed for our actions to actually be infused with evil.

If guilt is keeping some memories alive then maybe there is some trauma still needing to be healed..?

The very fact that a person moves on to the extent that they can see their actions in the past were not based on good/wise choices, were "wrong", indicates that the growth away from that has already happened. But if something feels it still needs to be healed then some kind of therapy may be needed - it often is. But it doesn't necessarily mean we are going to make the same unwise choices again, it just means we're wanting to heal the trauma.

But Rad will clarify all this hopefully.

blessings Upasika
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 06, 2012, 08:53 AM
Hi Linda and Upasika,

You are both right. The two core choices that Upasika has presented are indeed correct. They are bottom lines. Yet the the individual Soul may indeed make the types of choices, relative to these core bottom lines, that Linda in asking/ inquiring about. Every case as we know is different because of the natural law of free choice.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 08, 2012, 09:45 AM
Hi Group,

I would like to know if any of you are still desiring to do this thread. Please let me know.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Nov 08, 2012, 02:16 PM
Hi Rad - yes very much. I'm just beginning to read through what has been posted here thus far...
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Nov 08, 2012, 06:08 PM
Hi Rad,

I feel like I hit a wall when I started trying to write each of these out in terms of consenus, individuated and spiritual.  It is obviously something I need to work on and practice  :-)  I am posting what I have so far just to make sure I am on the right track, or to be guided back to the right track, if you don't mind.  At least ten of these are just the general archetype (I hope) - I did manage to go a tiny bit further with the 5th house and all the way with the 12th.

Thanks in advance for your feedback


1st House
Lucifer in Aries in the 1st house shows that the consciousness of god is offering the soul an opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development  in which it has the courage, freedom and independence to break free of a past tendency to act in a self-oriented manner and learn to consider the needs and desires of others as well as its own.  If the soul chooses to respond to this impulse, the soul will learn to listen to others and give according to what they actually need.  The soul can then motivate others to do whatever they need to do in order to realize their own special destinies.

2nd  House
Lucifer in Aries in the 2nd house shows that the consciousness of god is offering the soul an opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development  in which it has the courage, freedom and independence to break free of a past tendency to act alone in a self-sufficient and self-reliant manner and instead merge with others and share their resources with others.  In doing so the soul can show others how to do the same.

3rd  House
Lucifer in Aries in the 3rd house shows that the consciousness of god is offering the soul an opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development  in which it has the courage, freedom and independence to break free of a past tendency to only take in information that supports its own specific point of view and broaden its mind.  The soul can then use its natural communicative skills to inspire, motivate and transform other people's thinking, opinions and points of view.

4th  House
Lucifer in Aries in the 4th  house shows that the consciousness of god is offering the soul an opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development  in which it has the courage, freedom and independence to break free of a past tendency to blame others for its own actions and instead accept responsibility for its own actions. In doing so they can then help others learn to accept responsibility for their actions as well.

5th  House
Lucifer in Aries in the 5th house shows that the consciousness of god is offering the soul an opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development  in which it has the courage, freedom and independence to break free of a past tendency to be self-centered and self-focused and instead develop an objective consciousness and focus and learn to link their special purpose to socially relevant need. In doing so, the soul can then create something new and unique in whatever field they are destined to fulfill and inspire others to do the same.
The consensus soul has been preconditioned to believe that its power lies outside itself and as a result has become critical of others in order to feel good about itself. If it chooses to embrace the impulse of Lucifer, it will learn to detach from its immediate environment and become more aware of its actions

6th  House
Lucifer in Aries in the 6th house shows that the consciousness of god is offering the soul an opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development  in which it has the courage, freedom and independence to break free of a past tendency to be critical of both itself and others and instead cultivate a relationship with the divine which will help it develop tolerance and respect for the imperfection of itself and others. The soul will then be able to help others develop an awareness of the whole.

7th  House
Lucifer in Aries in the 7th house shows that the consciousness of god is offering the soul an opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development  in which it has the courage, freedom and independence to break free of a past tendency to become involved in too many relationships and taking in too many differing points of view and values causing it to lose sight of its individuality by becoming  too dependent on the opinions, advice and knowledge of others as a means of determining who it is or what it should or should not be doing with its life.  If the soul chooses to recognize the diversity of human nature and recognize its own individuality and learn to discover and be itself instead, it can inspire and motivate others to do the same.

8th  House
Lucifer in Aries in the 8th house shows that the consciousness of god is offering the soul an opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development  in which it has the courage, freedom and independence to break free of a past tendency to manipulate others in order to have its own desires and needs met. If the soul chooses to become self-motivated it can motivate the growth of others in an unmanipulative way without becoming dependent upon them and encourage them to become aware of, and let go of, the conditioning patterns that dictate their behavior.

9th  House
Lucifer in Aries in the 9th house shows that the consciousness of god is offering the soul an opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development  in which it has the courage, freedom and independence to break free of a past tendency to overidentify with a specific philosophical or religious system and instead follow its intuition which will allow it to transform its vision of the nature of reality in diverse ways. By allowing itself to be educated by others the soul can inturn educate others and expand its own awareness as well as help others expand theirs.

10th House
Lucifer in Aries in the 10th house shows that the consciousness of god is offering the soul an opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development  in which it has the courage, freedom and independence to break free of a past tendency to judge others based on its own beliefs and values and instead accept responsibility for its own life.  Once the soul realizes that the beliefs and values that condition its ideas about what life is and how it should be lived are purely subjective, it will learn to stop judging others based upon its own beliefs and values and can motivate and inspire others to do the same.

11th  House
Lucifer in Aries in the 11th house shows that the consciousness of god is offering the soul an opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development  in which it has the courage, freedom and independence to break free of a past tendency to repress its inner impulse to throw off the past and instead develop  objectivity and detachment, sever attachments to anything preventing growth and bond with groups of like-minded souls in order to deepen its awareness of its own individuality and link its individual purpose to a socialized purpose.  If the soul chooses this path, it will develop an objective understanding of who and what it is and how to actualize its own creative purpose within the context of a social need.  In addition it can inspire and motivate others by assuming a socially relevant and meaningful role that transforms restrictive barriers to growth and encourage others to do the same.

12th  House
Lucifer in Aries in the 12th house shows that the consciousness of god is offering the soul an opportunity to begin a brand new cycle of evolutionary development  in which it has the courage, freedom and independence to break free of a past tendency to resist an impulse to surrender and merge with god or the source and instead embrace this impulse. In doing so the soul will reflect an inner illumination that can light the way for others.
 In order to embrace this impulse, the soul needs to connect with a transcendental belief system and commit itself to some form of work that is practical and of a useful nature to others. For a soul in the consensus state, there is a need to embrace a traditional belief system, most likely a religion, that is accepted by the consensus of society and the culture. For a soul in the individuated state, the soul needs to question its religious and social conditioning and upbringing and embrace a transcendental belief system which encourages the soul to experience god or the source from within.  In the spiritual state, the soul needs to embrace a transcendental belief system that is focused on the unity of all and Natural Law.

Hi Cat,

You are definitely on the right track. The only real exception I would have is your 4th House one where the real impulse of God would be to create awareness of how to become more emotional self secure and sustaining. Other than that very good work Cat. God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Nov 08, 2012, 06:14 PM
Hi Rad and everyone,
I am about 1/2 way through the Lucifer in Aries analysis. I think it will take me until Monday to finish. If that's too long please go ahead.  I am very interested in continuing.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Nov 09, 2012, 07:22 AM
Hi Rad,
I want to participate and began the assignment, but am busy now, I believe I will be able to post on monday too, if it's not too late.
Thanks for your patient guidance
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 09, 2012, 09:39 AM
Hi Group,

Thanks for letting me know that you are still interested in doing this work on the 'bearer of Light'. Just needed to know that. So I will wait to more of you submit the work you are doing before commenting right now on the work of Gonzalo and Cat. Remember the value is always in the effort.

I have been thinking too that instead of having you go through all of the signs / houses that Lucifer can be in, and the evolutionary states therein, as we complete the Lucifer in Aries part that it may be easier and simpler for all, because of your life commitments everyday that of course requires your commitment to them, that I will just define the archetypes myself that we can then example together in various ways. For example, we could examine the charts of real people, we could also create abstract examples like putting up the EA paradigm in a chart, then putting the Lucifer in it because of the context established by the EA paradigm itself. In other words I am trying to figure out a way that makes this much more less in terms of it's time intensiveness. If any of you have ideas along these lines please share them with me.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Nov 09, 2012, 10:57 PM
Hi Rad,

I too can post by Monday, and I do appreciate your idea, as life is quite full in many ways right now.  I also plan to want to write up the scenarios to see if I can make sense of it all.

Thank you and God Bless,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Nov 11, 2012, 03:18 PM
Hi Rad, I intend to post within the next couple days. What you suggested sounds like a good idea to me: Either working with the chart of someone who once lived, or working with the core ea paradigm and adding Lucifer to it. Perhaps combining the two: Analyzing a real life chart with the core ea paradigm along with Lucifer.

Thanks for holding this space for us. God bless,
Ari Moshe
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 12, 2012, 09:47 AM
Hi Group,

Ok, will wait a few more days for those who want to post.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Nov 12, 2012, 09:12 PM
Hi Rad,

I have to pass on completing a write up of Lucifer thru the houses in Aries, but I will read everyone else's posts and participate with the new format. 

Thank you.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Nov 13, 2012, 09:25 AM
Hi Rad and Group,
Some possible archetypal manifestations of Lucifer in Aries that I could find.

With LUCIFER IN ARIES IN 1ST HOUSE the Soul experiences an impulse of self discovery, of discovery and development of its intrinsic identity.  The Soul is filled with independence and freedom in order to do it.
The emphasis in this archetype guided by God consciousness gives the courage and strength of living in a continual state of becoming, different in each evolutionary stage but always furthering evolution.
The separative impulse is highlighted in this position, being the Bearer of Light's aim in this orientation the establishment of a distinct and conscious individuality, not egocentric and self-centered behavior.
Intolerance to any restriction of personal freedom produces anger, and the ability to use it in a constructive way, eliminating personal limitations that prevent growth and evolution.

In the Consensus State the individual feels free to discover its intrinsic individuality despite conditioning and judgment. Although keeping within consensual patterns, he is independent and free to be different.
Able to accept responsibility for his desires and actions, he overcomes cultural restrictions instead of cultivating anger at society.
The continual removing of past patterns of egocentric and self centered actions allows the Soul learning to give rather than first taking.

The inner courage to break away from deeper past patterns that prevented growth initiates a new cycle of becoming in the  Individuated State in which the instinctual desire to separate promotes becoming a real, complete individual.
Objective observation of initiated actions and instinctual responses teaches about projections and unconscious cultural conditioning patterns, and allows discovering intrinsic individual desires and objectives according to intrinsic identity.
Anger is now directed toward the Soul inner's conditioning and fuels the desire and courage to break free from them.
The Bearer of Light helps to balance the mature independence attained by the Soul with its need to be in relationship.

In the Spiritual State, the Soul instinctively perceives (with the "spiritual instinct" defined by Jung) the inherent relationship between the dual desires of the Soul, and how separation originates in union and is aimed at evolving toward a new, conscious union.
The Bearer of Light fills the Soul with courage and strength to internally confront any separating desires leading to willful and egocentric actions and purge them from the Soul in order to align personal will with a higher will.

LUCIFER IN ARIES IN 2ND HOUSE: The Soul feels an internal impulse to find something new in its sense of identity relative to its needs, values and resources.
It is encouraged to change its concept relative to its identification of needs essential to survival.
The Aries Lucifer provides the Soul with spontaneity and courage to change past values and the related meaning attributed to life and inner relationship; and promotes changing it  by means of a new perspective on material and sexual values, inner capacities and abilities as well a new relation to physical body and feeling nature.

Consensus: While material resources continue to be identified with survival, the new approach may be one of more independence in the way of earning life, and/or awareness that material abundance does not guarantee emotional security.
It also may produce a change in the sense that survival is not related  to money but to work (Grand Trine 2nd, 6th, 10th; Aries square Cap, inconjunct Virgo, semisextil Taurus), identity and survival are grounded in work.
Because of the experience gained in the crisis created by the Bearer of Light the Soul would also be inclined to help others providing them with material resources or sharing with them its own (inconjunct Virgo, Taurus inconjunct Libra, Libra PP)
Its inner relationship would consequently change, since personal worth is not based on money but in work capacity, initiating the transition to Individuated State.

Individuated: The luminous aspect of Aries promotes survival and worth identification with personal resources and values i.e. talents, capacities and abilities to provide survival means.
Scorpio and Libra PP impulses to be able to merge with others but in an independent way, consequence of a progressive awareness of individual preexisting orientation to life.
The growing awareness not only refers to resources, but especially to why the individual has certain values and why is he relating to himself in the preexisting way.
Polarity points in Aries and Scorpio promote a learning to merge with other people and their resources in an independent and complementary way that benefit and impulses evolution to both or all; this demands and produces self-reliance.  
Body consciousness evolves from living it as "flesh", only as part of the material world, to awareness of sensation and feeling nature and of its relationship with mind (trine 6th house) as a survival resource and possibility of grounding the new identity.

In the Spiritual State the Soul becomes aware that separateness and individualization has the goal of allowing individuation and return to a conscious union with the Source.
Survival is not understood as individual's, but Soul survival. All resources that further evolution are thus valuated and determinant of the new inner relationship.
The Soul learns to unite with techniques and souls that could deepen its spiritual commitment in an individuated way. (Scorpio PP)
Libra PP promotes sharing, a necessary condition to having provided material resources to self-sustaining by Divine Providence.
LUCIFER IN ARIES IN THE 3RD HOUSE: The soul experiences the impulse to establish a new form of relationship with its environment in order to gather new facts and information and to develop new and more embracing or deep mental capacities.
The Soul is encouraged to enlarge its knowledge of our world in order to deepen its comprehension of its working. The Bearer of Light not only provides this impulse but also the courage to liberate from its former logical structure without fearing for it emotional security; the Soul can now move its internal center overcoming the intellectual limitations that intended to create stability and emotional security.
As a result the individual discover that he can change his/her self-definition and his relationship with others and his way of communicate with the world.
He becomes more able to listen to others and accept that their version of the truth may be as valuable as his own.
Encouraged by God's consciousness  his attitude needs not to be defensive, reactive; instead he becomes able to be responsive, listening what others have to say, and  being free and confident to accept or reject based on his understanding, and thus advancing in the Soul's evolutionary purpose of knowing Truth and the metaphysical and cosmological laws that underlie the physical ones.  
Then the Soul will let others learn from it and encourage them to find new aspects of the truth by gathering new information and acknowledging new classifications and interpretations of the phenomenal world.

In the Consensus state the Soul will be freer to accept other social, religious or political ideas less dependent on family conditioning, more respectful of individual freedom and aligned with truth and general wellbeing or wealth. It will still be accepting social principles as own, but more free to choose between them what goes along with his individual beliefs.
The new cycle will lead to a more deep knowledge of internal functioning of society and courage to impulse changes within consensus and more freedom in other Souls.

In the Individuated State the God aspect of Lucifer promotes a new gathering of information and an independent interpretation of empirical facts, rejecting total adherence to religious or philosophical systems.
The freedom to initiate new experiences and relationships will lead in some cases to creating an own thought system or synthesizing them in a different and personal way, thus expressing something "special".
As evolution proceeds in that state the Soul will  choose some formal preexistent system to which it feels intuitively (9th house PP) linked, beginning to understand and accept the existence of something larger to itself.

Spiritual State: Instead of gathering and observing empirical facts in order to know the laws behind them, the Soul will try to understand the timeless foundation of the physical laws, and consider the facts as a demonstration of the timeless or spiritual principles. In so doing the individual will adopt some metaphysical, philosophical or religious system.
Resistance or reactive behavior can still manifest by rejecting other systems. Once overcame that resistance impelled by God's consciousness , another metamorphosis will encourage the mutable and plural aspect of 3rd house allowing the confrontation with other systems, and through that apprehension of the underlying common truth in all of them will be possible.

With LUCIFER IN ARIES IN 4TH HOUSE the impulse of consciousness of God/ess produces in the Soul the desire and courage to develop a new self-image that allows and integrates new evolutionary lessons in the egocentric structure and emotional body.
The Bearer of Light provides courage and independence to discover the intrinsic identity overcoming insecurities relative to preexisting emotional security patterns and liberating from cultural and familial conditioning.
It encourages freedom to initiate experiences that promote emotional security to deal with gender assignment from an individual point of view instead of conforming to consensus expectations and statements.

In the Consensus State the individual will be able to establish a personal relationship with societal patterns, learning to less depending on family and becoming aware of displaced emotions caused by a lack in emotional nurturing. This will initiate a process of accepting responsibility and internalization of emotional security, creating a positive self-image and establishing his authority in society.
Still playing conventional gender roles and projecting in the other what is not consciously experienced, the individual begins to build a gender behavior more independent and self-assertive.
The Soul will then be able to lead and encourage others to be more responsible and independent within the limits of consensus.

In the Individuated State, led by God/ess consciousness the Soul deepens its independence from familial identifications and gradually overcomes the insecurity triggered by the need to conform to the consensual expectations.
Internal  emotional security and a self-image less dependent on  other's vision reflects in an mature approach to gender assignment, first liberating from culturally prescribed roles for each gender, then integrating both in consciousness.

In the Spiritual state the Soul becomes aware of having been conceived in a cosmic womb, and the Bearer of Light's impulse is to metamorphosis of the self-image through uniting with God; the center of gravity shifts from the ego to the Soul and internal security is based upon knowing the Godhead within.
The Bearer of Light provides the Soul that evolved to the Spiritual State with the energy to fully integrate the Animus/Anima dynamic in an androgyny that also involves that inner Godhead in sexuality.
The Bearer of Light encourages the acknowledgment o past life's imprint in the Soul's self image and to affirm or eliminate what necessary to the intrinsic identity.

LUCIFER IN ARIES IN 5TH HOUSE:  The new cycle of identity that Lucifer in Aries proposes when in the 5th house is seen in the bravery to find within the new ways of self-expression. The Soul is encouraged to find creative self actualization, rooted in the inner value found in 2nd house and security internalized in Cancer.  
The  Aries sense of special destiny related to self-discovery becomes known and complete in Leo and God/ess consciousness impulse is to creatively actualize it, and to take control of his destiny out of the strength of the will and internal determination.
The Bearer of Light induces the Soul to recognize that everyone has an inner Sun, a Soul inhabited by the Divine, and that there is something larger than itself and especially than the ego it has created. Thus the potential Leo's generosity and love capacity manifests. (Neptune is exalted in Leo, the consciousness  of being a wave in the ocean is exalted in this archetype when evolved)

In  Consensus State, where the sense of special destiny is related to success and social acknowledgment as special,  God's consciousness encourages independence from external validation  and to recognize and avoid projection of individual's self-centered image upon another person, especially children but not only.
It also impels the Soul to link its special purpose to a socially relevant need. This way the Soul will lead other to creatively actualize their purposes within Consensus.

When Individuated, the Bearer of Light's action is directed to developing an objective awareness of the individuality, modifying relationships in a horizontal way and detaching form a vertical pyramid reality structure.
Objectively analyzing its behavior and deconditioning from social conditioning patterns the Soul becomes aware of its uniqueness, free of the delusions of grandeur and of a narcissistic orientation to life created by its insecurities and dependences.
Guided by the Bearer, advancing in this evolutionary state, the Soul becomes able to actualize its potential generosity, linking its purpose with a social relevant need and giving others what they actually need as well as motivating them to creatively actualize their purposes.
The new cycle of identity will then be one of objective understanding of its own individuality as well as the individuality of others. Inherent leadership abilities and strength of will of Leo will then manifest guiding others out of consensus.

In the Spiritual State God/ess consciousness symbolized by Lucifer in Aries manifests as an awareness of being the wave in the ocean (inconjunction from Pisces, Neptune exaltation in Leo)) and recognition that we are not the center of Creation, but the Creator is at our center.
If in the Individuated the individual became the creator of its destiny, in the Spiritual State he is aware of being a co-creator and of the responsibility it implies. (Yod with Pisces and Capricorn)
The heart will be center through which God/ess's Love manifests as Humanity Love, Universal Love, and with the center of gravity having shifted from the ego to the Soul, the individual begins loving others as Souls.

LUCIFER IN ARIES IN 6TH HOUSE as Bearer of Light gives the Soul energy to approach the new cycle that is at the same time a transitional cycle.
After creative actualization of the new self-image created in 4th house and before opening and confrontation with others, the Soul needs humble itself by self-purification (of narcissism and guilt) and self improvement.
Aware of the Bearer of Light the Soul acquires courage to eliminate learned guilt and taking responsibility for natural guilt (trine Cap) and this way it not only purifies but modifies its self relation and worth (trine Taurus) while preparing the path to encounter with others in Libra and with Divinity (Pisces PP).
This process would be purging the distortions that create a fertile soil for evil: guilt, inadequacy and lack, inner void.

Consensus: Self improvement would be orientated within consensus postulates. Relative to work  for example, the individual will be impelled by God consciousness to learn what is necessary,  and without "eternally" feeling that he is not prepared, to begin doing his task in society and guiding others in self improvement within consensus.
The Bearer of Light will also guides the Soul to "filling"  is existential void seeking God in some of the established  patriarchal religions, but perhaps choosing some meditational oriented path between them.
The Light alignment that the Bearer facilitates may make the Soul able to align with evolved aspects of Saturn archetype as responsibility, thus beginning to understand its responsibility in choices and actions instead of blaming and being critic with others, and also to envision societal and religious imprint in his feelings of guilt.

As the Soul evolves to and through the Individuated State it becomes able to objectively observe the consensus patterns underlying and conditioning its guilt, critics and not readiness to do what it is meant and desires to do. This courage to acknowledge conditionings and discriminate between its own convictions and the learned ones makes possible liberation from them and furthering its self improvement in order to develop a task oriented to serve group and social needs, as well as finding a personal path to knowing God.
The new cycle is based on the courage to purge guilt patterns imprinted by religious and patriarchal conditioning, allowing the individual to develop a new identity that although independent will be able to acknowledge and relate to others (Libra PP) in an humble and compassionate way (12th house PP).

In the Spiritual State the Arian Lucifer's impulse to freedom could lead the Soul out of the entrapment of separateness and individualism that prevent alignment with the Godhead within. Then imperfection could be seen also as likeness to a Divinity that is evolving, and self improvement will occur knowing God as transcendent and immanent the Soul.
Self-forgiveness and tolerance for all faults, imperfections and mistakes will allow purging and merging with God.
Service to humanity and God will be a consequence of that, more naturally aligned as the Soul advances in this state.

LUCIFER IN ARIES IN 7TH HOUSE: The cardinal impulse of God's consciousness manifesting in this cardinal house is very intense because it is also a initiation of the upper hemisphere, the Soul's conscious experience of its participation in relationships with others and social life. Archetypally Lucifer is manifesting in its PP.
The Bearer of Light provides the Soul with Aries instinctive need of independence that prevents it from being too open to others in relationships.
The Soul is filled with courage to initiate a diversity of relationships and to compare and contrast with others only in order to deepen and amplifying its self-knowledge with freedom to accept and affirm its identity.
This gives internal security and freedom to objectively listen to the other from the other's point of view, and liberate the Soul from the need to be needed. On the contrary, it becomes able to learn when to give and when not, and to be in relationships in a self-secure manner with a positive self-image. Sharing will replace the need to always giving and meeting the other's needs.
Inclusion will manifest as the ability to integrate into society as an equal.

Consensus state: The impulse may be to reject saturnine role or gender assignment conditioning by living gender relationships in a individually independent, not submissive or authoritative ways albeit within the patriarchal patterns.
The Bearer also impels to become aware of displaced emotions (Cancer, 4th house in the focal point of the Aries-Libra- Capricorn T-Square) projected onto the partner that can lead to co-dependent relationships.  

In the Individuated State God's consciousness encourages the Soul to attract circumstances that develop an objective self-awareness and understanding of its individuality. This produces the ability to establish equality and balance in relationships.
Courage and freedom to objectively identify reality as it exist for others leads to listen to the other from the other's point of view and not claim always knowing what he needs.
Once the Soul, guided by God's consciousness, learns not projecting its needs onto the partner and to establish relationships of mutual independence, love turns less conditional.

In the Spiritual State the Soul learns that real love is unconditional.
Sharing, giving and inclusion become spontaneous manifestations of alignment with Natural Law.
The new cycle of identity allows the independence to find an individual way of knowing and merging with God that fulfills the need for ultimate meaning, not projecting it onto the partner.

LUCIFER IN ARIES IN 8TH HOUSE: The Soul  receives the courage to discover its intrinsic identity and to know why it is so; to deeply understand the nature of its psychology and why; to know what belongs to it and what to the ego it has created, what's the difference between them and why. A metamorphosis in the inner relationship follows as a consequence. (2nd house PP).
The Soul discovers the causes and goal of separateness and union, as well as the causes for separating and uniting desires and their interaction that allows conscious choices, or awareness of the causes of unconscious choices made in the past.
Through Aries in 8th house God's consciousness leads the Soul to become aware of the dual desires and the motivations and intentions behind its acting out this desires, aware of the need of purging separative desires and allow evolution to proceed. This promotes consciousness of the difference between ego and Soul, and progress from confrontation to distinction between them, thus the ego actualizes its purpose as a necessary resource for Soul's evolution, instead of preventing it by only developing and growing itself. Then the Soul experiences its pure instinct directed to align personal will to universal will.
Arian Lucifer's courage is essential to overcome the fear of the unknown that prevents acknowledging and eliminating old separative patterns that give a sensation of emotional security.
The Soul understands deeply other people's motivations and encourages them to face its limitations and its causes motivating them, without manipulation, to grow doing the necessary changes.
Power and sexuality are two fundamental arenas of Lucifer in 8th house Aries as Bearer of Light.
Power: The impulse and courage to face limitations and points of weakness is essential to overcome them and avoid the influence of evil.  
Courage to face and overcome limitations penetrating to the core of its causes in the Soul's choices and understanding natural limits because of being only a part of the larger whole leads to awareness of universal forces and merging with God/ess and forces aligned with It, instead of believing that limits may be pushed by personal will and manipulating others. In its distorted form powerlessness and need to merge with larger forces would merge with evil.
In sexuality the Bearer of Light stimulates to instinctively trying to re-empower the partner as well as himself.

Consensus state: External confrontations with other egocentric wills, sometimes in cataclysmic situations would produce the need to eventually look inside and leave the past, allowing growth. Willpower begins to be used to it, not to overpowering others.  
Sexually the individual begins to recognize and respect the other's individuality, not trying to exert domination. Emotional commitment begins to be integrated.

Individuated state: Distinction between ego and soul begins to be clear, as the Soul starts to experience a center of being from within.
The Soul experiences freedom to create change and discover its own desires questioning societal and religious conditioning. Power is experienced as courage to actualize its special destiny and not as force to use against others.
Sexually begins to be possible to transcend the individual ego by merging with a partner in a committed soul encounter, and initiation into loving the Soul beyond its current gender expression.
Fear of entrapment begins to diminish.
Motivation others to change is done in a detached way.

In the Spiritual state, the Soul begins to understand that power originates in the Source and it means surrendering to it.
Compassionately the Soul encourages others to change, grow and merge with God.
Sexually, already identified with the Soul, the individual becomes aware of God's consciousness impelling him to relate with the Divine in the partner, loving God through the Godhead within the other Soul and merging with the Source in this sacred act.

LUCIFER IN ARIES IN THE 9TH HOUSE:  The core goal of the new cycle of identity in its searching for a belief system that actualizes the individual's sense of special destiny is alignment with Natural Law in the search of metaphysical and cosmological laws that are the foundation of manifested world, its physical laws and empirical facts.
But perhaps the fundamental way that the Bearer of Light promotes the evolution initiating a new cycle is impelling the Soul to awareness of relativity of manifested truth, of the different human paths to finding Truth.
Directing the Soul to both polarity points in Libra and Gemini, God's consciousness gives the individual courage and freedom to align with the beliefs that she or he is intuitively drawn and at the same time to acknowledge and respect other's beliefs.  

In Consensus State the individuals begins to feel free to choosing his belief system between consensus philosophies and religions. He doesn't anymore need to convert others to his own belief system, and becomes able to orient his relationships by honesty principles instead of beliefs.
While his search and sense of connection to universal laws increases, and his knowledge deepens, fundamentalism is removed.

Individuated State: The Soul recognizes conditioned indoctrination and that intellectual systems are always interpretations, and is guided to freely find and accept its individuated interpretation based on honesty and its own intuitive synthesis aligned with Natural Law.
The Bearer of Light gives it courage to develop its teaching capacities and to guide and help others to creatively actualize their beliefs and destinies emerging from societal and religious indoctrination, thus out of consensual manmade laws.

In the Spiritual State intuition develops increasingly along with the awareness of being a part of the universe and that the special destiny is linked to a higher purpose in life aligned with God/ess and Natural Law.
The new identity discovered is linked to understanding of how creation works; separating and uniting desires are interpreted in function of it and of the evolutionary needs in the context of that bigger picture.
The Soul is enlightened to compassionately guide others in order to deepen their intuition and alignment with Natural Law.

LUCIFER IN ARIES IN 10TH HOUSE:  God/ess consciousness symbolized by Lucifer impulses the Soul to self-discovering in a more evolved identity by becoming aware of cultural, patriarchal conditioning and overcoming its limitations, according to the evolutionary state. Awareness of the repression or suppression of natural emotions produced by the pressure to conform to social norms and progressive acceptation of vulnerability and inner chaos would follow.
The enlightened manifestation of this archetype promotes a new identity able to discriminate between the natural guilt based on soul's responsibility for Natural Law's violations and conditioned guilt created by religious indoctrination (trine 6th house, Aries inconjunct Virgo and trine Sag), and therefore to purge it from the Soul.
The soul is filled with the courage to accept responsibility for the actions it initiated and to find its voice of authority in society.

Consensus state souls will be encouraged to become aware of how indoctrination created its distorted judgments and to reflect in order to attain objective judgment.
The Bearer of Light would stimulate an instinctive approach to natural emotions, to improve the individual's ability to nurture himself and be emotionally available to his family. Experiencing its natural emotions will diminish the need to be in control of them,avoiding depression, futility, and anger at society.
In the later stages the individual learns to free himself of society's control by knowledge of how it functions, in turn this creates the impulse to controlling the environment, other people.

Individuated state souls experience this form of God's Light as a deeper reflection that manifests as introversion instead of depression, and allows accepting responsibility for individual desires, emotions, actions and identity.
The new cycle of identity is one of liberation, of courage to break free from the social conditioning patterns only possible after an objective observation and awareness of the inner consciousness structure, patterned by this introjected conditioning. Instead of projecting anger at society, the Bearer of Light guides a search for causes in the individuated unconscious and gives the courage to eliminate repressing and distorted patterns, as well as conditioned guilt. In a real junguian process, individuation is attained through awareness and emergence from the collective unconscious.
Individuated individuality leads to finding a personal voice of authority in society detached from professional or social role.
The soul progressively learns to develop identity and inner security as to actualize its special destiny and personal actualization without dependence of social status or success. Then it becomes able and willing to guide others to become more free and responsible, helping them to feel respected and dignified.  

Individuated detaching from social role evolves in the Spiritual State to eliminating egocentric identification with career or social function.
The Bearer of Light encourages the dissolution of the old consciousness structure and promotes a new, embracing one, aware of immortality of the Soul together with ego's mortality, and of karmic implications of individual's actions and separative desires. Responsibility for present and past actions and natural guilt is highly developed.
Control is replaced by self- awareness and self-dominion, self determination and discipline without pressures, aligned with Natural Law.
Progressively the soul is encouraged to feel God's love through its emotional body and helping others to feel it in its own way (Cancer and Libra PP).

When LUCIFER is IN ARIES IN THE 11TH HOUSE, God/ess consciousness encourages the Soul to initiate a new discovering of its identity finding inner strength to be unique as an individual, liberating from old social conditioning patterns.

In the Consensus State the individual is given the courage and capacity to detach from the immediacy of his ego and to begin to see himself in a more objective manner in groups or in the whole society. He develops courage to be different within consensus patterns and lonely if necessary, as well as accepting diversity in society.
The Bearer of Light impulses a new cycle in which the soul eliminates past conditionings, and is free to choose  new social costumes or postulates after an objective observation of them as well as of its own emotional and behavioral patterns.

In the Individuated state the individual becomes more able to observe and objectify his patterns and their emotional roots and content, and imbued with the Arian Bearer's courage, allows a conscious elimination of these that are preventing growth by restricting, projecting or creating trauma (to himself or others).
This internal awareness and detachments facilitates the resistance to conform to arbitrary impositions regarding ways of being or acting, because they have been inserting in the insecurities and traumas of our individuated unconscious.
Once the impulse and courage to liberation and acceptation of his unique and different individuality is employed in this way, a new vision of reality and himself develops and progressively he can detach from mainstream society even if being a group of one were necessary.
The impulse to objectify and eliminate past patterns that caused trauma helps to avoid projections and reintegrate alienated soul aspects.

Spiritual state: The Soul learns to detach from individuality, with the center of gravity progressively centering in the Soul, individuality is objectively discovered as "instrumental".
Independence from past life conditionings is encouraged as an objective approach to Reality enlarges, and as deepening of  awareness of individuated unconscious and its connections with the soul, the collective unconscious and the All begins.
"Soul recovering" by consciousness of past causes of trauma is another consequence of the deep self-discovering promoted by God's consciousness.
Difference and integration with other Souls in a new humanitarian group, impulses to help other's liberation in an enlarged way.

LUCIFER IN ARIES IN 12TH HOUSE: The Bearer of Light aspect of Lucifer reflects the courage that inhabits the Soul in order to finish a cycle of evolution and  initiate a new one in which the process of self discovery means  experiencing its cosmic identity as an individualized reflection of the Soul.
The Bearer of Light provides courage and inner strength to seek ultimate meaning eliminating illusions and delusions resulting from projecting outside ultimate meaning.
God's consciousness fills the evolving soul with courage to see and accept responsibility for the actions it initiated, thus eliminating victimization.

In the Consensus state, in which separative desires are mostly linked with ultimate meaning, God/ess consciousness operating in 12th house promotes disillusionment and gives the courage and strength to purge those illusions from the Soul's identity.
Another manifestation of The Bearer of light is creating crisis that can lead to awareness of the inadequacy of victimization and to beginning its elimination (Aries inconjunct Virgo, 6th house PP).

In the Individuated state the Bearer helps to interpret disillusionment in a positive way by objectively understanding the causes of it in the Soul's actions based on separative desires. The Soul begins to detach from its over identifications from an egocentric point of view and accept its individual responsibility as co-creator, thus escapism is not so frequent.

In the Spiritual state the transcendent impulse, the spiritual instinct, acts dissolving the barriers of egocentric individuality.
The Soul initiates actualization of separative desires but in order to exhaust them,  not ascribing ultimate meaning to them, prevailing the uniting desires in the new cycle.
Once the Soul, encouraged by God's consciousness  begins to understand that ultimate meaning resides in merging with the Source, feelings of emptiness and worthlessness are eliminated.

Thanks Rad, thanks so much
God Bless


Hi Mirta,

And thank you for taking the amount of time necessary to create your very, very detailed analysis's of Lucifer in Aries through all the Houses, and EA states. It is exceptional and thorough work. Bravo !

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Nov 14, 2012, 03:17 AM
Hi Rad, I will post now what I have written so far.
I intend to post more tomorrow.

Lucifer in Aries through the houses:

1st house: This soul is initiating a new journey of becoming conscious of God through initiating all kinds of impulses to become something, to experience something linked to a senses special destiny that is greater than that individual. These individuals, from the point of view of the bearer of light, will require absolute freedom and independence in order to follow their impulses - and they will learn how to assert that need. Through their own self exploration, they will become aligned with a direction that will serve as a banner and guiding light for other people to follow and be inspired by. This can manifest via any form of activism that focuses on connecting with the divine, or it can simply be actions and a path that serve to empower people to follow their own calling. This can also manifest as a soul that has the special purpose to "fight" evil through whatever means is relevant to that soul. The polarity point in Libra implies actions that empower others, that are supportive and relevant to what other people actually need.

Within the consensus state these souls will have an instinctual urge to become someone relative to the mandates/rules of their society. They will be forerunners in initiating new experiences that will inspire and motivate others towards higher consciousness. The essence of their inspiration would be enlightening the will to live: imbuing a quality of determination and stamina that inspires others. For example: they may apply a great degree of will to become an inspiring muscle builder. They may initiate races for different kinds of causes. Or they may fight a battle that they were called to fight.

Within the individuated state these souls will rise to the opportunity to forge through the psychological barriers and limitations that would otherwise inhibit their own sense of individual freedom. Through the vehicle of activism and determined focus to keep on going these souls can initiate new agendas, new projects, new forms of creativity and action that will inspire more people to establish their own individuality, separate from what they are "told" they are supposed to do. This will affect greater determination within more people who would otherwise feel blocked and limited. Relative to the dyanamic of "fighting evil" these souls may be out on the front lines fighting for social causes - against social energies that are otherwise disempowering and conducive to loosing will. Furthermore, the emotion of anger linked to being restricted or limited can become focused into specific actions. Or, this anger, in and of itself - just the intensity of it - can become a guiding light. A great example of the former: Rachel Corrie, an activist from the USA protested the Israel buldozing of homes in the Gaza strip. While doing so, standing in front of a home, speaking out of a bullhorn and in clear sight of an Israeli soldier in bulldozer, she was intentionally killed by that soldier via the demoloshing of the home she was standing in front of. She had Lucifer in Aries conjunct her Mars. Her courage and will to stand up against these violations has become a profound inspiration to many many souls.

