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Sun square the Nodes

Started by Maya, Mar 16, 2015, 03:46 PM

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Hi all,

I know Sun square the Nodes does not allways  mean a skipped step, but how can you seen it is not a skipped step and was does it mean if it is a skipped step: I would say: not achieved the purpose of recent
past lives?



Hi Maya,

The Sun never correlates to skipped steps from other lifetimes. The Sun correlates to how the underlying Ea paradigm in the birth chart is given purpose, and the way of actualization it. When the Sun is square the Nodes this then correlates to the Soul creating THE POTENTIAL for skipped steps in the context of the current life that is symbolized by the house and sign of the Sun, and the house and signs of the Nodal axis, the the location of their planetary rulers by their own house and signs.

Thus, if the entire Nodal Axis, with it's planetary rulers, relative the house/sign of the Sun, is not fully developed, then this will correlate to skipped steps that will be carried forwards into the next life.

God Bless, Rad


Thank you very much Rad!


Hi Maya,

Please see what I wrote again because I have amended it. Had to many other things in my head when I first wrote my response to sorry for that. Anyway, the amended answer is the full and correct answer.

God Bless, Rad


Hi Rad,

I was just thinking about it, and would write you another question, but it clear now, and it makes sense to me.

Maya :)


Then, if the Sun is squaring the nodes but isn't a skipped step, does it still indicate one of the nodes as a resolution point?


Yes.  The bottom line for the Soul's evolution is the lead point in the evolutionary actualization for this signature: the polarity point by house and sign of the natal Pluto.


Hi Rad,

If I´m correct, the resolution Node needs to be developed in order to not create a skipped step in the next life and yet the Sun´s position also needs to be fully expressed in order to actualize the current life purpose. There can be dynamic tension which will need to be integrated into the life purpose via the Sun, the resolution node and the nodal ruler, correct?

Thank you

All the best asteroids, crystal info and more


Hi Skywalker,

"If I´m correct, the resolution Node needs to be developed in order to not create a skipped step in the next life and yet the Sun´s position also needs to be fully expressed in order to actualize the current life purpose. There can be dynamic tension which will need to be integrated into the life purpose via the Sun, the resolution node and the nodal ruler, correct?"


No, the N.Node does not correlate to a 'skipped step' if not fully developed in the context of a given life. If the Soul does the best it can by way of developing it to the extent that it can in a given life it will simply pick up from where it left off in the next life. A skipped step occurs when a Soul purposefully ignores a critical step in it's ongoing evolutionary needs. That is very different than a Soul doing the most or best it can relative to the ongoing evolutionary needs as symbolized in the N.Node.

When the Sun is squaring the Nodes a current life purpose is to equally actualize all the dynamics/ archetypes of the entire signature of the Nodal Axis. That dynamic tension you refer too is correct of course because that is the inherent tension between the past and the future as manifest in each moment.

When the Sun is squaring the Nodal Axis this will mean, typically, that the Soul has been trying to skip ahead prior to the current life relative to the full development of all the dynamics/ archetypes of the S.Node, it planetary ruler, and all the aspects that connect to them. In other words a temptation to do so that has not yet manifested a purposeful decision/ choice to ignore whatever the dynamics/ archetypes are. It is because of that existing temptation that the Soul then creates a life in which it chooses to create this signature of the Sun squaring the Nodes. It essence, it is like the Soul giving itself a 'warning'. This is why, then, both Nodes, the entire signature of, must be equally developed with the natural Pluto polarity point leading the way.

God Bless, Rad