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Skipped Steps

Started by Rad, Sep 03, 2016, 08:43 AM

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I am thinking of starting a new thread on the EA subject of skipped steps. In the thread we would be reviewing all the core EA archetypes that correlate with skipped steps in which you can ask questions along the way. We will use example charts to illustrate. I am also considering having those who actually participate in the thread, if they choose too, to post some examples of their own skipped steps, those that have them in their own birth charts, in order to help learning process for us all.

For those who are interested please let me know.

God Bless, Rad


Hi Rad,

Definitely count me in.

I realize this will be for natal signatures but it is a ideal time for us all to deepen our understanding on this subject with transiting Saturn in Sag squaring the Nodes, as well as Neptune, the ruler of the transiting South Node.




Kristin, who is in a long process about writing a book on skipped step, has agreed to be a co-moderator with me on this thread. Thanks Kristin. Also, she and Deva Green will be doing a series on skipped steps on Kristin's weekly EA radio show. That will start on September 14th. Please click on this link is you are interested in tuning into that radio show which is broadcast on the internet:

God Bless, Rad



I would very much like the opportunity to participate in this thread... I have a very difficult skipped step in my chart that has been very hard for me to understand and work through. I would be willing to share my chart and anything about my life to gain greater understanding of my skipped step and souls purpose for this life.

Thank you so much for all that you do and share here,



Hi Rad

I will do my best to participate, even though I'm up to my eyeballs in work.

I had actually been intending, when I got a chance, to do a belated case study for the Venus and it's nodal axis thread, which happened to involve a skipped step. So maybe when the time comes maybe I could still do that on this one ... we could see if it's fitting or not later on. But I'm definitely keen for this thread. 

blessings Upasika



   Yes-I happen to be working through the first section of this course and a better understanding of "˜skipped steps' would be very appreciated!

Thanks, Marti


Hi Rad,

Count me in too!
Thank you for this opportunity.



Hi Rad,

Count me in and thank you for the opportunity. I also second what Kristin said about the perfect timing because of the current transits.

All the best asteroids, crystal info and more


Hi Rad,

you can count me in too. I got to know of evolutionary astrology simply because noticing i had a planet squaring the nodal axis, felt what i already knew of astrology could not answer it, so started searching for an understanding that could make sense.

I still feel is a work-in-progress though, so thank you for this opportunity!



Hi Rad,

Count me in !



Hi All,

Great response so far. We will begin this thread in about a week's time. We plan on covering within it the 'skipped step' signatures in synastry and composite charts as well.

God Bless, Rad


Hi there, I have been visiting the message board and EA on and off over the years.  Even so, I consider myself a beginner.  If you need some more material to talk about skipped steps, I can provide it.  Those skipped steps are alive and well in my own chart - Pluto square the nodes.  I am pushing 60 now, so I have lots of experience.  I was fortunate to meet JWG many years ago (he was kind, generous and welcoming) and it was that meeting that ignited in me a true fascination with the symbols of astrology.  Anyway, if you want to take a look you are welcome.  If you have enough already, no offense taken.  If you do choose to look at my chart, I will commit to answering all questions and will participate as much as I can.  All the best, dollydaydream



So we will begin our thread on "˜skipped steps'. Skywalker and Kristin has asked me to comment on the current transit of Saturn in Sagittarius squaring the transiting Nodes in Pisces and Virgo. So I thought I would write something first before we get into the understanding and application of skipped steps in an individuals chart.

Saturn square Nodes in Pisces/ Virgo: Reality, Saturn, is a function of beliefs or actual truth: Sagittarius. For most humans reality is function of beliefs starting with some religion of philosophy that is the determinant of how their consciousness is organized and structured. The organization and structure of consciousness determined by beliefs thus orientates the Soul, the human, to phenomenal or actuality reality by way of interpreting, according to the beliefs, what the actual reality is. In this way humans project their beliefs upon actual reality .. the issue is thus are those beliefs illusions/ delusions that ultimately lead to or create crisis , or not.

This Saturn transit ultimately refers to Pluto in Capricorn, it's current Pluto transit over it's own S.Node, and the Nodes of Saturn and Jupiter: the original transition from natural times to the patriarchy , the religions that were invented then all defined by male gods. Every aspect of "˜reality' that has been created from the point forwards until now defined by the collective consciousness that is rooted in the need to conform to the majority of what humans "˜believe' to be true: the basis of the consensus in any culture, society, or tribe.

Within these consensus beliefs stand the root of judgments. Judgments that are projected upon all humans, and judgments that occur within each human. The issue then becomes are those judgments rooted in Natural Laws, or are they rooted in delusional beliefs that have been created and invented by man made laws.

Remember of core Natural Law is the law of giving, sharing, and inclusion. This became progressively perverted when humans learned how to cultivate seeds leading to farming, and the raising of animals. Thus shifting from being nomadic beings into sentient beings. The invention of religions began at that time, and the natural law of giving, sharing, and inclusion became perverted into self interest and exclusion.

The violation of that natural law is at the very root of all of "˜reality' since that time until now that has lead to hierarchies, of classes of peoples, of competition between whole group of peoples with other peoples, of one individual to another.

In the times we are living now all of this of course is creating a "˜reality' for our planet that is threatening it's very existence, and whole of nature, including the human animal. The root of that threat lies in the economic systems that humans defined by self interest and exclusion have created.

If humans do not change, to redefine themselves according to natural laws including giving, sharing, and inclusion then the potential extinction of the species lies ahead. If they don't then the "˜skipped steps' that manifest now during transits like Saturn in Sagittarius squaring the Lunar Nodes in Pisces/ Virgo will occur. And progressively those skipped steps will catch up the to the collective of all humans leading to progressively cataclysmic events whose intentions are to force a realignment with Natural Laws in order to SURVIVE.   

So this is a time for all humans to reflect, Saturn, on these things. Reflection can generate self knowledge, a knowledge that can be applied to this moment, and the next, in order to evolve in natural ways versus distorted ways.

Where is the Saturn transit in your chart now relative to the S.Node of Pisces, and the North Node of Virgo ? These are the lead points in your own structural reality that need to be reflected upon in order to determine a self knowledge of yourself that can and must be applied to your evolving future: now, and the next moment, and the next moment into your future. The transiting S.Node correlates to that which is being brought forwards to now, and how that interfaces with your evolving future: the transiting N. Node. The possibility of creating skipped steps exists relative to whatever those dynamics/ issues are about your past relative to the temptation, transiting N.Node, to move ahead without fulfilling whatever whatever it is about the past that needs to be fulfilled and completed. If not, then skipped steps will take place.

This is a time to reflect on the nature of your beliefs in general. Not just philosophical or religious beliefs, but your beliefs about anything. This is a time to replace all "˜beliefs' with actual knowledge. Knowledge does not require a belief in it because knowledge, actual knowledge, is objectively true: it is a fact. Do you "˜believe' that the sky is blue, or do you know it ? In the same way to reflect on your life in order to replace any delusional believe with actual knowledge. Do I "˜believe' my partner is cheating on me, or do I know it". And so on.

This is a time to reflect on your past in order to know that past in the deepest possible ways: the causes of it, the truth of it. In this way actual knowledge will occur that you can then apply to yourself now, and into your future. You will then evolve naturally versus evolving in distorted ways where distortion is a function of delusive beliefs.   

If you have any questions about this please ask them of us now.

God Bless, Rad


With regard to the creation of skipped steps in the first place (current or prior lives) I am feeling the avoidance of not taking right action relative to what needs to be resolved can be a conscious, unconscious, or combination of both process.  This can be a reflection of the soul's evolutionary place.  Is this correct? Thanks.