Within the spiritual state these souls are intuitively aligned with an understanding of a higher purpose that wishes to express through them. They will seek to align their actions with a path that will allow their own existence to serve as a spiritual example to others of how to act on a moment to moment basis in such a way that closeness to God can be supported. They may be a spiritual activist - inspiring others to follow their own path to Source. These souls will cultivate bravery to act when they need to - no matter what that looks like, recognizing that on the spiritual journey decisive action and choice making is necessary for growth. It is their courage to do what is necessary that serves as a guiding light to others.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Nov 14, 2012, 08:26 AM
Hi Rad and group,
Here the first four houses. I thought I'd see if I'm on the right track before I post the rest. Thank you! I am finding this very valuable.

Lucifer in Aries overview

With the  Bearer of Light in Aries we see a soul finding the way by the fire of decisive action. The opening in their soul to the outpouring of God'dess's grace is lit  and burns as an instinctive charge to serve a higher good. These souls might not even be totally conscious that their actions are helpful but the creator is moving them to act with the outcome of sharing inclusion and giving, the consequences being  bringing light through their spontaneous acts. Their leadership takes the form of an arc of radiance that inspires others or lights the path for the direction home.

Lucifer in Aries in the first house consensus state.

Consensus  individuals are fighting to ascend the material ladder of existence and the voice of the divine can be found in the conformity to religion and the beliefs therein. Within that context the bearer of light may be found here in the warriors who fight for a righteous cause for their faith or for their own survival, who instinctively follow their impulse to fight for what their gut tells them is the good road to success for themselves and their own.

Individuated State

In the individuated state, the bearer of light  n Aries in the first house would show up as a spark or inspiration to start a new path away from what they have previously known.  The desire to return to the source would manifest as a desire to act on the impulse to be free from norms and conformity, and thus able to begin exploring paths unique to that souls instinctive knowing.  As this soul evolves and the consciousness begins to encompass a larger awareness, and this archetype is actualized, they would desire freedom for others. Their would more fully appreciate others' needs for freedom, and thus desire to help and share in any way to initiate that freedom for others.

Spiritual State

In the Spiritual state, the bearer of light in aries in the first house  shines  as the impulse to find the higher values of God'ess within themselves.  To find that their desire for God can be spontaneous and  instinctive.  They may find themselves in a leadership role insofar as they could start the process of spiritual awakening for others just by their the spark of their own realizations.  As they evolve through the spiritual states, there is evermore the realization that God is the spark of their lives, their instincts become aligned with God, Eventually the light of the world and their impulses are one.

Lucifer in Aries,  Second House

Consensus State

In the second house The light bearer in aries is, via the senses, able to incline themselves towards the values that are the conduit for gods love and grace. In the consensus state, because individuals are conforming,  the avenues through which they could conceive of God would be by abiding by the values and habits of their religion and their social norms based in material security.  They may be inspired to give more to others in need, to awaken to the values of sharing money time and energy with others, but most likely sharing only with those that are within their range of understanding, ie the poor in their congregations or the foodbank drives at their office, mainstream fundraising drives for various causes.  As they progressed though the consensus states they would begin to expand their sense of a bigger purpose, that they may be able to contribute and give to a larger human family, but again adhering to the confines of the judgements of their church and economic leadership. I think of short sighted compassion, or conditional compassion for those who are suffering, if the suffering is not sanctioned by the prevailing attitudes of their group it is not seen, or rejected as unworthy of compassion.

Lucifer in Aries in the Second House Individuated state

In the individuated state the sense of larger purpose and channel for the light of God really starts to show up in the struggle for values that reflect the "something more" than the what the consensus is.  Initially with this placement the soul will begin to distance themselves from the means of earning a living that are mainstream, feeling there is some bigger purpose to what is intended for their life, but not being sure at all what this is.  They may find themselves seeking material security in consensus ways but they will not fit in, eventually they will reject the confines of mainstream life altogether and seek the higher values in the smaller interests groups that represent freedom to them.  Rebellion and freedom will become their higher calling, they will feel their divinity in fighting for the rights for others to have a share in the necessities of life.  They may initially only recognize the cause of a small group but by the time they reach third  individuated they will have a broader view of the shared values of all beings, and then consequently place themselves in a role of innovation and leadership in the sharing of resources.  I am thinking of Bill Clinton here for some reason.

Lucifer in Aries in the Second house in Spiritual State

In the spiritual state individuals are beginning to hear the inner call towards God ever more loudly.  The  material framework of needs for living in a body on earth are no longer as compelling to the soul.  A larger sense of purpose becomes pervasive in the inner dialogue and yet there is uncertainty in how to actually manifest this.  What is this force of light within? What does what one do with this inspiration? There is a sense of initiative to listen to this larger purpose even with the uncertainty.  The survival instinct is still present but the WAY in which one lives, the values of community and sharing of resources becomes progressively more of a priority.  

Lucifer in Aries in the Third house in Consensus State

In the consensus state the light bearer archetype shines in the conventions of communication and details of information gathering in the material realm.   The soul here will be finding an urge to share and communicate in ways that bring people together for a common good.  They would promote information that would give others universal access to things that would benefit them such as, libraries schools, community health within their frame of reference.  They would see the importance of free speech and access to proper education for the benefit of all.

Lucifer in Aries in the Third House in Individuated State

These individuals are discovering the beauty and power of sharing information that improves the lives of not just the mainstream, but those who are separate from the consensual realm.  Community activism to fight for the rights of the disenfranchised or suffering would be an area of involvement for them, particularly as it relates to the need for and power of information sharing.  For example, this soul could be inspired to take action on sharing true(!) health information about the way communicable diseases like HIV and Hep C are spread in various communities around the world. They would instinctively be drawn to the the internet and the strength and freedom  of that medium to reach isolated groups of people who need beneficial free access to information for the purposes of sharing healing information.

Lucifer in Aries in the Third house in Spiritual State

The soul at the point is able to feel more clearly the message from the creator calling them back. There is s sense of the larger purpose coming though the details of one's life.  That the nature of our circumstances is an avenue though which we can access God'ess, depending on what information we have.  As evolution proceeds, this placement shines through as a leadership in communication for the sake of all beings the phenomenal details of how the nature of our mind and details of our lives contributes to our return to the creator. One could be inspired to learn meditation and mental practices for maneuvering  through the details of existence"¦"¦"¦"¦..the light bearer shines the light in the mind of this soul and shows the information necessary for the return to God.  One will seek out the information, and share the information that points  back to God.  In the first stage of this, it is done with doubt and uncertainty but with instinctive fire burning within to find out what one needs to know, and then share.

Lucifer in Aries in the Fourth House Consensus State

At this stage the soul is finding his inner emotional realm, his/her identity conditioned by the consensus, but there is an inclination to see the best within themselves. As a result of the family dynamic and how they were nurtured they are able to internalize a self image that is  valuable and worth sharing.  There will be an instinctive nurturing impulse within this person, such that they are able to be with their family and appreciate the divinity

Lucifer in Aries in the Fourth House in Individuate state

The soul is rebelling against the norms of consensus, but not just for rebellion's sake or to be bloody minded.  The soul is responding to the awareness of an emerging inner identity, an instinct to see what is beyond the limits of their known experience, they feel inspired and drawn to act on the urge to be free to identify with that which nourishes them, not just what they've been fed by the consensus.  They are supported.   They would be the ones who will nurture their uniqueness in a way that benefits others too, in ways that would open the way for others to show self love, a channel for the love of God to enter as well.  As the soul evolves through the individuated state they would be ever more innovative in exemplifying the message of love of one another  through the nurture of ons own inner emotional state.

Lucifer in Aries in the Fourth House in Spiritual State

Here, the soul begins to experience and initiate the enfoldment of one's own self love within the love of God.   There is a shifting of the care of a separate identity worthy of love in itself with the larger identity that God has available to us, and we get that we are an expression of the creator,  a wave on the ocean of creation and this nourishes us deeply. Our individuated identity is recognized as a tool to focus the greater purposes of the Creator.  By so doing the soul is able to share more freely to nurture others in ways that feel limitless and to inspire others to see all of creation as brothers and sisters in the family of God'ess.



Hi Heather,

You have done really good EA work here Heather. You have identified key archetypes in houses you have analyzed through which the 'bearer of Light' manifests, and detailed that to the EA evolutionary states. A work well done !

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Nov 14, 2012, 03:56 PM
Hi Rad, here's an analysis for the 2nd house. I will work on the 3rd house and more if possible later today. However please move on if it is time. Just the process of writing all this out has been immensely helpful for me in learning about this archetype. Thank you for holding this space for us.
God bless,


Lucifer in Aries in the 2nd house
The bearer of light archetype is now expressing through the soul initiating new ways of stabilizing and realizing inner values that connect that soul to the consciousess of God. There is inherent within this soul a sense of special destiny to become "full" of some sort of higher abundance that is realized from within. This abundance is something the soul can then share with others to help others find, from within their own selves, their own innate resourcefulness. The point is for this soul to follow an instinctual impulse to discover entirely new value and meaning for its own personal life. What this soul discovers then becomes the basis for supporting other to find higher meaning and greater self worth from within.

In the consensus state this will symbolize a soul who is initiating a new path of establishing it's worth and value in this world in such a way that is supported and validated by the status quo of its culture. This may be about finding new ways to find resources, to survive - anything that brings the soul closer to higher values that reflect the consciousness of God and helps to solidify a new sense of meaning in its own life. The stamina and determination to find value and meaning in its life in this way serves as a guiding light for others to do the same and will in some way reflect the principals of generosity and giving. In so doing this soul is breaking free from a limited and stagnant world view that is focused solely on "oneself". It is discovering values that are linked more towards empowerment and sharing than personal gain. Through following this path, this soul is able to help others to realize their own value and innate capacities/worth. This soul may also use it's earned resources and inner value in such a way as to support others who do not have "enough".

Within the individuated state this correlates to a soul that is becoming highly attuned to an impulse from outside of itself to become something more, to initiate and find within itself some greater meaning beyond what it has previously known of itself. This soul will develop an immense amount of will power and drive to do whatever it takes to break free from stagnant forms of survival and to discover new ways of surviving, new ways of establishing meaning in its own life. It may become an activist against poverty - or fight food predators (such as some corporations). By initiating all these new experiences and activities it is discovering what its deepest values are, and in so doing the soul becomes determined to fight for these values and to inspire others to find for the values that are right for them; to break free from whatever restraints are keeping them from that. This may be a soul that discovers that dumpster diving, or wild harvesting of plants are natural, viable and empowering ways to survive. The bearer of light can also manifest by discovering new forms of self pleasuring.The core impulse for this soul is generating the desires to relate to its own survival and self worth in such a way that it does not become a self enclosed well of isolation, but rather that it's own self love becomes a guiding light to others.

In the spiritual state this correlates to a soul who is becoming conscious of a special purpose to fulfill on behalf of source that relates to establishing new value and meaning of its life in spiritual terms. This soul will be learning about itself by setting forth on a path towards self discovery of its own worth and how it is supported by this world - not via material means alone, but rather through a direct inner relationship with the Godhead, to know from within itself that Source is the provider for all that is. This soul will thus be developing an immense degree of resourcefulness, to find within itself a deep spring of spiritual abundance that can be shared with others - to inspire others to discover that all is truly found within. This soul may set up different kinds of activities or enact some form of spiritual activism that serves the purpose of helping other people deepen their own self esteem in whatever ways are most helpful for them. This soul may also learn to experience the divine through the vehicle of sexuality and the physical senses, and realize that it is capable of doing this alone, by its own self. Through the vehicle of sexuality, it can realize that it's desires are fulfilled from something greater than itself beyond gross physical urges. This then enables the soul to spiritualize it's relationship with the body in such a way that it can help others to do the same. At the core, this soul is learning that it has to share it's spiritual abundance, and not just keep it for itself. In so doing, the soul perpetually becomes exposed to new resources and ways of being supported and becomes encouraged to keep on going. In this way it's own deep spring of spiritual abundance becomes a defacto inspiration to others on their own path.

For all the ea stages, inspiration can manifest through various expressions of art, such as singing or anything that is created with the tactile senses. The art or song will be an expression of an inner connection to a consciousness that is greater than oneself, that links the individual soul to a spring of abundance that is beyond just the material plane. The nature of this art will not be pre-meditated, but rather accessed in an instinctual way that allows the soul to purge and express instinctual impulses. These instinctual impulses are the ways in which the bearer of light archetype is expressed and realized.

Furthermore, this soul is overcoming instinctual urges to "take" what it needs from a place of self interest and personal concern with survival. It is realizing that it's own survival is most valuable when linked with something that brings more light into this world. The polarity is Libra in the 8th which signifies the need to let go of investment in self interest and to and disseminate its wealth, to share with others according to what is most needed by them.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Nov 15, 2012, 03:31 AM
Aries in the third house
The bearer of light archetype through Aries in the third house signifies a soul that is initiating new ways of learning and gathering information about reality. It will be confronting previous patters of having been aggressive and forceful with its mind - having jumped from one intellectual construct to another which has created arguments and confrontations with others. Now the soul is learning to use it's mind as a sharp tool to understand different perspectives and collect more data about phenomenal reality in such a way that connections can be established and the soul can realize it's own capacity to learn and communicate in ways that builds new associations and links more facts together. The bearer of light will express by way of how this soul is formulating its thoughts, writing and communicating. The source of these thoughts will be something greater than the soul itself, and will be an inspiration to others to become independent thinkers. Furthermore these souls can simply bring forth into this world new information that then enlightens others by way of the nature of that information as it provides classifications about reality that can serve as a map for others to follow.

Regarding communication dynamics, this soul would be learning to ask questions and to consider thoughtful responses that affect greater consciousness. This soul can inspire others to listen to what is being spoken and intended by the other (polarity Libra in the 9th house) which then allows the soul to consider and assimilate the information in its own way and come to its own conclusions. The capacity for assimilation allows the soul to build more constructs about reality and to be perpetually open to more data and information.

In the consensus state these souls will inspire new projects and adventures that support the learning process. They will have an very inquisitive and active mind, and that mind will be directed towards learning in such a way that the knowledge itself can become a guiding light for others. It's learning process will be guided by self direction, they will initiate their own education within the context of the status quo. In so doing they will help inspire others to learn and assimilate knowledge. They may write books or create maps that help others to navigate the terrain of life. A literal example of this may be an adventurer who maps out details of the environment.

In the individuated state this soul is seeking to liberate from old thought forms and discover new knowledge that will serve to liberate it's consciousness from past conditioning. This soul will orient to the learning process as a form of activism; gathering knowledge and building associations that further expand it's understanding of its environment. Through gathering the objective facts and building mental associations about reality this soul is bearing a light that others can follow by way of the liberating nature of this information. They may create activist paths that allow for the dissemination of data. They may create a form of media that reports on all kinds of environmental and social activities.

This is all I can do right now...


Hi Ari,

You have done enough to demonstrate that you really understand how the 'bearer of Light' manifests through the archetypes, and the EA states, that you have analyzed. It is thorough, thoughtful, and offers wonderful insights. Bravo !

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 15, 2012, 09:46 AM
Hi Cat, Gonzalo, Ari, Mirta, and Heather ...

I have put my comments for each of you within the post that you have each made. All of you have taken the time necessary to look into how the 'bearer of Light' would manifest through Aries and the Houses It manifests through. And for those that detailed this through the EA states is was really wonderful for me to see how all of you put this together. All of you have done really, really good work. It is so inspiring for me to see the work you have all produced. It's wonderful. Very few astrologers on our Earth have any real grasp of how the 'bearer of Light' manifests in our lives. All of you have now demonstrated that you do, and are now able to bring this knowledge to others, a knowledge once imparted can be of true benefit to the one's it is shared with.

I would suggest that we now proceed with working with real charts of individuals that are fairly knows to most of us. All of you have a real grasp of the underlying EA paradigm, the very core of evolutionary astrology, in such a way that I feel we can just go directly into examining the charts of known individuals and how the Lucifer, as bearer of Light, has or is manifesting within them. An obvious example that we could start with would be Barack Obama who has Lucifer in Leo conjunct his Sun in the 6th House. But we could can any well known person not just him. So I would like all of you to let me know about how you feel about taking this next step in this way. If you have other well known people that you would like the group as a whole to examine please share that with me, and the group.

God Bless all of you ...... Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Nov 15, 2012, 12:20 PM
Hi Rad,

Thank you for the feedback.  I clearly see your point regarding my 4th house interpretation.  I took from the polarity point (capricorn) without integrating it with the core 4th house archetype (cancer).  Got it!

I tyhink Barack Obama would be interesting in light of the here and now.  I was also trying to think of someone who has influenced mankind in a transcendent manner in the past and was thinking that Dane Rudhyar or Carl Jung might be interesting. 

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Nov 15, 2012, 01:36 PM
hi Rad and Group,

I haven't posted anything on the board but wanted you to know I've been working on this and still in the conversation.  I struggle with writing these days, as it just takes a very long time to get my words together.  i think i can post something tonight, but don't want to hold up the group up from moving on to this next phase. (i think Obama's an excellent chart for this topic!) Rad, what do you want me to do? I can try to post today or hold on to it and flow with the group.

thank you,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 15, 2012, 01:46 PM
Hi Stacie,

Go ahead and post when you can. I will read through it when you do. And of course feel free to keep participating in our group here.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Nov 15, 2012, 01:50 PM
Ok, I will. thanks Rad!
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Nov 15, 2012, 05:30 PM
HI Rad,
Thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate the experience of focusing on God's aspect of Lucifer, it was very valuable to me, and look forward to help others to it. .
I find Obama's chart interesting.
Another one could be Gandhi's, whose Lucifer in Sag in 2nd house manifested as the Bearer of Light in his Satyagraha.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Nov 16, 2012, 08:37 AM
Hi Rad,
Thank you for your steadfast support, and thanks everyone for your posts, I'm learning so much.
Obama would be fine with me as the first chart.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Nov 16, 2012, 09:20 PM
Hi Rad thank you so much for the feedback and support you are offering all of us here.
I'm open to do any chart.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Gonzalo on Nov 17, 2012, 09:18 AM
Hi Rad
Thanks so much for your guidance and support.
I think working with Obama's chart would be great.
I´ve also thought we could analyze these two other examples of the God aspect of lucifer if there's interest:

- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross: she has lucifer is in the 4th House, Cancer, conjunct the Pluto/North Node/Sun conjunction in the 4th House.

- Mirra Alfassa ("The Mother"): she has lucifer in the 4th House Virgo, with the south node of lucifer (calculated by "¦)  conjunct her South Node in the 4th House Leo (which is also conjunct Uranus) and the north node of lucifer in Aquarius, conjunct the North Node. Pluto in the 12th House squares the Nodes.

God Bless, Gonzalo
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 18, 2012, 09:35 AM
Hi Heather, Ari, Gonzalo, Mirta, Cat, Stacie, and any others who wish to join us on this thread,

Ok, we will start tomorrow, Monday, on the chart of Obama. His case is really interesting because, as most of us have learned here on this message board, he was Abraham Lincoln in another life. I bring this up because the Lucifer connection between the two charts is simply as mind boggling as it is as evidence of the fact that both are the same Soul. I will post this information tomorrow for us.

And Gonzalo those two women, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross and  Mirra Alfassa ("The Mother") sure sound like interesting Souls to look into as well. We can certainly do that after the analysis of Obama.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Nov 18, 2012, 09:38 AM
Hi Rad,

I too am following along rather than participating directly, as my attention has been with my feline companion of seventeen years, who passed in the light of the eclipse.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 19, 2012, 09:43 AM
Hi Wendy, Heather, Gonzalo, Cat, Ari, Stacie, and Mirta,

Ok, so we will now work with the chart of Barak Obama and the 'bearer of Light' in his chart which is at 13 Leo conjunct his Sun at 12 Leo in his 6th House. This also conjuncts his N.Node of Neptune. I would like to provide some additional information about Obama and the fact that he had been Abraham Lincoln in that past life because the Lucifer connection between them is simply astounding. Lincoln's Sun was at 23 Aquarius and conjunct his N.Node of Lucifer at 20 degrees. Obama's S.Node of the Moon is 27 degrees of Aquarius. Lincoln S.Node of Lucifer is at 18 Leo which then conjuncts Obama's natal Uranus, Sun, and his natal Lucifer itself. Lincoln's natal Lucifer was at 6 Virgo which conjuncts Obama's natal Pluto.

Obama's own N.Node of Lucifer is at 24 Aquarius, and his S.Node of Lucifer is at 17 Leo. The correlations here is are simply mind boggling. I am presenting this because in order to understand, fully, how the 'bearer of Light' operates through Obama is to understand how manifested through Lincoln.

Just one more piece of information that is also stunning from an EA point of view is that the natal asteroid Lincoln is Obama's chart at 29 Capricorn which is conjunct his natal Saturn and Jupiter, his S.Node of Lincoln is at 20 Libra which is the natal Mars of Lincoln at 25 degrees. This is also the S.Node of Mars for Obama, and his N.Node of Chiron. This lands in Obama's 8th House, just as these symbols occur in Lincoln's 8th House. One of the obvious manifestations of these symbols is being shot through the head, assassinated, while attending a play in a theater. And, lastly, the N.Node of the asteroid Lincoln conjuncts Obama's Moon in Gemini in his 4th, and squares his natal Pluto.

So right now I would like all of you to at first reflect on the life of Lincoln and how the bearer of Light manifested through him. And then to reflect on the life of Obama, thus far, to understand as deeply as possible how the bearer of Light is manifesting through is natal Lucifer conjunct Obama's Sun in Leo in the 6th, and the meaning of these symbols being conjunct his N.Node of Neptune. Neptune, as we all have learned, is of course on the archetypes of the Creator as well in our lives. So here we see them conjunct.

Obama's EA state is in the first stages of the 1st Spiritual State.

If you have any questions please ask them of me now.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Nov 21, 2012, 06:49 AM
Hi Rad,
I am afraid I do not understand well what this sentence means

Neptune, as we all have learned, is of course on the archetypes of the Creator as well in our lives. So here we see them conjunct.

Could you please express it in a different way?
Thanks so much
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Nov 21, 2012, 06:50 AM
Quote from: mirta on Nov 21, 2012, 06:49 AM
Hi Rad,
I am afraid I do not understand well what this sentence means

" Neptune, as we all have learned, is of course on the archetypes of the Creator as well in our lives. So here we see them conjunct."

Could you please express it in a different way?
Thanks so much
God Bless

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 21, 2012, 08:18 AM
Quote from: mirta on Nov 21, 2012, 06:50 AM
Quote from: mirta on Nov 21, 2012, 06:49 AM
Hi Rad,
I am afraid I do not understand well what this sentence means

" Neptune, as we all have learned, is of course on the archetypes of the Creator as well in our lives. So here we see them conjunct."

Could you please express it in a different way?
Thanks so much
God Bless

Hi Mirta,

First the word 'on' should be 'one'. So what I am saying here is that Neptune, as an archetype, correlates with the Creator. And, like Lucifer from the bearer of Light point of view, it also manifests in our lives as an impulse, consciousness, or energy that is coming from the Creator. So with Obama's Lucifer in Leo conjunct his N.Node of Neptune in his 6th, with his Sun, these archetypes are fused together and operating as one. This fusion then correlates to something like a 'double dose' from the Creator as the 'bearer of Light'.

Let me know if this makes sense now and, if not, I will try to express it in a different way again.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Nov 21, 2012, 08:43 AM
Hi Rad
Thanks so much for your explanation, it is very clear now. I supposed something like that "double dose" but was afraid of misunderstanding because of my language limitations.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Heidi on Nov 21, 2012, 12:21 PM
Hey Gonzalo and Rad,

I notice that you are mentioning the north and south nodes of Lucifer. I'm curious if you have access to an ephemeris with this info? I've searched the site and found various links, but none I've seen have the actual N and S nodes.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Heidi on Nov 21, 2012, 04:55 PM
Thanks Gonzalo!
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Nov 25, 2012, 03:14 AM
Hi all, here are the nodes calculated from: (

Lincoln's Lucifer is:
NN: 20 aquarius 29   SN: 18 leo  3

For Obama:
NN 24 Aquarius 28    SN: 17 Leo 12
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 26, 2012, 09:23 AM
Hi Ari, Stacie, Wendy, Mirta, Gonazlo, Heather and Cat,

Please let me know who is still wishing to continue this thread which is now about Obama's Lucifer.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Nov 26, 2012, 12:58 PM
Hi Rad, I am interested. I'll be working on this throughout the week.

Btw everyone, regarding my last post, my intention was to point out that either way the calculated nodes of Lucifer are pretty close to one another in each calculation - I was not suggesting that one nodal calculation was more correct than another. I simply do not know which is more accurate.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Nov 27, 2012, 01:42 AM
Hi Rad,
I intend to continue here. First, can you help me distinguish more clearly the difference between the Neptune archetype and Lucifer. What I've come with simply is that Neptune Pisces and the 12th house represents a return to source through surrender, culmination, dissolution, transcendence.  The Light Bearer in the asteroid Lucifer is rather a space within the soul that can be filled with the Light of the World or evil depending on our choices and what we open ourselves to. Does this sound right? 
Another question I have is, if choice is part of the Lucifer archetype is this why it is associated with Scorpio?
I will respond to the Obama chart in the coming week.
Thank you so much,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Nov 27, 2012, 06:54 AM
Hi Rad,
Yes, I wish to continue. I would need more a week to do the analysis.

I have a question regarding Lincoln's evolutionary state. I have been reading a little about him and it seems to me he was 3rd individuated. But given that Obama is already within 1st spiritual, should I suppose that Lincoln was in the cusp or 1st spiritual too?

Thanks for your guidance and for waiting and allowing us to take the time we need.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 27, 2012, 11:01 AM
Quote from: mountainheather on Nov 27, 2012, 01:42 AM
Hi Rad,
I intend to continue here. First, can you help me distinguish more clearly the difference between the Neptune archetype and Lucifer. What I've come with simply is that Neptune Pisces and the 12th house represents a return to source through surrender, culmination, dissolution, transcendence.  The Light Bearer in the asteroid Lucifer is rather a space within the soul that can be filled with the Light of the World or evil depending on our choices and what we open ourselves to. Does this sound right? 
Another question I have is, if choice is part of the Lucifer archetype is this why it is associated with Scorpio?
I will respond to the Obama chart in the coming week.
Thank you so much,

Hi Heather,

Neptune, Pisces, and the 12th House all correlate with the inherent structure of consciousness within the human species that allows it to become aware that there is a Cause of the Creation, of all existence, including human. This awareness thus correlates to a desire within human consciousness to KNOW the origin of it's own creation. This desire to know sets in motion within the human consciousness a desire of HOW to know the Origin of it's own existence, as well as the Origin of All Things.

This desire to know how to know the Origin of All Things leads to the inherent knowledge within all Souls of the Natural Law that leads to that knowing. And that is the Natural Law of the breath, and how the breath directly correlates to the natural law of polarities that is reflected in the inhaling and exhaling breath. Within this inherent knowledge of the breath also lies the knowledge of how to still the breath in such a way that the law of polarities is 'transcended': the Cause of the inhaling and exhaling breaths. When a breathless state is thus achieved by the Soul the consciousness within it is now unified with the Cause of it's own Creation.

These natural laws correlates with Pisces, Neptune, and the 12th House exist for all Souls, all consciousness in human form in general: they apply at all times.

Wherever in the birth chart the sign Pisces occurs, wherever the planet Neptune is, and whatever sign on the 12th House exists, with the location of it's planetary ruler, correlates to the natural ways in any given life where the impulse, energy, or consciousness of the Source Of All Things can be directly experienced by the Soul that thus allows the Soul to directly experience the Source through those portals within it's overall consciousness. Wherever these symbols exist within the birth chart of any given Soul are directly determined by the Soul, caused by, as a reflection of the specific ongoing evolutionary and karmic condition of the Soul itself.

So, on the one hand, we have the universal Natural Laws that these symbols correlate too, the knowledge of the breath, and, on the other hand, we have the specific ways the Soul can know it's Creator in any given life that is symbolized by the placement of those symbols.

The asteroid Lucifer also correlates, arch-typically, to the 'bearer of Light' which of course means the Source Of All Things. As stated earlier there are many portals in human consciousness through which the 'bearer of Light' can be known and experienced. Lucifer is one of these. The specific house, sign placement, and the aspects to it, are all determined by the Soul itself relative to it's ongoing evolutionary and karmic needs. It's S.Node of course correlates to how this has manifested in the Soul's past, and N.Node correlates to the evolutionary and karmic direction that the Soul intends to take, and the natal position of how this past and future in integrated in the moment: the current life.

Your question:

"The Light Bearer in the asteroid Lucifer is rather a space within the soul that can be filled with the Light of the World or evil depending on our choices and what we open ourselves to. Does this sound right? 


"Another question I have is, if choice is part of the Lucifer archetype is this why it is associated with Scorpio?"

The Natural Law of choice, free choice, choice making, are all symbolized by the archetype of Pluto, Scorpio, and the 8th House. These symbols all correlate to the phenomena of Evil as this is contained and symbolized within these archetypes. The phenomena and consciousness of Evil exists within the consciousness of all Souls just as the phenomena and consciousness of the Source exists within all Souls.

For the consciousness within any Soul to become Evil, to do Evil, is must make a choice to do so. Thus wherever we find the symbols of Pluto, Scorpio, and the sign on the 8th house, and the location of it's planetary ruler, as well as the symbols for Lucifer correlate to the natural portals in human consciousness through which Evil can exist: the 'temptations' of Evil, Lucifer. Yet the Soul makes choices to allow this to exist when it does so.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Nov 28, 2012, 01:37 AM
Hi Rad,

QuoteQuote from: mountainheather on Nov 27, 2012, 12:42 AM
Hi Rad,
I intend to continue here. First, can you help me distinguish more clearly the difference between the Neptune archetype and Lucifer. What I've come with simply is that Neptune Pisces and the 12th house represents a return to source through surrender, culmination, dissolution, transcendence.  The Light Bearer in the asteroid Lucifer is rather a space within the soul that can be filled with the Light of the World or evil depending on our choices and what we open ourselves to. Does this sound right? 
Another question I have is, if choice is part of the Lucifer archetype is this why it is associated with Scorpio?
I will respond to the Obama chart in the coming week.
Thank you so much,

Hi Heather,

Neptune, Pisces, and the 12th House all correlate with the inherent structure of consciousness within the human species that allows it to become aware that there is a Cause of the Creation, of all existence, including human. This awareness thus correlates to a desire within human consciousness to KNOW the origin of it's own creation. This desire to know sets in motion within the human consciousness a desire of HOW to know the Origin of it's own existence, as well as the Origin of All Things.

This desire to know how to know the Origin of All Things leads to the inherent knowledge within all Souls of the Natural Law that leads to that knowing. And that is the Natural Law of the breath, and how the breath directly correlates to the natural law of polarities that is reflected in the inhaling and exhaling breath. Within this inherent knowledge of the breath also lies the knowledge of how to still the breath in such a way that the law of polarities is 'transcended': the Cause of the inhaling and exhaling breaths. When a breathless state is thus achieved by the Soul the consciousness within it is now unified with the Cause of it's own Creation.

These natural laws correlates with Pisces, Neptune, and the 12th House exist for all Souls, all consciousness in human form in general: they apply at all times.

Wherever in the birth chart the sign Pisces occurs, wherever the planet Neptune is, and whatever sign on the 12th House exists, with the location of it's planetary ruler, correlates to the natural ways in any given life where the impulse, energy, or consciousness of the Source Of All Things can be directly experienced by the Soul that thus allows the Soul to directly experience the Source through those portals within it's overall consciousness. Wherever these symbols exist within the birth chart of any given Soul are directly determined by the Soul, caused by, as a reflection of the specific ongoing evolutionary and karmic condition of the Soul itself.

So, on the one hand, we have the universal Natural Laws that these symbols correlate too, the knowledge of the breath, and, on the other hand, we have the specific ways the Soul can know it's Creator in any given life that is symbolized by the placement of those symbols.

The asteroid Lucifer also correlates, arch-typically, to the 'bearer of Light' which of course means the Source Of All Things. As stated earlier there are many portals in human consciousness through which the 'bearer of Light' can be known and experienced. Lucifer is one of these. The specific house, sign placement, and the aspects to it, are all determined by the Soul itself relative to it's ongoing evolutionary and karmic needs. It's S.Node of course correlates to how this has manifested in the Soul's past, and N.Node correlates to the evolutionary and karmic direction that the Soul intends to take, and the natal position of how this past and future in integrated in the moment: the current life.

Your question:

"The Light Bearer in the asteroid Lucifer is rather a space within the soul that can be filled with the Light of the World or evil depending on our choices and what we open ourselves to. Does this sound right? 


"Another question I have is, if choice is part of the Lucifer archetype is this why it is associated with Scorpio?"

The Natural Law of choice, free choice, choice making, are all symbolized by the archetype of Pluto, Scorpio, and the 8th House. These symbols all correlate to the phenomena of Evil as this is contained and symbolized within these archetypes. The phenomena and consciousness of Evil exists within the consciousness of all Souls just as the phenomena and consciousness of the Source exists within all Souls.

For the consciousness within any Soul to become Evil, to do Evil, is must make a choice to do so. Thus wherever we find the symbols of Pluto, Scorpio, and the sign on the 8th house, and the location of it's planetary ruler, as well as the symbols for Lucifer correlate to the natural portals in human consciousness through which Evil can exist: the 'temptations' of Evil, Lucifer. Yet the Soul makes choices to allow this to exist when it does so.

God Bless, Rad

That is so much deeper an understanding, thank you that really helps alot.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Wendy on Nov 28, 2012, 09:44 AM
Quote from: Rad on Nov 26, 2012, 09:23 AM
Hi Ari, Stacie, Wendy, Mirta, Gonazlo, Heather and Cat,

Please let me know who is still wishing to continue this thread which is now about Obama's Lucifer.

God Bless, Rad

Hi Rad,

Yes, I'm in.  It has been an intense Mercury retro time and my life is just settling down.  I will post by Friday.  Thank you.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Nov 28, 2012, 10:17 PM
Hi Rad,

I am sorry for the delay in replying.  Mercury Retro brought several days of internet outage.  I have it back now but have a business trip coming up which will take me away from internet access again.  I don't think I can commit right now.  Should I manage to get it together I will post, but I do not want to hold anyone up so let's just assume I need to drop out for now.  I will be following along when I can as its a fascinating topic and a great learning experience

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Nov 29, 2012, 11:02 AM

Hi Rad,
Sorry for the insistence, but I wonder if you missed my post, or perhaps the question.

Quote from: mirta on Nov 27, 2012, 06:54 AM
Hi Rad,
Yes, I wish to continue. I would need more a week to do the analysis.

I have a question regarding Lincoln's evolutionary state. I have been reading a little about him and it seems to me he was 3rd individuated. But given that Obama is already within 1st spiritual, should I suppose that Lincoln was in the cusp or 1st spiritual too?

Thanks for your guidance and for waiting and allowing us to take the time we need.

Thanks again
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Nov 29, 2012, 02:09 PM
Quote from: mirta on Nov 29, 2012, 11:02 AM

Hi Rad,
Sorry for the insistence, but I wonder if you missed my post, or perhaps the question.

Quote from: mirta on Nov 27, 2012, 06:54 AM
Hi Rad,
Yes, I wish to continue. I would need more a week to do the analysis.

I have a question regarding Lincoln's evolutionary state. I have been reading a little about him and it seems to me he was 3rd individuated. But given that Obama is already within 1st spiritual, should I suppose that Lincoln was in the cusp or 1st spiritual too?

Thanks for your guidance and for waiting and allowing us to take the time we need.

Thanks again
God Bless

Hi Mirta,

Yes, right on the cusp of the 1st Individuate State ... moving back and forth between the 3rd Individuated, and the 1st Spiritual. This is quite typical: the moving back and forth for more than one life.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Nov 29, 2012, 03:27 PM
Thanks Rad.God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Nov 30, 2012, 02:54 AM
Hi Rad and all,

Regarding how the bearer of light archetype played out in the life of Lincoln, first the basic astro correlations:

Lincoln's Lucifer was at 6 Virgo, retrograde in this first house. That Lucifer is in gibbous phase opposition to his Pluto in the first. It is ruled by Mercury in Pisces in the 1st house which is conjunct Pluto and ruled by Neptune. That Mercury also forms a first quarter square with Neptune and Saturn both in Sag in the 9th house Neptune being conjunct the MC.

The sn of Lincoln's Lucifer is 18 Leo in the 6th house, conjunct the NN of Neptune, square to Uranus and ruled by the Sun which is conjunct the north node of Lucifer at 20 Aquarius. The north node of Lucifer is ruled by Uranus which is in Scorpio in the 9th house conjunct the north node of the Moon and again squares the sn in Leo in the 6th.
The north node of Lucifer is also conjunct the Ascendent and with a wide orb conjunct Chiron in Aquarius in the 12th. The nodal axis of the Moon itself forms a skipped step with that Chiron in Aquarius in the 12th house.

The way I have done this is by first offering a basic set up of the general karmic dynamics implied by the Lucifer signatures in Lincoln's chart, and then the specific correlations of those signatures as it relates to the arhchetype of the "bearer of light".

