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The end of trump's presidency - symbolic case study

Started by Helena, Jan 06, 2021, 04:22 AM

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Hi Rad,

Back in 2016, the day after Trump won the election i remember we commented here, everyone in shock, and i mentioned that for me it was an attack on women and the feminine, of course within the whole threat he represented and represents.
It is no surprise that this presidency will end as it started and with an horrific example of this with the murderer of the first woman on death row for the last 70 years.
The story of this woman is just horrific and heartbreaking, not only the horror crime she committed but the crimes she was subjected in her childhood leading to a severe mental instability, and specially how this crimes reveal the themes of social and collective responsibility for the ones suffering that we see as the main theme of the aquarian transits. The story is very hard to digest but i will leave a link bellow for reference. What i see is very important and that is why i bring it up here is the symbology around it relative to evil energy really having its core on abusing, raping and committing violence against the natural expression of feminine parts of our souls regardless of of our genders.

This is an excerpt from the Guardian report illustrating this, original article here,

"Society failed Lisa Montgomery, not once, not twice, but repeatedly. Now society, in the form of the Trump administration, is preparing to kill her as punishment for the outcome.

Sandra Babcock told the Guardian that over the past 30 years she has defended hundreds of prisoners facing execution in countries around the world, "and I have never seen a case like this. I don't know of any execution in the US or elsewhere that has been carried out on someone who has been subjected to such unrelenting sexual torture and violence."

Rad, if you think it is appropriate i can display this woman's chart for additional comment.

Thank you,


Hi Helena,

Yes, please post the chart.

God Bless, Rad


Hi Rad,

Little did we knew the last days of this evil presidency would end this turmoil we're witnessing but I guess it was more than expected. I have one question relative to this events of the last hours and what's going in on in America relative to the Aquarius themes because it seems to me that the way evil is working at this moment in the form of Trump is to manipulate and magnify the collective and personal unconscious memory and trauma making people ACT (mars now conjunct Uranus) in the most deluded and unconscious manners, and is so clear the way the collective atmosphere has shifted the moment Jupiter and Saturn went into Aquarius that is mind-blowing to watch. I say this because remembering what you said about the last life of Biden as Sherman, it's like this people there invading the Capitol are just like trump's puppets acting out unconscious memories, seeing people actually carrying flags and symbols from Sherman's time. Is it that in general this mob in some way are just the same people that were involved in those battles, replaying in the most deluded way these past events?

Relative to the chart of the woman that is on death row to be executed next week, Lisa Montgomery (noon chart), I'll post it bellow and would like to leave some additional comments.
For me this chart is important to study at this point in time for the example of some souls that for better or worse are going through to the extremes of our collective issues and dynamics become symbols, in these case of the collective suffering and illness of humankind.

I cannot display the planetary nodes on but this are significant to mention:

                          SN          NN
Venus 8 Aqu.    4 Aqu.        16 Aries
Mars  7 Aries.  26 Sag.       7 Aries

Lilith  5 Cap.    24 tau.       7 Cap  

Relative to the chart and I would just like to highlight some points.

For context, and not forgetting the hideous crime this woman committed, this is a soul who has suffered unthinkable violence, rape and abuse that is again relived in this life and can be echoed on every living soul as part of the collective memories of violence against women and children. This symbols confirm this:

- Pluto rx in virgo conjunct uranus rx and pallas rx opposite chiron  in pisces, all in the last degrees of this signs (I see pallas here related to patterns, here repeated patterns of mental imbalance relative to trauma, self-doubt, self-criticism, shame, based upon projected, Uranus, collective sadomasochistic patterns of abuse).

- Pluto's ruler, mercury, is also retrograde conjunct the Sn ruler, Venus, in Aquarius, this Venus also conjunct its own Sn at 4' Aqu. - repeated themes of trauma and the collective, seen in her life as again repeated group rape. Asteroid Pandora conjunct mercury and Venus, Venus sn, confirms she convinced herself of projected blame and herself being evil and responsible for the acting out of others sick desires and patriarchal overall sickness, seen by the trine of all this Eros rx, conjunct the south node in Libra. I didn't displayed it in the chart but alongside Pandora, the asteroid Kassandra at 4 Pisces, conjunct her sun and moon, or not being heard and believed in her own truth, believing she was crazy, is sadly depicted in the fact that "From a young age, Montgomery's mother would duct tape her mouth to prevent her talking. The girl was stripped naked and made to stand on the porch in front of drunken visitors, then told she would be sent away to a home if she made the slightest noise"(Guardian).

