School of Evolutionary Astrology

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How do evolutionary states relate to the soul?

Started by Rad, Mar 03, 2014, 08:56 AM

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Welcome Charlie,

You may or may not have noticed that this message board is sincerely dedicate to learning, discussing and understanding the teachings of Evolutionary Astrology, not to questioning it's validity. As a learning style, you may have the need to compare and contrast the teachings of EA to other systems that you understand and/or believe in, but the EA message board is generally not the place for that. You can refer back to the post on how to use this message board and read through other threads to more fully understand the intention of the message board.

Evolutionary Astrology is a science/discipline unto itself, and everyone here welcomes you to join in with learning this beautiful paradigm. 

Warmest regards,


Hi JJ,

Charlie left you a message that only reflects his obvious affliction of being a abusive cretin whose only intention on this message board was to demonstrate that cretinism. Here is part of what this cretin left behind by way of it's 'droppings'..........

"As it happens Jeffrey's Soul states ideas enabled me to have something of a personal epiphany. This may interest you, and in fact lend evidence to your own belief in his beliefs,  so I will reveal the narrative here.  As a child I had a series of dreams about a rabbit who I felt very very close to. More than familiar I might add! My mother told me I used to love eating carrots, I still do actually. Ideally (Not in the Platonic sense) raw, but even cooked is a deep pleasure. So I think I may currently be in Jeffrey's  "˜dimly evolved state', in that in my last life I was in fact a rabbit ............"

This cretin's droppings snivel on from there but no need to smoother any of us any further with it's drivel ...

This cretin has now been banned and returned back to the cesspool of it's drivel and sniveling. And, not surprisingly, the appearance of this sniveling cretin manifested exactly as the transit of Lucifer in now conjunct the transiting S.Node in Aries.  

God Bless, Rad