The essence of the soul of Lincoln, in the life of Lincoln was to be an agent of a higher source to establish greater freedom and equality for all people, regardless of "caste". He did this through establishing a radical vision (9th house, Uranus) that excellerated the times he was living in to a higher level of consciousness. Pluto in the first in Pisces signifies the spiritual calling to fulfill a special purpose. In opposition to Lucifer in Virgo in the 6th: A core karmic dynamic within this soul is where he was influenced and negatively effected by the debilitating criticism of other people. It was the use of word, duplicity and trickery of others that had an effect of frequently creating a disempowering and overwhelming effect on this soul. The ruler of that Lucifer being Mercury is in a balsamic conjunction to Pluto and squaring the Saturn Neptune balsamic conjuction along with the MC. The stress within this soul was to communicate in ways that all people could hear (Pisces, Neptune) something that was new, but was also relevent and appropriate according to the climate of the culture and the prevailing beliefs and visions of that culture - Saturn in Sag, MC. Relative to this Lucifer Pluto opposition this signifies at a core level the stress this soul had in going back and forth between doubting himself, his purpose and his unique role via the criticism (Virgo, gibbous phase) and dissuasion of other people who were likely influenced in some way by evil. The evolutionary intention within this was for Lincoln to learn to throw off and release from himself unecessary relating patterns that give too much power away to other people by way of trying to listen to them in a balanced way. It also implies, relative to the nature of the Pluto polarity point, that these "others" had the effect of instigatingn evolution within the soul by reflecting back to Lincoln the limitations in his own direct inspiration and connection to a higher purpose he is here to act upon.

The disillusioning dynamic for this soul has been the hard lesson of discriminating other people's other motives and intentions. The fact of this being carried over into Obama's chart by that Lucifer right on Obama's 7th house Pluto is quite amazing!

The sn of Lucifer further emphasizes these dynamics as it points to self doubt relative to his life's purpose.  And thus the temptation for this soul to feel inadequate, not prepared, not worthy and ready to do the work he is here to do. The influence of other people (natal Lucifer in 7th, Virgo) would catalyze that pre-existing dynamic of self doubt within this soul. It's relevant to note as well that the 6th house itself is ruled by the Moon which is in Capricorn in the 11th house: an ego structure in that life linked to radicalizing society, and yet that Moon was in an early square to the nodes: a skipped step symbolizing groups of people (11th house) that attempted to thwart Lincon's plan by lying and using all kinds attacks on Lincoln's vision (such as Greely's article he wrote against Lincoln's politics when Lincoln did not yet free the slaves). The intention for the soul of Lincoln was to establish a new national identity (Cap Moon in 11th) through the future oriented vision he was here to offer to the world, and by cutting away old beliefs about a certain culture of people: the black slaves in america (all squaring 9th house Scorpio nn). Given that this nn is ruled by Pluto, this brings us back to the opposition with natal Lucifer.
The intention for this soul has been to bear the light of truth regardless of the kind of opposition from others and the self doubt created from that opposition.

To focus specifically on how the archetype of the bearer of light manifested, it's first and foremost expressed by way of the north node of his Lucifer which is conjunct his natal Sun and the ruler of his sn. The nn of Lucifer is conjunct Chiron in the 12th which is also on the sn of Neptune. This correlates to a soul who coming into this life has already strongly developed the consciousness of bringing higher awareness of God, of higher truth into this world: the ruler of his Lucifer sn is conjunct the nn of Lucifer, signifying a dynamic within this soul that is being replayed in the current life. The intention in the life of Lincoln was to stay focused on the 1st house Sun without falling back into the self doubt of the sn in the 6th that it rules. In so doing, this soul was channeling forth and, through the brightness of his own being that was actualized and expressed in the world on a moment to moment basis of continual action - Sun first house - he was exemplifying a path that is linked to the principals of inclusiveness and sharing (Aquarius) and also bore the light by remaining detached and non reactive, not taking personally the attracts and projections, and mind control games (Aquarius, Chiron in 12th squaring the nodes) of others who sought to manipulate and usurp the divine path Lincoln was on.

He bore the light by staying simply staying on his path and remaining devoted to being a poster child for what it's like to hold strong to one's core purpose - Aquarius, fixed energy linked to social change, linked to the bearer of light of Lucifer. Keeping his mind above the bs of others, and staying focused on his purpose is how this archetype expressed.

Relating all of this back to the position of natal Lucifer itself, Retrograde in Virgo in the 6th, noting that Lucifer forms a T square with Neptune, Saturn and Mercury, it all translates to skillfully working with his words and the careful execution of his spiritual vision via the current structures of time and space and to refine, develop his ability to communicate to and meet the needs of all other kinds of people at the same time. So the evolutionary theme for this soul, which he did in fact achieve to a great extent, was to simultaneously listen to all kinds of people and their perspectives, but also to stay completely devoted, connected to his purpose.

The Moon and Chiron in Aquarius skipped step implies where there had been great disillusionment around humanity in general in the past and that this is something that this soul has carried heavy with him - likely linking back even further to a time during which he himself had been exclusive and ascribed to beliefs that were limiting to various people. I am quite curious what this has related to within this soul. It seems with these signatures that the life of Lincoln itself was still not the first life where this soul had attempted such social change on a collective level.

Leaving the life of Lincoln, this soul has in fact carried forth the Lucifer archetype in an extremely powerful way. In Obamas chart it reflects both unresolved dynamics that are being brought forth from Lincoln: that which is not yet complete, as well as a very special and highly developed spiritual attunement and purpose that has been directly carried over into the life of Obama.

In Obamas chart the position of natal Lucifer is itself conjunct the sn of Lucifer in Leo in the 6th conjunct the DC, both Lucifer and its sn conjunct the north node of Neptune. This reflects back to Lincolns chart wherein the ruler of the sn of lucifer was conjunct the nn of Lucifer which itself was placed in his 12th house (like Neptune). All of the symbols in Lincolns chart in this regard and brilliantly, and even more strongly re-emphasized in Obamas chart.

The north node of Lucifer in Obamas chart is at 24 Aquarius and falls in his first house, conjunct his lunar south node! The playover of the Lucifer archetpye is incredibly emphasized within this soul with the strong sn associations. This sn is ruled by Uranus which is conjunct his own lunar north node. This is a symbol for a dynamic that existed within the life of Lincoln (one of liberation) that is now intensified and is meant to be developed even further. I will discuss the meaning of this further down.

Further basic observations regarding the connection of signatures between Lincoln and Obama:
Obama's Lucifer falls at 12 Leo in his 6th house on his Sun. It squares Neptune in Scorpio in the 9th and Ceres in Taurus in the 3rd. That Neptune is ruled by Pluto in Virgo in the 7th house and squares Jupiter in Aquarius in the 1st. Obama's Pluto is conjunct the natal position of Lincoln's Lucifer. Pluto is in opposition to Chiron which is the placement by house and sign of Lincoln's natal Pluto. That Chiron is ruled by Neptune and that Neptune is conjunct Lincoln's north node.

The archetype of the bearer of light has been playing out in the life of Obama by way of how this soul has come into this world with the intention to develop and improve his self actualization - implying that in this life he is reflecting heavily on what works and what doesn't work, and with the intention to improve and address any aspects of denial regarding his purpose that is latent from the past (Lucifer conjunct its sn in the 6th house symbolizing latent relive dynamics). This expresses by way of this soul becoming very discriminative regarding the nature of his purpose and how to work with highest integrity possible; to correct previously made mistakes.

On another level, the strong 6th house Lucifer emphasis for this soul implies that he is bearing the light in this life by creating work that truly brings greater light and consciousness into this world. Relative to the evolutionary theme of his Lucifer nn in Aquarius in the first, relative to the natal position of Lucifer in the 6th and linking the ruler of the north node: Uranus in the 7th with Pluto: it has translated to spearheading social reform programs such as improved healthcare systems (6th house) that is relevent and applicable to all kinds of groups and social divisions in the country (7th house Uranus). He is also quite happy to call this health care reform "Obama care" (Leo).

(Note that both the nodes of Lucifer along with the Sun and Lucifer itself are squaring Ceres in Taurus in the 3rd along with Neptune in Scorpio in the 9th. This is important to point out as both Ceres and Vesta are squaring the nodal axis of the Moon. They are in the third house and are integrated through the lunar north node which is conjunct the nn of Lucifer, also squaring those asteroids. This third house skipped step theme here is also a repeat of the Gemini Moon squaring the nodes. I would like to spend more time reflecting on the actual correlations of these signatures within the soul of Obama and offer further interpretation.)

The north node of Lucifer being on the lunar south node correlates to a very well developed dynamic that is being brought forth from the past and karmicly needing to be played out once again. This south node being ruled by Uranus which is with the north node implies the direct theme here of initiating actions that will affect liberation and greater equality for all kinds of groups. The north node of Neptune involved with all those first house signatures is quite literally signifying an intention from a higher source for this soul to bring greater light into this world through persistent,objective and detached action. One way this soul bears light would also be through his ability to not care what other people think - simple things like that serve as great examples of the God consciousness of giving and sharing: how to listen with true consideration (7th house linkage) and at the same time to stand strong on one's own path without false or unnecessary compromise.

The marker for how this soul is to be a bearer of light ultimately comes down to following his own path. The correlations with Pluto being right on the Lucifer of Lincoln, and the immense confrontations and need to break through resistance implied within his own Pluto signature - conjunct Uranus, new phase with Mars in Virgo, also that it is conjunct the ruler of all that Aquarius and in opposition to Chiron, which is conjunct Lincoln's Pluto, implies that this soul is weeding out latent dynamics of self doubt that has otherwise blocked him from acting in the past. Ultimately this is all integrated through his own Sun which is right there conjunct Lucifer and its own SN: Reliving and rediscriminating how to actualize his purpose.

Thank you so much for this learning opportunity Rad. This is a deep blessing in my life.
God bless, with love,
Ari Moshe

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Nov 30, 2012, 04:54 AM
Hi Rad,

Just affirming that I too am still in. Close to posting on the lincoln/obama B.O.L. signatures (1 to 3 days).

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Dec 02, 2012, 12:47 PM
 Hi Rad and Group,
Thanks for sharing your deep knowledge, and for the opportunity of learning.

Some observations of the Bearer of Light in Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln's charts.

            "With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to     see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation's wounds" (Second Inaugural Address) (Lucifer in Virgo in 7th house opposite Pluto in Pisces square Saturn and Neptune in 9th house  Sag, inconjunct Chiron in Aquarius; SN Lucifer in Leo in 6th house trine SN Uranus in 10th and conjunct Neptune NN; NN in Aquarius in 12th house conjunct Chiron, Sun and Pallas.)

SN Lucifer in Leo in 6th house conjunct NN Neptune opposite Chiron in 12th house Aquarius that is conjunct SN Neptune, and gibbous inconjunct Pluto, reflects a former intention of creative self actualization in work as a way to serve and help humanity to actualize the Divine Plan of Union.

In Lincoln's life Lucifer in Virgo conjunct PPP manifested as the Bearer of Light by turning into reality the Soul's purpose of realizing its special destiny of finding an individual, original way of struggling to achieve social union according to Natural Law, and initiating a new social structure according to it. (Pluto in 1st house Pisces trine Uranus conjunct NN in 9th house, ruler Neptune in Sag in 9th house conjunct Saturn)

NN Lucifer in 12th house Aquarius conjunct Chiron, Ascendant, Sun and Pallas, and trine Mars in 8th house Libra; ruled by Uranus in Scorpio in 9th house conjunct NN, suggests that this new social structure pointed to liberation from imprisonment in social exclusion (slavery), healing the wounds of difference, of being a foreigner , an outsider (Chiron square
Resolution NN conjunct NN  Chiron in 9th house), and recovering the former union between people and with God/ess existing in matriarchal times aligned with N.L. (conjunction Chiron conjunct SN Neptune in Aquarius ruled by Uranus in 9th house).

He was a leader who always accepted observations and critics, but was not afraid of following his own instinct when he judged convenient (Lucifer in Virgo in 7th house, ruler Mercury in Pisces balsamic conjunction Pluto in 1st house), and able to accept praise and trust with humility. (SN Lucifer in Leo in 6th house conjunct NN Neptune opposite Chiron in 12th house Aquarius that is conjunct SN Neptune and gibbous inconjunct Pluto).
This humility is also present in the Gettysburg Address: "But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate"¦ we cannot consecrate"¦ we cannot hallow"¦ this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here."
However, his select words were never forgotten, despite its succinctness.

God's consciousness through Lucifer in Virgo in 7th house provided discrimination and understanding of other's needs as well as the differences between people and acceptation of them, together with a capacity to identify the people's qualities and possibilities. That's why he choose his collaborators according to personal conditions and responsibility, without looking at their party. (ARREGLAR)
He avoided quarrels or suits without listening all the parts involved, without considering all perspectives and causes. (Lucifer in 7th house sextile Uranus in 9th house Scorpio inconjunct Venus that is ruled by Mars in Libra in 8th house.)

Slavery abolition is perhaps what best reflects God's consciousness manifesting through this Soul.
Although he felt that Afro Americans were not equal to whites, he believed the American founders intended that all men were created with certain inalienable rights. (Lucifer in 7h house square Saturn in Sag in 9th house conjunct Neptune)
However, abolition had also pragmatic reasons, he saw slavery not so much as a moral wrong but as an impediment to economic development, to industrial  development and a way to not more providing cotton to English industry, thus empowering the nation and furthering independence from England. (Lucifer sextile Uranus in 9th house Scorpio, NN Lucifer in Aquarius conjunct Sun, trine Mars in 8th house).
Notwithstanding, slavery was abolished, and he was considered a conqueror hero by liberated slaves: "I know I am free, because I have seen Father Abraham's face and I felt it."
And God's consciousness acted through Lucifer in Virgo with NN in 12th house Aquarius conjunct Chiron and Sun conjunct Pallas in 1st house, by means of a prudent and strategic  program initiated in 1861 and  a definitive proclamation in 1863 (before England could influence on the acknowledgment).
He also made a public announcement of his support to African people's right to vote in Louisiana (Lucifer in 7th house in T-square with Mercury in 1st house Pisces conjunct Mercury NN and Saturn conjunct Neptune in 9t house Sag).
Lincoln never let the world forget that the Civil War involved an even larger issue. (Lucifer in 7h house opposite Pluto in Pisces in 1st house, NN in Aquarius in 12th house, SN in 6th house Leo conjunct Neptune NN) This he stated most movingly in dedicating the military cemetery at Gettysburg: "that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain--that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom--and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

Rad, I have a question: I have no reliable historical sources, and I am not sure about the motivations of his statements about the physical differences between races would made impossible living together in social and political equality and that "as any other man I am in favor of a superior position for white race" (My English version of a quote).
Looking at the chart and considering what he actually did, I believe it was a strategy in order to not generate more opposition given the epoch conditioning of the consensus. But with Moon in Cap conjunct SN Saturn and Pluto in 11th house, ruled by Saturn in 9th house square Mercury that is conjunct Pluto, I wonder if it was not his own conditioning, although not what his Soul intended.
Was abolition only a mean to achieving Union in his conscious intention, was it actually a mean to him?
What I really wonder is: If he really believed in inequality and white superiority,  did the Soul choose to return as Barack Obama with Pluto in 7th house (in Lucifer's exact degree) conjunct Uranus, ruler of Lincoln's Sun and Lucifer NN and Obama's SN  in order to relive that issue, experiencing inequality, "on the other side"? .

The Soul returned as Barack Obama with Pluto in the same degree of Lincoln's Lucifer, picking up the Bearer of Light as itself, as its background.
And Pluto is conjunct NN that is in Leo conjunct Uranus affirming the purpose here, and emphasizing creative self actualization of the "other", the different, of what is out of the consensus majority.
The Bearer of Light in 13º Leo, conjunct Uranus and Sun stands as a bridge between them, between past, present and future. (Lucifer conjunct  the ruler of SN  that is conjunct Lincoln's Sun and Neptune NN, conjunct Obama's Sun and Neptune NN; Obama's SN is conjunct his Lucifer NN).
Both SN of Lucifer are conjunct, they are picking up the same source, which is SN Lucifer conjunct NN Neptune in Lincoln.
Obama's SN is conjunct Lucifer NN, and its ruler is conjunct SN Lucifer, another hint of reliving an resuming the Bearer of Light's intention, now in conjunction with Sun that is also the NN ruler and NN of Neptune.: the Soul is now integrating its purpose of service to liberation and Union in free self actualization of all members of society.
It is really wonderful to see God's delineation of Its own path through a Soul, one of His sparks.

With LUCIFER IN LEO CONJUNCT NN Neptune in 6th house in 1st Spiritual God's consciousness guides the Soul to knowledge, direct internal knowledge, of its uniqueness and singularity, and to union with other singularities in something larger that includes it and is immanent.  Humility is necessary and is being developed. It manifested as service to society helping to create conditions of  work in order to self actualizing, and promoting health care.
Lucifer square Neptune in 9th house (conjunct  Lincoln's NN, Uranus, and NN Chiron)that is in a GT to Venus in Cancer in 5th house and Chiron in Pisces points to that also and reflects that it is part of the individual's belief system produced by a crisis in consciousness leading to see himself in relation to the All, and that God is intending to transform the societal belief system and consciousness through this Soul. However, he must face crisis and conflicts created by the conservative forces of current society's opposition, some of them rooted in the past (Neptune quintile Uranus that is inconjunct Saturn RX, Saturn gibbous sesquiquadrate Pluto, MH ruler. Saturn conjunct SN Saturn and Pluto, and Lincoln's Moon)

NN LUCIFER in Aquarius in 1st house conjunct SN reflects the Soul's purpose of developing a free individuality,  free from societal and racial conditionings, able to affirm itself in the world with its singularity and uniqueness and able to lead and help others to liberate as well.
As SN in turn is conjunct Chiron in Pisces, the Bearer of Light is promoting  healing of  past traumas in the individuated unconsciousness as well as in the collective and racial unconsciousness and consciousness  and a way out of exclusion and loss by means of a renewed self-relation,  self worth , self image and consequent self-realization as God's creatures  (Uranus SN ruler, SN Chiron conjunct Lincoln's SN, NN Chiron conjunct Lincoln's Mars in 8th house; Chiron  conjunct Persephone, Ceres in Taurus ruled by Venus in 5th house in GT with Chiron and  Neptune in 9th house Scorpio).
The Bearer of Light is pointing toward a humble and detached individuality that perceives himself and others as souls and sees himself as "instrumental", as a medium through which God's Love and healing flows to Humanity.
NN of Lucifer conjunct the Resolution Node of Moon's skipped steps and Chiron, that is conjunct Lincoln's Sun and NN of Lucifer and SN Neptune reflects the continuity of God's intention through this Soul of liberating people of all forms of conditioning and exclusion.
Equality and inclusion in freedom is what this Soul is and has been seeking and promoting; ability to achieve it for himself and others, following its own objective intuition with ever increasing compassion is its direction and goal.

Rad, aware of the privilege and blessing of having your attention and teaching, with gratitude. . . God Bless.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 03, 2012, 10:13 AM
Hi  Ari,and  Mirta,

Thanks for making the effort and sharing your EA analysis's of the 'bearer of Light' in Obama's/ Lincoln's charts. I will wait a couple more days for others in our group to do so as well before commenting on your work. For those who are still planning on doing this analysis please let me know.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Dec 04, 2012, 12:49 PM
Hi Rad and all,
I can post by Thursday, I've been tending to my mother who just got out of the hospital(all's well!), so I've been slow in responding, sorry! Heather
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 05, 2012, 10:42 AM
Hi Heather,

Thanks for letting me know. I will wait until Thursday then to read through and comment on the work that you and the others have done.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Dec 07, 2012, 07:44 AM
Hi Rad and Group,
My thoughts are not yet all together in written form for this assignment, please proceed and I will post when I am able. My apologies if I've been holding things up unnecessarily. I'm finding such joy in examining these beautiful souls and the massive influence of light radiating from them. Thank you. Heather
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 07, 2012, 09:44 AM
Hi Ari,

This is simply a brilliant EA analysis of the 'bearer of Light' between the charts of Lincoln and Obama. The linkages by way of aspects to the various Lucifer symbols, S/N Nodes, placement of their rulers, aspects to them that go back and forth between the two charts is just exceptional EA work. You have demonstrated a great understanding of the 'bearer of Light' as it applies to the Soul that has manifested both as Lincoln and Obama. Here is one of the statements within your analysis that goes right to the core of it all:

"The intention for this soul has been to bear the light of truth regardless of the kind of opposition from others and the self doubt created from that opposition."

This is exceptional EA work Ari, this is how it is meant to be done. For all others interested in EA in general, and the application of the Lucifer symbol specifically, please read carefully and thoughtfully this EA analysis by Ari.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 07, 2012, 10:25 AM
Hi Mirta,

Your EA analysis of both Obama and Lincoln, and the bridge between these lives relative to being the same Soul, is exceptional and accurate work. You asked this questions:

"Rad, I have a question: I have no reliable historical sources, and I am not sure about the motivations of his statements about the physical differences between races would made impossible living together in social and political equality and that "as any other man I am in favor of a superior position for white race" (My English version of a quote).

Looking at the chart and considering what he actually did, I believe it was a strategy in order to not generate more opposition given the epoch conditioning of the consensus. But with Moon in Cap conjunct SN Saturn and Pluto in 11th house, ruled by Saturn in 9th house square Mercury that is conjunct Pluto, I wonder if it was not his own conditioning, although not what his Soul intended.

Was abolition only a mean to achieving Union in his conscious intention, was it actually a mean to him?
What I really wonder is: If he really believed in inequality and white superiority,  did the Soul choose to return as Barack Obama with Pluto in 7th house (in Lucifer's exact degree) conjunct Uranus, ruler of Lincoln's Sun and Lucifer NN and Obama's SN  in order to relive that issue, experiencing inequality, "on the other side"? ."

This a tremendous question to ask, and important to understand. In reality Lincoln's total commitment was to preserve the union at all costs, the union of the United States. Thus, he did all that he could to that end. His inner and personal attitude of the African-Americans was stated in the very quote that you have brought up. And that, indeed, is accurate. And, yes, this attitude was very much influenced by the social conditioning of that time. Yet, as stated in the U.S. Constitution 'all men are created equal'. Thus, Lincoln's Lucifer in Virgo in his 7th House directly opposed his first house Pluto in Pisces. This is then reflected through Obama relative to Obama's Pluto being in his 7th, and exact to Lincoln's Lucifer. Equality as an archetype of course is Libra, and the 7th House.

Virgo is also an archetype of 'persecution'. We can see the archetype of persecution reflected in the archetype of Virgo, the 6th House in all the different ways that it is in both Obama's and Lincoln's birth charts. Inferiority and superiority also manifest, as archetypes, in these symbols. So one the one hand Lincoln did all that he could to sustain the union of the United States by way of the principle that 'all men are created equal'. One the other hand Lincoln did have his own personal opinion and attitude towards the African-Americans that reflects the 'superiority' of the White or Caucasian race versus the 'inferiority' of the African American race. 

We need to remember too that the Soul of Lincoln / Obama also manifested as Charles Lindbergh who for a time glorified the Aryan race while persecuting the Jewish race at the same time during WW2. Towards the end of that life he did totally change that attitude wherein 'all men are created equal'.

So this Soul manifesting as Obama choose to be born as half Caucasian, and half African-American. On the one hand we can now see the karma created through the attitude and belief that the Caucasian race, or Aryan's, are superior to all other races that then dictated being born as half African-American: to experience the 'persecution' by the Caucasian's towards him as an African-American. On the other hand, we can see that this Soul also wanted to be born this way so as to demonstrate the inherent equality of all races, that 'all men are created equal'.

So the Lucifer archetype as the 'bearer of Light' for the Soul of Obama, Lincoln, and Lindbergh lead to the evolution within that Soul that indeed all  men are created equal: to live it, not just 'believe' it.

Your EA work was exceptional Mirta. This is how it is meant to be done. For all those interested in EA in general, and the archetype of Lucifer specifically, please read deeply and carefully this work from Mirta.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 07, 2012, 10:27 AM
Hi Heather and Stacie,

I will read your work, and comment, when you post it.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Dec 07, 2012, 11:49 AM
Thank you Rad.  Been working two jobs so its been busier than usual. Thanks for giving Heather and I the time.

God Bless,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Dec 07, 2012, 01:13 PM
Thanks so much Rad for your feedback and answer. Your historical clarification and the EA amplification of its meaning and purpose are very enlightening to me.
I was now looking a bit at Lindberg's chart in relation to both, very interesting to trace this issue of equality/inequality.
With gratitude
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 08, 2012, 09:28 AM
Quote from: mirta on Dec 07, 2012, 01:13 PM
Thanks so much Rad for your feedback and answer. Your historical clarification and the EA amplification of its meaning and purpose are very enlightening to me.
I was now looking a bit at Lindberg's chart in relation to both, very interesting to trace this issue of equality/inequality.
With gratitude
God Bless

Hi Mirta and all of you,

Here are the birth charts of Lincoln, Lindbergh, Obama, and photo of Charles Lindbergh. If you look closely at this photo and combine it with a photo of Lincoln you can pretty easily see the contours of both within the face of Obama.

Of course the EA connections to these charts, as the same Soul, are stunning. Relative to what you asked me, and my answer, it is then even more stunning to see that S.Node of Lucifer for Lindbergh is at 21 Leo, and the N.Node is at 17 Aquarius. His natal Lucifer is in Cancer in his 8th House at 17 degrees. The archetypes of Capricorn and Cancer as it's polarity correlate with the nature of the different races of human beings. So these symbols clearly correlate with the issue that you have brought up.

God Bless, Rad

Here is a link to a speech that Obama made about slavery. It is so interesting when we consider the history of his Soul as demonstrated in this thread.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Dec 10, 2012, 03:38 PM
HI Rad
Thanks for the information. Yes, it's stunning to see the connections, stimulating also. Seeing Obama as a Soul speaking about the Proclamation and modern slavery was really moving.
I had seen that Pluto is also in 7th house in Lindbergh's chart, together with Neptune, and Lucifer's SN and NN conjunct Obama and Lincoln's. But I didn't know Capricorn-Cancer's correlation with the nature of the different races of human beings. Very interesting.

I couldn't take the time to read about Lindberg's life as I should have done. However, seeing his chart as a transition between Lincoln and Obama, suggested to me some reflections. I would like to see if they make sense, if possible for you.
In Lindberg's chart Pluto is in 7th house Gemini in a mutable T-square with Lincoln and Obama. Each of them means a crisis in action relative to the former, while Obama's is in gibbous opposition to Lincoln.
Lucifer's SN and NN are conjunct  in all of them.  Really stunning!
But in Lindbergh Lucifer is in Cancer in 8th house and conjunct Pluto and Saturn's NN (in a Grand Trine with Lincoln's Pluto and Jupiter in Pisces and Uranus conjunct NN in 9th house Scorpio). It seems to me that the Bearer of Light was intending to lead the soul to experiencing the emotional aspects  of equality/difference in general and especially regarding physical differences between races, and seeking the causes of them in cultural conditioning and beliefs,  as well as the wounds produced by the values based on that beliefs. (Lucifer opposite Jupiter, Saturn and Chiron in 2nd house Cap, conjunct Sn Jupiter, Pluto, Venus, Mercury and Saturn).  
God's consciousness was intending to guide the Soul to throw off these values by means of a metamorphosis in the self-image that could incorporate emotional self-knowledge. Knowing that there is (in him and others) something larger than the egocentric structure with its physical and social differences would follow. You said that "We need to remember too that the Soul of Lincoln / Obama also manifested as Charles Lindbergh who for a time glorified the Aryan race while persecuting the Jewish race at the same time during WW2. Towards the end of that life he did totally change that attitude wherein 'all men are created equal'. "  

Lindbergh's Lucifer is also opposite Lincoln's Cap Moon conjunct Saturn and Pluto SN, and Obama's Saturn in Cap conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius.  Aquarius, the sign of Lucifer's NN in all three begins to manifest in the belief system. . . but not only believing as you said but also living the integration of differences in himself and trying to extend it to others, to society.  
Lucifer is also trine Moon's NN that is conjunct Lincoln's NN and Uranus, and in the same degree with Obama's Neptune (GT Venus in Cancer and Chiron in Pisces) in 9th house. In the video about slavery Obama spoke about migrant workers deluded by traffickers, that foreign-born workers should know their rights, about treating victims as victims and not as criminals, as well as "better serve those who are vulnerable".

Another observation regarding Lucifer's phase in relation to Pluto.
In Lincoln's chart Lucifer is gibbous opposition Pluto, which reflects the need of throwing off this sense of superiority.
In Lindbergh Lucifer is New Phase semisextil Pluto suggesting the need of a conscious identification with a new evolutionary purpose, that includes an emotional consideration of other souls.
And Obama's Lucifer conjunct Sun and Neptune NN is balsamic Pluto, the Soul is recreating unfinished issues in order to culminate the evolutionary process, challenged to let go of the past and remain committed to a timeless, essential vision of human beings .  

A question: I cannot clearly see what's the correlation between Capricorn and the different human races. Is it something historic as gender assignment's correlation with patriarchy? Or is it archetypal?  In that case is it related to rigid structures and boundaries like nationalism or patriotism?
With gratitude
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 11, 2012, 10:16 AM
Hi Mirta,

First, all your realizations / insights that you shared are exactly right. Second your question: " A question: I cannot clearly see what's the correlation between Capricorn and the different human races. Is it something historic as gender assignment's correlation with patriarchy? Or is it archetypal?  In that case is it related to rigid structures and boundaries like nationalism or patriotism? "


It is archetypal. Remember that one of the correlations of Saturn, Capricorn, and the 10th House is one of boundaries. A natural boundary for the human body is one of the skin, and the pigmentation of the skin. The pigmentation of the skin correlates with a hormone called melanin. The proportions of melanin within the body thus are the determinant for the color on the skin on the human body. Such proportions are then the cause of brown, black, white, red and yellow skins. These of course correlate with the races of human beings. Thus racial identities that become the basis of racial boundaries which  in turn become the causative basis specific types of tribes, cultures, societies, and countries.

Within this archetype of course it does also correlate with national groups of people such as the Roma people, the Jewish people, the Romanian people, etc, etc, etc.

The Cancer, Moon, and the 4th House polarity to this manifests, as we have learned, to the ego within Soul in any given life wherein the ego correlates to the sense of personal identity. Thus, the ego that then says, "I am African-American" or "I am ".... whatever race that they are born into. "I am a Roman", "I am Jewish", etc, etc, etc.

From an EA point of view of course we need to discover why the Soul chooses to be born into whatever racial and cultural identity relative to it's ongoing evolutionary and karmic requirements and needs.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Dec 11, 2012, 11:27 AM
Thank you Rad, very clear now.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 11, 2012, 01:16 PM
Hi Ari, Cat, Heather, Stacie, Mirta, and Wendy,

Please let me know how many of you wish to keep developing our 'bearer of Light' examination further.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Dec 11, 2012, 04:51 PM
Hi Rad,
I would like to continue this work. This is a wonderful learning opportunity to me, thanks so much.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Dec 11, 2012, 07:31 PM
Yes, I'd like to continue as well. Thanks so much Rad.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mountainheather on Dec 13, 2012, 08:25 AM
Hi Rad and group,
This is just beyond amazing to me. Thank you all.
I am going to follow along, but will likely not post much, I've just simply got too much to do right now.
Light, Heather
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Dec 14, 2012, 12:24 AM
Hi Rad, I'd like to join in this time, but will depend on my energy levels. Thanks so much.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 14, 2012, 10:38 AM
Hi Ari, Mirta, Heather, Stacie, Cat, Wendy, and Linda,

Ok, we will begin again at the top of next week: Monday. Let me know what your preferences would be between doing real people like we just did with Obama, and hypothetical charts wherein we use the EA paradigm to develop context that then allows us to understand the placement, the why of it, of Lucifer and it's Nodes.

For those who wish to continue with real people please feel free to post those folks that interest you.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Dec 14, 2012, 06:00 PM
Hi Rad,

Thanks for this opportunity to partake in this group working on Bearer of Light/Lucifer.

I prefer "real" charts, and some suggestions in which I think the BOL/L would be good to explore are:

-  Anne Frank (victim of the holocaust)
-  Dane Rudhyar (pioneer of modern transpersonal astrology)
-  Carl Yung (founder of analytical psychology)
-  Claude Monet (effects of light, Impressionism)

Thank you,

To assist my EA colleagues in their choices, here's a link to a list of famous/iconic people:,544.msg10111.html#msg10111
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Dec 14, 2012, 09:00 PM
Ooh! Linda what a great and exciting list!
I'm drawn into Mozart, have actually been thinking about him a lot these days.
Him and Anne Frank feel like really fascinating case studies given the nature of their own contributions to the world.

Mozart had Lucifer in Sag squaring his nodes.
Frank had Lucifer in Pisces in the 8th ruled by Neptune which squared her nodes.

Of course I'm grateful for whatever charts we get to work with here.
With love,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Lucius on Dec 14, 2012, 11:35 PM
I have to say I've been thinking of Mozart a lot, as well!

I'll have to put my two cents in that hat.

I follow here everyday, but I don't feel capable of posting often.

I appreciate the posts, guidance and community.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Dec 15, 2012, 09:50 AM
Hi Rad,
I prefer real people, and am ready to work with hypothetical charts as well.

I had suggested Gandhi's chart with Lucifer en Sag in 2nd house conjunct Saturn and trine NN. But maybe we could work with a feminine soul now. So I add
. Simone Weil (the philosopher and mystic, not Simone Veil the French minister) with Lucifer in Cap conjunct Ascendant and SN, opposite Pluto conjunct NN in 6th house.

I also find Elizabeth Kübler -Ross a meaningful soul with an interesting chart to learn about the Bearer of Light.
Certainly whichever you choose within the suggested by the group will be the best for our purpose. Thank you.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Dec 15, 2012, 11:03 AM
Hi Rad,

I am just now catching up and still have a lot of reading to do.  Although I will be following along, I do not think I have the time to work on any charts right now. I am looking forward to following along however.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Tashi on Dec 16, 2012, 09:04 PM
thanks so much for posting this.  here is the data of the children who died in newtown, ct, without birthtime.  Adam Lanza - the shooter was born 4 22 1992 but we don't have a time and we are not yet sure where, but we think perhaps in newtown, ct. 
Can you post the position of Lucifer in 1992 as well as in 2005-06 as it relates to these children
State Police Releases List Of School Shooting Victims

The Connecticut State Police released the following list of the 26 victims who
were shot and killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14. The listing
also designates the dates of birth and gender of the victims.

Charlotte Bacon 02-22-06 F

Daniel Barden 09-25-05 M

Rachel Davino 07-17-83 F Adult

Olivia Engel 07-18-06 F

Josephine Gay 12-11-05 F

Ana M Marquez-Greene 04-04-06 F

Dylan Hockley 03-08-06 M

Dawn Hochsprung 06-28-65 Principal

Madeleine F. Hsu 07-10-06 F

Catherine V. Hubbard 06-08-06 F

Chase Kowalski 10-31-05 M

Jesse Lewis 06-30-06 M

James Mattioli 03-22-06 M

Grace McDonnell 11-04-05 F

Anne Marie Murphy 07-25-60 F

Emilie Parker 05-12-06 F

Jack Pinto 05-06-06 M

Noah Pozner 11-22-06 M

Caroline Previdi 09-07-06

Jessica Rekos 05-10-06 F

Avielle Richman 10-17-06 F

Lauren Russeau 06-1982 F

Mary Sherlach 02-11-56 F

Victoria Soto 11-04-85 F

Benjamin Wheeler 09-12-06 M

Allison N. Wyatt 07-03-06 F
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 17, 2012, 10:43 AM

Here is a website through which you can  calculate the positions of Lucifer for anyone.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 17, 2012, 11:35 AM
Hi Group,

Thanks to you all for the various recommendations of the famous people we could use to continue our thread on the 'bearer of Light'. Given the events of the past few days, i.e. the tragedy in America and also the tragedy in China where 22 young people were stabbed by a crazy person in their school as well, I feel that to look into the life of Anne Frank to be just right at this time.

Here birth chart is posted below: Her natal Lucifer is at 10 Pisces in her 8th House, and her S.Node of Lucifer is at 6 Leo in her 1st House, and her N.Node of Lucifer is at 12 Pisces.

Please do as much research as you can so that are understanding of the 'bearer of Light' can be accurate as possible. If you have any questions please ask them of me.

God Bless, Rad


Below is a biography about here from Wikipedia. Please read. Also here are two links that you may wish to view. The first one is a movie based on the life of Anne Frank, and the second a movie based on her actual diary / journal.

Part One of the movie Anne Frank The whole story:

Part Two of the movie Anne Frank The whole story:

The Diary of Anne Frank:


Annelies "Anne" Marie Frank (Dutch pronunciation: [É'nəˈlis ˈÉ'nÉ™ maˈri frÉ'Å‹k], German pronunciation: [anÉ™liːs ˈanÉ™ maˈʁiː fʁaÅ‹k] ?, About this sound pronunciation (help·info); 12 June 1929 - early March 1945) was one of the most discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust. Her diary has been the basis for several plays and films. Born in the city of Frankfurt am Main in Weimar Germany, she lived most of her life in or near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. Born a German national, Frank lost her citizenship in 1941 when Nazi Germany passed the anti-Semitic Nuremberg Laws. She gained international fame posthumously after her diary was published. It documents her experiences hiding during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II.

The Frank family moved from Germany to Amsterdam in 1933, the year the Nazis gained control over Germany. By the beginning of 1940, they were trapped in Amsterdam by the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. As persecutions of the Jewish population increased in July 1942, the family went into hiding in the hidden rooms of Anne's father, Otto Frank's, office building. After two years, the group was betrayed and transported to concentration camps. Anne Frank and her sister, Margot, were eventually transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where they both died of typhus in March 1945.

Otto Frank, the only survivor of the family, returned to Amsterdam after the war to find that Anne's diary had been saved, and his efforts led to its publication in 1947. It was translated from its original Dutch and first published in English in 1952 as The Diary of a Young Girl. It has since been translated into many languages. The diary, which was given to Anne on her 13th birthday, chronicles her life from 12 June 1942 until 1 August 1944.