- Neptune rx in scorpio, ruler of the sun and possibly moon, given we don't have an accurate birth chart, is t-square mercury, vesta and the moon (vesta highliting the theme of prostitution repeated again in this life), and Jupiter rx in Leo last degree - the horrible and compensation crime of murdering another woman and steal her baby from her womb, in total madness and dissociation, that is also an out picturing of her inability to rescue herself as a baby, rebirth herself, away from the crimes she herself suffered. Lucifer in Sag., this Jupiter's ruler simply confirms the extreme this arrived to. Rad, if I can ask, does it look to you this is also a case of soul possession by evil, given the extreme frailty this soul must be in? As an aside it is mind-blowing to see that the woman she murdered had a natal sun in Sagittarius.

- Moon's NN in Aries conjunct Saturn, Amazone, Mars, and mars and Venus nn square Lilith in Capricorn, again confirm the anger, deep rage and total distortions of the patriarchy, that this soul experienced as an inability to establish her own power and natural sexuality as reflected in the natal sn of mars conjunct the galactic center. I see this as a woman that experienced a total violation of what she knew it was her own natural source of power, essence, creativity and freedom given this mars south node is exactly conjunct Lucifer, coming again full circle with the Jupiter, Leo themes (baby) mentioned above and a magnifying light on WHY she committed her crime

- Relative to the asteroids connected to Women's journey, it is very significant that we notice Ceres opposed Sophia in Taurus- Scorpio, Cora (Kore - Cere's abucted daughter) conjunct Pluto and Uranus and Pallas, and Pshyche conjunct Neptune in scorpio. All this points to a severe loss of connection to the Mother in the form of a Nurturing and Wisdom Source (Ceres, Sophia) that is the natural state for all souls and mostly all Women as daughters of the the Divine Mother, with Cora and Psyche pointing to the consequences of this disconnection and being loss in the unconscious to a point of total disassociation and madness.

- This soul sun in Pisces and possibly moon with a moon's south node in Libra confirm the extreme symbology of her Story relative to the collective and how he as a society, like said on the article, are responsible too for what happened and will happen to this woman because this I not only her story.
This leaves us, at least to me, the questions of what is going to be the future of this soul?Is it that the psychology imbalances will ever allow her to start taking responsibility for her own paths seen in the north node Aries? Rad I really don't know, maybe you can add some light on this story, but it seems to me there are some souls who's next steps need the help of all of us, social and collective support, so they can start then to take their own steps, on their own, and it seems that this story is a magnifying symbol for that, that our society will only heal when we start looking for the most vulnerable as collective duty.
One last question I have is why isn't this chart displaying skipped steps and after some thought I came to the conclusion that skipped steps don't appear only in the chart when there are things to solve or left undone, they do appear when the soul decides, has the conditions, to deal with them. Would that be why this soul's chart has no skipped steps?

Thank you again Rad for the opportunity to post this,


Hi Helena,

Think about this: yesterday the two Democratic candidates for senators from Georgia were in fact elected while at the same time Biden was confirmed as the President elect in the U.S.Congress AS IT WAS BEING INVADED THROUGH INSURRECTION by the mobs Trump set in motion. It's no coincidence that those two new democratic senators from Georgia won their elections because of the Black vote, and to a lesser degree, the vote of the indigenous population: the Cherokees.  

General Sherman's March to the Sea in Georgia during the Civil War took place from November 15 until December 21, 1864. The U.S Department of Justice was established right after the Civil War, because of the Civil War. It's founding intention, reason for being, was to create equality under the law itself.

The types of humans that Trump attracts are the types of humans that were also living in the times of slavery in the Americas past leading to the civil war. Of course some of these goons/loons were alive at that time that showed up yesterday, and, on the other hand, it is that type of human that exists through out patriarchal times that also showed up yesterday incited by the Evil that is Trump.

God Bless, Rad


Hi Rad,

That is indeed clarifying... It reminds me something I noticed when you posted about Sherman, juxtaposing his chart to Biden's chart I remember thinking that it looked like it was Sherman's chart being transited a lot more than Biden's, with so much Aquarius energy in Sherman's. Is it the way it works out when we are talking about re-living circumstances, that that life's chart is literaly brought into life?

Thank you,


Hi Helena,

It can certainly be that way.

God Bless, Rad