Early life

Anne Frank was born on 12 June 1929 in Frankfurt, Germany, the second daughter of Otto Frank (1889-1980) and Edith Frank-Holländer (1900-45). Margot Frank (1926-45) was her elder sister.[2] The Franks were liberal Jews, did not observe all of the customs and traditions of Judaism,[3] and lived in an assimilated community of Jewish and non-Jewish citizens of various religions. Edith Frank was the more devout parent, while Otto Frank was interested in scholarly pursuits and had an extensive library; both parents encouraged the children to read.[4]

On 13 March 1933, elections were held in Frankfurt for the municipal council, and Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party won. Antisemitic demonstrations occurred almost immediately, and the Franks began to fear what would happen to them if they remained in Germany. Later that year, Edith and the children went to Aachen, where they stayed with Edith's mother, Rosa Holländer. Otto Frank remained in Frankfurt, but after receiving an offer to start a company in Amsterdam, he moved there to organise the business and to arrange accommodations for his family.[5] The Franks were among 300,000 Jews who fled Germany between 1933 and 1939.[6]

Otto Frank began working at the Opekta Works, a company that sold fruit extract pectin, and found an apartment on the Merwedeplein (Merwede Square) in Amsterdam. By February 1934, Edith and the children had arrived in Amsterdam, and the two girls were enrolled in school-Margot in public school and Anne in a Montessori school. Margot demonstrated ability in arithmetic, and Anne showed aptitude for reading and writing. Her friend Hanneli Goslar later recalled that from early childhood, Frank frequently wrote, although she shielded her work with her hands and refused to discuss the content of her writing. The Frank sisters had highly distinct personalities, Margot being well-mannered, reserved, and studious,[7] while Anne was outspoken, energetic, and extroverted.[8]

In 1938 Otto Frank started a second company, Pectacon, which was a wholesaler of herbs, pickling salts, and mixed spices, used in the production of sausages.[9][10] Hermann van Pels was employed by Pectacon as an advisor about spices. A Jewish butcher, he had fled Osnabrück in Germany with his family.[10] In 1939 Edith's mother came to live with the Franks, and remained with them until her death in January 1942.[11]

In May 1940, Germany invaded the Netherlands, and the occupation government began to persecute Jews by the implementation of restrictive and discriminatory laws; mandatory registration and segregation soon followed. The Frank sisters were excelling in their studies and had many friends, but with the introduction of a decree that Jewish children could attend only Jewish schools, they were enrolled at the Jewish Lyceum. Anne became a friend of Jacqueline van Maarsen in the Lyceum.[11] In April 1941 Otto Frank took action to prevent Pectacon from being confiscated as a Jewish-owned business. He transferred his shares in Pectacon to Johannes Kleiman and resigned as director. The company was liquidated and all assets transferred to Gies and Company, headed by Jan Gies. In December 1941 Frank followed a similar process to save Opekta. The businesses continued with little obvious change and their survival allowed Frank to earn a minimal income, but sufficient to provide for his family.[12]

Time period chronicled in the diary
Before going into hiding

For her 13th birthday on 12 June 1942, Anne Frank received a book she had shown her father in a shop window a few days earlier. Although it was an autograph book, bound with red-and-white checkered cloth[13] and with a small lock on the front, Frank decided she would use it as a diary,[14] and began writing in it almost immediately. While many of her early entries relate the mundane aspects of her life, she also discusses some of the changes that had taken place in the Netherlands since the German occupation. In her entry dated 20 June 1942, she lists many of the restrictions that had been placed upon the lives of the Dutch Jewish population, and also notes her sorrow at the death of her grandmother earlier in the year.[15] Frank dreamed about becoming an actress. She loved watching movies, but the Dutch Jews were forbidden access to movie theaters from 8 January 1941 onwards.[16]

In July 1942, Margot Frank received a call-up notice from the Zentralstelle für jüdische Auswanderung (Central Office for Jewish Emigration) ordering her to report for relocation to a work camp. Otto Frank told his family that they would go into hiding in rooms above and behind Opekta's premises on the Prinsengracht, a street along one of Amsterdam's canals, where some of his most trusted employees would help them. The call-up notice forced them to relocate several weeks earlier than had been anticipated.[17]

On the morning of Monday, 6 July 1942,[18] the family moved into their hiding place, a secret annex. Their apartment was left in a state of disarray to create the impression that they had left suddenly, and Otto Frank left a note that hinted they were going to Switzerland. The need for secrecy forced them to leave behind Anne's cat, Moortje. As Jews were not allowed to use public transport, they walked several kilometers from their home, with each of them wearing several layers of clothing as they did not dare be seen carrying luggage.[19] The Achterhuis (a Dutch word denoting the rear part of a house, translated as the "Secret Annexe" in English editions of the diary) was a three-story space entered from a landing above the Opekta offices. Two small rooms, with an adjoining bathroom and toilet, were on the first level, and above that a larger open room, with a small room beside it. From this smaller room, a ladder led to the attic. The door to the Achterhuis was later covered by a bookcase to ensure it remained undiscovered. The main building, situated a block from the Westerkerk, was nondescript, old, and typical of buildings in the western quarters of Amsterdam.[20]

Victor Kugler, Johannes Kleiman, Miep Gies, and Bep Voskuijl were the only employees who knew of the people in hiding. Along with Gies' husband Jan Gies and Voskuijl's father Johannes Hendrik Voskuijl, they were the "helpers" for the duration of their confinement. The only connection between the outside world and the occupants of the house, they kept the occupants informed of war news and political developments. They catered to all of their needs, ensured their safety, and supplied them with food, a task that grew more difficult with the passage of time. Frank wrote of their dedication and of their efforts to boost morale within the household during the most dangerous of times. All were aware that, if caught, they could face the death penalty for sheltering Jews.

On 13 July 1942, the Franks were joined by the van Pels family: Hermann, Auguste, and 16-year-old Peter, and then in November by Fritz Pfeffer, a dentist and friend of the family. Frank wrote of her pleasure at having new people to talk to, but tensions quickly developed within the group forced to live in such confined conditions. After sharing her room with Pfeffer, she found him to be insufferable and resented his intrusion,[22] and she clashed with Auguste van Pels, whom she regarded as foolish. She regarded Hermann van Pels and Fritz Pfeffer as selfish, particularly in regard to the amount of food they consumed.[23] Some time later, after first dismissing the shy and awkward Peter van Pels, she recognised a kinship with him and the two entered a romance. She received her first kiss from him, but her infatuation with him began to wane as she questioned whether her feelings for him were genuine, or resulted from their shared confinement.[24] Anne Frank formed a close bond with each of the helpers, and Otto Frank later recalled that she had anticipated their daily visits with impatient enthusiasm. He observed that Anne's closest friendship was with Bep Voskuijl, "the young typist ... the two of them often stood whispering in the corner."[25]

In her writing, Frank examined her relationships with the members of her family, and the strong differences in each of their personalities. She considered herself to be closest emotionally to her father, who later commented, "I got on better with Anne than with Margot, who was more attached to her mother. The reason for that may have been that Margot rarely showed her feelings and didn't need as much support because she didn't suffer from mood swings as much as Anne did."[26] The Frank sisters formed a closer relationship than had existed before they went into hiding, although Anne sometimes expressed jealousy towards Margot, particularly when members of the household criticised Anne for lacking Margot's gentle and placid nature. As Anne began to mature, the sisters were able to confide in each other. In her entry of 12 January 1944, Frank wrote, "Margot's much nicer ... She's not nearly so catty these days and is becoming a real friend. She no longer thinks of me as a little baby who doesn't count."[27]

Frank frequently wrote of her difficult relationship with her mother, and of her ambivalence towards her. On 7 November 1942 she described her "contempt" for her mother and her inability to "confront her with her carelessness, her sarcasm and her hard-heartedness," before concluding, "She's not a mother to me."[28] Later, as she revised her diary, Frank felt ashamed of her harsh attitude, writing: "Anne, is it really you who mentioned hate, oh Anne, how could you?"[29] She came to understand that their differences resulted from misunderstandings that were as much her fault as her mother's, and saw that she had added unnecessarily to her mother's suffering. With this realization, Frank began to treat her mother with a degree of tolerance and respect.[30]

The Frank sisters each hoped to return to school as soon as they were able, and continued with their studies while in hiding. Margot took a shorthand course by correspondence in Bep Voskuijl's name and received high marks. Most of Anne's time was spent reading and studying, and she regularly wrote and edited her diary entries. In addition to providing a narrative of events as they occurred, she wrote about her feelings, beliefs, and ambitions, subjects she felt she could not discuss with anyone. As her confidence in her writing grew, and as she began to mature, she wrote of more abstract subjects such as her belief in God, and how she defined human nature.[31]

Frank aspired to become a journalist, writing in her diary on Wednesday, 5 April 1944:

   I finally realized that I must do my schoolwork to keep from being ignorant, to get on in life, to become a journalist, because that's what I want! I know I can write ..., but it remains to be seen whether I really have talent ...

   And if I don't have the talent to write books or newspaper articles, I can always write for myself. But I want to achieve more than that. I can't imagine living like Mother, Mrs. van Daan and all the women who go about their work and are then forgotten. I need to have something besides a husband and children to devote myself to! ...

   I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I've never met. I want to go on living even after my death! And that's why I'm so grateful to God for having given me this gift, which I can use to develop myself and to express all that's inside me!

   When I write I can shake off all my cares. My sorrow disappears, my spirits are revived! But, and that's a big question, will I ever be able to write something great, will I ever become a journalist or a writer?
   - Anne Frank[32]

She continued writing regularly until her last entry of 1 August 1944.


On the morning of 4 August 1944, the Achterhuis was stormed by German uniformed police (Grüne Polizei) following a tip from an informer who was never identified.[33] Led by SS-Oberscharführer Karl Silberbauer of the Security Service, the group included at least three members of the Security Police. The Franks, van Pelses, and Pfeffer were taken to Gestapo headquarters, where they were interrogated and held overnight. On 5 August they were transferred to the Huis van Bewaring (House of Detention), an overcrowded prison on the Weteringschans. Two days later they were transported to the Westerbork transit camp, through which by that time more than 100,000 Jews, mostly Dutch and German, had passed. Having been arrested in hiding, they were considered criminals and were sent to the Punishment Barracks for hard labor.[34]

Victor Kugler and Johannes Kleiman were arrested and jailed at the penal camp for enemies of the regime at Amersfoort. Kleiman was released after seven weeks, but Kugler was held in various work camps until the war's end.[35] Miep Gies and Bep Voskuijl were questioned and threatened by the Security Police but were not detained. They returned to the Achterhuis the following day, and found Anne's papers strewn on the floor. They collected them, as well as several family photograph albums, and Gies resolved to return them to Anne after the war. On 7 August 1944, Gies attempted to facilitate the release of the prisoners by confronting Karl Silberbauer and offering him money to intervene, but he refused.[36]
Deportation and death

On 3 September 1944,[a] the group was deported on what would be the last transport from Westerbork to the Auschwitz concentration camp, and arrived after a three-day journey. On the same train was Bloeme Evers-Emden, an Amsterdam native who had befriended Margot and Anne in the Jewish Lyceum in 1941.[37] Bloeme saw Anne, Margot, and their mother regularly in Auschwitz,[38] and was interviewed for her remembrances of the Frank women in Auschwitz in the 1988 television documentary The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank by Dutch filmmaker Willy Lindwer[39] and the 1995 BBC documentary Anne Frank Remembered.[40]

In the chaos that marked the unloading of the trains, the men were forcibly separated from the women and children, and Otto Frank was wrenched from his family. Of the 1,019 passengers, 549-including all children younger than 15-were sent directly to the gas chambers. Frank had turned 15 three months earlier and was one of the youngest people to be spared from her transport. She was soon made aware that most people were gassed upon arrival, and never learned that the entire group from the Achterhuis had survived this selection. She reasoned that her father, in his mid-fifties and not particularly robust, had been killed immediately after they were separated.[41]

With the other females not selected for immediate death, Frank was forced to strip naked to be disinfected, had her head shaved and was tattooed with an identifying number on her arm. By day, the women were used as slave labour and Frank was forced to haul rocks and dig rolls of sod; by night, they were crammed into overcrowded barracks. Some witnesses later testified Frank became withdrawn and tearful when she saw children being led to the gas chambers; others reported that more often she displayed strength and courage. Her gregarious and confident nature allowed her to obtain extra bread rations for her mother, sister, and herself. Disease was rampant; before long, Frank's skin became badly infected by scabies. The Frank sisters were moved into an infirmary, which was in a state of constant darkness and infested with rats and mice. Edith Frank stopped eating, saving every morsel of food for her daughters and passing her rations to them through a hole she made at the bottom of the infirmary wall.[42]

In October 1944 the Frank women were slated to join a transport to the Liebau labour camp in Upper Silesia. Bloeme Evers-Emden was slated to be on this transport. But Anne was prohibited from going because she had developed scabies, and her mother and sister opted to stay with her. Bloeme went on without them.[40]

On 28 October selections began for women to be relocated to Bergen-Belsen. More than 8,000 women, including Anne and Margot Frank and Auguste van Pels, were transported. Edith Frank was left behind and later died from starvation.[43] Tents were erected at Bergen-Belsen to accommodate the influx of prisoners, and as the population rose, the death toll due to disease increased rapidly. Frank was briefly reunited with two friends, Hanneli Goslar and Nanette Blitz, who were confined in another section of the camp. Goslar and Blitz both survived the war and later discussed the brief conversations they had conducted with Frank through a fence. Blitz described her as bald, emaciated, and shivering. Goslar noted Auguste van Pels was with Anne and Margot Frank, and was caring for Margot, who was severely ill. Neither of them saw Margot, as she was too weak to leave her bunk. Anne told both Blitz and Goslar she believed her parents were dead, and for that reason she did not wish to live any longer. Goslar later estimated their meetings had taken place in late January or early February 1945.[44]

In March 1945 a typhus epidemic spread through the camp, killing 17,000 prisoners.[45] Witnesses later testified Margot fell from her bunk in her weakened state and was killed by the shock. A few days later, Anne died. This was only a few weeks before the camp was liberated by British troops on 15 April 1945; the exact dates were not recorded.[46] After liberation, the camp was burned in an effort to prevent further spread of disease, and Anne and Margot were buried in a mass grave; the exact whereabouts remain unknown.

After the war, it was estimated of the 107,000 Jews deported from the Netherlands between 1942 and 1944, only 5,000 survived. An estimated 30,000 Jews remained in the Netherlands, with many people aided by the Dutch underground. Approximately two-thirds of this group survived the war.[47]

Otto Frank survived his internment in Auschwitz. After the war ended, he returned to Amsterdam, where he was sheltered by Jan and Miep Gies as he attempted to locate his family. He learned of the death of his wife, Edith, in Auschwitz, but he remained hopeful that his daughters had survived. After several weeks, he discovered Margot and Anne had also died. He attempted to determine the fates of his daughters' friends and learned many had been murdered. Susanne ''Sanne'' Ledermann, often mentioned in Anne's diary, had been gassed along with her parents; her sister, Barbara, a close friend of Margot, had survived.[48] Several of the Frank sisters' school friends had survived, as had the extended families of both Otto and Edith Frank, as they had fled Germany during the mid 1930s, with individual family members settling in Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The Diary of a Young Girl

In July 1945, after the Red Cross confirmed the deaths of the Frank sisters, Miep Gies gave Otto Frank the diary and a bundle of loose notes that she had saved in the hope of returning them to Anne. Otto Frank later commented that he had not realized Anne had kept such an accurate and well-written record of their time in hiding. In his memoir, he described the painful process of reading the diary, recognizing the events described and recalling that he had already heard some of the more amusing episodes read aloud by his daughter. He saw for the first time the more private side of his daughter and those sections of the diary she had not discussed with anyone, noting, "For me it was a revelation ... I had no idea of the depth of her thoughts and feelings ... She had kept all these feelings to herself".[49] Moved by her repeated wish to be an author, he began to consider having it published.

Frank's diary began as a private expression of her thoughts; she wrote several times that she would never allow anyone to read it. She candidly described her life, her family and companions, and their situation, while beginning to recognise her ambition to write fiction for publication. In March 1944, she heard a radio broadcast by Gerrit Bolkestein-a member of the Dutch government in exile-who said that when the war ended, he would create a public record of the Dutch people's oppression under German occupation.[50] He mentioned the publication of letters and diaries, and Frank decided to submit her work when the time came. She began editing her writing, removing some sections and rewriting others, with a view to publication. Her original notebook was supplemented by additional notebooks and loose-leaf sheets of paper. She created pseudonyms for the members of the household and the helpers. The van Pels family became Hermann, Petronella, and Peter van Daan, and Fritz Pfeffer became Albert Düssell. In this edited version, she addressed each entry to "Kitty," a fictional character in Cissy van Marxveldt's Joop ter Heul novels that Anne enjoyed reading. Otto Frank used her original diary, known as "version A", and her edited version, known as "version B", to produce the first version for publication. He removed certain passages, most notably those in which Frank is critical of her parents (especially her mother), and sections that discussed Frank's growing sexuality. Although he restored the true identities of his own family, he retained all of the other pseudonyms.

Otto Frank gave the diary to the historian Annie Romein-Verschoor, who tried unsuccessfully to have it published. She then gave it to her husband Jan Romein, who wrote an article about it, titled "Kinderstem" ("A Child's Voice"), which was published in the newspaper Het Parool on 3 April 1946. He wrote that the diary "stammered out in a child's voice, embodies all the hideousness of fascism, more so than all the evidence at Nuremberg put together."[51] His article attracted attention from publishers, and the diary was published in the Netherlands as Het Achterhuis in 1947,[52] followed by a second run in 1950.

It was first published in Germany and France in 1950, and after being rejected by several publishers, was first published in the United Kingdom in 1952. The first American edition, published in 1952 under the title Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, was positively reviewed. The book was successful in France, Germany, and the United States, but in the United Kingdom it failed to attract an audience and by 1953 was out of print. Its most noteworthy success was in Japan, where it received critical acclaim and sold more than 100,000 copies in its first edition. In Japan, Anne Frank quickly was identified as an important cultural figure who represented the destruction of youth during the war.[53]

A play by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett based upon the diary premiered in New York City on 5 October 1955, and later won a Pulitzer Prize for Drama. It was followed by the 1959 movie The Diary of Anne Frank, which was a critical and commercial success. Biographer Melissa Müller later wrote that the dramatization had "contributed greatly to the romanticizing, sentimentalizing and universalizing of Anne's story."[54] Over the years the popularity of the diary grew, and in many schools, particularly in the United States, it was included as part of the curriculum, introducing Anne Frank to new generations of readers.

In 1986 the Dutch Institute for War Documentation published the "Critical Edition" of the diary. It includes comparisons from all known versions, both edited and unedited. It includes discussion asserting the diary's authentication, as well as additional historical information relating to the family and the diary itself.[55]

Cornelis Suijk-a former director of the Anne Frank Foundation and president of the U.S. Center for Holocaust Education Foundation-announced in 1999 that he was in the possession of five pages that had been removed by Otto Frank from the diary prior to publication; Suijk claimed that Otto Frank gave these pages to him shortly before his death in 1980. The missing diary entries contain critical remarks by Anne Frank about her parents' strained marriage and discuss Frank's lack of affection for her mother.[56] Some controversy ensued when Suijk claimed publishing rights over the five pages; he intended to sell them to raise money for his foundation. The Netherlands Institute for War Documentation, the formal owner of the manuscript, demanded the pages be handed over. In 2000 the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science agreed to donate US$300,000 to Suijk's Foundation, and the pages were returned in 2001. Since then, they have been included in new editions of the diary.


The diary has been praised for its literary merits. Commenting on Anne Frank's writing style, the dramatist Meyer Levin commended Frank for "sustaining the tension of a well-constructed novel",[57] and was so impressed by the quality of her work that he collaborated with Otto Frank on a dramatization of the diary shortly after its publication.[58] Meyer became obsessed with Anne Frank, which he wrote about in his autobiography The Obsession. The poet John Berryman called the book a unique depiction, not merely of adolescence but of the "conversion of a child into a person as it is happening in a precise, confident, economical style stunning in its honesty".[59]

In her introduction to the diary's first American edition, Eleanor Roosevelt described it as "one of the wisest and most moving commentaries on war and its impact on human beings that I have ever read."[60] John F. Kennedy discussed Anne Frank in a 1961 speech, and said, "Of all the multitudes who throughout history have spoken for human dignity in times of great suffering and loss, no voice is more compelling than that of Anne Frank."[61] In the same year, the Soviet writer Ilya Ehrenburg wrote of her: "one voice speaks for six million-the voice not of a sage or a poet but of an ordinary little girl."[62]

As Anne Frank's stature as both a writer and humanist has grown, she has been discussed specifically as a symbol of the Holocaust and more broadly as a representative of persecution.[63] Hillary Rodham Clinton, in her acceptance speech for an Elie Wiesel Humanitarian Award in 1994, read from Anne Frank's diary and spoke of her "awakening us to the folly of indifference and the terrible toll it takes on our young," which Clinton related to contemporary events in Sarajevo, Somalia and Rwanda.[64] After receiving a humanitarian award from the Anne Frank Foundation in 1994, Nelson Mandela addressed a crowd in Johannesburg, saying he had read Anne Frank's diary while in prison and "derived much encouragement from it." He likened her struggle against Nazism to his struggle against apartheid, drawing a parallel between the two philosophies: "Because these beliefs are patently false, and because they were, and will always be, challenged by the likes of Anne Frank, they are bound to fail."[65] Also in 1994, Václav Havel said "Anne Frank's legacy is very much alive and it can address us fully" in relation to the political and social changes occurring at the time in former Eastern Bloc countries.[61]

Primo Levi suggested Anne Frank is frequently identified as a single representative of the millions of people who suffered and died as she did because "One single Anne Frank moves us more than the countless others who suffered just as she did but whose faces have remained in the shadows. Perhaps it is better that way; if we were capable of taking in all the suffering of all those people, we would not be able to live."[61] In her closing message in Müller's biography of Anne Frank, Miep Gies expressed a similar thought, though she attempted to dispel what she felt was a growing misconception that "Anne symbolises the six million victims of the Holocaust", writing: "Anne's life and death were her own individual fate, an individual fate that happened six million times over. Anne cannot, and should not, stand for the many individuals whom the Nazis robbed of their lives ... But her fate helps us grasp the immense loss the world suffered because of the Holocaust."[66]

Otto Frank spent the remainder of his life as custodian of his daughter's legacy, saying, "It's a strange role. In the normal family relationship, it is the child of the famous parent who has the honor and the burden of continuing the task. In my case the role is reversed." He recalled his publisher's explaining why he thought the diary has been so widely read, with the comment, "he said that the diary encompasses so many areas of life that each reader can find something that moves him personally".[67] Simon Wiesenthal expressed a similar sentiment when he said that the diary had raised more widespread awareness of the Holocaust than had been achieved during the Nuremberg Trials, because "people identified with this child. This was the impact of the Holocaust, this was a family like my family, like your family and so you could understand this."[68]

In June 1999 Time magazine published a special edition titled "Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century". Anne Frank was selected as one of the "Heroes & Icons", and the writer, Roger Rosenblatt, described her legacy with the comment, "The passions the book ignites suggest that everyone owns Anne Frank, that she has risen above the Holocaust, Judaism, girlhood and even goodness and become a totemic figure of the modern world-the moral individual mind beset by the machinery of destruction, insisting on the right to live and question and hope for the future of human beings." He notes that while her courage and pragmatism are admired, her ability to analyze herself and the quality of her writing are the key components of her appeal. He writes, "The reason for her immortality was basically literary. She was an extraordinarily good writer, for any age, and the quality of her work seemed a direct result of a ruthlessly honest disposition."[69]

Denials and legal action

After the diary became widely known in the late 1950s, various allegations against the diary were published, with the earliest published criticisms occurring in Sweden and Norway. The allegations in the Swedish Nazi magazine Fria ord ("Free Words") in 1957 came from the Danish author and critic Harald Nielsen, who had written antisemitic articles about the Danish-Jewish author Georg Brandes.[70] Among the accusations was a claim that the diary had been written by Meyer Levin.[71]

In 1958 Simon Wiesenthal was challenged by a group of protesters at a performance of The Diary of Anne Frank in Vienna, who asserted that Anne Frank had never existed, and who challenged Wiesenthal to prove her existence by finding the man who had arrested her. He began searching for Karl Silberbauer and found him in 1963. When interviewed, Silberbauer readily admitted his role, and identified Anne Frank from a photograph as one of the people arrested. He provided a full account of events, even recalling emptying a briefcase full of papers onto the floor. His statement corroborated the version of events that had previously been presented by witnesses such as Otto Frank.[72]

Opponents of the diary continued to express the view that it was not written by a child, but had been created as pro-Jewish propaganda, with Otto Frank accused of fraud. In 1959 Frank took legal action in Lübeck against Lothar Stielau, a school teacher and former Hitler Youth member who published a school paper that described the diary as a forgery. The complaint was extended to include Heinrich Buddegerg, who wrote a letter in support of Stielau, which was published in a Lübeck newspaper. The court examined the diary in 1960, and authenticated the handwriting as matching that in letters known to have been written by Anne Frank. They declared the diary to be genuine. Stielau recanted his earlier statement, and Otto Frank did not pursue the case any further.[71]

In 1976 Otto Frank took action against Heinz Roth of Frankfurt, who published pamphlets stating that the diary was a forgery. The judge ruled that if he published further statements he would be subjected to a fine of 500,000 German marks and a six-month jail sentence. Roth appealed against the court's decision and died in 1978, a year before his appeal was rejected.[71]

Otto Frank mounted a lawsuit in 1976 against Ernst Römer, who distributed a pamphlet titled "The Diary of Anne Frank, Bestseller, A Lie". When a man named Edgar Geiss distributed the same pamphlet in the courtroom, he too was prosecuted. Römer was fined 1,500 Deutschmarks,[71] and Geiss was sentenced to six months imprisonment. The sentence was reduced on appeal, and the case was dropped following a subsequent appeal because the statutory limitation for libel had expired.[73]

With Otto Frank's death in 1980, the original diary, including letters and loose sheets, were willed to the Dutch Institute for War Documentation,[74] who commissioned a forensic study of the diary through the Netherlands Ministry of Justice in 1986. They examined the handwriting against known examples and found that they matched. They determined that the paper, glue, and ink were readily available during the time the diary was said to have been written. They concluded that the diary is authentic, and their findings were published in what has become known as the "Critical Edition" of the diary. On 23 March 1990, the Hamburg Regional Court confirmed the diary's authenticity.[55]

In 1991 Holocaust deniers Robert Faurisson and Siegfried Verbeke produced a booklet titled The Diary of Anne Frank: A Critical Approach. They claimed that Otto Frank wrote the diary, based on assertions that the diary contained several contradictions, that hiding in the Achterhuis would have been impossible, and that the prose style and handwriting were not those of a teenager.[75]

The Anne Frank House in Amsterdam and the Anne Frank Funds in Basel instigated a civil law suit in December 1993, to prohibit the further distribution of The Diary of Anne Frank: A Critical Approach in the Netherlands. On 9 December 1998, the Amsterdam District Court ruled in favour of the claimants, forbade any further denial of the authenticity of the diary and unsolicited distribution of publications to that effect, and imposed a penalty of 25,000 guilders per infringement.[76]


On 3 May 1957, a group of citizens, including Otto Frank, established the Anne Frank Stichting in an effort to rescue the Prinsengracht building from demolition and to make it accessible to the public. The Anne Frank House opened on 3 May 1960. It consists of the Opekta warehouse and offices and the Achterhuis, all unfurnished so that visitors can walk freely through the rooms. Some personal relics of the former occupants remain, such as movie star photographs glued by Anne to a wall, a section of wallpaper on which Otto Frank marked the height of his growing daughters, and a map on the wall where he recorded the advance of the Allied Forces, all now protected behind Perspex sheets. From the small room which was once home to Peter van Pels, a walkway connects the building to its neighbours, also purchased by the Foundation. These other buildings are used to house the diary, as well as rotating exhibits that chronicle aspects of the Holocaust and more contemporary examinations of racial intolerance around the world. One of Amsterdam's main tourist attractions, it received a record 965,000 visitors in 2005. The House provides information via the internet and offers exhibitions that in 2005 travelled to 32 countries in Europe, Asia, North America, and South America.[77]
A bronze statue of a smiling Anne Frank, wearing a short dress and standing with her arms behind her back, sits upon a stone plinth with a plaquereading "Anne Frank 1929-1945". The statue is in a small square, and behind it is a brick building with two large windows, and a bicycle. The statue stands between the two windows.

In 1963 Otto Frank and his second wife, Elfriede Geiringer-Markovits, set up the Anne Frank Fonds as a charitable foundation, based in Basel, Switzerland. The Fonds raises money to donate to causes "as it sees fit". Upon his death, Otto willed the diary's copyright to the Fonds, on the provision that the first 80,000 Swiss francs in income each year was to be distributed to his heirs. Any income above this figure is to be retained by the Fonds for use on whatever projects its administrators considered worthy. It provides funding for the medical treatment of the Righteous among the Nations on a yearly basis. The Fonds aims to educate young people against racism, and loaned some of Anne Frank's papers to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington for an exhibition in 2003. Its annual report that year outlined its efforts to contribute on a global level, with support for projects in Germany, Israel, India, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States.[78]

The Merwedeplein apartment, where the Frank family lived from 1933 until 1942, remained privately owned until the 2000s. After becoming the focus of a television documentary, the building-in a serious state of disrepair-was purchased by a Dutch housing corporation. Aided by photographs taken by the Frank family and descriptions in letters written by Anne Frank, it was restored to its 1930s appearance. Teresien da Silva of the Anne Frank House and Frank's cousin, Bernhard "Buddy" Elias, contributed to the restoration project. It opened in 2005. Each year, a writer who is unable to write freely in his or her own country is selected for a year-long tenancy, during which they reside and write in the apartment. The first writer selected was the Algerian novelist and poet El-Mahdi Acherchour.[77]

In June 2007 "Buddy" Elias donated some 25,000 family documents to the Anne Frank House. Among the artifacts are Frank family photographs taken in Germany and Holland and the letter Otto Frank sent his mother in 1945, informing her that his wife and daughters had perished in Nazi concentration camps.[80]

In November 2007 the Anne Frank tree, infected with a fungal disease affecting the trunk, was scheduled to be cut down to prevent it from falling on the surrounding buildings. Dutch economist Arnold Heertje said about the tree: "This is not just any tree. The Anne Frank tree is bound up with the persecution of the Jews."[81] The Tree Foundation, a group of tree conservationists, started a civil case to stop the felling of the horse chestnut, which received international media attention. A Dutch court ordered city officials and conservationists to explore alternatives and come to a solution.[82] The parties built a steel construction that was expected to prolong the life of the tree up to 15 years.[81] However, it was only three years later that gale-force winds blew down the tree on 23 August 2010.[83]

Over the years, several films about Anne Frank appeared. Her life and writings have inspired a diverse group of artists and social commentators to make reference to her in literature, popular music, television, and other media. These include The Anne Frank Ballet by Adam Darius,[84] first performed in 1959, and the choral work Annelies, first performed in 2005.[85] The only known footage of the real Anne Frank comes from a 1941 silent film recorded for her newlywed next-door neighbor. She is seen leaning out of a second-floor window in an attempt to better view the bride and groom. The couple, who survived the war, gave the film to the Anne Frank House.[86]

In 1999 Time named Anne Frank among the heroes and icons of the 20th century on their list The Most Important People of the Century, stating: "With a diary kept in a secret attic, she braved the Nazis and lent a searing voice to the fight for human dignity".[69] Philip Roth called her the "lost little daughter" of Franz Kafka.[87] On 9 March 2012 Der Spiegel announced that Madame Tussauds wax museum had unveiled an exhibit featuring a likeness of Anne Frank.[88]

The asteroid 5535 was named Annefrank in her honour.[89]

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Dec 18, 2012, 04:39 PM
Hi Rad,

Could you please share your estimation of the evolutionary stage of Anne Frank.

After reading her story and watching one of the movies, I'm placing her on the cusp of 3rd stage Individuated because of her desire for excellence in writing, and 1st stage Spiritual because of her inspirational quotes which reveal beauty, joy, hope, faith, optimism and self-determination.

Is this correct?




"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."

"It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart."

"Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy."

"Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands."

"Because paper has more patience than people. "

"I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains."

"No one has ever become poor by giving."

"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As longs as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be. And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles."

"Whoever is happy will make others happy."

"I don't want to have lived in vain like most people. I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I've never met. I want to go on living even after my death!"

"In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit."

"Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness."

"Where there's hope, there's life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again."

"People can tell you to keep your mouth shut, but that doesn't stop you from having your own opinion."

"We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same."

"In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart."

"Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness. People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcomings, but all of us are born with a basic goodness."

"Women should be respected as well! Generally speaking, men are held in great esteem in all parts of the world, so why shouldn't women have their share? Soldiers and war heroes are honored and commemorated, explorers are granted immortal fame, martyrs are revered, but how many people look upon women too as soldiers?...Women, who struggle and suffer pain to ensure the continuation of the human race, make much tougher and more courageous soldiers than all those big-mouthed freedom-fighting heroes put together!"

"Although I'm only fourteen, I know quite well what I want, I know who is right and who is wrong. I have my opinions, my own ideas and principles, and although it may sound pretty mad from an adolescent, I feel more of a person than a child, I feel quite independent of anyone."

"Memories mean more to me than dresses."

"Earning happiness means doing good and working, not speculating and being lazy. Laziness may look inviting, but only work gives you true satisfaction."

"There's only one rule you need to remember: laugh at everything and forget everybody else! It sound egotistical, but it's actually the only cure for those suffering from self-pity."

"Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery"

"I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn."

"Anyhow, I've learned one thing now. You only really get to know people when you've had a jolly good row with them. Then and then only can you judge their true characters!"

"As long as this exists, this sunshine and this cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I be sad?"

"A quiet conscience makes one strong!"

"I believe that even bad people are truly good at heart."

"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!"

"The weak die out and the strong will survive, and will live on forever"

"I have one outstanding trait in my character, which must strike anyone who knows me for any length of time, and that is my knowledge of myself. I can watch myself and my actions, just like an outsider. The Anne of every day I can face entirely without prejudice, without making excuses for her, and watch what's good and what's bad about her. This 'self-consciousness' haunts me, and every time I open my mouth I know as soon as I've spoken whether 'that ought to have been different' or 'that was right as it was.' There are so many things about myself that I condemn; I couldn't begin to name them all. I understand more and more how true Daddy's words were when he said: 'All children must look after their own upbringing.' Parents can only give good advice or put them on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands."

"Ever since I was a little girl and could barely talk, the word 'why' has lived and grown along with me. It's a well-known fact that children ask questions about anything and everything, since almost everything is new to them. That is especially true of me, and not just as a child. Even when I was older, I couldn't stop asking questions. I have to admit that it can be annoying sometimes, but I comfort myself with the thought that, You won't know until you ask, though by now I've asked so much that they ought to have made me a professor."

"When I got older, I noticed that not all questions can be asked and that many whys can never be answered. As a result, I tried to work things out for myself by mulling over my own questions. And I came to the important discovery that questions which you either can't or shouldn't ask in public, or questions which you can't put into words, can easily be solved in your own head. So the word 'why' not only taught me to ask, but also to think. And thinking has never hurt anyone. On the contrary, it does us all a world of good."

"I don't have much in the way of money or worldly possessions, I'm not beautiful, intelligent or clever, but I'm happy, and I intend to stay that way! I was born happy, I love people, I have a trusting nature, and I'd like everyone else to be happy too. "

"How noble and good everyone could be if, every evening before falling asleep, they were to recall to their minds the events of the whole day and consider exactly what has been good and bad. Then without realizing it, you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day."

"Laziness may appear attractive, but work gives satisfaction."

"People who have a religion should be glad, for not everyone has the gift of believing in heavenly things."

"And finally I twist my heart round again, so that the bad is on the outside and the good is on the inside, and keep on trying to find a way of becoming what I would so like to be, and could be, if there weren't any other people living in the world."

"I know what I want, I have a goal, an opinion, I have a religion and love. Let me be myself and then I am satisfied. I know that I'm a woman, a woman with inward strength and plenty of courage."

"Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn't matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls."

"I wish to go on living even after my death."

"Don't condemn me, remember rather that sometimes I, too, can reach the bursting point."

"If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example."

"How lovely to think that no one need wait a moment, we can start now, start slowly changing the world! How lovely that everyone, great and small, can make their contribution toward introducing justice straightaway... And you can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness!"

"Sometimes I believe that God wants to try me, both now and later on; I must become good through my own efforts, without examples and without good advice."

"You can be lonely even when you are loved by many people, since you are still not anybody's one and only."

"In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death."

"The question is very understandable, but no one has found a satisfactory answer to it so far. Yes, why do they make still more gigantic planes, still heavier bombs and, at the same time, prefabricated houses for reconstruction? Why should millions be spent daily on the war and yet there's not a penny available for medical services, artists, or for poor people?"

"Why do some people have to starve, while there are surpluses rotting in other parts of the world? Oh, why are people so crazy?"

"There's something happening everyday, but I'm too tired and lazy to write it all down."

"Sympathy, Love, Fortune... We all have these qualities but still tend to not use them!"

"A voice within me is sobbing, You see that's what's become of you. You're surrounded by negative opinions, dismayed looks and mocking faces, people who dislike you, and all because you don't listen to the advice of your own better half. Believe me, I'd like to listen, but it doesn't work, because if I'm quiet and serious, everyone thinks I'm putting on a new act and I have to save myself with a joke, and then I'm not even talking about my own family, who assume I must be sick, stuff me with aspirins and sedatives, feel my neck and forehead to see if I have a temperature, ask about my bowel movements and berate me for being in a bad mood, until I just can't keep it up anymore, because when everybody starts hovering over me, I get cross, then sad, an finally end up turning my heart inside out, the bad part on the outside and the good part on the inside, and keep trying to find a way to become what I'd like to be and what I could be if . . . if only there were no other people in the world."
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 19, 2012, 09:33 AM
Hi Linda,

First, thanks for taking the time to post these thoughts/ quotes from Anne Frank. A remarkable Soul indeed. I would, like you, put her right on the cusp of the 3rd Individuated/ 1st Spiritual.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Dec 23, 2012, 10:05 PM
Hi Rad, just wanted to touch base - I will be working on this analysis and post during this week.
With love, am
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Dec 26, 2012, 07:44 AM
Hi Rad,

I was looking at Anne's chart, reading her biography and diary, and seeing one of the films. But I am a bit emotionally upset and find difficult the access to the chart.  I have been re-experiencing some circumstances of my current life and making associations with something you told me about my last lifetime in the same time. All this delayed me.
I would need to ask something - astrological, EA, - regarding my relationship with this soul in order to discern what's real or not, but I don't know if it might be appropriate here.
Thanks so much for your attention and answer, whatever it may be.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 26, 2012, 08:58 AM
Hi Mirta,

Feel free to ask me what you need too.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Dec 26, 2012, 12:12 PM
Hi Rad,
Thanks for the possibility of asking.

When I saw that there is an asteroid named Annefrank I was curious to see its placement in my own chart because you had told me about my last lifetime in a concentration camp in her time. And I was not very surprised to find it conjunct my Uranus and Moon in 8th house, another hint of my soul's trauma and death circumstances.

Surprised became I founding myself doing my synastry with her; in so many years working with astrology I never did, not even thought about doing my synastry with any historic or famous person. Well . . . in EA I am new. . .
And the synastry has some aspects very moving and intriguing to me. Our Nodes are conjunct within 3 degrees orb (by sign, not house), my Pluto conjunct Saturn is conjunct her Mars and Moon, my Moon conjunct Uranus in Gemini is conjunct her Sun and Mercury, my Ascendant is in the same degree that her SN, my Midheaven in the same degree that her Ascendant with my Mars conjunct it, my Sun Neptune (also in 11th house) is opposite her Uranus Midheaven and Pallas, my Mercury conjunct Chiron opposite her Venus  conjunct Chiron, my Lucifer inconjunct hers, and there is more . . .
I don't believe we are the same soul; initially I did because of other details of my life, but I know it's a great ego temptation. . . What I wonder is if we were close, at that time or before. . .  
If not, I would like to know if it's frequent to find such a synastry between souls that are not close.
If my question could be helpful and I should give more data, let me know.
And of course I perfectly understand if you find that it's too personal and inappropriate. Your acceptation of my question, asking to you, was already healing to me. God Bless you
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 27, 2012, 09:49 AM
Hi Mirta,

No you did not know her in that life. However the emotional/psychological dynamics within her are of course very similar to your own as these correlate to lives like that. It's is that commonality of shared dynamics linked with a very similar life, the concentration camps, that are causing you to think of her in the way that you are. It is not uncommon to find through synastry connections like these to others who have shared similar past life conditions.

Please ask more about this if you need to.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Dec 27, 2012, 08:27 PM
Hi Rad and Group,
I was just checking in.  I have time issues right now so cannot do a proper interpretation of Anne Frank's chart.  In addition, I have always had an aversion to Anne Frank and any thing to do with Nazi Germany.  I have no idea why, but I do.  Being that the chart is Anne Frank's, I was not even going to look at it.  After reading Mirta's posts, and Rad's reply to her, I decided to take a look. 

I was chatting with Linda and told her my impression.  She asked me if I was going to post and I told her I don't have time.  Linda talked me into posting my very short impression.  So ok, here goes:

I looked at Anne's chart.  I saw Pluto in the 12th - surrender to God.  PPP - service to the whole.  Lucifer in Pisces in the 8th, tied into Pluto and PPP - service to the whole by surrendering to God through death.   She died so we, the whole, would receive her message.  She was a channel for God.
I don't really have time to get deeper into her chart, but that seems to be some very powerful stuff.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Dec 28, 2012, 07:12 AM
Thanks Rad, you led me out of my emotional labyrinth, I am still within but I can see the path now.
I feel that I am integrating deep soul aspects; and I begin to be aware of my emotional identifications and projections at a deeper level than before, awareness so necessary to me in this process of becoming an evolutionary astrologer.
My deep gratitude for your wise and supportive guidance.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Dec 29, 2012, 09:11 AM
Hi Group,

Please let me know where you are with working on the chart of Anne Frank. Let me know who is still wishes to do this, and when you feel your analysis will be ready.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Dec 29, 2012, 06:10 PM
Hi Rad,

I feel my analysis for Anne Frank will
be ready in a few days.  I'm about half
way through now.

Thank you,

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Dec 30, 2012, 02:00 AM
Hi Rad, I'm just in the review stage of my analysis. I will post this tomorrow (Sunday) morning.
With love
Ari Moshe
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Dec 30, 2012, 06:37 AM
Hi Rad,
I am beginning to work with the chart. I intend to post this week. Thanks so much
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Dec 30, 2012, 03:06 PM
Hi Rad and everyone,

Anne Frank
Lucifer Pisces in 8th,
Sn Lucifer in Leo in 1st, nn Lucifer conjunct natal Lucifer in Pisces in the 8th.

First, since we have not addressed her chart before I feel it's relevant to review basic ea signatures. She had Pluto in Cancer in the 12th, square Uranus in Aries in the 10th. Pluto is ruler of sn in Scorpio in the 5th, in Scorpio in the 4th. North node is Taurus in the 11th in the midst of a stellium involving Venus Chiron in Taurus in 10th, Ceres and Jupiter in Taurus in the 11th.
Mars in Leo in 1st, balsamic Neptune Moon in Leo, all squaring nodes, applying to the north node in Taurus in the 11th. That Mars is a new phase semi sextile with Pluto.

This is a soul who has been learning to direct her inner love of life towards service for all humanity - in the past she had been deeply narcissistic and this life was in part set up to humble her sense of specialness in order to align her with a transcendent awareness of creation and to dissolve various hopes and expectations she had about humanity as a whole and her special purpose within that humanity.

The semi sextile between Mars in the 1st and Pluto in the 12th is curbing excessive action and limiting unchecked self expression. The square to the nodes, in part implies the intention to become aware of other people and to offer herself in service for the good of everyone and to also be detached from what others thought of her. We see this has been signified by way of her initial strong desire for fame and to become well known as a writer. The skipped step of course being this incredibly private inner spiritual/emotional life that exists within herself, 2nd house, that she has made her own dreams literally the center of her reality.

All relative to Pluto and it's polarity point, noting that the ruler of Pluto itself is with Neptune and a part of the skipped step: being disillusioned about her ideals for other people, indiscriminate trust, and coming to terms with reality itself, which includes evil - which at some point in the past, relative to her isolation (which was linked to some form of wealth/higher class and something that kept her separate) she was not totally tuned in to. As we move into Lucifer the theme of understanding more fully the nature of evil and reality itself is very clear.

Lucifer is positioned at 10 pisces in her 8th house. It is conjunct its own north node at 12 Pisces also in her 8th house. The sn of Lucifer is at 6 leo in her first house. Both Lucifer and its north node are ruled by Neptune in Leo in the 2nd which is conjunct the Moon and is square the lunar nodes. That Neptune is ruled by the Sun with Mercury in Gemini in the 11th which is also the ruler of her Lucifer sn in Leo in the 1st. Lucifer and its north node also square that Gemini Sun and Mercury. The south node of Lucifer is conjunct Mars in Leo in the 1st which squares the lunar nodes. Her Sun is in a full phase opposition with Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius in the 6th house. The Lucifer is just moving out of a full phase inconjunct with its south node.

Anne Frank brought the consciousness of God into this world by being an agent of a unique creative purpose that has inspired the masses to find truth, hope and light beyond the dark circumstances of death and loss. Lucifer sn in Leo in the 1st with Mars relative to Lucifer in Pisces in the 8th. This has implied the impulse within this soul,in prior lives, to transcend circumstances of life and death and to see a truth and hope that exists beyond that - and to do this with a determined and inspiring will.

However the evolutionary development for this soul has been linked to her past need to always see the good: Lucifer ruled by Neptune Moon in the 2nd: wanting to trust and love everyone linked to the ostrich head in the sand syndrome.

Note that her mother Edith, in her own psychology, as expressed in the diary and in accounts of her mother, is a great exemplification of Anne Frank's own inner dynamics. Her mother portrayed an intense fear of the unknown, she recognized the utter immensity of that which she could control and held onto a great degree of guilt and hopelessness about life. Anne Frank's mother, via the lens of Anne's Neptune Moon conjunction reflected to Anne Frank her own evolutionary requirement to come to terms with suffering.

I checked out the chart of Edith Frank, and her south node was in Gemini, right on Anne's Sun and squaring Anne's Lucifer. The ruler of her sn, Mercury, was in Capricorn falling in Anne's 6th in opposition to Anne's 12th house Pluto: Bringing up a psychology of futility, seriousness and lack which was deeply challenging for Anne relative to her soul need to stay focused on a safe and loving version of reality no matter what.

Focusing again on that Lucifer, the way this service of inspiration has happened has in fact been through written word: the sn of Luicfer and Mars ruled by the Sun with Mercury in Gemini in the 11th house. The ruler of Lucifer, Neptune in Leo ruled by The Gemini Sun. Thus in prior lives she has come into this world with a special intention to self actualize, to become someone special relative to the work that God wished to do through her through some form of objective analysis and communication. This has lead other people towards the light: sn in 1st house with Mars. This may have occurred during times of war where she may have had some position of authority, ruler of Leo in the first is the Sun which is in opposition to Saturn in the 6th house that required lots of detailed articulation, communication and the sending of information.

And yet these signatures also imply a great degree of confusion and disillusionment about understanding the darkness. Writing about it, intellectually asking questions about all seeming dualities and objectively reflecting upon them was necessary for this soul - Mercury, which was retrograde, in Gemini in the 11th, squaring Lucifer and its north node. Also noting her mother, with her own sn in Gemini and Mercury in Capricorn: her mother's thought structures had become very rigid and fixed on seemingly irreconcilable dualities. The very process of Anne asking questions and looking at this objectively was the key to her being able to forgive and even understand her own mother's psychology to some extent, as it's engaging the logical mind to see things from the point of view of an outsider. Also relative to the nature of her 11th house, with the lunar nn there and ruled by Venus, it's about learning to establish her own values from within herself, regardless of what other people think or what other people value. This is further emphasized with Venus conjunct Chiron in the 10th.

A core karmic dynamic to speak to here is naivete - Lucifer in Pisces ruled by Neptune with the Moon in a balsamic conjunction in Leo in the 2nd squaring the nodes, relative to Pluto in Cancer in the 12th and the sn in Scorpio in the 5th and the Sun, the ruler of all that Leo in a full phase inconjunct with the south node. She has been in positions of privilege in the past, where she had been well known and well liked - it created for her a very narrow and limited scope of the full reality, the reality that the "common folk" were experiencing. And so this soul has been a writer of sorts in the past and has been well known for that, and has also been out of touch with the actual reality of suffering and within that the reality of evil in this world. Yet on the flip side, in prior lives she has also set the stage for being disillusioned by way of having experienced immense racial persecution and trauma. This is indicated by the square to the 11th house north node and its ruler, Venus with Chiron in the 10th house along with Uranus in the 10th squaring Pluto.

This trauma produced a deep sense of powerlessness in the face of forces she could not control - Uranus in Aries in the 10th squaring Pluto in the 12th. Given that Uranus is ruled by Mars in Leo and is in a first quarter trine with that Mars, she has had a great ability to create and direct her intelligence in the context of these enviroments, to stand out from the status quo. There are several accounts of her having cheered people up while she was in the concentration camps. This soul had a great degree of will and drive to focus on the light. When she does this, she becomes a natural leader that can drive and inspire others of greater hope and light beyond the impermanence of all things. Sn of Lucifer in Leo in the 1st, conjunct Mars in the context of Lucifer in Pisces in the 8th.

Coming into the life of Anne Frank, we can then understand that this soul has created for itself all kinds of limiting circumstances for itself, situations of seeming "ultimate" entrapment, Pisces in the 8th, where it was faced with the deepest of existential questions about God and reality and also feeling blocked and limited relative to its sense of destiny - and needing to come to terms with her utter lack of control in regards to that destiny: sn of Lucifer just beyond a full phase inconjunct with Lucifer itself.

She has shone a light of courage and love of life within those circumstances. The evolutionary purpose behind this has been to help her develop a more accurate and true sense of what reality actually is which has been a part of her soul journey to step outside of the little well that she has hid her head into. she has been learning to get out of the way of the divine path by aligning her individual will with God, Source - that which is completely beyond her or any of her efforts. The Lucifer sn along with natal Lucifer, taking into account the Neptune skipped step is really speaking to co-creation. In future lives, at some point, she will not need to create a circumstance of being blocked from seeing God's plan, she will be able to more actively co-create with God as she aligns her individual will more clearly with the divine will through her faith and active inner discrimination and communion.

Since she's clearly transitioning into the spiritual state, she will be more and more aligning with a conscious spiritual focus that will allow her to keep the connection to the Source, the unity of all things, as a bottom line within her awareness as she does this work. Aligning with spiritual paths that provide clear discrimination as to the nature of God along with practices for her to go within and find the truth that is beyond all maya: Virgo polarity to all the Lucifer energy, along with the Pluto polarity point in the 6th.

The north node of Lucifer is conjunct Lucifer itself. This emphasizes that this has already been in great development in the past. Again its squaring Mercury which is with the Sun in Gemini in the 11th house. A part of her purpose has been to develop her objective thinking skills and to literally write, and to allow that writing to become used in whatever ways it needs to to shine the light of God in the context of death and loss. The whole symbology of course is really clear: she was brought into fame through death and her contribution has literally made her a symbol for the masses, for people of all walks of life, all nations by inspiring faith and a deeper appreciation of life.

Neptune in Leo in the 2nd ruling that Lucifer and its north node symbolizes that she was to find a sense of meaning and value in life from within the depths of her heart - to draw upon an unconditional wellspring of trust in the innate goodness of life.

In future lives, with the Lucifer nn in Pisces in the 8th, and the north nodes of Mercury, Mars, Uranus and Venus all in Gemini in her 11th house, she will continue to write and develop very clear and objective knowledge about creation that will help other people to come to terms with the darker aspects of life/ that which we cannot control. Perhaps she will become involved in some form of soul astrology work... ?

The north node with Lucifer in the 8th house means also that the life of Anne frank was meant to dissolve her illusions and merge her consciousness, to the extent that it was possible, to a higher connection to Source. This has taken her through the greatest test of actually being sent to Auschwitz and witnessing the worst of evil. It has been reported that at some point, she no longer cared to live. This is after her she came to believe that her parents were no longer alive. She witnessed greed and the depth of starvation and could no longer drawn upon any more hope. The extent of growth that was possible for that lifetime had completed, and her evolutionary and karmic purposes had been completed as well. All of this linking back to Neptune Moon in Leo in the second - aspiration to live.

The life of Anne Frank was a powerful one in terms of aligning the individual consciousness of the soul with a larger awareness of the fullness of creation.

This also humbled her soul to realize the intense reality of suffering that exists on this planet and the reality of evil. Within her chart it's clear that there has been an ongoing lesson around this.  And with the north node in Taurus in the 11th, really seeing how it is for all kinds of people.

The following is so meaningful as it provides significant glimpse into this soul's karma and her evolutionary purpose. This is her last journey entry which exemplifies her skipped step dynamic so powerfully and is also quite profound given the immense circumstances that met her life shortly after this last entry:

QuoteBelieve me, I'd like to listen, but it doesn't work, because if I'm quiet and serious, everyone thinks I'm putting on a new act and I have to save myself with a joke, and then I'm not even talking about my own family, who assume I must be ill, stuff me with aspirins and sedatives, feel my neck and forehead to see if I have a temperature, ask about my bowel movements and berate me for being in a bad mood, until I just can't keep it up any more, because when everybody starts hovering over me, I get cross, then sad, and finally end up turning my heart inside out, the bad part on the outside and the good part on the inside, and keep trying to find a way to become what I'd like to be and what I could be if . . . if only there were no other people in the world.

God bless, with love
Ari Moshe


Hi Ari,

Simply brillant EA work in which you have rightly understood her overall Evolutionary intentions, past and present, in such a way as to correctly understand the "˜bearer of Light' impulse or consciousness within her individual Soul's context. And that context thus created the issue of survival, limitations, persecution, and the reasons for those persecutions which her Soul then used to ignite the consciousness or impulse of God, bearer of Light, within her Soul. Within this being forced to hide for survival reasons creating a deep Soul pressure, because of confinement and hiding, relative to the will to live, survive, being the conditions in which the consciousness of God, or bearer of light, is triggered.

Brilliant EA work Ari.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Jan 04, 2013, 04:58 AM
Hi Rad,

Just putting the finishing touches on
this assignment, and will post tomorrow.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Jan 04, 2013, 08:38 PM
Examination of
Asteroid Lucifer / Bearer of Light
in the Soul of ANNE FRANK
Cusp of Individuated-Spiritual

"Of all the multitudes who throughout history have spoken for human dignity in times of great suffering and loss, no voice is more compelling than that of Anne Frank." JFK 1961

On 6th July 1942, transiting Lucifer was conjunct the transiting North Node 5 deg Virgo, and these were conjunct Anne's Neptune/Moon 2nd, square her Jupiter-Vesta-Mercury 11th, and opp Lucifer 8th (forming a stressful t-square in the fixed houses) - Anne's family moved into their hiding place, a secret annex. Tensions quickly developed within the group forced to live in such confined conditions. Anne projected judgments upon herself as well as group members. She entered a romance with Peter but started questioning whether her feelings were genuine. She was closer emotionally to her father, but early harshness towards her mother changed to tolerance and respect. Most of Anne's time was spent reading, studying, and writing in a diary a narrative of events of the perils of living in hiding to escape Nazi persecution of Jewish people, as well as her feelings and beliefs.

Anne thinks the laws are unjust, but she does not completely understand why the Jewish people have been singled out for this discrimination "¦"¦"¦"¦ Nonetheless, she is still optimistic about her family's safety and feels relatively secure about her future. Anne accepts the restrictions as a fact of life in Amsterdam "¦"¦

""¦"¦"¦there were many signs of what Hitler was intending for the Jews over a period of time. The signs were there for all to see. And, yet, the vast majority of the Jews in that context CHOSE not to see those signs or what they actually meant. They could not bring themselves to "˜believe' it. As a result of that choice it lead to what it lead to which then becomes their "˜karma.' The point here is that, again, each mass event that affects many individuals at the same time must be understood in this way." - Rad

As her confidence and maturity grew, she wrote more about her belief in God and how she defined human nature. Her last entry was dated 1st August 1944 soon after which the group members were discovered and transported to various concentration camps.

"I want to be useful or bring enjoyment to all people, even those I've never met. I want to go on living even after my death! And that's why I'm so grateful to God for having given me this gift, which I can use to develop myself and to express all that's inside me!  When I write I can shake off all my cares. My sorrow disappears, my spirits are revived!"
- Lucifer/Bearer of Light Pisces 8th, ruled by Neptune Leo 2nd,
ruled by Sun Gemini 11th conj Mercury-Vesta


Pluto Cancer 12th    
The Soul has begun a new evolutionary cycle and desires to align with a transcendental belief system in which its ego identity will be dissolved, and in which the Soul realizes it is an extension of God. The Soul of Anne Frank is born with a direct link to the collective unconscious. She experienced the surrender and transcendence of the egoic self into the  Cosmic Ocean from which everything emerges, and to which everything returns:

"He who finds his life shall lose it;  he who loses his life for my sake, shall find it." - Jesus

The Soul had experienced psychic wounding in past lives when the only way to survive traumatic conditions was to dissociate from parts of itself, namely the body and emotions (Moon/Neptune 2nd skipped steps, resolution NN Taurus, ruler in Cap). The Soul retained the emotional memories of inadequate nurturance held in the unconscious. The splitting of the psyche from the Soul's own body and emotions became so acute that evolutionary necessity demanded the reintegration of the disconnected parts. Through the PPP Virgo the Soul rediscovered the boundary of the physical and emotional bodies and brought these lost parts together, changing the vagueness and fogginess into a sharp focus. The naivety and innocence within the core structure of the Soul lead to horrendous disillusionment, futility, and violation of trust which necessitated lessons in mental discernment, facing reality, and learning to make clear boundaries.

The individual consciousness of the Soul - the inner world, self-image and ego - was not clearly formed, very weak, too soft, and needed hardening, healing and strengthening to get it from childhood to adulthood. This applied not only to the Soul of Anne Frank but to the whole generation of Pluto in Cancer in which the collective root of stored memories of family members and the ancestral lineage described insufficient nurturance and stunted emotional development. This may explain one reason why this group of Souls experienced the horrors of starvation, hard labour and death in the concentration camps.

The Soul was culminating a cycle of personal karmic history describing emotionally and physically co-dependent relationships with patriarchal ruling groups in order to survive. Pluto conj NN of Pluto and opp SN of Pluto stressed past lives of extreme sadomasochism, survival, life/death, trauma, and martyrdom for a social cause. The Soul had experienced past lives in which it had repeatedly died as a child or lost children in the womb. There was unresolved karma with the parents describing intense emotional needs that could not be completely fulfilled especially by the mother. There was a strong connection to the father who, in a patriarchal reality, was the centre of the household.

SN Scorpio 5th

"Ever since I was a little girl and could barely talk, the word "˜why' has lived and grown along with me."

The Soul desire manifested by lessons in how to create power from within by reinventing the limitations of the ego through a process of rebirthing the consciousness of the Soul through enormous struggles of life and death. On the cusp of Individuated/Spiritual, Anne Frank hoped to survive through shining the Light of individuality and creativity of her Soul. In this way she received love and some measure of emotional sustenance from others. The narcissistic self-absorption and manipulation of others in order to survive was balanced by a generosity of character that would inspire others. Anne would examine the core wounding of her emotional and physical bodies and come face to face with her insecurities and powerlessness in order to metamorphose them, and to realize the Ultimate Source of Power. Often times the diary revealed the battle between the lower nature (ego) and the higher nature (Soul), and making conscious choices to rise above. The Soul desired to evolve by creating an egocentric consciousness that would surrender its power and will to a Higher Power.  

South Node ruler, Pluto
The Soul over-identified with a sense of core emotional insecurity and self-inflation in fixed ways that caused it to stop evolving. Therefore it became necessary for the Soul to create a series of lives of intense deprivation and crisis, loss of identity, loss of security, and death, so that evolution could continue. Anne Frank tenaciously gravitated to what represented emotional security from the past. Suffering a very difficult death as a sacrificial victim along with millions in her group forced her to learn how to cooperate with the death process.

PPP - NN - NN Ruler
Moving toward the PPP broke down the Soul's resistance and dysfunctional emotional patterns and self-obsession through a process of self-analysis that resulted in growth of emotional maturity and humility. The NN Taurus brought about an evolutionary change in the Soul's own inner vibration to itself through an inner, objective focus, to change the inner messages to reflect self-determination, objective awareness, and improved listening skills. The Soul was liberating from a fixation on the limitations of the egoic self by learning how to share and care for the greater good of others, for group preservation and survival. The Soul learned to change the inner messages of hopelessness, impending death, disconnection from reality, to messages of hope, faith, and trust that God would provide all her needs. She had the alchemical power to free herself by osmosing God's power and surrendering to a Higher Will.

Uranus square Pluto
The Soul was traumatized in prior lives where it created extreme cataclysmic circumstances of persecution, disillusionment, group/mass hysteria and trauma, violence, loss of hope and ideals. Being traumatized and violated in this manner created a crisis in consciousness to break through distorted cultural and social norms so as to express equitable principles of spirituality and service among group members (Uranus rules 7th house containing SNs of Neptune-Vesta).

Skipped steps
Mars-Moon-Neptune Leo 1st/2nd skipped steps. The Soul had been avoiding these crucial issues over many lives, and needed to develop these archetypes in new ways. The Soul needed to "objectify" these dynamics, to step away and take a dispassionate view. Although parts of Anne were highly developed, there were other parts of her psyche that had been skipped over due to past life trauma, duplicity, denial (ruler Sun conj Mercury), or paralyzing fear (Vesta, secret spiritual practice). The problem was that the Soul had resisted the spiritual impulse, and the creative process became lost in narcissistic self-absorption (fixed energies). An inner objective focus would facilitate changing her relationship to herself, redefining her self-image to incorporate emotional self-reliance, self-authority, self-analysis, and human service (away from self-centred pursuits). She would learn to care, nurture and preserve her own body. She would learn to objectively evaluate information with the knowledge of God's truth, not fantasy or dream. To resolve the skipped steps, she was to go within, discover her innate value, self-worth, talent, and inner resources, so that her creative gifts could be shared and God's Light of Truth communicated for the good of all.

Chiron Taurus 10th
Chiron conj North Node-Venus-Ceres - Chiron is a natural propensity to replay and repeat relentlessly wounding experiences from past lives associated with the body, physical reality, survival (Taurus), persecution, judgment, scapegoating, victimization, boundary of race (Capricorn). Crisis became a vehicle for growth. Chiron's interaction with the NN of Chiron Libra 4th allowed the Soul to project itself into experience in order to observe, evaluate and compare itself within a socialized context. The Soul persistently turned within as a way to bring balance to opposing or contrasting points of view. New pathways of resonation with others helped the process of transforming the traumatized consciousness. Anne had an extraordinary capacity for Chirotic healing by utilizing her natural inner resources in a productive way (eg self-love, self-esteem, self-determination).

Asteroids Vesta-Pallas-Natural Lilith
Vesta conj Mercury-Sun - brought a fiery luminosity to her identity whereby she approached life as service/commitment to God. SN Luc opp SN Vesta 1st/7th axis - instinctive ability to compare contrasting viewpoints, impacting on relationships. Natural Lilith Cap 6th trine Jupiter Taurus 11th - a capacity to organize a system of belief in Natural Law. SN Luc trine Pallas 9th and Uranus 10th - The fruition of an extraordinary capacity to understand Natural Law and universal truth. A unique special purpose the Light of which shone throughout the world.  

Mercury Gemini 11th Rx
The Soul had been liberating and rebelling against a database of memories held over many lifetimes of ideas, opinions, information, and experiences associated with extreme inequitable political/social traditions and groups that had created mental trauma and alienation. Mercury Rx quintile Neptune brought a quality of genius to the intellectual structures, and an ability to communicate the intangible, her relationship with God, in a highly individualized manner. The emphasized dynamics of the 11th house reflect Soul choices in relation to an evolutionary capacity through which the Light of God shone through communication, writing, learning, bringing objectivity and detachment to fluctuating viewpoints, and drawing upon natural inner resources (Sun rules 2nd). The final dispositors of the chart are Mercury/Gemini (Mercury rules 12th) and Venus/Taurus (Venus rules 11th).

Water trinity
Pluto Cancer 12th - Luc-NN Luc Pisces 8th - Neptune-Moon Leo 2nd - These are the specific ways that the Soul of Anne Frank knew the Creator.

South Node Lucifer Leo 1st
The prior life dynamics of SN Lucifer reflect an evolutionary intention to spontaneously embrace new paths that allow the Bearer of Light to shine through creative self-actualization, self-motivation and conscious narcissism, impacting all areas of life. Anne's identity was in a constant process of becoming. She wanted life to be an adventure filled with Light. She wanted to find answers to the questions, "What am I?" - "Who am I?" She needed love and attention but the Higher Self-Awareness guided the Soul to share itself with others exclaiming:

"I want friends, not admirers. People who respect me for my character and my deeds, not my flattering smile. The circle around me would be much smaller, but what does that matter, as long as they're sincere?"

"Whoever is happy will make others happy."  

Sun rules SN Luc, SN Luc conj NN Nep, opp SN Nep 7th, Luc-NN Luc 8th ruled by Nep Leo 2nd - Joy and Inner Light radiated from the Sun's shining generosity of Spirit. She was discovering in an instinctive way that her Soul was a vital droplet in God's Ocean. Her relationship with the Eternal God took place via an innate knowing that God is found by turning within therefore she could tap into the Bearer of Light "at will." The consciousness of God shone through the instinctive desire nature and personality, and random experiences were initiated through this filter. She could clearly objectify the Light in contrast with a narcissistic orientation (Uranus rules 7th). SN Luc squ Venus ruler of NN - creative stress to break through rigid cultural norms, to redefine the inner relationship to herself, and to infuse the social purpose with God's truth.

Lucifer Pisces 8th
With the SN of Lucifer, the Soul shines with special purpose at the centre of its own universe, however, this past life orientation links to and shapes the current life Lucifer Pisces 8th through a sense of limitation and awareness of powerlessness that has the effect of counteracting egocentric individuality and inducing humility (Lucifer and its South Node are close to forming an inconjunct). Anne asked the fundamental question, "Why?" She penetrated deeply into the psychology of good/evil, learning how to surrender to a Higher Power by eliminating dysfunctional habit patterns such as illusions, delusions, egocentricity, frozen emotions, insecurity, and victimization. She learned to develop her higher nature, encouraged by the consciousness of God, by understanding that it is truly worthwhile to align with God.

In 1943 transiting Pluto conjuncted Anne's SN Lucifer and squared Venus, ruler of NN. Due to the circumstances of evil that were manifesting all around her, she started taking drops of Valerian for her anxiety and depression.

"Outside, you don't hear a single bird, and a deathly, oppressive silence hangs over the house and clings to me as if it were going to drag me into the deepest regions of the underworld.... I wander from room to room, climb up and down the stairs and feel like a songbird whose wings have been ripped off and who keeps hurling itself against the bars of its dark cage."

It was towards the end of Anne's diary that she started writing about her belief in God:

"The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quite alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. As longs as this exists, and it certainly always will, I know that then there will always be comfort for every sorrow, whatever the circumstances may be. And I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles."  

The Soul chose to be born into the Jewish race relative to its ongoing evolutionary requirements. Capricorn correlates to circumstantial reality, the nature of races of people on Earth, and to scapegoating. Pisces creates the reality that distortions "are really true" and they are believed to be real. The Soul therefore created crisis through the PPP Cap 6th that lead to mental and emotional disillusionment. The Bearer of Light comes through by focusing on solutions, not the problems themselves. She learned to align with actual reality, and develop stronger boundaries, mental discernment, a sharper focus, self-authority and discrimination based on Natural Laws (Saturn Sag 6th).

"It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death."  

"I believe that even bad people are truly good at heart."  

The Soul was learning about the dual nature of God in preparation for the Soul's evolution into the 1st stage Spiritual. With Lucifer in Pisces, evil could manifest as creating one delusion or illusion after another, the intent being to keep the person away from God. The victim consciousness became intensified through the core emotion of disillusionment. When the old intellectual rationalizations ceased to make sense, Anne penetrated the deepest recesses of her Soul, searching and asking "why?" so as to osmose the truth through direct Divine guidance. She had been creating a reality around the belief (Neptune rules 9th) that "people are really good at heart." As the horrible reality emerged that Jews were being gassed, Anne was faced with a deep existential crisis and inner void as the disillusioning occurred.

God's grace in the form of the Bearer of Light came to Anne via mental discernment through Lucifer's polarity point, Virgo 2nd house, ruled by Mercury, whereby she could realign with actual reality. Jupiter balsamic conj North Node - For evolution to take effect, her narrow beliefs, innocence and naivety would have to be dissolved and replaced by an objective view of reality. All planets in the 10th and 11th houses in last quarter square to natal Pluto meant a surrender into dissolving the old mental structures and beliefs so that the concept of absolute self-honesty could be understood (Neptune rules 9th). She suffered depression, psychological disintegration, massive disillusionment, betrayal, abandonment, and violation of trust. The process of metamorphosis was excruciatingly painful for Anne as she surrendered to current circumstances (she had no choice), yet she possessed the Bearer of Light ability to carry out an alchemical process of changing the darkest energetic atrocities imaginable against humanity into the Light. She created Spirituality by metamorphosing those dark, insane circumstances into the Bearer of Light. With Lucifer in the 8th house, the Natural Law of free choice was stifled, while the evil of persecution and genocide held the world at ransom. Evil targeted the weakest area in the Soul structure of Anne Frank magnifying the negative emotions of fear, futility and victimization, therefore trying to dominate her Soul. This was the opposite of what God wanted for Anne.

"The gift in this symbol is that it can also be the Bearer of Light, ie the means by which we recognize and expose evil's tactics, and the means by which we can snatch that influence away from evil and give it back to God. The Natural God is quiet, unassuming, and humble. It will never impose that upper hand. It wants us to CHOOSE this and to make that request. Evil on the other hand is all too happy to impose itself on the upper hand. It banks on our sense of weariness and futility which makes us feel we have no power or say in how our struggle plays out. The closer a Soul gets to God, the more intense evil's desperation becomes to win back its influence over that Soul, so it becomes paramount to develop the awareness of how evil tries to operate within us." - JWG

It was an overall lesson for Anne that evil and the consciousness of God exists within all Souls. The Soul made a choice to evolve in this manner. The combination of all those evolutionary forces - the trinity of the SN of Luc-Luc-NN of Luc - translated into all the strength, courage, hope and faith that she could muster to keep alive amidst the horror of the latter part of her short life. It meant yielding her personal will to a Higher Will. NN of Luc Pisces 8th - The evolutionary direction that the Soul intends to take would mean having to deal with these Soul traumas in future lives.

Bearer of Light quotes

"Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness."  

"Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy."

"In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit."

"Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness."  

"Where there's hope, there's life. It fills us with fresh courage and makes us strong again."

"Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery."

Her heart literally broke when, on Anne's yielding to death in March 1945, transiting Pluto reached the NN of Neptune ruled by the transiting Sun in Pisces, and the transiting North Node was conjunct Anne's natal Pluto. Transiting Lucifer 27 deg Aries (square Anne's Natural Lilith) was opposite Asteroid Anne Frank 28 deg Libra 4th. She died at the hands of men who were contracted to evil. In the highest sense, she was a martyr for God's truth, communicating to the world via her diary that evil does exist. Anne Frank posthumously received critical acclaim for her diary's literary merits. Pluto Cancer 12th - she became an iconic symbol of the holocaust.

"If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example."

~      ~      ~


Hi Linda,

Simply brilliant EA work: brilliant. The depth of your EA analysis regards the interaction of the S.Node of Lucifer, placement of it's planetary ruler, the N.Node of Lucifer conjunct the natal Lucifer in her 8th, and the placement of those rulers relative to the underlying EA paradigm within her Soul's evolution is just brilliant. The synthesis you provided within these symbols was just wonderful. And the various quotes from Anne that you provided to illustrate the dynamics you were focusing on was a very appropriate and illustrative to all others who seek to understand how the "˜bearer of Light' manifests in each individual context.

Brilliant EA work Linda.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Jan 05, 2013, 08:34 AM
Hi Rad and Group
I am still working, and will post tomorrow.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Jan 06, 2013, 08:59 AM
Hi Rad and Group
Some notes about Anne Frank's chart and the Bearer of Light

Pluto in 12th house in Cancer ruled by Moon in Leo conjunct Neptune that is conjunct Urania in Virgo in 2nd house, and Mars in 1st house. Pluto is DP square Uranus conjunct Pallas in Aries in 10th house. ( I am writing this when Uranus  in 4.51 Aries conjunct Pallas  is CP square Pluto in Capricorn).

With Pluto in 12th house the Soul was and has been seeking to understand the unity of all the Creation, experiencing its individuality as part of the All and dissolving all the barriers that prevent conscious union with the Soul. Being Pluto in Cancer and SN in Scorpio in 5th house, these barriers were related to emotions, desire and narcissism, as well as self image related to familial, national and ancestral issues.

Her SN was in 5th house in Scorpio, ruled by that Pluto and opposite Chiron and Ceres in Taurus in a stellium formed by Venus and Chiron in 10th house and Ceres, NN and Jupiter in 11th house; gibbous inconjunct Sun and Mercury RX in Gemini.

"Ever since I was a little girl and could barely talk the word 'why' has lived and grown along with me. . . . When I got older, I noticed that not all questions can be asked and that many whys can never be answered. As a result, I tried to work things out for myself by mulling over my own questions. And I came to the important discovery that questions which you either can't or shouldn't ask in public, or questions which you can't put into words, can easily be solved in your own head. So the word 'why' not only taught me to ask, but also to think. And thinking has never hurt anyone. On the contrary, it does us all a world of good."

With the SN in a FP sesquisquare to Uranus, the Soul former egocentric structures were preparatory to entering the evolutionary intention of integrating the original intention within society of the disseminating phase, and now the egocentric consciousness is forced again to expand itself to now understand the nature of the existing social rules, regulations, laws and traditions of her culture of birth.
And SN ruler Pluto is in DP to Uranus, reflecting a crisis in consciousness because of the evolutionary need of deconditioning of these society's beliefs and values in order to expand consciousness toward the timeless.
The Bearer of Light in 8th house in a water GT with Pluto and SN intended to deepen the understanding of the causes of massive trauma that the Soul has already suffered and searched.
SN is gibbous inconjunct Sun and FQP sesquisquare Uranus: she was trying to actualize the "specialty" of the evolutionary intent creating a crisis and analyzing what needed to be adjusted within the ego, humbling her narcissism. This is one of the causes of incarnating as a Jew in that time and experiencing all the humiliation and discrimination suffered. In a private sense the Soul also experienced lack and dependency from others to basic nurturing (Saturn, ruler of PPP, in 6th house inconjunct its ruler Jupiter in Taurus that is in a stellium with NN, Ceres, Chiron and Venus)

As  part of  this life's purpose, perhaps fated,  she wrote about minute empirical facts related to her individual subjectivity and day-to-day reality in order to make apparent, individualized, what otherwise would be - still is -  seen as general, impersonal and  sometimes don't lead to identification, to empathy. What I mean is that saying that 6 million Jews were exterminate sounds like abstract, impersonal, but reading (or seeing in a picture) what an individualized child lived induces, indeed  produced, identification and empathy. (Sun in Gemini in 11th house conjunct Mercury RX quintile Moon Neptune, and quintile Uranus conjunct Pallas)
It was also like an anticipation and counteraction of what the Nazi system did to people in the concentration camps: destruction of individuality and autonomy by erasing, eliminating any manifestation of their human individuality.
Thus her narcissism was put in function to and service of the community, of society (Mars in 1st house Leo inconjunct PPP, Moon conjunct Neptune trine Saturn in 6th house and sesquisquare Uranus in 10th house).
I believe this was only a beginning, because the Novile between Moon and Pluto suggest a gestation process in this sense, as well as the importance of the individual self-discovery and consciousness alignment with Natural Law (Moon conjunct Neptune sesquisquare Uranus conjunct Pallas in Aries, Moon novile Pluto and trine Saturn).

With PPP in 6th house in Cap, the evolutionary intent was bringing this knowledge and alignment to reality, accepting responsibility as a member of her community as well as being responsive through her writing, her life and death: at the same time a denunciation of horror and evil and a declaration of her belief in the human being when aligned with God and Natural Law.

NN IN 11TH HOUSE IN TAURUS conjunct Jupiter, Ceres and Chiron conjunct Venus; resolution Node: The way to actualize the PPP is through understanding that individual survival is linked to collective survival. This is also suggested by Moon in Leo in 2nd house conjunct Neptune and is part of the skipped steps that the soul was resolving.  
In turn Neptune is conjunct Urania in Virgo, and the Soul developed a deep and intuitive understanding relative to this issue and its relationship to guilt and victimization, as well as its relationship with social values and wounds (Urania trine Venus in 10th house conjunct Chiron and SN Chiron, NN NP semi-square Uranus). With Jupiter involved, this is part of the belief system based on these values and wounds in Jewish people.

LUCIFER IN 8TH HOUSE IN PISCES conjunct its NN, Persephone and Dark Moon Lilith; trine Pluto and SN; DP square Mercury RX and Sun. SN Lucifer conjunct NN Neptune and Mars, square Venus Chiron and inconjunct Lucifer, Persephone and DkM.
Lucifer in 8th house in Pisces led this Soul to deepen the self-knowledge that it already had been seeking -  in an individualistic and narcissistic way -  in former lives. In attunement with the Soul's purpose of uniting with the source, the Bearer of Light has created life conditions to help the Soul to understand and discriminate (Lucifer opposite Urania in Virgo) motivations and causes in a personal, familial, national, cultural - ancestral and religious sense.
The water GT provides a deep capacity to attune with collective consciousness, while Urania's inspired knowledge together with the DP square of Mercury RX and Sun, add the ability to observe and discriminate in order to detach from it, according to the evolutionary intention seen in her PPP in 6th house and NN in 11th house.
Being in the cusp between 3rd Individuated and 1st Spiritual, the Soul had the intention of leading others out of consensus while furthering its own process of surrendering to the Godhead.

Lucifer SN in Leo in 1st house conjunct NN Neptune and trine Uranus conjunct Pallas suggest that observation and detachment in order to know and unite with God was already learned, or intended at least.  
Deep self knowledge and clarity about individual motivations, even in the individuated unconscious, is the first step to attain objectivity regarding collective issues (Jung). This had already been sought by the soul (SN Lucifer biseptile SN and opposite SN Vesta in Aquarius, semi sextile Urania in Virgo, trine Uranus conjunct Pallas).In this lifetime, with  Lucifer in 8th house Pisces Balsamic semisextile Uranus, God consciousness guided mind and consciousness in a deeper inner sense in order to further the evolutionary intention of union and higher knowledge ( SN Lucifer conjunct NN Neptune, ruler of Lucifer and its NN .

"I have one outstanding character trait  . . . I have a great deal of self-knowledge. In everything I
do, I can watch myself as if I were a stranger. I can stand across from the
everyday Anne and, without being biased or making excuses, watch what she's doing,
both the good and the bad. This self-awareness never leaves me. . . "
"I know my various faults and shortcomings better than anyone else, but  . . . I also know that
I want to change, will change and already have changed greatly!"
This reflects Cap´s PPP responsibility as well as an evolved 12th house Pluto judgment based on people's intentions.

JWG,stated in Pluto 1:"12th house Pluto people . . . must learn to look at their own and others' intentions, and judge accordingly.
INNER judgment is necessary because it becomes the vehicle to get closer to the ideal of right conduct. They key is self-forgiveness, and then forgiveness of others."

"How noble and good everyone could be if, every evening before falling asleep, they were to recall to their minds the events of the whole day and consider exactly what has been good and bad. Then without realizing it, you try to improve yourself at the start of each new day."
"Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness. People are just people, and all people have faults and shortcomings, but all of us are born with a basic goodness."

This was also helped by God consciousness through Lucifer in Pisces in 8th house .

Lucifer in 8th house as Bearer of Light was teaching her and through her to humanity about choice making as a result of the antithetical desires in the Soul, at the Soul's present time and as karmic repercussion.
If "people are really good at heart", evil actions are consequence of choice, and that choice is frequently rooted in unconscious, shadowy desires that bind with authoritarian powers. And that also involves Cap´s PPP responsibility as well as an evolved 12th house Pluto judgment based on people's intentions, although unconscious, unknown, unaware.

At a deeper level, Lucifer in Pisces in 8th house manifested as the Bearer of Light showing through her experience and writings the collective unconsciousness shadow. Born as a German Jew she was seeking it in herself, in a deeper unconscious stratum, and at the same time shedding light over both people's shadow. (Pluto in 12th house Cancer, PPP in Cap).
Lucifer is conjunct it's NN in 8th house in Pisces DP square Gemini Sun and Mercury: if the Soul has become identified and absorbed in social or cultural beliefs and values, it is now necessary to move away from them in order to expand the consciousness toward the universal. This is also suggested by NN conjunct Jupiter in 11th house in Taurus ruled by Venus sextile Lucifer and Lucifer NN.
Those beliefs and values were, on one hand the Jew collective consciousness idea of "chosen people" and the need of suffering because of that.
He expresses identification with this belief: "Who has inflicted this upon us? Who has made us Jews different from all other people? Who has allowed us to suffer so terribly up till now? It is God that has made us as we are, but it will be God, too, who will raise us up again. If we bear all this suffering and if there are still Jews left, when it is over, then Jews, instead of being doomed, will be held up as an example. Who knows, it might even be our religion from which the world and all peoples learn good, and for that reason and that reason alone do we have to suffer now. We can never become just Netherlanders, or just English, or representatives of any country for that matter; we will always remain Jews, but we want to, too."
But she also showed her dis-identification writing : "Peter added, "The Jews have been and always will be the chosen people!" I answered, "Just this once, I hope they'll be chosen for something good!"

On the other hand, Wilhelm Reich pointed out the relationship between sexual repression and submission to authority as one of the unconscious causes of submission and acceptation of Nazi ideology in Germany.
And it's interesting to note that with only 14 years, in 1944, Anne criticized the sexual education of her time (as well as woman's situation in patriarchy).
And this collective shadow is the fertile soil for evil, for discrimination, destruction and war

"I don't believe the war is simply the work of politicians and capitalists. Oh no, the common man is every bit as guilty; otherwise, people and nations would have rebelled long ago! There's a destructive urge in people, the urge to rage, murder and kill. And until all of humanity, without exception, undergoes a metamorphosis, wars will continue to be waged, and everything that has been carefully built up, cultivated and grown will be cut down and destroyed, only to start allover again!" (3 May 1944)

It was Lucifer in Pisces in 8th house opposite Urania in Virgo shedding light about what we have to know regarding the inner unconscious aspects of ourselves that create a fertile soil for evil, as JWG taught us. (Anne's Urania is conjunct JWG's Lucifer)

But not only the shadow she showed to us, Lucifer in Pisces in 8th house led her to see the Light in the core of the shadowy manifestation of Humanity, and as well as always looking at the "good Anne and the bad Anne" she also said that

"In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery, and death. I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too, I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again."

I couldn't discern if SN Lucifer in 1st house square Chiron and trine Uranus in 10th house, and its ruler Sun opposite Saturn that is square Chiron and biseptile Uranus,  reflects individual involvement and responsibility in collective trauma, natural guilt, or persecutions, or both.
I have considered it, together with Lilith in Cap conjunct SN  Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter, as persecutions for her beliefs.  But I am struggling between my reluctance to find guilt in a victim and the consideration of what JWG said (I don't remember where, therefore I am not quoting) that in an ultimate sense there are no victims; each Soul attracts circumstances for its own reasons.
Reasons of course may be sacrifice for a higher ideal, but I would like to know if this signature reflects guilt.
And besides my EA limitations, I don't trust in my objectivity because of my emotional identification.
More than ever I expect your corrections and observations.
As always I am very grateful
God Bless, Mirta


Rad: I couldn't discern if SN Lucifer in 1st house square Chiron and trine Uranus in 10th house, and its ruler Sun opposite Saturn that is square Chiron and biseptile Uranus,  reflects individual involvement and responsibility in collective trauma, natural guilt, or persecutions, or both.

I have considered it, together with Lilith in Cap conjunct SN  Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter, as persecutions for her beliefs.  But I am struggling between my reluctance to find guilt in a victim and the consideration of what JWG said (I don't remember where, therefore I am not quoting) that in an ultimate sense there are no victims; each Soul attracts circumstances for its own reasons.

Reasons of course may be sacrifice for a higher ideal, but I would like to know if this signature reflects guilt. And besides my EA limitations, I don't trust in my objectivity because of my emotional identification.
More than ever I expect your corrections and observations.

As always I am very grateful
God Bless, Mirta


What JWG was referring to was the ultimate fact, reality, that all of us are responsible for creating what we create in any given life. Thus, no victims from an ultimate point of view. From a relative point of view connected to time and space there certainly can be victims where people are victimized by the actions of others. Yet, all those Soul in such a situation have chosen, all for their own reasons, to be in such a situation.

So within Anne Frank there is a natural guilt within her Soul that was the actual cause of being born into the Jewish race in order to experience the projections upon that race from all others who were not themselves Jewish. That natural guilt within her own Soul was based on the fact that her Soul desired to be born into families of great wealth and status in relatively recent lifetimes in which the common person was judged to be inferior to the superiority of those with wealth, power, and prestige. These lives occurred in Europe during the medieval time frame in which those in power created the reality for those that had now power and wealth called 'serfdom': indentured servants to those who had the power and the wealth.

Those lives of course created great pain and misery, suffering, for the "˜common' person who had no recourse, really, to alter their own lives and "˜fates'. Thus so many who felt the limitation imposed on them by the feudal lords of those times, limitations that by there very nature caused tremendous hardships and beyond for them. Thus, the Soul of Anne Frank desired to atone for those lives by choosing then to be born as a Jew. In so doing, the Jews as a race created the illusion for themselves that they were the "˜chosen people, thus special or superior, yet, at the same time, needed to be punished for that very fact. Thus, as a race, creating the conditions over many centuries and in many lands of being persecuted, punished, and judged as something inferior, something that was the cause of others problems or pain, that then manifested as becoming the scapegoats for others to blame for that which those others were actually responsible for.

So, yes, it is that natural guilt within her Soul that then became the determinant for being born into the conditions of the life that she was, to become and be Anne Frank.

Your overall analysis Mirta was really, really good. Your really focused much of your analysis on the fact of Anne Frank being born into the Jewish race and the "˜shadow' of that fact being the causative basis of the need to experience experience the types of traumas that she created for herself that then lead to how she experienced the "˜bearer of Light' within her life. Thus, the context that you provided and understood was not only correct but essential to understanding how and why Anne Frank created the life that she did. Very, very good work.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 06, 2013, 09:23 AM
Hi Mirta, Ari, and Linda

Thank you all for making the efforts that you have in considering the 'bearer of Light' manifestation  for Anne Frank. I will review and comment on your works tomorrow: Monday. If anyone else wishes to do this analysis before I do please let me know now.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Jan 06, 2013, 08:33 PM
Hi Rad,

Would like to thank you very much for this opportunity to
practice the EA paradigm incorporating Asteroid Lucifer /
Bearer of Light.

Thank you also in advance for your feedback tomorrow.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 07, 2013, 07:42 AM
Hi Mirta, Linda, and Ari

I won't be able to review and comment on your work until Tuesday due to some unforeseen circumstances that I need to deal with.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 08, 2013, 01:21 PM
Hi Mirta, Linda, and Ari

I have read through and commented on your EA analysis's of the 'bearer of Light' in Anne Franks chart. I added my comments to each of your own analysis's. Each of you has done really incredible EA work: this is how EA is meant to be done. For all those who are following and reading this thread please read all of these analysis's in order to understand how EA is meant to be used and applied to our lives.

If you have any questions please ask them of me now.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Jan 09, 2013, 07:21 AM
Hi Rad,
Thanks so much, now are very much clear to me the soul's deep motivations and the interpretation of the symbols in the chart.
And yes, I had understood JWG's statement (I believe that I saw it in the DVD course), because he clearly said "in an ultimate sense", and that's what guided my analysis.

I have another question: What is the EA meaning of projections?
I understand it in the junguian sense, but I am not sure if it is exactly the same in EA.

It was a wonderful opportunity to learn EA and about myself, it was a blessing doing it under your guidance and support in this safe place that you hold for us.
God Bless you

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 09, 2013, 10:19 AM
Hi Ari, Mirta, and Linda ..

If you would like to continue with this thread on the 'bearer of Light' we now have two options. One is to continue to work with another famous person like we have been doing or we can focus on the transiting Lucifer right now for us all.

Within this we could examine the transiting N/S Nodes of Lucifer and discuss what that means by way of their placements in individual charts.

Let me know your thoughts on this, and if others wish to join in please let me know.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 09, 2013, 12:02 PM
Hi Mirta,

"I have another question: What is the EA meaning of projections? I understand it in the junguian sense, but I am not sure if it is exactly the same in EA."

It is the same Mirta.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Jan 10, 2013, 06:14 AM
Thanks Rad.

I find very interesting focusing on the transiting Lucifer, and would also like to continue with another famous person if the group prefers it.
In any case I want to continue, but I will be out of town until the end of January and will be able to resume our work the first days of February.
Thanks so much for your offering.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Jan 10, 2013, 11:50 AM
Hi Rad, thanks for the opportunity to continue - transiting Lucifer sounds like a great idea.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Jan 11, 2013, 03:19 PM
Transiting Lucifer sounds good to me too.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 14, 2013, 10:20 AM
Hi Linda, Ari, Mirta, and anyone else who wants to join in,

Tomorrow we will start again with our new focus on the transiting Lucifer and it's Nodes. We will at first focus on the 'bearer of Light' archetype within Lucifer, and then focus on how Evil within archetype attempts to undermine the 'bearer of Light'.

Currently the transit of Lucifer is at 25 Capricorn, it's N.Node is at 11 Aquarius..which also happens to be the S.Node of Neptune for everyone on the planet today, and it's S.Node is at 28 Leo. I would suggest that we all now contemplate, ponder, and meditate on how the 'bearer of Light' manifests within these symbols.

Tomorrow we will begin to discuss this. We will talk about it on a collective level, and we will also make it specific to each individual: where are these transits taking place in the individual chart.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 15, 2013, 10:55 AM
Hi group,

My intention just now is to start very simply and then build block by block until we all have a complete understanding of how the transit of Lucifer, and it's Nodes, manifests in our individual and collective lives.

So for example the transiting Lucifer is in Capricorn for the entire planet, all countries and groups of people everywhere, and of course for each individual. Both the individual and countries / groups of people everywhere have their own existing context of what REALITY is for them. Capricorn, Saturn, and the 10th House all correlate archetypically to the actual reality of anything.

The reality of anything is a function of the choices that are made wherein the the causative factor of those choices are existing dynamics that, by there very nature, 'condition' the choices being made: determinants.  Those existing dynamics, reality, of course have come to be because of prior choices that were made that lead to them, and those choices where themselves a function of those prior dynamics.

Going backwards in time where time itself correlates to Capricorn, the 10th House, and Saturn, we now have the phenomena of his/herstory as individuals, and we have the his/herstory as countries / groups of people everywhere.

One of the core archetypes of Capricorn, the 10th House, and Saturn is one of REFLECTION. To reflect on our reality which means how it came to be in the first place: our existing dynamics that were caused by choices made relative to earlier dynamics that lead to those choices, and so on: his/herstory. The Souls intention in reflection is to LEARN IN HINDSIGHT why we have made the choices that we have that are the determinants for the reality that we have created for ourselves: present and past. This necessary learning thus correlates to self knowledge.

This self knowledge then that is leaned in hindsight by way of reflection on the past that has lead to the present is then intended, by the Soul, to be used in such a way as to bring to culmination any existing dynamic that has created the reality that it has that no longer serves the ongoing evolutionary purpose of the Soul. At the same time this self knowledge gained in hindsight by an active reflection on the present, and past, is also meant to be used by the Soul to sustain any dynamic that creates the reality for the Soul that it needs for it's ongoing evolutionary needs and purposes.

While the transit of Lucifer manifests in Capricorn the 'bearer of Light' as a consciousness or impulse from on high, from God/ess, desires to make all of us as individuals aware of that which we need to be aware of by way of the dynamics within us that have been responsible that that which we have created for ourselves called REALITY. And this awareness occurs through reflection upon the past that has lead to the present and, as a result, aware of new choices that we need to make that will culminate existing dynamics that we no longer need that have been responsible for our past reality that has lead us to the present, and, at the same time, aware of the dynamics that we desire to sustain because of reality that they create that we need for our ongoing evolutionary needs and purposes.

Relative to the 'bearer of Light' this active reflection will seem to be occurring 'of itself'. In other words it just seems to be taking place whether our conscious egos like it or not. As this occurs of itself of course the Soul may recognize the value and needs in so doing and then consciously make choices to 'join hands' with the 'bearer of Light' so that that which must be seen in this active reflection can be a thorough and complete as possible.

If the Soul desires to resist, to attempt to block, this necessary active reflection the 'bearer of Light' will cause this reflection to happen anyway.  Yet the totality that could be seen, the self knowledge gained because of this active reflection, will not be as complete or thorough as it otherwise could be. Thus, the ability of the Soul to APPLY that necessary self knowledge in order to make necessary new choices for it's evolutionary needs can be impaired. In fact it can be repressed: Capricorn, Saturn, and the 10th House.

The reasons that a Soul can resist this active reflection caused by the 'bearer of Light' is that the judgments made by the Soul to itself, the self knowledge gained in hindsight, can be so painful and torturous that the Soul simply desires to suppress it. When this occurs then the Soul, unfortunately, is destine to repeat it's past, Capricorn, the 10th House, Saturn over and over until it has no other choice but to allow the necessary self knowledge to take place which implies becoming responsible for one's own actions.

So with the Lucifer transit in Capricorn this has been taking place for all of us generally. By placing the transit in each of specific horoscopes by house we can then also see specific archetypal dynamics involved in this general process.

So before we move ahead I would like those that are participating in this thread to reflect on what has just been presented. And if you have questions please ask them now before we proceed.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 16, 2013, 11:05 AM
Hi Group,

Ok, another important archetype of Capricorn, the 10th House, and Saturn correlates to the structural nature of our individual and collective realities. The structural nature of reality correlates on a group basis to how any group of people judge and define phenomenal reality where phenomenal reality is simply the natural world of all the images within it. The Soul then makes necessary interpretations of this phenomenal reality is such a way that the nature of the interpretations, what things or images mean, will lead to a philosophical, cosmological, or religious whole.

In turn this leads to how a group of people then organize themselves into a structural whole that is called a society wherein that nature of that structural organization is comprised of agreed upon, consensus, laws, rules, customs, taboos, moralities, and ethics. Within the consensus of any given society there is then a expectation that all members of that society conform to the structural nature of the society in which the individual is a member.

All individuals within a society are then 'conditioned' by that society as to what is 'real': what reality is according to the consensus of the society itself. In turn what is considered reality or real becomes the basis of judgements wherein the consensus of a society judge any member who is 'out or order', or who is violating in some way the consensus expectation to conform. And because each member of a consensus society is conditioned by these judgements about what is right and wrong this becomes the basis of individual judgements as well.

The totality of a consensus society expects all it's members to individually integrate themselves within the consensus society according to the structural nature of the society itself. Thus all of us from birth in any given life are exposed to the very nature of the consensus society that serves progressively to 'condition' the very nature of the individual's consciousness relative to what is real and not real. Of what is expected of each individual by the consensus society. Any individual deviation from the consensus is met with judgements leveled at that individual who does so.

So from birth all of us are conditioned in this way which then leads all of us to integrating our inherent individuality into the society of birth ON IT'S TERMS. So, as a result, the ego structure, Moon, with the Soul, Pluto, can then say things like "I am a Romanian", "I am Chinese", "I am ............. etc. Groups of people of course need to organize themselves into a structural whole in order for the stability of that group to occur. If not the result is simply anarchy.

At any point in time relative to evolution the existing structural nature of any given society must make changes in order for that society to sustain itself. In the same way all of us as individual Souls must also, at any point in time, make changes to the structural nature of our individual reality in order to evolve. In order for the society or the individual to do this requires REFLECTION upon the existing nature of our individual and collective, societal, realities.

The impulse or consciousness of the 'bearer of Light' while Lucifer transits Capricorn is to induce awareness within the individual and societal realities of that which needs to be structurally changed in order for the evolution of each to take place. Thus, what any of us needs to change in our existing reality in order for evolution to occur. Thus, what any given society needs to change in it's existing reality in order for it's own necessary evolution to take place in order to sustain itself.

Right now, to illustrate this, we can look at President Obama and the USA. Transiting Lucifer in now conjunct Obama's natal Saturn in his 12th House which is also conjunct his Jupiter, and both are opposed his natal Mercury in Leo in his 6th. At the same time Lucifer is trining his natal Mars in Virgo in the 8th. This same Lucifer transit is also conjunct THE NATAL PLUTO OF THE USA ITSELF, IN IT'S 9TH HOUSE. The transiting S.Node of Lucifer is exactly conjunct Obama's natal Uranus in Leo in his 7th, and opposed his natal S.Node of Moon in Aquarius in his 1st House. At the same time the transiting N.Node of Lucifer in in Aquarius on his Ascendent, and his S.Node of Neptune, which then refers back to his natal Uranus.

President Obama is of course an individual while at the same time serving as the President of an entire consensus society. So on the one hand we have Obama's own individual evolution taking place, as well as the society in which he leads in order for that society to sustain itself because of it's necessary evolution.

I will be posting a link to a press conference that Obama gave just yesterday in the USA. I am doing this purposefully for I would like all of you to hear and listen for the influence of the 'bearer of Light' in his words that reflects his own necessary evolution, and the necessary evolution of the society that he is president of. One of the clues I feel it's good to provide, at this point, about both concerns the incredible gun violence that has and is taking place in that country. Remember when Obama was President Lincoln he was assassinated with a bullet from a gun to the back of his head.

So here is that link:

Beyond the gun violence issue also try to listen and hear the influence of the 'bearer of Light' as it relates to the necessary structural changes the America needs to make, and for any structural changes you may discern concerning the person Obama himself.

After you have done so I would like all those participating in this thread to share your own observations about how you see and hear the 'bearer of Light' within the words of Obama: the existing transit of Lucifer and it's Nodes.

If you have any questions please ask them of me now.

God Bless, Razd

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Stacie on Jan 16, 2013, 11:15 AM
Thank you for that wonderful progression through capricorn!
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Jan 16, 2013, 04:20 PM
That is an incredible description of the phenomenon of reflection through Capricorn. I have a couple questions.

What would be a reason for a soul to choose a life where that need to reflect is predominant in the chart? How would that have been avoided in previous lives in such a way that it now becomes a theme for them?

How is reflection and memory recovery related?

I have been contemplating the nature of judgement in relation to what we actually are apart from these bodies and I started really focusing in on the phenomenon of judgement and what is actually judging what? Because to me it seems like in order to judge your own self you would have to somehow separate yourself from yourself , then view yourself,  then judge yourself.  So as an example someone spanks their kid. The parent feels it lost control and calls its self an ass hole in its mind. Apologizes to the child. Who is judging who there? What is judging what? And then from there my question becomes about the filter that I am judging myself through. Is that filter of beliefs a Sagittarian phenomenon since Sag relates to belief systems?
Is Capricorn judging its self and others thru its Sagittarian belief system?

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 17, 2013, 11:21 AM
Hi Sunyata,

Quote from: Sunyata on Jan 16, 2013, 04:20 PM
That is an incredible description of the phenomenon of reflection through Capricorn. I have a couple questions.

What would be a reason for a soul to choose a life where that need to reflect is predominant in the chart? How would that have been avoided in previous lives in such a way that it now becomes a theme for them?


Generally speaking the reasons for a predominant need to reflect within the birth chart has been caused in lives just previous to the current life in which the dynamics of denial have been predominant. Thus, the need to create a consciousness in the current life that purposefully, the intent of the Soul, reflects upon the past in order to gain self knowledge no matter how difficult and/ or painful that may be. In evolutionary terms this is essential in order for the evolution of the Soul to proceed. And one of the intentions in creating such a consciousness includes becoming aware of why the need for the previous denials manifested.


How is reflection and memory recovery related?


They are related because when a consciousness is reflective the energy within that consciousness turns inward. With the energy of the consciousness turned inwards this creates a natural pressure within that consciousness that then induces memory.


I have been contemplating the nature of judgement in relation to what we actually are apart from these bodies and I started really focusing in on the phenomenon of judgement and what is actually judging what? Because to me it seems like in order to judge your own self you would have to somehow separate yourself from yourself , then view yourself,  then judge yourself.  So as an example someone spanks their kid. The parent feels it lost control and calls its self an ass hole in its mind. Apologizes to the child. Who is judging who there? What is judging what? And then from there my question becomes about the filter that I am judging myself through. Is that filter of beliefs a Sagittarian phenomenon since Sag relates to belief systems?
Is Capricorn judging its self and others thru its Sagittarian belief system?


Judgements are natural to consciousness. It is through the dynamic of judgements that we learn about life in every way. The issue is not judgements as such but the content being accessed that becomes the basis of the judgements themselves. Is that content, the structural nature of the Soul's reality, a composite of man made beliefs that have nothing to do with the Natural Laws set in motion by Creator of all things, or is it in fact judgements that are made relative to those Natural Laws. A simple example of a Natural Law that correlates to natural judgements is if someone placed their baby on the autobahn. The Soul simply knows this to be wrong: a natural judgment emanating from the principles of Natural Laws.

So almost all Souls on Earth, because of around 8,000 years now of man made laws that are not rooted in Natural Laws, have been externally and inwardly judged according to those man made laws. As the Soul progressively evolves it will, at some point, need to throw off all man made laws equaling judgements and then to allow the consciousness within it to be realigned with all the Natural Laws that are already part or inherent to the consciousness of all Souls on this Earth anyway.

The Soul judges itself from within relative to all Natural Laws and/or all the artificial man made laws. It does so by 'objectifying' itself: Aquarius. Aquarius follows the natural progression from Capricorn. In an utterly objective state the Soul is then detached from it's own emotional body which then allows for the objective state to be inwardly accessed. In this state the Soul then makes it's judgements.

Of course all Souls can also be subjected to the external judgements of others, of societies themselves. The basis of these external judgements are the same: either judgements that are a composite of all the man made laws and/ or Natural Laws. Those that are making such judgements of others are themselves  'objectifying' that other and then applying their judgements according to the very nature of their own structural reality. This then becomes one of the causes of others 'projecting' their own structural reality upon another manifesting as the judgements of others.

Sagittarius correlates with the totality of all the Natural Laws set in motion by the Creator relative to the act of Creation itself. Capricorn correlates to the totality of all man made beliefs that correlate to the creation of laws, rules, customs, norms, taboos that are a function of those man made beliefs. Of course because of the Natural Law of relationships that means interacting they can be and is, since about 8,000 years now, an interaction between Sagittarius and Capricorn wherein some of the Natural Laws remain rooted within the man made laws, and some of the made made laws/ beliefs interact with the Natural Laws in such a way as to either distort those Natural Laws and or repress/ suppress completely. 

This then becomes the basis of 'religions' and philosophies manifesting as beliefs versus the KNOWLEDGE that in inherent with all Natural Laws. Humans do not require, relative to Natural Laws, any religion whatsoever in order to know the Nature of the manifested Creation in the first place. That knowledge simply exists as a function of the manifested Creation in the first place. So it then simply becomes a matter of the Soul within any consciousness of 'attuning' itself to that inherent knowledge. This is done through the Natural Law of the breath within all humans that itself is a function of the Natural Laws of cause and affect.

One of the deepest and sadist of all things is the fact that human beings can literally make themselves 'believe' in anything. Beliefs are then used to develop all the thoughts and rationalizations necessary in order to justify the nature of one's actions according to those beliefs: judgements made because of those beliefs. It is because of this sad fact that we know have the nature of our world, of Earth, as it is right now.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunyata on Jan 18, 2013, 02:26 AM
Thank you for the explanation,  its totally clear. Is past life memory recovery a phenomenon of Pluto?
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 18, 2013, 10:48 AM
Quote from: Sunyata on Jan 18, 2013, 02:26 AM
Thank you for the explanation,  its totally clear. Is past life memory recovery a phenomenon of Pluto?


Hi Sunyata,

The individual Soul contains all that correlates to the totality of it's dynamics for all the lives it has ever lived which, of course, have all been caused by the nature of the dual desires within it. Thus, all the memories of all those lives exist within it. The consciousness within the Soul have different dynamics that allow for a knowledge of the Soul as manifested through the egocentric structure that the Soul creates from life to life. The dynamics that allow the egocentric structure within the Soul to know about it's prior lives/ memories correlate specifically to Uranus, the 11th House, and Aquarius. These archetypes correlate to the 'long term memories' that the egocentric structure within the Soul can access. In Jungian terms this is called the 'individuated' unconscious where individuated means memories that are unique to each individual. Long term memories exist with the current life of any Soul, and those memories also correlate to the past life memories of any Soul that can be accessed by the egocentric structure in a few ways. One of course is through hypnosis which can also create false memories as well as accurate ones. Another is simply based on the natural evolution of the Soul wherein at a certain point it's past life memories can be accessed within itself relative to the egocentric structure created. Meditation is a good example of this process.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 18, 2013, 10:50 AM
Hi Group,

We will pick this up starting next week. We will begin a simple discussion of the counteractive influence of evil relative to Lucifer as manifested in our current transit of Lucifer in Capricorn.

If you have any question of me know is the right time to ask. I also need to check in with all of you to make sure that what has been presented so far is clear to you all. So please let me know.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Jan 19, 2013, 10:54 AM
Hi Rad, yes it is clear to me.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Kristin on Jan 19, 2013, 11:38 AM
Hi Rad,

I just wanted to thank you for putting your heart and Soul into this board and for your dedication to dive into a topic that no one in the world of astrology is touching also for your teachings of the power of the bearer of light within the Lucifer symbol so we are not defeated by this symbol but can find a way to become empowered within it. The material on Obama was amazing in how this symbol is reflected and everything shared here with respect to transiting Lucifer made perfect sense. I have been following along and appreciate the incredible efforts and investment by you and by others - I  am learning so much...thank you linda, mirta, and ari for your awesome contributions..

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Jan 19, 2013, 11:07 PM
Hi Rad,

Obama Quotes - Transiting Lucifer/Bearer of Light in Capricorn

Sorry I was unable to post on time due to unforeseen circumstances.

Here are my basic notes correlating to Obama's quotes:

Obama talked about taking responsibility by reducing the country's deficit in a responsible way. Tr. SN Luc Leo 7th is about fairness, equality, compromise, leadership and assertiveness - "The only way to do it is in a balanced and responsible way."

Obama's leadership role and work as President (Pluto Virgo 7th ruled by Sun Leo 6th) is to enforce the Laws by creating responsible legislation that reflects adjustments and improvements for the people (Nodes Aqu-Leo, Uranus conj NN) to create an equitable society.

The intention of Tr. Luc Cap 12th opp Obama's Mercury 6th conj USA's PPP is to induce a reflection on the existing collective reality, to focus and then get real so that necessary adjustments, improvements and changes are made. He asserts that the structure of society must change by "......putting the people back to work," and by "breaking the habit of negotiating through crisis."

With Neptune in the 9th, and Jupiter in the 12th (like a mutual reception), his beliefs are based on a natural propensity for growth and expansion. With Tr. Luc Cap 12th conj Obama's Jupiter, and Saturn transiting his 9th house, he declares that "the growth agenda is important as well."

He hopes to reduce the deficit in a responsible way. Tr. Luc Cap 12th conj Obama's Saturn - Tr. Saturn conj Neptune 9th - "This is about paying your bills." "Discipline, responsibility and compromise - this is where we need to go." "My hope is that common sense prevails."

With Tr. SN Luc Leo opp Tr. NN Luc Aquarius, Obama is trying to bring balance and fairness to a situation that has reached an extreme imbalance: "(Reps) shut down the government - high-jack the process - to get their way." "I think it is a mistake - impedes growth - and is short-sighted."

Tr. Luc Cap 12th trine Mars Virgo 8th is a focus on exposing corruption. With Saturn trine Mars, "the challenge is to create responsible legislation in this area to enforce the laws" and to "track guns in the hands of criminals." He talks about taking "sensible steps to reduce gun violence through executive action" and "establishing a future precedent for gun control."

With Tr. SN Luc (ruled by Leo) moving through Obama's 7th house he is seeking to find the balance through the use of his will, power and communication skills (Sun/Mercury ruled by Leo). Tr. SN Luc 7th in its interaction with Tr. Luc Cap 12th conj Saturn conj USA Pluto, a new reality is being created by learning from the imbalances of the past in order to create a more equitable future potential (Uranus-North Node 7th).

The Tr. SN Luc and Tr. Luc interact with the Tr. NN Luc Aquarius conj Mars-Asc (ruled by Uranus conj NN) to change Obama's individual reality by re-energizing "my authority as President" and empowering him to take a completely new and progressive direction that incorporates liberating from the imbalances and restrictions of the past. On a personal level, this means a strengthening of Obama's leadership, self-determination and authority. When Tr. NN Luc conjuncts his South Node Aquarius, this will allow a throwing off of elements that had caused imbalance, and will bring positive action for the future.



Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 20, 2013, 10:59 AM
Hi Linda,

Thank you for making the effort to understand the 'bearer of Light' influence within Obama that you have. Your analysis reflects such an understanding.

It is interesting to note that the day Obama is sworn in for his second term as president of the USA is exactly 150 years to the day of the implementation of the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the African-Americans from slavery in that country.  And this is occurring with the transit of Lucifer as we have detailed here. Hmmm.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 22, 2013, 10:25 AM
Hi Group,

Ok, let's move on by now understanding the meaning and intentions of the transiting S.Node of Lucifer relative to the 'bearer of Light' archetype within it.

The transiting S.Node of anything of course correlate with the nature of one's past as it interfaces with the current moment in the life of the Soul: the 'now'. The nature of one's past is then helping to shape and define the nature of the moment as reflected in that past. Relative to the nature of the 'bearer of Light' this would then correlate to something in the past history of the Soul that is being used by the Soul, with the the 'unseen' help from the 'bearer of Light', to shape and define the current moment of one's life. In essence something from the past that is intended to be brought not only into the current moment, but also to move forwards from that moment into the future in order for the evolution of the Soul to continue.

We have just seen through the example of President Obama that the current transit of the S.Node of Lucifer for him is conjunct not only his natal Uranus, the ruler of his S.Node of the Moon, but also conjunct his N.Node of the Moon. And this has been taking place while the transit of Lucifer itself has been conjunct his natal Saturn and Jupiter in his 12th House, and inconjunct the transiting S.Node of Lucifer.

We have been discussing some of the archetypes of Capricorn that the transiting Lucifer ignites in all of us. So now what we need to do is link the transiting Lucifer itself to it's transiting S.Node: the past being brought forwards into the moment.

Right now the transiting S.Node of Lucifer, for all of us, is at 25 Leo retrograde. Wherever this is taking place in anyone's chart, the house it is transiting, is then directly linked with the past being brought forwards into the current moment that has the impulse or consciousness of the 'bearer of Light' within it. In essence, where and why the 'bearer of Light' is trying to help us move forwards with our own evolution.

One of the core archetypes of Leo is one of creative self actualization, of actualizing and giving purpose too one's underlying sense of purpose for the life being lived. Within this taking charge of one's life and purposefully creating and recreating it as necessary for that sense of personal purpose to evolve. Simply reflect now on the life of Obama so as to understand and see just how graphic and dynamic this is. And it is this very archetype that now applies to all of us.

So right now I would like all of you to simply REFLECT on your life relative to where not only the current transit of Lucifer is in your chart, but now adding to the transiting S.Node of Lucifer to it. See if you can actually feel, sense, or be actively conscious of how the 'bearer of Light' is manifesting in your life at this time.

If you wish to share and/ or ask questions of this process please ask them now.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Jan 22, 2013, 01:51 PM

Hi Rad and Group,

I have been following this and scribbling notes in my EA Journal.  I am thankful for the opportunity to be invited to share a little with the group.

I have been very Reflective lately and when Rad started explaining Lucifer in Capricorn he reminded us all that Reflection is part of the Capricorn archetype.  I instantly started Reflecting on that  :-)

From what I can tell (not having software with Lucifer capabilities), I have Natal Lucifer conjunct Pluto at 0 degrees Virgo in the 10th house.  So it looks as though the transiting SN of Lucifer is also in my 10th house conjunct Pluto (not conjunct Lucifer).  Transiting Lucifer is in my 3rd house loosely conjunct my Chiron.  (transiting NN of Lucifer is also in the 3rd conjuct Chiron but not conjuct TL).  And, btw, Natal Pluto (virgo/10th) is inconjunct Chiron (AQ/3rd).

Ok so, it seems obvious to me that something big is happening but I have not worked it all out yet. I have noticed that I am very contemplative/reflective lateley.  I started studying (ie: reading about) Energy Healing, chakras etc.  I've found I have been very out there helping people lately even teaching people who are stressed out how to practice deep breathing. Believe me, this is something new to me as I am usually  verbal, offering words and ideas based on my intuitions, not ever, until now, showing people how to do things, like breathe.

I've been wondering about the path I am on and at times with all of this Lucifer energy actually mentally praying to let the source flow through me as I do not want to manifest the other side of Lucifer in any way and harm anyone.  Its a huge responsibility - which is part of the Capricorn/10th archetype. Its awesome in some ways but very scary at the same time as I worry about the Neptune illusions. I've contacted someone who can read the Akasic Records for some help with this as I want outside information just incase Neptune is making me see reality how I want to see it rather than how it is  :-)

I don't know where my SN and NN Lucifer fall.  Linda was going to look them up for me but we both forgot  :-)

In anycase, this thread has meant alot to me even though my schedule does not allow me to take part fully.

Again, thank you Rad, for allowing an opportunity to express this a bit.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Jan 22, 2013, 06:58 PM
Hi Rad, just wanted to check in and let you know - I may not be able to review what has been shared here and post my own for where we are at now in this thread until next week or this weekend. Thanks for this wonderful learning experience as always.
With love, am
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Lucius on Jan 23, 2013, 02:05 AM
Hi Cat,
if no one has alerted you otherwise - under 'misc' on the message board main page you will find a planetary nodes calculator. Lucifer is going to be number 1930 - so plug that in on the top line (says something about comma delinated items, etc.) - plug in your information & check show north node & south node.

Lucifer's SN is where my natal SN of lucifer is, square lunare nodes & conjunct a retro Venus which rules the resolution node. Oh, & a lunar node return going on...

It's interesting to note though that these outer bodies nodes seem to shift between a certain 30-40 degrees - I did not do much research but, in my birth year a good number of months the SN is in Leo.

Hope this helps! (if I knew your birth info I'd post Lucifer's nodes for you, but alas!)

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Jan 23, 2013, 02:25 AM
Quote from: cat777 on Jan 22, 2013, 01:51 PM
I don't know where my SN and NN Lucifer fall.  Linda was going to look them up for me but we both forgot  :-)

Hi Cat,

As Lucius has pointed out, this site will calculate your Lucifer Planetary Nodes:

(From:  School of Evolutionary Astrology Message Board » Study Materials » Misc. » A PLANETARY NODES CALCULATION LINK)



PS:  I have sent your Lucifer Nodes to you by gmail.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Jan 23, 2013, 03:30 AM
Hi Rad and group,


23 Jan 2013          
24 Jan 2013
25 Jan 2013
26 Jan 2013
27 Jan 2013
28 Jan 2013
29 Jan 2013
30 Jan 2013
31 Jan 2013
01 Feb 2013
02 Feb 2013
03 Feb 2013
04 Feb 2013
05 Feb 2013

10 Feb 2013

15 Feb 2013

20 Feb 2013
Tr Lucifer

29 Cap 41          
0 Aqu   9
0 Aqu 38
1 Aqu   7
1 Aqu 35
2 Aqu   4
2 Aqu 33
3 Aqu   1
3 Aqu 30
3 Aqu 59
4 Aqu 27
4 Aqu 56
5 Aqu 25
5 Aqu 53

8 Aqu 16

10 Aqu 37

12 Aqu 59

Tr SN Luc

25 Leo 18          
24 Leo 54
24 Leo 30
24 Leo   6
23 Leo 41
23 Leo 17
22 Leo 52
22 Leo 26
22 Leo   1
21 Leo 35
21 Leo 10
20 Leo 44
20 Leo 18
19 Leo 52

17 Leo 42

15 Leo 33

13 Leo 28

Tr NN Luc

14 Aqu 24          
14 Aqu 41
14 Aqu 58
15 Aqu   5
15 Aqu 32
15 Aqu 49
16 Aqu   6
16 Aqu 23
16 Aqu 41
16 Aqu 58
17 Aqu 15
17 Aqu 32
17 Aqu 49
18 Aqu   7

19 Aqu 33

20 Aqu 59

22 Aqu 24

Calculated at:
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Jan 23, 2013, 07:54 PM

Hi Rad and Group,

Thank you for guidance regarding the location of NNL and SNL.  Its all coming together in a very profound and meaningful way for me.  It turns out that both natal Lucifer and SNL are bouth conjunct my Pluto in the 10th.  This means they are both tied to my soul's past intentions and desires brought forth into this life.  Although I've read alot about the Capricorn archetype and Pluto in the tenth, until now, it really hasn't resonated with me in any way.  By now, I mean this thread. What finally hits home and makes me understand my Pluto in the tenth in relation to my life (finally) is what Rad wrote:  "One of the core archetypes of Capricorn, the 10th House, and Saturn is one of REFLECTION. To reflect on our reality which means how it came to be in the first place: our existing dynamics that were caused by choices made relative to earlier dynamics that lead to those choices, and so on: his/herstory. The Souls intention in reflection is to LEARN IN HINDSIGHT why we have made the choices that we have that are the determinants for the reality that we have created for ourselves: present and past. This necessary learning thus correlates to self knowledge." This is a huge part of the Capricorn archetype that I must have missed somehow.  My entire life has been spent seeking self-knowledge - which now makes my Saturn in the 1st something else I can look at in a new light. 
The Transiting SNL is currently conjunct my Pluto and Lucifer so the timing seems right on, doesn't it?   Rad: "The transiting S.Node of anything of course correlate with the nature of one's past as it interfaces with the current moment in the life of the Soul: the 'now'. The nature of one's past is then helping to shape and define the nature of the moment as reflected in that past. Relative to the nature of the 'bearer of Light' this would then correlate to something in the past history of the Soul that is being used by the Soul, with the the 'unseen' help from the 'bearer of Light', to shape and define the current moment of one's life. In essence something from the past that is intended to be brought not only into the current moment, but also to move forwards from that moment into the future in order for the evolution of the Soul to continue."
I've written alot of notes and when I start looking at aspects etc, its all very complex but making quite a bit of sense.  The main thing I seem to have honed in on is the natal Lucifer/Pluto/SNL Gibbous inconjunct Chiron in Aq in the 3rd.  I came across something that Rad wrote in reply to Ari some time ago that made this all clear:  "Rad: The Gibbous phase inconjunct, Virgo, is very different than this. In this inconjunct the Soul will inwardly feel that it has something special to do in order to help the environment in some way, of being of service to it in order to help it, yet will inwardly feel not ready, good enough, or perfect enough in order to actualize or fulfill it. Thus, the Soul will find a variety of rational reasons, excuses, of why it will not, can not, do what it feels inwardly drawn to do. The very nature of this type of inconjunct, in the Gibbous phase, is an archetype of self improvement which implies a conscious awareness of that which needs to be improved for it's own evolutionary reasons. Thus, this creates a psychological sense of lack, of that which is not 'perfected' and needs to be improved upon. Typically, this archetype also creates an awareness within the Soul of others who have, or are doing, the same or similar tasks or functions that it feels inwardly drawn to do itself. This awareness can then reinforce the inner sense of not being ready as the Soul compares itself to these others who are perceived to be more perfect or ready than the Soul itself. All this occurs in order for the Soul to know or remember that there is a larger force, or God, behind whatever the special task, function, or capacity is that the Soul is aware of within itself. Thus, the challenge for the Soul is to inwardly align, consciously, with that higher will, or God, so that whatever the task, capacity, or function is is actualized via that conscious alignment. In essence, to realize that God is the doer, and that the path to 'perfection' occurs one step at a time."
I could keep going and going, but will do that in my notebook rather than here on the board.  The point is that I feel that transiting Lucifer and transiting SNL have brought all of this and much more to light with some help from Rad and this thread.  I also just received an email that my Akasic Record reading is scheduled for aturday.  I have a hunch that is only going to add to this as my request was to tell me something about the one past life that had the greatest influence on this life.  I am sure it is going to add insight to the story that is already coming forth in my mind and my notebook.  I am sure this is all happening now because of the B.O.L. transits we are discussing and that in the process I am gaining an awareness of what "needs to be structurally changed in order to evolution to take place." 

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 24, 2013, 09:57 AM
Hi Cat,

Thanks for sharing yourself in this way.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 29, 2013, 10:49 AM
Hi Group,

Please let me know how many of you would like to continue developing this thread on the 'bearer of Light'.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Jan 29, 2013, 12:25 PM
Hi Rad, I'd like to though I'll have very limited time in the next couple weeks so we'll see what I'm able to do. I'd like to know if it will still be ok for me to post for this last practice within this week?
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jan 30, 2013, 03:29 PM
Hi Ari,


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Jan 30, 2013, 05:04 PM
Hi Rad,

I am extremely interested in this topic.  My ability to participate is sketchy due to work/travel schedule, but just reading what everyone else contributes is very rewarding.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Jan 31, 2013, 03:34 PM
Thank you so much for this opportunity for reflection and sharing Rad. Since Lucifer has moved into Aquarius for a week now, I focus mostly here on it's transit through Aquarius since that has been most present for me.

The south node of Lucifer has been in Leo transiting in my 12th house. Lucifer itself has been transiting Capricorn and then Aquarius in my 5th house - My own Lucifer return is in just less than a week.

The relevent context with the sn of Lucifer in Leo in my 12th is expressed by way of it's planetary ruler, the Sun, my life's purpose, in Sag in my 3rd house conjunct Uranus - both conjunct the south node. This signature implies for me a soul purpose to share, write, explain objective knowledge about natural law. Being conjunct my sn and ruling my 12th house, with Uranus ruling my 6th house there is a theme of humility in this life - being an instrument for this work to come through me instead of identifying with some sort of higher intelligence and specialness. Doing so is resolving and transforming some of the karmic dynamics of this sn conjunction: to do this ea work in behalf of something greater than my own self.

The transiting sn of lucifer then has been bringing this dynamic into light. With Lucifer itself in Aquarius in my 5th ruled by that Uranus - I have been working very closely with a student group at a liberal college where I currently am to organize an actual beginners course in EA at the school. These past couple of weeks we basically brought the planning to a stage of significant closure and it is now being presented to the school board. This course will allow students to learn the basics of this work and actually receive credit for it. This will be subsidized, and thus I will receive payment directly from the school - my exact Saturn return (first of 3) was also this past weekend. The north node of Lucifer has been squaring that Saturn all this month.

The week Lucifer entered Aquarius (this past one) it squared my natal Pluto in the 2nd house: Becoming objectively aware of inner potential to actualize my purpose and releasing what is not necessary any longer. I've been working with this group highly over the internet - and even received a message on facebook that my friend is looking for someone to teach their passion to a group of young children in a special school she is involved in. Leo in the 12th (children) with the sun with Uranus, the current ruler of Lucifer in Aquarius, in the 3rd house: school.

Another super direct correlation - when Lucifer was at 1 degree aquarius, exactly squaring my own Pluto - I was in a medicine/prayer ceremony with a group of local friends. A woman, who calls herself Lucifer (she has Uranus in Scorpio in the 12 squaring her leo aquarius nodes) offered some very helpful guidance for me after ceremony. Her message was essentially that I can trust that the love I seek from others will always come to me from the Source of love itself. Her own sn of Lucifer is 23 Leo (on her lunar north node) right in my 12th house and conjunct the transiting sn of Lucifer - a message from a higher source that came at just the right time.

During the ceremony itself I was facing/holding space for some unconscious patterns, deep fears that I have around relationships - and without going into too much detail the pain I was experiencing propelled me into a dance to move the energy through and out of my body. Without thinking of what I was doing, the body instinctively moved on its own and I found that I was pointing one finger on my third eye and pulling out some "dark" energy through my crown with the other hand. I also found a great release happen while I was sharing a healing song with the group during the ceremony. Pluto in the 2nd, purging through the voice and movement, squared by Lucifer in Aquarius in the 5th - playing a special role in the group - with its sn transiting my 12th house, inspired song and ecstatic dance.

Prior to when lucifer entered Aqarius, it was transiting through Capricorn in my 5th house, ruled by natal Saturn and has been squaring my Venus in Libra in the 2nd. This in fact signified a great degree of internal reflection around how I structure my time in relation to my needs for intimacy and connection with others and the work I am here to do: where I often find myself "getting lost" in relationship to the point that I am not following my soul's calling any longer. One result has been, via reflection of the current relativity, and the why behind that reality, finding greater self inner clarity and strength to refocus on what my soul is here to do. In that I've been both opening up to others in new ways, to express my love and share healthy empowering connection with others from a place of wholeness and also feeling a lot more energy and confidence in doing my counseling work, asking for money without guilt, creating healthy boundaries etc.

One final correlation. A friend offered me the most helpful advice regarding my counseling work: to begin each ea session with a prayer that I vocalize outloud to be an instrument for God, to ask that my words only express the truth and to devote everything that happens in the session for the highest good of the person I am working with. To also call in the support of the beings that wish to support the session in the highest way. She told me the other half of my work is to listen to what wants to be said, to follow that 100% and not judge what that looks like. Since then I've begun every ea and guidance session I do with a vocalized prayer and have lit a ceremonial candle as well (transiting Vesta just went direct in opposition to that natal Sun Uranus conjunction). The results of this have been transformative.

With love,
Ari Moshe

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 01, 2013, 07:48 AM
Hi Ari,

Wonderful EA work: correlation and observation relative to the 'bearer of Light' in your own life. Thanks for sharing.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Feb 01, 2013, 11:02 AM
Hi Rad,
I would like to continue with the work in this thread.
I am coming back now and still have to read what you and the group have been writing.  Thanks to all for the work done and the opportunity to learn.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 03, 2013, 12:25 PM
Hi Group,

Ok, we will begin again on Monday. Since Lucifer has moved into Aquarius now we will focus on that and what it means from both archetypes within Lucifer: the 'bearer of Light, and of course Evil.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 04, 2013, 11:06 AM
Hi Group,

The transit of Lucifer has now moved into Aquarius for all people. Thus, it will have a collective as well as individual affect. So we will start with some simple correlations that apply to Aquarius, Uranus, and the 11th House, and then discuss how the 'bearer of Light' and the archetype of Evil manifests through them.

One of the core archetypes I would like to discuss at first is what JWG called in his book on Uranus the 'freedom from the known'. What he was talking about what the archetype of 'liberation' from the past that binds us to each moment in our lives, and how that binding past can act like a brake in a car to slow down and/ or stop the ongoing evolutionary needs of the Soul. Thus, liberation, or freedom from the known, is to make choices that allow for a breaking free from that binding past.

He also wrote that the archetype of the 'individuated unconscious' correlates to Uranus, Aquarius, and the 11th House. This is different than the 'collective unconscious' which applies to the entire species of humans. The individuated unconscious correlates to content within the Soul that is unique to that Soul. This content includes all the 'long term memories' that apply to not only this life, but the memories that correlate to the prior lifetimes that the Soul has lived that apply to the current life.

The individuated unconscious also correlates to the evolutionary intentions of the Soul in the current life manifesting through this individuated unconscious. Those intentions correlate, so to speak, to a 'master blueprint' for the entire life. This master blueprint that correlates to the Soul's evolutionary intentions for the entire life manifests as 'thought forms' that percolate into the conscious awareness of the current life ego at key evolutionary stages of the Soul's development in the current life.

In combination this then creates an interfacing of all the long term memories of the Soul's past that serve to bind the Soul to it's past in any given moment of the current life, and the thought forms that manifest from the Soul by way of the current life ego that serve to actualize the evolutionary intentions for the current life.

Thus, for a Soul to act upon, actualize, those thought forms that correlate to the Soul's evolutionary intentions for the current life is to 'liberate' from the past that binds the Soul to it's past: freedom from the known.

This interfacing between these two archetypes of course occurs in the MOMENT: the past and the future interfacing in each moment of our lives. The past correlates for all humans to a known quantity. Thus familiarity and security. The future as manifested in these thought forms correlate to an unknown: thus insecurity. Most humans do not, can not, psychologically embrace insecurity as a way of living their lives. Most make choices to recreate their pasts in various ways in order to maintains their sense of personal security.

At key evolutionary junctures in the Soul's life in which the Soul intends to liberate from it's past, to embrace and act upon the thought forms that correlate to it's own master blueprint for the entire life, the Soul will then ignite these thought forms to the current life ego, conscious awareness, that have a repetitive nature to them. In essence these thought forms that correlate to the Soul's next evolutionary steps will repeat over and over in order to get the attention by way of the ego that the Soul has created in the current life.

It is these repetitive messages that the Soul by way of the ego created need to act upon in order to evolve: to liberate from the past that binds it. These repetitive messages are just that: repetitive versus thought forms, ideas, that appear at random and have not repetitive occurrence.

When the 'bearer of Light' archetype of Lucifer manifests through the archetypes of Uranus, Aquarius, and the 11th House this correlates to the impulse of God/ess, of the consciousness of God/ess, in our lives It manifests as new thought forms that correlate to a freedom from the known, a liberation from the past that binds all of us to our pasts. These kind of thought forms being stimulated by the 'bearer of Light' will seem to occur within all of our consciousness's 'of themselves'. They just seem to appear all by themselves: not a product of conscious thinking. Yet as they manifest in this way it then of course ignites a process of conscious thinking about them: Mercury, the lower octave of Uranus. And that conscious thinking is necessary in order to understand the meaning of the messages themselves where that meaning occurs because of the individual pasts of each of us that are the very basis of the thought forms that correlate to our evolutionary next steps in order to break free from our pasts.

The affect, and intent, of Lucifer transiting through Aquarius or the 11th House, or the Lucifer transit in any sign that makes aspects to our natal Uranus, or planets within our 11th House, is to create a 'boost assist' from God/ess in our lives that is intended to help all of us break from from our pasts.

So just now I would like those participating in this thread to inwardly reflect on all of this in your own lives. What house is the transiting Lucifer in Aquarius in ? What aspects is it making to your natal planets ? What house is your natal Uranus in ? All of these symbols correlate to your own individuated unconscious that correlate to your own long term memories from your past that can bind you to that past. At the same time, these also correlate to the 'master blueprint' that reflects your Soul's evolutionary intentions that are meant to liberate you from that past: your own personal freedom from the known.

If you have any questions, and/ or wish to share what you are becoming aware of related to this, now is the time to ask and/ or share.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: maggie on Feb 04, 2013, 02:00 PM
Hi Rad...Its been a while ..But i ain't been lazy teach!...
Pluto transiting my 7th....
I have a question regarding Lucifer??..I'm unsure as to whether this is relevant to this particular thread..Has anyone seen a Lucifer combustion in the natal the minute..or so it appears...(recognizing my inexperience)..As yet I have not observed it in any charts i have viewed since I began my studies in EA...and of course I do not practice..Its the language i need..a book I'm writing....Anyway ..irrelevant...
I'm a clairaudient here in the UK.
I was born with a Lucifer combustion with Uranus in Leo in the 2nd (survival)....conj both Merc and the Sun in cancer  ...NN Saturn conj all of the above...Cancer rising...4th house Pluto conj Jupiter 1* virgo...
I was born without breath.[/ Pluto was indeed sq my moon...
I completely acknowledge my work here...NN in Sagg with a Sagg Moon balsamic conjunction 6th house...
Krishnamurti is my guy...and I bow to JWG who is also `Guru` in my eyes...oh ya .. Uranus??...`Freedom from the known`.
I spent almost 2 years dancing with the `big guns`....and Lucifer was indeed in Scorpio at that time..... to recognize the light has to experience the `dark`...that `inner cleansing` (Krishnamurti)
Lucifer  saved my bacon...again!
The bringer of light..helped my soul navigate that transit and emerge with true understanding...
I  have natal Chiron Rx in Aq  9th so I'm risking that vilification and hoping you chaps can offer up further insight...I note Lucifer In Aq  ;) and my souls need to get it down this time..
I truly believe it was Lucifer that offered up the extra light first breath  and again in transit...Blessed be!
I do hope I have understood Lucifer in this context correctly..I have a long way to go.. ( Jupiter skipped step)
I would love to hear from anyone out there who has seen this in a chart and understood it to be a possibility..
Thank you all so much..

Rad?..I was hoping I might get a reading from you or another experienced E A tutor..Im fast approaching my second Sat return..I could use all the help i can get to complete my journey here....I need to write ..and communicate that which I have learned...NN sagg.. Natal Venus in Gemini in the 12th....bring it on!
Peace to you
Maggie UK.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 05, 2013, 10:48 AM
Hi Maggie,

If you need a competent EA astrologer to help you there are many who contribute to this mb that can help you including Deva Green, the daughter of JWG.

We do not do personal charts on this message board. At times there are exceptions on a case by case basis. In this thread I have asked those who have been participating to share at times their own experiences relative to what we are discussing at various points.

Your questions do not correlate to what we are discussing at this point. However, thanks for sharing what you have in terms of your own sense of experience relative to how Lucifer has been operating in your life to date.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Feb 06, 2013, 03:25 AM
Rad, I just want to say thank you so much for your description of Aquarius and Lucifer in Aquarius. It nearly brought me to tears.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 06, 2013, 11:33 AM
Hi Group,

First, thanks Ari for your message to me. Second would like to share various thoughts that correlate to not only the transit of Lucifer through the signs, but also the fact that the transiting Nodes of Lucifer during the current human epic stay in Aquarius, N.Node, and Leo, S.Node for the majority of the time. At times they do slightly shift into Pisces, Virgo, but the majority of it's time is spent in Aquarius/ Leo.

So what does this then mean ? In essence it means that from the point of view of the 'bearer of Light' that the impulse or consciousness of God is always acting within our individual lives to recreate ourselves, Leo, relative to our own unique evolutionary path and, at the same time, how to integrate that individual recreation within the group needs of our society, planet, and/ or the immediacy of the groups that we involve ourselves with in our personal lives: friends, family, and whatever groups we may be participating in that has a group focus and intent. This recreation of course is relative to the 'master blueprint' within each of our own Souls: Aquarius.

From the point of view of the 'bearer of Light' this recreation is always intended to reflect the fact that whatever groups we are participating in requires a Soul focus of the group itself, what it needs, and to approach this group focus as an equal to the whole of the group. Thus, what the group needs from the individual Soul that is always given the opportunity by the 'bearer of Light' to recreate itself, it's sense of underlying purpose for the life being lived. In essence, this means 'what can I do for the group'.

From the point of view of Evil this is totally changed into it's opposite: what can the groups that the individual Soul in participating in do for the Soul itself relative to it's desire to recreate itself, it's underlying evolutionary purpose, in order to actualize itself anew. Thus, the Evil induced orientation of the consciousness of the Soul is utterly self orientated, narcissistic,  in it's participation within whatever groups that is interacting with. In essence, this means 'what can the group do for me'.

Beyond the individual we then have whole groups of peoples that are inwardly aligned within themselves, each individual in the group, to the sense of 'like mindedness' defined by the nature of the group itself. So we can have this Christian group, that Muslin group, this atheist group, this Buddhist group, another group defined by the common purpose of saving the environment,  etc, etc, etc. We have whole groups of nations on our Earth, China, India, Brazil, Israel, the USA, Russia, etc, etc, etc that have their own ongoing purposes defined by needs.

All of these kinds of groups, every group you can name or identify on our Earth, then must interact with all other groups simply by the fact that all groups operate within a socialized context: Aquarius. Relative to the archetype of Evil this then manifests as conflicts between groups of any kind that are not of 'like mind'. This occurs through the influence of Evil that creates a feeling of personal and group insecurity because groups that are not of 'like mind' are 'different' than they are. As a result we then have various groups, including whole countries, conflicting with one another that can lead, and has, to traumatic events and circumstances when one or more groups have to conflict with other groups that are perceived as threatening to themselves.

This happens because the underlying principle, Natural Law, of giving, sharing, and inclusion has been turned upside down by way of the influence of Evil that then manifests as self interest and exclusion. We need to remember that Aquarius in part OF THE NATURAL TRINITY of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius that symbolizes this Natural Law of giving, sharing, and inclusion. The 'bearer of Light' archetype with Lucifer is always, within the individual or groups of people, to influence the consciousness, Soul, of each to realign with the Natural Law of giving, sharing, and inclusion wherein all parts of the whole are co-equal to themselves.

Evil within the archetype of Lucifer tried to influence the consciousness of the individual or group to induce that orientation that all parts within the whole are not co-equal. That this or that part is more important that another part. Thus, through Leo this then manifests as selfishness, narcissism, and, at worst, to what can be called the Zarathustra pathology wherein everyone is meant to 'serve' the self appointed Zarathustra's whether they be a group or an individual.

The transiting Nodes of Lucifer to move into Pisces and Virgo as well from time to time which then correlates, relative to the perversion of the Natural Law of giving, sharing, and inclusion, to dominance and submission: the parts within the whole are not co-equal to themselves. One part is more important than another part.

So as the transiting Lucifer moves through whatever signs that it does the underlying archetypes upon which it has it's actual meaning lies in the fact that it's S.Node is in Leo most of the time, going into Virgo at times, and the N.Node is in Aquarius most of the time, and going into Pisces at times.

As we reflect on this consider this: what is the 'Mater blueprint' from God/ess point of view for our planet and the peoples on  it, and what is the 'master blueprint' from Evil's point of view for our planet and the peoples on it ? And how do the influences of each manifest within us as individuals, and as whole groups of peoples including all the various countries ? How does the influence of each manifest within us as individuals and the immediacy of the groups that correlate to our own individual realities ?

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Feb 06, 2013, 12:05 PM
Hi Rad,
Thanks so much for your description of Aquarius archetype. It makes so clear what's the point! And it is so vivid! It's like I am hearing you more than reading. (I am still trying to clearly get the meaning of the nodes).

I have two questions:
a) When considering Lucifer's SN should I look at it like the transiting Moon's nodes? I mean transiting SN is the apparent issue while natal SN is the actual issue and we have to refer to it?
b) An opposition formed by transiting Lucifer to a natal planet reflects also a need to throwing off something regarding that planet?
God Bless

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Feb 06, 2013, 06:25 PM
Hi Rad,

Thank you for your radiant description of the Lucifer/Bearer of Light Transiting South Node and North Node through Leo/Aquarius (and sometimes Pisces/Virgo) for everybody.

As we reflect on this consider this: what is the 'Master blueprint' from God/ess point of view for our planet and the peoples on it ?

The master blueprint from God/ess is for all people to embrace the Natural Law of sharing, caring and inclusion. This is achieved through listening to the Bearer of Light (Tr SN Luc Leo;  current Tr Luc Aquarius;  NN Luc Aquarius) to change, transform, and liberate from past conditioning patterns through a process of objectification, detachment, and dispassionate viewing of the dynamics at play.

The Bearer of Light enters the consciousness allowing one to listen to repetitive messages that portend to the future evolutionary intention of transforming a personal orientation/purpose into a group purpose. It shows how the individual transforms the personal consciousness to incorporate a bigger picture of one's group, society and the planet. The individual focus enlarges to a group picture, not just oneself.

The repetitive messages correlating to Transiting Lucifer (currently Aquarius) and Transiting North Node of Lucifer Aquarius, their ruler transiting Sun URANUS, and aspects they form to the natal chart, show where and how this higher purpose can manifest in our lives for the good of a wider group. The Sun, ruling the SN Luc, in its movement around the zodiac and through our personal houses, means re-identifying one's purpose and integrating one's entire chart through incorporating Aquarius in the bigger picture of our evolutionary intentions (Pluto dynamic). Ruler Uranus, currently in Aries, creates tremendous instinctual energies of freedom, sovereignty and newness for social change.

Today the Sun (ruler of SN Luc, shedding MORE Light on Leo/Aquarius issues) is exactly conj Tr NN Luc at 18 deg Aquarius, and as it starts the new cycle, we will receive new messages and promptings from the Bearer of Light on how to move forward. In a few days time we will have a New Moon Aquarius conj the transiting North Node Lucifer helping to liberate us from the emotional security patterns of the past.

For people to evolve natural and unique expressions of themselves, and to creatively express a socially relevant and needed group objective for the good of all individuals within the whole group. Positive decisions/choices (square to Scorpio) can be made for the survival of the entire human species, and the planet (square to Taurus). A real spiritual desire to care for others, and share with others, not just focusing on oneself. As each individual changes from within him/herself, these changes spread to groups, and to the whole world.

On a personal level for each individual, the Bearer of Light prompts the question: "What can I do for the group?" - rather than what can the group do for me. In a group environment each individual can transform distorted Leo aspects of themselves in order to offer their unique individuality, caring, sharing, love, warmth, and magnanimity, within a GROUP environment, to uphold equitable and unbiased Aquarian principles for the good of all. To always put others first.

Transiting Lucifer Aquarius and North Node Lucifer Aquarius on a personal level correlates to unique individuality, organizing oneself into like-minded groups where one can express a needed group function, innovation, inventiveness, challenging society's worn-out customs/values/traditions, sudden insights/realizations, enlightenment, natural leadership, and instinctive understanding of group dynamics.

On a collective level, each group, society or country can embrace Aquarian group consciousness to produce new visions, social advancement, evolution, progress, reform, freedom, liberation, and innovative solutions to the problems of the world.

What is the 'master blueprint' from Evil's point of view for our planet and the peoples on it ?

The master blueprint from evil is to continue in the distorted expression of the Leo archetype (eg Zarathustra complex), and to continue to sleep in the unconsciousness of the past (transiting South Node Lucifer Leo, its ruler and aspects in the chart).

For people:  narcissistic, selfish, dictatorial, self-centred, self-inflated, wanting to be noticed, wanting applause, competitive, dogmatic, distorted, exclusive, Zarathustra delusion.

For our planet:  power in the hands of a few, corrupt governments controlling the lives of the many, unequal distribution of wealth and power.

Love and thanks,



Hi Linda,

This is just wonderful. Yeah.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Linda on Feb 06, 2013, 09:12 PM
Hi Rad,

I am learning to distinguish the "voice" or "whisper" or "message" of the Bearer of Light, but an interesting question arose today:

Can one way the Bearer of Light speak to us be through our own "conscience?"

I'd say the answer to this is yes, but just checking.

Thank you,

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 07, 2013, 10:57 AM
Hi Mirta,

Quote from: mirta on Feb 06, 2013, 12:05 PM
Hi Rad,
Thanks so much for your description of Aquarius archetype. It makes so clear what's the point! And it is so vivid! It's like I am hearing you more than reading. (I am still trying to clearly get the meaning of the nodes).

I have two questions:
a) When considering Lucifer's SN should I look at it like the transiting Moon's nodes? I mean transiting SN is the apparent issue while natal SN is the actual issue and we have to refer to it?


Yes, but then remember that the actual issue is then the cause of the apparent issue. For example: a natal chart has a natal Sun in the 1st in Sagittarius, and the transiting S.Node of Lucifer in Leo is in the 10th. The actual issue, from the point of view of the Evil archetype within Lucifer, is one wherein the Soul desires to be considered special, to stand out, to have all attention drawn to it because within itself is feels it has some special destiny to actualize. The apparent issue then manifests as a desire to actualize that sense of special destiny within the world, with the society of birth, it's career. Relative to the Evil influence within Lucifer this could then manifest as doing everything it needs to do in order to actualize that desire wherein the 'end justifies the means' used to do so. It will make these determinations and decisions about what it feels its special destiny is, and how to go about actualizing it, totally from within  it's own Soul/ egocentric structure. 

Relative to the 'bearer of Light' within the Lucifer archetype this would be diametrically different. The Soul has the same sense of having a special destiny to actualize in the context of the world, it's society of birth, it's work. Yet the Soul would be inwardly attuned to the impulse of the inner godhead in order to allow for it to be informed in this way as to what the nature of that special destiny is. In the context of the 10th house, the apparent issue, the Soul would then have a totally different inner orientation and attitude as to how to go about actualizing that special destiny. This would manifest within such a Soul as first making a commitment to actualize what that special destiny/ work is to God/ess, and then simply doing and actualizing that special destiny / work as best that it could within an attitude that says 'I will do the best that I can and whatever the work brings to me OF ITSELF I will follow and actualize."  The decisions and determinations made in order to fulfill this inner sense of special destiny/ work will always be made by an inner listening, directions given, to the inner Godhead itself.   

b) An opposition formed by transiting Lucifer to a natal planet reflects also a need to throwing off something regarding that planet?

Yes, if that 'something' is preventing necessary evolutionary growth for the Soul. The influence of Evil in the archetype of Lucifer would then actually manifest in such a way as to want the Soul to keep that existing dynamic so that it does not evolve further. The influence of the 'bearer of Light' within Lucifer would of course be the opposite: to throw it off in order for the necessary evolution to proceed.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 07, 2013, 11:02 AM
Quote from: Linda on Feb 06, 2013, 09:12 PM
Hi Rad,

I am learning to distinguish the "voice" or "whisper" or "message" of the Bearer of Light, but an interesting question arose today:

Can one way the Bearer of Light speak to us be through our own "conscience?"

I'd say the answer to this is yes, but just checking.

Thank you,


Hi Linda,


God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Feb 07, 2013, 12:26 PM
Thanks so much Rad, it's very clear now. It's wonderful that you gave that example and the consideration of both aspects of Lucifer.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 08, 2013, 11:27 AM
Hi Group,

I am posting the birth chart for the USA in order to demonstrate, and discuss if you wish, the influence of Evil and the 'bearer of Light' archetypes within the asteroid Lucifer as they apply to that country. Specifically, we can focus on what we have been discussing by way of interaction of various groups relative to the influence of each of these archetypes in that country. I am posting this chart because it has natal Lucifer in Aquarius in it's 10th House, and it's S.Node is in Aquarius in it's 9th. Thus, the current transit of Lucifer has just come across that S.Node and is now moving towards a Lucifer return in the USA chart.

With it's Lucifer in the 10th, and ruled by it's natal Uranus in Gemini in the 1st, and conjunct it's Ascendant, the specific focus that we discuss concerns the changing demographics in that country wherein the existing Caucasian majority is being replaced by all the 'minorities' in such a way that in combination those 'minorities' will become the majority. By the year 2040, for example, the Hispanic population within that country will be the actual majority.

The impact of this demographic, groups, change was already seen in the last election for their president wherein Obama received roughly 85% of all the 'minority' votes as compared to Romney. This was the actual reason that Obama was then elected the president. The consensus orientation of the majority of the minorities reflects social equity versus the current dominance of the Caucasians that has/ is manifesting as utter social inequality. In essence, the minorities by way of the consensus within them reflects much more of the Natural Law of giving, sharing, and inclusion versus the consensus of the Caucasians that reflects self interest and exclusion.

These demographic changes will only be accelerating in that country. Relative to the transiting Lucifer now in Aquarius, coming over the USA's S.Node and coming to a return to itself in the 10th, how can we see the interacting influences of Evil and the 'bearer of Light' manifesting in that country relative to those demographic, group, changes ? Within this consider that the transiting S.Node of Lucifer in in Leo in the USA's 4th House. This is the very 'image' that the county has for itself, it correlates, relative to the 10th, to the very foundations of the country that serve as it's sense of 'security' from within itself, and it's place in the world order. Remember that Leo correlates to an almost constant 'recreating' of sense of purpose in life, and how that recreated purpose is integrated, how does this then also affect the meanings of the transiting Lucifer in Aquarius coming to a return in the USA's 10th House ?

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Feb 11, 2013, 01:33 PM
Hi Rad and everyone - just want to let you know I'll be making time this weekend to practice with this thread again.
With love, am
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Feb 12, 2013, 07:30 AM
Hi Rad and Group,
I am observing Lucifer's transit in my life but I couldn't still write anything. I will do it this week.
Sorry for the delay, I had to bring up to date all my activity. Thanks for your patience.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Feb 16, 2013, 02:07 PM
Hi Rad and All
Counseling work is related to 7th house? If not, what's the archetype.
Thanks so much, I am going to post tomorrow sunday.
God Bless
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Feb 16, 2013, 02:09 PM
Hi Rad and Group,

16.02.2013 Lucifer 11 aq 6

Lucifer in Aquarius - Freedom from the past.

In relation to thinking about Lucifer in Aquarius and my life right now, nothing really came to me until last night.  It all came in typical Uranian fashion - sudden!  

In my previous post I referred to a reading I was expecting from a spiritual intuitive.  This reading arrived a few weeks later than expected.  It arrived last night, following an intense day at work in which I found myself in an intense conflict ridden situation and chose to express myself rather than ignore the situation and simply carry on.  It was intense and I felt could cost me my job, but I let my pent up Mars in Pisces anger flow rather than simmer below the surface.

When I got home I found my awaited reading awaiting me. Lucifer is in Aquarius in my 3rd house which is ruled by Saturn in Sag in the 1st House.  As mentioned in my previous post, I have Chiron in AQ in the 3rd - Pluto in the 10th (reflection) - SN of Lucifer in the 10th (reflection).  The reading and the astrology from the EA perspective seem to mesh quite nicely.  The timing in relation to when the reading arrived seems quite significant as well. Here is the bottom line:

"You indicated that you are interested in knowing what past life most affects this present life and you are wondering about any messages from your guide. Also, you indicated that you are feeling like you are on the threshold of change....

...In the encouragement to have you be more vocal and bold in the world, there is some indication underneath that it is a result of past life history. You were what people called deaf and dumb back in the early 19th century. That sounds staggeringly horrible, I know, but it just basically means that you were a deaf-mute. It had no bearing on your mental perception of the world around you. You were just as intelligent as anyone else but since you could not hear or speak, people assumed you were developmentally disabled. Living in a world of total silence was absolutely necessary for you to have the ability to know yourself on a deeper level. Prior to that, you went through several lifetimes of material possession, ego, and so forth. This lifetime of deaf-muteness was designed to make you slow down and understand the value of life.

It may have some bearing on who you are today because you may have gone through bouts of severe shyness in your lifetime because you're used to living in a world of silence. That's probably where your guide is having me convey to you that you need to be bold and expressive with this lifetime. You can express yourself and your opinions without merging into material possession and ego. This lifetime is about finding a balance. You may want to consider being an advocate for people who don't have voices. I don't necessarily mean the literal sense but you have the ability to do a lot of good with this life. Most importantly, you cannot allow yourself to be a doormat simply because you're used to that from a previous lifetime."

I find it quite significant that this message arrived on a day I chose to express rather than blow things off, while Lucifer is in my third house.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: mirta on Feb 17, 2013, 12:47 PM
Hi Rad and Group,
Thanks for the learning that provided me your contributions in this thread.
My observations of the Bearer of Light's transit in my life are:

Lucifer in 4th house, opposite Mars conjunct Midheaven and opposite Pluto conjunct Saturn.
Lucifer trine Sun conjunct Neptune, Lucifer, Urania and Amazone in 11th house; Luc' square Mercury conjunct Chiron.
Natal Uranus in 8th house in Gemini conjunct Moon and ruled by Mercury in 12th house in Scorpio conjunct Chiron and SN Venus and SN Mars.
SN Lucifer in 17.16 Leo (February 5 19.52 Leo), ruled by Sun in 11th house in Libra conjunct Neptune, Lucifer and Urania. SN conjunct Midpoint Pluto conjunct Saturn.
NN Lucifer in 4th house, conjunct PPP opposite Saturn (and Pluto).

February 12th
I feel that I have to give a new course to my activity, and I am reflecting about what form it can take. Since 2 years ago I am thinking, in a new way, about two desires or goals and with Lucifer's transit by Capricorn (in late January) it became more insistent in the sense that I have to decide it now and devote this year to prepare myself for it, although I feel that I could really give it initiation in the next year.
These projects are a) teaching EA or b) initiating a formal training in Deep Memory Process to become a past life therapist.

Although they represent an old duality in myself, that in a way I resolved being both astrologer and psychologist (Moon conjunct Uranus in Gemini in 8th house), it is hard to me to choose now and sometimes I think why not both again, but I have not many time left by my work, and even not much lifetime time, I am not young. In a way it's the first time that I am seriously thinking so about this time limit regarding my age, I am a sort of "puella aeterna" in this sense. (Lucifer in Capricorn, SN Lucifer conjunct Saturn conjunct Pluto in 10th house, NN Lucifer opposite Pluto conjunct Saturn)

Actually the choice now is between deepening one way or the other.
The main doubts currently refer to: on one hand I am not sure if I will be able to deal with the deep client's trauma that emerges in DMP (Uranus in 8th house conjunct Moon and ruled by Mercury in Scorpio in 12th house conjunct Chiron and SNodes of Mars and Venus); on the other hand  it's difficult to me to lead groups (Uranus NP conjunct Moon in 8th house; Sun in 11th house in Libra conjunct Neptune, Lucifer, Urania and Amazone ruled by Venus in Libra in 12th house; SN Lucifer in Virgo in 10th house, Lucifer NN in 26 Cap, ruler Saturn conjunct Pluto in 10th.).

And within astrology it is also a reliving of a conflict between counseling and teaching that remains unresolved. My natal Pluto conjunct Saturn are in Skipped Steps whose Resolution Node is NN in 7th house in Taurus with SN conjunct Jupiter.
I am used to consider counseling work related to 7th house. I don't know if it's the same in EA.
Then, and although I have already taught, and successfully with individual students, I have problems regarding dealing with groups, or leading whatever groups, both internal problems and difficulties with their continuity.

Now I perceive that the latter is what I have to elaborate and resolve.  ( Lucifer in late Capricorn was inconjunct natal Moon conjunct Uranus in 8th house; Lucifer in Aquarius is trine Sun conjunct Lucifer conjunct Urania and Neptune in Libra in 11th house; ruled by Venus in Libra in 12th house (avoidance?, unresolved dynamic?); SN Lucifer is conjunct tr. NN Neptune, NN Lucifer is conjunct tr. Venus and SN Neptune.).

Thus my wonderings are: 1) what's the known I have to free myself from regarding groups in order to allow evolution to proceed?
2) Why do I try to finding another tool to helping people? Why don't I trust in the tools I already have, indeed why don't I trust in myself, in my ability to using that tools? Now I believe that is the point. Together with my natal Pluto in 10th house,and NN in 7th house in Taurus the cause can also be seen in natal SN Lucifer in Virgo in 10th house, ruled by Mercury in Scorpio in 12th conjunct Chiron and Venus and Mars SNodes.

February 17th
Today, with transiting Lucifer in 11.34 Aquarius making an exact trine to natal Lucifer (that is conjunct Sun, Neptune, Urania, and Amazone), with tr. SN Lucifer  in exact conjunction to Pluto, and Lucifer's NN opposite Jupiter conjunct SN and exact inconjunction Sophia, it is becoming clear to me that  - at least for this year - what I have to do is deepening my EA learning and working on my self- image in order to strengthening my self confidence especially regarding groups and teaching(tr. Lucifer conjunct PPP, Lucifer NN square Resolution NN in Taurus). The known I have to free myself from is a self-image problem that experience has not resolved.
I do have taught and led groups with some achievements and I only had one group problem, that left a deep trace; but it led me to leave theatre teaching and to practice astrological counseling in a professional way.  That happened when transiting Lucifer was conjunct its natal SN in Virgo in 10th house, Lucifer SN was conjunct natal Saturn, and its transiting NN (conjunct tr. Lunar SN) was in my 4th house opposite natal Mars conjunct Midheaven. Transiting Uranus was conjunct natal Jupiter and Moon's SN and Chiron was conjunct natal NN in 7th house in Taurus.
I also have some experience with women's groups working with feminine archetypes that were successful but I have always felt uncomfortable and insecure, and that prevailing feeling led to the vanishing of them.

On the other hand, teaching astrology is an old frustrated desire, even intention, which now intensely reappeared with tr. Lucifer in Cap sextile Jupiter.
I believe there is trauma and even natural guilt related to teaching. My natal Uranus is in 8th house in Gemini conjunct Moon and Moon rules 9th house. In addition Saturn is in a NP square to Jupiter conjunct SN, and also Lucifer's SN in Virgo (ruled by Mercury in Scorpio in 12th conjunct Chiron and SNodes of Venus and Mars) is in NP square to Jupiter and SN.
It's interesting to me that I even studied to become a teacher and later Pedagogy but I only worked teaching in exceptional circumstances.
May be this natal Jupiter conjunct SN in NP square is a 2nd opportunity in which I can do it in a new form in order to amend former actions.
In addition, if counseling or teaching is part of my skipped steps, with Jupiter on SN and Resolution NN in 7th house, may be that many years devoted to counseling would allow now resolve my teaching difficulties.  

Thus I believe that my task for this year is studying EA and working about my self-image an internal security preparing me to teach EA (Lucifer in Aquarius in 4th house conjunct PPP, tr. Lucifer's NN opposite Jupiter's ruler and 3rd house ruler Saturn), although  I am not sure if I will be ready to do it. . .

Rad, thanks for this opportunity for clarifying my doubts guided by the Bearer of Light's transit and by your invaluable guidance.
I appreciate any correction to my interpretation of the transits, including the skipped steps.
With renewed gratitude
God Bless

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: ari moshe on Feb 17, 2013, 01:51 PM
Personal reflection on Lucifer's transit through Aquarius:

On Feb 6th, transiting Lucifer, along with transiting Venus was at 6 Aquarius falling in my 5th house. Both those plants were squaring my own Pluto Saturn in Scorpio in the 2nd house. I have Pluto at 1 degree Scorpio and Saturn at 11. So 6 degrees Scorpio is the exact midpoint of my Pluto Saturn conjunction.

On that same day transiting Sun as well as the transiting north node of Lucifer was combust my own natal Lucifer at 18 degrees Aquarius in my 5th house, which also squares my natal Saturn, as well as transiting Saturn. So I knew ahead of time this would be a significant day.

This spring I'll be teaching an ea beginners course. As I spoke of earlier, this has been in process of being organized by a student group for some time now. On this day I saw a group of friends with their arms around one another in a group hug. They saw me and invited me to join. While we were all standing there, a man, who also happens to be the main organizer of the student group who is hosting me at the school (who also has his own Sun at 6 degrees Aquarius conjunct transiting Lucifer and Venus. His own natal Venus is conjunct my north node of Lucifer as well) told me that the school has granted a full subsidy for me to teach this course. Once he spoke about that, everyone in the group hug became interested and I literally, in that moment, became the center of a circle of friends (Aquarius in the 5th). For the first time, it became totally apparent to me that this will actually happen. I was receiving the resources (first quarter square to second house planets) that would allow me to teach this at a school to a group of students.

Uranus in the 3rd house, conj my Sun in Sag: upon hearing this message, I experienced an immediate insight about the direction my involvement with this work. I was just able to see the overall plan more clearly. It's not something I feel I can go into here, but there was just a more lucid clarity about my life's purpose - 5th house, Uranus conjunct the Sun. Something freed up inside me.

I was given the resources and support to actualize my purpose with this work on a new level. This, among other experiences since that date, has initiated/is initiating a liberation from old thought forms that deemed, because of my inner instability, that I would never be able to feel totally supported and nourished on this earth - and linking that to perpetual isolation and inner loneliness: 2nd house.

This immediately opened doors of self knowledge whereas previously, I had not seen myself capable enough, equipped, or worthy enough to be supported so fully in doing this work. My natal sn of lucifer is in Virgo in the 12th house, squaring the nodes of the Moon = self doubt based on a karma of having been too certain of myself in the past. The night prior to hearing this message I had a dream that I ran into this man and he told me that the school board decided that there will be no subsidy for this course at all. That was a way for me to process my self doubt. Because of that dream that next day I worked with my inner thoughts about my own inadequacies and unworthiness. I had to completely detach myself from any expectation so as to be open to whatever presented itself - whatever that may be. And then I received that message from my friend.

My natal north node of Lucifer is in Aquarius in the 5th house, in a first quarter square with my natal Pluto in the 2nd which is about discovering new ways to transmute stagnation and dependencies on known forms of survival through actualizing the bearer of light archetype - to help others liberate from their own conditioning. Of course the specific linkage to EA is really clear with that north node in Aquarius squaring Pluto.

One final correlation: today, while Lucifer is at 11 degrees Aquarius and squaring my own Saturn at 11 Scorpio, I met with that man I spoke of above and we had a deeply productive conversation about next steps for organizing the course. This conversation had the effect of initiating new awareness of how I can move forward with this work. It made me more aware of inner and outer resources, and deep trust in the only re-source there really is. Again the first quarter square dynamic, this time involving natal Saturn.
One example of this: we spoke about how to go about making this course available for participating students to receive college credit (Saturn).

Thank you so much for this invitation for reflection Rad.
With love
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 18, 2013, 10:41 AM
Hi Cat, Mirta, and Ari,

Gosh, thanks to each of you for sharing what you have concerning the 'bearer of Light' transit of Lucifer in Aquarius as you have experienced in your own individual ways relative to the context of your lives.

In so doing all those that have been, and are, reading this thread can greatly benefit from how you have experienced this transit which hopefully can help them experience the 'bearer of Light' in their own lives.

God bless you,

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Katherine on Jun 01, 2014, 01:49 AM
Hi Rad,
Did Wolf correlate Lucifer (#1930) to the totality of Evil represented in the chart, or the aspect of Evil that is Lucifer?
I ask because of the seven deadly sins, where Lucifer represents pride (and has been associated with Leo).  Of the six other manifestations I found Envy: Leviathan (#8813) and Lust: Asmodeus (#2174)
It may be possible that Greed: Mammon, Wrath: Satan/ Amon, Gluttony: Beelzebub, and Sloth: Belphegor have names hidden in layers of myth e.g. Athene is not listed as herself, or Minerva, but the alias of Pallas.

God bless,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jun 01, 2014, 08:42 AM
Hi Katherine,

To it's totality. But, remember, within that symbol is also the 'bearer of Light': God/ess.

God Bless, Rad

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Katherine on Jun 02, 2014, 11:32 AM
Ok, thank you, Rad.
Where, in the chart, would Lucifer (#1930) be the most insidious and difficult to detect? i.e. when someone could be coopted or easily influenced? Where would it be the most overtly threatening and menacing, the most evident in conscious awareness? i.e. when someone has to consciously confront and go to battle with Evil?
I am trying to understand the why's of a situation where a child was terrorized nightly through their dreams (becoming hellish nightmares) until they were eight years old.

Thank you so much.
God bless,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jun 03, 2014, 09:34 AM
Quote from: Katherine on Jun 02, 2014, 11:32 AM
Ok, thank you, Rad.
Where, in the chart, would Lucifer (#1930) be the most insidious and difficult to detect? i.e. when someone could be coopted or easily influenced? Where would it be the most overtly threatening and menacing, the most evident in conscious awareness? i.e. when someone has to consciously confront and go to battle with Evil?
I am trying to understand the why's of a situation where a child was terrorized nightly through their dreams (becoming hellish nightmares) until they were eight years old.

Thank you so much.
God bless,

Hi Katherine,

You might want to read this whole thread because the answer to your questions are contained within it. In essence, it's the natal house position and sign of Lucifer, aspects to it by other planets, the S.Node of Lucifer and aspects to it, and the N.Node of Lucifer with aspects to it. The transit of Lucifer correlates to where any Soul can be influenced by it.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Katherine on Jun 08, 2014, 02:14 AM
Hi Rad,
I have read the two articles posted on the school's main site and, yes, I am in the process of reading the  thread here. Thank you for making the time to offer a summation!

I was kind of looking for the most destructive placement. For example, since Saturn has been a recent topic, given that Saturn will "condition or define all the other archetypes, planets, signs, and houses, within the totality of the Soul's consciousness" if Lucifer was in a tight natal conjunction to Saturn, would it permiate the total structure of individual consciousness? (To play off of Kristin's great analogy of the framing of consciousness: The lower vibration of (Evil) Lucifer- like a rot, or blight?  The higher vibration of (Light bringer) Lucifer- like a Faraday cage?)

Hypotheticals and analogies aside, I am actually wanting to see the evidence for the influence of Evil in past lives...which is why am ecsatic that the geodetic project is happening. I hope that the asteroid Lucifer features in the material.

Thank you, Rad.

God bless,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jun 08, 2014, 09:23 AM
Quote from: Katherine on Jun 08, 2014, 02:14 AM
Hi Rad,
I have read the two articles posted on the school's main site and, yes, I am in the process of reading the  thread here. Thank you for making the time to offer a summation!

I was kind of looking for the most destructive placement. For example, since Saturn has been a recent topic, given that Saturn will "condition or define all the other archetypes, planets, signs, and houses, within the totality of the Soul's consciousness" if Lucifer was in a tight natal conjunction to Saturn, would it permiate the total structure of individual consciousness? (To play off of Kristin's great analogy of the framing of consciousness: The lower vibration of (Evil) Lucifer- like a rot, or blight?  The higher vibration of (Light bringer) Lucifer- like a Faraday cage?)

Hypotheticals and analogies aside, I am actually wanting to see the evidence for the influence of Evil in past lives...which is why am ecsatic that the geodetic project is happening. I hope that the asteroid Lucifer features in the material.

Thank you, Rad.

God bless,

Hi Katherine,

With Lucifer conjunct Saturn, in Capricorn, or the 10th House the influence of evil would manifest throughout the structural nature of the Soul's consciousness via the egocentric structure it creates. Thus, all other archetypes, planets, houses, etc would be subjected to this influence that primarily would manifest as experiencing the psychology of self defeat, what's the point, futility, the manifestation of all kinds of apparent blocks in that which the Soul and it's ego desire to do, being undermined in all kinds of ways relative to life's goals, influence the consciousness of the Soul by way of using any means necessary to achieve or actualize it's ambitions, life objective and goals that would then invariably undermine or hurt others, issuing false judgements or statements about others that are defined by it's the Soul's own needs or ambitions and/ or being the recipient of such by others in order to sustain by way of the influence of evil the consciousness of futility, self defeat, what's the point, and so on.

The influence of the 'bearer of Light' in order to counteract this evil influence would manifest as sustained self determination at all costs, the value is always in the effort, by linking the desires and ambitions of the Soul to larger causes rather than just oneself, of using all the natural laws as the basis of judgements upon oneself and others versus man made laws, customs, taboos, rules and so on as that basis of judgement, of doing the very best one can do at any given moment and then moving on, encouraging others to to actualize their own desires, goals, and ambitions through a sustained self effort even within the context of the Soul's own work, and of never allowing that orientation of the 'end justifies the mean's' to exist within it's consciousness.

So all of these dynamics would then be part of how all the other archetypes, planets, signs, houses, are inwardly defined and lived.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Katherine on Jun 09, 2014, 09:01 AM
Thank you, Rad.
This is very helpful.

God bless,
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Upasika on Jun 11, 2014, 08:57 AM
Hi Rad,

Am slowly recovering but need a great deal of rest. I can browse a bit on the computer but typing is limited.

I'm also interested in this whole topic and want to get a better handle on Lucifer. For the full picture to the situation you explained above to Katherine, would you mind also describing how Lucifer would manifest in the polarity situation i.e. how would Lucifer (both as the Bearer of Light as well as Evil) generally manifest when it is conjunct the Moon, in Cancer, or in the 4th house (the self image).

thank you
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jun 13, 2014, 10:09 AM
Hi Upasika,

Sorry, I must have missed your post. All that has pointed out is of course correct. In addition Lucifer in Cancer, the 4th House, or is in aspect to the Moon can correlate to evil's influence by creating a state of pathological jealousy, of never feeling safe, of trying to control all others in the Soul's immediate environment in order to feel 'safe', of issuing projected judgements aimed at creating guilt in others about their very nature, their essence, which of course reflects all kinds on internal emotional patterns linked with memories of their past that generates, by their very nature, an inner guilt that they refuse to actually deal with or acknowledge which then becomes the basis of what is projected upon others. This is a reflection of the natural Capricorn, 10th House, and Saturn polarity that is integrated through Cancer, the Moon, and the 4th House.

As a parent the influence of evil can cause such Souls to project all kinds imagined realities on their children that thus dictates their parental behavior. This can reflect that such a Soul chose to be born into and through one or both parents that did the same thing upon them. The displacement of the emotional reaction this creates this same dynamic towards their own children. Additionally, they can feel jealous or threatened by the amount of energy/ time/ commitment that children naturally need that then takes time AWAY FROM THEM by way of their adult partner or marriage mate. The emotional reactions to that partner are thus influenced by evil in such a way that such a partner feels they are walking on egg shells within the relationship because of never knowing what can trigger the insidiousness of this person.

The influence of evil causes such Souls to feel that they are victims 'of something', of 'anything', that masks their refusal to emotionally mature, to become adults. Thus, their emotional life, no matter the chronological age, is that of a child of around seven to eight years.

The influence of the 'bearer of Light' would, through the natural Capricorn polarity, would encourage the Soul to learn how to become responsible for it's own actions, it's own life, and to determine the 'why' within themselves that has lead and created the 'reality' of their lives. Once this occurs then the influence of evil will have been defeated.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Upasika on Jun 22, 2014, 02:33 AM
Hi Rad,

Also thank you for your reply, most appreciated.

QuoteIn addition Lucifer in Cancer, the 4th House, or in aspect to the Moon  ... issuing projected judgements aimed at creating guilt in others about their very nature, their essence, which of course reflects all kinds of internal emotional patterns linked with memories of their past that generates, by their very nature, an inner guilt that they refuse to actually deal with or acknowledge which then becomes the basis of what is projected upon others.

And could that also work in reverse? ... that others could have "an inner guilt that they refuse to actually deal with or acknowledge" which then becomes the basis of what those others project upon the person who has Lucifer in Cancer, the 4th House, or in aspect to the Moon?

QuoteAdditionally, they can feel jealous or threatened by the amount of energy/ time/ commitment that children naturally need that then takes time AWAY FROM THEM by way of their adult partner or marriage mate.

Amazing - in the past I've had an opportunity to observe that exact situation!

QuoteThe influence of the 'bearer of Light' would, through the natural Capricorn polarity, would encourage the Soul to learn how to become responsible for it's own actions, it's own life, and to determine the 'why' within themselves that has lead and created the 'reality' of their lives. Once this occurs then the influence of evil will have been defeated.

Thank you for the explanation of how evil would be defeated in this context.

blessings Upasika
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Jun 22, 2014, 08:41 AM
Hi Upasika,

"And could that also work in reverse? ... that others could have "an inner guilt that they refuse to actually deal with or acknowledge" which then becomes the basis of what those others project upon the person who has Lucifer in Cancer, the 4th House, or in aspect to the Moon?"


Yes, very much so.


Get strong and well again Upasika...........praying that this can be so.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Upasika on Jun 22, 2014, 07:54 PM
Thanks Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: CindyRenee on Feb 11, 2015, 11:51 PM
It is very synchronistic that this thread had ended upon talking about Lucifer in Cancer/4th for my Lucifer is conjunct Saturn in the 4th house and in Cancer.

There is the duality in this reality as projected by god/dess,  replicated in the soul, and then duality in the symbol of Lucifer. I wish to understand better how these three work in conjunction.
Basically Lucifer reinforces the possibilities for separating desires, &/or thwarts the returning desires. It would seem Neptune/Pluto/Lucifer could be understood in this way - finding a thread, and the deeper evolutionary purpose of the soul. I would like in future to post some sample charts to see if I am understanding how Lucifer is working in tandem with Neptune placement and Pluto placement to thwart or reveal the inherent desire of the soul. Lucifer seems tricky - like looking at a 3d painting and at first it looks 'flat' until you look at it just right, then it's impossible not to see the 3d image! Or those drawings where there are hidden images, or the images can be seen another way to show another image - again, once you 'see' it, it's so obvious. Lucifer seems to work that way.

I have a few questions about the 2nd stage spiritual state & the influence of evil. Specifically, looking at Rajneesh.
He had to know he was inducing states of evil within others with his behaviors- you could say, then, that it was sadistic, even. To have that level of power of others and to willfully misuse it, especially in the name of "˜god' seems like a severe influence of evil at the very least.
(And is this part of the archetype in this phase - that the soul is very close to god, so the influence is ever more extreme?)
Could we say that evil works, generally speaking in that evolutionary state, to make the soul believe it "˜deserves' everything it wants no matter the cost to others because they are so "˜great' - ie, the identification with "˜god', they are "˜beyond the rules'?
In his chart Pluto is in the 2nd/Cancer - his core value, & his soul the ruler being the moon (ego) opposing it. Bolstering his ego(moon) with his soul (8th house, Pluto opposition) & conflating the two (instead of filling his soul's ego with god, he's using his soul as a conduit to siphon "˜god' into his ego). His deep inner guilt(conjunct Saturn/Capricorn,8th house) leading to a desire to "˜build up' his ego even more as a defense against the inner knowledge of his mistake: pointing to himself instead of god.
The moon is conjunct Saturn in Capricorn - the inner guilt he felt for not representing himself truthfully. Lucifer is conjunct Jupiter in the third of Leo - again showing the conflation of his sense of self/purpose being inflated with egotism. His words being frequently lies, a fork tongued devil and mixed messages. The sun in the 7th of Sag. Just backs up the propensity for appointing himself some enlightened god who speaks the "˜truth' and is beyond any punishment. The 7th shows the imbalance at core of his beliefs, even a celebration of extremes to disorient, though that can be very traumatizing for people.
I'm not intending on looking into his whole chart but, briefly it ties in with south node ruled by venus & in 4th, using others to bolster his inner delusions and fears, insecurities - his north node pointing to the need to atone for his guilt, but first by accepting it as his reality, to initiate a healing process.
His Uranus in the 11th - the deep inner fracturing between ego/soul & the soul's inherent identity/god - which goes right back to that mars. Also, Chiron, a deep inner wound with regard to the source itself - the deep wound being his core value of himself = god, but, clearly he's twisted that up with identifying himself as god itself versus living the knowledge that his root value is god. And that Neptune - the total pointing to himself (on an egoistic glorification level) as god! (Neptune in the fouth house) and in virgo & it's ruler you can see the need for some purification there, a mental sweeping of the house. Would you say his skipped step is in relation to not taking personal responsibility for his actions, words, desires and accepting his guilt & doing what's necessary to heal and atone? I didn't intend to ramble about his chart - but, I keep what I wrote in case I'm completely not understanding the archetypes in his chart and/or his evolutionary state. And to talk of the Lucifer in his chart - it's easy enough to see the evil influence but one can see as "˜bearer of light' it is what his purpose was originally - to speak the truth about god's love. Within himself he may have felt genuinely overwhelmed by ideas/possibilties and so much information, new ideas that he did not filter it properly but identified with it to the point of fracturing himself and crowning himself "˜god' (Jupiter/leo).
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: CindyRenee on Feb 12, 2015, 12:32 AM
Sorry for the second post, it occurred to me I could validate what had been posted about the 4th/Cancer archetype (since as I just posted my lucifer is conjunct saturn in 4th in Cancer). Yes, the emotions/emotional body is subject to all manner of intensity and distortions - and it is very difficult to know what one is feeling is 'real' or if it is 'you' yourself or something other. There is the choice to 'identify' or be able to know it's 'not you'. There is the ability, though, to thorougly empathize with people & situations to understand the actual reality of people this way.
Last summer I had an experience wherein I was emotionally distraught (real enough and real enough reasons) but my negative state was suddenly amplified quickly and out of all rational bounds. I knew it to be evil and managed to separate myself. i could feel very viscerally the presence of evil around me - and I was truly frightened. Synchronistically a window in my boat (I live on a boat) shattered randomly - just suddenly 'kaboom'!
And yes, my mother was/is an influence of evil upon me and herself is severly influenced by evil to the point of sadism. However, my father is an absolute blessing and wonderful person. So, I thought I'd share this personal experience of these archetypes to validate all that has been said.  :)
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Feb 12, 2015, 09:07 AM

'And is this part of the archetype in this phase - that the soul is very close to god, so the influence is ever more extreme? Could we say that evil works, generally speaking in that evolutionary state, to make the soul believe it "˜deserves' everything it wants no matter the cost to others because they are so "˜great' - ie, the identification with "˜god', they are "˜beyond the rules'? "


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: CindyRenee on Feb 12, 2015, 09:05 PM
Thank you for finding the question buried in all those words! And thank you for answering. I have been meaning to thank you for something you posted somewhere in another thread pointing out that people tend to always ask for help from god/dess without asking themselves how they can help god/dess. It has helped with any negative emotional states I experience - I simply ask myself if my emotional state helps or serves wakan tanka,it's usually pretty clear it doesn't and my emotional state transforms into it's opposite, very 'bearer of light' in it's effect! It's simple, easy to remember, helpful and it works. So, thanks again.
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Feb 14, 2015, 12:58 PM
Hi Everyone,

I have a tendency to try not to focus on evil and ignore it if I can as I feel that doing so gives it power. I've also learned that I can't ignore it out of existence, at least not by myself anyway.

I recently did some work with Patricia Walsh. I ended up in a place that is really beyond description but while there I was reminded that evil has a purpose. Evil exists in order for us to have something to compare and contrast "good" with. I was reminded that we cannot appreciate "good" without an awareness of "evil." We cannot appreciate the light without experiencing the darkness.

I was trying to find some very specific information about Lucifer earlier. This thread is very long so I turned to Google. In addition to results from this thread, something interesting came up in the form of a quote from Yogananda (synchronicity/there are no accidents):

"The truth is that God is using evil, not to destroy us, but to make us disillusioned with His toys, with the playthings of this world, so that we might seek Him. This is why the Lord Himself permits injustices and evil. But I have said to Him, "˜Lord, You have never suffered. You have always been perfect. How do you know what suffering is? Yet You have put us through these tests; and You had no business doing it. We didn't ask to be born as mortals and to suffer.' (He doesn't mind that I argue with Him. He is very patient.) The Lord answers, "You don't have to go on suffering; I have given everyone the free will to choose good instead of evil, and thus come back to me." So evil is the test of God to see if we will choose Him or His gifts. He created us in His image and gave us the power to free ourselves. But we don't use that power." (from Why God Permits Evil and How to Rise Above It (How-to-Live Series, 2) (

This brings to mind Christ on the cross being tempted by Satan. It goes to show that anyone who incarnates on Earth will have to make this choice at some point. I think anyone who chooses the light must then  work to help others do the same. The motto seems to be:  "One Soul at a Time."  This is our dharma or reason for being here.


Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: CindyRenee on Feb 14, 2015, 01:56 PM
Thank you for sharing that Cat! And those quotes, are not surprising, synchronistic.

Last night I was contemplating how a masochistic could eventually over time morph and identify with it's opposite: a sadist (fun Friday night, huh?  ;)) I had been thinking that over time, lives, the masochistic is complicit in it's role and essentially can forget that it/the soul had/has a choice and begin to feel victimized and within that Lucifer could truly mess with the individual. The bottom line was that the main tool of evil was to create a feeling of powerlessness, victimization by way of fooling the soul into not believing or forgetting it has a choice. By trying to take away our knowledge of choice it also would take away our recognition of our status as 'co-creators'.

If one is feeling like one is imprisoned maybe it's 'cause one's self is acting like a prisoner. This process started with the gradual, total realization of my own complicit behavior with those inclined to sadism. I would allow whatever manner of projection/abuse, whatever & take it & not defend myself, totally aware it was nonsense & had nothing to do with me, let it happen and then inwardly be thinking "feel better now? Fine - now leave me the heck alone!" and I'd retreat within myself & within whatever meager prison-like physical reality I had. However, there was a trade off in that I was these types 'prisoners' but I allowed it because in return they took care of me, basically. This is shown in the intense, circular Taurus/Second house/Retro Venus in my chart. I'm editing this post to add that, I feel I should share personally where I'm coming up with this stuff. My own experience.

I was also thinking of these second stage spiritual types...certain types, like Rajneesh when compared with other types, & I frequently think of the life JWG shared that he had as a priest (when he was in that stage - I understand he's in the 3rd spiritual now) - and the fundamental difference - JWG was attempting to overcome, overpower, eradicate the influence of evil, whereas Rajneesh types seem fully seduced, and oddly, as though they were in the consensus - how many rolls royces does one man need?  ;)
It would seem perhaps one of the main lessons in the 2nd stage spiritual is to let go of the delusion of eradictaing evil, in a sense, to overcome the projections onto the relevance of evil. To accept that god/dess has a purpose for it, and that as evil as it may be, it is part of the god/dess plan that goes way beyond our conception. I could see how that would be very difficult that would be, a soul, especially with great insight or 'power' would want to eradicate & help as much as possible and it would be intensely frustrating and possibly disillusioning. Well, I hope I expressed that well! And, maybe I'm totally wrong....
Thanks again for sharing!  :)
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: cat777 on Feb 15, 2015, 12:28 PM
Synchronicity - the first thing on my FB news feed today: Why It is Important to Understand Your Dark Side

QuoteTo Deepen Our Spirituality, We Must Pass Through the Shadow
Any spiritual work must entail exposure and understanding of our shadow. Solely focusing on finding our light keeps us away from places of shame, guilt, jealousy, greed, competition, lust and aggression. But it is these very emotions that must be worked through first before coming near our lighter sides.

Even certain spiritual practices like meditation can become difficult when we try to ignore our shadow self.  Its repression shows up when we shut our eyes, and we're left with only our thoughts.

As with all strong emotions, what we don't want to look at always keeps us contracted and in rejection. Deep down we know these qualities and feelings reside in us, and hiding them leads us to a life of inauthenticity and sometimes incomprehensible self-destructive behavior.

If our shadow is not acknowledged and embraced, the depth of our spiritual and personal growth is limited. Denying to look at the darkness is rejecting ourselves the need to be received in totality by others.

We start to overidentify with the side of ourself acquired through our own perception of reality.  This in turn shapes our personality, the superficial side of us, which the world meets.

Our roles and personality try their best to help us feel worthy and lovable. For some, it is by being intelligent, successful, and powerful while for others it is the opposite. In whichever way our personality tries to control life, it remains just another attempt to be loved for something we know we're not.

As long as this partial picture of ourselves is kept intact, we create separation. The message is "I don't want to look and feel certain parts inside me and I prefer to judge others for showing and living what I choose to reject", hence choosing separation, inside and out. It is a painful cage of continuous isolation.

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunya on Apr 01, 2019, 03:39 AM
Hi Rad,

How can we now if someone has make a contract with evil? Where is the key to detect it?

We can see many individuate intentions...that with the purpose of breaking with the consensus religion they use satanic symbols like many rock bands or nietzche's antichrist for example.. Is this also a contract with evil?

Is there definitely No Way Out for anyone with this contract??? Zero options?   Never ever redemption for that soul? What can we say to this people?

For someone that have received the seed through sex... How can he/she clean it?

Peace and metta

Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Apr 01, 2019, 07:00 AM
Hi Sunya,

"How can we now if someone has make a contract with evil? Where is the key to detect it?"


Your Soul, anyone's Soul, will inherently react to another Soul who has made the contract: an instinctual feeling of fear, of wanting to get away from such a Soul. If you  get really close to such a person, and are able to look into their eyes .. more than a glimpse .. you can see the pupil go vertical. But such Souls who have made the contract can go to great lengths to shield their eyes from being 'seen' in this way.


"We can see many individuate intentions...that with the purpose of breaking with the consensus religion they use satanic symbols like many rock bands or nietzche's antichrist for example.. Is this also a contract with evil?"


Of itself, no.


"Is there definitely No Way Out for anyone with this contract??? Zero options?   Never ever redemption for that soul? What can we say to this people?"


There is no way out. All of us are responsible for what we have created. And that is what to say if and when a Soul who has made such a contract ever asks about it.


"For someone that have received the seed through sex... How can he/she clean it?"


There is an old ritual that can be employed called the Agni ritual in which you close your eyes, visualize a fire in your 3rd eye, and whatever images come to you of that person you had sex with to project those images into the fire until there are no more images left to project. At the same time mentally affirm 'i forgive you' from the point of view of accepting the responsibility in your own actions: that fact you made a choice to be with such a person in the first place.

When there are no more images left to project the nature of the Agni ritual will have then removed, purified, the energy/ see you have taken in from that person.

God Bless, Rad
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunya on Apr 01, 2019, 11:09 AM
Thanks Rad!
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Sunya on Apr 02, 2019, 05:30 AM
Hi rad,

This topic is very scary"¦it has activate my memory..  i will share my experience"¦ for general interest. maybe is of help for others and for the topic:
I remember i have met in my life some people with this kind of black repulsive aura, and yes it was a first contact sensation. This thing of the eye "¦maybe"¦ but im not sure. With some of them i came close because there were artists, and  my soul gravitate towards and atract everything related with art. ufff i felt bad sensation when i remeber them. Im not sure if all of them finish the contract or they were on the way. All of them were a kind of fascinated with the dark side in a spiritual way, they were talking about the devil like a good thing, and some of them proclame that they work for the devil or that they are the devil, at that time i felt it was only like jokes or a way of provoking, shocking and attract attention, and normally i thought that everyone is goodness inside, after reading the post i start thinking that maybe it was not a joke. One of them was fascinated with some  christian mistycs, gurdjeff, masonery, lucifer and alester crowley, because of the last one he introduce me to chaos magick, sigils i did a couple of times i was not aware of what kind of energy was moved with it, like a game or a new thing to try,but the feeling after doing it was like"¦.ohhhhh this is not good at all, this energies are horrible and i stopped. The other guy i start working with him in a sculpture, the day we decide to do it he shake my hand and say to me: you make a contract with the devil, ohhhh, one part of me felt terrified the other say its only a joke, do you know which tatoo was on his back? "666" During the sculpture work i was irradiating mental good energy to the sculpture in secret,  because i was not sure of his real intentions. With him i feel that maybe some goodness maybe he has not sign it yet. Who knows? I never know if there is evil there or is just a pose pretending that they are dangerous guys. This are 2 of the examples. I know two more and they are evil, no doubt. Or little doubt.
I can say that it seems that this people is perfectly at home with this energies and they did not feel any disturbance or guilt with it. On the contrary is fuel and food for them. They fit totally into vampire energy, after meeting with them you feel really tired and if you speak to them about some kind of problem you have"¦ it seems they feel happy about it. When i had this contact with this energy i felt like an inner alarm saying: danger, danger, danger, stop it.  It seems they dont have this alarm, something normal for them.

What do you think rad?

Do you think this people fit into the lucifer contract?
Can a soul that has make the final contract with evil feel any kind of love, compassion, or ethics?

And if is posssible one personal question,  that i feel is of general interest also: reading it In which way a peson like me have been exposed to evil agents with this experiences?

To be honest I couldn't sleep tonight... asking myself this shaking of hands or playing with sigils were a contract?? So scary

With metta
Title: Re: The Influence Of Evil In Our Lives: Focus On The Asteroid Lucifer
Post by: Rad on Apr 03, 2019, 05:12 PM
Hi Sunya,

I can't say for certain one way or the other about those people making actual contracts: I would need to know more and/ or directly experience this for myself. Some folks all over the planet get very, very close to Evil without making the actual contract which is what I am feeling the most in what you have shared. A fear reaction to these types, a sense of an inner warning signal, is also not uncommon of course.

For those who have made the contract they do not, can not, feel any real sense of compassion, etc towards others.  They may try to 'act' as if they do, but in fact it is only an act.

"And if is posssible one personal question,  that i feel is of general interest also: reading it In which way a peson like me have been exposed to evil agents with this experiences?"

Can you ask this question in another way Sunya: I am not quite understanding the use of your words here.

The post I made the other day about the composite/synastry charts is something you may want to read because of the role that Yoko Ono had with Lennon, and the fact that she in fact had made the contract with Lucifer. How she did it is explained in that post.

God Bless, Rad